[CTRL] [Trent] "Lott's two homosexual encounters ..."

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

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Crime/Corruption Miscellaneous Keywords: LARRY NICHOLS...CORRUPTION
Source: phone interview with Larry Nichols
Published: 4-4-00 Author: Doug from Upland
Posted on 04/04/2000 20:10:40 PDT by doug from upland
I had a lengthy conversation tonight with Larry Nichols. Here are the latest

-- Larry is healing from his recent beating, the ninth such incident. He
thought they might kill him but this appeared to be a warning. He suspects
that it might be a Hillary warning telling him not to mess with her. Larry
believes Hillary may be nominated during a brokered convention and the
Buddhist Temple may destroy Gore.

-- He suspects that the White House e-mail releases came from the Clintons
in an attempt to help Hillary and hurt Gore.

-- Hillary indeed had an indictment prepared against her before Starr
disbanded. Nichols personally saw and went over the part regarding
information he provided. In the testimony of Hickman Ewing in the Susan
McDougal trial, he testified that there was an indictment drawn. He claimed
it was not uncommon to draft them but then not actually serve them.

-- Asa Hutchinson was the spy for Jackson Stephens. Stephens was kept
informed about what was going on during secret discussions.

-- Larry gave me the names but I am not allowed to divulge them at this time
of the well-known television journalists who have used him as a source many,
many times. You would be shocked and would recognize their faces on
television. They would always ask him to guide them to the next story. These
people never really went for the jugular because it would destroy their
careers. They do know the truth but won't report it.

-- The building blocks of the Clinton machine are as follows: 1) Everyone
has a price or has something to hide... 2) Reality is as one perceives it.
You control what people see... 3) Lie, lie, always lie...don't mix truth
with lies or you get in trouble...always lie... 4) Do you believe me or your
lying eyes... They used these successfully in Arkansas and he brought it to

-- If Bill were really holding meetings and doing all of the things he
claims he is getting done for the American people, he wouldn't have time to
chase women. He is not doing all of the work that is reported. He works less
now than ever and the pool reporters are fools. Don't believe anything you
see -- every bit of it is scripted.

-- Richard Ball from Virginia came with his son to help Larry with phone
calls and other business. He was recently hit with a blackjack or glove
filled with something that left a burn like bruise on his face and his eye
swollen shut. Luckily, his son was not hurt. He thinks he heard a thug tell
him to "leave town." The police have no leads in this case or Nichols' most
recent beating.

-- Larry is set to testify in the case against Clinton before the Arkansas
Bar. They will go back to Larry's original lawsuit for info. Clinton does
not want him to testify.

-- Trent Lott was part of the fix because they were blackmailing him. He was
involved in his own phony federal loan and land deal. Orrin Hatch has the
info against Lott. Larry was giving info to a research staffer who kept him
informed. He knew that Lott had caved on witnesses a half hour before Lott
announced it on television. As we remember, Lott gave Tom Daschle veto power
over witnesses. Lott stabbed him in the back. In addition, Larry has
unconfirmed rumors about Lott's two homosexual encounters while a
cheerleader in college. Larry had put off throat surgery until the Senate
hearing and was set to sit back and watch a good show. The whole thing fell
apart when it turned out that Juanita Broaddrick was to be the first witness
called. Three other women were ready to testify about sexual harassment or
worse. One was Sally Perdue. Although he had a consensual affair with her,
the first time they met he was literally ripping off her clothing. These
witnesses could have done irreparable damage and the country would have
turned on Clinton. Lott and Daschle could not let that happen.

Larry Nichols' new book, THE GENIE IS OUT OF THE BOTTLE, can be ordered by
sending $24.95 to him (including S&H)at 58 Kensington Drive, Conway, AR,
72032. It will be autographed by him and by trooper Larry Patterson. His
radio show can be heard on the Internet at www.hbroadcast.com. It is on from
7-9 AM, Pacific Time.
1 Posted on 04/04/2000 20:10:40 PDT by doug from upland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[ Reply | Private Reply | Top | Last ]

To: doug f

[CTRL] Fw: [Strait_Truth] Fw: The Ticket

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

Difficult to add a comment to this!

- Original Message -
From: "Brother George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Strait_Truth] Fw: The Ticket

> I've seen this before,but still a powerful message.Thank you.
> brother george
> >From: "JAH Publications" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Strait Truth List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [Strait_Truth] Fw: The Ticket
> >Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 13:29:22 +0100
> >-
> > > > > Subject: The Ticket.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > The Ticket .
> > > > > Jack took a long look at his speedometer before
> > > > slowing down:  73 in a 55
> > > > > zone.  Fourth time in as many months.
> > > > > How could a guy get caught so often?  When his car
> > > > had slowed to 10 miles
> > > > an
> > > > > hour, Jack pulled over, but only partially.  Let
> > > > the cop worry about the
> > > > > potential traffic hazard.
> > > > > Maybe some other car will tweak his backside with
> > > > a mirror.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > The cop was stepping out of his car, the big pad
> > > > in hand.
> > > > > Bob?  Bob from Church?  Jack sunk farther into his
> > > > trench coat.  This was
> > > > > worse than the coming ticket.  A Christian cop
> > > > catching a guy from his own
> > > > > church.  A guy who happened to be a little eager
> > > > to get home after a long
> > > > > day at the office.  A guy he was about to play
> > > > golf with tomorrow.
> > > > Jumping
> > > > > out of the car, he approached a man he saw every
> > > > Sunday, a man he'd never
> > > > > seen in uniform.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Hi, Bob.  Fancy meeting you like this."
> > > > >
> > > > > "Hello, Jack."  No smile.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see
> > > > my wife and kids."
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Yeah, I guess."  Bob seemed uncertain.
> > > > > Good.
> > > > >
> > > > > "I've seen some long days at the office lately.
> > > > I'm afraid I bent the
> > > > rules
> > > > > a bit-just this once."
> > > > >
> > > > > Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.
> > > > > "Diane said something about roast beef and
> > > > potatoes tonight.  Know what I
> > > > > mean?"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "I know what you mean.  I also know that you have
> > > > a reputation in our
> > > > > precinct."
> > > > >
> > > > > Ouch.  This was not going in the right direction.
> > > > Time to change tactics.
> > > > > "What'd you clock me at?"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Seventy!  Would you sit back in your car please?"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Now wait a minute here, Bob.  I checked as soon
> > > > as I saw you.  I was
> > > > barely
> > > > > nudging 65." The lie seemed to come easier with
> > > > every ticket.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Please, Jack, in the car."
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Flustered, Jack hunched himself through the
> > > > still-open door.
> > > > > Slamming it shut, he stared at the dash board.  He
> > > > was in no rush to open
> > > > > the window.  The minutes ticked by.  Bob scribbled
> > > > away on the pad.  Why
> > > > > hadn't he asked for a driver's license?
> > > > > Whatever the reason, it would be a month of
> > > > Sundays before Jack ever sat
> > > > > near this cop again.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > A tap on the door jerked his head to the left.
> > > > There was Bob, a folded
> > > > > paper in hand.  Jack rolled down the window a mere
> > > > two inches, just enough
> > > > > room for Bob to pass him the slip.
> > > > > "Thanks." Jack could not quite keep the sneer out
> > > > of his voice.
> > > > > Bob returned to his police car without a word.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Jack watched his retreat in the mirror.
> > > > > Jack unfolded the sheet of paper.  How much was
> > > > this one going to cost?
> > > > > Wait a minute.
> > > > > What was this?  Some kind of joke?
> > > > > Certainly not a ticket.
> > > > >
> > > > > Jack began to read:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "Dear Jack, Once upon a time I had a daughter.
> > > > She was six when killed by
> > > > a
> > > > > car.  You guessed it
> > > > > -- a speeding driver.
> > > > > A fine and three months in jail, and the man was
> > > > free.  Free to hug his
> > > > > daughters, all three of them.  I only had one, and
> > > > I'm going to have to
> > > > wait
> > > > > until Heaven before I can ever hug her again.  A
> > > > thousand times I\'ve
> > > > tried
> > > > > to forgive that man.  A thousand times I thought I
> > > > had.  Maybe I did, but
> > > > I
> > > > > need to do it again.  Even now.  Pray for me.  And
> > > > be careful.  My son is
> > > > > all I have left."
> > > > >
> > > > > signed "Bob"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car pull
> > > > away and head down the
> > > > > road.  Jack watched until it disappeared.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >

[CTRL] Fwd: The Guru

2000-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

July 1 2000

The guru 
©Times of
Tony Blair and Hans Küng, the theologian, at Tübingen yesterday, when the
Prime Minister spoke on values and the power of the Community
Photograph: DANIEL MAURER / AP
Vatican 'reject' inspires Blair
HANS KÜNG, once described as the Pope's Loyal Opposition, or chief critic,
was anointed as Tony Blair's guru on "globalisation" yesterday.
True, the territory is already rather crowded: Anthony Giddens and other
experts have just cobbled together a book bearing a remarkable resemblance
to the briefings that they have been giving the Prime Minister over the past
But Professor Küng is special. Yesterday the Swiss-born theologian praised
Mr Blair for his thoughts on the future of an international community and
the Prime Minister returned the compliment, highlighting the professor's
lecture in London as being the "best piece of writing on globalisation I
have ever seen". 
The professor who was stripped by the Vatican of the right to lecture on
Catholic theology, has visited Downing Street, and the relationship seems to
be flourishing. 
The 72-year-old theologian was once considered a wunderkind by the Vatican
and was invited by Pope Paul VI to take up Holy Orders: the idea being that
he would have a high-flying church career if he subdued his criticism.
"Did I miss a great chance?" he said, adding that he thinks he did not. "I
would have had to sell my soul for spiritual power within the church."
Professor Küng's talent was to popularise doubt. In bestselling paperbacks
that caused great ructions in the German Catholic church, he argued against
the infallibility of the Pope, tried to offer more human perspectives on the
historical figure of Jesus Christ and criticised the role of the Vatican in
the Holocaust. 
It was Pope John Paul II who finally approved the order to cut the
troublesome theologian loose. He was denied the right to teach in the name
of the church but was protected nonetheless by the University of Tübingen in
Germany, which continued to employ him as a theology professor. It was the
first major disciplinary act of the present Pope and was followed by a
crackdown on other dissident theologians and central American proponents of
the so-called Theology of Liberation. After his retirement in 1996,
Professor Küng was invited to continue his work, on finding common issues
between the faiths at a new institute. It is this work, crystallised in a
book called Yes, to a Global Ethic, that brought Professor Küng into Mr
Blair's orbit. 
A speech by Mr Blair yesterday could have been plagiarised from Professor
Küng, stressing as it did, the need for managing - rather than resisting or
ignoring - global change, and developing the idea of an international


[CTRL] ** H O T ** NICHOLS PROJECT = "CLINTON ain't Leaving!" ** H O T **

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

Events Breaking News Announcement Keywords: NICHOLS PROJECT 
= "CLINTON AIN'T LEAVING!"Source: www.kiev870.com Radio KIEV 870 AM Los 
Angeles 2:00pm Tues-ThursPublished: 6-8-2000 Author: LARRY NICHOLS, Former 
Arkansas Friend of BillPosted on 06/08/2000 15:03:37 PDT by ALOHA RONNIE 
...NICHOLS PROJECT = "CLINTON ain't Leaving, 
Folks!"...Out of concern for our Country, Former Friend of BILL...one LARRY 
NICHOLS... will be on Radio KIEV 870 am Los Angeles - www.kiev870.com at 2:00pm 
Tues & Thurs for a couple of minutes immediately following The GEORGE PUTNAM 
Show. Today he said that he is doing this to..."ALERT us all what BILL CLINTON 
is really up toand that's that this President is not going to leave Office!" 
NICHOLS personally trained BILL CLINTON on how to face and lie straight into TV 
Cameras in Arkansas, so well does LARRY know the man. Congress' Emergency Powers 
Act (FEMA) is the Tool BILL CLINTON will use to stay put just where he's at. 
LARRY invites us to "Stay Tuned, folks" each week for the details. 

...LARRY NICHOLS says that after his 
2nd Term a BILL CLINTON that has left Office would face countless lawsuits from 
people he has attacked while in Office and many of the things he has done in the 
White House will NOT pass the Statute of Limitations. Books upon Books will be 
published by former White House Aids each trying to out do the other in 
revealing new dirt on the CLINTONS in order to sell books. !NEVER 
FORGET...October 1, 2000...just 5 weeks before our next Presidential 
Election...'GUNS & TANKS' JANET RENO will have the Power to Advise the 
President, as the New Head of our U.S. Military and Response Team to any 
Nuclear-Biological-Civil Unrest Attack on our Nation from within or without, 
that he should stay on in the interests of the Nation. So the Gal that sent the 
GUNS in on THE KID OF MIAMI and the Gal who sent the TANKS in on THE KIDS OF 
WACO...will now have the power to send in ANYTHING at all in ON US...at the drop 
of a Hat. !NEVER FORGET 
1 Posted on 06/08/2000 15:03:37 PDT by 
ALOHA RONNIEhttp://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a394018397e5c.htm
To Keep the Peace, Keep Your 
(this is becoming more and more 
Look for a manipulation of the Stock 
Market prices,
between Election Day and Inauguration 
as a Ploy for the Rapist to suspend the 
No more rapists in our White 
House.. "You have the right to remain silent..." The man 
should have been aborted upon conception!

[CTRL] FLASH! Clinton approves oil-price hikes *BREAKING FAST....*

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

[ Read the latest on how the Rapist has screwed us again. 
[ This is a Story that the established media 
   can't suppress much longer. 
[ Though written May 9th, this Story is just now 
   as a HOT item in the underground 
   I learned of it by listening to Ray 
Briem's Talk Show tonight
   on AM970 KIEV, Los 
Angeles/Glendale, California,
   where he had as his guest the 
Author Mr. Smith ]

approvesoil-price hikes Official: Administration backs increases to 
help Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, Iran 

By Charles Smith© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com 

Oil ministers from OPEC nations have quietly 
told national security advisors on Capitol Hill that the oil production cutbacks 
-- and resulting price increases -- are being implemented at the request of the 
Clinton administration on behalf of Russia, Indonesia, Mexico and Iran. 

Russia, Mexico and Indonesia are reported to be 
directing their increased oil profits toward paying back overdue Western loans. 
According to one government defense adviser, the windfall profits are part of a 
larger scheme to use the American public to pay off failed and corrupt 
investment schemes in the three countries. 
"The American public is paying off bad loans to 
bad countries made by bad bankers," stated the national security adviser. 

The largest Middle Eastern oil producers 
reportedly agreed on the cutback of oil production in order to increase income 
for weapons purchases. Several oil states have announced major weapons buys from 
the West, including a recent multi-billion-dollar purchase of Lockheed/Martin 
F-16 fighter jets. 
"Iran is also trading oil to China in exchange 
for missile technology," stated the national security adviser. 
The gas hike has raised several concerns about 
the Clinton energy policy and U.S. national security. 
In recent years, OPEC has flooded the market 
with oil, lowering prices worldwide. The lower prices, according to Denise Bode, 
a commissioner on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, were designed to 
discourage investors in U.S. domestic oil production, maintaining a world 
monopoly for OPEC. 
"The OPEC cartel clearly understands that the 
Clinton energy policy is based on instant gratification," stated Bode, "seeking 
low gasoline prices and ignoring future consequences with a foreign cartel in 
charge of our national energy resources. 
"In 1997, OPEC acted to consolidate the American 
market by sending much cheaper oil, dumping it at historically low prices. The 
most significant energy policy initiated by the Clinton administration is a 4.3 
cent increase in the gasoline tax," said Bode. 
"Another 30,000 Americans have lost their jobs. 
Domestic oil production has moved from holding steady to a 5.4 percent decline. 
Even though OPEC has recently cut back production and raised the price of oil to 
$30 a barrel, there has been no increase in domestic production." 
"It's very clear what OPEC should do if they 
want to retain control," stated Donald Hodel, former secretary of energy and 
secretary of interior during the Reagan administration. 
"Periodically, they should announce they are 
going to produce excess volumes of crude oil. The announcement itself will scare 
away some capital investment from new production. Secondarily, if that doesn't 
work, and from time to time to prove their point, they would have to 
overproduce, drive the price down dramatically, so that marginal wells in the 
United States will be shut down and new investment will be shut down worldwide." 

According to Hodel, the "green" movement has 
combined with OPEC to "erect straw arguments" against the U.S. energy industry. 

"I've never met anyone who said I want to 
breathe dirty air or drink polluted water," noted Hodel. "Yet, the green 
movement has succeeded in using clean air, clean water and garbage control as a 
means to seek de-industrialization in the U.S." 
"The problem is that the schools have been 
captured by the flaming environmentalists," noted Hodel. "We are not doing a 
decent job of getting the educational establishment to acknowledge the facts 
about the importance of energy production to our economy. 
"If we were rational about our energy policy, we 
would have a growing component in our society of nuclear power. The people who 
fought nuclear power have successfully stopped coal. They are now turning toward 
natural gas and oil. We made the point over and over that offshore drilling is 
less of an environmental hazard than transporting imported oil by tanker." 

Hodel concluded, "Our dependency on foreign oil 
affects our national security and our environment."
Charles Smith is a national security and defense 
reporter for WorldNetDaily. 
Charles Smith'

[CTRL] Contempt of congress

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Contempt of congress

Tennessee legislators lash out
at tax-protesting constituents

By Patrick Poole
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Civility on the part of public servants seems to be
wearing thin in Tennessee, as legislators, under pressure from Gov. Don
Sundquist to pass a state income tax, clash with voters who have shown
themselves to be overwhelmingly opposed to the measure.

As WorldNetDaily reported recently, Tennessee legislators have been under a
constant barrage of phone calls, e-mails and catcalls in the hallways of the
state Capitol since a bill that would have implemented an income tax appeared
on the verge of passing two weeks ago. Tennessee is one of nine states
without a state income tax.

But to many Tennesseans, the most disturbing aspect to the tax battle has
been the overt contempt shown them by some legislators for having made their
voices heard in regards to the state budget process.

One such incident, reported last week in the Murfreesboro Daily News Journal,
involved one the of the leading pro-income-tax legislators, Rep. Mary Ann

According to the news report, Eckles was approached during a legislative
recess by tax protestors David and Sandra Brunner, who said they had brought
their children to the tax rally for its educational value. When the Brunners
asked Eckles to vote against the proposed tax increase, the legislator became
agitated and stated, "The people of my district are all for the income tax."

But when the Brunners stated that they lived in her district and that they
and many of their friends and co-workers were against the state income tax,
Eckles angrily replied, "The people of my district don't know what they need.
They haven't studied it like I have."

Eckles did not respond to requests by WorldNetDaily for comment for this

In response to Eckles' comments, Sandra Brunner stated that it's hard for
legislators to believe that citizens can have intelligent thoughts of their

"It seems to be OK when we blindly accept their take on all issues, but then
they blame the most outspoken and visible individuals, like talk radio, for
'leading us astray' if anyone differs from their viewpoint," she said.

Republicans are also reacting with dismay at the huge numbers of constituents
contacting their representatives through the new democratic medium -- e-mail.

During a House floor session last Tuesday, Rep. Bob Patton derided the
efforts of those expressing their opinions on the income-tax issue.

"All those e-mails we get, I just wipe them off. I don't read them. I'd like
them to know they are wasting their time," he said.

Legislative contempt is nothing new for Tennesseans, who have seen three
attempts to pass a state income tax in the past 14 months. During a special
legislative session dedicated to the income tax issue last November, Rep.
Tommy Head, one of the leading state budget negotiators, told an audience
gathered for an income tax debate sponsored by a local talk radio station
that decisions on important state matters shouldn't be left to the people,
but rather to legislators.

"We don't need a referendum to make our decisions. We're the ones who are
supposed to be educated and know about the issues," Head said.

The phenomenon isn't exclusive to just to House members either. After a
constituent contacted Sen. Steve Cohen during last year's budget battle,
Cohen replied with a message left on the constituent's answering machine
inviting him to call back.

