[CTRL] Forced treatment of mentally ill doubles

1999-10-31 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-


Friday, October 29, 1999 Published at 17:17 GMT 18:17 UK
Forced treatment of mentally ill doubles

The number of people detained under the Mental Health Act has almost doubled
the past 10 years, according to government statistics.
Mental health experts blame lack of resources, a rise in drug abuse and
increasing worries about protecting the public.

The Department of Health says the number of formal admissions to hospital
the Act rose from 16,000 in 1988-89 to 27,100 in 1998-99.

The vast majority of these - some 89% - were people admitted to NHS
under Part II of the Act which deals with emergency admissions and
for up to 28 days and up to six months.

Full text:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New URL for Lew Rockwell

1999-10-31 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

New news and commentary website, http://www.LewRockwell.com, debuts on
Monday, November 1.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] resources - Quan Article

1999-10-31 Thread Lucio Benedetto

The URL looks wrong given the extra period in the 
file name; jlquan is actually a directory.  I tried the following and it 
works, although you'll need MS Word to read the "doc" file:
Gonzo Links

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Cox 
  Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 9:34 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] resources - Quan 
  I cannot acces the following 
  link.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.  Terry
  A Consolidation of SRA and False 
  Memory Data by James Quan is available athttp://www.iccom.com/usrwww/jlquan.consldra.doc
  please find a list of some of our resources from our latest 
  newsletter.Sincerely,   Neil 
  BrickResourcesPlease note: Listing of these resources does not 
  necessarily constitute ourendorsement of them. They are for educational 
  value only and some may betriggering.Please also note. Some of the 
  conferences listed may not necessarily be safefor all survivors. 
  S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person toall conferences. 
  If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse,S.M.A.R.T. 
  recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiarwith 
  mind control techniques.The Law and Mind Control - a Look at the Law 
  and Government Mind ControlThrough Five Cases: CIA vs Sims, United States 
  vs Stanley Orlikow, et Al vsUnited States, Kronisch vs United States et Al 
  Heinrich, et Al vs Sweet, etAl by  Helen L. McGonigle, Esq. at:http://members.aol.com/smartnews/fivecases.htm 
  or via E-mail from SMART.Survivors of Incest Anonymous has literature 
  and 12 step meetings forsurvivors of incest. SIA, P O Box 21817, Balt, MD 
  21222, 410-282-3400,http://www.siawso.orgFalse Memory 
  Syndrome Vs. Recovered Memories has links on this topic,http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Arael_ET_AL/did-fms.htm 
  Some arewritten by skeptics. (The articles on this page may be triggering. 
  Please usecaution.)Law and Social Inquiry - Journal of the 
  American Bar Foundation, Volume 22,Number 3, Summer 1997 has an article 
  called "Suppressing Memory" by LynneHenderson (The University of Chicago 
  Press) "it would be an injustice todeclare all recovered memory unreliable 
  and to adopt a legal rule precludingtestimony based on such 
  memory."A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data by James Quan is 
  available athttp://www.iccom.com/usrwww/jlquan.consldra.docOccult 
  Signs and Symbols has information on the Masons and 
  connectedorganizations. This page is Christian in nature and may be very 
  Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis andTreatment 
  by Joan A. Turkus, M.D. is available athttp://www.voiceofwomen.com/centerarticle.html 
  The next part may betriggering. Quotes from the article include: 
  "Understanding dissociation andits relationship to trauma is basic to 
  understanding the posttraumatic anddissociative disorders." "Researchers 
  and clinicians believe thatdissociation is a common, naturally occurring 
  defense against childhoodtrauma...Faced with overwhelming abuse, it is not 
  surprising that childrenwould psychologically flee (dissociate) from full 
  awareness of theirexperience." "The dissociative spectrum (Braun, 1988) 
  extends from normaldissociation to poly-fragmented DID. All of the 
  disorders are trauma-based,and symptoms result from the habitual 
  dissociation of traumatic memories.""The dissociated memory is alive and 
  active--not forgotten, merely submerged(Tasman & Goldfinger, 1991). 
  Major studies have confirmed the traumaticorigin of DID (Putnam, 1989, and 
  Ross, 1989), which arises... as a result ofsevere physical, sexual, and/or 
  emotional abuse. Poly-fragmented DID(involving over 100 personality 
  states) may be the result of sadistic abuseby multiple perpetrators over 
  an extended period of time."Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of 
  Traumatic memories: Overview andExploratory Study. Bessel A. van der Kolk 
  & Rita Fisler is athttp://www.trauma-pages.com/vanderk2.htm 
  Quotes from the article include :"We present the results of a systematic 
  exploratory study of 46 subjects withPTSD which indicates that traumatic 
  memories are retrieved, at leastinitially, in the form of dissociated 
  mental imprints of sensory andaffective elements of the traumatic 
  experience: as visual, olfactory,affective, auditory and kinesthetic 
  experiences... subjects reported thegradual emergence of a personal 
  narrative that can be properly referred to as"explicit memory"."At 
  /v2s-nasa.htm there is an article called"Effects of low power microwaves 
  on the local cerebral blood flow ofconscious rats."Here is a quote 


1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Check out latest Waco News at:


OCTOBER 1999  --


Appeal at:


FILM "Waco: A New Revelation " about to premiere.  Go to:



  E-mail, Fax or Mail these Questions to Congress
Write Your Representative - http://www.house.gov/writerep/

Carol Moore, author, The Davidian Massacre
Revised October 21, 1999


  Below is a list of questions which must be asked.
These especially focus on issues ignored or unresolved in
previous Congressional investigations, and not yet exposed or
fully explored by the press. Please feel free to mail, email or
fax these Questions to your representatives and to the members of
the House Reform Committee (202-225-5074) and the Senate
Judiciary Committee (202-224-5225).  Tell Congress that this time
it must prove it cares more about protecting Americans' lives
from out-of-control federal agents than about protecting federal
agents from prosecution for their crimes!  And remind Congress
that if it does not get to the truth--and once again leaves that
to citizens and civil suit attorneys--it will be proving to
citizens its weakness and corruption.


1.  What organized groups, individual "cult busters" and former
Davidians willfully provided false and exaggerated evidence about
the Branch Davidians to law enforcement?  And why were BATF and
the FBI so eager to listen to, believe and publicize their

2.  What individual BATF agents lied to the military about
Davidian involvement with drugs?  During the 1995 Waco hearings
House investigators determined that "someone" at BATF lied in
order to get U.S. Army Special Forces and other military aid.
Instead of pulling out the stops to discover who lied,
investigators only whined about the fact that military staff at
Fort Bragg either were not made available to them or had been
"pre-interviewed."  Needless to say, congressional investigators
must ask all military and Delta Force personnel about their
involvement on February 28th, throughout the siege, and on April

3.  What communications, direct or indirect, before or after the
raid, did raid planner William Buford, Special Agent in Charge of
Little Rock BATF, have with his personal friend President Bill
Clinton?  The day after the February 28th raid, then-Deputy
Treasury Secretary Roger Altman visited the injured Buford in a
Texas hospital.  The next day Altman reported on his condition to
President Clinton in person. Congress never asked about this
visit or whether Clinton or his staff had any foreknowledge of
the raid.

4.  Did BATF bring a search warrant on February 28, 1993? During
the 1995 House hearings a lead agent claimed that BATF brought a
warrant but it was "all shot up" in the truck and they had to
make up a new one. Is he lying and did agents really fail to
bring a search warrant?

5.  Who really shot first?  During the House hearings it was
revealed that imprisoned Davidian Brad Branch, who was standing
behind the unarmed David Koresh at the front door, claims he saw
an agent shoot a dog as other agents rushed the door.  He claims
one approaching agent panicked and started shooting at Koresh,
wounding him and mortally wounding his father-in-law.  Other
Davidians claim agents firing from helicopters fired first.
Congressional investigators merely whined in their report that
the Treasury Department did not let it interview agents before
the hearings; they must do so now.  And they must interview
Davidian survivors and give their testimony equal weight.

6.  Did BATF agents in the Blackhawk helicopter shoot at
Davidians, killing four?  Despite copious documentary, eyewitness
and forensic evidence of just that, Congress quiescently accepted
the denials of two BATF agents and 3 National Guard helicopter
pilots that agents fired from helicopters during the February
28th raid. Such evidence includes: BATF discussions of using
helicopter gunfire as a diversion; an agent in the helicopter
admitting agents were armed and permitted to fire in
self-defense; BATF video from inside the helicopter showing the
closeness of the approach to the building and containing sounds
of close-up gunfire; television video showing bullets entering
the roof from an almost perpendicular angle; television video
which appears to show shooting from a helicopter killing a
Davidian on the water tower; two Davidians' taped complaints to
911 officers during the raid about such firing, with helicopter
and gunfire sounds in the background; thirteen Davidian
survivors' testimony about it; Davidian attorneys and a
prosecution witness' testimony about bullet hole evidence in the
highest roof; autopsy evidence indicating four Davidians probably
were killed from gunfire from above.



1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-



The House Government Reform Committee on Tuesday will unload John
Huang's F.B.I. interrogation notes, the NEW Y0RK TIMES is
reporting in Monday cycles.

Huang -- who is a central figure in the 1996 campaign finance
scandal -- was granted limited immunity by the committee last
Thursday, and is expected to testify in several weeks.

The DRUDGE REPORT has previously revealed the following
information contained in the notes:

* Huang alleges that James T. Riady, an Indonesian billionaire,
told Bill Clinton during a limousine ride in 1992 that he would
raise $1,000,000 for his presidential campaign.

* Huang claims that White House aide Harold Ickes called him at
his government office in 1995 and asked him to 'round up' money
for the congressional campaign of Jesse Jackson Jr.

Developing Tuesday...

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] No Evidence Boeing Tried To Hide Data (fwd)

1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

   No evidence Boeing tried to hide data, officials say

   19-year-old report may have speeded TWA crash inquiry,
   NTSB says


   Associated Press

   SEATTLE - Federal officials say they have no evidence that Boeing 
   intentionally covered up a 19-year-old safety report that could 
have clued
   investigators in to what caused the crash of TWA Flight 800.

   Investigators for the National Transportation Safety Board told 
aides to
   Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, that the report by Boeing - 
   by the Air Force to look into problems with the military version of 
   747 - could have directed them to the fuel tanks immediately rather
   wasting months searching for evidence of a missile attack or bomb.

   The FBI spent more than a year following reports of suspicious 
streaks in
   the sky, feared to be a surface-to-air missile, before announcing in
   November 1997 that mechanical failure was to blame in the July 1996
   crash. All 230 people on board Flight 800 died.

   In a written statement Friday, the NTSB expressed "displeasure" and
   "dismay" about the three-year delay between the crash and the 
   of the report this spring.

   Federal officials said they learned of the report's existence only 
in March
   after it was listed on the agenda for an Air Force task force 
studying the
   safety implications of the Flight 800 explosion. Boeing turned the 
   over to the NTSB in June.

   The four-volume report focuses on whether excess heat from air
   conditioners in Boeings E-4B military jet could create highly 
flammable fuel
   vapors in the central fuel tank.

   Russ Young, spokesman for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, said
   Saturday that differences between the E-4B and the 747 made the 
   largely irrelevant to the TWA investigation.

   The E-4B, for example, has four air-conditioning units under the 
   compared with three in a standard 747, and the air conditioners 
often run
   for long periods in the E-4B while it is on the ground, Mr. Young 
said. The
   E-4B also burns a different fuel.

   The report was overlooked by employees in the commercial airplane
   division because it dealt with a military aircraft, Mr. Young said. 
He said
   the company's procedures have since been changed to prevent that 
   happening again.

   "In retrospect, although the relevance of that [report] is 
questionable, we
   wish we had found it earlier and passed it along," Mr. Young said. 
   didn't seem to be any realization on the military side [of the 
company] that
   the investigation was relevant or potentially relevant."

   The General Accounting Office, which conducts congressional
   investigations, has been interviewing employees at Boeing and the 
   Force and has found no evidence of an intentional cover-up, Grassley
   aides said Saturday.

   Mr. Grassley is chairman of the subcommittee that oversees airline 

   After being briefed by the GAO on Friday, Mr. Grassley said the TWA
   tragedy could have been prevented if Boeing had brought it out 
after a
   1990 fuel tank explosion on a Philippines Airline Boeing 737 at an 
   in Manilla.

   "When it's a matter of public safety, the ethic for both 
manufacturers and
   regulators must be to overreport," Mr. Grassley said Saturday. "If 
   NTSB had been given the 1980 report and others, it could have 
   the FAA to set the very standards finally proposed this week for 
   fuel tanks. The document, regardless of what it says, should have 
   reported to the NTSB."

   The Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday announced proposed
   regulations to make airplane fuel tanks less susceptible to 
explosions by
   requiring that new planes contain fuel systems that minimize 
   vapors and that aircraft makers develop new maintenance programs for
   fuel tanks within a y

[CTRL] An Offer of Palestinian Statehood

1999-10-31 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Ha'aretz

Monday, November 1, 1999

Barak will offer statehood to Palestinians in February accord

PM to demand Palestinian recognition of West J'lem as Israeli capital

By Akiva Eldar, Ha'aretz Correspondent

The framework agreement to be signed by Israel and
the Palestinians this coming February will include
Israeli acceptance of the establishment of a Palestinian
state in part of the territories, according to the results
of informal contacts between Israel, the United States
and the Palestinian Authority.

The actual establishment of the Palestinian state will
occur on the eve of the signing of the detailed final
agreement, which is slated for the end of next year.
Senior diplomatic sources explain that Israel prefers to
sign an agreement with a recognized state rather than
with a temporary authority or the Palestine Liberation
Organization, which has signed agreements until now.

Prime Minister Ehud Barak would prefer that the
implementation of the framework agreement take
place only after the signing of the fully detailed
agreement, but he does not object to the principle of
the Palestinians' establishing their independent entity
in any way they choose - including a sovereign state -
as part of the framework agreement.

As a result of recent contacts between the parties, it
appears Barak wants the framework agreement to
include several key points:

l There will be no return to the 1967 borders

l Settlements around Jerusalem and along the Green
  Line will be concentrated into three main blocks

l Settlers choosing to remain in the
  Palestinian-controlled areas will get special rights - as
  will Palestinians choosing to remain in the
  Israel-controlled areas

l Jerusalem will remain undivided but will be
  expanded to include Palestinian neighborhoods, with
  the Palestinians recognizing West Jerusalem as Israel's
  capital. (No decision has been reached on the fate of
  the Old City. According to one proposal, offered by
  Ministers Yossi Beilin and Haim Ramon, the Old City
  would remain on the negotiating table for future talks.)

l The Palestinians will give up the right of return to
  territory inside the Green Line, but the refugees
  from 1967 will be allowed back into the territories
  according to the new entity's ability to absorb them.
  Israel will compensate the refugees from 1948 for
  their lost property and will enlist international support
  for their rehabilitation outside Israel.

l The Palestinian state will be demilitarized, and will
  not sign any military agreements with states hostile to Israel.

l The two sides will establish security arrangements to
  protect both states from external threats.

So far, the United States is backing the Palestinians'
position calling for implementation of the framework
agreement immediately upon its signing in February
2000. According to an Israeli source close to the
Palestinians, PA negotiators Abu Mazen and Abu Ala
convinced PA Chairman Yasser Arafat that operative
moves toward the establishment of a Palestinian state,
even within temporary borders, should begin
immediately after the signing of the framework of

Barak knows that it is difficult to make a deal between
a sovereign state and a national liberation movement.
Such a deal is bound to last only as an interim
agreement in which one side remains the occupier
and the other remains the occupied. None of the
agreements signed since Oslo, through the Sharm el
Sheikh agreement, touched on the issue of
sovereignty. So far, all the agreements have dealt
with the division of responsibility, whether civilian or
military, between the state of Israel and the
temporary Palestinian Authority. The Americans
maneuvered within this assymetric equation by
referring to them as "the Israeli side and the
Palestinian side."

But final status agreements are different. The PLO
cannot be a partner to an international agreement
that settles the conflict between two sovereign states.
For example, the PLO cannot commit the Palestinian
entity to refrain from military alliances with elements
hostile to Israel.

Thus, heading into the final status talks, the issue of
the partner has raised the question of the Palestinian
state. How can Israel sign an agreement with a state
before it is established? Especially when Israel's
agreement to the establishment of such a state is an
important negotiating card.

Barak's solution is found in the two-stage framework
laid down at Sharm. A Palestinian entity will be the
first article mentioned in the framework agreement
to be signed in February. That will allow Arafat to
establish an independent state within the temporary
borders of Area A on the eve of the signing of the
final, detailed agreement - and allow the prime
minister to head into a referendum with a draft
treaty with a state, not with a former national
liberation (terror) organization.

© copyright 1999 Ha'aretz. All Rights Res

Re: [CTRL] resources - Quan Article

1999-10-31 Thread Terry Cox

I cannot acces the following link.  
Any suggestions?  Thanks.  Terry
A Consolidation of SRA and False 
Memory Data by James Quan is available athttp://www.iccom.com/usrwww/jlquan.consldra.doc
please find a list of some of our resources from our latest 
newsletter.Sincerely,   Neil BrickResourcesPlease 
note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute 
ourendorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may 
betriggering.Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may 
not necessarily be safefor all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always 
bringing a support person toall conferences. If you are a survivor of mind 
control and/or ritual abuse,S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a 
support person that is familiarwith mind control techniques.The Law 
and Mind Control - a Look at the Law and Government Mind ControlThrough Five 
Cases: CIA vs Sims, United States vs Stanley Orlikow, et Al vsUnited States, 
Kronisch vs United States et Al Heinrich, et Al vs Sweet, etAl by  
Helen L. McGonigle, Esq. at:http://members.aol.com/smartnews/fivecases.htm 
or via E-mail from SMART.Survivors of Incest Anonymous has literature 
and 12 step meetings forsurvivors of incest. SIA, P O Box 21817, Balt, MD 
21222, 410-282-3400,http://www.siawso.orgFalse Memory 
Syndrome Vs. Recovered Memories has links on this topic,http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Arael_ET_AL/did-fms.htm 
Some arewritten by skeptics. (The articles on this page may be triggering. 
Please usecaution.)Law and Social Inquiry - Journal of the American 
Bar Foundation, Volume 22,Number 3, Summer 1997 has an article called 
"Suppressing Memory" by LynneHenderson (The University of Chicago Press) "it 
would be an injustice todeclare all recovered memory unreliable and to adopt 
a legal rule precludingtestimony based on such memory."A 
Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data by James Quan is available athttp://www.iccom.com/usrwww/jlquan.consldra.docOccult 
Signs and Symbols has information on the Masons and connectedorganizations. 
This page is Christian in nature and may be very triggering.http://www.exposingsatanism.org/signsymbolsThe 
Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis andTreatment by 
Joan A. Turkus, M.D. is available athttp://www.voiceofwomen.com/centerarticle.html 
The next part may betriggering. Quotes from the article include: 
"Understanding dissociation andits relationship to trauma is basic to 
understanding the posttraumatic anddissociative disorders." "Researchers and 
clinicians believe thatdissociation is a common, naturally occurring defense 
against childhoodtrauma...Faced with overwhelming abuse, it is not 
surprising that childrenwould psychologically flee (dissociate) from full 
awareness of theirexperience." "The dissociative spectrum (Braun, 1988) 
extends from normaldissociation to poly-fragmented DID. All of the disorders 
are trauma-based,and symptoms result from the habitual dissociation of 
traumatic memories.""The dissociated memory is alive and active--not 
forgotten, merely submerged(Tasman & Goldfinger, 1991). Major studies 
have confirmed the traumaticorigin of DID (Putnam, 1989, and Ross, 1989), 
which arises... as a result ofsevere physical, sexual, and/or emotional 
abuse. Poly-fragmented DID(involving over 100 personality states) may be the 
result of sadistic abuseby multiple perpetrators over an extended period of 
time."Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of Traumatic memories: 
Overview andExploratory Study. Bessel A. van der Kolk & Rita Fisler is 
Quotes from the article include :"We present the results of a systematic 
exploratory study of 46 subjects withPTSD which indicates that traumatic 
memories are retrieved, at leastinitially, in the form of dissociated mental 
imprints of sensory andaffective elements of the traumatic experience: as 
visual, olfactory,affective, auditory and kinesthetic experiences... 
subjects reported thegradual emergence of a personal narrative that can be 
properly referred to as"explicit memory"."At http://home.nas.net/~raven1 /v2s-nasa.htm 
there is an article called"Effects of low power microwaves on the local 
cerebral blood flow ofconscious rats."Here is a quote from this 
page:"A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to 
remotelycreate the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing 
them tolow power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with 
properlymodulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a 
buzzing,clicking, or hissing which seems to originate ...within or just 
behind thehead. ...By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible 
speech maybe created" Survivors may want to use caution when using the 
NASA linksat this page.Rescinding of Molestation Case Deadline 
Upheld, Maura Do

[CTRL] People Offer To Go Blind So Leader Can See

1999-10-31 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(Now that's dedication, and to a politician no less.  Anyone want to
volunteer to give Clinton some of their body parts?  I didn't think so.  ;-) --

People Offer To Go Blind So Leader Can See

Updated 9:38 AM ET October 29, 1999

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Devoted followers of Indonesia's ailing new
President Abdurrahman Wahid are offering to donate their eyes to restore
the half-blind leader's vision, the Jakarta Post reported on Friday.

