Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute positioned element - why not percentage for top?

2007-08-29 Thread Mike Wilson
Just to close this issue off, I can now report that the latest
working draft of the CSS 2.1 spec has actually solved the problem
I mentioned.

Compliant browsers should now support percentages on relative 
positioning of an element even when the parent's size is dependent
on the element's size.

Though, this support is currently only available in IE but at least
Mozilla has a bug report for it.

Best regards

-Original Message-
Of fantasai
Sent: den 24 augusti 2007 09:11
To: Mike Wilson
Subject: Re: [CSS21] clarification needed for top and bottom property

Mike Wilson wrote:
 Oh, I would be very happy if browsers actually did support the |top|
 property in this scenario, but Gecko, Safari and Opera all behave the
 same in this respect, ie ignoring it, which is striking when being 
 We also had a discussion over at css-discuss where arguments were
 laid out why it had to be this way, correlating it to the (natural)
 problems of doing the same with |height| property (that leads to
 Personally I think it would be possible to fix this for the |top| 
 property, but what do all the browser implementor experts out there 
 And if the spec wants it to be possible, we may need a clarification
 for that so there is no chance of misinterpretation :-).

The spec was actually changed so that percentages for top/bottom *do*
work. Behavior in this case was previously explicitly undefined:
So that means at some point the browser implementors discussed it and
decided it should be possible. I guess it just hasn't been done yet. :)


-Original Message-
Of Mike Wilson
Sent: den 23 augusti 2007 16:41
Subject: [CSS21] clarification needed for top and bottom property

Consider the following example:

div style=position: absolute;
  div style=position: relative; top: +50%; left: +50%;

See also
with the two DIVs styled in color as:
div { border: 1px solid green; }
div div { border: 1px dotted red; }


The two DIVs' sizes will both be based on the size of Some 
content and as the outer DIV is positioned it establishes a
positioning context. Following the spec, expectation is that
the inner DIV will be positioned down and right of the outer 
DIV according to the specified percentages. 


In standard browsers only the right shift happens and the
|top| percentage setting is ignored.
(Notably, IE performs the shift in both directions).


There are probably good reasons why UAs have chosen to do like 
this, but it cannot be deciphered from the current spec, see
text for |top| property in 9.3.2:
Percentages: refer to height of containing block
The values for the four properties have the following 
The offset is a percentage of the containing block's width 
(for 'left' or 'right') or height (for 'top' and 'bottom').

As can be seen there is no mention that percentage-based 
positioning is ignored when the containing block's size is 
dependent on the current element.

Contrast this with the |height| property which is also ignored
when assigned a percentage with a dependent containing block
in 10.5 (important part marked with *):
Percentages: see prose
Values have the following meanings:
Specifies a percentage height. The percentage is calculated 
with respect to the height of the generated box's 
*   containing block. If the height of the containing block is 
*   not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends on content 
*   height), and this element is not absolutely positioned, the 
*   value computes to 'auto'. 


So, if UAs are correct in honoring the |left| property but not 
the |top| property in this example, this could be clarified in
9.3.2 by adding something like the following text to the 
prose section:
The offset is a percentage of the containing block's width 
(for 'left' or 'right') or height (for 'top' and 'bottom').
*   If the height of the containing block is not specified 
*   explicitly (i.e., it depends on content height), and this 
*   element is not absolutely positioned, the value for 'top'
*   and 'bottom' computes to 'auto'.

Best regards
Mike Wilson

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute positioned element - why not percentage for top?

2007-08-29 Thread Mike Wilson
Oops, the phrasing should of course be: 

Compliant browsers should now support percentages on relative 
positioning of an element even when the *containing block's* size 
is dependent on the element's size.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Wilson
 Sent: den 29 augusti 2007 09:26
 To: 'CSS-D'
 Cc: 'Philippe Wittenbergh'
 Subject: Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute 
 positioned element - why not percentage for top?
 Just to close this issue off, I can now report that the latest
 working draft of the CSS 2.1 spec has actually solved the problem
 I mentioned.
 Compliant browsers should now support percentages on relative 
 positioning of an element even when the parent's size is dependent
 on the element's size.
 Though, this support is currently only available in IE but at least
 Mozilla has a bug report for it.
 Best regards

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute positioned element- why not percentage for top?

2007-05-10 Thread Mike Wilson
Hi Philippe,

I have put a new test file on

 How much offset for top do you actually expect ?

Half (50%) of the DIV's height (both DIVs have the same height as the
outer DIV adapts to the inner DIV's size).

 CSS 2.1, 9.3.2 Box offsets
 For 'top'
 Percentages:  refer to height of containing block
 But the height of the containing block [1] in this case depends on  
 the element itself (the height is auto), which makes the whole thing  
 pretty much undefined.

The height of the outer DIV is calculated using the rules in 10.6.4
and 10.6.7 so it gets a size adapted to fitting its children. Looking
at the green border indicates that this works correctly.