Thinking that the call had been disconnected, Cohen turned to an aide and
called his constituent an "S.O.B." and complained that the constituent had
used an 800 number that allowed him to connect to legislators' offices

Ironically, Cohen was the Senate sponsor of the legislation authorizing the
toll-free line to the state Capitol to increase accessibility to legislators.

However, the constituent's answering machine was still recording and captured
Cohen's comments, a tape of which was passed off to a local Memphis radio
station. When confronted by reporters about his derogatory comments, Cohen
replied, "I felt no need to encourage additional comments from this
particular person."

The income tax is not the only issue to have generated legislative ire over
the past year. After several state legislators were caught by a Nashville TV
station's hidden camera accepting a free golf trip to the Gulf Coast last
year courtesy of a state contractor, Jack Morgan sent a critical e-mail to
his representative, Rep. Paul Phelan, one of the offending legislators.

Nothing could have prepared Morgan for Phelan's blistering response.

"Dear whatever your name is, I was on the plane with Ron Cooper (the state
contractor). Ron and I have been friends for 11 years. I've been in the House
for seven, you do the math, imbecile," Phelan wrote.

After letting loose a string of obscenities, Phelan said, "Why don

[CTRL] A Press Obsession With the Death Penalty

2000-07-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

A Press Obsession With the Death Penalty

By Michael Kelly

Wednesday, June 28, 2000 ; A25

A newcomer to this country reading the mainstream press and
watching television in this election year, would easily discern
one of the issues of greatest concern to voters: George W. Bush's
position on the death penalty. A Nexis search Monday for stories
mentioning Bush at least three times and the words "death
penalty" or "executions" or "capital punishment" at least three
times pulled up 505 hits--news articles, TV transcripts, press
releases, etc.--within the previous week alone. Narrowing the
search to The Post, the New York Times and "major newspapers"
turned up 12 hits in the Times over the previous seven days, four
in the Post and 139 in the major newspapers. Over the previous
month, the total was 25 items in the Times alone, 16 in the Post
and 303 in the major newspapers.

The newcomer would learn all sorts of things about Bush and the
death penalty. He would learn that Texas led the country in
executions. He would learn that DNA testing had cleared a number
of people convicted of death penalty crimes, and that a study of
death penalty sentences found that more than two-thirds that are
appealed are eventually overturned because of errors in the ways
in which the cases were investigated or tried. He would learn
that such findings as these had moved the governor of Illinois to
suspend the death penalty in his state--but that Gov. Bush had
stubbornly refused to back off of his support for capital

What the newcomer would not learn is that, in fact, the question
of Bush's support for the death penalty--or for that matter, the
question of the death penalty itself--was not of the slightest
interest to the great majority of voters. Support for the death
penalty is consistent and relatively stable; although it has
declined somewhat during recent months of heavy anti-death
penalty news coverage, it still is above 60 percent in every
public opinion poll. What is more, the death penalty is simply
not of voting concern to almost everybody. A look through 16
recent national polls questioning adults as to the most important
issues facing the nation finds the death penalty unmentioned. The
voters know that the president has almost nothing to do with
capital punishment, and that, in this election anyway, there
isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two major
candidates on the issue.

All of this illustrates a curious thing that has happened to
presidential elections--the rise of the media as a major force,
perhaps the major force, in defining what are and what are not
issues. With the passing of party bosses and a long run of public
complacency, the press has been able to fill a vacuum, and has
established itself in presidential years as not only the Great
Mentioner but the Great Decider. In their secret hearts, I think,
most journalists feel this is not a bad thing at all. For the
good of the nation, someone has to decide, and who better than
the disinterested guardians of a free society--us?

But there are several problems here. One is that, as surveys
show, the media are far more homogenous than the general
population in their views, and these views are far more liberal.
Another is that the media's role in choosing and framing issues
conflicts with their role in objectively informing the public.
The invention of the Bush death penalty issue is typical of the
media's habit of creating issues that skew coverage to (a)
advance liberal causes and/or (b) favor the Democrat and disfavor
the Republican .

Journalists like to think that they think (and write) without
bias. But everyone else knows that this is absurd. What
journalists choose and how journalists frame inescapably arises
out of what journalists believe. And, as a group, journalists
believe in liberalism and in electing Democrats. Consider two
election-year bows to bigotry, George Bush's visit to Bob Jones
University and Al Gore's visit with Al Sharpton. The first was
deemed a big issue, with 884 Nexis hits to date, and the tone of
coverage overwhelmingly critical of Bush. The second was deemed
much less an issue--only 323 hits and

relatively little criticism. Yet pandering to Sharpton would
strike most people, I think, as at least as bad as pandering to
Bob Jones. Who decided one mattered a lot and the other not so
much? Just we few, our little objective unbiased selves, bringing
you the issues that are fit to print.

Michael Kelly is the editor in chief of National Journal.

   © 2000 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Goo

[CTRL] Green' Gore falls foul of a polluted river

2000-07-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

London Sunday Times

July 2 2000

Mining on Gore's land threatens a river that is home to crayfish
and woodpeckers 'Green' Gore falls foul of a polluted river
Matthew Campbell, Washington IN AN unwelcome development for a
presidential candidate who bills himself as a champion of the
environment, Al Gore, the Democrat contender, is being accused of
profiting from the pollution of a river in his native Tennessee.

The state's environmental authorities have warned a zinc mining
company operating on Vice-President Gore's farm that waste is
endangering wildlife.  Over the years, Gore has collected
$500,000 in royalties from the mining.  After allegations that he
is also benefiting from the plunder of virgin South American
rainforest, the latest complaint has promoted charges of

In 1992, his book Earth in the Balance, an impassioned plea for
action against pollution threats imperiling the planet, cautioned
that "the lakes and rivers sustain us; they flow through the
veins of the earth and into our own.  But we must take care to
let them flow back out as pure as they came, not poison and waste
them without thought for the future."

Gore appears to have fallen short of this noble ideal in his own
back yard.  On May 16, the Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation issued a "notice of violation" to Pasminco Zinc,
a company that has been paying Gore $20,000 a year for the
privilege of extracting metal from beneath his farm in the
picturesque Cumberland river valley.  The department warned of
high zinc levels in the Caney Fork river and said Pasminco "may
be subject to enforcement action".

Although Gore grew up mainly in Washington, where his father
worked as a senator, he has often waxed lyrical about the summers
he spent as a youth on the farm in Tennessee.  Writing about his
father, Gore said: "We loved to swim together in the Caney Fork
river off a big flat rock on the back side of his farm."

That may seem less appealing today.  Another complaint said
effluent had put toxic metals in the river.  "The combined effect
of these pollutants may be detrimental to fish and aquatic life,"
said authorities in 1996, warning that a species of water flea
was at risk of being poisoned.

The river is home to a species of crayfish and to birds such as
the red-headed woodpecker. It is not only his dealings with
Pasminco Zinc, however, that are casting doubt over the extent of
Gore's commitment to the environmentalist gospel.Activists accuse
him of turning a blind eye to the rape of rainforests in Latin
America through long-standing ties to Occidental Petroleum, the
original owner of the land being mined on his farm.

Armand Hammer, Occidental's founder, supported Senator Gore,
bought and sold the mineral rights to him and later contributed
to his son's political campaigns.  A multi-billion-dollar oil-
drilling scheme by Occidental in Colombia has provoked violent
protest and threats of mass suicide from the U'wa Indians
protecting their ancestral land.

Supporters of the Indians link Gore's failure to intervene in the
dispute with the fact that his family stands to gain financially
from any increase in the worth of Occidental's shares.  A Gore
family trust holds $500,000 worth of stock.  Gore has long been
plagued by charges of hypocrisy.  In 1996 he famously invoked his
sister's death from lung cancer as a way of attacking the tobacco
industry.  Then it was revealed that the family farm had
prospered from growing tobacco in the past.

Similarly, he has repeatedly tried to attach his name to campaign
finance reform efforts while under investigation for alleged
fundraising offences - which he denies - in the 1996 presidential
campaign.  As this year's campaign intensifies, however, the
alleged contradictions between his public rhetoric and private
arrangements are proving more damaging than stories of the
misspent youth of George W Bush, the Republican rival leading him
by 12 points in the polls.

Gore was ridiculed recently when asked what had happened to
e-mails that had gone missing from his White House office just as
investigators were seeking evidence of illegal fundraising.
"I'm not an expert on computers," he said.  It seemed a
surprising admission for a politician who once claimed to have
played a vital role in inventing the internet and whose
enthusiasm for technology - he travels with a Palm Pilot on his
belt - has led to suggestions of "nerdism".

At the same time, Gore's commitment to building energy-efficient,
environmentally friendly homes - last week he proposed $2,000 tax
credits for Americans who implement his blueprint - seems at odds
with grim conditions for the family renting a house he owns 150
yards from his Tennessee farm.  Tracy Mayberry says she
complained more than 30 times to Gore's property managers about
overflowing lavatories, peeling plaster and cracked floors.
She, her disabled husband and their eight children were
eventually served with an eviction order.


Re: [CTRL] The Patriot

2000-07-01 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The movie is beautiful to look at and the production is impressive,
but the
> script consists of strung together clichés punctuated by very bad
acting by
> the lead. Even the supporting cast couldn't protect The Patriot from
> invader Mel Gibson.

Point of fact, Gibson was born here in the U.S.  I believe his family
is from New York State, but my memory is hazy on that...

Gibson's father decided to immigrate to Australia when Mel was about 11
years of age...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] China weighs battle with U.S.

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China weighs battle with U.S.

The red missiles came in low over the calm waters between China and Taiwan,
slicing through the cold November air at a frantic pace, turning each
nose-cone a cherry red. Taiwanese radar operators frantically scrambled to
warn their nation of the incoming danger, but they were snuffed out by the

Offshore, a U.S. Aegis cruiser helplessly watched on its radar as dozens of
warheads streaked across the night sky, into the tiny island nation. The
first missiles from Chinese 2nd Artillery mobile units were aimed at critical
targets inside Taiwan, landing with a combination of deadly accurate
conventional bombs and nerve gas. This first shower lasted for only one
minute -- 60 seconds of death from the sky.

The rain of Dong Feng, or "East Wind," missiles poured into the island,
spilling deadly nerve gas, cutting power and communications with a shower of
cluster bombs. The sudden attack also instantly grounded most of the
Taiwanese Air Force while killing thousands of civilians in a silent cloud of
death that drifted throughout the night.

The second rain consisted of only one drop, a single Dong Feng missile. The
single bomb fell from the night sky into downtown Taipei unmolested, and
detonated its small nuclear warhead only a few feet from its intended target.
In a single blinding flash, most of the city died in a shower of deadly
neutrons. What few who were left alive near ground zero were then consumed by
the inferno of the nuclear blast and fire.

The entire shower from the east lasts for only two minutes. However, during
those two minutes over five hundred thousand Taiwanese died and Taipei
disappeared under a shroud of radioactive death. The tiny island, critically
wounded and diplomatically isolated, falls in three days to Beijing's
occupation force of one million soldiers.

Could this happen? Will China go to war over Taiwan? The U.S. defense and
political establishment may continue to debate the question of war -- but the
People's Liberation Army Central Military Command has already issued orders.

"Taking into account of possible intervention by the U.S. and based on the
development strategy of our country, it is better to fight now than (in the)
future -- the earlier, the better," states official document number 199965
from the Chinese Central Military Command.

"We will gain control of Taiwan before full deployment of the U.S. troops,"
states the Chinese army report. "In this case, the only thing the U.S. can do
is fight a war with the purpose of retaliation, which will be similar to the
Gulf War against Iraq or the recent bombing of Yugoslavia as far as its
operational objective is concerned, namely to first attack from the sky and
the sea our coastal military targets, and then attack our vital civil
facilities so as to force us to accept its terms like Iraq or Yugoslavia."

Would China risk combat with U.S. forces over tiny Taiwan? The last direct,
full-scale combat between U.S. and Chinese soldiers occurred a half century
ago in the bloody stalemate called Korea. Warfare today is high-tech and the
U.S. has the advantage, right?

"When both sides rely mainly on missile strikes based on electronic
confrontation, we evidently enjoy a superiority in terms of the number of
short-range and middle-range missiles," answers the Chinese military report.
"It can safely be expected that once the U.S. launches an attack, the front
lines of the U.S. forces and their supporting bases will be exposed within
the range of our effective strikes. After the first strategic strike, the
U.S. forces will be faced with weaponry and logistic problems, providing us
with opportunities for major offensives and win large battles."

"Our principle is 'willing to sustain major losses of our armed forces to
defend even just one square inch of land,'" states the Chinese army report.
"If the U.S. forces lose thousands or hundreds of men under our powerful
strikes, the anti-war sentiment within their country will force the U.S.
government to take the same path as they did in Viet Nam."

"Even if we successfully carry out interception and control the sky, our
military and civil facilities will still incur some damages. The damages will
be more extensive if the war cannot be ended within a short period of time
and the U.S. launch the second and third strikes," the Chinese command report

Would China risk international isolation and war with U.S allies such as
Japan and Europe? U.S. forces have deployed and fought with allies together
in Iraq and Yugoslavia. Would they join the U.S. in a war against China?

"Internationally, the many obstacles to the resolution of (the) Taiwan issue
have been put in by the United States, while Japan has a complicated attitude
towards our handling of (the) Taiwan issue, but because of historical and
geographical reasons," answers the Chinese military report, "Japan does no

[CTRL] De-Christianizing America

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

De-Christianizing America

By Chuck Baldwin

June 30, 2000

Several Christian organizations in the San Francisco area recently ran an
ad campaign designed to reach homosexuals. Television ads proclaimed, "The
dream that I thought could never happen – having a wife and kids – has
finally come true. If you’re hurting, lonely or confused, Jesus can set you
free." Reaction to the ad by city government was anything but

The city’s Board of Supervisors claimed the ads were partially responsible
for hostility toward homosexuals. They even charged the ads with being
complicit in the death of Matthew Shephard. The city of San Francisco
concluded the ads contributed to "horrible crimes committed against gays
and lesbians," and requested local TV stations not to run them.

Pro-family groups like the American Family Association and the Family
Research Council filed a lawsuit to stop the city from issuing similar
resolutions in the future. A federal judge recently ruled, however, the
city was merely doing its "duty" to address concerns for "public safety."
The implications of this ruling are enormous.

Far from being neutral toward religious beliefs, federal courts and city
governments are becoming more and more hostile toward religious beliefs,
especially Christian beliefs. The message is clear: proclaiming the
Christian Gospel is "hate" speech and will not be tolerated.

Add to these twisted city ordinances and court rulings the part the
propaganda press is playing in de-Christianizing America. Just recently,
ABC devoted two hours of prime time programming impugning the Christian
faith. Throughout our nation, public education, from grammar schools to
college and university classrooms, inundates our youth with blatant attacks
upon the Christian religion. Night after night, prime time television does
the same thing.

Compare this attitude to that of the Founding Fathers. John Quincy Adams
said, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected
in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the
principles of Christianity."

He continued, "Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the
world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day
(July 4)? Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the
nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it
forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not
that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on
the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the
cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity and
gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfillment of the
prophecies announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Savior and
predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets 600 years before?"

Likewise, Patrick Henry declared, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or
too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Noah Webster, the father of public education, spoke unequivocally saying,
"No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must
be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges
of a free people." He went on to say, "The religion which has introduced
civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles - and to this we
owe our free Constitutions of Government."

If the American people weren’t intoxicated with prosperity and pleasure,
they would see that this attempt to de-Christianize our nation is an act of
war against our heritage. Our country is under siege as surely as though an
alien army was landing on our shores. If ever our nation needed its
citizens to answer the call of devotion and duty, it is now!

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan


[CTRL] The Myth of "Natural Law"

2000-07-01 Thread pmeares

from: An Anarchist FAQ
Version 8.3 - 13-Apr-2000

Section F.7: What is the myth of "Natural Law"?

Natural Law, and the related concept of Natural Rights, play
an important part in Libertarian and "anarcho"-capitalist
ideology. Right-libertarians are not alone in claiming that
their particular ideology is based on the "law of nature".
Hitler, for one, claimed the same thing for Nazi ideology. So
do numerous other demagogues, religious fanatics, and
political philosophers. However, each likes to claim that only
their "natural law" is the "real" one, all the others being
subjective impositions. We will ignore these assertions (they
are not arguments) and concentrate on explaining why natural
law, in all its forms, is a myth. In addition, we will
indicate its authoritarian implications.

Instead of such myths anarchists urge people to "work it out
for themselves" and realise that any ethical code is
subjective and not a law of nature. If its a good "code", then
others will become convinced of it by your arguments and their
intellect. There is no need to claim its a function of "man's

The following books discuss the subject of "Natural Law" in
greater depth and are recommended for a fuller discussion of
the issues raised in this section:

Robert Anton Wilson, Natural Law and L.A. Rollins, The Myth of
Natural Law.

We should note that these books are written by people
associated, to some degree, with right-libertarianism and, of
course, we should point out that not all right-libertarians
subscribe to "natural law" theories (David Friedman, for
example, does not). However, such a position seems to be the
minority in right-Libertarianism (Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick and
Murray Rothbard, among others, did subscribe to it). We should
also point out that the Individualist Anarchist Lysander
Spooner also subscribed to "natural laws" (which shows that,
as we noted above, the concept is not limited to one
particular theory or ideology). We present a short critique of
Spooner's ideas on this subject in section G.7.

Lastly, it could be maintained that it is a common "straw man"
to maintain that supporters of Natural Law argue that their
Laws are like the laws of physics (and so are capable of
stopping people's actions just as the law of gravity
automatically stops people flying from the Earth). But that is
the whole point -- using the term "Natural Law" implies that
the moral rights and laws that its supporters argue for are to
be considered just like the law of gravity (although they
acknowledge, of course, that unlike gravity, their "natural
laws" can be violated in nature). Far from saying that the
rights they support are just that (i.e. rights they think are
good) they try to associate them with universal facts. For
example, Lysander Spooner (who, we must stress, used the
concept of "Natural law" to oppose the transformation of
America into a capitalist society, unlike Rand, Nozick and
Rothbard who use it to defend capitalism) stated that:

"the true definition of law is, that it is a fixed, immutable,
natural principle; and not anything that man ever made, or can
make, unmake, or alter. Thus we speak of the laws of matter,
and the laws of mind; of the laws of gravitation, the laws of
light, heat, and electricity. . .etc., etc. . . . The law of
justice is just as supreme and universal in the moral world,
as these others are in the mental or physical world; and is as
unalterable as are these by any human power. And it is just as
false and absurd to talk of anybody's having the power to
abolish the law of justice, and set up their own in its stead,
as it would be to talk of their having the power to abolish
the law of gravitation, or any other natural laws of the
universe, and set up their own will in the place of them." [A
Letter to Grover Cleveland, p. 88]

Rothbard and other capitalist supporters of "Natural Law" make
the same sort of claims (as we will see). Now, why, if they
are aware of the fact that unlike gravity their "Natural Laws"
can be violated, do they use the term at all? Benjamin Tucker
said that "Natural Law" was a "religious" concept -- and this
provides a clue. To say "Do not violate these rights,
otherwise I will get cross" does not have quite the same power
as "Do not violate these rights, they are facts of natural and
you are violating nature" (compare to "Do not violate these
laws, or you will go to hell"). So to point out that "Natural
Law" is not the same as the law of gravity (because it has to
be enforced by humans) is not attacking some kind of "straw
man" -- it is exposing the fact that these "Natural Laws" are
just the personal prejudices of those who hold them. If they
do not want then to be exposed as such then they should call
their laws what they are -- personal ethical laws -- rather
than compare them to the facts of nature.

F.7.1 Why the term "Natural Law" in the first place?

