Re: [CTRL] Anti-War Activists To Face Internment Camps

2001-09-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Anti-War Activists To Face Internment Camps
New Yorkers Say Americans Opposed To War Should Be Detained (And They Wonder
Why Anyone Would Want To Bomb Them?)
9/25/01 12:09:48 PM
Discuss this story in the forum
LSN Staff

New York, NY -- New Yorkers who seemed absolutely amazed why anyone would
want to bomb them and kill them in large numbers today told a Siena College
Research Institute poll that they believe that anti-war activists and
individual sympathetic to terrorist causes (broadly defined) should be
rounded up by the government and placed in internment camps.

The news delighted neo-Conservative thinkers who have been pushing for a
police state to impose national unity in the wake of the September 11

According to the poll, 34% of New Yorkers wanted internment camps created,
that would house everyone from anti-war activists to Arabs and Muslims. The
camps would be modeled on similar camps used in America, the Soviet Union,
and the German Third Reich during World War II.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

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2001-09-26 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

What was the temp that morning?

From all the news I saw that morning I don't recall seeing anyone
dressed for chilly weather, like the guy in the photo.

Mark McHugh


it is quite windy that high up

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory

2001-09-26 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

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Re: [CTRL] Scary Quotes

2001-09-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/26/01 8:57:32 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Morton H. Halperin, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in
  Washington, DC:

  The intelligence agencies have a long list of things they want done.
  been waiting for an event to justify them.''

  I see, the intelligence agencies have passively been biding their time
WAITING for such an event?  Oh, I believe that.

Remembering the Kennedy's,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Colloidal Silver was ... U.S. unprepared for bioterrorism

2001-09-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/26/01 8:58:12 PM Central Daylight Time,

 (September 26, 2001 7:48 p.m. EDT) - Stashed in secure government
  warehouses throughout the country are 400 tons of antibiotics and other
  medical supplies ready for what seemed until two weeks ago to be an
  unimaginable catastrophe - a terrorist germ attack.

  People who are not yet doing so might consider learning how to make
colloidal silver at home.

It can be made at home with .999 pure silver wire (or coins), 4 (9V)
batteries, a few feet of doubled wire (like small speaker wire - Radio
Shack), four alligator clips, and distilled water.  It helps to have a
voltmeter that can also read amperage.  (The amperage reading lets you know
what your concentration is.)

  There is an abundance of info on the web about colloidal silver, and there
is a great email list where people discuss how to make it and how to use it.
There are some very experienced colloidal silvers users/makers there, and
they are generous and helpful:


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour [EMAIL PROTECTED]

end quote

  What is it?

Colloidal Silver is a powerful natural antibiotic. It's a pure, all-natural
substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters of silver, held in a
suspension of pure ionized water by a tiny electric charge placed on each

...Why Silver?

Silver has benefited mankind's health for thousands of years. In ancient
Greece and Rome, people used silver containers to keep liquids fresh.
American settlers traveling across the West often put a silver dollar in the
milk to delay spoiling. Around the turn of the century, doctors prescribed
silver nitrate for stomach ulcers, and it has been common practice to put a
few drops of a silver solution in the eyes of a newborn baby to kill bacteria
that might cause blindness.

  A silver compound known as silver sulfadiazine has been used in 70% of the
burn centers in the U.S. It helps stop the herpes virus.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] God Clarifies Don't Kill Rule

2001-09-26 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

God Angrily Clarifies Don't Kill Rule

26 September 2001

NEW YORK—Responding to recent events on Earth, God, the omniscient
creator-deity worshipped by billions of followers of various faiths
for more than 6,000 years, angrily clarified His longtime stance
against humans killing each other Monday.

Look, I don't know, maybe I haven't made myself completely clear, so
for the record, here it is again, said the Lord, His divine face
betraying visible emotion during a press conference near the site of
the fallen Twin Towers. Somehow, people keep coming up with the idea
that I want them to kill their neighbor. Well, I don't. And to be
honest, I'm really getting sick and tired of it. Get it straight. Not
only do I not want anybody to kill anyone, but I specifically
commanded you not to, in really simple terms that anybody ought to be
able to understand.

Worshipped by Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike, God said His name
has been invoked countless times over the centuries as a reason to
kill in what He called an unending cycle of violence.

I don't care how holy somebody claims to be, God said. If a person
tells you it's My will that they kill someone, they're wrong. Got it?
I don't care what religion you are, or who you think your enemy is,
here it is one more time: No killing, in My name or anyone else's,
ever again.

The press conference came as a surprise to humankind, as God rarely
intervenes in earthly affairs. As a matter of longstanding policy, He
has traditionally left the task of interpreting His message and
divine will to clerics, rabbis, priests, imams, and Biblical
scholars. Theologians and laymen alike have been given the task of
pondering His ineffable mysteries, deciding for themselves what to do
as a matter of faith. His decision to manifest on the material plane
was motivated by the deep sense of shock, outrage, and sorrow He felt
over the Sept. 11 violence carried out in His name, and over its dire
potential ramifications around the globe.

I tried to put it in the simplest possible terms for you people, so
you'd get it straight, because I thought it was pretty important,
said God, called Yahweh and Allah respectively in the Judaic and
Muslim traditions. I guess I figured I'd left no real room for
confusion after putting it in a four-word sentence with one-syllable
words, on the tablets I gave to Moses. How much more clear can I

But somehow, it all gets twisted around and, next thing you know,
somebody's spouting off some nonsense about, 'God says I have to kill
this guy, God wants me to kill that guy, it's God's will,' God
continued. It's not God's will, all right? News flash: 'God's will'
equals 'Don't murder people.'

Worse yet, many of the worst violators claim that their actions are
justified by passages in the Bible, Torah, and Qur'an.

To be honest, there's some contradictory stuff in there, okay? God
said. So I can see how it could be pretty misleading. I admit it—My
bad. I did My best to inspire them, but a lot of imperfect human
agents have misinterpreted My message over the millennia. Frankly,
much of the material that got in there is dogmatic, doctrinal
bullshit. I turn My head for a second and, suddenly, all this stuff
about homosexuality gets into Leviticus, and everybody thinks it's
God's will to kill gays. It absolutely drives Me up the wall.

God praised the overwhelming majority of His Muslim followers as
wonderful, pious people, calling the perpetrators of the Sept. 11
attacks rare exceptions.

This whole medieval concept of the jihad, or holy war, had all but
vanished from the Muslim world in, like, the 10th century, and with
good reason, God said. There's no such thing as a holy war, only
unholy ones. The vast majority of Muslims in this world reject the
murderous actions of these radical extremists, just like the vast
majority of Christians in America are pissed off over those two
bigots on The 700 Club.

Continued God, Read the book: 'Allah is kind, Allah is beautiful,
Allah is merciful.' It goes on and on that way, page after page. But,
no, some assholes have to come along and revive this stupid holy-war
crap just to further their own hateful agenda. So now, everybody
thinks Muslims are all murderous barbarians. Thanks, Taliban: 1,000
years of pan-Islamic cultural progress down the drain.

God stressed that His remarks were not directed exclusively at
Islamic extremists, but rather at anyone whose ideological zealotry
overrides his or her ability to comprehend the core message of all
world religions.