The 59-year-old cleric, whose eyesight was damaged by a stroke and
cataract problems, cannot see well enough to read and must be guided by
aides when he moves about in public.

Some members of Wahid's Nation Awakening Party in the central Java city
of Yogyakarta offered Wahid their eyes if they were suitable for a
transplant, the newspaper reported.

An official from the country's largest Moslem group, which Wahid also
heads, urged the president to accept the offer.

"I praise and thank the prospective donors who want president
Abdurrahman Wahid to be able to carry out his daily duties effectively," the
Post quoted Imam Syafii, treasurer of the 40-million strong Nahdlatul
Ulama, as saying.

"Let's hope that the president will accept."

Wahid was elected last week by the People's Consultative Assembly in the
country's first ever contested presidential vote. He succeeded B.J. Habibie.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] 60 Days Left to Prepare for the Y2K! (fwd)

1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

I can hardly be offended at this type spam,, i.e., any GOOD
entrepenuer would have egg on his/her face for NOT at least

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 14:52:50 -0800 (PST)
From: The Learning Company <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 60 Days Left to Prepare for the Y2K!

Preparing your PC for the year 2000 is one project you CAN'T put
off -- and you've got about 60 days left! Get ready the simple
(and affordable!) way with Year 2000 Detect & Correct(TM) for
just $12. That's over $17 off the original price! Special offer
for software customers of The Learning Company family of trusted
software brands.


Dear Michael Spitzer,

Bottled water... canned meat... kerosene heaters...

People everywhere are preparing for potential year 2000 problems.
And if you haven't already 2000-proofed your PC, you could be
just about 60 days away from disabling computer hardware

Don't panic -- you can still order Year 2000 Detect & Correct for
the reduced price of just $12. You SAVE MORE THAN $17 off the
original price!

others will be struggling with their computers, you'll be running
smoothly -- unaffected by year 2000 problems. Year 2000 Detect &
Correct protects you from hardware glitches and prepares your
computer for the year 2000. It's quick, simple and complete. But
don't take our word for it! Take theirs...

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy - fact - not theory; according to God.

1999-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

> JAH Publications wrote:
> Please repost to your own mailing lists and newsgroups and as far and wide as
> possible - Thanks
> Dear Kris,
> It is a FACT and not a theory, that there has been an on-going CONSPIRACY for
> at least 2,500 years; according to God's Own personal Testimony in The Bible;
> as a result of which Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple were both destroyed and
> The "Lost" Ark of The Covenant was removed from Judah, by Jeremiah and taken
> to a safe place and hidden. God did this to allow the CONSPIRACY to run its
> course, so that ALL those who took part in the CONSPIRACY, either actively or
> passively by not keeping The Covenant and fighting against it and thereby
> ALLOWING it to happen, would demonstrate their continued treason against Him
> and The Ark would be kept safe until it was needed again, at the right time,
> to destroy the Conspiracy, NOW:-

It appears that insanity causes one to jumble definitions like dyslexia
jumbles letters.

This coocoo obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word fact, and obviously
doesn't own a dictionary. Typical.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] article

1999-10-31 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find excerpts from an article in my latest newsletter. I have
been told that survivors of MC are especially prone to love bombing (see
article below for more info.) and that survivors should be careful about
this. I have also been told that there is a lot of recruitment going on right
now by "doomsday millenium cults" and that survivors should be careful of
this and aware of it.

Sincerely,   Neil Brick

Cult Information Article

The following article was written by the editor. Please use caution while
reading this article. It may be triggering.

Survivors may leave cults due to geographic changes in their lives. "...it is
most often some of the alter personalities in survivors with...MPD that get
reinvolved with the cult or a cult in another city, without the "birth
person's" conscious knowledge." Sometimes survivors are programmed to return
to the cult or another one later in life. ("Breaking the Circle" - pg 31)

"...ritual abuse groups may share the following characteristics with coercive
...dogma is more important than people, ...a radical separation of good
and evil,...a demand for purity," members are watched all the time and their
loyalty is tested "...the dogma is enacted through rituals,... regularly
observe(d) rituals, rituals frequently invoke supernatural intervention,...
staged events such as planned spontaneity... mystical manipulations, cults
capitalize on members' fear and ignorance,...a sense of separateness (is
promoted) through an "us" and "them" mentality, ... siege mentality with a
paranoid view of the outside world, humor is forbidden, resistance of members
is worn down through physical and emotional manipulations, a person's
identity is destroyed... to create a new one," members give up their autonomy
to be approved," mind control is used to indoctrinate the victim into the
group's belief system, individuality is uniformly suppressed,... a
well-defined hierarchy," members are used to benefit leader(s), "mind control
is used ...to convert the victim to the group's belief system,... to insure
secrecy... and to carry out cult instructions."("Safe Passage to Healing" - p
47 - 48)

Survivors in cults may be taught to feel superior to others. This creates
feelings of alienation.  They may be programmed how to behave outside the
cult and who to have as friends.

Can people "unknowingly" reporting back to the original cult or other cults
(online or offline)?
"Safe Passage to Healing" states that protector or maintainer alters, may
sound like they are still cult active. Occasionally, this may be the case.
Usually they are not. Some alters could  continue rituals on their own. Caryn
StarDancer (p 157-158) explains that when repressed alters begin to become
conscious in recovery, survivors may experience "an increased drive to become
cult-active..." The outside person might not know this. A survivor could
receive "a phone call with a message which contains a programmed cue," this
triggers "an alter who... goes to a cult meeting." Hours or days may be lost,
and when the "host" is  back, "it may only feel vaguely confusing." Something
may be wrong but the survivor  "doesn't know what... and that is a chronic
feeling for many survivors. There is usually a story in the mind that
"explains"  what happened, and it doesn't seem quite right..." Journalling
can help alters become more aware of each other.

I believe it is very important to cut all contact with possible cult members
and/or unhealthy groups that may have handlers (people that know the triggers
and use them for their own or someone else's benefit.)

My thoughts after reading "Traumatic Abuse in Cults": A malevolent group may
insist on following rules without a discussion of the rules. The strong need
for some survivors to be a part of something, anything, even if it may be
harmful to the person. Ends justify the means. Doing immoral things to help
"protect" the group. A malevolent group may phrase their letters or end their
letters with certain greetings meant to trigger people or remind members of
their group affiliation. A survivor's alter may be in the group and not the
host. This could be done via triggers. This  explains how a someone could be
spying for the group, and not know it. This may be done with aliases.
Survivors join the group to heal, but the malevolent groups hidden goal could
be to keep them from healing by "messing them up." This group may be
controlled or may have been formed by an outside group, cult or organization.

It is difficult to know when one is brainwashed, esp. if this is occurring in
an alter. Many survivors of MC are very suggestible and may be easily mind
controlled through triggers or fear. Survivors are sometimes attracted to
what is familiar from their past. Unfortunately, that may not always be a
good thing.

Love bombing (being extra or overly nice to survivors) may set survivors up
for being mind controlled. After survivors feel "welcomed" they c

Re: [CTRL] resources

1999-10-31 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find a list of some of our resources from our latest newsletter.

Sincerely,   Neil Brick

Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe
for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to
all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse,
S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar
with mind control techniques.

The Law and Mind Control - a Look at the Law and Government Mind Control
Through Five Cases: CIA vs Sims, United States vs Stanley Orlikow, et Al vs
United States, Kronisch vs United States et Al Heinrich, et Al vs Sweet, et
Al by  Helen L. McGonigle, Esq. at:
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/fivecases.htm or via E-mail from SMART.

Survivors of Incest Anonymous has literature and 12 step meetings for
survivors of incest. SIA, P O Box 21817, Balt, MD 21222, 410-282-3400,

False Memory Syndrome Vs. Recovered Memories has links on this topic,
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Arael_ET_AL/did-fms.htm Some are
written by skeptics. (The articles on this page may be triggering. Please use

Law and Social Inquiry - Journal of the American Bar Foundation, Volume 22,
Number 3, Summer 1997 has an article called "Suppressing Memory" by Lynne
Henderson (The University of Chicago Press) "it would be an injustice to
declare all recovered memory unreliable and to adopt a legal rule precluding
testimony based on such memory."

A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data by James Quan is available at

Occult Signs and Symbols has information on the Masons and connected
organizations. This page is Christian in nature and may be very triggering.

The Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis and
Treatment by Joan A. Turkus, M.D. is available at
http://www.voiceofwomen.com/centerarticle.html The next part may be
triggering. Quotes from the article include: "Understanding dissociation and
its relationship to trauma is basic to understanding the posttraumatic and
dissociative disorders." "Researchers and clinicians believe that
dissociation is a common, naturally occurring defense against childhood
trauma...Faced with overwhelming abuse, it is not surprising that children
would psychologically flee (dissociate) from full awareness of their
experience." "The dissociative spectrum (Braun, 1988) extends from normal
dissociation to poly-fragmented DID. All of the disorders are trauma-based,
and symptoms result from the habitual dissociation of traumatic memories."
"The dissociated memory is alive and active--not forgotten, merely submerged
(Tasman & Goldfinger, 1991). Major studies have confirmed the traumatic
origin of DID (Putnam, 1989, and Ross, 1989), which arises... as a result of
severe physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. Poly-fragmented DID
(involving over 100 personality states) may be the result of sadistic abuse
by multiple perpetrators over an extended period of time."

Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of Traumatic memories: Overview and
Exploratory Study. Bessel A. van der Kolk & Rita Fisler is at
http://www.trauma-pages.com/vanderk2.htm Quotes from the article include :
"We present the results of a systematic exploratory study of 46 subjects with
PTSD which indicates that traumatic memories are retrieved, at least
initially, in the form of dissociated mental imprints of sensory and
affective elements of the traumatic experience: as visual, olfactory,
affective, auditory and kinesthetic experiences... subjects reported the
gradual emergence of a personal narrative that can be properly referred to as
"explicit memory"."

At http://home.nas.net/~raven1 /v2s-nasa.htm there is an article called
"Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of
conscious rats."
Here is a quote from this page:
"A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely
create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to
low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly
modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing,
clicking, or hissing which seems to originate ...within or just behind the
head. ...By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may
be created" Survivors may want to use caution when using the NASA links
at this page.

Rescinding of Molestation Case Deadline Upheld, Maura Dolan, LA Times,
8/31/99 "The California Supreme Court decided... that a defendant may be
charged with child molestation even if the alleged crime took place years or
decades before a complaint was made to police...virtually eliminated the
statute of l

Re: [CTRL] new Website by Dick Morris: VOTE.COM [a must]

1999-10-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Hillary may not run

Before the summer, Hillary Clinton said she would announce her candidacy
for the Senate in October.   As she asked New York Congresswoman Nita Lowey
to pull out, she promised that she would jump in during the fall.  Now,
during an upstate tour recently, she suddenly delayed a decision until
"sometime next year."

While her flip-flop passed without journalistic or political comment, it
deserves closer scrutiny.  Hillary hopes to placate her New York supporters
by saying that she is leaning toward running, once even saying if she leaned
any more she would fall over.  But the fact remains that she hasn't
announced.  When a candidate delays announcing her candidacy, something is
going on.

There's no political reason for Hillary not to announce her candidacy.
She doesn't benefit from her current half-in, half-out status.   Her refusal
to announce her candidacy is taxing the patience of some of her most
formerly avid followers.  Manhattan Congressman Charles Rangel, one of
Hillary's most ardent suitors in seeking to persuade her to run in New York,
has said what many of her backers are thinking: fish or cut bait.

So why the procrastination?

It might be that her poll numbers are tanking.  In August, New York's
most accurate pollster, John Zogby, put Hillary in a statistical tie with
New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  By September, she was 4 behind.  In
October, she had slipped to 11 points back.  The welcome mat New Yorkers
seemed to lay out for the First Lady seems to be wearing thin. (Generally,
the polls that show a tighter race, like Qunnipiac, are flawed since they
survey all voters, not likely voters).

Clearly, the FLN terrorist clemency, the shenanigans about her
mortgage,and her ambiguous position on the Brooklyn Art Museum exhibition
seem to be cutting into Hillary's popularity.  But the more likely
explanation for her exanding deficit is the growth of Giuliani positives.
Polls now give the New York Mayor his highest approval ratings of the year.
As upstate voters learn more about Rudy's record in New York City, his
capacity to win votes seems to grow.  In Zogby's polling, Rudy's gains
upstate are impressive.  In the City, Rudy gets 35% of the vote, well above
what a Republican needs to win statewide.

 The First Lady, never one to charge blindly into a losing fight, may be
reconsidering squandering her political prospects on an uphill race, during
a Republican year, against a popular moderate Republican.

But another explanation for her reluctance to jump into the fray may be
the appointment of a new federal Special Prosecutor Robert Ray to succeed
Kenneth Starr as the Clintons' inquisitor.   Unlike his discredited
predecessor, Ray cannot be counted on to self-destruct.  Starr's image was
destroyed by his seemingly mindless obsession with the Lewinsky sex scandal.
Ray doesn't have Starr's baggage.  He can follow the evidence in examining
the First Lady's role in the fraudulent Castle Grande Land Deal and the
Travel Office firings whereever it leads.

The Administration fears Ray.  It reacted quickly to tarnish him as soon
as he was appointed. Led by James Carville (and sounding like a broken
record), they excoriated the new Special Prosecutor as "politically
motivated."   They tried to claim that Ray has a bias because Guiliani's
office hired him as an assistant prosecutor during Rudy's last days as
United States Attorney.  This charge is ridiculous. Ray began his job after
Giuliani left office and, since when does a U.S. Attorney personally do his
own hiring?   But it is significant that Clinton felt it necessary to begin
the process of discrediting Starr's successor.

Hillary does not want to be in the middle of a serious investigation
while her candidacy hangs in the balance in New York. As long as Starr was
her only threat, she could count on his poor reputation to protect her.  She
knew he would issue a nasty report, but that would have been a one-day
story.  Ray might have a more detailed and serious investigation in mind.

One struggles to find an innocuous reason for Hillary's delay of an
announcement.  She is in the thick of the race right now whether she
announces or not.  Each day's give and take between the First Lady and the
Mayor has an intensity most campaigns don't reach until right before
election day.

But consider what not announcing is costing her.  Beyond the impatience
of many of her supporters, it stops her from advertising on television.   It
might undermine the willingness of people to give her money.  Already
accused of opportunism as she moves to run in a state in which she has never
lived, she only heightens the negative by delaying her entry into the race.
Where she should show a passionate commitment, she only shows political
caution as she carefully weighs her options.

Meanwhile, as she raises m

[CTRL] Fwd: re: Issue #29

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan


Hi !

Attached please find a copy of our latest issue. Below please find several of
our URL's.

Sincerely,Neil Brick

s Issue #29 - Nov. '99

Abuse Conference - 2000

Abuse Conference Tapes -  1999

   S M A R T 
   (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
 P. O Box 1295 
 Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA


Home page: http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/index2.html

Issue 29 - November 1999

The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups
from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by the
Masons, Mormons, government agencies and other secretive  groups.

This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual
abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary,
make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this


 The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only.
Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution
when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter.
Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own
recovery process. Others may have valuable information on the Masons and other
organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those
organizations.  Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc.  and their
writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this
newsletter. Also, the views, facts  and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are
solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this
newsletter or its editor.  

 Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved.   
No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and
individual authors. 

The dates for next year's conference are August 5 and
6, 2000. Registration information is available at:
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2000-conference.htm or by
writing us via E-mail or regular mail. 

 99 Conference presentation tapes are now available,

Notes from Neil Brick's presentation at the  99
conference on "Conference trigger management and safety" are
available via E-mail, snail mail (for $1.00 US only) or at
This article has valuable information on safety for any conference.

  Cult Information Article

The following article was written by the editor. Please use caution while reading
this article. It may be triggering.

It is important for the survivors' movement to work together at times. But I also
believe it is important for survivors to know who is safe (or safer) and who
isn't. Due to the nature of MC, this is extremely important to talk about.

In any healthy situation, problems are discussed as openly and honestly as
possible. If a climate of fear exists or is created by one person or group which
curtails this discussion, this makes the entire survivor movement less healthy. 

Survivors may leave cults due to geographic changes in their lives. "...it is most
often some of the alter personalities in survivors with...MPD that get reinvolved
with the cult or a cult in another city, without the "birth person's" conscious
knowledge." Sometimes survivors are programmed to return to the cult or another
one later in life. ("Breaking the Circle" - pg 31)

"...ritual abuse groups may share the following characteristics with coercive
  ...dogma is more important than people, ...a radical separation of good and
evil,...a demand for purity," members are watched all the time and their loyalty
is tested "...the dogma is enacted through rituals,... regularly  observe(d)
rituals, rituals frequently invoke supernatural intervention,... staged events
such as planned spontaneity... mystical manipulations, cults capitalize on
members' fear and ignorance,...a sense of separateness (is promoted) through an
"us" and "them" mentality, ... siege mentality with a paranoid view of the outside
world, humor is forbidden, resistance of members is worn down through physical and
emotional manipulations, a person's identity is destroyed... to create a new one,"
members give up their autonomy to be approved," mind control is used to
indoctrinate the victim into the group's belief system, individuality is uniformly
suppressed,... a well-defined hierarchy," members are used to benef

Re: [CTRL] prisons

1999-10-31 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

I can't personally vouch for the information below, but it sounds very

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS I have permission to forward this.

sent by Kathy Tadlock http://members.xoom.com/Free_Kathy/

The Watchdog on the Web 

FEATURE: The Prison Industry: Capitalist Punishment

Did you know:

· Corporations like Starbucks, TWA, Microsoft, Victoria's Secret and
Boeing all use prison labor.
· Corrections Corporation of America, the nation's largest private
jailer, was dubbed "the theme stock of the 90's" by one investment firm.
· There are currently more than 1.7 million prisoners in the United
States--more than in any industrialized country.
· 70% of US prisoners are people of color.