Murray Rothbard claims that "Natural Law theory rests on t

[CTRL] Date: 30 June 2000 Federalist #00-26/27.dgst

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 30 June 2000
Federalist #00-26/27.dgst


To retrieve today's Digest as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF,
link to: http://www.Federalist.com/current00-2.asp


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness." --A Declaration by the Representatives of the United
States of America in General Congress Assembled


"May it [the Declaration of Independence] be to the world what I
believe will be (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to
all), the signal of arousing man to burst the chains under which
monkish ignorance and superstition has persuaded them to bind
themselves, and to assume the blessings of security and
self-government." --Thomas Jefferson  ++  "We have this day restored
the Sovereign to whom alone men ought to be obedient."  --Samuel Adams
++  "Do you recollect the pensive and awful silence which pervaded the
House when we were called up, one after another, to the table of the
President of Congress [John Hancock] to subscribe what was believed by
many at that time to be our own death warrants?" He lamented, on the
35th independence celebration, "scarcely a word was said of the
solicitude and labors and fears and sorrows and sleeplessness nights
of the men who projected, proposed, defended, and subscribed [signed]
the Declaration of Independence." --Benjamin Rush recalling events
surrounding Independence Day 1776  ++  "We must all hang together, or
most assuredly we shall all hang separately." --Benjamin Franklin  ++
"We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room
upon the earth for honest men to live in. ... Those who expect to reap
the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of
supporting it." --Thomas Paine


Veritas vos Liberabit -- The truth will make you free.  "If you
continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will make you free." (Jesus speaking to the Jews
in John 8:32)


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Re: [CTRL] "My Anarchism Problem" by Bob Black

2000-07-01 Thread pmeares

Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> I don't classify myself anymore. My only purpose in life is to bust bullshit.
> That endeavor manages to piss everybody off. ;}

I don't like to classify myself anymore either; but out of sloppy, lazy 'thinking'
and for the sake of convenience I seem to have a bad habit of classifying others.
Also, IMO some bullshit doesn't really seem worth busting, and might be better
left ignored. Although some of the most profound, 'eye-opening', stuff one can
ever come across might be found growing on "bullshit", if you know what I mean.
(McKenna, et al)

And if you don't classify yourself anymore, 'sup with calling yourself "a plain
old Anti-Capitalist Humanitarian Survivalist" in another message in this thread?

> I am not an anarchist though I love and support what the more radical Anarchists
> are doing. I am NOT a Libertarian of any sort whatsoever.

Historically (and currently) many radical 'anarchists' have styled themselves as
"libertarians"; and argue that right-wing 'anarcho'-capitalist types have insultingly
usurped and perverted the term. I falsely assumed you might have felt the same way.
Once again, I stand corrected. Please excuse.

> I hate Right
> Libertarians because I consider them a bunch of greedy, shallow, self centered
> shits who would sell children chocolate covered rat poison if " the Market "
> demanded it, and would cuss out the Gubbment if they tried to regulate them.

The VAST majority of right-libertarians, when they hear the term "free market
capitalism" (so-called), their minds seem turn to mush, and "anything goes"
with regards to this sacred cow. Until not too long ago, I tended to be the
same way.

As with Nessie, I have little problem with 'free market' exchanges and commerce
amongst fairly equal individuals, or groups of individuals, but I do have a
problem when such relationships are compelled between individuals and vastly
unequal legal fictions grunching around like 'giants'. As Bucky puts it:

"Each of the giants of today's great Grunch is a quadrillionfold
more formidable than was Goliath. Each is entirely invisible, abstract, and
completely ruthless -- not because those who run the show are malevolent
but because the giant is a non-human corporation, a many-centuriesold,
royal-legal-advisor-invented institution. The giant is a so one-sidedly
biased abstract legal invention that its exploitation by the power
structures of thirty generations have made the XYZ corporations and
companies seemingly as much a part of nature as the phases of the
Moon and clouds of the sky"

> I like Noam Chomsky who calls himself a Left Libertarian. Not because he is a
> Libertarian, but because he is very smart and very honest. There are things
> he puts out which I personally don't hold by. AND, his take on what we did to
> Yugoslavia is wrong.

I've tended to agree with most of his writings I've come across so far, especially
his insights on propaganda and the newsfakers, but I haven't read much on his
Yugoslavia opinions. In what way are they "wrong"? [I assume he must have
supported the interventions (extortion and murders) the Western terrocrats
(terrorist-bureaucrats) have perpetrated].

> In any case, it is better to be a Left Libertarian than a Right Libertarian if
> you have any aspirations of becoming a human being.
> Good luck,

So if I'm not yet a "human being" what, in your opinion, am I?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] GOP News & Views - June 30, 2000

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message

*  Taxes - Lower & Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

*  George W. Bush’s web site:  http://www.georgewbush.com

Last Day to “Stop Pat Stop”

For anyone interested in voting in the Reform Party presidential primary,
today is the LAST day to submit a request for a mail-in ballot.  You must
download the request form and FAX it into the John Hagelin campaign by the
close of business today.  The request form can be found at:
http://www.reasontovote.com and the toll-free fax number is listed on the web

And as a side note:  I’ve had a handful of people say that Buchanan is only
pulling 2% in the polls these days, so he’s really no threat to George W.

Bull-$%&# (uh-oh, those goofy symbols are back!).  I remember folks saying
the same thing about Ross Perot in 1992 - and we all know how THAT turned
out!  A LOT can happen in next four months.  Don’t take Buchanan so lightly.
He is an articulate, intelligent and highly persuasive individual, as well as
a principled conservative.  He just can’t win.  But he COULD pull enough
votes to cause George W to lose in a close election.  That IS a possibility -
especially if Buchanan gets his hands on that $12.6 million in matching funds
to broadcast his message.

So why take chances if there is a way to knock Pat out of this contest early?
 I’m not willing to risk seeing Prince Albert sworn in to replace Bill
Clinton next January - and hope you’re not either.  We need to learn to play
to win - not play to “not lose.”  REQUEST YOUR REFORM BALLOT NOW! - Chuck

Gun Hysteria

“North Carolina’s Piedmont High School had a cake left over from an ROTC
booster club event, so a teacher let students have it.  One student helpfully
pulled out his pocket knife and cut the cake.  He was then suspended for five
days for having a weapon.”

- Reason magazine, July 2000

Gore the Gun Grabber

“We all know where Al Gore stands on firearms freedom.  He wants to turn your
rights into privileges.  He wants to license you, make you apply for a photo
ID card, take tests and pay various fees - but you can bet that’s just his
foot in your front door.  Licensing is just registration by another name.
Once some Gore government has the names, addresses, photos and ownership
inventories of every gun owner in America, we all know what comes next.  Once
liberty is transformed into license, that license can be revoked. ... Unless
gun owners turn out in full force on Election Day and give anti-gun
politicians a resounding rebuke, then our rights are no safer than little
Elian Gonzalez.”

- Charlton Heston, President of the National Rifle Association, “American
Rifleman,” July 2000

Nader Causing Gore Some Maalox Moments

“Ralph Nader, the scourge of corporate America, is threatening to cut into Al
Gore’s liberal base in pivotal states like California, Washington and Oregon
that the vice president must win if he is to beat George W. Bush. ... Vowing
to run a more aggressive, professional, better-funded campaign than he did in
1996, Mr. Nader is firing away with all guns blazing - mostly at Democrats
and Mr. Gore.  He says that the Democratic Party is ‘turning into a
crypto-Republican Party,’ and that Mr. Gore is a ‘consummate political
coward’ who is ‘drifting rightward.’  Mr. Nader’s blistering attacks seem
be connecting with enough Democratic and Democratic-leaning independent
voters in a few critical states to make him a possible threat to Mr. Gore.”

- Washington Times Weekly, 6/25/00

Third-Party Presidential Reality Check

“With Ralph Nader of the Green Party and Pat Buchanan of the Reform Party
doing well, and with even Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party sometimes
registering in public opinion polls, you might want to know how ‘third
candidates did in the last Presidential election.  In the Presidential
campaign of 1996, the Democrats finished first with 49.2 percent of the
popular vote, winning 31 states and the District of Columbia.  The
Republicans finished second with 40.7 percent of the popular vote, winning 19
states.  Ross Perot of the Reform Party, on the ballot in all fifty states
and D.C., finished third, with 8.4 percent of the vote.  Ralph Nader of the
Green Party, on the ballot in only 21 states and D.C., finished fourth, with
0.7 percent of the vote.  And, Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party, on the
ballot in all fifty states and D.C., finished fifth, with 0.5 percent of the

- Clifford Thies, Chairman, Republican Liberty Caucus, 6/29/00


FREE campaign training for candidates, party leaders and grassroo

[CTRL] Address to the Republican Banquet in Chicago, Illinois

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Address to the Republican Banquet in Chicago, Illinois

Abraham Lincoln

  December 10, 1856

We have another annual Presidential Message. Like a rejected lover, making
merry at the wedding of his rival, the President felicitates hugely over the
Presidential election. He considers the result a signal triumph of good
and good men, and a very pointed rebuke of bad ones. He says the people did
He forgets that the "people," as he complacently calls only those who voted
Buchanan, are in a minority of the whole people, by about four hundred
voters— one full tenth of all the voters. Remembering this, he might perceive
the "Rebuke" may not be quite as durable as he seems to think— that the
may not choose to remain permanently rebuked by that minority.

The President thinks the great body of us Fremonters, being ardently attached
liberty, in the abstract, were duped by a few wicked and designing men. There
is a
slight difference of opinion on this. We think he, being ardently attached to
hope of a second term, in the concrete, was duped by men who had liberty every
way. He is in the cat’s paw. By much dragging of chestnuts from the fire for
to eat, his claws are burnt off to the gristle, and he is thrown aside as
unfit for
further use. As the fool said to King Lear, when his daughters had turned him
of doors, "He’s a shelled pea’s cod."

So far as the President charges us "with a desire to change the domestic
of existing States;" and of "doing everything in our power to deprive the
Constitution and the laws of moral authority," for the whole party, on
belief, and
for myself, on knowledge, I pronounce the charge an unmixed, and unmitigated,

Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion, can
change the government, practically just so much. Public opinion, on any
always has a "central idea," from which all its minor thoughts radiate. That
idea" in our political public opinion, at the beginning was, and until
recently has
continued to be, "the equality of men." And although it was always submitted
patiently to whatever of inequality there seemed to be as matter of actual
its constant working has been a steady progress towards the practical
equality of
all men. The late Presidential election was a struggle, by one party, to
discard that
central idea, and to substitute for it the opposite idea that slavery is
right, in the
abstract, the workings of which, as a central idea, may be the perpetuity of
slavery, and its extension to all countries and colors. Less than a year ago,
Richmond Enquirer, an avowed advocate of slavery, regardless of color, in
to favor his views, invented the phrase, "State equality," and now the
President, in
his Message, adopts the Enquirer’s catch-phrase, telling us the people "have
asserted the constitutional equality of each and all of the States of the
Union as
States." The President flatters himself that the new central idea is
inaugurated; and so, indeed, it is, so far as the mere fact of a Presidential
can inaugurate it. To us it is left to know that the majority of the people
have not
yet declared for it, and to hope that they never will.

All of us who did not vote for Mr. Buchanan, taken together, are a majority
of four
hundred thousand. But, in the late contest we were divided between Fremont and
Fillmore. Can we not come together, for the future. Let every one who really
believes, and is resolved, that free society is not, and shall not be, a
failure, and
who can conscientiously declare that in the past contest he has done only
what he
thought best— let every such one have charity to believe that every other one
say as much. Thus let bygones be bygones. Let past differences, as nothing be;
and with steady eye on the real issue, let us reinaugurate the good old
ideas" of the Republic. We can do it. The human heart is with us— God is with
us. We shall again be able not to declare, that "all States as States, are
equal," nor
yet that "all citizens as citizens are equal," but to renew the broader,
declaration, including both these and much more, that "all men are created

The Declaration of Independenc


The complete Thomas Jefferson Papers

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[CTRL] [prj] Brandishing Machine Guns, Militia Marches on Houston

2000-07-01 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Mark A. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [prj] Brandishing Machine Guns, Militia Marches on Houston
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:14 AM

Chuck Morse - Boston's Radio Voice of Reason

Brandishing Machine Guns, Militia Marches on Houston

An organized, trained, uniformed, and heavily armed Militia marched
the streets of Houston, Fri.  June 16, reports the Houston Chronicle,
yet, there has been little national media coverage, no discussion from
usual commentators and savants, and no comment from the White House.
gun control lobby, the anti-militia crowd, and their assorted left-wing
camp followers have been silent.  Even though this private army was
reported to be carrying AK-47s, which have been illegal in the U.S.
the 1930’s, the Houston DA’s office doesn’t expect to file charges.  Far
less evidence of illegal weaponry resulted in the Waco home invasion and
subsequent holocaust in April 1993.
Why the double standard?

This militia was part of the “New” Black Panther Party.  Along with the
National Black United Front and the New Black Muslim Movement, the
were “protesting” outside the George R.  Brown Convention Center while
State GOP was being addressed by Laura Bush, wife of the presumptive
Republican Presidential nominee.
The issue, which prompted the Panthers to don their jack-boots and black
uniforms, was the death penalty, particularly as it pertains to the
scheduled execution of convicted murderer Gary Graham.  That the Black
Panthers would advocate against the death penalty, given their own
well-documented history of executions against “traitors”, is in and of
itself the epitome of hypocrisy.

Panther leader Quanell X was quoted by the Chronicle as saying “We
we have a divine duty and a divine obligation to stand up for any Black
on Death Row about to be executed…for a crime he didn’t commit”.  We all
have an obligation to stand up for any innocent man on death row,
Quanell X doesn’t elaborate on why he thinks Graham, convicted of murder
a jury of his peers, is innocent.  The question of guilt or innocence,
particularly in capitol offences demands high levels of proof in all
Such standards would end the implied charges of racism.  As head of the
Black Panthers, Quanell X inherits the mantle of a group whose
to the death penalty is entirely dialectical rather than
fundamental.  There was other non-militia groups protesting outside the

The Black Panthers, under the leadership of Marxist revolutionaries
Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, was a violent
gang of thugs that regularly engaged in shootings, bombings, extortion,
racketeering, crime and subversion.  The only difference between them
the Mafia, or the crips and bloods, is that they assumed a Marxist
thus winning the adulation of much of the self-hating liberal
establishment.  Their public utterances and actions present a record of
advocating the replacement of the U.S.Government with a “peoples”
republic.  Their method was to instigate race war.  David Horowitz,
of Radical Son, worked with the Black Panthers in the 1970’s and
excellent research on their background.

Unlike the demonized “right wing” militias, which, for the most part,
maintained a record of law abidance and support for the Constitution,
Black Panthers, violent criminals, make the left feel all warm and
fuzzy.  Since they mouth Marxist “ideals” they have received large
foundation grants and get invited to dinner parties at the penthouses of
such “radical chic” figures as composer Leonard Bernstein.  The Black
Panthers have been celebrated in books and movies and have been held up
Black Leaders by our establishment press.  The introduction of violence,
and in the case of Cleaver, rape, as a legitimate means of effecting
change has been their contribution to our American way of life.

Abolition of the death penalty is emerging as the main weapon in the
desperate presidential campaign of Vice President Al Gore.  Never mind
then Governor and Presidential candidate Bill Clinton refused to grant
clemency to death row inmate Rickey Ray Rector, a mentally impaired man
was unable to comprehend his imminent demise.  Rector, as he was being
to his execution, left the pecan pie from his last dinner under the bed
be eaten later.  Never mind that Bush’s predecessor, liberal Governor
Richards presided over several executions.

The death penalty serves several functions for Gore’s left-wing core
constituency.  The big lie is that Bush is “mean-spirited” by signing on
it and that he’s “racist” because of the fact that a high percentage of
death row inmates are Black

[CTRL] GOP News & Views - July 1, 2000

2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message

*  Taxes - Lower & Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

*  George W. Bush’s web site:  http://www.georgewbush.com

Ozone Al’s Pit Bull

“Every presidential candidate needs a good attack dog, a loyal aide who’ll
yap and snarl and bite an opponent.  Usually he’s the vice presidential
nominee, but Al Gore doesn’t need one.  He already has Bill Clinton.”

- Columnist Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal, 6/30/00

Yep, He’s Clinton’s Boy Alright

On April 18, 2000, Vice President Al Gore was questioned under oath (like he
cared) by federal prosecutors about his role in the now infamous Buddhist
temple fundraiser.  He was asked what, if any, recollection he had of
speaking with Maria Hsia - who has since been convicted of procuring $100,000
in illegal donations for the Democrats during the 1996 Clinton/Gore campaign
- at the event.  “I have none,” said “Stonewall” Gore.  The prosecutor then
asked, “Do you recall being SEATED AT HER TABLE?” (our emphasis).  Responded
Son-of-Bill:  “No, I don’t.  But I would have been glad to see her and would
have said ‘hello, how are you.’  But I don’t have any specific recollection
of it.”  Fortunately, a Reuters photographer snapped a Polaroid of Our Lady
and the Veep sitting together at the table which may help jog Mr. Gore’s
memory.  The photo was re-distributed nationwide yesterday by the Republican
National Committee.  We’re sure the press will be all over this, right?
Right?  Hello?  Is anybody out there?  Oh, never mind.

Suffering from CRS:  Can’t Remember... ah, Stuff

“Vice President Al Gore’s memory failed him at least 85 times in sworn
testimony to the FBI. ... Mr. Gore suffered a memory blank an average of once
every three minutes during recent FBI grilling over his role in various
campaign-finance scandals, a computer-aided analysis of his four-hour
testimony showed.”

- Columnist Greg Pierce, “The Washington Times,” 6/29/00

Calling a Spade a Spade - Part 1

“On Saturday, Bill Clinton said that during a recent visit to Texas, a friend
had told him the platform passed at the Texas Republican Party convention
‘was so bad that you could get rid of every fascist tract in your library if
you just had a copy’ of it.  On Tuesday, Gore campaign spokesman Chris Lehane
said of GOP Senator Arlen Specter, ‘He’s been engaging in McCarthyite
tactics.’  And then, to finish the epidemic of epithets with a rather odd
stinger, on Wednesday Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle compared Republicans
to ... Soviet Communists (!).  It’s still only June and we’ve now been
fascists, McCarthyites and Communists.  Meanwhile, we’ll stay to the high
road, and confine our insults to calling Al Gore...

“Bill Clinton’s loyal Vice President.”

- “In Washington,” 6/30/00

Calling a Spade a Spade - Part 2

“I think enough is enough, and I think it’s time to tell it like it is
 The Democrats controlled Congress for 50 years.  The Democrats never
balanced the budget.  The Democrats never did a thing about welfare.  The
Democrats never did a thing about prescription drugs...”

- Rep. James Traficant, DEMOCRAT-Ohio, on the House floor Wednesday

Traficant to Gephardt:  Bite Me!

“USA Today, The Washington Times, and the Associated Press report that
yesterday Democrat Rep. Jim Traficant said on Sean Hannity's talk radio
program that he will support Rep. Dennis Hastert for House Speaker.  In USA
Today Traficant's spokesman Paul Marcone confirmed his  decision.  USA Today
further reports this morning that, ‘Democrats, who have been trumpeting that
they are just six seats shy of winning control of the House, might have to
win one extra’ because a member of their own party won't even support Rep.
Dick Gephardt for Speaker.”

- Jim Wilkinson, NRCC’s “Fact of the Day,” 6/30/00

Holy Smoke!

“Now there is a forest fire in Washington State right next to the Hanford
Nuclear Reservation.  What is going on here?  Last month fires in Los Alamos
caused two computer hard drives to sneak out of a vault and hide behind a
copier.  Now this.  Apparently, nuclear installations are to wild fires as
trailer parks are to tornadoes.”

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 6/30/00

Supremes Get One Right

“This week the Supreme Court struck down California's blanket primary law,
returning the nation's largest state to the closed primary system preferred
by Party leaders and activists.  Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the 7-2
majority, said that the ‘severe and unreasonable’ blanket primary

[CTRL] FBI Trains New Agents on Holocaust

2000-07-01 Thread K

  FBI Trains New Agents on Holocaust

  .c The Associated Press


  WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI has begun teaching its new agents how a
  failure by police to protect citizen rights helped produce the
  Holocaust in which 6 million Jews, as well as other minorities and
  political dissidents were murdered by the Nazis.