I don't care what faith you are, everybody's been making this same
mistake since the dawn of time, God said. The Muslims massacre the
Hindus, the Hindus massacre the Muslims. The Buddhists, everybody
massacres the Buddhists. The Jews, don't even get me started on the
hardline, right-wing, Meir Kahane-loving Israeli nationalists, man.
And the Christians? You people believe in a 

[CTRL] It's a wonderful coincidence that Bin Laden and the Taliban live in Afghanistan because...

2001-09-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Afghanistan's significance from an energy standpoint
stems from its geographical position as a potential
transit route for oil and natural gas exports from
Central Asia to the Arabian Sea. This potential includes
proposed multi-billion-dollar oil and gas export pipelines
through Afghanistan, although these plans
have now been thrown into serious question . . .

On November 29, 1999, UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan issued a report on Afghanistan which listed the
country's major problems as follows: civil war (which has caused many
casualties and refugees, and which has devastated the country's
economy), record opium production, wide-scale human rights violations, and
food shortages caused in part by drought.

According to the
2000 CIA World Factbook, Afghanistan
is an extremely poor, landlocked country, highly dependent
on farming and livestock raising (sheep and goats). Currently,
the country is experiencing a
severe drought . . .

The Soviets had estimated Afghanistan's
proven and probable natural gas reserves at up to 5 trillion
cubic feet. Afghan gas production
reached 275 million cubic feet per day in the mid-1970s. However,
due to declining reserves from producing fields,
output gradually fell to about 220 Mmcf/d
by 1980 . . .

Soviet estimates from the late 1970s placed
Afghanistan's proven and probable oil and condensate reserves
at 95 million barrels. Despite plans to
start commercial oil production in Afghanistan, all oil exploration
and development work were halted after the 1979 Soviet invasion.
Afghanistan's various
provinces receive refined products from neighboring countries . . .

Besides oil and gas, Afghanistan also is estimated to have
significant coal reserves
(probable reserves of 400 million tons) . . .


   The New Great Game - Afghanistan and oil
   Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:20:31 -0400
   Nurev Independent Research


Journalistic, but thorough, August 14, 2001
 Reviewer: one2omigod (see more about me) from Colorado
 Rashid is successful in collating a massive amount of
information into a well-organized, readable book.
 Although at times journalistic, with glib analysis at the end
of his quasi-historical recitation, this book
 gives a thorough accounting of all the players and interests
that have brought Afghanistan to where it is
 today. It is useful as a single volume that recounts the rise
of the Taliban that is concise and clear. Rashid
 is a veteran journalist who has covered Afghanistan for years.
His connections and interviews from all
 aspects of Afghani politics and society give the book a depth
that as been hard for other books to

 Sources and appendices are excellent. The organization of the
book is in three main parts: 1) 'History of
 the Taliban Movement,' which is a useful recounting of the
Taliban's rise in a chronological fashion. The
 five chapters each represent one year; 2) 'Islam and the
Taliban' explores the origin and nature of the
 Taliban in thought and practice in the context of other Muslim
movements, how it is organized, how it
 functions in making decisions, and how it administers policy
socially and militarily; 3) 'The New Great
 Game' treats all of the international actors' behaviors and
motivations, and the consequences for

 Although his perspectives of all of the relevant actors -the
Taliban, the anti-Taliban factions, the UN,
 regional countries, Western powers, oil companies, Russia- are
undeniably put forth for the reader, they
 only enhance the educational value of the book. Rashid is
highly successful in imparting the motivations
 and values of all the ethnic and religious tensions in Afghani
society, and their interlinkages (and the
 consequent perspectives and involvement of foreign nations with
the various contending forces). The
 paradox of the Taliban's Pashtuni ethnic primacy and cosmic
vision of Islam is treated quite well.

 Rashid also gives an almost too thorough treatment of the
Unocal/Bridas competition over natural gas
 fields and pipeline politics in Central Asia. The linkages of
international politics and the effects on and of
 the Afghani civil war is outlined as well. The chapter on Osama
bin-Laden is excellent. No actor is spared
 from Rashid's critique. He is very successful at presenting the
motivations and worldview of all the

Re: [CTRL] Moon Unification Church Fronts - partial list

2001-09-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Investigative Research Specialists. List of Moon Fronts. 1992
Investigative Research Specialists, 1390 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 10, McLean
VA 22101, Tel: 703-356-5922, Fax: 703-790-9415.
List of Moon Fronts. 1992. 28 pages.

The list of Moon front organizations was originally published in the early
1980s by Ex-Moon, Inc., a group of former Unification Church members. For the
past seven years Investigative Research Specialists has been identi- fying
entities that are closely associated with the Unification Movement.

  Included in this list are business, religious, cultural, political, and
media front groups which are owned, operated, or controlled by the
Unification Movement. It is important to remember that there can be other
businesses in the U.S. with the same name. Before you assume a business or
group is associated with Sun Myung Moon's Unification Movement, check it out
closely. If you have questions or corrections about a group, or information
about groups not listed, please contact Investigative Research Specialists so
that we may keep the list current.

-- Larry Zilliox Jr.

CHRISTIAN BERNARD JEWELERS (11, 13-5, 17, 20-1, 23)
CRYSTAL WORLD (17, 20, 28)

[CTRL] New Rules in the MidEast

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, September  27,  2001
Sharon slow to realise
the game had changed
By Ewen MacAskill
MIDDLE EAST: Israel's Prime Minister, Mr Ariel Sharon, appeared at
first glance yesterday to be the main political casualty of the
complex diplomatic manoeuvring that finally saw his foreign minister,
Mr Shimon Peres, meet the Palestinian leader, Mr Yasser Arafat.

Mr Sharon had twice cancelled the meeting over the last fortnight,
although he had been under enormous pressure from the US to allow it
to go ahead.
His dictum was that there should be no such meeting until there had
been 48 hours free of violence.
But he had to abandon even that: an Israeli settler was killed in an
ambush on the West Bank just the day before yesterday's talks.
Eight months into office, Mr Sharon is at his lowest point yet. He
has failed to fulfil his promise to bring security by ending the
Palestinian violence and shows no sign of having a solution.
He is under attack from members of his cabinet even further to the right of him for 
allowing Mr Peres to meet Mr Arafat. Mr Binyamin Netanyahu, the likeliest successor 
should Mr Sharon fall, has been more vocal than usual
 in his criticism.
Mr Sharon's biggest misjudgment has been in relations with the US. He has been 
painfully slow to realise the extent to which US foreign policy towards the Middle 
East has changed in the aftermath of the New York and Washi
ngton attacks.
Both the US President, Mr George Bush, and the Secretary of State, Mr Colin Powell, 
first politely asked Mr Sharon to cool tensions in the Middle East to allow them to 
build an international coalition that would include A
rab states.
When Mr Sharon instead sent Israeli forces into Palestinian authority cities and twice 
refused Mr Peres permission to meet Mr Arafat, the frequency of calls from Mr Bush and 
Mr Powell increased. The tone too changed.
Mr Sharon picked the wrong country to be obstinate with. The US provides Israel with 
$840m in civilian aid a year. Israel could live without that. It would have trouble 
though without the $1.98 bn a year it receives in mi
litary aid.
The Israeli press has not yet reflected the level of US unhappiness with Mr Sharon. 
The Israeli foreign ministry is also in denial, at least in public. An Israeli 
diplomat yesterday played down the extent of the rift.
There are times when things may not be in sync between two close friends, he 
admitted, but in the long run there was no danger of the US substantially shifting its 
loyalties. He added that the US had to understand that
Mr Sharon is not in a position to say that because Osama bin Laden hits New York, he 
can say attacks by Palestinians do not matter. He can't.
Although Mr Sharon in the end had to buckle under US pressure and allow Mr Peres to 
meet Mr Arafat, it does not mean he is now going to be compliant. As for Mr Arafat, he 
is desperate to be on the US side this time round,
 having so disastrously allied himself with Saddam Hussein in the Gulf war.
In the longer run, Mr Sharon can put the US on the defensive too, demanding that the 
anti-Israeli groups such as Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad all be placed on Mr 
Bush's list of terrorist organisations.
They were noticeably absent from the list of 27 organisations that had their assets 
frozen last Monday.
But it will be harder than before. Arab countries will argue that Hamas, Islamic Jihad 
and Hizbullah are not global terrorists like bin Laden but part of a nationalist 
movement fighting against occupation.
Mr Bush will be more prepared to listen to Arab opinion than he was before September 
- (Guardian Service)