Corporate Watch's new feature looks at the expanding "prison industrial
complex" in the United States and the increasingly intertwined
relationship between private corporations and the criminal justice
system. We highlight writings by prisoners including:

· An original column by death row journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal, entitled
"Privatizing Pain."

· Writings from Prison Legal News, edited by two Washington State

In this Feature you'll also find:

· Analysis by scholar/activists Christian Parenti and Angela Davis
· Reporting by investigative journalists
· Activist resources and corporate links
· In-depth background
· Activist alerts to help Mumia Abu-Jamal win a new trial

*For the first time you can also download the Feature in PDF form to
print out for friends, colleagues, students and family.

Check it out, and pass on the word!

Oct 28, 1999

The assembly lines at CMT Blues look like those at any other US garment
factory, except for one thing: the workers are watched over by armed
guards. CMT Blues is housed at the Maximum Security Richard J. Donovan
State Correctional Facility outside San Diego.

Seventy workers sew T-shirts for Mecca, Seattle Cotton Works, Lee Jeans
and other US companies. The highly prized jobs pay minimum wage. Less
than half goes into the inmate workers' pockets--the rest is siphoned
off to reimburse the state for the cost of their incarceration and to a
victim restitution fund. The California Department of Corrections Joint
Venture Program, and CMT Blues owner Pierre Slieman say they are
providing inmates with job skills and work experience.

But two inmates and former CMT Blues employees say Sleiman and the
Department of Corrections are operating a sweatshop behind bars. What's
more, they say that prison officials retaliated against them when they
blew the whistle on corruption at the plant. Inmates Charles Ervin and
Shearwood Flemming spent 45 days in solitary confinement after talking
to reporters about an alleged label switching scheme in which they claim
they were forced to replace "made in Honduras" labels with "made in USA"
tags. They are suing CMT Blues and the California Department of
Corrections for labor and civil rights violations.

The CMT Blues scandal and the host of human rights and labor issues it
raises, is just the tip of the iceberg in a web of interconnected
business, government and class interests which critics dub the "prison
industrial complex."  Borrowing from the phrase "military industrial
complex" coined by President Dwight Eisenhower during the Cold War, the
term refers to the growing political and economic power that emanates
from the increasingly intertwined relationship between private
corporations and what were once exclusively public institutions. In
short, incarceration has become big business. And it's booming.

The prison industry now employees more than half a million people-more
than any Fortune 500 corporation, other than General Motors.
Mushrooming construction has turned the prison industry into the main
employer in scores of economically depressed rural communities. And
there are a host of firms profiting from private prisons, prison labor
and services like healthcare and transportation.

Today, there are over 1.7 million people incarcerated in the United
States, more than in any other industrialized country. They are
disproportionately African American and Latino (almost 70% of US
prisoners are people of color) and two thirds are serving sentences for
non-violent crimes. One in three African American men between the ages
of 20 and 29 is either in jail, on probation or parole. 1.4 million
black men-or 13% of African American men-- have lost the right to vote
because they have committed felonies.

Taxpayers foot the bill for "get tough" policies that treat a
generation of young people-mostly young people of color-as expendable.
New York and California, states that once had arguably the finest public
university systems in the country, now spend more money locking people
up than on giving them a college education. Meanwhile, prison gates are
swinging wide open for corporations. Some like CMT Blues, Microsoft,

[CTRL] new Website by Dick Morris: VOTE.COM [a must]

1999-10-31 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-



Vote.com is a fully interactive web site designed to give Internet users a
voice on important public issues and other topics. The Internet is filled
with chances for us to listen and read. This site gives us a chance to speak
out and to be heard. When you vote on a topic listed on our site, we'll send
an immediate e-mail to significant decision makers like your congressional
representative, your Senators, and the President telling them how you feel.

When the polls close, we will send each a tally of the votes in his
district. Then, when your congressional representative votes on the issue,
we will e-mail you to tell you how he or she voted. Right before election
day, we'll send you a report card listing how they voted on all the topics
you voted on -- so you can see if they agree with you.


Dick Morris and his wife Eileen McGann. The funding for the site comes from
Dick Scruggs and Steve Bozeman, two of the nation's leading anti-tobacco


Morris' entire career has been in polling -- finding out what voters think.
Now he and his wife want to set up a way for voters to speak out. Morris
says, "I trust the voters a whole lot more than the politicians. I guess I
know the politicians too well."


Absolutely. We get our money from advertisers on the site.


Neither. It's a ballot box. And it's not Democrat or Republican either. It
has no point of view. It wants to bring your point of view to the attention
of those in power.


That's an online magazine published on our site. It is irreverent, probing
and investigative. It will publish stories that will make news and shake
things up. Edmund Burke, a British statesman, called journalism the Fourth
Estate during the French Revolution. We think the Internet is replacing the
media, so we call it the Fifth Estate. (The other three Estates were in the
French parliament under the king -- the first was the clergy, the second was
the nobility, and the third was the merchant class).


No way. We will get your opinions on who should be in the Hall of Fame and
e-mail it to the sportswriter's committee. We'll ask you who should win the
Oscars and e-mail the results to the group that makes the decision.


You bet. The computer knows how you vote, but we don't. Your vote is
encrypted so that even the staff people at Vote.com cannot access that


Vote.com is a fully interactive web site designed to give Internet users a
voice on important public issues and other topics. The Internet is filled
with chances for us to listen and read. This site gives us a chance to speak
out and to be heard. When you vote on a topic listed on our site, we'll send
an immediate e-mail to significant decision makers like your congressional
representative, your Senators, and the President telling them how you feel.

When the polls close, we will send each a tally of the votes in his
district. Then, when your congressional representative votes on the issue,
we will e-mail you to tell you how he or she voted. Right before election
day, we'll send you a report card listing how they voted on all the topics
you voted on -- so you can see if they agree with you.


Dick Morris and his wife Eileen McGann. The funding for the site comes from
Dick Scruggs and Steve Bozeman, two of the nation's leading anti-tobacco


Morris' entire career has been in polling -- finding out what voters think.
Now he and his wife want to set up a way for voters to speak out. Morris
says, "I trust the voters a whole lot more than the politicians. I guess I
know the politicians too well."


Absolutely. We get our money from advertisers on the site.


Neither. It's a ballot box. And it's not Democrat or Republican either. It
has no point of view. It wants to bring your point of view to the attention
of those in power.


That's an online magazine published on our site. It is irreverent, probing
and investigative. It will publish stories that will make news and shake
things up. Edmund Burke, a British statesman, called journalism the Fourth
Estate during the French Revolution. We think the Internet is replacing the
media, so we call it the Fifth Estate. (The other three Estates were in the
French parliament under the king -- the first was the clergy, the second was
the nobility, and the third was the merchant class).


No way. We will get your opinions on who should be in the Hall of Fame and
e-mail it to the sportswriter's committee. We'll ask you who should win the
Oscars and e-mail the results to the group that makes the decision.


You bet. The computer knows how you vote, but we don't. Your 

Re: [CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Matt Lowry

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Das GOAT wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-10-31 04:12:20 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >Crash Go the Chariots: An Alternative to 'Chariots of the Gods' (used pb)
> >By Clifford Wilson. 1972, Lancer Books, 126pp, out-of-print. (VG) A
> >qualified archaeologist and Bible scholar debunks Erich von Däniken's
> >claims ... This appears to be only book devoted exclusively to challenging
> Von >Daniken's claims.
> Oh, so nobody else stooped so low as to bother to debunk Von Daniken either?

I think he debunked himself once. I seem to remember reading somewhere
that during an interview in the early 80's he admitted that "The Gold
Of The Gods" he had just plain made up.


 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

I haven't lost my mind !
I've got it backed up on floppy somewhere ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Clintonesque: Brooklyn Museum Says Lying Is "Great" (fwd)

1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 15:05:41 -0500 (EST)

The controversy over the Brooklyn Museum's display of the
elephant dung and porn covered "Holy Virgin Mary" has come up on
CAS a few times. Although it is OT, I wanted to point out that
Clinton-style lying is spreading. In this case the lying is about
the profit motive for the Brooklyn Museum's display of
sacrilegious "art." The hidden support by the owner of the
painting and others just broke as the top story on the front page
of today's New York Times. I used details of the lying--some of
it in court documents--that were buried in the middle of the very
long Times story for an email I just sent to the Director of the
Museum, Dr. Arnold Lehman. I am reproducing the letter below--if
any CASers care to let the folks at the Brooklyn Museum of "Art"
know what we think about lying to the public and in court, the
BMA email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve MacDonald

<< To: Dr. Arnold L. Lehman, Director, Brooklyn Museum of Art
 CC: Mr. Peter B. Trippi, Vice President, Brooklyn Museum of Art
 From: Stephen MacDonald
 Date: October 31, 1999

Dr. Lehman, on October 21, 1999, in response to my objections
to your display of the egregious "Holy Virgin Mary"
dung/pornographic cutout painting, you wrote to me offering a
free ticket to the Brooklyn Museum of Art's "Sensation" Exhibit.
This morning, I have read in a front page New York Times article
that BMA Vice President Peter Trippi falsely told the press
earlier this month that the "Sensation" Exhibit had no financial
support from Mr. Saatchi--the person who, as owner of "Holy
Virgin Mary" and all other items in the exhibit, stood to profit
most from this display of "artistic" contempt for Catholics. As
revealed by the Times, Mr. Saatchi had, at the time of that false
statement to the press by BMA's representative, paid BMA $50,000
and, apparently in addition, had agreed to pay tens of thousands
of dollars to cover all BMA's insurance costs.

When Mr. Trippi wrote you and other BMA officials to report
on his lie to the press, his note said "I hope this works for
you." Dr. Lehman, the lie didn't just work for you--you wrote
back to Mr. Trippi: "Peter--great." As noted in today's NY Times,
you underlined "great" twice. Dr. Lehman, you should resign
immediately, and before you do so you should require Mr. Trippi
to resign and you should, as I urged you to do in my September
26, 1999 letter, cancel the "Sensation" Exhibit. Even if you
promptly take all these actions, it will take a long time for The
Brooklyn Museum of Art to recover from the damage you have

As also indicated in today's New York Times, your actions
have caused damage to every other institution you have draw into
this mess. You are, of course, costing all New York City
taxpayers enormous legal costs and are likewise draining BMA's
resources with you attempts in court to block further damaging
disclosures -- disclosures such as your above-described
communications with Mr. Trippi. Another example comes from
today's Times:  Christie's, the auction house which Mr. Saatchi
employed for a recent $2.7 million auction focused on the
"Sensation" "artists," gave BMA $50. for the "Sensation"
Exhibit. Christie's was reported in today's Times to have "said
in court papers that the $50,000 was insignificant compared with
Christie's donations to other museums." The Times goes on to say
: "But according to an internal Christie's memorandum, the
$50,000 'represents Christie's most significant financial
commitment to an external exhibition to date.'" Lying to the
press and public, filing false papers in court--Dr.  Lehman, your
anti-Catholic bias is leading you and those you are taking down
with you to create quite a legacy.

On a personal note, let me respond to your October 21st
invitation to me to call your personal "direct line" for my free
ticket to the "Sensation"  Exhibit. Dr. Lehman, I wrote to you on
September 26th to express my outrage that BMA was displaying a
depiction of the Mother of God which had been "decorated" with
elephant dung and with cutouts from pornographic magazines--the
cutouts were photographs of genitalia. Dr. Lehman, it is yet
another indication of your unfitness for the office of BMA
Director that you would ever suggest that a free ticket could
alleviate my concerns. Was I to examine the elephant dung more
closely so as to discover unique qualities distinguishing it from
other excrement? Did you suppose that I thought there would be
one hundred pornographic magazine cutouts--so that I would be
comforted to learn that there are only a dozen or so pornographic
pictures surrounding the Blessed Virgin Mary? Dr. Lehman, I
decline, with a shudder, your insulting invitation to examine
more closely the objects you are lying, and causing others to
lie, to the public about.

Since I make several references to Mr. Trippi in this letter,
I will be forwardin

Re: [CTRL] Boom for whom?

1999-10-31 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-31 12:16:47 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>"The richest 1% of Americans enjoy about 13% of U.S. household income under
>official definitions, which excludes capital gains -- But if capital gains
>are included, as they should be, those at the top have 20-25% more income.
>Marie Antoinette and the French nobility (also a wealthy 1%) had a
>comparable share in 1789" (Los Angeles Times, August 1).

Off with their heads!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FAA issued unconfirmed bomb alert for New York, Los Angeles

1999-10-31 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

FAA issued unconfirmed bomb alert for New York, Los Angeles

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1 - Happy Hallowe'en!

1999-10-31 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991031a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No greedy trick-or-treaters vanished during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Goth Babe of the Week: http://www.gothic.net/~cossack/gothbabe.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Today in History: 31 Oct 1517, Martin Luther began the Protestant
Reforma-tion by nailing a manifesto to the door of a church in Wittenberg,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# San Diego State U. students say ghosts haunt the corridors of dorm. He was
  alone in the bathroom on the 4th floor of Zura Hall. At least he thought
  he was. He heard a man's voice rumble through the room. He looked around.
  No one was there. Ohhh: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/991029/odd-172

# Stories say U. New Hampshire dorms are haunted. When Scott Sinclair first
  heard the story of the ghost that haunts the basement of Hetzel Hall, he
  didn't believe it. Then, one fateful night, he had an encounter that
  turned him into a believer. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/991029/odd-329

: Have you been haunted lately? Have you haunted anyone lately? Is your home
/school/workplace/website haunted? Does cosmic evil envelop you? Why not??

# Ghost hunters study hauntings in Ohio. Nicholas Reiter and Lori Schillig
  have ghosts and haunted houses on their minds, and not just because it
  will soon be Halloween. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/991029/odd-196
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  prepared for the nation's law enforcement officials says the threat of
  violence by extremists to mark the new millennium is "very real." The
  bureau said in a written statement on October 20 that it was preparing
  the report, entitled Project Megiddo, and would share it with police
  chiefs at their upcoming convention. Report also cites threat of violence
  in Israel: http://cnn.com/US/9910/31/fbi.millennium.01.ap/index.html

: Do you intend to commit violence at the millennium? Are you sure of your
date? Will someone commit violence against you? Does it matter, since the
world will end? Will violence help bring about Armageddon? Do you hope so?

@ Why do women spend so much time with the kids, or weeping, or looking out
  the window? Why don't they just accept that they're responsible for evil?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NewAge Leaders Call For Millennium Prayers On New Year's Eve. LOS ANGELES
 (Reuters) - Leaders of the "New Age" spiritual development movement are
  calling for "wave" of prayer around the world on New Year's Eve -- with
  prayers spoken, sung, chanted or even typed into the electronic realm of
  Cyberspace. The aim of the mass prayer is to do nothing less than "heal
  the world." http://news.excite.com/news/r/991029/20/millennium-prayer

: Have you prayed lately? Have you healed any worlds lately? Are worlds hard
to heal? Have you healed anything else lately? Did it work? Are you sure??

# Literature project mistaken for bomb in university building:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ARCHAEOLOGY UNDERMINES ZIONISM - Questions Raised in Bible's Accuracy.
  JERUSALEM (AP) There was no exodus from Egypt, Joshua didn't bring down
  the walls of Jericho, and Solomon's kingdom was a small, tribal dynasty,
  an Israeli archaeologist says in a new article. It's all a big mistake:

# Deconstructing the walls of Jericho. (Ha'aretz) Following 70 years of
  intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found
  out: The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn
  in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is
  there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source
  of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years,
  but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it. Judeo/
  Xian/Muslim faiths bogus: http://www3.haaretz.co.il/eng/htmls/kat34_1.htm

: What are your favorite biblical texts? Are they accurate? Is accuracy [or
lack thereof] relevant to your belief system? Will one or more deities zap
the infidels who raise questions about their existence? Will you be zapped?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WE'RE WATCHING YOU. Pinhole cameras - now being sold over the Internet -
  can hide in the smallest cracks; satellite cameras can read the time on
  your watch from orbit... Van Eck devices can read what's on your computer
  monitor from halfway down the street. You thought you maybe had privacy?
  HAH!! http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/10/29/0832246&mode=flat

: D'ya have pinhole cameras in your cracks? D'ya put them in other people's
cracks? D'ya read compute

Re: [CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/1999 1:51:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Eric Von Daniken admitted in print and interviews that he invented his
 to sell books. >>

So I guess his debunker must have had the same thing in mind.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kansas school quiz.

1999-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Quiz for Students in Kansas Public Schools
by Lloyd Fricker
H.M.S. Beagle … Issue 61
September 3, 1999

The recent decision by the Kansas Board of Education to ban the teaching
of evolution and anything else that disagrees with creationist views has
left many people wondering, What will they teach in science classes?

Quiz for Students in Kansas Public Schools

1. How much time did it take for the creation of the universe and all the
plants and animals?

 (a) 5 days.
 (b) 6 days.
 (c) 7 days.
 (d) 40 days and 40 nights.
 See answer

2. All heavenly bodies revolve around:

 (a) the earth.
 (b) the moon.
 (c) Kansas.
 (d) the Kansas Board of Education.
 See answer

3. The first humans were called:

 (a) Homo erectus.
 (b) Homo eroticus.
 (c) Adam and Eve.
 (d) Fred, Wilma, Betty, and Barney.
 See answer

4. Charles Darwin was a bad person because:

 (a) he didn't believe in the Bible
 (b) he studied the clergy for two years but dropped out to go on a
 5-year cruise.
 (c) he married his cousin.
 (d) all of the above.
 See answer

5. Natural selection is:

 (a) hair coloring.
 (b) a brand of granola.
 (c) an organic grocery store in Topeka, Kansas.
 (d) an herbal alternative to a drug.
 See answer

6. The biggest problem with the theory of evolution is that it:

 (a) contradicts the word of God.
 (b) takes too long.
 (c) doesn't explain the existence of good and evil.
 (d) all of the above.
  See answer

7. The Big Bang is:

 (a) another name for the celebration of Independence Day.
 (b) a Mafiosi expression meaning "to kill someone."
 (c) a pornographic movie.
 (d) all of the above.
 See answer

8. The age of the universe is:

 (a) 7 days.
 (b) 40 days and 40 nights.
 (c) 6,000 years.
 (d) all of the above.
 See answer

9. People who don't believe in the Bible's view of Creation are called:

 (a) heathen scum.
 (b) the devil's helpers.
 (c) scientists.
 (d) all of the above.
 See answer

10.Write a 2 page essay on "How we know the Earth is flat."
 See answer


1. (a) It took 5 days for the creation of the universe and all the plants
and animals. If you answered "b" (6 days), you were probably thinking of
the time it took to create the universe, the plants, the animals, and the

2. (a) All heavenly bodies revolve around the Earth. If you answered
Kansas, you were partially right since Kansas is the center of the Earth.