  The training segment for agents-to-be at the FBI Academy began
  last month and was announced Friday by FBI Director Louis J.
  Freeh; Sara J. Bloomfield, director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
  Museum and Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the
  Anti-Defamation League.

  ``We do this early on in their training ... to remind them of the
  horror and evil which can result from not just a government, but
  particularly law enforcement, abandoning its mission to protect
  people and becoming the engine of oppression,'' Freeh said.

  The trainees are given a guided tour of the Holocaust Museum here
  and instruction about Adolf Hitler's use of the police in Germany
  in the 1930s and 1940s to round up Jews, political opponents and
  other targeted groups.

  There is a classroom discussion and then trainees must write an
  essay on the question: ``Of what relevance is this history to you
  as a human being and a law enforcement official?''

  After the first session, one student wrote, ``It has taught me
  that making sure our Constitution is strictly followed should be a
  number one priority throughout my career.'' Another said: ``It
  will help me remember my greatest duty to preserve human life and
  protect the civil rights of every man, woman and child.''

  Bloomfield, the museum director, said, ``Much of the Holocaust was
  perpetrated or supported by trained professionals who were `doing
  their job.' The museum's program with the FBI challenges law
  enforcement agents to examine the moral dimensions of their

  The topic of police complicity in the Holocaust has been a concern
  of Freeh's for some time. In 1994, over objections from the State
  Department and the U.S. ambassador to Poland, Freeh visited the
  Nazi death camp at Auschwitz during a European trip and gave a
  speech at Jagellonian University in nearby Krakow, Poland, on the
  police role in Hitler's oppression.

  Freeh researched and wrote the speech himself with help from Nobel
  laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.

  ``We must be morally responsible for what we do,'' Freeh said
  Friday. ``We have to understand and protect not just the people we
  serve, but the moral and ethical values and human dignities that
  are so important to us all.''

  Foxman applauded the FBI's commitment to ``law enforcement's
  critical role as defenders of the Constitution and guardians of
  individual rights'' and said the training ``has tremendous
  potential to impact the next generation of law enforcement

  At its International Law Enforcement Academy in Budapest, Hungary,
  the FBI has taught a course in human dignity to more than 1,000
  police officers from former communist countries.


Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to
protect liberty when the government's purposes are
beneficent. - Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1928

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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2000-07-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!



NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE: As Al Gore's prospects of electoral
victory in November become more problematic, his well-known Messianic complex
is coming to the fore: "Elect me so I can save the world from global warming,
or else you'll all die." Thus we see Gore's signature issue, global warming,
being pushed onto the front burner (so to speak) once again. This month the
federal government released a new study called "Climate Change Impacts on the
United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change".
How much taxpayer money was spent on this latest exercise in trying to scare
the public is anybody's guess. But we can be sure that those millions of
dollars spent on what amounts to transparent campaign advertising for Al Gore
(one of the inherent advantages of incumbency) will never be declared on any
Federal Election Commission disclosure forms.

Much of the fearmongering in this latest report, as well as most of the
recent pronouncements about global warming from a variety of sources, trace a
rise in global temperatures that began about a century ago. Perhaps those who
actually learned history when schools actually taught facts rather than
feelings, can think back to what they learned about medieval Europe, and
recall what happened in Europe (and the rest of the world, of course)
beginning roughly at the start of the 16th century and lasting several
hundred years. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Throughout most of what is commonly called the Little Ice Age
(1500-1850).for much of the time the northern latitudes came under cool
continental conditions. Observed temperature series in Europe from Paris to
Leningrad show large fluctuations until 1850. Glacier advances are recorded
in the Alps, in the Sierra Nevada, and in Alaska. Corresponding low sea
levels are recorded by early tide gauge records in The Netherlands and
Germany. Even in equatorial latitudes there are traces of mountain glacier
advances (as in the Andes of Colombia)." (emphasis added)

Guess what happened at the end of the "Little Ice Age", beginning at the end
of the 19th century; that is, about a century ago. As the world emerged from
this normal, cyclical cooling, average temperatures gradually began to get
warmer, and sea levels gradually began to rise. Indeed, this has been the
global trend since the end of the last major ice age, about 11,500 years ago.
And this trend of increasing global temperatures and rising world-wide sea
levels will continue (Al Gore's hysteria notwithstanding) until the next ice
age. According to the World Book Encyclopedia:

"An ice age generally lasts about 100,000 years; an interglacial period, from
10,000 to 20,000 years. The most recent ice age ended about 11,500 years ago.
Most earth scientists expect that another ice age will follow the
interglacial period in which we now live. . The most recent Pleistocene
glaciers reached a depth of about 10,000 feet. When they were at their
greatest extent, so much water was frozen in them that the sea level was at
least 330 feet lower than it is now."

Perhaps it is necessary to point out that none of these climate fluctuations
-- not the Pleistocene Ice Age that ended 11,500 years ago, nor the Little
Ice Age that ended about 150 years ago -- had anything whatsoever to do with
human activities, nor with the internal combustion engine that Gore is so
intent on banning: "Within the context of the Strategic Environment
Initiative, it ought to be able to establish a coordinated global program to
accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal
combustible engine." (Earth in the Balance). But unlike King Canute, who knew
he could not stop the tide with his command, Gore actually thinks that he can
control the world's climate. A prime example of the consequences of this
dangerous arrogance is the current spike in gasoline prices caused, at least
in part, by the EPA's mandates for ethanol and MTBE to be added to gasoline
to combat ground level ozone (smog). The National Research Council found:
".the overall impact.is very small"; and further, that ethanol actually
".increase(s) the overall potential of emissions to form ozone." EPA's
alleged "fix", in other words, actually increases the problem.

On May 17, 2000, members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation (John McCain, Chairman) heard testimony on the scientific
research on global warming. The testimony of John Christy, Professor of
Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the
University of Alabama at Huntsville, may be instructive: "I want to encourage
the committee to be suspicious of media reports in which weather extremes are
given as proof of human induced climate change. Weather extremes occur
somewhere all the time." He concluded with a question, and a common-sense

[CTRL] World's Smallest Political Quiz - by the Advocates for Self-Government.html

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

Take the World's Smallest Political 
Quiz to find your political identity.
This document contains frames, which cannot be edited. The original document 
is attached.
To Keep the Peace, Keep Your 
Title: World's Smallest Political Quiz - by the Advocates for Self-Government

[CTRL] dead sea scrolls and babylon workings

2000-07-01 Thread Steven McGraw

Anyone know of the ultimate goal of the babylon workings or the use to
which the dead sea scrolls are being put?

Steven McGraw

Steven has just realized that he qualifies for Mensa.
Steven has consequently lost all respect for the


Please ignore any plugs that may have been insterted below:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] re homosexuals commit 80% of--

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor

Crafting “Gay” Children

>From Judith Reismans

Law and The Social Sciences.  Westlaw journal articles cite Kinsey
positively roughly 650 times (1982-2000) from hate crimes and homosexual
marriage to child custody and rape.  The Social Science and Science Citation
Indices reference Kinsey roughly 6,000 times over this same period.  On the
evidence, Kinsey is far and away the most influential sex scientist in the
law.   Fully100% of the sex science citations in the original 1955 American
Law Institute’s “Model Penal Code” cite Kinsey’s data—alive today in courts
and legislatures.
Slandering Dissenters.   His critics were largely ignored and/or slandered
by Kinsey and establishment media, as sexually repressed, ignorantly
religious, mean spirited, unscientific, and backward.  Continued media
applause prized Kinsey as the prophet of the sexual revolution.
In my book on the subject,  I argue that America’s growing libidinous
pathologies--taught as “safe” and “safer” sex in primary, secondary and
graduate schools and reflected in our fine and popular arts, the press, law
and public policy--largely mirror the documented  sexual psychopathologies
of the Kinsey team itself. ”
This “free sex” movement coarsened the populace by demoting sex from its
rarified, idealistic marital pedestal and private expression into public
display, discourse and performance.  One of the expressions of Kinsey’s
“grand scheme” would be the revival of the traffic in both adult and child
heterosexual and homosexual prostitution and pornography.


Post-Kinsey, Hefner And Hay Launch The Sex Industry:  “The White Slave
Trade,” sex traffic in women and children was finally crippled in 1912 by
the Mann Act, based on the realization that children are asexual and
deserving of governmental protection from adult sexual predators.  Child
prostitution centers closed everywhere, and venereally infected and dying
children were nursed and buried by women’s church groups.

However, Post-Kinsey’s sexual revolution the child sex industry rose again,
carried forward by two Kinsey acolytes. A virginal college youth, Hugh
Hefner, read Kinsey and became his “pamphleteer” aiming to legitimize
“adult” (and, more subtly, child) pornography.
Harry Hay, a bisexual communist  (molested as a boy by a man)  read Kinsey’s
claim that 10% of men are homosexual, left his wife and children and began
the campaign to legitimize sodomy.  Hay elevated sodomy from a defining
pathological and illegal act to a state of being.
Homosexuals, Hay said, are an oppressed “minority”  deserving special or
civil rights thereby spawning the “gay” rights movement.  Flowing
continuously from this movement of approximately two percent of the American
population has been a growing traffic in male child pornography and
Kinsey’s anthem of sexual promiscuity without consequences would be played
out over the decades, but Kinsey’s data were silent on the disastrous
consequences of “public sex”-- prostitution, public sexual solicitations,
sodomy and obscenity, venereal disease, “illegitimacy,” abortion, drug
abuse, suicide, rape, homicide, child sexual abuse and a myriad of other
social disorders.
Abandoning “Public Morals:” Absent bad consequences, Kinsey, Hefner and Hay
said, laws restricting public or private sexual activity were obsolete.
Post 1948, pressured by media, scholars and with the legal profession
parroting the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey, the omnipresent “vice squads”
rapidly disappeared.
Kinsey’s fallacy of promiscuous, public-sex-without-consequences fueled
promiscuity as well as two dozen new STDs and the lethal AIDS.  Kinsey
admirer and Princeton historian David Allyn explained that,
[Kinsey undermined] the very legitimacy of public morality itself…In the
post-WWII era, experts abandoned the concept of “public morals,” a concept
which had underpinned the social control of American sexuality from the
1870's onward…. Kinsey’s… silence when it came to questions of public
sexuality…  served Kinsey's deregulatory ends.   (Emphasis added.)
Normalizing Sodomy: Post-Kinsey, if sodomy and pubic sex were normal and
harmless, it was logical for police and press to ignore homosexual
“cruising.” of public parks, baths, rest rooms and other public spaces.  It
was also logical to ignore sex acts in heterosexual and homosexual “adult”
pornography stores, films and other public entertainments.  “Consent” became
the single moral imperative surrounding sexual conduct for everyone.
Psychiatry Follows Kinsey:  Pre-Kinsey say the authors in The International
Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine, psychiatry taught prostitution,
“bi/homosexuality, sadism, masochism, promiscuity and compulsive
masturbation as unhealthy.” But, “Kinsey” and his followers taught
clinicians that “sexual hypofunction…is natural, healthy, and pleasurable.
Mastery of masturbation is now seen as an important first lesson for the
patient or couple undergoing sex therapy.”
Absent co

[CTRL] OBE a complete success

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor

>Another report on the same study. By the way, Patrick Henry never said,
>"Give me liberty or give me death!" No attendee at his speech remembered
>his saying this highly memorable lines. The attribution first appeared in
>a biography written much later. Also, the "conservatives" who passed out a
>test of 14 questions to entering freshmen at Dartmouth got *three* of
>their answers wrong.
>Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:23:53 PDT
> WASHINGTON (AP) -- Do the words ``Give me liberty or give me
>death'' sound only vaguely familiar? Do you think Thomas Jefferson
>was the ``Father of the Constitution''?
> If so, you're not alone.
> Nearly 80 percent of seniors at 55 top colleges and universities
>-- including Harvard and Princeton -- received a D or F on a
>34-question, high-school level American history test that contained
>historical references like those.
> A group of lawmakers, lamenting the results Tuesday, plan to
>introduce later this week a resolution calling on boards of
>trustees, college administrators and state officials to strengthen
>American history requirements in all levels of the educational
> More than a third of the students surveyed in December 1999
>didn't know the Constitution established the division of power in
>American government, according to the Center for Survey Research
>and Analysis at the University of Connecticut, which administered
>the test as part of a study to measure the teaching of American
> Students were much more knowledgeable about popular culture. For
>example, 99 percent of the seniors could identify profane
>adolescents ``Beavis and Butthead'' as ``television cartoon
> But only 23 percent identified James Madison as the principal
>framer of the Constitution.
> Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., lamented the findings. Quoting
>Jefferson, he said that ``if a nation expects to be ignorant and
>free it expects what never was and never will be.''
> ``This nation seems well on its way to testing this
>proposition,'' Lieberman said. He, along with Sen. Slade Gorton,
>R-Wash.; and Reps. Thomas Petri, R-Wis., and George Miller,
>D-Calif., will introduce the resolution.
> The study, sponsored by the American Council of Trustees and
>Alumni, found none of the 55 schools require American history for
>graduation. And 78 percent of the schools don't require students to
>take any history classes, according to Jerry Martin, one of the
>report's authors.
> ``These students are allowed to graduate as if they didn't know
>the past existed,'' Martin said.
> Martin's group has been working to try to get colleges and
>universities to stress American history, but does not advocate a
>particular curriculum.
> Within the last two years, the State University of New York
>system agreed to add American history to its core curriculum.
> The problem also must be addressed in elementary schools, said
>James C. Rees, who oversees former President George Washington's
>estate in Mount Vernon, Va.
> ``George Washington has been virtually eliminated from
>elementary school textbooks,'' Rees said.
> The history test was given by telephone to 556 college seniors
>chosen at random. The questions were drawn from a basic high school
>curriculum and many had been used in the National Assessment of
>Education Program tests given to high school students.
> On the Net: http://www.goacta.org

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] homosexuals commit, 80 % of child molestations

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor

Crafting “Gay” Children
Judith Reisman

Gay liberationists in general, and boy-lovers in particular, should know
Kinsey’s work and hold it dear….  implicit in Kinsey is the struggle we
fight today.
North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) 1981

This paper will address three related issues.  First, a brief comment on the
role of mainstream media in shaping public opinion by suppressing truth in
the service of special sexual interests. Second, the history of Alfred
Kinsey’s role in promoting the current advances in pedophilia and
homosexuality.  And finally, the schoolroom initiation of children into sex,
especially “gay” sex, as feeding the “[t]ightly run organizations” that
traffic in roughly half-a million boy prostitutes.

Kinsey’s carefully planned publicity program was designed to create an
international mass media sensation which would appear to be spontaneous and
Judith A. Reisman, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences (1998)
Dr. Reisman’s study supports the conclusion that Alfred Kinsey’s research
was contrived, ideologically driven and misleading.  Any judge, legislator
or other public official who gives credence to that research is guilty of
malpractice and dereliction of duty.
Charles E. Rice, Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School, Indiana
Gay men view these boys as recreational toys to be used. I have heard many
stories of HIV positive men having unprotected sex with boys. They don't
think it matters.
Homosexual activist in The Advocate (March 1992).

PROJECT 10, named after Kinsey’s (1948) estimate that 10% of the population
is exclusively homosexual, originally envisioned as an in-school counseling
program…. has become a district-wide and nation-wide forum for the
articulation of the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual teenagers.
Virginia Uribe, Coming Out of the Classroom Closet (1991).

In his famous June 1978 Harvard commencement address Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
indicted America’s mass media for the betrayal of its office:
The press can both stimulate public opinion and miseducate it…The press has
become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than
the legislature, the executive, and judiciary.  One would then like to ask:
By what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible.
Based on its free speech privileges, the American press is charged with
providing a “window to the world” by which the polity may locate the source
of a social malaise, evaluate and correct it.  But, if establishment
media--news and entertainment--broadcasts disinformation and conceals
adverse information about a matter or malaise, than the Fourth Estate (the
mass media) becomes an unelected fifth column directing law and public
policy.  Especially now, when the New York Times reports that “the annual
budgets of gay and lesbian charities and social service agencies amounts to
about $100 million” these “charities” and “agencies” are in a position to
dramatically recraft the national psyche, and thereby national conduct.
This author seeks to break through the mass media conspiracy of silence.
Rogers’ “Theory of Diffusion of Innovation”: Philip Kotler’s classic work,
Marketing Management documents how controlled news is used to “both
stimulate public opinion and miseducate” it.  Rogers and Kotler report that
in a media campaign, 2½% of our social leaders often sway roughly 13% of the
public early-on who later move another 34%, and so on until a majority
accept and adapt the proffered product or idea.   This diffusion is visible
in the shift from the view of homosexuality as a result of early familial
and/or sexual trauma, Pre-Kinsey 1950s, to the Post-Kinsey view of
homosexuality as normal and children as “born gay.”  The shift was sustained
by the Fourth Estate--turning a police raid on a boy prostitution hub (the
1969 Stonewall Riots) into a clarion call for freedom.  And the diffusion is
seen in the magical transformation of AIDS from a fatal, infectious disease
caused largely by violent forms of aberrant promiscuity into a “homophobic”
attack on minority rights.
The on-going media campaign effect is visible in the eight-year shift from
youthful rejection to acceptance, even practice of homosexuality.  A recent
“teen poll” conducted by the establishment media teen magazine Seventeen,
claimed that 17% of teens polled in 1991 versus 54% polled in 1999 accept
homosexuality as appropriate.  Seventeen casually noted: “Teens today are
likely to experiment: 21%… have fantasized about fooling around with someone
of the same sex—and 15% say they have actually done so.”
As in Seventeen, at the same time that establishment media carelessly
announces juvenile homosexual experimentation, it suppresses data on the
culture of inter-gay violence—men battered and killed by pickups and
prostitutes--although these cases are often reported by the h

[CTRL] C-SPAN Live Libertarian Convention 2PM WestCoastTime

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

Remember!  To Keep the Peace, Keep Your Piece!


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[CTRL] [prj] Gestapo Road Blocks

2000-07-01 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Mark A. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [prj] Gestapo Road Blocks
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:13 AM

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: 
http://a-albionic.com/search.html * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: 
http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html*Shop for Autos On-Line 

Date:   6/20/00 2:19:08 AM CDT
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gaylor)


As little as 50 years ago, American movie audiences could be expected
to hiss and boo as the Nazi Gestapo agent was shown insinuating
himself through the passenger cars of some European train, ominously
hissing, "Papers, please?"

Only in totalitarian police states (Americans then understood) were
citizens subject to random searches -- or any requirement that they
show their "papers" at the mere whim of a suspicious government

Then things began to change in America. Where once the Fourth
Amendment ("The right of the people to be secure ... against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated") was
presumed inviolate, now police complained such restrictions were
making it impossible to fight the War on Drugs.

The courts responded to the "pragmatic realities" of the Drug War by
granting police a progressively greater presumption of "compelling
need" to violate the terms of the Fourth -- first in a few cases of
"fleeing suspects"; then in "random traffic stops"; finally tumbling
down the slippery slope so far that today, "It's OK that you killed
these innocent homeowners in their beds, as long as it was your
anonymous _informant_ who got the address wrong. But you really
should pay to fix the door."

Now, finally, the U.S. Supreme Court seems to be rediscovering that
ancient "right of the people to be secure ..."

In 1997, Steven Dewayne Bond was a passenger on a Greyhound bus en
route from California to Arkansas, when the bus was stopped at an
"immigration checkpoint" in Sierra Blanca, Texas. A Border Patrol
agent checked the passengers' immigration status, and then felt their

The agent squeezed a canvas bag in the bin over Bond's seat, and
later told the court his perception of a ''brick-like object" led him
to suspect it contained drugs. When the agent asked Bond if he could
open the bag, the agent testified he was told, "Go ahead."