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] New York Times, Washington Post suppress media recount of Florida vote

2001-09-26 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

New York Times, Washington Post suppress media recount of Florida vote

By Barry Grey
25 September 2001

A consortium of major American news organizations, including the New York
Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, has decided to
withhold the results of its recount of ballots cast in Florida in the 2000
presidential election. The consortium had planned to publish its report
this week, and although its decision to suppress its own findings has
received virtually no media attention, the reason is made clear in a
September 23 column by New York Times Washington bureau chief Richard L. Berke.

In a column that enthusiastically welcomes the dissolution of all political
opposition in Washington in the wake of the September 11 terror attacks,
Berke writes: Until September 11, the capital was riding a historically
partisan period, with leading Democrats still portraying their president as
'appointed' by the Supreme Court. In a move that might have stoked the
partisan tensions, but now seems utterly irrelevant, a consortium of new
organizations, including The New York Times, had been scheduled this week
to release the results of its ambitious undertaking to recount the Florida
presidential ballots. (That has been put on hold indefinitely).

In other words, the Times and its counterparts in the consortium have
decided to conceal from the American people facts damaging to the Bush
administration's claims to political legitimacy. They are doing so for the
express purpose of suppressing dissent and bolstering the president as he
prepares to take the American people into war and makes! sweeping attacks
on their civil liberties.

This act of self-censorship is entirely in keeping with the overall
response of the media to the events of the past two weeks a response that
in coming years will be widely seen as among the most shameful episodes in
the history of American journalism. Neither in the broadcast nor the print
media is there any attempt whatsoever to examine the claims of the Bush
administration. All statements emanating from the White House and the
Pentagon, even those known to be lies, are presented to the public as good

What now seems utterly irrelevant to Berke is the fact the very
government which is committing the population to a war of undefined
duration and dimensions, with all of the tragic consequences this entails,
was installed through the suppression of votes and judicial fiat. Berke
voices his own cynicism toward the theft of the 2000 election when he
writes: The indecisiveness of last year's election gave the nation! a
civics lesson, but one that lent itself to snide jokes, not grave

This attitude, so crudely expressed and brazen in its contempt for
democratic principles, cannot come as a surprise to anyone who has
seriously considered the trajectory of news reporting in the US over the
past decade. It says a great deal about the role of the media and the
outlook that pervades editorial offices and network news bureaus.

The media, however, does not exist in a void. Its degeneration reflects
more profound tendencies within society and the political system.

The suppression of the Florida recount, and the Times' justification for
it, exemplify the role of the media as a de facto organ of the state.
Journalists like Berke, who occupy prominent positions within the media
establishment, no longer conceive of themselves, even remotely, as
protectors of democratic institutions and the rights of the people, with a
responsibility to inform and educate the! public so that it can assert its
interests in opposition to those who wield power.

One component of bourgeois democratic institutions in the US was the
traditional conception of the press as the Fourth Estate, an independent
force that served as a check on the power of the state. This notion, often
enough expressed more in the breach than in the observance, and always
attenuated by corporate control of the media and the innumerable ties that
existed between the media establishment and state agencies, including the
CIA, has now been thoroughly eroded and repudiated. Today, media operatives
overwhelmingly, and as a matter of course, conceive of their task as the
defense of the corporate elite and the state, as against the right of the
people to know.

The debasement of the US media can be traced in relation to the great
political convulsions of the past 30 years. During the Vietnam War and the
Watergate crisis, major news organs such as the New York Times ! and the
Washington Post played a significant role in exposing the lies of
successive administrations, culminating in the exposure of the criminal and
authoritarian actions of the Nixon administration. In the aftermath of
Watergate, however, there was a determined campaign to bring the media more
tightly to heel, to which the media succumbed with relatively little

Today it 

[CTRL] More coup for you

2001-09-26 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

More coup for you

The administration stole the election and are now after our freedoms

by Geov Parrish

A lot has changed in the past couple of days. The U.S. now says it has
actual evidence linking bin Laden to the attacks, something conspicuously
missing to date. Word is also trickling out that Americans should not
expect a massive military response, which is enormously good and sensible
news that might not have come from a Gore administration. But we're getting
quite a few other things that wouldn't have happened with Gore at the helm,

Ten months ago, the world witnessed American democracy unravel. Al Gore not
only comfortably won the popular vote, and not only arguably won the
Florida vote (had it ever been fully counted), but was repeatedly
victimized by well-documented cases of vote fraud -- people in areas
likelier to support Gore, especially non-whites, who were either denied the
vote or never had their votes counted. When it was all over, three Supreme
Court justices with good reason to recuse themselves decided the
presidency. It was a not very sanitized coup d'etat. By all rights, as
America goes to war, Albert Gore should be president.

But he's not. It's worth remembering that in many ways, Gore as
Commander-in-Chief might have been far worse -- his foreign policy was far
more interventionist, his advisors (e.g., Brent Scowcroft) were just as
bloodthirsty, and his track record (as well as that of Joe Lieberman) of
enthusiasm for Israeli policies would have portended bad things for Middle
Eastern diplomacy.

But there's one thing that wouldn't have happened, at least not to the
extent it's happening today: a vast far right agenda would not be getting
rammed through Congress with nary a whimper of objection, everyone united
behind the President in this time of bipartisan glory.

The coup d'etat has entered a new phase.