3. (c) The first humans were called Adam and Eve. If you answered "d"
you've been watching too much TV. If you answered "a" or "b" you should
wash your mouth out with soap.

4. (d) Charles Darwin was a bad person because of many things. He was
basically a rotten evil person.

5. (d) Natural selection is the term used when someone chooses a herbal
medicine over a drug made by Satan-worshipping scientists.

6. (d) The problem with the theory of evolution is all of the above: it
contradicts eyewitness reports of God, who was the only one present at the
time of creation. It also takes too long and doesn't explain why there
would be good and evil.

7. (a) The Big Bang is another term for a Fourth of July party. If you
answered "c," we will notify your parents.

8. (c) The age of the universe is 6,000 years. If you answered "d" (all of
the above), you are logic-impaired and need to take remedial math classes.

9. (d) People who don't believe in the Bible's description of Creation are
called many bad names including heathen scum, the devil's helpers, and
scientists. These names all mean the same thing.

10. The answers will vary for this essay question on "how we know the
Earth is flat", but all should include the following points:

(a) It's the way it's described in the ancient teachings.

(b) Columbus was mistaken in thinking he'd sailed to
India - it was really just some islands off the coast of

(c) The earth sure looks flat in Kansas.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Public 'guinea pigs' for genetically modified foods

1999-10-31 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Public 'guinea pigs' for genetically modified foods
Firm admits using bully tactics in plugging products

Nick Nuttall Times of London


A scathing attack on the way governments are approving genetically
modified foods was launched Wednesday by scientists who say that the
public are being used as guinea pigs to prove whether the foods are safe
or not.

The attack came as the head of Monsanto admitted that his company had
been using bully-boy tactics, high-handedness and "arrogance" in
promoting GM crops and foods across the world.

British scientists claimed Wednesday that current safety stamps were
almost meaningless and should be abandoned in favour of rigorous
toxicological studies such as those used to approve drugs and pesticides.

Until these are carried out, no one can safely say that GM foods are not
harming peoples' health, the scientists claim. They say the government is
sacrificing public health to the interests of the biotechnology industry.

At the heart of the scientists' concerns is a system known as "substantial
equivalence." Governments, under pressure from the biotechnology
companies in the early 1990s to give the foods the green light, chose this
method for approving GM foods as safe to eat. The system is based on the
notion that the current wave of GM crops is scarcely different from
traditional crops and that the proteins produced will also be similar.

But the researchers, led by Erik Millstone of the University of Sussex, say in
the journal Nature that "substantial equivalence is a pseudo-scientific
concept because it is a commercial and political judgment masquerading
as if it were a scientific one."

"It fails to take into account that when you insert a new gene into a plant it
may interact with other genes in unpredictable ways," Dr. Millstone, of the
university's Science and Technology Policy Research Unit, said. "At first
sight, the approach might seem plausible and attractively simple. But we
believe that it is misguided and should be abandonded in favour of one that
includes biological, toxicological and immunological tests," the team says.

The scientists admit that such rigorous tests will increase the costs of
developing GM crops but believe it is essential to allay public health fears.

The call came as Robert Shapiro, the chief executive of Monsanto, was
accused of being a "bully." Lord Melchett, the head of Greenpeace, made
the claim at special debate in London organized by the environmental

Shapiro conceded that his company had "irritated and antagonized more
people than we have persuaded." He said his company's confidence in GM
crops had come across as "condescending and arrogant."

But he signalled a more conciliatory approach in which dialogue with
farmers and Green groups would rule at his corporation. "If I am a bully I do
not feel a very successful bully," he said on a live video link from the U.S.

Lord Melchett said that just as the countryside and its wildlife were
recovering from years of intensive agriculture, companies such as
Monsanto were poised to wreck the renaissance with technology that no
one wanted. He urged Shapiro to join Greenpeace in creating a "true life
science company" where organic agriculture rather than GM ruled.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 10/31/1999 6:48:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> << Crash Go the Chariots: An Alternative to 'Chariots of the Gods' (used pb)
>  >By Clifford Wilson. 1972, Lancer Books, 126pp, out-of-print. (VG) A
>  >qualified archaeologist and Bible scholar debunks Erich von Däniken's
>  >claims ... This appears to be only book devoted exclusively to challenging
>  Von >Daniken's claims. >>
> I don't know if it was the only one, but it did a pretty poor job of
> debunking.  It was like someone using bible quotes as their argument against
> atheism.  It's been many years since I read it, but while I was not convinced
> by von Daniken, "Crash Go The Chariots" was really tepid.  I'm sure the
> author made a bundle.  If that was his purpose for writing it, I guess he did
> okay.  If he really wanted to debunk von Daniken, he was a miserable failure.
>  Prudy

Eric Von Daniken admitted in print and interviews that he invented his theory
to sell books.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hierarchy (was: Sex/Machine ...)

1999-10-31 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>All primate species are hierarchical.

Prove it. Cite your sources.

>This includes homo sapiens.

This ia yet another a priori statement. Show your proof. Cite your sources.

>If there are cultures which are not hierarchical,

No "if" about it. Such cultures exist. !Kung, Inuit, Anarchist are a few.

>THOSE have come about do to learned behavior.

We are born knowing how to suck and to grasp. Everything else we learn.

> Hierarchical structures have survival value in nature and reproduction.

Sure, for the leaders. But not for the rest of us. For the rest of us it
is an impediment.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] fw: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!

1999-10-31 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Who ever wrote this piece of disinformation,  "Alien Invasion..."  and they
want to use Bible versage to get the point across or to attempt to panic
people,  the least they can do is give the right location of their quotes
and a technical explanation.

The article says:
>>As it says in Revelation,
> "They shall be eating and drinking up until the last day." And marrying
> giving in marriage.<<

This versage happens to be contained in the Gospels,  not in the Revelation,
as by the time John wrote the Revelation of Christ,  this was a lesson given
over 60 years prior.   You can find the quote in Matthew 24,  Mark 13 and
Luke 21.

Technically,  the writer should have attempted to understand what this verse
is referring to, also,  not just pick some lines because they "sound good".
Using Matthew 24,  it is speaking of the Return of Christ and when it will
happen.  For this versage to make sense,  it has to be used in whole
context,  and not taken out of context as it has in the article below.
Matthew 24:36 states the reason for the statement,  which is the return of
Christ,  "...that no man shall know the hour".
Matthew 24:37 gives the conditions,  which is as follows:
"... as in the days of Noe [Noah] were so shall the coming of the Son of man
verse 38 gives more conditions and what to look back in history at as a
"For as the days that were before the flood [of Noah] they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in Marriage ,  until the day that Noe [Noah]
entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all
away;  so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

First of all,  you have to be willing to look at what was happening before
the flood of Noah,  and what was happening then.  Going to Genesis chapter 6
we find that there was a very interesting set of events. Verse 2 " ... the
Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair;  and took them
wives of all which they chose."
"Sons of God" here were considered His Sons in a good sense until they did
this; until they were marrying and having children (hybrids) with the women
of earth.  THIS IS THE SAME ACT that will be repeated in the last days by
others who will come.  THIS is what is spoken of in the versage that was
quoted in this article...  this is the "THEY" in the
> "They shall be eating and drinking up until the last day." And marrying
> giving in marriage.<<   spoken of in the Bible,  however,  we find that
God is not happy with this and once this action was committed,  against
God's will,  they were chained and considered as fallen from grace.  See
specifically verse 6 of the book of Jude.  At this time they became
nephilium or fallen ones...  the "giants" (mighty men of renown; nephilium)
spoken of in Genesis 6:4.

They had wisdom and knowledge that was never to be imparted to humans.  GOD
was not and is not happy with this breach of heaven.  Those who choose to do
this have lost their loftiness or heavenly appearance ...  and it is my own
personal opinion,  that this is who these 'greys' and reptoids are that is
spoken so much about...  Even Satan when he appears in the garden of Eden is
spoken of as a "Serpent" and a "beast of the field";  descriptive not only
of his personality,  but of his physical appearance also.

Food for thought.

Welcoming the NWO...  let's get it over with.

eagle 1

"Behold,  the days come, saith the Lord God,  that I will send a famine in
the land, not a famine of bread [food], nor a thirst for water,  but [a
famine] of hearing the words of the Lord."   -   Amos 8:11


- Original Message -
From: Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 7:19 AM
Subject: [CTRL] fw: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!

> -Caveat Lector-
> > ** Original Subject: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
> > ** Original Sender: "Steve Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ** Original Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:31:55 -0700
> > ** Original Message follows...
> Subject: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
> X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.11)
> Precedence: firstclass
> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
> Date sent:  Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:46:30 -0400 (EDT)To:
> From:   Jon Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:[illusions] Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -=> Illusions Mailing List
> Alien Invasion Set for December 1999!
> Sources in the Pentagon say there are three objects headed for earth. They
> are set to impact on November 7, 1999. One will hit in Africa. One in
> Siberia. And the other in Manitoba,

[CTRL] Conspiracy - fact - not theory; according to God.

1999-10-31 Thread JAH Publications

Please repost to your own 
mailing lists and newsgroups and as far and wide as possible - 
Dear Kris,
It is a FACT and not a 
theory, that there has been an on-going CONSPIRACY 
for at least 2,500 years; according to God's Own personal Testimony in 
The Bible; as a result of which Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple were both 
destroyed and The "Lost" Ark of The Covenant was removed from Judah, by Jeremiah 
and taken to a safe place and hidden. God did this to allow the 
CONSPIRACY to run its course, so that ALL 
those who took part in the CONSPIRACY, either actively 
or passively by not keeping The Covenant and fighting against it and thereby 
ALLOWING it to happen, would demonstrate their continued 
treason against Him and The Ark would be kept safe until it was needed again, at 
the right time, to destroy the Conspiracy, NOW:-

Jeremiah around 590 B.C. 
11:1 The Word that came to Jeremiah from the "I AM", 
11:2 Hear ye the words of The 
Covenant, and speak unto the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of 
11:3 And say thou unto them, Thus saith the "I AM" 
God of Israel; Cursed [be] the man that obeyeth not the words of this 
11:4 Which I commanded your fathers in the day [that] 
I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, 
Obey My voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be 
My people, and I will be your God:
11:5 That I may perform the Oath which I have sworn 
unto your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as [it is] 
this day. Then answered I, and said, So be it, O "I AM".
11:6 Then the "I AM" said unto me, Proclaim all these 
words in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, 
Hear ye the words of The Covenant, and DO them.
11:7 For I earnestly protested unto your fathers in 
the day [that] I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, [even] unto this day, 
rising early and protesting, saying, Obey My voice.
11:8 Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but 
walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart: therefore I will bring 
upon them all the words of this Covenant, which I commanded [them] to do; but 
they did [them] not.
11:9 And the "I AM" said unto me, A 
CONSPIRACY is found among the men of Judah (Jew-dah), and among 
the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
11:10 They are turned back to the inequities of their 
forefathers, which refused to hear My words; and they went after other gods to 
serve them: the House of Israel and the House of Judah have broken My 
Covenant which I made with their fathers.
11:11 Therefore thus saith the "I AM", Behold, I will 
bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they 
shall cry unto Me, I will not hearken unto them.
11:12 Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants 
of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense: but they 
shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.
11:13 For [according to] the number of thy cities 
were thy gods, O Judah; and [according to] the number of the streets of 
Jerusalem have ye set up altars to [that] shameful thing, [even] altars to burn 
incense unto Baal.
11:14 Therefore pray not thou for this people, 
neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear 
[them] in the time that they cry unto Me for their 
11:15 What hath My beloved to do in Mine House, 
[seeing] she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from 
thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.
11:16 The "I AM" called thy name, A green olive tree, 
fair, [and] of goodly fruit: with the noise of a great tumult He hath kindled 
fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken.
11:17 For the "I AM" Lord of hosts, that planted 
thee, hath pronounced evil against thee, for the evil of the House of Israel 
(Ten "Lost" Tribes - Britain and U.S.A.) and of the House of Judah (The Two 
Tribes that are Jewish), which they have done against themselves to provoke Me 
to anger in offering incense unto Baal.
11:18 And the "I AM" hath given me knowledge [of it], 
and I know [it]: then thou showedst me their doings.
11:19 But I [was] like a lamb [or] an ox [that] is 
brought to the slaughter; and I knew not that they had devised devices against 
me, [saying], Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him 
off from the land of the living, that his name may be no more 
Dear All,The following is what we need to do 
in order to put everything right in one go. Nothing else will get the job done; 
according to God.We need, according to Holy Scripture, to recover The 
"Lost" Ark from itssecret hiding-place in the Hill of Tara, in County Meath, 
Ireland and forthat we need to persuade Sile (Sheila) de Valera, the 
Minister for Heritage,to give me a "permit to dig" at Tara and we need to do 
it before Y2K, forobvious and already well discussed 
reasons.Those people who are REALLY serious about 
survival an

[CTRL] "Coercion"

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.rushkoff.com/coercion.html">"Coercion"

Why We Listen to What "They" Say

Riverhead Books, September 1999
Order now from Amazon.com
or Barnes and Noble

This is the book everyone's been asking for: a no-holds-barred deconstruction
of the current state of the coercive arts. I've covered everything from the
corporatization of sports spectacles and the death of the "wave" to the
commercialization of the Internet and the danger of "network externalities."

I've researched and exposed the coercive tactics of car dealers, CIA
interrogators, public relations specialists, advertisers, shopping mall
designers, cult leaders, pyramid-schemers, and even Muzak technicians. I've
minded for the specific techniques common to them all, and looked at the
underlying social functioning that they exploit.

Moreover, I've analyzed the "coercive arms race" in which we've all become
participants -- both as victims of coercive tactics in use all around us,
and, often, as unwitting practitioners. Finally, as someone who has been
hired, on occasion, to develop marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies,
my book amounts to something of a memoir and expose of the techniques I've
witnessed, or even been a party to.

See the excerpt at Mindjack.com!

The Back Cover Quotes:
An essential text for inhabitants of the media sphere. Rushkoff makes visible
the ways our minds are not entirely our own.
---Howard Rheingold, author of Virtual Reality and Virtual Communities
Read this book, and nobody gets hurt!
---Bob Kerry, Senator of Nebraska
Coercion compells. It documents the new media-war in which we are not merely
targets, but also unwitting accomplices in the battle for a share of our
minds, our pocketbooks, and even our souls. Read this book, and discover who
is manipulating you.
---Paul Saffo, Director, Institute For The Future
"Coercion" spotlights the manipulative sides of commerce today, with a
sobering look at its power in the Internet era. A must-read for anyone
wanting an antidote to techno-utopianism."
---Mitchell Kapor, Founder, Lotus Development Corporation
Bravo, Douglas Rushkoff. This book is not only an engrossing read, but more
importantly, it's a great gift to consumers everywhere. I didn't realize how
vulnerable I was.
-- David Shenk, author, Data Smog, The End of Patience
"With immense force and inimitable style, Douglas Rushkoff takes us on an
engaging, frightening, and oddly exhilarating journey into the board rooms
where compliance professionals hone their skills--as well as the shopping
malls, sports arenas, TV commercials, and web sites in which they are
implemented. *Coercion* is destined to be remembered as a watershed event in
the battle between the marketing industry and the public it means to
--David S. Bennahum, contributing editor, Wired
"With subversive clarity, Rushkoff exposes the secret war being waged for the
hearts, minds, and dollars of Americans by the dark lords of government and
commerce. The truth is out there, but Coercion brings it home."
--Walter Kirn, author of She Needed Me and Thumbsucker

"Flap" copy for Coercion
They say that you're using only ten percent of your brain. They say the
corner office is a position of power. They say you can earn thousands of
dollars a week in your spare time. They say that knowing your audience is
more important than whatever it is you're selling.
Who, exactly, are "they"? And why do we listen to them?
Douglas Rushkoff argues that we each have our own "theys" -- bosses, pundits,
authorities, both real and imaginary--whom we allow to shape our lives and
manage our futures. Like parents, they can make us feel safe. They do our
thinking for us. We don't have to worry about our next move -- it has already
been decided on our behalf, and in our best interests. Or so we hope.
Unfortunately, not everyone to whom we surrender this control has our
interests at heart. What's more, Rushkoff says, as much as we try to resist
them, they are always finding new and improved ways to manipulate us. Whether
it's a floor plan at a shopping mall designed to make us lose our bearings, a
television ad that anticipates our reaction to advertising, or a tiny spy
program planted on our computers by an Internet merchant, the world has
become a battlefield of subtle persuasion. As soon as we think we've become
familiar with their methods, these influence professionals work to move us
into strange and unfamiliar territory--leading us like prey into a trap. We
are caught in a kind of arms race, and with the rise of automated marketing
in the last decade, the race has spun out of control.
A veteran of the media wars, Douglas Rushkoff is in a unique position to

[CTRL] Check out "The 'Jewels' That Spooked the CIA, by Vernon Loeb"

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: The 'Jewels'
That Spooked the CIA, by Vernon Loeb
Subject: The 'Jewels' That Spooked the CIA, by Vernon Loeb
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ">usmilitaryconcerns@pacb
ell.net  (The Amer War Lib'y)
Date: Sun, 24 October 1999 05:16 PM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

24 Oct 1999
The 'Jewels' That Spooked the CIA, by Vernon Loeb

EXCERPT: "President Clinton's order to declassify all U.S. government
documents on human rights abuses and political violence in Chile has
forcefully recalled the most painful period in agency history. It is a
cautionary tale of secrets and lies, burned deep into the CIA psyche.
It begins on Feb. 7, 1973, with the question that Sen. Stuart
Symington put to former CIA director Richard Helms before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee: "Did you try in the Central Intelligence
Agency to overthrow the government of Chile?" "No, sir," Helms rep..."

U.S. and friendly nation laws prohibit fully reproducing
copyrighted material. In abidance with our laws this report
cannot be provided in its entirety. However, you can read
it in full today, 24 Oct 1999, at the following URL.
(COMBINE the following lines into your web browser.)
The subject/content of this report is not necessarily the
viewpoint of the distributing Library. This report is provided
for your information.


International Military and Veteran News Bulletins
Preserving The Photo History Of All Who Served
All Nation Active/Former Military Personnel Registry

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Brown v. The United States: Waco & Cyanide (fwd)

1999-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: CAS: Waco & Cyanide





DEBORAH BROWN, et al., Civil Action No.H-95-587






1. My name is Eric R. Larsen. I am at present a consultant
specializing in work relating to combustion properties of organic
materials, fire technology, fire cause, origin and spread, and
combustion modification (fire retardance) of polymers.