Inside, the agent found a brick-shaped object covered in tape, later
revealed to contain methamphetamine.

Mr. Bond was convicted of drug possession and "conspiracy" (an
all-purpose add-on charge, these days. Unless he manufactured the
drugs from scratch, he obviously had to have "conspired" with
_somebody_.) The appeals court said the agent needed no search
warrant, since Mr. Bond gave up any reasonable expectation of privacy
when he "exposed" the bag to the public by putting it in the overhead

But on April 17, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Bond's conviction,
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist writing for the court that
"Physically invasive inspection is ... more intrusive than purely
visual inspection." A citizen does not waive his privacy rights when
he places his belongings in a piece of luggage, under the absurd
theory that he is then inviting one and all to "feel the bag in an
exploratory manner," the court ruled.

The 7-2 court majority is a strong one, with only Justices Antonin
Scalia and Stephen Breyer dissenting, on the theory that enforcing
the Fourth Amendment could "deter law enforcement officers searching
for drugs" (Justice Breyer absurdly adding that travelers who want to
safeguard the contents of their luggage "from public touch should
plan to pack those contents in a suitcase with hard sides." Sure. And
those of us travelling by air can demonstrate our reluctance to
"waive our privacy rights" by simply buying luggage with lead panels
designed to block the omnipresent X-Rays ... right?)

Indeed, the Fourth Amendment certainly does "deter law enforcement
officers searching for drugs." It doubtless does so every day. But an
explicit delegation of power to Congress to fight a War on Drugs is
difficult to locate -- some even arguing that the "unenumerated
rights" protected by the Ninth Amendment must include the once
unrestricted right to consume alcohol and other drugs, as our
ancestors were free to do from 1600 to 1915 -- lest why would a
constitutional amendment have been required to outlaw alcohol in

I believe this is a correct and sensible reading of the Ninth. But
even if the drug war were somehow legitimate, whenever a freedom
specifically guaranteed by the Bill of Rights comes into conflict
with the convenience of the police, the Bill of Rights must clearly


Re: [CTRL] Secret files protect dangerous doctors

2000-07-01 Thread Tenorlove

--- Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Secret files protect dangerous doctors
> HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) _ A little-known government database
> tracking malpractice suits and disciplinary action against
> physicians remains unavailable to the general public, and at
> least one congressman says dangerous doctors have hidden
> behind that shield of secrecy long enough.

I went into the database. The data is not accessible to the general
public or defense attorneys, only to institutions and plaintiff's
attorneys. Inquiries start at $10 each. Got themselves a nice little setup.

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 11_THE ALA SERVING... [r e p l y to Bill]

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

Bill, It's important to me because People of Faith should be warned that if
they ACCEPT the DEMANDS of the practicing homosexuals they themselves will
be violating God's Will and His Laws.
I, too, could care less what detestable acts between two consenting 'adults'
perform in their bedroom.
I would think a Parent would be concerned if their below age kid was in that
Their DEMAND that I, and everyone else, ACCEPT their Godless behavior is a
threat to my faith in God.

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: 11_THE ALA SERVING... [r e p l y to Bill]

> In a message dated 6/28/00 9:04:36 PM Central Daylight Time,
> << The definition of 'minority' DOES NOT include 'sexual preferences';
>  been taken in by their propaganda. >>
> Nah, I think that you take things too far...and IMHO the definition of a
> "minority" DOES include queers...what consenting adults do in private is
> concern of mine...and I wonder why it's so important to you.
> < therefore scum who practice sexual acts contrary to our forefathers
> interpretation of those values must and will accept the consequences of
> being ostracized from Society, or with the compassion of his/her peers
> change their sexual behavior.>>
> OK Bard...I dissent with your extrapolation. Did our forefathers practice
> fellatio? Cunnilingus??? Did they do doggie-style? And how do YOU know?
> Homosexuality is as old as the history of manand it most certainly was
> practiced on these shores "back then"...undoubtedly some of our
> were into "buggery"...Like it or not it's a (genetic) fact of life...some
> folk just "dig" their own sex...what's the big deal?
> <>
> Again, I dissent. Do you remember Bard, sitting in agony at the age of
> puberty mulling over, agonizing over whether to like chicks or dicks? I
> didn't have a problem realizing that it was the female form that I wanted
> "lay with"...and I spent ZERO time thinking about it...so if homo's are
> naturally predisposed to feeling the same type of attraction to their sex
> that I feel towards the opposite sex I gotta' tell you...it's not
> that can be changed!
> <>
> It's propaganda...a screed...it means nothing.
> < those determined to destroy our way of life, and replace it with a
> collectivist agenda where individuality is suppressed to enable the Elite
> control the World.>>
> What is "our way of life"?
> If "our way of life" is to be force-fed religious dogma, to be forced to
> think a certain way, I don't want any part of it. I'm pro-choice Bard, in
> AREAS of life...and in MY OPINION that's the AMERICAN WAY. If we disagree,
> that's fine...just don't impose YOUR morality on me and I certainly won't
> impose mine on you.
> Again, I'm not capable of understanding the attraction to the same sex,
> though I know that I'm attracted to attractive women "loving"
> sue me!
> And aren't you hoping to legislate morality?
> < ignorant and those who were abused in early childhood.>>
> Then I suppose we ought to allow the state to peer closer into the family
> dynamic to make sure no kids are being abused or neglected anywhere?
> I DOUBT that child abuse/neglect leads to homosexuality...but I am
> that said abuse/neglect often leads to promiscuity...and that's too bad
> it's understandable isn't it?
> < young.
> Don't laugh Bill;  it's happening as we chat.>>
> Oh, I agree with you here Bard...110%!
> As the the father of a 13 year old son all I know is I'm glad he's not a
> daughter
> Peace,
> Bill.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 40-50 million Hindu girls have gone 'missing' in India in 1990s

2000-07-01 Thread Yardbird

: Female Infanticide in India
: ReportBy Manushri Bahukhandi
: "Lakshmi gave birth to five daughters, only two survive. The other
: three are all victims of infanticide, killed at birth over the last
: four years. The method they employed was to mix sleeping tablets in
: milk and feed it to the baby. The last girl child was killed some time
: in October 1997. Even as Lakshmi cried while she spoke her desire to
: have a son remained strong. The reason for killing was
: purely 'financial.' Since Lakshmi and Raja* live in a small village of
: marginal farmers. They own a little over half an acre of dry land on
: which they cultivate groundnut in order to supplement their income,
: they work as agricultural labourers. Both are uneducated like most of
: the adults in the village." -- Female Infanticide Vol XIII
: Forget Miss Universe pageants, forget Women's Day, forget free
: Internet connections for women. The stark reality is that India today
: tops the list in illegal abortions and female infanticide in the
: world. A CMJI report quoting UNICEF says, 40-50 million girls have
: gone 'missing' in India in 1990. They are termed as missing as they
: were either murdered at the time of their birth or within few hours of
: birth.
: Women who assist in childbirth, snuff out newborn females
: In fact the very women who assist in the birth of a child are the ones
: who are paid to finish off unwanted female babies. On payment of a fee
: that can range between Rs. 60-150, these dais kill the female babies
: the moment they are born.
: The methods adopted to kill newborns are many. In south Indian states
: like Tamil Nadu, children are either fed the milk of poisonous plants
: or covered with a wet towel so that they die later of complications
: from cold.
: In Bihar, holding the baby from the waist and shaking it back and
: forth snaps the spinal chord. Sometimes a child is stuffed in a clay
: pot. Babies are also fed with salt to increase their blood pressure,
: death follows in a few minutes. Grains of paddy husk are also fed to
: slit the tender gullet.
: According to a report in Nexus, in a certain block in Katihar
: district, 35 dais accepted having killed three to four babies a month,
: making the total number of female babies who are killed approximately
: 560 per month. Ten dais in the Sitamarhi districts claim to have
: killed 1-2 babies a month. In this state alone there are approximately
: five lakhs dais and the number of female babies killed can just be
: imagined.
: These dais are the only link between the family and the mother and a
: great amount of pressure is put on the dai to kill the baby if the
: baby is a female.
: Female infanticide is leading to a serious imbalance in the sex ratio
: in the country
: Female infanticide is leading to a serious imbalance in the sex ration
: in the country. According to the 1991 statistics for out of every
: 1,000 males there are only 929 girls and by 2001 there will be only
: 920 women for 1,000 males. In stark contrast, countries like Western
: Europe and US the sex ratio is 1,064 and 1,054 respectively. (Sex
: ratio patterns in the Indian population; Satish Agnihotri)
: Even in the present 'modern' age there are 4 villages out of every 10
: districts in Punjab, where the sex ratio is for every 1000 boys there
: are only 800 girls. Even the neighboring state of Haryana is not far
: behind where are 4 districts that have highly disproportionate sex
: ratio.
: Why are females killed?
: "The birth of a girl, grant elsewhere; here, grant a boy" [Atharva
: Veda] The history of female infanticide can be traced back to the
: Vedic period. Instances of gender discrimination are found in the
: writings of Manu. The guiding philosophy is that the female is under
: the custody of males from womb to tomb.
: In a patriarchal society like India age-old traditions coupled with
: high demand for dowry have resulted in the perpetuation of the
: centuries-old practice of infanticide.
: The general attitude against women is responsible for the backwardness
: of the women folk, especially in the states of Tamil Nadu and Bihar.
: In Rajasthan, where the Rajputs, traditionally a warrior caste, are in
: a majority, daughters are seen as a burden.
: According to some experts, this practice found its way into urban
: areas due to the upper caste phenomena.
: According to Sudipta Mukopadhay, Programme Assistant of Gender Equity
: and Justice, "The only difference between the urban and rural
: infanticide killing is that due to sophisticated technology available
: in urban areas there is foeticide and in rural areas there is
: infanticide."
: So, the theory that infanticide is practiced more by uneducated rural
: folk holds no water.
: Even while writing this piece the lives of hundreds of female babies
: are being snuffed out. Unless there is a radical change in the
: mindsets of the people, the evil practice will continue to finish off
: innocent 

[CTRL] Secret files protect dangerous doctors

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Secret files protect dangerous doctors

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) _ A little-known government database
tracking malpractice suits and disciplinary action against
physicians remains unavailable to the general public, and at
least one congressman says dangerous doctors have hidden
behind that shield of secrecy long enough.

But standing in his way is the American Medical Association and
a powerful medical lobby, The Hartford Courant reported in
weekend editions.

The newspaper, using a public version of the database which
does not have names or other identifying information,
nevertheless deduced the names of several doctors who have
repeatedly faced malpractice charges but continue to practice.
One such surgeon was nicknamed ``Eric the Red'' because of
the way his patients bled.

The Courant said it identified the doctors by comparing the
anonymous data in the database with court records, regulatory
files and other public records.

U.S. Rep. Thomas J. Bliley Jr., R-Va., chairman of the House
Commerce Committee, unsuccessfully championed legislation
this year that would have opened the National Practitioner Data
Bank to the public.

``Now is the time to open the data bank,'' Bliley told The Courant.
``It is unconscionable that consumers have more comparative
information about the used car they purchase or the snack foods
they eat than the doctors in whose care they entrust their health
and well-being.''

Federal law prohibits anyone other than hospitals, health
maintenance organizations and licensing boards from using the
complete database.

In its Sunday editions, The Courant reported the Fairfax,
Va.-based data bank lists malpractice payments of $25 billion
against more than 100,000 doctors, or one of every six
physicians in the country.

At the top of list, the newspaper said, is Dr. Eric Scheffey, a
Houston orthopedic surgeon. The data bank shows Scheffey
involved in 29 malpractice payments totaling $8 million.

After the 1985 death of a back surgery patient, Scheffey's medical
license was put on probation, but he was allowed to keep
practicing. The 1994 death of another patient resulted in five
more years' probation from the Texas State Board of Medical
Examiners. He can still practice but cannot perform operations
without another surgeon present.

Residents in a hospital where Scheffey worked gave him the
``Eric the Red'' nickname, court records show.

Scheffey could not be reached for comment Sunday. Phone
messages from The Associated Press were left with his
answering service, where an operator said he was unavailable
until Monday. Calls to a private listing went unanswered. He also
did not respond to several attempts by the newspaper to contact

The AMA has fought to keep the data bank closed to the public,
arguing that malpractice payments are an unfair measure of a
doctor's abilities.

``Even some of our nation's finest physicians who specialize
high-risk cases are involved in settlements,'' said AMA President
Thomas Reardon.

He said the data bank was intended to allow only regulators and
hospitals to flag problem doctors who move from state to state,
and the general public could misinterpret or overreact to the raw

But the patients who must live with their doctor's mistakes say
access to the bank is a matter of public safety.

Christine Hachey, a Scottsdale, Ariz., travel agent, said she was
not aware of any complaints against the eye doctor accused of
botching her surgery. Dr. Gary Hall, of Phoenix, had accumulated
more than two dozen malpractice payments totaling $5.3 million
before his state medical board prohibited him from performing a
certain type of surgery.

It came too late for Hachey, who now needs a large magnifying
glass to read. ``This really makes me angry,'' she told The
Courant upon learning of the data bank. ``I never knew any of
this. I can't believe the system is so secretive. How are you
supposed to know whether your doctor is any good?''

In a letter to The Courant, Hall said his insurance company had
settled cases ``without my consent'' and noted he had performed
25,000 radial keratotomy operations.

``Therefore, though the number of entries in the National
Practitioner Data Bank appears high, it still represents a very
small percentage of the total number of cases I performed,'' he

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**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not so

[CTRL] Help Ralph McGehee.

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

PLEASE HELP if you can.

Ralph McGehee is a hero. He left the CIA and exposed their lies about
Vietnam to the American people.

He maintains CIABASE online, and is an ongoing critic of the CIA
criminal enterprise. He lives in Virginia, the home of the CIA and is
being punished for being a good citizen by exposing the dirty behavior
of the CIA. He is under constant harassment by local law enforcement,
and even the management of his local supermarket. We citizens owe him
a lot. Let's do what we can to try to help.

How can we help Ralph?

 A Plea: Harassment Intensifies
 Fri, 26 May 2000 23:57:47 -0500 (CDT)
 Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 MindSpring Enterprises



To:  The Herndon Town Council and Mayor
From: Ralph McGehee

Subject: Harasssment of a citizen

   This is another request to the Town of Herdon leadership asking
that they investigate police, town employee and commercial harassement
of myself. Rather than list the various incidents I request a hearing
before members the Town Council to lay out my concerns.

   The level of recent harassment accelerates and reached a stage
where I have experienced physical harm and fear more harm to me,
as well as harm to my wife and property.

   Why me -- I am a vocal critic of the CIA and have been named its
number one critic by a prestigious intelligence publication.

Ralph McGehee

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fw: [ChristianPatriot] CAFRs The BIGGEST Secret - $60 ' TRILLION ' $

2000-07-01 Thread Bard

A scandal beyond our imagination!

"The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is
 eternal vigilance, which condition if he break, servitude is at
 once the consequence of his crimeand the punishment of
 his guilt."
   -- John Philpot Curran (1750-1817)

- Original Message -
From: "Spiritual Piglet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: [ChristianPatriot] CAFRs The BIGGEST Secret - $60 Trillion Invested
By Fed, State, And Local Gover

> CAFRs: The BIGGEST Secret - $60 Trillion Invested By Fed, State, And
> Local Governments!the importance of this CAFR scandle is beyond
> imagining.  the more people that are aware of this, then the more
> pressure we can bring to bear on the manipulators.
> SP
> http://www.sightings.com/general2/bigsecret.htm
> Rense.com
> CAFRs: The BIGGEST Secret -
> $60 Trillion Invested By
> Fed, State, & Local
> Governments!
> 6-30-00
> Reported - but for all purposes HIDDEN from American taxpayers -
> Local, State and Federal governments currently hold about 60+ trillion
> dollars of profitable investments in real estate, pension funds,
> insurance companies, liquid investment funds, bond financing accounts
> and corporate stock portfolios (32 Trillion) over 53% of America's
> stock market, and a large percentage of the international stock
> market, etc., are all revealed in their required filing of CAFRs
> (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) and noted reports therein.
> Walter Burien, who has been blowing the whistle on this gargantuan
> scam, says, "Americans OWN the majority of America's WEALTH and don't
> know it." With the profits rolling in from international investments,
> you now know the true motive behind NAFTA and GATT.
> * Calling it "risky" to allow taxpayers to invest a tiny 2% of their
> social security in the stock market is laughable when our governments
> ALREADY have 32 Trillion dollars invested in the same "risky" domestic
> and international stock markets!
> * The Six Trillion plus "estimated surplus" going into the year 2004
> announced by Clinton is also laughable compared to the additional
> trillions of "surplus" earnings being added yearly to government
> composite CAFRs.
> * If those hidden assets are revealed and used, the Social Security
> and Medicare Trust Funds will never run out.
> * When Orange County lost a little over $1 billion in derivatives
> investments, they were crying "poverty" and threatening to shut down
> schools, police would have to be laid off etc. However someone dug
> into the Orange County CAFR and found out that the county had about
> $16 billion in profitable investments! The county, from their
> profitable liquid investment funds / cash position could have
> continued performing the same services, without collecting one dime in
> taxes, and could have done so for another 11.9 years from the existing
> funds prior to running out of money! The crying stopped.
> * While he was a Mayor, Jesse Ventura's city council wanted to raise
> $360,000 in taxes to cover a short fall on their "city budget for
> schools." Ventura objected when he discovered the city owned
> $48,000,000 in idle investments funds from which the $360,000 could be
> drawn from without raising taxes!
> * Burien estimates that the yearly earnings on the composite CAFR
> investments and venture/enterprise projects are so enormous, ALL taxes
> in most communities in the United States could be phased out and
> eliminated in the foreseeable future. For example, Property Taxes...
> Burien informed me that In Mesa, Arizona, the Mormons running the City
> government have structured to use their CAFR earnings. On a $230,000.
> home in Mesa, owners pay only $230. a year, and the city offers the
> best services to it's residents by operating the majority of city
> functions from the return from the investment funds. (cities
> investment fund totals, 1998, 1.7 billion dollars, yielding about
> $225,000,000.00 which when applied, eliminates the need for forced
> taxation! This is BASIC 101 application, so why don't we hear about
> it? I don't think I have to answer that question, the answer is
> obvious, Control, Greed, Power Mongering, Empire Building for the
> inside Players!!!
> Starting as of September 8, 1998, Walter Burien, a prior Commodities
> Trading Advisor, has been exposing the CAFR, the BIGGEST FINANCIAL
> SCANDAL in U.S. HISTORY, going on for over 55 years starting in 1945.
> Participating in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
> double book accounting strategy which reeks with scandal, are nearly
> all Federal, State and local governments, earning unreported on the
> traditional Budget Reports hundreds of billions each year held in
> separated from the "Budget" slush funds. The CAFRs are mostly
> controlled by about 40 international investment management companies.
> For ex

[CTRL] Fwd: The Mena Coverup

2000-07-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Used to be the Mafia, this group consists of contract killers for the
CIA, Drug Runners, etc. who are hardly the type one could call an
"intelligence" agent, for those sit at the top of the heap, the Family,
and I believe Bill Clinton since he held his first post in Arkansas
government, was part of this vicious "Family".

This is one story I hope will never be forgotten, until the truth is
revealed.   CIA says it - The Truth Shall Make You Freeand we shall
know it.

Now more than legend has it, that this Mafia thing, this Family, that
they only kill each other.  Used to be that way but when you consider
Mena, and a 100 bodies buried on the border of Mexico-Texas, and a few
unsolved murders in our area where one young kid in particular decided
to take on Meyer Lanskey's territory making own drug route - he ended up
dead in Independence Village - but Larry Flynt a short time earlier,
ended up dead for a minute or so, but was revivedfor he too, took on
the Dragons.