Of course, the first casualty in any war is civil liberties, and as we saw
with Bill Clinton's post-Oklahoma initiatives, bashing immigrants and
stripping people of legal rights would have been fine fare for Al Gore,
too. But the stunning panoply of new powers for the FBI, INS, and other law
enforcement agencies goes far beyond the already bad Clinton years. Within
hours of the tragedy, the FBI was approaching major Internet companies,
Carnivore in hand. Attorney General John Ashcroft, widely considered the
most reactionary member of the Cabinet, has proposed and is winning a wide
array of new powers to snoop on people engaged in lawful activity. Much of
it is embodied in the so-called Mobilization Against Terrorism Act,
which, like all assaults on the Bill of Rights, will remain law, keeping
the 4th Amendment in tatters long after the mobilization ends.
Non-citizens, even permanent residents, can now be detained indefinitely
(so long as it's a reasonable time), and deported with neither trial nor

Either party would also have been likely to lead the charge to shovel money
for new weaponry at the Pentagon and at military contractors. This, of
course, is pure idiocy, at least in the short term. If our national defense
didn't work, what we now need isn't more of what didn't work; we need a
rethinking of how we provide security to our homeland. Ah, but that will
now be the province of the new Homeland Security department (a fascinating
tacit admission that the Department of Defense is too busy conquering the
world and enriching Lockheed Martin to actually concern itself with our
defense). Homeland will coordinate both the stripping of our civil
liberties and the corporate welfare that will fatten the usual DoD leeches.
And the purest of idiocy, National Missile Defense, is being pushed still
harder just after a conclusive demonstration of its complete irrelevance to
the safety of you and me. We couldn't even defend the frigging Pentagon
because an ordinary commercial jet flew in low and the Pentagon's defenses
were set for a high, missile trajectory. Even assuming our mythical future
enemies weren't taking notes on the virtues of anonymous attacks, don't you
think they'd at least notice the value of circumventing NMD's high-
trajectory tracking?

The answer, of course, is depressing but simple: thousands are dead in New
York and the Pentagon, at the hands of an enemy that long ago swore their
enmity because for many years our national defense has not concerned itself
with, you know, defending our nation. It's mostly been a vehicle for global
conquest and enriching corporate political patrons of both parties, and
now, repulsively, economic elites are latching onto a terrorist attack as
their vehicle to achieve long-standing but previously unachievable
political goals. This goes far beyond defense spending. The Social
Security and Medicare lockboxes are prehistory, as is the notion of, say, a
Patients' Bill of Rights or prescription drug benefits. First, we have to
reinvigorate the economy, and you know what 

Re: [CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov't Reform on September 20, 2001 Citrus Punch Bkgrd.gif [1/2]

2001-09-26 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

 Warmongering On A Grand Scale

Here are the words, I say, of a very brilliant strategist whose planning, if
followed, would lead the USA and the so-called 'free world' hurtling down
the path to a one world order. And a very bloody path at that.

The goal of the Illuminati, and its many tentacles (Council on Foreign
Relations, Bilderberg Group, Communist Parties, Fabian Socialist Society,
Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, United World Federalists, higher
echelons of the Masons, and many more groups) - has long been the limitation
of population growth and the transfer of total power to an elite of social
planners. Under the Carnegie-Rockefeller founded United Nations - of course!

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free. -- Goethe

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not believe
in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do
not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise
men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that
it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and
all. Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief, from the
Kalama Sutta.

[CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov't Reform on
September 20, 2001 (To: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

On September eleventh, I, like everyone else, was glued to a television
set watching the savagery that struck America. Yet amid the smoking ruins of
the Twin Towers one could make out the Statue of Liberty =
holding high the torch of freedom.=20 Anyone as bright as Netanayahu has
known for many years that, that torch of freedom was extinguished by the
Illuminati Nexus before almost all of us now living were ever born. Let me
Run this by you once again just to jog your memory: None are more
hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. --
Goethe.   Economic slavery enslaves the mind as well as the body. It is much
more difficult to understand than prison walls, fences or shackles, for
these forms of slavery are very visible. That is - not nearly so elastic as
monetary slavery.

It is freedom's flame that the terrorists sought to extinguish. And in
light of the many volumes of exposure in the many books of Professor Antony
C. Sutton, G. Edward Griffin, Professor Carroll Quigley, Taylor Caldwell,
Robert Welch and those of The John Birch Society, Colonel Arch Roberts of
The Committee to Restore The Constitution, Frederic Bastiat and his famous
book,  The Law of 1848, Rose L. Martin and her book Fabian Freeway - our
present fairly well hidden 'Controllers' or Insiders, are becoming very
nervous. The Internet has helped enormously in blowing the lid off the
world's most succsessful and long-running conspiracy.

But it is that same torch, so proudly held by the United States, that can
lead the free world to crush the forces of terror and secure our tomorrow.
It is within our power. Let us now make sure that it is within our will. In
very simple language, let us start the biggest, longest running war ever,
and as in all of the other Illuminati financed and controlled wars, the
Illuminati will have reached their goal of Novus Ordo Seclorum, as inscribed
on the back of their Federal Reserve Note - The New World Order. Total,
abject slavery. Forever.

Leave us never forget that over 350 of these traitors are in the present
administration, have gambled their lives on winning, and can only hope for
amnesty if they confess before too many more lives are sacrificed to
Professor Adam Weishaupt's May 1st, 1776 Illuminati Conspiracy. The Central
Banking Systems advocated by Weishaupt, steals up to eighty-five percent of
the peoples wealth, or earnings, without them ever knowing that it has
happened. The most clever form of slavery ever devised.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume


I have 16 of Netanayahu's Testimony all lined up in a row. Is there any
particular reason for that? Make that 20.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume.

At 09:58 PM 9/24/01 -0400, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

From: foxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov't Reform
on September 20, 2001
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:58:22 -0400
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[CTRL] Snubbery

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Snub exposes policy clash
Downing Street and Foreign Office at odds over conflict
Ewen MacAskill, diplomatic editor
Wednesday September 26, 2001
The Guardian
The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, flew into Israel last night to
find his Israeli hosts had cancelled the lavish dinner they had
planned for him. It was one of a series of snubs to Mr Straw by an
Israeli government that has been smarting over what it regards as the
pro-Palestinian bias of the Foreign Office.
The Israeli government described as obscene and pornographic
remarks made by Mr Straw in an article published in Iran in which he
argued that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a breeding-ground
for terrorism.
The Israeli debacle may be the result of Mr Straw being the victim of
a much bigger game, being played between Washington and Tel Aviv, and
to a lesser extent between the Foreign Office and Downing Street.
The row has been in the offing since Mr Straw became foreign
secretary four months ago. Although Mr Blair has at times protested
to Mr Sharon over Israeli entry into Palestinian authority territory,
on the whole Downing Street tilts in favour of Israel. The Foreign
Office tends to be pro-Palestinian.
With Mr Straw's appointment and with Mr Sharon taking a hard line in
his dealings with the Palestinians, the Foreign Office had hopes that
Mr Blair could be persuaded to take a more sceptical line towards the
Israeli government.
A glimpse of what the Foreign Office really thought about Mr Sharon
was provided by a senior source quoted in the Guardian last week
describing Mr Sharon as the cancer at the centre of the Middle East
Israeli diplomats protested to the Foreign Office. Mr Straw issued a
statement to the Israeli press distancing himself from it. But the
damage was done. It provided Israel with an opening. Mr Sharon had
been under pressure from Washington to get the peace process rolling:
the last thing Washington needed as it tried to build a coalition
against terrorism that included Arab states was continued Israeli-
Palestinian tension.
With the row over the cancer quote still running in the Israeli
press, the British government made a fundamental mistake. Mr Straw
had been due to visit only Israel and the Palestinian authority this
week, but Mr Blair persuaded him to include Iran. From that point on,
Mr Straw's trip to Israel was doomed.
Iran is regarded by Israel, rightly, as an implacable foe. There was
no way that Mr Straw was going to be able to move comfortably in the
space of one day from Iran, the biggest funder of the two most
effective anti-Israeli terrorist groups, to Israel.
Mr Straw gave the Israelis their opportunity in an article for an
Iranian paper on Sunday. In it, he made three points that offended
them. The first was to refer to the 25,000 Muslims and 23 mosques in
his Blackburn constituency. He also referred in the piece to
Palestine. As far as the Israeli government is concerned, there is
no such place: the   question of statehood is still under
negotiation. Third, and most damning of all in Israeli eyes, Mr Straw
wrote that he understood one of the factors which helps breed
terrorism is the anger which many people in this region feel at
events over the years in Palestine.
The Foreign Office was unrepentant yesterday. A spokesman said: We
stand by what the foreign secretary said.
Downing Street was less sanguine. A spokesman told lobby journalists
the word Palestine is not one that would be used normally and that
there was no intention to cause offence.
An Israeli government source said: What media in Israel is trying to
understand is how the foreign office of a government that is very
good friends with Israel is so out of sync with the verities of
It has been a neat bit of diplomatic manoeuvring by Israel,
exploiting the rift between the Foreign Office and Downing Street.
Any hopes within the Foreign Office of persuading Downing Street to
take a tougher line on Israel will have to be abandoned.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because 