2. My experience is set forth in my curriculum vitae, which is
attached to this declaration. I received my Bachelor of Science
in chemistry from the University of Washington and my doctorate
from the University of Colorado. I retired as a Senior Scientist
at Dow Chemical Co. in 1986, after thirty years with the company.
I hold 47 U.S. patents on chemical processes, including one on a
halogenated anesthetic now used in about 90% of veterinary
anesthesias. I have authored or co authored 35 scientific
publications, including articles in the Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology on fire retardant chemicals and in Drugs Affecting the
Nervous System on the mechanism of chemical narcosis. I am a
member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Fire

3. I have also done extensive work in the field of anesthesia
development and use. Thirteen of my patents, four of my papers,
and three of my treatise chapters ("The Chemistry of Experimental
Pharmacology," in Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (1972);
"Fluorine Compounds in Anesthesiology," in Fluorine Chemistry
Reviews (1969) and [coauthored] "Mechanisms of Narcosis," in
Drugs Affecting the Nervous System) relate to anesthesia and

4. I have been asked to render an opinion on the probable effects
of the CS gas injections into the Davidian residence at Mt.
Carmel, outside Waco, Texas. In preparing this opinion I have
consulted the study of the gassing undertaken by Failure Analysis
Associates, sketches of the dimensions and internal structure of
the building,the Forward Looking Infrared tape made of the fire,
and MSDS (Manufacturers' Standard Data Sheets) for the chemicals
involved. The two chemicals involved were o chlorobenzylidene
malononitrile (commonly known as "CS"), and methylene chloride
(MeCl2), in which the CS was dissolved before spraying. MeCl2
makes up the greater part of the solution: Ferret rounds, for
instance, contain 33.25 grams of MeCl2 bearing 3.7 grams of CS.

5. In addition to the Ferrets, gas was injected using a system
described in the Justice Department report as the "Mark V." This
may be a description of either of two systems. The Model 5
injector carries in each "bottle" 30 grams (a bit over an ounce)
of CS dissolved in 1070 grams (roughly 2.4 pounds) of MeCl2. The
M5 injector carries no less than fifty pounds of CS in each
container. In rendering this opinion I have assumed that only the
smaller Model 5 was used. If in fact the M5 is the injector
described, CS concentrations would have to be revised upward; we
would then be speaking of tens of pounds per container, rather
than an ounce. In that event, each injection would have sent a
fuel load into the building equalling in effect the distribution
of about 3-4 gallons of gasoline. Given that flame
sources--lanterns, candles, etc.- were known to be inside, this
would be consistent with a deliberate intention of starting a

6. CS is a high-melting flammable solid (dust) whose sole use is
as a "tear gas." Its effects are not limited to eye irritation
and tearing, however. At 1-5 parts per million it produces eye
irritation and a copious flow of tears. At concentrations of
12-20 ppm it attacks the respiratory tract and causes difficulty
in breathing. In the

respiratory tract or on moist skin it causes a chemical burn
similar to sunburn and can be classed as a vesicant, similar to
"mustard gas."

7. The CS was introduced dissolved in methylene chloride. MeCl2
is a small, highly volatile chlorinated hydrocarbon commonly used
as a solvent. This compound is flammable in a vapor concentration
greater than 12-14%; it is generally considered nonflammable so
long as it is used in well-ventilated areas or in the open air.
Like all small oil soluble compounds inhalation of its vapors
causes "narcosis" or what is commonly called "anesthesia." The
anesthetic properties in man are predictable to a reasonably high
degree of accuracy based on animal studies. The anesthetic
effects are a function primarily of concentration and are
somewhat time-dependent at low concentrations.

8. The effects of the CS applied by the injector units can be
briefly stated. Upon being sprayed, MeCl2 would rapidly
evaporate, until only crystals (dust) of CS remained in the air.
Depending upon the size of the original droplet the CS particles
could be 1 micron or larger. Spray that wetted a wall would lead
a deposit of CS that might or migh

[CTRL] Coercion: Why We Listen to What "They"…"

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://shopaol.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=4B62
m - Coercion: Why We Listen to What "They"…

Coercion: Why We Listen to What "They" Say (2 Cassettes)
Douglas Rushkoff  Read by William David Griffith

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In-Stock: Ships within 24 hours
Format: Audio, 1st ed.
ISBN: 155927560X
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Inc.
Pub. Date: August  1999
Edition Desc: ABRIDGED

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Write your own Review


>From The Publisher
An investigation into the influence techniques of the hidden persuaders--in
the media, in politics, and in business--who are every day making more and
more of our decisions for us, from a writer hailed as the "brilliant heir to
Marshall McLuhan" by New Perspectives Quarterly.

They say that human beings use only ten percent of their brains. They say the
corner office is a position of power. They say you haven''t met your

Who, exactly, are "they"? More important, why do we listen to them?

In Coercion Douglas Rushkoff argues that we each have our own
"theys"--bosses, experts, and authorities (both real and imaginary) who have
taken over much of the decision-making power in our lives. Unfortunately, not
everyone to whom we surrender this control has our best interests at heart.
What''s most troubling is that the more we try to resist their efforts at
persuasion, the more effort they in turn put into finding increasingly
sophisticated--and invisible--methods of coercion. Indeed, the last fifty
years have been marked by a kind of arms race between these authorities and
our selves.

Douglas Rushkoff is in a unique position to guide us through these hazardous
societal influences. Having for years been the champion of the new media, the
Internet, and the liberating forces of interactive technology, he now
examines the process through which such innovations are being co-opted by the
powers that be. Rushkoff''s message is a wake-up call for anyone who has the
uncomfortable sense that our actions are being shaped by forces beyond our

>From Trudi Miller Rosenblum - Billboard
In this intriguing audio, Rushkoff explains the carefully researched
marketing strategies used by advertisers and store designers to persuade
consumers to buy. He explores in detail how salesmen's pitches, TV
commercials, and store layouts are carefully designed to work on consumers'
subconscious minds. It's an eye opening and fascinating listen. Narrator
William David Griffith speaks with the ease and confidence of the author, and
his pleasant, authoritative voice is well-matched to the material.

>From Kirkus
Populist chronicler of cyberculture Rushkoff (Cyberia, 1994, etc.) moves here
from his usual optimistic futurism to a somber depiction of a modern society
in which everything is a commodity and the only interaction among humans is
commerce. In the past, Rushkoff has been a cheerleader for the liberating
potentialities of the Internet and other interactive technology. He now has
second thoughts as he takes the reader on a tour of the various means used to
coerce us into buying or simply doing what we might otherwise reject. His
basic premise is that professional persuaders in myriad ways attempt to
manipulate to their advantage our basic emotional needs for trust, support,
and empathy. Automobile salesmen concoct elaborate ballets of manipulation to
control our purchasing decisions, while on the reverse side, the ``soft
sell of car advertising is simply more subtle manipulation, this time of
our distrust of the hard sell. Superstores, through a bewildering onslaught
of sight and sound, break down our defenses and rebuild our desires so that
we will buy their products. The very architecture of stores, of malls, the
careful construction of sound and even smell—all are designed to break down
our will and get us to buy. Yet such coercion is not restricted to the usual
world of commerce. Social movements such as the ``Promise Keepers do
demographic research on the psychological needs of prospective members and
structure rallies accordingly. Even Wall Street and the stock market, claims
Rushkoff, are giant shell games of manipulation and control. Finally, the
Internet itself has been transformed from a relatively simple technology for
communication into a selling medium worth billions. We are alternately
``taught to fear the Internet for its supposed complexity and danger
(i.e., pornography) and to worship it for its ability to sell us things. Some
of what Rushkoff contends may be wildly speculative and overly alarmist, but
on the

[CTRL] Fwd: "False" Millenium Planned to Coincide with MASSIVE Solar Activity--May, 2000/From D. Icke

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

"False" Millennium Planned for Ages
to Coincide with MASSIVE Solar Activity Culminating May, 2000
An important message from David Icke

David Icke lays out some pretty earthshaking data, and concepts, in the
message reprinted below.

What he has to say may not seem exactly "pleasant" to some; but given
knowledge we've acquired over the past few years through some very
important sources about what's going on "behind the curtain" in our
culture, we feel what David Icke has to say definitely merits consideration.

Icke contends that the "Western"/Gregorian calendar was deliberately
contrived so that the "Millennium" would coincide with what had been
known for ages were to be incredibly severe solar
storms/eruptions/flares at this time, culminating in May, 2000--as in
fact is the case.

However, WE wonder what--or who--is going to help "shield" the human
race from the increasingly lunatic, deranged, maniacal madness of the
satanists and spooks of the New World Order netherworld, and their
growing malevolent Machiavellian machinations.

That's were what else David Icke has to say comes to bear.

For example, check out what Icke has to say about who's to be involved
in planned ceremonies at the Great Pyramid in Giza at this same
time--May 5, 2000!

What's more, an issue raised by Icke in relation to such 'Millennial"
activities regarding planetary grid power points correlates thoroughly
with information we've gotten from a number of knowledgeable sources, as
was discussed in NewsHawk's "Montauk Project" reports, We feel the
existence of such power points is scientifically substantiated fact.

David Icke says We REALLY need to link together in our common humanity
and resist the negative, oppressive frequencies and energies which will
be directed intensively towards the human race.

Icke depicts how the NWO is going to use all it's tricks in their
attempt to "lock down" human consciousness and short-circuit profound,
evolutionary changes in human civilization... once again.

But, we CAN prevent this from happening: it's true.

Some aspects of what Icke says are corroborated by mainstream science: a
source has told us that in FACT tremendously powerful solar eruptions of
unprecedented ferocity are already bombarding the planet at this time;
and have been for months: ALSO, that this severe solar activity isn't
due to reach it's peak--according to historical models--until early May, 2000.

Break out that SPF-100 sun screen, everybody... and hang on.

According to another source, however, THIS solar activity is going to
cause much greater havoc with computer and EM/RF technologies early in
2000 than the Y2K "bug".

This source let it be known that their contacts with what might be
termed "Faction 3/Omega" elements (said to be opposed to 'NWO" agendas")
within federal government & military realms have said that HAARP
technology is being used--apparently successfully (so far)--to generate
a "shield" from the harmful effects of this deluge of solar radiation
around the earth. The problem is however, that solar storms aren't going
to peak until May, 2000.

Again, we wonder who or what is going help shield us all from this
monstrosity that for lack of a better term so many have come to call the
New World Order; though undoubtedly the phrase has become a catchall
meaning many things to many people.

Regardless: human freedom is our God-given right: totally worth
preserving through hopes, efforts, through prayers, through actions; and
worth standing in defense of if need be, against whomever might seek to
take that freedom from us.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Original Message 
Subject: Message From David Icke
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 16:19:30 -0700



The Network 2000 page has stimulated a wonderful 
response and it's great to see people all over the 
world communicating with each other. This is so 
important because most people who are awakening to 
new possibilities and understandings are isolated 
from one another.

However, if this is going to work as intended, it 
is vital that people, in their communication to this
page, keep their message short and to the point. 
i.e. The area of the world or country in which they 
live. Then others in that area can contact them 
direct to their own e-mail and correspond at length 
if necessary. It would be very helpful if people 
could keep their messages to no more than two 
sentences and then everyone can quickly run through 
them and see those in their own area.

There are other forums for those who want to correspond
at length through this website.If people communicate 
with each other via this page rather than directly 
between their own e-mails, this Network 2000 facility 
is going to get so bogged down, it will lose the reason
for its existence. This is two-fold:

(a) To give people in the same areas of the world the
chance to connect with each other to a common g

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] An Invitation From Solari for November 3rd, 1999

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those of you who live in the Washington area, these issues will go to
the heart of how we deal with drug trafficking. Remember, HUD is the federal
regulator for CIA retail drug markets. It is not an accident that I am being
legally tortured by the former CIA general counsel (who got out of Iran
Contra by being appointed to a Federal judgeship) whose manipulation of
federal disclosure policy over at the CIA and DOJ was being endangered by my
efforts at reengineering HUD federal disclosure policy to illuminate what
CIA was hiding.

So please come if this would be fun for you. If you work at the CIA, or any
of the intelligence or miltary networks or contractors, and your job is to
watch and listen to us on the CIA-Drug List, then definately come. We are
never going to transform unless we sit down together and come up with a plan
that works for all of us. Since some of the smartest finest people I know
work for the CIA, we understand that this is not simple and that we all have
to pay the rent. So, please come, because if you love your family and your
country, you are most welcome.


 Solari cordially invites you to attend:

 On November 3, 1999 at 7pm, Catherine Austin Fitts, President of
 Solari, Inc. and Contributing Editor to From the Wilderness newsletter,
 will address Sarah McLendon's stdy group at the National Press Club.

 Her topic will be:

   HUD: The Soft Underbelly of the Shadow Government

Catherine will speak about what she learned as Assistant Secretary of
Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner during the Bush Administration and as
President of Hamilton Securities that informs strategies that support a
rebirth of democracy and markets in America. Hamilton was a Washington
investment bank which served as financial advisor to HUD in $10 billion of
HUD loan sales and $500 billion of mortgage insurance and mortgage portfolio
strategy for four years during the Clinton Administration.

Catherine will focus on federal disclosure policies on financial investment
and how they have been manipulated to support systemic financial fraud like
the S&L and HUD scandals, as well as corrupt use of government power and
resources, and increasing centralization of enforcement and intelligence
operations. As HUD is not covered by the National Security Act, Catherine
will discuss why she believes that HUD offers a unique opportunity from a
disclosure standpoint.

Lest this turn into a boring presentation on financial disclosure polices
and personal financial management, Catherine will tell the stories of how
Jack Kemp refused to come to parties at her house on Woodley Place because
"your house is bigger than my house and I would find it castrating" and how
he ordered her to lengthen her skirts and other silly but enormously
entertaining stories of life inside HUD and the Bush Administration.

All attendees to this gathering of Sarah McClendon's study group will be
offered a one year free on-line subscription to From the Wilderness by

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 7pm at the
National Press Club. We anticipate an hour presentation, including Q&A.  The
address is

 National Press Club
  529 14th Street, NW
  13th Floor
  Washington, DC

 We welcome e-mails to Catherine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to let us know if
you may be coming.

--- ONElist Sponsor 

Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in
forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons!
  http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/gator3 ">Click Here

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Caryle and the Bush's: Trading on Insider Information As a Way of Life

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 11:38 AM
Subject: Caryle and the Bush's: Trading on Insider Information As a Way
of Life

Items with a * in the attachment below are for the Gideon chronology.

It is clear to me that if we could understand the shadow government's info
infrastructure and use to engage in insider trading with money and resources
in the private markets.Fin Cen, satellite network and intelligence
tools, Promis, relationship with the mortgage markets and venture capital
and equity markets, tracking of mind control folks, we would understand what
in the world is going on in the stock and currency/banking/derivative
markets and have a better understanding of who the Solari Investment Model
(neighborhood stock corporation with community databank with an A/B share
structure) so spooked.

It is pretty clear to me after the events and intelligence of the last two
weeks (including another "rigged" session in Sporkin's court this
week--another time when Judge Sporkin (former CIA general counsel during
Reagan-Bush) disagreed with the law and the supreme court ruling and could
not explain why, including why he wanted to accept a new case even though he
has filled his intention to retire to ensure he gets no new cases. Even
Sporkin seemed tired with the complexity of persuading everyone including
the attornies that he was senile instead of corrupt.) that my problem is
George Bush Senior aka "Poppy", but that and a dollar will get us a cup of
coffee. That is why it is so important for Dan and Mike's George W story and
Gideon that we understand how the money works on Carlyle and Poppy's
investments. The speed at which Poppy's name is turning up in SEC files
indicates a lot of $$ activity.

One interesting comment on projective identification is that I may be the
only player in Washington to make above market rates of return without
trading on insider information, using sex as a competitive edge, and moving
money to offshore accountsall the things they have unsuccessfully
accused me of in the attempt to pull off the largest $4.7 billion asset
seizure in the history of the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund. If you look at the
resources these guys have to track, understand and rig the venture capital,
stock, bond and consumer markets and government policy, it is no wonder we
are moving into a Soviet economic model at high speed and that I am now

CIA-Drug List:

If you want to know how Systematics/Alltel (Promis Software) or the Carlyle
Group go from being a startup to controlling immense wealth in a decade,
imagine what a money manager or service provider to banks and financial
institutions could do with the insider information rolling of this network.
One way or another, that is how it is working.

I suspect at much of the debate around the Cox report and satellites is also
about who has access to what knowledge about how all the money works. While
George H. W. and Hillary Clinton both seem to unite against markets and
democracy, they appear to have a pretty evil competition going on for the
information flow about how all the money works


Attached: Excerpt of Herb's post/article on NSA/NRO satellite intel
(deleted for CIA drug post)

In the Clinton administration, we have entered a new era, in which =
>multibillion-dollar satellites lofted into orbit by the Titan-IV provide =
>unprecedented opportunity to intercept communications in a wide range of =

--- ONElist Sponsor 

Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.
http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/Productopia2 ">Click Here

Re: [CTRL] Sex/Machine ...

1999-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >Is it possible that, like many species, we are hardwired for hierarchy?
> If we were, then every culture would be hierarchial. This is not the case,
> ergo, hierarchy is learned behavior.

I strongly disagree. All primate species are hierarchical. This includes
homo sapiens. If there are cultures which are not hierarchical, THOSE have
come about do to learned behavior. Hierarchical structures have survival
value in nature and reproduction. Since we don't live in the jungle or on the
Savannah anymore, it is no longer necessary to accept hierarchies as a way of
life. But the tendencies are still in us, and come out in many important
human endeavors like the military, and making money ( the modern equivalent
of food gathering ).

The solution is not denying that hierarchy exists, but to rotate the positions
of power democratically.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] "One party state? ..."