Mena is something I hope will never be forgotten.   Arkansas was chosen
for a purpose; looks like a little backward state full of intrigue?  But
remember Little Rock too and George Wallace, gunned down when he too,
too on the Golden Dragons

A Saba

The Mena Coverup
"...it does not require a majority to prevail, but
rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush
fires in people's minds..." -- Samuel Adams
The Wall Street Journal
Editorial Feature
OCTOBER 18, 1994
The Mena Coverup


MENA, Ark. - What do Bill Clinton and Oliver North have in common, along
with the Arkansas State Police and the Central Intelligence Agency? All
probably wish they had never heard of Mena.

President Clinton was asked at his Oct. 7 press conference about Mena, a
small town and airport in the wilds of Western Arkansas. Sarah
McClendon, a longtime Washington curmudgeon renowned for her
off-the-wall questions, wove a query around the charge that a base in
Mena was "set up by Oliver North and the CIA" in the 1980s and used to
"bring in planeload after planeload of cocaine" for sale in the U.S.,
with the profits then used to buy weapons for the Contras. Was he told
as Arkansas governor? she asked.

"No," the president replied, "they didn't tell me anything about it."
The alleged events "were primarily a matter for federal jurisdiction.
The state really had next to nothing to do with it. The local prosecutor
did conduct an investigation based on what was in the jurisdiction of
state law. The rest of it was under the jurisdiction of the United
States Attorneys who were appointed successively by previous
administrations. We had nothing - zero - to do with it."

It was Mr. Clinton's lengthiest remark on the murky affair since it
surfaced nearly a decade ago, in the middle of his long tenure as
governor of Arkansas. And while the president may be correct to suggest
that Mena is an even bigger problem for previous Republican
administrations, he was wrong on just about every other count. The state
of Arkansas had plenty to do with Mena, and Mr. Clinton left many
unanswered questions behind when he to Washington.

Anyone who thinks that Mena is not serious should speak to William
Duncan, a former Internal Revenue Service investigator who, together
with Arkansas State Police Investigator Russell Welch, has fought a
bitter 10-year battle to bring the matter to light. They pinned their
hopes on nine separate state and federal probes. All failed.

"The Mena investigations were never supposed to see the light of day,"
says Mr. Duncan, now an investigator with the Medicaid Fraud Division of
the office of Arkansas Attorney General Winston Bryant "Investigations
were interfered with and covered up, and the justice system was

The mysteries of Mena, detailed on this page on June 29, center on the
activities of a drug-smuggler-turned-informant named Adler Berriman
"Barry" Seal. Mr. Seal began operating at Mena Intermountain Regional
Airport in 1981. At the height of his career, according to Mr. Welch,
Mr. Seal was importing as much as 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month.
By 1984, Mr. Seal was an informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency and
flew at least one sting operation to Nicaragua for the CIA, a mission
known to have drawn the attention of Mr. North. By 1986, Mr. Seal was
dead, gunned down by Colombian hitmen in Baton Rouge, La.
Eight months after Mr. Seal's murder, his cargo plane, which had been
based at Mena, was shot down over Nicaragua with Eugene Hasenfus and a
load of Contra supplies aboard.

According to Mr. Duncan and others, Mr. Clinton's allies in state
government worked to suppress Mena investigations. In 1990, for example,
when Mr. Bryant made Mena an issue in the race for attorney general,
Clinton aide Betsey Wright warned the candidate "to stay away" from the
issue, according to a CBS Evening News investigative report. Ms. Wright
denies the report. Yet once in o

Re: [CTRL] "My Anarchism Problem" by Bob Black

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

> Funny thing, about a year and a half ago, when J2
> ("anti-Grunch libertarian")

Not, not, not a libertarian. Just a plain old Anti-Capitalist
Humanitarian Survivalist.

> was cutting heads regularly with
> MJ ("pro-Grunch libertarian"), and I was still a "pro-Grunch
> libertarian" myself, J2 quickly found his way on my "delete
> without reading" shit-list. As I began reading more and more
> "anti-Grunch libertarian" books and web pages, I began reading
> more and more of J2's posts, to the point where I eventually
> read them all (except for the endless 'bagel feuding' he has
> with FWP).

Hey wait a minute! Bagel feuding is an ancient and honorable pastime.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

However, since nobody can articulate "Culture X" of "us" or "them" it
becomes an exercise like Spy vs. Spy in Mad Magazine. US culture has lost
its way. An individual with so little awareness of self and ego-ideal
would be deemed in urgent need of therapy.

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, tenebroust wrote:

> Yep.  First it's Jewish conspiracies against "our American way", and now the "fags" 
>are out to destroy heterosexual society.  All distraction, and counterproductive in a 
>group which should be fostering support from all groups who are disenfranchised and 
>who seek to uncover the truth of what is really going on.  Doesn't anyone realize (or 
>perhaps the problem is that they DO realize) that dissension is exactly what "they" 
>want.  If we are divided against one another then how can we ever become strong 
>enough to oppose or at least expose the true evils that are threatening us in 
>society.  More bickering and name calling just plays into their hands.
> On Fri, 30 June 2000, "Robert F. Tatman" wrote:
> >
> > Alfred, you're right on the money. The "fags" posts, IMHO, are deliberately
> > planned to divert our attention from the REAL issues we should be dealing
> > with, namely the Oligarchs and their efforts to keep the people from
> > discovering the truth about how (and for whom) the world is run. Let's take
> > a look at THAT particular conspiracy, folks--examine how misinformation and
> > disinformation are used to cloud the minds and obscure the vision of
> > researchers who might otherwise penetrate the layers of deception. And note
> > the way certain individuals, and ONLY those individuals, keep bringing up
> > this diversionary subject whenever the attention of the list starts to focus
> > on economics and the power elite. (I'm not talking about the elitist
> > pedophile rings; there's good, hard evidence that they do exist, and I want
> > to see as much daylight shed on them as possible. What I'm talking about is
> > stuff like "Facts and Statistics About Fags," which uses false "statistics"
> > and loaded obscenities to elicit a purely emotional response from its
> > readers.)
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "DIG alfred webre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:27 PM
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags
> >
> >
> > > Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the
> > Third
> > > Reich
> > > began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
> > > extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
> > > free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
> > > Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature:
> > It
> > > contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
> > > prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical
> > or
> > > psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
> > > identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
> > > literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
> > > redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?
> > >
> > > Alfred Webre, Vancouver
> > 
> >
> > http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> > ==
> > CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> > screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> > sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> > directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> > major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> > That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> > always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> > credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> >
> > Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> > 
> > Archives Available at:
> > http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
> >  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
> >
> >  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> > 
> > To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> > To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> > Om
> "Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix
> "My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space
> Odyssey
> ___
> $1 million in prizes! 20 daily instant winners.
> AltaVista Rewards: Click here to win!
> http://shopping.altavista.com/e.sdc

Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread tenebroust

Yep.  First it's Jewish conspiracies against "our American way", and now the "fags" 
are out to destroy heterosexual society.  All distraction, and counterproductive in a 
group which should be fostering support from all groups who are disenfranchised and 
who seek to uncover the truth of what is really going on.  Doesn't anyone realize (or 
perhaps the problem is that they DO realize) that dissension is exactly what "they" 
want.  If we are divided against one another then how can we ever become strong enough 
to oppose or at least expose the true evils that are threatening us in society.  More 
bickering and name calling just plays into their hands.

On Fri, 30 June 2000, "Robert F. Tatman" wrote:

> Alfred, you're right on the money. The "fags" posts, IMHO, are deliberately
> planned to divert our attention from the REAL issues we should be dealing
> with, namely the Oligarchs and their efforts to keep the people from
> discovering the truth about how (and for whom) the world is run. Let's take
> a look at THAT particular conspiracy, folks--examine how misinformation and
> disinformation are used to cloud the minds and obscure the vision of
> researchers who might otherwise penetrate the layers of deception. And note
> the way certain individuals, and ONLY those individuals, keep bringing up
> this diversionary subject whenever the attention of the list starts to focus
> on economics and the power elite. (I'm not talking about the elitist
> pedophile rings; there's good, hard evidence that they do exist, and I want
> to see as much daylight shed on them as possible. What I'm talking about is
> stuff like "Facts and Statistics About Fags," which uses false "statistics"
> and loaded obscenities to elicit a purely emotional response from its
> readers.)
> - Original Message -
> From: "DIG alfred webre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 1:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] HATE LITERATURE - [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags
> > Does this report not begin to border on hate literature? I beleive the
> Third
> > Reich
> > began homphobic hate literature in earnest, as a prelude to a policy of
> > extermination of gays, much as they exterminated Jews, gypsys, and
> > free-thinkers.  The homophobic literature surrounding the trial of Oscar
> > Wilde was relatively tame compared to this. This post is hate literature:
> It
> > contains systematic distortions of reality designed to further base human
> > prejudice, result in the denial of human rights, incite others to physical
> or
> > psychological violence, or result in the denial of human rights to an
> > identifiable groups based on sexual and gender preferences.  Racial hate
> > literature is not acceptable on this list; Homophobic literature lacks
> > redeeming social value. Is it acceptable?
> >
> > Alfred Webre, Vancouver
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix

"My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space

$1 million in prizes! 20 daily instant winners.
AltaVista Rewards: Click here to win!


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread t

Re: [CTRL] "My Anarchism Problem" by Bob Black

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

> nessie wrote:
> >
> > ...Also, I respected the guy because I knew him mainly from his
> > writing, which is eminently respectable. He's written some very
> > funny and insightful stuff. He's an extremely articulate guy.
> > But I didn't know him very well personally
> Neither did I. Thanks for the personal insights, Nessie.
> The notion that there were two sides to this story never
> crossed my mind. Its been a pleasant surprise to find out
> otherwise.
> As a recovering right-wing libertarian, I still have MUCH
> to learn about left-wing libertarianism; thus will have a
> tendency of putting my foot in my mouth from time-to-time,
> as I obviously just did here. Sorry, I had NO idea!
> > Screw Bob Black and screw his opinions. The opinions of
> > jerks do not matter.
> Except, I assume, for the "very funny and insightful stuff",
> found in most of "his writing, which is eminently respectable",
> (to use your words, with which I tend to agree).
> Off the top of your head, are there other writings of Bob
> Black that you have major problems with? For example:
> http://www.spunk.org/library/writers/black/index.html
> Also, I've noticed there are LOTS of anarchist lists out there,
> what listserver would you (or J2) recommend a newbie anarchist
> subscribe to / lurk on?

Hi Paul,

I don't classify myself anymore. My only purpose in life is to bust bullshit.
That endeavor manages to piss everybody off. ;}

I am not an anarchist though I love and support what the more radical Anarchists
are doing. I am NOT a Libertarian of any sort whatsoever. I hate Right
Libertarians because I consider them a bunch of greedy, shallow, self centered
shits who would sell children chocolate covered rat poison if " the Market "
demanded it, and would cuss out the Gubbment if they tried to regulate them.

I don't believe that " Liberty " is the most important thing going. I think
LIFE is the most important thing going, and liberty enhances life but is not
essential to it. Where there is a choice liberty should be striven for. No
LIFE is worth Liberty. To me, the slogan " Give me Liberty or give me death,"
is a sign of mental illness.

I like Noam Chomsky who calls himself a Left Libertarian. Not because he is a
Libertarian, but because he is very smart and very honest. There are things
he puts out which I personally don't hold by. AND, his take on what we did to
Yugoslavia is wrong.

In any case, it is better to be a Left Libertarian than a Right Libertarian if
you have any aspirations of becoming a human being.

Good luck,


> Preferably one without TOO much traffic,
> as I'm already subscribed to 6 other lists, besides CTRL (although
> CTRL seems to have as much traffic as the other lists combined).
> Regards,
> Paul

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics ...

2000-07-01 Thread Eagle 1

Hi Nessie,
I suppose it all boils down to whether one has to be pragmatic and perfect
to believe a simple concept such as is revealed in the Bible to Abraham who
is considered
the patriarch of the Holy Promise...  that is, the hope in the Messiah,  for
Salvation,   specifically.
Then there are people who question it's validity should follow the
historical record,
to learn the truth of the matter.  But most people are too lazy and don't
time to do this,  and would rather believe a bunch of "crap" they've been
because it's easier,  and less time consuming...
If people willingly choose to consistently find errors in the Bible,  then
that is what they will find.  I find that the problem with people who feel
that the Bible has a lot of "crap" in it... are looking to find "crap"  and
errors.  These same types of people don't want to believe what the Bible
says to begin with,  so basically,  it's a waste of time.

Sure, various men wrote the Bible,  but it all hinges on whether you believe
that GOD is great enough to preserve His own written work,  regardless of
men's interpretations.  If you don't believe that God is great enough to
preserve His Word for ever...  or by divine inspiration... then you will
focus on the errors and mistakes of men and never trust that God is able to
do all things,  even down to providing you with the TRUTH,  *IF*  (notice
the condition) you so desire.

I personally choose to believe as Jesus taught in John 16...
as my faith commits:
"... when the Spirit of Truth,  is come [unto you], He will guide you into
all truth:
for He shall not speak of Himself;  but whatsoever He shall hear,  that
shall He
speak;  and He will show you things to come.
He shall glorify Me [Jesus Christ];  for He shall receive of Mine,  and
show it unto you.
All things that the Father hath are Mine;  therefore said I that He shall
of Mine,  and shall show it unto you."
~John 16:13-15

I do not have time for petty arguments about the Bible...
not speaking necessarily of this list...  but at any time...
because of this statement by Jesus through John, alone.
For IF the Spirit of Truth shows you that the Bible is full of
"crap"...   then so be it.  That is what it would have you to believe. This
another reason why I do not care what people believe or why.  But I believe
that people have the right to express what they believe,  and if someone
disagrees,  they should be willing to give valid documentation,  not just a
shallow argument/debate.  OR  they should just plainly say,  "I do not

However,  it is a fact that God has sent out many 'lying spirits' and strong
delusion to those who do not want to believe or quest for the real truth...
and so it is documented in 1-Kings ch 22:15-40
"...And the Lord said, 'Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall
at Ramoth-Gilead?' And the Lord said unto him, 'Wherewith?' And he said, 'I
will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his
prophets.' And he said, 'Thou shalt persuade him [Ahab], and prevail also:
go forth, and do so.' Now therefore, behold, the LORD HATH PUT A LYING
SPIRIT IN THE MOUTH OF ALL THESE THY PROPHETS, and the Lord hath spoken evil
concerning thee.' "

It happens in the last days also...
"... for this cause GOD SHALL SEND A STRONG DELUSION  that that should
believe a lie..." ~2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

People must have a strong love for the truth,  and that is literally,  a
strong DESIRE for the truth...  for God knows the hearts and the reigns of
all.  The desire must be genuine and valid before it is given to them.

That is just the way I see it...  and is also grounds for the reason Jesus
said that the gate to truth was strait and narrow and there would be few who
find it.

You want to talk about "love" in the Bible?  The way I see the love of God,
certainly is not the way I perceive it from various so-called Christians I
know...  I would take that saying... "What would Jesus do?"  and change it
to "What Jesus wouldn't do." ...  (if so-called Christians even know what He
wouldn't do),  and it would make more sense.

There is nothing that I can find in the Bible about reincarnation,  but
rather a continued life of the soul that eventually comes to judgment,
which simply means reward or punishment.

I do not speak for all Christians,  only for myself regarding
homosexuality...  As far as I'm concerned,  it was forbidden in the Bible
for very good reasons.  I maintain that those reasons are as valid today as
they were in the beginning.  However,  I see the sin of homosexuality a
flesh / carnal sin...  and I see spiritual sin as carrying much more weight
in judgment.  Everyone does something with the flesh that is not healthy...
that really doesn't matter.  Once the flesh dies,  it returns to dust.  It
is the spirit and soul of the person that God is concerned with.  If you
have experiences with so called Christians that thump on people for
homosexual reasons...  they simply do not understan

[CTRL] [Fwd: [IPN] CPT Statement on E-Sign bill]

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: [IPN] CPT Statement on E-Sign bill
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 00:52:50 -0500 (CDT)
From: James Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: http://www.cptech.org
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

FMI:   Jamie Love, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 202.387.8030, hm 703.522.4380
   Vergil Bushnell, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 202.387.8030

Today a consumer group criticized the new US law on electronic
signatures.  Jamie Love, Director of the Consumer Project on
Technology, stated:

   "People should understand that this bill is about legal issues.  It
does not create any new technology.  The bill was pushed to solve
the problems of businesses, and not to protect consumers.   The
legislation will increase the risks of identity theft.  According
to the National Consumer Law Center, the bill places places new
burdens on consumers to provide evidence in disputes over electronic

   "The E-sign Act increases the legal obligations on consumers who
interact with busineses on the Internet and through other digital

   "The E-sign Act raises the legal status of agreements that are
'signed' using electronic technologies, including such authorizations
as click-on buttons on web pages, as well as many other electronic
authorizations, of varying degrees of security.On the one hand,
it overrides other statutes and regulations, and declares as a general
rule, that no contract or signature can be denied legal effect, solely
on the grounds that it was in electronic form.  On the other hand, it
fails in important ways to guarantee that consumers will be protected
from  fraud or unfair business practices in a wide range of matters.

   "In general, electronic transactions may leave consumers more
vulnerable to unauthorized use, compared to conventional transactions.
Technology residing on a consumer's personal computer can hardly be
expected to be shielded from malicious intrusions.  Unlike a handwritten
signature, if an electronic authorization is stolen or forged, the
legitimate owner will be hard-pressed to prove that it was used
fraudulently.  The E-sign Act contains no provision to limit the
liability of consumers victimized by fraudulent spending.

"Congress rejected pleas from consumer groups that the e-sign bill
include a provision to ensure that a contract cannot be altered once a
consumer's digital signature is affixed.  The Senate langauge on this
was dropped from the bill that was signed by the President today.
The risk is that consumers will be victimized by changes in contractual
text, inadvertent or otherwise, eroding the consumer's ability to
reproduce copies of digital contracts at a later date, or admit such
documents as evidence.

   "The digital signature bill is likely to hurt consumers lacking
access to the Internet, especially low-income consumers and
minorities.   The E-sign Act does allow the consumer the choice of
receiving a contract in electronic or paper form.  However, given the
prevalence of adhesion contracts in business-to-consumer transactions,
this 'choice' may very well be "take-it-or-leave it," or constrained
by penalty fees for paper-based contracting, a practice not prohibited
by the legislation.

Other experts that have expressed opinions on the E-sign Act are:

-  Vergil Bushnell
   Consumer Project on Technology
   202.387.8030  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Margot Saunders
  National Consumer Law Center

-Frank Torres/ David Butler
 Consumers Union

James Love, Director   | http://www.cptech.org
Consumer Project on Technology | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 19367 | voice: 1.202.387.8030
Washington, DC 20036   | fax:

Info-policy-notes mailing list

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Palestine statehood will lead to annexation: Barak

2000-07-01 Thread Yardbird

: Isn't it a wonderful thing for the palestinians, poor and despised as
: they are, to have such delightful negotiating partners?
: Ask yourself if israel could have gooten to this point if not for the
: support of the United States.  then ask yourself why we deny the rights
: of the Palestinians in this
: way.  don't you agree that we are going against every precept of civil
: and human rights around the world when we do this?
: Money drives American politics, and of course, raw fear on the part of
: politicians to go against the jewish lobby.  I use the word jewish,
: because every major American Jewish organization supports Israel.

: Israel is the scorpion of the Middle East.  You are always careful not
: to stir him up,
: but you don't invite him over for dinner either.

: Palestine statehood will lead to annexation: Barak

:Israel counts on Clinton to bridge gap with Palestinians as
:stances harden

: June 30, 2000

: OCCUPIED-AL-QUDS: Prime Minister Ehud Barak told US Secretary  of
: State Madeleine Albright that Israel  will  annex  all  territory
: under its control if Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat declares an
: independent state unilaterally, an Israeli daily said Thursday.

: "The prime minister is determined to take a series  of  steps  in
: response  to  a  declaration  of  statehood  by  Arafat  quickly,
: determinedly, and without  a  minute's  delay,"  the  top-selling
: Yediot Aharonot said.