[CTRL] Santa's Toy Bag

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Middle East-At-Large
Bush Opens Arsenal To Middle East
Defense News
Posted Monday September 24, 2001 - 10:58:01 AM EDT
Hoping to cement a counter terrorist coalition with arms deals, U.S.
officials willurge lawmakers to approve weapons sales to three Middle
Eastern nations and areconsidering lifting arms embargoes on two
south Asian countries.
State Department officials hope to convince lawmakers to lift
temporary restrictionson at least four pending sales: Lockheed Martin
Corp.'s F-16 C/D fighter jets to Oman; F-16 Block 60 fighters to the
United Arab Emirates (UAE); the Lockheed Martin 277mmMultiple Launch
Rocket System (MLRS) to Egypt; and another unspecified sale to
Egypt,government and industry sources said.
Meanwhile, the White House may exercise its right to temporarily lift
arms sanctionsimposed in the early 1990s on Pakistan and Indonesia.
Pakistan's F-16 fighters, C-130transport planes and P-3 patrol
aircraft ­ all manufactured by Bethesda, Md.-based
Lockheed Martin --
are in dire need of spare parts, which the U.S. government
providing after Pakistan built nuclear weapon components in
A former Pakistani ambassador to the United Kingdom said that the offer of military
aircraft spare parts is militarily modest but symbolically significant.
On one level, if the military aid is limited to aircraft spare parts, then obviously
there is a limited use for them. However, it does open up military aid from America,
said Akbar Ahmed, now a professor at American Uni
versity here, in a Sept. 20 interview.
This is very important. It is symbolic because by doing this America is also making
India unhappy. Secondly, it opens the possibility of getting a more a bit later.
Lincoln Bloomfield, assistant secretary of state for p
olitical and military affairs,
has asked to meet with congressional staff in this week. Bloomfield is expected to 
pressure Congres
s to release its hold on the proposed Middle Eastern arms sales and to
alert professional s
taff to the U.S.
administration's intent to send spare parts to Pakistan and Indonesia in exchange for
diplomatic and military support, according to government and industry sources.
I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to utilize waiver authority to propose spare-
parts sales to those countries, a congressional aide said Sept. 20.
Patricia Scott, a State Department spokeswoman, declined comment.
Congressional aides say they are concerned with the security implications.
We have got to start buying off everyone we can at this point, another congressional
aide told Defense News Sept. 21. God help us if [Egyptian President Hosni] Mubarak 
or gets shot, because every weapon we ever s
old to him will be used against us. Hesitation by lawmakers may send diplomatic 
tremors through th
e Middle East, analysts
Any congressional objections to military sales to the region at this time will be
unhelpful to the United States. It will cause panic in the region.
It would send a wrong signal and have a negative impact on Arab relations with the
United States, said Mounzer Sleiman, a Middle East military analyst based in 
Bush is expected to have significant influence with Congress in relaxing restrictions
on arms sales to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, one Pentagon official told Defense
News Sept. 21.
At this point, the administration needs all roadblocks eased so that it can build a
coalition, the official said. Ensuring support from Egypt and Oman is key to this
effort, and the administration is seeking the suppor
t of Congress as part of this.
The administration must notify Congress - especially the House International Relations 
Committee an
d the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which have oversight duties -
before approving a
rms export deals.
Although Congress has no immediate authority to block proposed exports, it can often
delay them for long periods.
Asad Hayauddin, spokesman for the Pakistani Embassy here, said Islamabad will not
request aid.
We have not made any sort of requests, either financial or military, because we
realize at this time the situation is such that it would be in extremely bad taste, he
told Defense News.
Richard Kirkland, vice president of international programs for
Lockheed Martin here,
said his company is prepared to provide spare
parts to Pakistan and Indonesia upon
government approval.
We're ready to go, he told Defense News Sept. 20.
Discussions with the Pentagon about Oman's F-16 C/D purchase were
completed the second
week of September, a Middle East official here
familiar with the purchase told Defense
The official said he did not expect any problems with congressional
Requested in March, the F-16 C/D planes do not use any particularly
technologies or weapons, he said.
© 2001 Defense News. This news item
is distributed via Middle East
News Online (


[CTRL] Jack Yasser

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Arafat-Straw Meeting Appears To Seal Palestinian Entrance Into US-Led
Jordan Times (Amman)
By Francesca Sawalha
Posted Tuesday September 25, 2001 - 03:23:21 PM EDT
Amman - A groundbreaking meeting between Palestinian President Yasser
Arafat and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw here last night
appeared to seal the Palestinians' entrance into a US-led
international political coalition against terrorism in the wake of
the Sept. 11 attacks.
First of all, I would like to thank His Majesty King Abdullah and
the government of Jordan for allowing me this opportunity to meet
with my friend, Secretary Straw, a visibly satisfied Arafat told
reporters at Marka Airport, after brief talks with the British
foreign minister.
Standing beside an apparently equally satisfied Straw, Arafat said
their talks dealt mainly with the peace process and the need to widen
the scope of a meeting between him and Israeli Foreign Minister
Shimon Peres expected in the next few days.
I want to emphasise here that we [the Palestinians] are fully
committed to the peace process, Arafat said.
We need your support to overcome the current problems... and work on
the basis of the Mitchell report and the Tenet understanding, he
told Straw.
Washington and the Europeans deem crucial to the success of their
crusade against terror the support of moderate Arab and Muslim
countries. Officials and diplomats agree that the EU hopes that, if
it uses its influence to draw Arab and Muslim countries into the anti-
terror coalition, in return the US could re-engage and play a more
active role in solving the Palestinian-Israeli crisis.
The Palestinian president earlier yesterday reiterated his people's
commitment to the peace process and the fight against world terror in
talks in Gaza with French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine.
Straw arrived here on a brief visit on Monday for talks with King
Abdullah on the regional developments in the wake of the New York and
Washington attacks.
King Abdullah is to travel to the US on Wednesday for a summit with
President George W. Bush at the White House on Friday to discuss the
international fight against terrorism and ways to give fresh impetus
to the all but dead Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.
In a seemingly conciliatory tone, Arafat said yesterday he did not
want to blame Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon for the postponement of
a meeting between him and Peres, initially scheduled for Sunday.
The meeting was not cancelled, it was just postponed, Arafat
declared, indicating that it could be just a few days away. I do not
want to blame anyone. Sharon cancelled Peres' plans to meet Arafat
on Sunday, citing what he called continuing Palestinian attacks
despite a cease-fire announced last Tuesday.
On his part, Straw welcomed Arafat's recent appeals to his people to
restrain from using any violence, even in self-defence and commended
the steps taken by the Palestinian [National] Authority to quell
The British foreign secretary also welcomed Arafat's statements of
condemnation of international terror since the attacks on New York
and Washington.
It was the type of political support granted through statements such
as Arafat's that the US and Britain were seeking in building
international consensus for the campaign against terror, said Straw,
who had earlier held talks with King Abdullah on the regional
developments following the attacks (see separate story).
He declined to spell out any plan for the expected military campaign
to target first Afghanistan, where the US' prime suspect in the spate
of terror operations, Osama Ben Laden, is believed to be hiding.
But he made clear that the type of support that he sought from
countries in the region was mainly political.
This is not an argument with the followers of Islam, Straw also
said. This is a fight of all civilisations against the horror that
we have seen 13 days ago. Both men were speaking on the eve of two
ground-breaking visits: Straw left Amman late last night to Tehran,
for the first visit by a British minister since the 1979 Islamic
revolution; Arafat was to leave this morning to Damascus, for much-
awaited talks with President Bashar Assad, crowning a thaw in Syrian-
Palestinian ties.
Earlier in the day, King Abdullah had also held talks with Austria's
Foreign Minister Benita Ferrero-Waldner, who arrived here yesterday
as part of a regional tour and was expected to leave today.
The Austrian foreign minister was also to meet with Arafat later last
© 2001 Jordan Times (Amman). This news item is distributed via Middle
East News Online (