1999-10-31 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.informinc.co.uk/LM/LM125/LM125_Edit.html

  6:05 PM BST

Mick Hume
One-party state? Don't talk libertarian nonsense
When Tony Blair ended his messianic speech to the New Labour conference with
that punchline about 'And now, at last, party and nation joined in the same
cause', it made some commentators a little nervous about echoes of one-party
politics from the past.
In an acutely observed piece in the Times, Matthew Parris declared himself
uneasy about the speech's 'Tomorrow belongs to me leitmotif of a new order of
things', adding that 'Mr Blair's conflation of party with nation' had 'made my
flesh creep'. In Scotland on Sunday, Gerald Warner even suggested that Blair's
rhetorical flourish had conjured up the spectre of the Nazi propagandist Leni
Riefenstahl: 'One Nation, One State, One Leader! Sieg Heil!'
There is indeed something deeply creepy about this prime minister. And, while
Blair is no more a Nazi than he is a Communist, Britain under New Labour is
assuredly a one-party state. It is a one-party state, however, with a
difference. Opposition forces have not been banned by government diktat, nor
defeated in a civil war, nor crushed in a coup. Instead, most of them have been
quietly and politely incorporated into the New Labour project.
A little over 10 years ago, when old Labour was in total disarray and all meaningful 
debate took place within the ranks of the Conservative Party, one could talk about 
Margaret Thatcher's government having established a o
ne-party regime. Thatcher's domineering style was to polarise issues and trash all 
opponents, as she handbagged her way through the 1980s, famously demanding to know of 
everybody, 'Is he One of Us?', and giving short shri
ft to the many who failed that test.
Blair, by contrast, preaches the doctrine of 'inclusiveness'. He has self-consciously 
defined himself as the man in the middle of British politics, and invited all 
politicians of the centre to join the creeping New Labour
 consensus. Exclusion orders will be served only on those few deemed to be one of 
'them' - the hardcore minority 'forces of conservatism' against whom Blair aimed his 
fire in that Bournemouth address.
The Liberal Democrats have effectively become a kind of soft left wing of New Labour, 
providing not so much an opposition in the House as an in-house opposition. Leading 
Tories, too, have been seen waving from atop the Bl
air crusade bus. The launch of the 'Britain in Europe' campaign in October had 
heavyweight Conservatives such as the former cabinet ministers Michael Heseltine, 
Kenneth Clarke and Chris Patten lining up behind the prime m
It is not only opposition politicians who have been brought into the Blair fold. From 
industry to the media and from entertainment to the universities, few corners of 
British society have been left untouched by New Labour
's recruitment campaign. Every influential body has moved within Blair's orbit, to the 
point where even those who are not entirely seduced want to be involved. One 
remarkable result is that there is no longer any serious
anti-Labour lobby within the British business community.
Where previous Labour leaders might have sought to ingratiate themselves with the old 
establishment, the New Labour government (while not above a bit of toadying to the 
royals) has set about forging a new elite bearing it
s own stamp. As James Heartfield demonstrates in detail elsewhere in this issue of LM, 
this process of transition within the political class may not yet be complete, but it 
has quickly entrenched New Labour's people in po
wer as the agents of one-party rule.
Two and a half years after Blair's electoral success, it is now clear that New Labour 
is the natural party of government for the end of the 1990s. It is equally clear, 
however, that Blair's party is not really the conscio
us architect of its own success. It has had no grand political masterplan to 
implement. Rather, New Labour draws its strength from the way that it reflects 
political and cultural changes which have occurred in Britain sin
ce the 1980s. Where Blair's people have tried to innovate policy initiatives, as with 
the Millennium Dome or the new Scottish and Welsh assemblies, they have met with a 
response that is lukewarm at best. But where they ha
ve surfed and assimilated existing trends in society, rebranding them as their own, 
they have been much better able to establish their authority.
'The class war is over', Blair announced at the Bournemouth conference. If he meant 
that the old political battle between right and left has ended, few would argue. What 
is less clear is who won that contest. As one Ameri
can commentator recently observed, the left lost the economic war, but the right lost 
the culture war. As a consequence we are left with a world in which everybody accepts 
(albeit without much enthusiasm) that there is no
 alternative to the capitalist market. Yet at the s

[CTRL] Boom for whom?

1999-10-31 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

The Numbers
Letters at 3AM

October 29, 1999: If you pay attention, the numbers make you sick. The
numbers are about a ruling elite (they are not populous enough to be called
a "class") that doesn't care whether or not we know the numbers because they
are convinced both of their power and our helplessness -- or rather, our
consent, every day, to be helpless. The numbers are about an America that
isn't America anymore, a democracy that isn't a democracy anymore. The
numbers are about a lie called "the boom." The numbers don't need much
commentary; the numbers speak for themselves.

The United States has the industrial world's largest gap between rich and
ordinary citizens. Note: This isn't the largest gap between "rich and poor"
(though we have that too), but the largest gap between "rich and ordinary."
"The richest 1% of Americans enjoy about 13% of U.S. household income under
official definitions, which excludes capital gains -- But if capital gains
are included, as they should be, those at the top have 20-25% more income.
Marie Antoinette and the French nobility (also a wealthy 1%) had a
comparable share in 1789" (Los Angeles Times, August 1).

American technicians make 9% less now than in the late Seventies. American
unskilled workers make 25% less. Simple laborers make 30% less. CEOs make
480% more (Boston Globe, October 16). These facts describe an even more
drastic situation when you realize that 80% of American workers are still
unskilled (The New York Times, July 5). So --

The wealthiest 2.7 million Americans, the top 1%, have as much to spend as
the poorest 100 million. (Read that twice.) That ratio has more than doubled
since 1977. In our "boom," four out of five households are taking home a
thinner slice of the economic pie today than in 1977. Their share of
national income has fallen just under 50%, from 56% in 1977. More than 90%
of the increase in national income is going to the richest 1% of households.
Yet, according to the Budget Office, even this figure is low because it
"excludes deferred forms of income like restricted stock," etc. Meanwhile,
the average after-tax household income of the poor has fallen 12% since 1977
(NY Times, Sept. 5). Yet --

Americans lead the world in hours worked! We put in the longest hours among
workers in industrialized countries. So, not surprisingly, America gained an
astounding 22% in productivity between 1980 and 1986, for instance (NY
Times, Sept. 7).
In other words -- most Americans work harder, and American productivity has
gone way way up, yet these harder-working Americans are getting a much
smaller slice of the pie while the wealthiest 1% are taking in better than
90% of the profit. In fact --

"The typical married-couple family with children puts in 256 more hours of
work -- six additional full-time weeks! -- than it did in 1989" (NY Times,
September 6). And those typical people are making less an hour, when figures
are adjusted for inflation: "The men in that group are actually doing a bit
worse than 10 years ago -- inflation-adjusted hourly wages of middle-wage
men [have been] 1.8% lower in 1999 than in 1989" (same article). So -- if
you're an average working married couple you are working, in hours, six
weeks longer than you used to, for less money. That added productivity and
profit isn't going to you; it's going to the richest 1%. The benefits of
your work and the hours of your life are being stolen, and you're putting up
with it.

And what is the median household income anyway?

According to the IRS, two-thirds of our "boom-time" Americans earned less
than $40,000 in 1997. Said Robert Greenstein, executive director of the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: "Many Americans who make $80,000 a
year, $100,000 or $120,000, think of themselves as middle class, but the
fact is that while these people are not rich, they are also not in or even
near the middle, which is only about $32,000 in after-tax income." (NY
Times, Oct. 16). Meanwhile --

Businesses across the spectrum are cutting the number of full-time workers
who are entitled to benefits, to such an extent that "just one third of all
workers in California now conform to the stereotypical notion of employment:
working outside the home at a single, full-time job year-round as a daytime
employee" (LA Times, Sept. 6). When you consider that California accounts
for more than 40% of the national GNP, the figure becomes even more
astounding. "[In California] just 31% of women who work, compared with 35%
of working men, work traditional hours" (LA Times, Sept. 13). "Few benefits,
lower wages, diminished labor standards -- this is the reality for the
nearly 1 million temps under age 35. On average, they earn 16.5% less than
their regularly employed counterparts. When it comes to benefits, temps
better take their vitamins and look both ways before crossing the street:
only 5% receive employer

[CTRL] "Peregrine Foundation"

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.perefound.org/foundation.html">Peregrine

The Peregrine Foundation

The Peregrine Foundation derives its name both from the Latin peregrinatus,
'wanderer' or 'pilgrim,' and from the feisty little falcon that is recovering
successfully from near-extinction. The persistent urge of humankind to create
a more just and equitable society has expressed itself in a remarkable
variety of utopian experiments and social groupings. In many instances these
sects, cults and intentional communities have functioned as valuable test
sites for the evolution of new forms of human interaction and expression.
American individualism expresses this urge, having evolved out of an motley
mixture of idealistic, liberty-seeking colonists. On a smaller scale, many
religious sects have enriched the national culture. Of these, the Mormons,
the Amish, the Oneida Community, the Shakers and Amana are perhaps the most
well-known historically. Their legacy may be found in the hundreds of
intentional communities, mostly of humanistic persuasion, that exist today.
Each one of these attempts in its own individual manner to express its unique
vision for humankind. For this reason, The Peregrine Foundation encourages
the nurturance of intentional communities that respect the civil rights of
their members.

There also exist destructive groups in whom the utopian urge is exploited by
the leadership. Jonestown, Waco and The Temple of the Sun cults demonstrated
to a horrified world just how absolute can be the power that a psychotic
leader wields. Mind control, psychological and physical abuse often are used
to enslave the members and deny them their inalienable rights as human
beings. Exiting members may suffer from confusion and developmental lags.
Some become severely depressed and even suicidal.

The Peregrine Foundation seeks to assist individuals hurt by their
association with totalistic groups by providing referrals and support
networks via newsletters and various gatherings whereby ex-members may share
information. We also educate the general public regarding intentional
communities, utopian sects, cults and millennialist organizations. We
encourage their study by students and scholars.

Click here to get back to The Peregrine Foundation Home Page.  ¨\ ´ p-Y‘@

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Wilcher Waco Report

1999-10-31 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anybody read this report. Comments? Thanks. Gavin.


 Rumor Mill News was started in June of 1996 by Gunther and
 Rayelan Russbacher and several of Gunther's colleagues.
 Gunther and two of his best friends were the men who gave
 Paul Wilcher the information that is contained in the Wilcher

 Paul Wilcher was a lawyer and investigator who had met
 Gunther and Rayelan shortly after Gunther had gone public
 that he was the October Surprise Pilot. This revelation on
 Gunther's part, earned him a 21 year prison sentence.

 Paul Wilcher went from Washington D.C. to Jefferson City,
 Missouri to help Russbacher prove that he was a CIA deep
 cover operative. If this could be proved, Missouri would have
 to release him from prison. Wilcher stayed over three months
 interviewing and debriefing Russbacher. Many documents and
 tapes were produced from these meetings with Russbacher.

 In addition to learning about the October Surprise scandal,
 Wilcher learned about the related pattern of crimes and
 coverups that have been committed by various branches of the
 United States government. Wilcher was privy to current inside
 information because Russbacher, even though in prison,
 received daily CIA briefings.

 The following information was passed to Paul Wilcher via
 telephone by Gunther Russbacher and others. Wilcher
 recorded the conversations and wrote a letter to Janet Reno
 that was over 100 pages long. Gunther Russbacher told his
 wife, Rayelan and author, Rodney Stich, that the complete
 Wilcher letter was 105 pages. The last four pages are missing.
 * * * * *

 From the Wilcher Report Starting on Page 29

 #16) Mind Control & Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences
 of the CIA's PROFESSIONAL Killers:

 Thus far, we have been discussing mind control and memory
 blocks in the context of the CIA's "Manchurian-Candidate-type
 robot assassins - those low-level individuals -- like Sirhan
 Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who
 assassinated the Beatles' lead singer/song writer John Lennon),
 and the six (6) Black men murdered in Pershing Park -- as
 discussed starting on Page 22 above -- persons who are
 programmed by the Agency to be used only once and then
 "thrown away" and discarded -- i.e., persons who are destined
 either to be killed or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once
 they have performed their pre-ordained secret mission. In
 other words, these low-level individuals are highly expendable
 -- particularly when getting rid of them will 'preserve the
 "plausible deniability" that the Agency had anything to' do with
 their training, conduct, or activities.

 In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control
 programming we have been discussing is used not only to
 condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret
 signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering
 anything about the conditioning and programming experience,
 so that he is virtually helpless to counteract or overcome it --
 without many years of deep hypnosis and therapy -- as in the
 case of Candy Jones, discussed on pages 20 and 21 above.
 There is, however, a totally different category of covert
 operatives employed by the CIA -- the real PROFESSIONAL
 killers -- who are used for multiple high- level, top secret
 missions, over an entire life time. These top-level "black"
 operatives are generally men of extraordinary intelligence,
 education, talent, training, and experience, and it is into their
 hands that most of the real 'dirty work" of the Agency --
 including top-level assassinations is entrusted.

 For example, the Agency will use a low-level programed robot
 like a Sirhan Sirhan or a David Hinckley -- to be the "patsy"
 for a top-level assassination, or assassination attempt (like the
 murder and attempted murder of Senator Robert Kennedy and
 President Reagan, respectively). But they rarely entrust the
 task of actually pulling the trigger in such a high-profile case to
 such a low- level cutout.

 Instead, the real work in such top-level assassinations is carried
 out only by the Agency's true PROFESSIONAL killers --
 persons who are NOT used just once and then discarded, but
 who, instead, are used over and over again, year in and year
 out, for nearly all of the Agency's most secret and sensitive
 dirty work. "Wet" Ops: Such dirty work is generally referred
 to, among "black" (covert) operatives within the Agency, as
 "wet" operations -- operations where one or more persons are
 to be killed, where human blood (which is wet) is to

 normal procedure is that after each "BLACK" or "wet"
 operation all persons participating in or connected with the
 operation are totally debriefed by a special debriefing team sent
 from Agency headquarters -- including a psychiatrist skilled in
 the various mind control and memory block techniques 

Re: [CTRL] best anti-Sci

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/30/99 10:42:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< A bit of interest of late so passing this on..


This is the best anti-Scientology page on the Net. Also tells you a lot

about Hubbard's connection with Crowley and Parsons and also his invilvement

in the AMORC, Rosicrucian Order ...



Very nice site, much info and links to info.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-10-31 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

[from http://www.impeachclintonagain.org to over 177,421 subscribers]
(web site project of the Clinton Investigative Commission (CIC)
Contact: Stephen Miroy   703-379-9188   Washington, DC  U.S.A

October 27, 1999


On Capitol Hill, steps are finally being taken to curb one of Clinton=92s
major abuses of power --- namely the hundreds of illegal executive
orders he=92s issued since 1993.  A House Judiciary subcommittee is
holding hearings on Thursday (10/28) to discuss H.R. 2655, the
Separation of Powers Restoration Act, sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul
(R-TX).  The House Rules committee already held an original jurisdiction
hearing Wednesday morning discussing the impact of Clinton=92s executive
orders on the legislative process
(http://www.house.gov/rules/rules_hear08.htm ).

CIC=92s Jack Clayton is urging all supporters to contact their congressman
at http://www.impeachclinton.org/impeach/contact.html and urge him to
support H.R. 2655.  =93Clinton still has more than a year in office to
reek untold damage on the country with his middle-of-the-night Executive
Orders.  The time is long-overdue for Clinton to be held accountable for
these abuses, and H.R. 2655 will help do just that,=94 says Clayton.

The media and Congress are still silent over Chinagate, which is
probably the most serious and ongoing scandals of the Clinton White
House.  Many crimes that have been uncovered are well-documented by
several authors and independent investigators, but some are not
well-known by the American public.

For example, in 1995 and 1996 at the invitation of Bill Clinton, Ng
Lapseng, an Asian gangster who runs brothels in Macau, visited the White
House 12 times and dished out over $300,000 in cash to help Clinton=92s
re-election.  Thai mobster Ted Sioeng, who kidnaps Asian women for Mr.
Lapseng=92s brothels, has also funneled illegal cash to Clinton.  Arms
dealers Li Ka-Shing, Henry Fok and Wang Jun (members of Asian organized
crime,=93the Triad=94), and heroin dealer Robert Kwok, all have had =93busin=
ties to the White House via the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and by
Clinton pal Ernest Green (now under investigation).

=93Clinton=92s links to this sordid cast of Asian criminals runs long and
deep, and they need to be fully investigated by Congress,=94 states CIC=92s
Scott Lauf.  =93Just because Clinton is a lame-duck President is no excuse
for Congress to allow Clinton to commit treason and not be punished.=94
CIC urges supporters to contact the following committee chairmen to give
them the needed encouragement for a complete investigation:  Sen. Fred
Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Rep. Dan Burton
(202-225-2276 or http://www.house.gov/writerep/)


Hillary raked in over $1 million from the wealthy NY liberal elite
Monday night during her 52nd birthday party on Broadway.  President
Clinton was in attendance to boost her ego.  But rather than fly
together, Clinton chose to fly to New York separately on Air Force One
--- thus wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars just like

Contrary to conventional wisdom, CIC=92s previous updates have predicted
that Hillary Clinton will not run for Senate, and may just run for
President.  Now, some of the so-called =93experts=94 are echoing CIC.  In a
current op-ed (10/26) in the New York Post, former Clinton strategist
Dick Morris writes:  =93Her donors would do well to remember=85that she can
keep their money and spend it on any political purposes she wishes, in
any state she wants.  My bet is that she will take the money  and not
run [for Senate].=94  Morris cites some of the same reasons that CIC has
been talking about for weeks. Keep telling the truth, dear CIC friends.

While some NY media outlets have stopped all coverage of Hillary=92s
non-official Senate campaign, corporate advertisers are starting to
crank up their own coverage.  Pizza Hut began airing ads during the
World Series which mock Hillary as a carpetbagger and a phony Yankees
fan.  The ads are part of Pizza Hut=92s famous =93Big New Yorker=94
advertising campaign.  If you=92ve seen the ad and like it, Pizza Hut is
welcoming citizens to e-mail your comments to:

New York City doctor Mark McMahon has registered with the FEC as the
first officially declared Democratic candidate for the NY Senate.  Black
activist Al Sharpton is still contemplating throwing his hat in the
ring.  There is no word yet on other possible candidates.  Many CIC=20
issues are being brought up in public forums

[CTRL] The Economy's Booming, isn't it?

1999-10-31 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

 http://members.aol.com/bblum6/American_holocaust.htm">The American

Written March 1999

By William Blum author of
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War II

The myth of America's "booming economy"
 You cannot escape it.  You read it and hear it everywhere.
>From every news medium, every politician -- the economy is
booming ... thriving ... soaring ... the leading economic
indicators are looking great ... stock market is going
through the roof ... "economy showed signs of continued strength in
January as American's personal income rose by a robust .6 percent"
... prosperity everywhere ... the world's richest country ...
 But ... but what about ... what about ...

the working poor, the millions who toil at full-time jobs, yet
remain below the official poverty level (an unrealistically
low figure to begin with), their real purchasing power below
1979 levels

the husbands and wives each having to work full time so
together they manage to rise a little above the poverty level

the millions who surrender 30 to 70 percent of their
paycheck for rent

those living in severely substandard housing

the more than a million families who do not have indoor
bathrooms or hot-and-cold running water

the unemployed (the real amount, not the fudged figures
announced to the public)

those who want and need a full-time job, but can only get
a part-time job, minus benefits

those who want and need a permanent job, but can only get
a temporary job, minus benefits

the underemployed -- college graduates and those with
advanced degrees working at relatively menial jobs with no
connection to their studies

the more than 43 million without any health insurance

the even greater number without dental insurance

the further millions with inadequate health insurance,
including those with Medicare and Medicaid

the elderly who spend half their income for health care
and prescriptions

the elderly who have to choose between prescriptions and food;
(about half the prescriptions written go unfilled because
many elderly people literally have to make this choice)

the elderly who purchase cat and dog food, but don't own
any pets

the millions with inadequate sick leave or maternity leave,
or none at all

those -- the great majority of employees -- who are lucky to
get two weeks vacation, compared to the European norm of
five weeks

those forced to choose between heat and sufficient food in
the winter

those literally dying on sweltering summer days because
they can't afford an air conditioner or are concerned
about their electricity bill

those whos phone, gas or electricity has been turned off for

the homeless

those one paycheck or one illness or one divorce away from

those living five to ten people in a one-bedroom apartment

the millions who go to bed hungry at least part of every
month; (the largest network of food banks, Second Harvest,
reported that 26 million people sought help during 1997)

those frightened by the welfare reform law of 1996 into not
applying for food stamps, welfare or Medicaid

the 1.8 million souls in prisons and jails

those who have enlisted in the military to escape dead-end poverty

those who want to go to college but can't afford to

those who go to college at the cost of a huge debt hanging
round their neck for years

the illegal aliens working as semi-slaves in sweatshops

the almost 20 percent of American households who are broke, with
a net worth of zero or less, more than double the number of 30
years ago

those living on their credit cards, making only the minimum
payments each month, as the exorbitant interest piles up
year after year

the more than 50,000 businesses which filed for bankruptcy
last year

the million and a half individuals who filed for bankruptcy
last year

the numerous cleaning women and maids who spend four hours on a
bus each to and from their minimum-wage job

the middle-class people who maintain their standard of living by
working 50, 60, 70 hours per week, by their choice or their
employer's dictate, plus a daily two- or three-hour commute,
returning home totally wiped out and overstressed

those hanging on to jobs they hate, jobs making them sick,
only because of the health insurance and pension

those forced by their employers to pay more and more of
their insurance and pension costs

those living only on social security

those living only on welfare

the more than a million native Americans living on
reservations, for whom much of the above has to be multiplied
What's booming are soup kitchens and homeless shelters.  And a
growing majority of those waiting in line for a meal or a bed
are actually employed.
Written by William Blum, author of Killing Hope: U.S. Military
and CIA Interventions Since World War II
(If you can think of any additions to this list, please let me know.)
A companion piece to the above
Dancing on the electric grid
By Per Fagereng

[CTRL] Frankly Speaking Web Pages

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.netmagic.net/~franklin/frankly.html">frankly.h
Home and Mirror Site Links
Comments, complaints, corrections to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Breaking NEWS . . .
How much the S&L Crisis of the Reagan-Bush years has cost and will cost the
American Taxpayer -- Look under IIB - "What the Whitewater Smear Campaign was
Intended to Hide."