: "In  response  to  a  unilateral  declaration  by  Arafat  of   a
: Palestinian state, Israel will immediately  annex  all  territory
: under its control," it quoted Barak as telling  Albright.  Israel
: still has total or security control over some 60 percent  of  the
: West Bank and 35 percent of the Gaza Strip, as  well  as  holding
: east al-Quds which the Palestinians also claim.

: Arafat said in Nablus earlier this week a Palestinian state would
: be declared within weeks. He has previously said it would  happen
: by September 13, the date fixed by both sides for a final  accord
: which at the moment looks far away.

: Albright left the region  early  on  Thursday  after  failing  to
: bridge the gaps between the two sides in  efforts  to  arrange  a
: Barak-Arafat summit with US President Bill Clinton.  The  borders
: of a future Palestinian state are  among  the  key  issues  which
: Israelis and Palestinians are trying to  settle  in  their  final
: status talks.

: Danny Yatom, a close aide to Barak, hinted Wednesday that  Israel
: would  react  violently  if  Arafat   unilaterally   declared   a
: Palestinian state.

: "Israel would have to take swift counter-measures.  This  process
: can get out of hand. Israel will emerge the winner, there  is  no
: doubt about that, but we will have to pay a high price," he said.

: Israel is counting on US President Bill  Clinton  to  bridge  the
: yawning gaps between the Jewish state and the Palestinians  in  a
: three-way summit it hopes  will  take  place  in  late  July,  an
: Israeli minister said on Thursday.

: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak told  Albright  Wednesday  that
: the only way to secure progress ahead of a mid-September deadline
: for a final peace accord with  the  Palestinians  was  through  a
: summit. Arafat rejected a US suggestion for  a  mid-July  summit,
: stressing to Albright that more negotiations were  needed  first.
: He did not rule  out  a  summit  later  in  July.  Communications
: Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said that only a  third  party  can
: save the peace process at this stage.

: (c) The News International, Pakistan

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel has a Thriving Slave Trade -- please explain!

2000-07-01 Thread Yardbird

: the most likely customer for a whorehouse is a devout Orthodox.
: Israeli-Russian mafia not only bring in an estimated 3,000 women a year,
: (all of whom are duly exposed to the police and deported when no longer
: useful)
: but they supply much of the world as well.
: The US by comparison receives an estimated 40 to 50,000 such women a year,
: many supplied by the Russian mafia, of whom again many are Jewish.
: US has about 70 times as many people as there are Jews in Israel (circa 4
: million)
: and receives about 13 to 17 times as many women.  israel has done nothing to
: stop the trade.  the US at least give lip service to it, see recent
: statements by Mad
: Halfbright.


: > In Israel it is legal to buy and sell slaves, as long as they aren't
: > Jews. The slave trade is big business in Israel, and it's legal.
: >
: > From the June 16 issue of the Jerusalem Post -- the Jerusalem Post's
: > documentary article on Israel's trade in White slaves, published just
: > two weeks ago, is astoundingly frank and straightforward.
: >
: > I quote from the June 16 issue of the Jerusalem Post:
: >
: > "Every year hundreds of women, and an unknown number of girls under the
: > age of 18, are bought, sold, drugged, imprisoned, and forced to work as
: > prostitutes in Israel's thriving sex industry. In countries such as
: > Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Hungary, traffickers prey on desperate
: > women. Facing poverty, the women are lured to Israel with the promise
: > that they will make fabulous salaries working as teachers or
: > caregivers."
: >
: > The article continues:
: >
: > "But when they come to Israel their passports and travel papers are
: > taken away, in order to prevent them from leaving. They are raped and
: > beaten. Trafficked women are treated as objects, as commodities to be
: > bought and sold by pimps for thousands of dollars or held in debt
: > bondage, forced to work to pay off large sums of money. Their "owners"
: > imprison them in locked houses or apartments with barred windows. They
: > can rarely leave the apartment and are prevented from going out
: > unaccompanied. They are frequently abused, especially if they refuse to
: > have sex with a customer or try to escape. . . . In brothels, massage
: > parlors, and sex clubs throughout the country, these women "slaves" are
: > subjected to violence, degradation, and terror. According to a report
: > released last month by Amnesty International entitled 'The Trafficking
: > of Women to Israel,' the country is rapidly becoming a major destination
: > for sex trafficking and slavery."
: >
: > Kim
: >
: > Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
: > Before you buy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-07-01 Thread Yardbird

: Iran convicts 10 Jews, acquits 3 of spying

: The Hindu

: Teheran, July 1 (Agencies) - A court convicted 10 Iranian
: Jews of spying for Israel, but acquitted three others,
: State television quoted judiciary officials as saying
: today.

: Hossein Ali Amiri, head of the local judiciary, told the
: television that 10 Jews and two Muslims had been
: convicted as part of an Israeli spy ring. Three Jews and
: two Muslims were acquitted he said.

: (Reuters photo shows the mother of one of the Iranian
: Jews, Ramin Nematizadeh, yelling and praying to God after
: hearing the verdict outside the Shiraz Revolutionary
: Court on July 1. Nematizadeh, an army conscript accused
: of passing intelligence secrets from his barracks,
: received a sentence of four years.)

: "Amri told State television that a verdict was issued for
: 17 Muslims and Jews accused of spying. Five of them were
: acquitted, of whom three are Jews. Twelve others were
: sentenced to jail and lashes, or fines," IRT said.

: Despite threats from Iranian hardliners and the fears of
: overseas Jewish groups and western capitals, none of the
: defendants was given the death penalty.

: Saturday, July 1, 2000
: Click on The Hindu link at News Plus
: http://www.mantra.com/newsplus
: Om Shanti

: Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
: purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post
: may not have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the
: opinion of the poster. The contents are protected by copyright law
: and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

: http://www.mantra.com/newsplus/">Jai's News Plus

: Panchaang for 30 Jyaishtth 5101, Saturday, July 1, 2000:

: Vikrama Nama Samvatsare 5102 Dakshinaya Nartana Ritau
:  Mithuna Mase Shukla Pakshe Manta Vasara Yuktayam
: Ardra-Punarvasu Nakshatra Dhruva Yoga
:  Naga-Kinstughna Karana Amavasya-Prathama Yam Tithau

: Jai's News Plus
: http://www.mantra.com/newsplus

: Hindu Holocaust Museum
: http://www.mantra.com/holocaust

: Information about Hindu life, principles, and philosophy
: http://www.hindu.org
: http://www.hindunet.org

: Information about Islam
: http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate

: PayPal is a no-cost service that lets you 'beam' money
: https://secure.paypal.com/refer/pal=mantra%40mantra.com

: For-pay Internet distributed processing
: http://www.ProcessTree.com/?sponsor=17423

: Open a no-cost, no-obligation real gold worldwide money account
: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=108077

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread nessie

Why are you trying to rebut this guy's statistics as if they were valid?
Not only has he failed to substantiate them, but it is a well known fact
on the internet that 73.86% of ALL statistics are actually made up on the

 8^ )

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Former nun to argue for Clinton disbarment

2000-07-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/30/2000 10:58:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<<  The woman selected to argue that
 President Clinton isn't fit to be a lawyer is a former nun who
 this year had an Arkansas judge removed from office.

 The Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct
 selected Marie-Bernarde Miller of Little Rock to handle its case
 against Clinton. A lawsuit seeking Clinton's disbarment was filed
 Friday in state court. >>

Anybody know why our "nun" decided to chuck the order?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-07-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/30/2000 10:36:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< In January 1998, Clinton said in his sworn deposition: "I have
 never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky."

 On Aug. 17, 1998, he told a federal grand jury that he had had an
 inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. He said the conduct he
 engaged in with Lewinsky did not meet the definition of sex that
 was given at the start of the deposition. >>

That's about it.  Of course since our judge has decided for herself what she
thinks constitutes "sexual relations," who knows?  You know how it is with
Republicans.  They just change the rules, the definitions or the position of
the goal posts to suit however they think they can win the game.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Freedom From War

2000-07-01 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: New Paradigms Discussion
Subject: Freedom From War
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 5:04 PM

Note: This Electronic Research Collection is an archive site. For the most current 
information, please visit the US State Department homepage.

Freedom From War
The United States Program
for General and Complete
Disarmament in a Peaceful


Disarmament Series 5
Released September 1961

Office of Public Services

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. - Price 15 cents


The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious 
ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome 
the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States has introduced at 
the Sixteenth General Assembly of the United Nations a Program for General and 
Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.

This new program provides for the progressive reduction of the war-making capabilities 
of nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international institutions to settle 
disputes and maintain the peace. It sets forth a series of comprehensive measures 
which can and should be taken in order to bring about a world in which there will be 
freedom from war and security for all states. It is based on three principles deemed 
essential to the achievement of practical progress in the disarmament field:
First, there must be immediate disarmament action:
A strenuous and uninterrupted effort must be made toward the goal of general and 
complete disarmament; at the same time, it is important that specific measures be put 
into effect as soon as possible.
Second, all disarmament obligations must be subject to effective international 
The control organization must have the manpower, facilities, and effectiveness to 
assure that limitations or reductions take place as agreed. It must also be able to 
certify to all states that retained forces and armaments do not exceed those permitted 
at any stage of the disarmament process.
Third, adequate peace-keeping machinery must be established:
There is an inseparable relationship between the scaling down of national armaments on 
the one hand and the building up of international peace-keeping machinery and 
institutions on the other. Nations are unlikely to shed their means of self-protection 
in the absence of alternative ways to safeguard their legitimate interests. This can 
only be achieved through the progressive strengthening of international institutions 
under the United Nations and by creating a United Nations Peace Force to enforce the 
peace as the disarmament process proceeds.

There follows a summary of the principal provisions of the United States Program for 
General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. The full text of the program is 
contained in an appendix to this pamphlet.
The over-all goal of the United States is a free, secure, and peaceful world of 
independent states adhering to common standards of justice and international conduct 
and subjecting the use of force to the rule of law; a world which has achieved general 
and complete disarmament under effective international control; and a world in which 
adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United 

In order to make possible the achievement of that goal, the program sets forth the 
following specific objectives toward which nations should direct their efforts:

The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their 
reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal 
order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;
The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, including all weapons of mass 
destruction and the means for their delivery, other than those required for a United 
Nations Peace Force and for maintaining internal order;
The institution of effective means for the enforcement of international agreements, 
for the settlement of disputes, and for the maintenance of peace in accordance with 
the principles of the United Nations;
The establishment and effective operation of an International Disarmament Organization 
within the framework of the United Nations to insure compliance at all times with all 
disarmament obligations.
The negotiating states are called upon to develop the program into a detailed plan for 
general and complete disarmament and to 

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Paradigm Shift - Robert Anton Wilson Interview

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor

I personally think a number of factors are leading to increased conspiracy

-The fracturing of culture. As a country beomes more diverse, whether
racially of otherwise, and the lines of communication break down, then it is
easier for real conspiracies to spring up and imagined ones to be seen.
This is in common with the class split. the more the elite does not believ
that it has common cause with the masses, then they feel free to exploit the
masses and the proles become more resentful

- The rise of modern ideologies.
The elite in particular becomes driven to change the world and will impose
its views. Hence education becomes a tool for upbuilding and learning the
bible(at least the ideology was clear) but also ideological indoctrination.

-resulting from education people cease to think analyticall but think in
terms of victimhood..and someone conspiring against them.

-mass media also whether delibrately or for entertainment simplifies things
to good versus evil, when the truth is more complicated. Also the media
represents the rich capitalists viewpoint(eg stephen
spielberg -dreamworks,Eisner-disney, Levin-Times warner, Redstone-CBS,
murdoch-fox) and they feel little for the hewers of wood and the drawers of


Oh and there are some genuine conspiracies as well, which doesnt help the
level of paranoia

PHF: Okay... so why are conspiracy theories so popular?

RAW: Information flow is accelerating, as several studies have indicated
and as I have documented in a few of my books. Information acceleration
leads to fractal functions, according to mathematician Theodore Gordon.
Fractal functions are always unpredictible. Okay?

Well, most people don't know enough math and sociology to understand
that simple paragraph.All they know is that everything is getting more
unpredictible and that looks spooky to them. (The unpredictible tends to
spook all mammals...) Unable to grasp what is happening (accelerated
evolution), most domesticated primates feel spooked and threatened and
look around for some Evil Force to blame. Conspiracy theories will
continue to proliferate as long as the acceleration does not include an
acceleration of general education...but that will have to happen as the
whole world moves into high gear. Then we'll have more understanding
(science) and less demonology (conspiracy theory.)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor

> First published in The Asheville Tribune on October 29, 1999.
>The revealing story of a rancher and the national debt
>Special Report By David Morgan, The Asheville Tribune
>Case History: Hage v. United States
>After years of successfully ranching in California, Wayne
> & Jean Hage (she is now deceased) purchased a large cattle
> ranch in Nevada, Pine Creek Ranch, in the spring of 1978.
>The acreage involved is approximately 752,000 acres.
>However, as it is mostly desert land, the land's ability
> to support cattle is far less than might be supposed from
> its size. Located in the high desert mountains of central
> Nevada, the remote operation seemed an unlikely place for a
> war that would rock the very foundation of federal land
> management agencies.  Wayne purchased the operation from
> the well-respected Arcularius Brothers who sold the ranch
> because the regulatory pressure by the U.S. Forest Service
> had become unbearable.  Since Wayne had always been able to
> work with the agency, he believed he could resolve problems
> that might occur.  Wayne soon learned the only way he could
> satisfy the Forest Service was to allow them to confiscate
> his property.
>One of the first incidents that drew the line between
> Wayne and the Forest Service revolved around a critical
> spring that Wayne owned. Situated close to the Forest Service
> Ranger Station in Meadow Canyon, the district ranger decided
> they would pipe the water from the spring, through a newly
> installed $50,000 water purification facility, into their
> cabin.
>Wayne learned of this after the project was complete, and
> rightfully objected.  He explained that if they needed his
> water, they could make appropriate arrangements.  They
> refused to cooperate and would not acknowledge that he owned
> the water even though he held two court decrees affirming his
> water right.  Wayne even held a field hearing where the state
> water engineer acknowledged Wayne's ownership and the Forest
> Service's illegal confiscation. But, still today, the Forest
> Service has maintained a fence around the spring so that
> cattle and wildlife cannot drink, and the water is still
> being piped into the ranger's cabin.
>  Retaliation
>Because Wayne questioned the Forest Service's actions,
> the Forest Service began an unbelievable retaliation campaign.
>In a 105-day period they sent Wayne 40 certified letters
> and personally visited him 70 times, each time citing him in
> violation of a bureaucratic regulation.
> Wayne had to respond in writing and take corrective action
> to each one of their allegations, no matter how trivial.
>In fact, most, if not all, were wild goose chases or
> violations the Forest Service themselves had created.
>Some of these charges stated Wayne was not maintaining his
> drift fences. In order to comply with their rules, Wayne would
> check and mend if necessary the fences in question.  One of
> these incidents involved sending a horse and rider to the top
> of Table Mountain to ride the 20-mile fence line.  After doing
> this, the rider found only one problem. There was one staple
> missing.  The Forest Service had dutifully marked it with a
> blue flag.
>Also, among these charges were 45 accounts of trespass
> where Wayne's cattle were allegedly found in the wrong
> location.  For every one of these, Wayne would send a crew
> of riders to locate the cattle and attempt to comply with
> the regulations.  Often, there were no cattle to be found,
> leaving Wayne to wonder if there ever were. Also, on several
> occasions there were eyewitnesses who watched the Forest
> Service employees move Wayne's cattle into trespass areas,
> and then immediately cite him for the violation.
>Over the next eight years he filed three administrative
> appeals, and won all three.  They cost him over $150,000 in
> attorney and consultant fees, not to mention the countless
> hours, personal resources, and lost income also expended.
>Twice, his pickup was shot at while he was close by, a
> not so subtle warning. His wife and children were run off
> the road personally by the District Ranger.
>Even though he won every case, the agency would create new
> regulations that would wear Wayne down, force him to expend
> his time and resources fighting their new regulations, and
> eventually run him completely out of business.  The final
> straw came when the Forest Service confiscated at gunpoint
> over 100 head of his cattle. Armed with semi-automatic weapons
> and bulletproof vests, 30 Forest Service riders confiscated
> his cattle in July of 1991.
>Although they had no legal justification for their actions,
> they took the cattle, handed Wayne a bill for their cost of
> gathering the cattle, transported the cattle to a sale yard
> whi

[CTRL] OEN 7/1/00

2000-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
Federal Reserve

What a Friend We Have in Greenspan

And Jimmy Buffet is Warren Buffet's son.

While America’s Federal Reserve seeks to coax the economy down to a soft
landing, the rest of the world worries about the risk of a sharper downturn

AS THE Fed’s open-markets committee met this week, almost all those shouting
advice from the sidelines agreed on what its aims should be. Clearly, if a
rise in inflation is to be averted, the American economy has to slow from the
breakneck pace it has kept up over the past couple of years. But that is
where agreement ends. There is fierce debate over what form a slowdown might
take: a soft landing—as the stockmarket is now betting—or a hard one. Foreign
policymakers as well as investors have their fingers crossed, hoping it will
turn out to be the first.

The Fed’s decision on June 28th to leave its “fed funds” rate unchanged at
6.5% followed recent evidence that the economy was slowing already; and,
despite a renewed warning of mounting inflationary pressures, this suggests
it believes America is now on course for a soft landing. The Fed may have
only one more chance—in August—to raise rates again before the election
campaign poses political obstacles to such a move. Policymakers across the
globe will be praying that Alan Greenspan, the Fed’s chairman, has got it
right. America has accounted for almost three-quarters of the total increase
in output among the rich economies over the past three years. So, at best,
they will have to cope with the consequences of a slowdown: the motor of the
world economy purring less irresistibly than before. At worst, they will have
to deal with the after-effects of a crunching halt.

Channel conflict
What most people have in mind when they talk about a “soft landing” is a
situation in which American interest rates do not need to go much higher to
forestall inflation, and GDP growth slows, from an annual rate of over 5% in
the first quarter of this year, to a rate of perhaps 2.5-3% next year, a
shade below the rate that most people now believe to be sustainable in
America. A “hard landing” generally means a recession—not necessarily a
severe one, but at least two consecutive quarters of declining GDP—which
might be combined with a sharp slide in both equity prices and the dollar.
This is, of course, an oversimplification: in between “soft” and “hard” lie a
whole range of landings of varying degrees of bumpiness. Or, as one fund
manager put it, helpfully, “I expect a soft landing, but it could be the
hardest we’ve seen for a long time.”

Any glee overseas at seeing American economic hubris dented by a crash would
be short-lived. There are three channels through which a downturn in America
might harm other economies: trade, exchange rates and capital flows.

As America’s economy has boomed, it has sucked in ever more imports, which
have recorded an average annual increase of 12% in volume over the past
couple of years, growing twice as fast as total world trade. This has been a
key source of growth to economies stretching from Europe to Asia. But if
America’s economy stalls, past experience suggests that import growth will
fall more sharply than GDP. Even a soft landing in America would make it less
attractive as an export market.

The chart [not shown] identifies some of the economies that are most
dependent on America. Top of the list are Canada and Mexico, which both send
more than four-fifths of their exports to America, equivalent to 33% and 21%
respectively of their GDPs. Several East Asian economies, such as Malaysia,
the Philippines and Thailand, also export 10% or more of their GDPs to
America. In contrast, in Japan and Western Europe the proportion is around
only 3% of their GDPs, so the direct impact of a fall in exports to America
would be modest.

Take Germany; its exports to America rose by about 10% in volume last year.
Suppose export growth fell to zero next year, as a result of a sharp slowdown
in America. That would shave Germany’s GDP growth by only 0.3 of a percentage
point. A similar slump in American import growth would lop a full percentage
point off growth in Thailand and two points off Mexico’s. Painful, but not
enough by itself to drag them into recession.