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[CTRL] Purple Prose Isn't Enough

2001-09-26 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

 Bill Richer reposted:

* Flag-waving isn't enough*
by David H. Hackworth

The uncanny appropriateness of the purported author's name suggests that
this essay is some kind of parody, an impression confirmed by the
miasma of cognitive retardation exuded by such  concept-blocks as:

 be prepared for this conflict to take years and cost all the true grit
our nation can muster.

from each setback we learned and grew stronger -- and ever more
determined to fight on.

... crafting and delivering a mighty international fist...

Now that we're under siege, every citizen must stay minefield alert.
Any activity that appears suspicious should be reported at once.

The fiends we're up against are dedicated fanatics - often well
educated - who hate our country and what it stands for with every fiber
of their twisted souls. They'll continue to go after us as tenaciously
as Japan's World War II suicide soldiers, whom we had to burn and blast
one by one out of caves from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.

[So the kamikaze were right after all in their belief that if you
crashed gloriously for the Emperor you would be immediately reborn in a
cave on some tropical island.  Or perhaps the writer refers to those
suicidal  infantrymen who went deep underground to try to slash their
wrists with strips of bamboo. ]

there's the slow lifting of countless rocks in order to tear out the
terrorist tentacles wrapped around our everyday lives.

[and while we're there, nip in the bud the grassroots of the whirlwind
of terror that will silently undermine the foundations of the ship of

..real patriotism won't be about waving a flag or singing a song. It
will be having the courage and commitment to stay with this war until
dawn's early light, even after we're long weary of the slow-going and
the sacrifice.

[not to mention the cliches and solecisms...]

© 2001 David H. Hackworth

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Walter Bowart

2001-09-26 Thread Michael F. Corbin

-Caveat Lector-

Has anyone on the list heard from Walter Bowart lately?

If so, tell him that Michael Corbin is looking for him for a radio interview.


Michael Corbin

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Sheriff Wants Special Consideration

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Sheriff Baca is the Sheriff who was on national televison who said when
asked by a reporter how he felt about a man and his dog being burned
alive in a house, that the situation had gotten so far out of
control..the Sheriff's reply was everything went as planned.

Prior to being burned alive, the man had said if they promised not to
shoot his dog, he would come outit was also reported a deputy who
was late at the scene, was shot by friendly fire.  How friendly can
one get?

Note the people who filed the petitions had been told they did not have
enough signatures - first sign of corruption.

File photo of Sheriff Lee Baca. County supervisors approve special
election on term limits


LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25 - The Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 in closed
session today to hold a special election to decide if LA County elected
officials should be limited to two four-year terms. The decision is
apparently contrary to the wishes of Sheriff Lee Baca.
Sheriff Baca told a reporter earlier this month that he wanted his job
exempted from the term limits ballot measure. He was was not immediately
available for comment today.

In the election – which will take place March 5 – voters will be
asked to decide if the five supervisors should be limited to two
consecutive terms.

Separately, voters will be asked if the supervisors and the county's
three other elected officials -- the district attorney, sheriff and
assessor -- should be limited to two terms.

Each measure would require a simple majority for approval. If both
measures pass, the one approved by the greater percentage would become

The board's final decision today -- preliminary approval was granted in
August -- apparently is contrary to the wishes of Sheriff Lee Baca, who
told a reporter earlier this month that he wanted his job exempted from
the term limits ballot measure. He was was not immediately available for
comment today.
In early September, Baca said: You can't just put in people for a
couple of terms, then throw the rascals out.

All five supervisors have publicly come out against term limits in the
Supervisor Mike Antonovich abstained from voting today, because both
measures stem from a proposed settlement with a group that sued the
county after its petition to put term limits on last November's ballot
was rejected - - even though enough valid signatures were gathered.

More than a year ago, Superior Court Judge Dzintra Janavs ruled that a
petition by Voters Organized for Trustworthy Elections was certified too
late to appear on the ballot.

VOTERS collected 100,000 more signatures than needed to qualify for the
ballot. But county election officials, who spent $250,000 in a
last-minute effort to certify the petition, concluded the group was more
than 1,100 valid signatures short.

Representatives from VOTE then double-checked the signatures and
asserted that they had enough valid voter signatures, which county
officials later conceded was true.  


Larry Flynt seems to have the people in LA in his pocket - money talks.
When he lived in our area - Deputy County Sheriffs were always hanging
around, and at the time it was noted they were always for sale.  During
that time frame, a hit man dressed in official Sheriff's Uniform
murdered a doctor, the crime was attributed to a young poor black kid,
whle the one doctor who bought the gun, was sitting down the hall in the
Coroner's Office, as an Asst. County Coroner.and these men were
getting Federal Marshall badges..who counts the votes?
The political hacks who want to keep their jobs.

[CTRL] Fwd: The Gulf of Tonkin Fraud

2001-09-26 Thread Kris Millegan
With fresh evidence now available, claims that the Tonkin Gulf incident was
deliberately provoked gain new plausibility.

By Captain Ronnie E. Ford, U.S. Army

The Tonkin Gulf incident of 1964 may rank with the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy as events that Dr.
David Kaiser of the U.S. Naval War College describes as controversies in
American political history that dwarf all others.