Or are you saying that the height of the containing block used for
positioning will be different from the calculated size of the actual
element? This doesn't seem to be the case as the other, absolutely 
pos'd, child DIV finds bottom:0 nicely.

Also, what is strange is that standard browsers do use the calculated
width for the left: -50% shift. I would have been less surprised if
none of the shifts had worked...

 Then, regarding the computed values for relative positioned boxes,  
 9.3.2 makes an explicit reference to 9.4.3 [2].
 Result: unless the absolute positioned has a height explicitly  
 declared, the rel. pos. box won't move.

9.4.3 mainly concerns the case when top hasn't been assigned a value
(auto), right? The relative child has been assigned a top value 
(-50%) so the browser shouldn't have to find out a computed value
in that sense? (Sorry if misunderstanding this)

Anyway, I don't find how top and left are handled differently here
either, so why left gives an effect, but not top, is still a mystery
to me...

 of course, you could make the rel.pos. box an absolute positioned  
 box, and solve the issue.

Unfortunately not, as I need the inner DIV stay relative to have it 
control the size of the parent. The content presented inside the
inner DIV could be of different sizes, and I want it to move halfway
up and left. Then the outer DIV / containing block needs to be of 
the same (unknown) size which is accomplished by using a static or
relative child.

Many thanks for your input. I really hope we can make some sense out
of this!
Best regards

BTW: Just joining the list on Monday it seems my posts are not 
getting through to everybody (can't see my posts in the public
archive). Is this normal?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute positioned element- why not percentage for top?

2007-05-10 Thread Mike Wilson
[Forwarding Philippe's reply to the list]

On May 10, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 Or are you saying that the height of the containing block used for
 positioning will be different from the calculated size of the actual
 element? This doesn't seem to be the case as the other, absolutely
 pos'd, child DIV finds bottom:0 nicely.

Yes. The height of the parent div (containing block in this case) is  
'height' refers to a declared value.
The computed size is a different matter in this case (actual,  
calculated height).
The other child div behaves differently because it is _absolute_  
positioned. Because for absolute positioned elements height can  
always be resolved.
Percentage values for height and by extension offset ('top') are a  
complicated matter. Basically, only absolute positioned element know  
their 'height' based on the intrinsic values (computed).
10.5 states this quite clearly

Similarly as with your 'top' offset, your relative positioned element  
won't be able to calculate a height in percentage.

Width is different as it can always be resolved.
(although you might run into problems, depending on how various UA  
will understand the shrinkwrapping of absolute positioned elements.  
Your basic testcase works in current versions of most UA. If it  
becomes more complicated - type of nested elements in your absolute  
positioned div, you'll probably notice differences).

And if you use any other unit of measure (px, em, ex, ...) the  
relative positioned element will move upwards, because that doesn't  
depend on the height of the parent element.

IE Windows is a separate case, there you have the concept of  
'hasLayout' rearing its ugly head.

 BTW: Just joining the list on Monday it seems my posts are not
 getting through to everybody (can't see my posts in the public
 archive). Is this normal?
That I can't help. Your messages make it to the list.
Maybe you'll need to ask the list admin directly (the email address  
should be listed in the welcoming email you received when you signed up.

Philippe Wittenbergh

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] relative positioning inside absolute positioned element - why not percentage for top?

2007-05-09 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On May 8, 2007, at 6:58 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 I have a problem with relative positioning, containing block,
 and percentages.

 I have an absolutely positioned outer DIV, and a relatively
 positioned inner DIV. My goal is to shift the inner DIV
 halfway to the left and up, using percentages. See code


 My expectation is to see the text with the red border
 shifted both up and left from the green (outer) box. In
 standard browsers like Firefox and Opera I only get a shift
 sideways and not upwards, though in IE I get both

 I have been trying to find support for the standard browsers'
 behaviour in the CSS spec, but have failed. Sections 9.3.2,
 10.6.4 and 10.6.7 suggest, at least to me, that I should be
 getting the upwards shift with my layout.

 Can anybody point to something that explains this? Did I miss
 something in the spec or are both Firefox and Opera wrong
 (not likely) ?

How much offset for top do you actually expect ?

CSS 2.1, 9.3.2 Box offsets
For 'top'
Percentages:refer to height of containing block
But the height of the containing block [1] in this case depends on  
the element itself (the height is auto), which makes the whole thing  
pretty much undefined.
Then, regarding the computed values for relative positioned boxes,  
9.3.2 makes an explicit reference to 9.4.3 [2].
Result: unless the absolute positioned has a height explicitly  
declared, the rel. pos. box won't move.

of course, you could make the rel.pos. box an absolute positioned  
box, and solve the issue.

[1] the absolute positioned div

PS - Safari, Konqueror, iCab all do the same thing as Gecko and Opera.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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