Welcome to the
Frankly Speaking
Web Pages
I - The HOME Pages
new-- Press Here for NEW Material (updates, re-writes, additional data)
beliefs-- Press Here for the Statement of Beliefs page.
wrong--Press Here for the HOW I GOT IT WRONG page
mirror - Press Here to learn what else is in Tom Sawyer's mirror site

II -The MEDIA Pages
MW1--Press here to go to MEDIA pages introduction
A. BLACKING OUT, DISTORTING and IGNORING certain news items for political
partisan purposes

1. A Watchdog Information Portal (WIP) to Provide Information that has been
BLACKED OUT, DISTORTED, or IGNORED by the Mainstream Media
CPD1-- The Mainstream Media -- a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER to American
A Watchdog Information Portal- Concept 1 - The Fundamental Problem
A Watchdog Information Portal - Concept 2 - Some Specifics
WIP Index
WIP 01 -- Our Enemy -- the Mainstream Media
WIP 02 -- To Gain an Understanding of the Clinton "Scandals" and the
WIP 03 -- The Federal Judiciary as a Weapon Against the Interests of the
People of the United States
WIP 04 -- Our Legislators and Our Legislatives
WIP 05 -- Educating Ourselves and Our Children
WIP 06 -- Our Health and the Nation's Health
WIP 07 -- Civil Rights
WIP 08 -- The Radical Right Wing in America (in preparation)
WIP09 -- Our Taxes (in preparation)



4. ON THE ENVIRONMENT -- the taking of Public Property for Private Political
a. Funding the Radical Right Wing in the United States (in preparation)
b. A New Direction for the U.S. Forest Service(in preparation)
MG1--The 105th Congress -- When the Evil that Men Do is Never Reported.


6. ON EDUCATION -- the "ME" Series
The Destruction of Public Education
The ESTIMATED Costs of Vouchers based on a Nationwide Average of 11.22%
STATE-BY-STATE Costs of Vouchers based upon ACTUAL Fall, 1995 Statistics

Another Reagan Legacy - A List of 167 S&Ls that failed 1985-1988 with bailout
costs Greater Than $50 MILLION DOLLARS per S&L
A Reagan-Bush Legacy -- A list of 283 S&Ls that failed 1989-1992 with bailout
costs Greater than $50 MILLION DOLLARS per S&L
The Total List - 450 S&Ls that failed from 1982 to 1992 with bailout costs
Greater than $50 MILLION DOLLARS per S&L
READ THE NUMBERS -- The bill to the American Taxpayer = $411.6 BILLION
MZ3- How to Estimate the Cost of Criminal Fraud during the S&L Crisis


D. THE SMEAR BY YEAR AND MONTH in the Mainstream Media (News Articles,
Editorials, Columns) --The "MT" Series
The Overall Timeline:
MT00- TIMELINE OF THE SMEAR - May 1993 to April 1999
1993-GOP Preparations for 1994
MT1--October 1993 -THE START- OCTOBER 31 TO DECEMBER 31, 1993
1994-a Mid-Term Election Year
MT8- -July 1994 (STEP 5-WW, Fiske Report, Hearings, LeakGATE-Negative
Spinning and Leaking by Congressional Committees)
MT9--August 1994 (STEP 6-Moderate RepublicanFiske out; Right Wing Republican
Starr in--more Negative Spinning)
MT10-- September to December 1994 (STEP 7-Mid-Term Elections; THE SMEAR
1995- GOP Preparations for 1996
MT11-- January 1st to July 31st - 1995 (Dividing the spoils)
MT12-- August 1st to December 31st, 1995
1996-a Presidential Election Year
MT13-- January 1 to March 31,1996 (An Election Year begins)
MT14-- April 1 to Jun

[CTRL] Letter from Gulf War Vet Mom

1999-10-31 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

I am posting this letter from a very loving Mother of a Gulf War Veteran,
I would like everyone to read it and be aware of what is happening, this
letter was in reference to the article  :
Re:  Fwd: Navy man refuses anthrax--Court martial looming

Thank you,


Thank you for sending out that article.  It need exposure among the
general public.  Most of them have no idea what is going on.  My son is a
Gulf War Veteran, 29 years old, and was medically discharged due to the
Gulf War illness and is unemployable for 3 years already.  And yet we are
supppose to believe there is no Gulf War illness.  Over 20,000 have died
already since they came back from the war (and that's what the gov't
admits to so it's probably double that or more).  I personally know some
of them and their families.  They can die from the GW illness but yet the
gov't denies them disability benefits.

What really disturbs me is that when I tell people about this and that
the soldiers are dying they say,"howcan you say such things.  That can't
be true.  You don't hear that on Dan Rather."  And these are people I
know...friends even.  Very true...that is the sad part.  No we have never
heard on Dan Rather or any other news media that a single one of the Gulf
War soldiers have died since they came back from the war, but that
doesn't mean it isn't happening.  They publically bragged about it being
a 100 hour war with only 147 casuallities.  Well, they don't tell us
about the number of soldiers that came home to die on their own soil.
And the terrible pain and suffering they are living with.  And the
families that are affected by it also.  68% of all the GW babies are born
with birth defects, mentally retarded, arms and legs missing, hands
growing from their shoulders etc. etc. etc.  It is pathetic.  And the
soldiers are going bankrupt cuz they don't get any help with medical

Didn't mean to take your time...just wanted to thank you for putting out
that article.  I was very aware of the situation but I know a lot of
people aren't.  Thank you for helping spread the word.

Keep up all the good work.  We appreciate all you do and love to hear
from you everyday.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-10-31 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

(I can't read this stuff. - IHN, Brad)

>(continued from Pt 1)
>   Performed as those of Carthage and of Tyre.
>   Passion made Eternal redeemeth all the World,
>   So savour thou the Saviour of the Dance,
>   Descend O Purple Dove, on golden wings unfurled,
>   And rape me with thine all-consuming glance.
>  [invoca]  Eko Aset! Eko Ashtar!
>Eko Aphrodite!
>Eko Astarte! Eko Ashtoreth!
>Eko, Eko BABALON!
>Oratiuncula -
>Hail O Mighty Goddess! Wilt thou accept me as thy Priest and
>Come then upon me and bestow thy sacred ravishments upon this,
>thy faithful servant.  Accept me as a sacrifice unto thine
>Eternal Beauty
>[Thou shalt again be seated upon thy throne in the presence of
>thy Sister. Assumeth thou the counternance of Asar whom embraceth
>his sister Ast with the attitude of confidence and trust. Be thou
>at peace and joyous!]
>Carmen -  [roga]Erta na hekau!
>Erta na hekau!
>Erta na hekau!
>[May I be given the Words of Power of Isis]
>[dice]O my Sister, thou hast made me happy with thy presence,
>  To know that thou art with me in this cold and lonely world;
>  'Tis a greater treasure thou hast brought unto my Soul,
>  Than all the Pharaoh's wealth in gold and precious stones.
>  For thy laughter fills the world like a diadem of stars,
>  And encircles the sinews of my poor and sullen heart,
>  Yet sadness shall not seize me when thou art sat beside me,
>  Singing thy sweet love-songs from the ancient lands afar.
>  And though this be a war-torn age, I trust thou shalt prevail,
>  And destroy the Dogs of Reason in the thrall of Why-Because!
>  O My sweet and lovely sister, sing thou the paeons of desire,
>  And amend a thousand sullen Aeons with a song upon the lyre.
>  [roga]Erta na hekau!
>Erta na hekau!
>Erta na hekau!
>Oratiuncula -
>I greet thee, my Infernal Rose! Thou art my darkling Sister who
>didst bear the Sistrum of Aset and of Hat-hoor, for truly thou
>art She: then, as now, and ever eternally. Thou art Truth, and
>Wisdom and the Understanding of all things.  Thou art the sister
>and spouse of the undead Asar, and in Mystery art thou also the
>lover of Thoth.
>[Thou shalt arise from thy throne and thou shalt take up a dance
>of thine own devising. Thou shalt address Our Lady with the
>attitude of joyful comradeship, she as the Scarlet Woman or
>Sabbatic Queen, and thou as the Beast or the Sabbatic
>Man-in-Black.  Call thou the sabbat, Feast of Friends].
>Carmen - [vibra]  The 7th Enochian Call
>Ra-asa isalamanu para-di-zoda oe-cari-mi aao iala-pire-gahe
>Qui-inu. Enai butamonu od ni inoasa pa-ra-diala.  Casaremeji
>ujeare cahirelanu, od zodonace lucifatianu, caresa ta
>vavale-zodirenu tol-hami. Soba lonudohe od nuame cahisa ta Da o
>Desa vo-ma-dea od pi-beliare itahila rita od miame ca-ni-quola
>rita!  Zodacare! Zodameranu! Iecarimi Quo-a-dahe od I-mica-ol-
>zododa aaiome. Bajirele papenore idalu-gama elonusahi - od
>umapelifa vau-ge-ji Bijil. BABALON!
>O Babalon, come! Come dance with me!  Dance me a dance of
>victory! War in heaven hath set me free! This blissful night of
>eternity! Come share this strange soliloquy and dance with
>sinuous harlotry; Sabbatic wine has surged in me and spiced my
>loins with devilry.
>O Babalon, sing! Sing me a song!  Sing a song of Scarlet
>Whoredom! Witch-moonrise, the shadows long, the pipes of Pan
>begin to hum, The Sabbat Queen has just begun, to mark the beat
>of voudoo drum, Light the fire, and strike the gong! Now the
>Bassarids shall come.
>O Babalon, Babalon, Strike me dumb! I have the rage of devildom,
>Hear me call and hear me come; lighting incense of resinous gum!
>My mind begins to froth and thrum, with this pounding of the
>drum. O Babalon! I hear thee come; lured by the Light of Satan's
>Ilasa Babalond, soba toant ta talho gosa tafaa; Zodacare od
>[O thou Harlot, whose Love is like a Chalice of strange drugs;
>Oratiuncula -
>Thou art full of Whoredom and the grapes of thine harlotries hath
>fermented an intoxicating wine. I see thee as thou art,
>shamelessly splayed upon the perfumed divans of a purple
>palaquin. Thy thighs are ruddy with the vigour of a thousand
>thrusts of a lover's ardour, and Beastly fangs hath left their
>mark upon thy breasts.
>Thou bearest the Cup of Abominations which thou hast filled with
>the Blood of thine paramours;  and that venomous vessel
>containeth the Soma of delight which hath been wrought with thee.

[CTRL] Nixon aide Bob Haldeman memo on Affirmative Action and bilingual education

1999-10-31 Thread Michael Pugliese

Check out the wittily entitled piece,"Protocols of the Elders 
of.Connecticut (had y'all going Zion didn't I???!!!???)
Michael Pugliese

Re: [CTRL] Sex/Machine ...

1999-10-31 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Is it possible that, like many species, we are hardwired for hierarchy?

If we were, then every culture would be hierarchial. This is not the case,
ergo, hierarchy is learned behavior.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Delta Force Murdered Branch Davidians/It's Official

1999-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Notice the rhetoric of this article.

Delta Force Murdered Branch Davidians
Frustrated Angry Clinton Said Ultimately Behind Move

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:03:11 EDT

Subject: Military Unit Responsible at Waco


Military Unit Responsible at Waco

An elite U.S. Army military unit was responsible for the massacre of 76
Branch Davidians after a 51-day siege by federal officers of their compound
at Waco, Tex., in 1993.


By Mike Blair

Orders were given to the top secret Combat Applications Group of Fort Bragg,
N.C. (known as the Delta Force), by President William Jefferson Clinton
because the seemingly endless stand-off between the FBI and members of the
religious sect had become an embarrassment to his administration, according
to a former Army Special Forces member.

Also involved in the final days of decision-making that brought "closure"
to the siege was first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, currently the U.S. media
poster girl as a result of her venture into Senate politics in New York.

Reports have been received by The SPOTLIGHT that Gene Cullen, a former CIA
agent, has asked a Senate committee for "protection" in return for his
testimony regarding Delta Force activity at Waco. Cullen is requesting
"protection," according to reports, because he has been threatened with
prosecution for violating national security if he talks.


The recent release of documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
reveals that Army officials, and in particular those from Delta Force, met
with White House and Justice Department officials, including Attorney General
Janet Re-no and her then second-in-command and former Hillary Clinton law
partner, Webster Hubbell, to discuss a resolution to the Waco standoff.

However, information obtained by The SPOTLIGHT reveals that Delta Force
played far more than an advisory role in ending the siege. In fact Delta
Force had a direct, operational role in the attack on the Branch Davidian
compound that resulted in the holocaust that took the lives of 76 residents
of the religious community, including dozens of women and children.

Steve Barry, a retired long-time member of Army Special Forces and a top
expert in the field of military special operations, said a team of about 10
members of Delta Force was involved in the Waco massacre.

Barry's military career included training with Delta Force.

On April 19, according to Barry, "two bricks," or four-man teams, were
involved in the actual attack.

In recently released FBI infrared video tapes of the crucial minutes of the
April 19 assault on the compound, fully-automatic gunfire is seen being
directed into an area of the structure, which Branch Davidians were
attempting to use to escape from flames, fanned by high winds, consuming the
wooden buildings.

Barry told The SPOTLIGHT that there was a team of "as many as 10" Delta
Force troopers assigned to Waco, including, as he describes them, "a commander,
a sergeant major, two to three communications guys, two to three intel
[intelligence] guys, a medic and two to three operations guys."

He said assigned to them, supposedly in an advisory capacity, were
members of the British SAS (Special Air Service), an elite British
special operations

The Delta Force, Barry explained, shared a Tactical Operations Center (TOC)
at Waco with an FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) force. Since the 1993 tragedy,
the American people have been led to believe that the HRT force alone
conducted the assault on the compound.

Barry said the Delta Force receives its orders from what is known as the
National Command Authority, which then included Clinton, Secretary of State
Warren Christopher, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Colin Powell.

The ultimate decision to send Delta Force into action rests with the
president, Barry said. It can be no other way, he added.


Adding to the controversy, it has been confirmed that Lon Horiuchi was in
charge of a sniper post where Texas Rangers recovered spent .223 and .308
shell casings.

Horiuchi was the FBI sniper who fatally shot the wife of Randy Weaver, while
wounding both Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris, during the federal standoff at
Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

The recovered shell casings would be consistent with government-issued sniper
rifles. Horiuchi has denied that he or any members of his "team" fired
any shots at Waco.

The retired special operations expert said that during the siege at Waco,
first lady Hillary Clinton operated a "crisis center" at the White House,
put together on her own initiative. Serving with her was another former
member ofher Little Rock law firm, White House Deputy Counsel Vincent M.
Foster Jr.

Foster was later found dead under mysterious circumstances in a Virginia park
across the rive

Re: [CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before Crash.

1999-10-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

>(CNN) --
>After the flight left Los Angeles, EgyptAir officials were quoted on
>Egyptian TV as saying it landed at Edwards Air Force Base in
>California before continuing on to JFK. But according to Pentagon and
>FAA officials, the flight did not stop at Edwards.

The version I heard on NBC had the Pentagon CONFIRMING it landed at
Edwards AFB, only the FAA saying that it hadn't.

But the plane was late arriving at JFK...perhaps suggesting a stop
somewhere along route...


 If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair.  We'd
 never have a friendship.  We'd never go into business, because we'd be
 cynical.  Well, that's nonsense.  You've got to jump off cliffs all the
 time and build your wings on the way down.

   ---Ray Bradbury
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] taxpayers pay 4 Tony Coelho's Lisbon apt $18000month

1999-10-31 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-



Naomi Wolf -- author of the sexual feminist tract Promiscuities and the
Beauty Myth -- has secretly been paid $15,000 a month to consult with the
GORE 2000 campaign, TIME MAGAZINE is set to report in Monday editions.

A DRUDGE REPORT numbers crunch shows that Wolf's yearly wage of $180,000
topped even the Vice President's own salary!

The 1999 World Almanac lists Gore's annual salary at $171,500, and a 2001
scheduled increase will only raise that by $10,000 a year.

Wolf's wage from GORE 2000 even outpaced the Secretary of State Madame
Albright, who pulls in $148,400 a year.

The supremely well-paid Wolf topped the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
who makes $171,500!

[While Wolf raked in the cash, GORE 2000 campaign chair Tony Coelho was
preoccupied with worries about an Inspector General's audit of his $18,000 a
month apartment maintained at government expensive in Lisbon.]


When she took over a few weeks ago, new Gore campaign manager Donna Brazile
was stunned to find out that Wolf was consulting the campaign for such top

Brazile was told that she could not fire Wolf, but she did, however, cut
Wolf's fee to only $5,000 per month, reports TIME.

Details of Brazile's own salary were unavailable at press time.


I know there is a God and I know he hates injustice. I see the storm coming
and I know His hand is in it. But if there is a place and a part for me, I
believe that I am  ready.
-- Patrick J. Buchanan

Reform Party News

We don't need a 3rd Party;  we need a 2nd Party!

We don't need a 3rd party;  we need a 2nd party.

The DNC and the GOP defined:
 Two wings of the same bird of prey,
The National Socialist DemocRatic Republican Party.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MSNBC - Egypt Air Edward's AFB Landing Confirmed

1999-10-31 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

"NBC's Tammy Kupperman reported that Edwards officials confirmed without
comment that the flight had landed there."


It will be most interesting to watch how this detail develops.  Why would a
commercial airliner land at a military airfield?  Anyone know if this is
unusual?  What or whom did the airliner retrieve at Edwards?