The claim that the administration of President Lyndon Johnson deliberately
triggered the Vietnam War by orchestrating the Tonkin Gulf incident and
duping Congress is not a new one. Two recent books--Sedgwick Tourison's
Secret Army, Secret War (reviewed in the February 1997 Vietnam) and Dr.
Edwin Moise's Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War--and other
new revelations may indicate, however, that the claim is certainly more
plausible than could once be proved. Thirty-three years after the fact,
modern Tonkin Gulf researchers pointedly ask: Did the United States
intentionally instigate the first attack on USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin
on August 2, 1964? Did Hanoi actually order a second attack on Maddox on
August 4, 1964? And if the Communist Vietnamese did not launch this second
attack, then did Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara knowingly and
deliberately mislead the U.S. Congress to obtain support for what would
become the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, to ensure President Johnson's re-election
and ultimately lead the United States into war?

The story of former South Vietnamese special operation forces, part of an
American covert intelligence effort known as Operation Plan 34A (or 34
Alpha), is finally coming to light. Details about the plan are now
available, thanks to the release of once-classified documents and
disclosures by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and military
intelligence officials.

When Hanoi officially switched its reunification strategy to one of armed
conflict in 1960, the Communists, through infiltration, began to build an
organized regular force that threatened the American-backed Saigon regime in
South Vietnam. In 1961, hoping to undermine the Communist Vietnamese
government in Hanoi, the CIA initiated a joint sea-land covert special
operation with the South Vietnamese government to dissuade Hanoi from its
infiltration activities.

The CIA-South Vietnamese covert force conducted airborne, maritime and
overland agent-insertion operations. South Vietnamese covert operatives were
to gather intelligence, recruit support, establish bases of resistance and
carry out psychological operations behind enemy lines. The maritime
operation began as an infiltration operation. But beginning in June 1962,
with the loss of the vessel Nautelas II and four commandos, it evolved into
hit-and-run attacks against North Vietnamese shore and island installations
by South Vietnamese and foreign mercenary crews on high-speed patrol boats.

While some infiltration operations had some initial successes, such
successes were few. The CIA suspected the North Vietnamese were capturing
and attempting to turn the agents immediately upon their arrival. By the end
of 1963, a National Security Council Special Group, the staff of the special
assistant for counterinsurgency and special activities of the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, and the CIA were all apparently aware that the covert
attacks were unproductive. According to former Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara, It accomplished virtually nothing. But the operation was not
discontinued. According to Tourison, by January 1964 McNamara had taken over
the operation from the CIA, and it became known as 34 Alpha. Now in charge,
the Pentagon assumed that the overwhelming majority of the airborne commando
agents either had been killed or captured or were working for their captors,
the Communist North Vietnamese.

Although it appeared that the program had been compromised, new agent teams
continued to be recruited, trained and inserted into North Vietnam. By
August 1968, approximately 500 of these men were presumed lost. In his book,
Tourison poses an interesting question: Were these teams of commandos
deliberately used initially to push Hanoi into war and later to test U.S.
communications security, or were they simply victims of effective North
Vietnamese counterintelligence operations? The answer lies in the story
behind what were known as the U.S. Navy's DeSoto patrols.

DeSoto patrols were U.S. naval intelligence collection operations using
specially equipped vessels to gather electronic signals intelligence from
shore-and island-based noncommunications emitters in North Vietnam. By
August 2, 1964, the Communist Vietnamese had determined that the DeSoto
vessels were offshore support for a 34-Alpha operation that had struck their
installations at Hon Me and Hon Ngu some 48 hours earlier. In retaliation,
the North Vietnamese then conducted an 

[CTRL] House Members got gas masks...

2001-09-26 Thread klewis

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Re: [CTRL] House Members got gas masks...

2001-09-26 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I don't recall gas masks ever being illegal, and here in NY at least they
have been doing a brisk business in them since the the 11th
   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal


 From: klewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:54:23 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] House Members got gas masks...

 _ I recall seeing reports that the Clinton administration made the
 sale of gas masks to citizens illegal.  Does anyone have any
 definite information as to whether or not this was a true report?
 If so, is it still illegal for us peons to possess gas masks?
 -  _
 September 24, 2001  Gas Masks Become Hot Topic  By Susan
 Crabtree mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Even before the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York
 City, the Capitol was not wholly unprepared for a chemical or
 biological threat.
 Protective masks for every House Member and floor staffer
 were placed in an area readily accessible to lawmakers in the
 Capitol roughly a year ago to guard against a chemical or germ
 warfare assault, according to senior House staffers.
 There were plenty of meetings where this was discussed and it
 was put in place, a knowledgeable House GOP aide said.
 Another House staffer added that masks are available in
 multiple places within the Capitol building.
 It's more than just one or two places, the source said. There
 are masks all over the Capitol.
 After President Bush addressed a joint session of Congress
 Thursday night, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the ranking
 member on the House Administration Committee,
 acknowledged that the Capitol building has been stocked with
 protective masks, although he did not specify where they were
 We want everyone to be as safe as possible and we're taking
 all the safeguards necessary to make sure they are, Hoyer said.
 House Administration Chairman Bob Ney (R-Ohio), who won
 the top spot on the panel in January, said in an interview that he
 was not aware of the presence of anything akin to gas masks
 being available in the Capitol. But he said that the issue of
 supplying both Members and staff with masks was raised many
 times during briefings last week.
 There's been discussion of that, he said. We live in a
 different world than we did before September 11th. Now we
 owe it to everybody to consider every form of terrorist threat
 imaginable. Everything is on the table for discussion.
 Ney added that the committee was looking for guidance from
 the Capitol Police Board on whether to distribute masks to all
 House offices and staff. The board is comprised of the House
 and Senate sergeants-at-arms and the Architect of the Capitol.
 The Capitol Hill Police Board will make that decision, Ney
 said. I am not opposed to discussing this issue. Anything that
 helps the safety and security for the visitors of the Capitol, if it
 helps their security, it's a priority.
 Citing security concerns, Capitol Police spokesman Lt. Dan
 Nichols declined to discuss the issue of protective masks,
 saying only that the [U.S. Capitol Police] has established
 protocolsto deal with chemical and biological threats.
 Another knowledgeable House aide said that talks intensified
 about different types of threats to the Capitol after the attacks
 on the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen last October and on the Khobar
 Towers apartments in Saudi Arabia in 1996. The masks on the
 House side were put in place in response to those attacks, the
 aide said.
 In the wake of the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade
 Center, officials and lawmakers are studying the idea of
 supplying the Capitol and House and Senate office buildings
 with additional masks and other protective gear.
 We're looking at everything, the source said. But the Capitol
 is different than the Longworth and Rayburn buildings. We're
 trying to decide just how effective masks would be when what
 you really want to do is get people out of the buildings as
 quickly as possible.
 While it is unclear whether the same precautions have been
 taken for the Senate chamber, some Senate Capitol offices
 reported receiving bags of masks early last week.
 Without any explanation or instruction of how to use them or
 who could use them, police distributed a sealed bag of about
 five masks to the Senate Daily Press Gallery last week.
 Robert Petersen, the director of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Frightened illegal aliens in Israel demand gas masks (2-13-1998)

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

No doubt by now a shortage of gas masks.

Seattle passed the gas mask law during WTO affair.

Here is item re Israel and gas masks and who will get what - item on
list re judge on case involving Seattle where he had gas mask, all city
officials given gas masks, etc. and I imagine there is a Marc Rich out
there somewhere waiting to profit

So in Seattle the law was passed during this World Trade Organization
meeting - kids were arrested and anyone who had a mask unless he would
be a city official, police, etc., arrested - the judge hearing the case
had a gas mask - etc etc etc.