If America’s economy had faltered two years ago, in the midst of the Asian
crisis, the results would have been worse. But domestic demand is now
recovering in the crisis-hit tigers, growing by 7% in South Korea last year.
Another mitigating factor is that trade within the Asian region has been
growing even faster than exports to America.

A second channel for communicating American economic ill-health is the
exchange rate. A hard landing in America might bring a sharp fall in the
dollar against the other main currencies. Even a gentler slowdown might lead
to a stronger yen and euro. That would further squeeze exports from Japan and

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

So whatcah gonna do? Put 'em a in jail, re-education camps or are ya gonna
just kill 'em.

Your sancticmonius reasoning is also "cabal" based. Let us see , what to you
do that some moral high horse, could "kill" you over?

Treason is a far greater crime against man and God. MHO



In a message dated 6/30/00 10:29:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>But then, I guess you probably don't believe in building codes either,
>Now WHO, or WHAT deranged CABAL would want society to march to an unhealthy,
>unsanitary, filthy plumbing code???

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>To compare queers as just like the rest of normal society is Mt Everestian

Queers are a part of normal society, EVERY normal society. Queers are
everywhere, in every society. You undoubtedly know some personally,
everybody does. They just haven't told you about it, that's all.

>Particularly, since their cult

What EXACTLY makes it a "cult"? You left that part out.

>is manipulated by the "Oligarchic Elite" ...

As are we all.

>then again your highly moral, ethical, and principled Prezidente "Slick"
>Willie does goosestep to their every directive so I guess I could just be
>wrong on THAT account?

Don't change the subject.
>Obviously sexual orientation has little to do with a robust and healthy

>society ...

Not one bit, nor has it ever been demonstrated otherwise.

>so I guess "Slick" is an OK guy ...

He's a gangster. That has nothing to do with his sex life.

Most of our recent presidents have been gangsters. You can tell by the
nicknames. We used to have presidents called things like Honest Abe, Old
Hickory and Father of His Country. Nowadays we get guys like Tricky Dick,
Slick Willie, Poppy and Dutch.
>But frankly, in your UNNATURAL opine,

Homosexuality is not unnatural. If it were, it would not occur throughout
the animal kingdom. I once saw in National Geographic, and again recently
on TV, two male octopi going at it. They weren't even of the same species.

And my DOG has a boyfriend, fer chrissake. Homosexuality is part of
nature's way. Get used to it.

What IS unnatural is the conscious suppression of one's own sexuality,
whatever that may be. Sexual repression is a tool of social control. If
they can get you do something as totally unnatural as to not screw, they
can get you to do anything.

>I might add that I guess you simply

>need to be reminded that your plumbing isn't hooked up to operate that

Ah, but it DOES work that way. It works a number of ways. Which one of
them you prefer is strictly a matter of personal taste. There is no
accounting for taste. Some people like catsup, some people like
mayonnaise. I like mustard. What's the big deal, that YOUR religion
forbids it? So what? I don't practice your religion. Ergo, it's tenets are
irrelevant to my life, particularly to my sex life. Now it so happens that
I much prefer women, for a variety of reasons, not least of which is they
make better conversation. But if I ever change my mind, the very last
thing that would stop me from sleeping with guys is somebody else's
religion. Would YOU let somebody else's religion dictate what YOU do in
bed? I didn't think so. Me either.

Now I have a question for you. Why do you care enough about what other
people do in bed that you spend time and bandwidth trying to browbeat them
into doing it your way? Does the idea of having that much control over
another person's body get you off? Do you find it arousing? Are you
aroused right now? Do you still have both hands on the keyboard?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cooki Monsters

2000-07-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Habeas Alias - The Cooki Monster - what a name, what a cover - bet
Clinton spends a lot of time on a computer somewhere and he should.

Ken Starr was he real cooki monster - the stuff he got on Clinton we
could have gotten out of the National Enquirer for a dollar and a
quarter is it?

I think Starr got all his data from the Tabloids at a cost of maye
$20.00 or so and boy the bill he sold the American people and the bill
we got for it - wasn't worth it.

Well we elected that guy and the only way out for him was impeachment,
but I give that guy A Plus for just plain guts.

He made one bigger mistake than Lewinsky - and that was to give in and
bomb the Balkans, for that was the price they paid and we paid, for his

He was a man of peace for or less, until he got caught with that
floosie..remember, make love not war?   Got to keep that guy happy
until he gets out of office.

Only this time the big dumbo should not be stupid enough to talk on a
telephone, for when I say goodbye - well I used to say "goodbye
everybody:, for they guy was on a party line for some time, and did not
know it.   Even the Mossad...so much for promiscuous pizza delivery
girls, and The Cooki Monster.

Habeas Alias aka
Aleisha Saba

And you can call me Al.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-07-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well David Sutherland, I am a conspiracy theorist and have been since
the death of RFK, for then I realized like Alice In Wonderland, that
things were not as they seemed.

During my many years of research I was once warned "Do No Cast Pearls
Before Swine"...and then came the Legionaires Disease timed so nicely to
the events of the day - and I thought "My Name is Legion, for we are
many" and the evil spirit entered into the swine who paniced - virtually
suiciding, to the water where they diedthink they might in Sigmund
Freud's language call this "the herd instinct".

Oh I remember Cincinnati, and a bunch of kids sans manners rushing to
grab the best seats; but that is to be expected, the band played on, and
oh they did not know all those kids died.
Why not, they paid dearly for them.

Pearl Jam.Are they casting pearls before the swine - and then Pearl
Jam sends out a note they "feel our pain" when these kids get killed -
now at 100,000 people in attendance, most likely younger people, how
much did it cost per head.and we are told Pearl Jam, like Clinton,
feels our pain.

So there have been over the years numerous events some occuring in rock
places where kids hang out..panic, small fire - but the doors were
boltedin France, this one event took many lives, but people forget -
and the band plays on - like Aids taking a few lives here and few lives
there - but Cui Bono - and Pearl Jam feels our pain.

To me this Pearl Jam they are the swine100,000 people, and how much
security?  I say thought,  their name should be Legion, and their evil
spiritis entered the swine who panic and stampede?   Maybe a little
biblical lesson and clue here?

So Pearl Jam - panic from the rear - a rush and how many kids died was
it 15, and how many injured.   Have they had plenty of security to keep
watch over these kids with all the money the public is ripped off?

So, Pearl Jam gets involved in politicstake the note.and once
again the iniquities of the fathers are visted upon the children.

Are these the pearls of great price, and were they worth it?

I say they are Pearls of Great price at that but highly over-ratd and
over paid..but they should be careful for someday they themselves,
might end up being trampled upon by the "swine"/

So much for Pearl Jam feeling our pain as they bank their

A Saba

So here is their sales pitich - even teamed up with Black Sabbath - bet
that is a nice bunch ..
By the way, old joke was music was the 13th floor of the CIA..The
Pied Piper
Vipers...Send our boys to war with a song.
Never wrote a song about how Johnny Didn't Come Marching Home though,
did they...
get CD - DONATE DONATE DONATE - this is their idea of a charity event -
we pay for it
A SabaSo Much for United Way $

donate online   tracklistings



Album To Feature Rare, Live And Unreleased Tracks By Rage Against The
Machine, Neil Young, Pearl Jam, KoRn, Alanis Morissette, Tori Amos, The
Wallflowers, Oasis And More
On June 15, 1999, Epic Records will release No Boundaries--a unique
compilation created for the benefit of the refugees of Kosovo.

The 16-track album will feature rare, live and previously unreleased
special versions of songs by some of the most popular and acclaimed
artists on the international music scene. The artists confirmed to
appear on No Boundaries are Pearl Jam, Rage Against The Machine, Alanis
Morissette, Neil Young, Oasis, KoRn, Black Sabbath, Indigo Girls, Ben
Folds Five, Peter Gabriel, The Wallflowers, Sarah McLachlan, Bush, Tori
Amos, and Jamiroquai.

Pearl Jam's version of "Last Kiss," the 1964 hit by J. Frank Wilson &
the Cavaliers, will be the first single from No Boundaries. The single
arrives in stores June 8 and includes the B-side "Soldier Of Love," a
live version of the song first recorded by Arthur Alexander. "Last Kiss"
and "Soldier Of Love" were released initially as the 1998 Pearl Jam Fan
Club Christmas single and distributed free to fan club members only.
Both tracks are included on No Boundaries.
Pearl Jam manager Kelly Curtis says: "Pearl Jam is proud to offer this
small contribution to help improve the appalling conditions of the
refugees suffering from this human rights tragedy in Kosovo."

In advance of the album release date and based on projected sales of No
Boundaries, Epic Records will make an initial donation of $1,000,000 to
be distributed among three international aid organizations--CARE, OXFAM,
and Doctors Without Borders--all of which are working now to provide
food, shelter, medical care and other basic needs to the Kosovo
refugees. Further donations derived from worldwide sales of No

[CTRL] SkeptiNews correction

2000-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

Roswell Roadkill: http://geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7821/aliendead.gif

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Patriot

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research


I Just saw The Patriot. This is one of the worst movies I've seen in years.
And I see lots of movies.

Mell Gibson ruins every scene he is in. With all the money he makes for
such incompetent work, you would think that he would invest in acting lessons.

Every single actor in the movie turns in a better performance than he does.
That includes some very young children.

The movie is beautiful to look at and the production is impressive, but the
script consists of strung together clichés punctuated by very bad acting by
the lead. Even the supporting cast couldn't protect The Patriot from foreign
invader Mel Gibson.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-01 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "David Sutherland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind:
>it is abomination."
>  -- Leviticus 18:22

I'm sure David is strictly adhering to each and every other prohibition
delineated in Leviticus, too...

>a.. Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy,
>and in many cases, violent lives.

SOME 'fags' live 'filthy, unhealty [sic], dangerous, unhappy, and in
many cases, violent lives'...the same thing could be said of SOME

MOST 'fags' live lives as unobtrusive, unordinary, and no different
than most heterosexuals.

>b.. Fags prey on children.

Bullshit.  Homosexuals are attracted to adults of the same sex.  Adults
who are attracted to children are pedophiles.  Two distinct

Men who sexually prey on male children have as much to do with adult
male homosexuality as men who sexually prey on little girls have to do
with adult male heterosexuality.

Are you going to say that men who sexually abuse little girls are
equivalent to the whole adult male heterosexual population?

>a.. Fags fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and
>ingest semen from about half of those.

Tell me, what sexual activities are practiced by homosexuals that are
not also practiced by heterosexuals?

Perhaps David's partner(s) -- if he has ever had any -- refuse to
swallow...   ;-)

Are you as upset over heteros engaging in oral sex as you are male
homosexuals?  What about lesbians, who don't have that 'worry'?

>Semen contains
>virtually every germ carried in the blood stream,

Hmmm...if that's true, all women should insist their male partners wear

Or better yet, never have sex with men at all.

Or best yet, all women should become lesbians, then they wouldn't have
to worry about the cesspool that is semen touching any portion of their

>b.. One study reports 70% of fags admitting to having
>sex only one time with over 50% of their partners

And I could show you studies where over 70 percent of heterosexuals
reported that at least 50 percent of their sexual conduct was with 'one
night stands'...

Without being given the demographics of the study, such figures are
meaningless; only an idiot would presume to project it onto the
population at large.

>c.. One study reports that the average fag has between 20 and 106
partners per year (6).

The study you mention is on the sexual transmission of hepatitis A.
Which implies that homosexual men who either were infected with
hepatitis A, or were known transmitters, were part of the study.

That is meaningless when considering the homosexual population at
large, the majority of whom do NOT have hepatitis A...

>d.. Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is
>only one cell thick) and gains direct access to the blood
>stream. This causes massive immunological damage to the
>body's T- and B-cell defensive systems (14).

Again, are you as upset when heterosexual couples engage in the same
sexual activity?

Why don't we see posts from you decrying the potential health
adversities of women who engage in anal sex with their male partners?

>f.. Around 67-80% of fags lick and/or insert their tongues
>into the anuses of their partners

This is also not uncommon in heterosexual sex...

>(g.. 33% of fags admit to fisting


>h.. Urinating on each other ("golden showers")

Straights also engage in that activity...

>and torture


>j.. 12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of
>sexual pleasure (4).


>l.. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk,
>high on drugs, or in an orgy setting (7).

Ditto.  You still haven't mentioned any activity that homosexuals
engage in that heterosexuals also don't engage in.

>m.. Many fags don't pay heed to warnings of their

Ditto for straights.

>v.. Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of the
>New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals
>account for half the murders in large cities" (10).

Well, we are not given the context in which this judge made this
statement, nor we shown what statistics the judge may have used, or
perhaps the judge is just homophobic.

If the statement is true, one would presume the majority of victims are
themselves homosexual...in which case David should be glad that their
numbers are being reduced.

>w.. Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police
>says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were
>victims of homosexuals" (10).

Riddle is an idiot, if he really said that.  Again, men who sexually
abuse children are PEDOPHILES, not homosexual or heterosexual.

I doubt that Capt. Riddle describes adult men who sexually abuse little
girls as heterosexual...

>x.. 50% of suicides can be attributed to fags (10).

And therefore half of the suicides committed in any period (which isn't
specified) are NOT homosexual.  Therefore this statement is idiotic.

>z.. It takes approximately $300,000 to take care of each
>AIDS victim, so thanks to the

[CTRL] Online NewsHour: NEWSMAKER: RALPH NADER -- June 30, 2000

2000-07-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research


Online NewsHour: NEWSMAKER: RALPH NADER -- June 30, 2000

Ralph Nader, the presidential candidate for The Green Party, outlines
his progressive agenda.

JIM LEHRER: And to a Newsmaker interview with Ralph Nader, the
Green Party candidate for President of the United States. He won
the nomination last weekend in Denver, Colorado, and it marks the
second time he has run as the Green Party nominee. In 1996, he
finished with 1 percent of the national vote.

He is best known as a consumer activist, author, and lawyer. He
was born in Winsted, Connecticut; he is 66 years old. He holds an
undergraduate degree from Princeton University, a law degree from
Harvard University, and he lives in Washington, D.C.

And welcome, Ralph Nader.

RALPH NADER, Presidential Candidate, Green Party: Thank you.

Goal: stem corporate power

JIM LEHRER: Why are you running for president again?

RALPH NADER: Because the civil society is being closed down, the
source of most social justice progress in our country, by the
concentration of corporate power over our government, over our
workplace, over our environment, over many institutions that should
not be subordinated to global corporate power. And the press is
full of documentation of that in terms of campaign cash and in
terms of influence peddling, in terms of enormous pressure against
working families in this country, against forming trade unions, in
terms of huge corporate welfare subsidies. You know, it just goes
on and on. And we have a choice in this country. Either the people
are going to be sovereign or big business is going to be sovereign.

JIM LEHRER: And you as President can change this?

RALPH NADER: I think as President, with a broad civic mobilization,
which would be required, we can begin to give people in their roles
as voters, consumers, taxpayers and workers, more power to produce
a deliberative democracy. We've had ten years of economic growth
and that growth is not diminishing the problems of health care,
retirement, child poverty, lack of public transit, consumer
exploitation. It's really quite interesting. A majority of the
workers are falling behind. After ten years of economic growth,
they're making less in inflation-adjusted dollars than they made
20-25 years ago and they are working harder and longer according
to the Department of Labor. Perhaps the worst example is that we're
at 20% child poverty, the highest in the western world, and in
California it's 25% child poverty when in 1980 it was 15% child

JIM LEHRER: Is there an overall philosophy that would guide you as
President, that would correct all the things you just enumerated,
or is it a specific this bill, that bill, appointment or whatever?

RALPH NADER: It's an overall philosophy. And that is a strong
democracy that does not tolerate these injustices. It does not
allow the few to reap the benefits from the many to keep the many
from having their just rewards. It doesn't allow the few to decide
for the many. And we have long experience in Washington -- year
after year -- in how to strengthen our democracy whether it's
campaign finance reform, or whether it's access to the regulatory
agent agencies in the court. That's really what's key. The great
thing about a democracy is that when it's deep and broad, it brings
the best out of more people than any other system. And what we have
now is a concentration of power and wealth, which is antagonistic
to a democratic society.

JIM LEHRER: You said what we have now. Do you look back on the
history of the United States and say "ha, that's what we want back."
That was a time when all... when the country really did run the
correct way, in your opinion?

RALPH NADER: Well, there are ups and downs. Obviously the slavery
period was counteracted by the antislavery movement, women got the
right to vote, workers got the right to form trade unions. They
built the middle class. As they say, they gave us our weekend, they
gave us benefits. The farmers' popular progressive movement against
the banks and railroad companies that leavened power more; it gave
people a chance to have more voice. So I think we have to look back
at our history and say why is it every time concentrated power got
too much and social justice movements opposed them, and the dominant
business community opposed a social justice movement and finally
lost, America was better as a result. Everybody benefited, including
the businesses because democracy tends to expand markets. I think
Jim Hightower's father really put it best.

JIM LEHRER: He's the former Texas agriculture commissioner.

RALPH NADER: Right. and he told his son Jim, in Texas. He said,
"you know, Jim, when everybody does better, everybody does better."

JIM LEHRER: Now, is it a new society you want to create? I want to
make sure I understand you here. Is it a whole new American society
you want to create, or is it a throwback to a prior time when it
really worked

[CTRL] Cooki Monsters

2000-07-01 Thread Chris Case
My mommy always told me to accept only those cookies that are returned
to the original stranger.

Cookies can be used as a backdoor into your computer, and to provide
information about your online activity.

Clinton only just issued an order for the US Govt drug information
website to stop using cookies to monitor visitors. Shall we assume all
other agencies and websites will immediately abandon the practice?

You'll find lots of  shareware/freeware to help you ensure greater
privacy at


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[CTRL] More Funding for FBI Snooping

2000-07-01 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: More Funding for FBI Snooping
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 10:19 PM

From: Howard Rothenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SNET: More Funding for FBI Snooping

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

More Funding for FBI Snooping
by Declan McCullagh

3:00 a.m. Jun. 24, 2000 PDT

 WASHINGTON -- Congress is poised to give the FBI
more money for wiretapping than even its director,
Louis Freeh, had hoped for.

The proposed 2001 budget approved by a House panel
doles out an unprecedented $282 million to rewire
U.S. telephone networks to make them readily
snoopable, edging closer to the
half-billion-dollar estimated price tag for the
project.  That's $70 million more than the FBI and
the Clinton administration had requested. The 1994
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
requires telephone companies to modify their
networks so police can eavesdrop when necessary --
and the feds pay for the changes.

The reason for Congress's unexpected largesse?
"The (appropriations) committee believes that
implementation of CALEA is long overdue. The
committee notes that Congress expected CALEA
implementation to be achieved over two years ago,"
the committee report says. "However, due to
disagreements between law enforcement and
industry, that deadline was not met. As a result,
law enforcement's ability to effectively counter
threats of terrorism, drug trafficking, and other
serious crimes has been seriously eroded."

Fortunately -- at least from Congress'
perspective -- industry and law enforcement cut a
deal, and there should be no further delays.

A proposal to decrease the CALEA cash by $28
million and spend it instead on lobster fisheries
in the Long Island Sound (no, really) was defeated
in committee, 28-24.

The committee did not agree with the White House
that half of that money should be funneled through
the Defense Department for "national security"
reasons, as Wired News reported in February. All
of it will go to the Justice Department instead.

The appropriations measure, part of the Commerce,
Justice, and State spending bill, is currently on
the House floor.


More cash to fight MS: Microsoft, look out.

The Justice Department's antitrust division, busy
pulling long hours in its attempt to break up the
world's largest software company, is about to get
more money.

The same spending bill hands the division $113.3
million for the fiscal year beginning in October
2000. That's $3.3 million above the current year
appropriation, although more than $20.7 million
below the Clinton administration's request.

Microsoft has lobbied to reduce the overall
antitrust division budget.

A motion to boost the DOJ antitrust and FTC --
which shares that responsibility -- budgets by a
total of $51 million was defeated in committee by
a 26-19 vote.

The spending bill is still open to amendments on
the House floor. The 2001 fiscal year begins
October 2000.


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