- Original Message -
From: YnrChyldzWyld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before

> -Caveat Lector-
> >BOSTON, Oct. 31 - A Boeing 767 passenger plane disappeared about 60 miles
> >south of Nantucket after taking off from JFK Airport in New York, the
> >Guard says.
> Are we witnesses to the birth of a "Long Island-Nantucket Triangle"?
> TWA800, JFK Jr's plane, now EgyptAir 990
> >   There were 197 passengers on the flight, an EgyptAir official
> As I'm watching the local NYC news this morning, they are reporting 199
> passengers and a crew of 15...stating that along with a predominantly
> Egyptian passenger list were 'many Americans', also one Chilean and a
> couple of Sudanese...
> >   Flight 990 took off from Kennedy at 1:19 a.m. and disappeared from
> >radar at 2 a.m. while flying at 33,000 feet, said Eliot Brenner, chief
> >spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington.
> Rumor has it that their take-off was delayed by 2 hours -- if true,
> probably due to fog.  But since they had climbed to 33,000 (some reports
> I'm hearing on TV has them at 36,000 feet) and were 40 minutes into their
> flight, fog probably has nothing to do with the cause of the crash...
> >   Egyptian television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying that after
> >flight left Los Angeles it made a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in
> >California before continuing on to Kennedy. However, there was no
> >confirmation from Edwards.
> What is currently being reported on the NYC stations is that not only
> does EgyptAir and Egyptian government officials (EgyptAir is a
> government-run airline) state that this plane landed at Edwards AFB, but
> that the PENTAGON confirmed it.  But the FAA has come out unequivically
> denying it went to Edwards...
> Slight scent of a coverup in THAT regards, it seems...
> The local media is spinning this as 'if' it landed at Edwards, it did so
> because of some sort of trouble with the plane
> But perhaps the plane, 'if' it indeed went to Edwards, had another reason
> to do so, nothing to do with difficulties flying the plane...
> And it would give one additional venue to investigate for possible
> sabotage...
> June
> *===*
>  If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair.  We'd
>  never have a friendship.  We'd never go into business, because we'd be
>  cynical.  Well, that's nonsense.  You've got to jump off cliffs all the
>  time and build your wings on the way down.
>---Ray Bradbury
> *===*
> *---*
> revcoal AT connix DOT com
> *---*
>  It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
>  address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
>  $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
>  email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
>  terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
>  unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial
>  email.
> **
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

[CTRL] UFO Report To Law Enforcement/How Were You Treated

1999-10-31 Thread Fred R. Saluga

 -Caveat Lector-

I am presently conducting extensive research on UFO's AND THE LAW
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE TO THE PHENOMENA.  I would appreciate information from
those of you that have made a report to law enforcement on a UFO related
incident. I would like to know how you were treated by law enforcement and if
an official report was taken. If possible, also the name of the Law
Enforcement Agency.

I would also appreciate your opinions on law enforcement investigating

Thank you,


Fred R. Saluga,
2731 BlairStone Road,
Tallahassee, Florida  32301

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before Crash.

1999-10-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

>BOSTON, Oct. 31 — A Boeing 767 passenger plane disappeared about 60 miles
>south of Nantucket after taking off from JFK Airport in New York, the Coast
>Guard says.

Are we witnesses to the birth of a "Long Island-Nantucket Triangle"?
TWA800, JFK Jr's plane, now EgyptAir 990

>   There were 197 passengers on the flight, an EgyptAir official said.

As I'm watching the local NYC news this morning, they are reporting 199
passengers and a crew of 15...stating that along with a predominantly
Egyptian passenger list were 'many Americans', also one Chilean and a
couple of Sudanese...

>   Flight 990 took off from Kennedy at 1:19 a.m. and disappeared from
>radar at 2 a.m. while flying at 33,000 feet, said Eliot Brenner, chief
>spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington.

Rumor has it that their take-off was delayed by 2 hours -- if true,
probably due to fog.  But since they had climbed to 33,000 (some reports
I'm hearing on TV has them at 36,000 feet) and were 40 minutes into their
flight, fog probably has nothing to do with the cause of the crash...

>   Egyptian television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying that after the
>flight left Los Angeles it made a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in
>California before continuing on to Kennedy. However, there was no immediate
>confirmation from Edwards.

What is currently being reported on the NYC stations is that not only
does EgyptAir and Egyptian government officials (EgyptAir is a
government-run airline) state that this plane landed at Edwards AFB, but
that the PENTAGON confirmed it.  But the FAA has come out unequivically
denying it went to Edwards...

Slight scent of a coverup in THAT regards, it seems...

The local media is spinning this as 'if' it landed at Edwards, it did so
because of some sort of trouble with the plane

But perhaps the plane, 'if' it indeed went to Edwards, had another reason
to do so, nothing to do with difficulties flying the plane...

And it would give one additional venue to investigate for possible


 If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair.  We'd
 never have a friendship.  We'd never go into business, because we'd be
 cynical.  Well, that's nonsense.  You've got to jump off cliffs all the
 time and build your wings on the way down.

   ---Ray Bradbury
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-10-31 Thread Terry Cox

Where is Part II??
Is today (Halloween) the day you will divulge 
BOO !! 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 12:55 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] BEWARE: THIS IS 
  We want part two, please 
  Lydia T. M. Ribeiro[EMAIL PROTECTED]"nada é mais 
  estranho que a verdade." 

Re: [CTRL] Sex/Machine ...

1999-10-31 Thread sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 31 Oct 99, at 0:45, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 10/30/1999 5:35:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Funny how, almost universally, cosmology-as-theology mirrors sociology --
>  "religion" functioning as a way of "spiritually" legitimizing a
>  political-economic class structure. >>
> Yes, and if there's anything to the information in the Dictionary of Angels,
> the class structure seems to continue right on into paradise/hades (what have
> you).  Really a bummer.  Prudy
Is it possible that, like many species, we are hardwired for


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] fw: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!

1999-10-31 Thread sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 31 Oct 99, at 0:19, Nicky Molloy wrote:

> This information comes from Dr. David Jacobs. He has hypnotized
> hundreds of alien abductees. So has Budd Hopkins. In both "Intruders,"
> which was written in 1986, and "The Threat," which was written in 1997,
> abductees give the date of 1999 as the year the aliens will do something.
> An abductee also told me she feels the aliens will do something soon. We
> speak of the Greys here. And they are controlled by the Lizards
> (Reptoids). Both are a parasitic race. They live off the blood and flesh,
> energy and toil of others. Every time a planet goes thru a pole shift,
> they swoop down like buzzards to snatch their helpless prey. It's been
> done before. This is why He stirs up wars. To see the blood fly. To catch
> the escaping soul in the air. To laugh at God as they perform the
> wholesale slaughter of the innocent.

And you think L. Ron Hubbard has some strange notions???!!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/1999 6:48:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Crash Go the Chariots: An Alternative to 'Chariots of the Gods' (used pb)
 >By Clifford Wilson. 1972, Lancer Books, 126pp, out-of-print. (VG) A
 >qualified archaeologist and Bible scholar debunks Erich von Däniken's
 >claims ... This appears to be only book devoted exclusively to challenging
 Von >Daniken's claims. >>

I don't know if it was the only one, but it did a pretty poor job of
debunking.  It was like someone using bible quotes as their argument against
atheism.  It's been many years since I read it, but while I was not convinced
by von Daniken, "Crash Go The Chariots" was really tepid.  I'm sure the
author made a bundle.  If that was his purpose for writing it, I guess he did
okay.  If he really wanted to debunk von Daniken, he was a miserable failure.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before Crash.

1999-10-31 Thread Dano

 -Caveat Lector-

Here we go, CNN is backpedaling on flight 990 landing at Edwards.

EgyptAir 767 reported
missing; U.S. Coast Guard
finds debris in waters off

October 31, 1999
Web posted at: 7:59 a.m. EST (1259GMT)

(CNN) --

After the flight left Los Angeles, EgyptAir officials were quoted on
Egyptian TV as saying it landed at Edwards Air Force Base in
California before continuing on to JFK. But according to Pentagon and
FAA officials, the flight did not stop at Edwards.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before Crash.

1999-10-31 Thread Dano

 -Caveat Lector-

Here we go, CNN is backpedaling on flight 990 landing at Edwards.

William Shannon wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Jet missing off Massachusetts coast
> Coast Guard searching for EgyptAir flight after contact lost
> BOSTON, Oct. 31 — A Boeing 767 passenger plane disappeared about 60 miles
> south of Nantucket after taking off from JFK Airport in New York, the Coast
> Guard says.
> EGYPTAIR FLIGHT 990 was headed to Cairo, Egypt, Coast Guard Lt. Rob
> Halsey said. It originated in Los Angeles, according to EgyptAir officials at
> Cairo International Airport.
>There were 197 passengers on the flight, an EgyptAir official said.
>“What we have right now is, we weren’t able to establish contact,”
> Halsey said. “They had them on radar and then lost the radar picture.”
>Flight 990 took off from Kennedy at 1:19 a.m. and disappeared from
> radar at 2 a.m. while flying at 33,000 feet, said Eliot Brenner, chief
> spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington.
>The Coast Guard sent every available cutter and aircraft in the
> Northeast to join the search, plus airplanes from far away as Elizabeth City,
> N.C., said spokesman Jim McPherson.
>Egyptian television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying that after the
> flight left Los Angeles it made a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in
> California before continuing on to Kennedy. However, there was no immediate
> confirmation from Edwards.
>According to FAA officials in Washington, the plane’s takeoff from
> Kennedy was delayed by two hours because it arrived late from Los Angeles.
>At Cairo Airport, relatives and friends gathered to await news.
>Imad Kassab trembled with hope when he discovered that his
> brother-in-law, Essam Bahjat, was not on the passenger list for the flight as
> he had feared. Kassab, owner of the Cairo branch of the U.S.-based restaurant
> Cheesecake Factory, quickly called friends and relatives.
>EgyptAir has a fleet of 38 planes and flies to some 85 airports around
> the world.
>Critics have called for the privatization of the company, one of the
> oldest in Africa and the Middle East, amid reports of bad management and bad
> service.
>The Boeing 767 is a twin-engine, widebody passenger jet that went into
> passenger use in September 1982, when the first one was delivered to United
> Airlines. As of April 1, Boeing had received 865 orders for the 767 and
> delivered 746 airplanes.
>One of the planes crashed on May 26, 1991, when a Lauda Air 767-300ER
> crashed near Suphan Buri Province, Thailand.
>The Lauda airplane lost control and crashed after one of its engine
> thrust reversers accidentally deployed during a climb. The jet lost 25
> percent to 30 percent of its lift and plunged out of control into the ground,
> killing all 10 crew and 213 passengers.
>In addition, an Ethiopian Airlines 767-200ER crashed near Moroni,
> Comoros, on Nov. 23, 1996, while attempting to land after being hijacked. The
> aircraft had been on a flight from Ethiopia to Kenya.
>  Ten of the 12 crew members and 117 of the 160 passengers were
> killed. The three hijackers apparently died.
>The United States airline industry went through a fatality-free year
> in 1998, but this year there has been the crash of an American Airlines jet
> in Little Rock, Ark. The aviation world has also been shadowed by the loss of
> John F. Kennedy’s private plane off Martha’s Vineyard this summer and last
> week’s crash of a Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substa

[CTRL] EgyptAir Flight Lost, Landed At Edwards AFB Before Crash.

1999-10-31 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Jet missing off Massachusetts coast

Coast Guard searching for EgyptAir flight after contact lost


BOSTON, Oct. 31 — A Boeing 767 passenger plane disappeared about 60 miles
south of Nantucket after taking off from JFK Airport in New York, the Coast
Guard says.

EGYPTAIR FLIGHT 990 was headed to Cairo, Egypt, Coast Guard Lt. Rob
Halsey said. It originated in Los Angeles, according to EgyptAir officials at
Cairo International Airport.
   There were 197 passengers on the flight, an EgyptAir official said.
   “What we have right now is, we weren’t able to establish contact,”
Halsey said. “They had them on radar and then lost the radar picture.”
   Flight 990 took off from Kennedy at 1:19 a.m. and disappeared from
radar at 2 a.m. while flying at 33,000 feet, said Eliot Brenner, chief
spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington.
   The Coast Guard sent every available cutter and aircraft in the
Northeast to join the search, plus airplanes from far away as Elizabeth City,
N.C., said spokesman Jim McPherson.
   Egyptian television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying that after the
flight left Los Angeles it made a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in
California before continuing on to Kennedy. However, there was no immediate
confirmation from Edwards.
   According to FAA officials in Washington, the plane’s takeoff from
Kennedy was delayed by two hours because it arrived late from Los Angeles.

   At Cairo Airport, relatives and friends gathered to await news.
   Imad Kassab trembled with hope when he discovered that his
brother-in-law, Essam Bahjat, was not on the passenger list for the flight as
he had feared. Kassab, owner of the Cairo branch of the U.S.-based restaurant
Cheesecake Factory, quickly called friends and relatives.
   EgyptAir has a fleet of 38 planes and flies to some 85 airports around
the world.
   Critics have called for the privatization of the company, one of the
oldest in Africa and the Middle East, amid reports of bad management and bad

   The Boeing 767 is a twin-engine, widebody passenger jet that went into
passenger use in September 1982, when the first one was delivered to United
Airlines. As of April 1, Boeing had received 865 orders for the 767 and
delivered 746 airplanes.

   One of the planes crashed on May 26, 1991, when a Lauda Air 767-300ER
crashed near Suphan Buri Province, Thailand.
   The Lauda airplane lost control and crashed after one of its engine
thrust reversers accidentally deployed during a climb. The jet lost 25
percent to 30 percent of its lift and plunged out of control into the ground,
killing all 10 crew and 213 passengers.
   In addition, an Ethiopian Airlines 767-200ER crashed near Moroni,
Comoros, on Nov. 23, 1996, while attempting to land after being hijacked. The
aircraft had been on a flight from Ethiopia to Kenya.

 Ten of the 12 crew members and 117 of the 160 passengers were
killed. The three hijackers apparently died.
   The United States airline industry went through a fatality-free year
in 1998, but this year there has been the crash of an American Airlines jet
in Little Rock, Ark. The aviation world has also been shadowed by the loss of
John F. Kennedy’s private plane off Martha’s Vineyard this summer and last
week’s crash of a Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-31 04:12:20 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Crash Go the Chariots: An Alternative to 'Chariots of the Gods' (used pb)
>By Clifford Wilson. 1972, Lancer Books, 126pp, out-of-print. (VG) A
>qualified archaeologist and Bible scholar debunks Erich von Däniken's
>claims ... This appears to be only book devoted exclusively to challenging
Von >Daniken's claims.

Oh, so nobody else stooped so low as to bother to debunk Von Daniken either?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Ancient Astronauts

1999-10-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Ancient Astronauts
Alien interaction in ancient human history

Sections Below: Erich Von Daniken | General | Dissenting Views
28 titles below ($2.50 to $30.00) including (in alphabetical order): Arrival
of the Gods * Breaking the Godspell * Chariots of the Gods * Chariots of the
Gods * Chariots of the Gods? * The Chinese Roswell * Crash Go the Chariots *
Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present * The
Eyes of the Sphinx * From the Ashes of Angels * God Games * Gods and
Spacemen in the Ancient East * Gods from Outer Space * Gods of Eden * Gods
of the New Millennium * The Gold of the Gods * In Search of Ancient Gods *
Mysteries of the Gods * Mystery of the Ancients * Not of this World *
Pathways to the Gods * The Phoenix Solution * The Return of the Gods * Signs
of the Gods * UFO Experience

Claims that aliens interacted with human civilization in ancient times,
based on archaeological evidence.

Erich Von Daniken
The best-known ancient astronaut proponent.
Chariots Chariots of the Gods? (new pb)
By Erich von Däniken. Von Daniken's most famous work, which popularized the
"ancient astronaut" field in the late 1960s. "This world-famous best seller
examines scientific evidence from five continents that proves that Earth has
been visited repeatedly by advanced aliens from other worlds. They left
their mark in ancient ruins, lost cities and spaceports, and most amazingly
of all, on your own face in the mirror: for von Daniken's most startling
conclusion is that we ourselves are descendants of these alien astronauts!"
Text from back cover.

Chariots_ Chariots of the Gods? (used pb)
By Erich von Däniken 1971, Bantam, 163pp. (G. multiple copies.) Used copy of
same book.

GodsFromOuter_ Gods from Outer Space (used pb)
By Erich von Däniken. 1968 (1973), Bantam, 180pp. (VG) (Also published as
Return to the Stars.) "As in his Chariots of the Gods?, Von Daniken once
more strains scientific credulity but intrigues and fascinates with his bold
theories and speculations about mysterious 'visitors' from outer space in
ancient and prehistoric times. Such open-ended possibilities as he proposes
make for absorbing reading." -- Publishers' Weekly (3/22/99)

GoldOfGods_pb The Gold of the Gods (used pb)
By Erich von Däniken. 1972 (1974), Bantam, 250pp, B+W illustrations
throughout. (VG) "Erich von Daniken covered 76,000 miles and three
continents developing new evidence to bolster his theory of a prehistoric
earthly "era of the gods." From a mysterious system of caves and tunnels
(filled with gold!) in Equador to ancient ruins on the Caroline Islands
(composed of blocks impossible to transport without advanced technology)
[Nan Madol] the author explores the inexplicable artifacts of bygone ages.
Elucidating undecipherable writings and drawings in solid gold which take us
back in time to the Great Flood, he ultimately suggests an intergalactic
"battle of the gods" whose losers retreated to, and settled, our earth."
Includes B+W photos and 8 pages of color photos. (3/22/99)

GoldOfGods_ The Gold of the Gods (used hc)
By Erich von Däniken. 1972 (1973), Putnam, 216pp, out-of-print. (Poor in
Poor DJ. Book and DJ are significantly water-damaged and worn along the
edges, but book is still complete, securely bound and readable.)

SearchAncGods_ In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the
Impossible (used hc)
By Erich von Däniken. 1973, Putnam, 320pp, out-of-print, 6x9". (VG) A
picture book illustrating Von Daniken's previous claims, with hundreds of
photos of inscriptions, artifacts and archeaological sites.. "Illustrated
with 319 black-and-white and 57 full-color pictures."

 The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitations

 The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in
Ancient Egypt

 Arrival of the Gods: Revealing the Alien Landing Sites of Nazca

PathwaysGods_ Pathways to the Gods: The Stones of Kiribati (used hc)
By Erich von Däniken 1982, Putnam, 267pp, out-of-print. (Near Fine in VG DJ
in wraps. No marks.) "Journey with Von Daniken on his most daring adventure
yet -- to the remote Kiribati Islands of the Pacific. In these lush tropical
islands, he discovers huge footprints left in stone; gigantic stone circles
surrounding graves where not even weeds will survive; and 'directional'
monoliths, whose carvings point clearly to distant islands for further
exploration." Kiribati (7/9/99)

Von Daniken Video SignsGods_ Signs of the Gods (used hc)
By Erich von Däniken. 1979 (1980), Putnam, 252pp. (Near Fine in Near Fine
DJ) (10/1/99)

 Chariots of the Gods (video)

 Chariots of the Gods: The Mysteries Continue (video)