Let us say anyone of importance had a gas mask - while the Mayor Of
New York was building a bunker for the safety of the Mayor and his staff
- too bad they didnot spend a little time worrying about their tallest
attraction and land mark but then, they were preparing for the
Chrisian Militia to attack.

Now no doubt there is a shortage but just 6 months ago I had cataloge
where they were selling the real military thing and could not get rid of
them fast enough.

Evidently those in the World Trade Center building all believed if a
plane struck the building they would survive as the building was plane
proof...but they they had water sprinklers and it was reported too,
that from floor 30 up asbestos in walls throughout the buildings

Tall Towers sitting ducks - this story re Israel is disgusting.see,
it is a matter of economics


February 13, 1998
Frightened illegal aliens in Israel demand gas masks

Jerusalem Post Service

JERUSALEM -- A group of illegal aliens from Nigeria, the Ivory Coast,
Ghana, Congo, Sierra Leone and South Africa demonstrated outside the
Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv Sunday, demanding that they be given gas
masks and instructed how to act in an emergency.

The demonstrators held posters saying: Prevention is better than cure.
Give masks now, and Have mercy, give us masks. We are defenseless and
without help.

We don't know what to do, one demonstrator said.

We went to the mask station in Tel Aviv, but they turned us down. They
said there are no masks for us. Nobody told us where to go, what to do
or how to protect ourselves.

Meretz Knesset member Dedi Zucker, who organized the demonstration, said
there are some 5,000 Africans and 5,000 South Americans in Tel Aviv

They have been working in Israel for several years and many have
families here, but are not recognized by the authorities.

Zucker said that although the immigrants may not have permits to work
here, they have the right to be protected in case of a conventional or
non-conventional missile

These people are terrified of a missile attack, and most of them were
even afraid to demonstrate here for fear the authorities would crack
down and deport them, Zucker said.

But Haifa's Histadrut chairman, Baruch Saltz, called on the government
not to distribute gas masks to illegal workers, due to the shortage of
masks and their high cost.

The government doesn't have to subsidize masks for hundreds of
thousands of foreign workers who sneaked into the country like thieves
in the night and are taking jobs from Israelis, who, as a result, are
unemployed, Saltz said.

He suggested that the government take this opportunity to solve the
illegal alien problem and deport them.

In another development, dozens of elderly Safed residents protested the
closure of the town's gas mask distribution center.

The IDF published notices instructing the residents, including many who
are too old or sick to travel, to go to Kiryat Shmona or Karmiel for

The Safed station is due to reopen in three months, according to a
statement from the Home Front Command.
It adds that any bearded man, whether religious or secular, is entitled
to a special gas mask, in accordance with a decision by the High Court
of Justice just over a year ago, the IDF spokesman said Sunday.

However, because there is currently a shortage of batteries for these
special masks, anyone without a such mask will be given a regular mask
temporarily, and will be summoned for a full bearded kit as soon as it
becomes available, the statement said.

Copyright Notice (c) 1998, San Francisco Jewish Community Publications
Inc., dba Jewish Bulletin of Northern California. All rights reserved.
This material may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

[CTRL] Fwd: Judge tosses gas mask ban case from WTO

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

[CTRL] FC: World Socialists warn of U.S. government eavesdropping power grab (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:22:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: James Ausman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: not that I *really* expect you to post wsws url on fc, but...

I thought it was a good analysis.

A rose is a rose is a rose.

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You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
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To subscribe to Politech:
This message is archived at

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: Visionics facecam firm says tech is perfect for airports (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:17:19 -0500
From: Robert Sweeney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: V I S I O N I C S Corporation  Newroom  Press Releases

I thought you might have something to say about this. Privacy advocates
would probably liken a computer which scans the crowds for 'terrorists' to
be a step down the road to 'big brother' as we wonder what other groups it
would be set to look for.

I, of course, am more relaxed. As I see it, the system isn't set up to be
an invasion of privacy or unconstitutional search and ceasure if it only
looks for people who are wanted for questioning by the Feds or police. That
would just mean that a suspected criminal can't hide very well. However, if
they database back end amounted to little more than 'racial profiling',
that would be a different matter. In that case, they have no *reason* to be
looking for those people according to our idea of constitutional rights.

I don't really think such a system would have helped prevent the 9-11
attacks, simply because I don't think they used people who would have been
in a database of people suspected of being involved in terrorist groups. A
computer is only as good as the data it's given to work with, after all. I
don't think the terrorists were known beforehand as being suspect, thus
they wouldn't be identified by this face scanning technology simply because
there was no pre-existing reason for them to be in a database of
'suspicious' individuals.

Your mileage may vary...



Visionics Corporation Announces Framework for Protecting Civilization from
the Faces of Terror

Issues White Paper Analyzing the Role Facial Recognition Technologies Can
Play in Improving Airport Security

JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY – September 24, 2001 – In an effort to address the
heightened security concerns in the wake of the September 11 terrorist
attacks on America, Visionics Corporation (Nasdaq:VSNX), the worldwide
leader in identification technologies and systems, announced today a
comprehensive framework for the use of facial recognition technology in
enhancing airport security. The Company has detailed the elements of this
framework in a white paper entitled, Protecting Civilization from the Faces
of Terror: A Primer on the Role Facial Recognition Technology Can Play in
Improving Airport Security. Cognizant of privacy concerns, this document
also addresses the need for responsible use guidelines to prevent any
misuse of these technologies.

Terror is not faceless. This means that we can act to restore public
confidence and safety by creating intelligence-based identification
systems, in essence, databases of terrorists' faces and identities, which
are used to track the whereabouts of terrorists, through computerized
facial recognition, as they travel from country to country. Paramount to
building this protective shield, however, is delivering today a scalable
platform which can tie into unlimited number of cameras and into a wide
network of intelligence databases. Our Biometric Network Platform does
exactly that. It incorporates our leading FaceIt® technology, and, by
adhering to industry standards for responsible use, can be deployed without
posing a threat to our privacy, said Dr. Joseph J. Atick, chairman and CEO
of Visionics Corporation.

Protecting Civilization from the Faces of Terror identifies five key areas
relating to the use of biometric technologies for airport security:

Facial Screening and Surveillance: General surveillance of crowds at
airports, preventing the issuance of travel documents to known terrorists
and detecting tampered and fraudulent travel documents.
Automated Biometric-Based Boarding: Modify the boarding process to require
an instantaneous terrorist background check on each passenger upon check-in
and boarding by searching facial images against intelligence databases of
terrorists and their affiliates.
Screening of Airport Employees: Require criminal background checks through
fingerprint and facial recognition at all airports and for all airport
Physical Security: Improve access control systems for entry to tarmac,
gates and other secure areas through biometrics.
Intelligence Data Mining: Support the development of an infrastructure is
capable of gathering, analyzing and linking information regarding
terrorists and their accomplices across international, national and agency
jurisdictions. A refocus on security with face recognition as part of
intelligence gathering and execution is therefore called for.

The privacy protection principles endorsed in this document are: (a) public
knowledge; (b) maintaining database integrity; © no match – no memory; (d)
authorized operation and access; and (d) enforcement and penalty.

Protecting Civilization from the Faces of Terror will be made available for
download at

[CTRL] FC: Did Bin Laden use steganography to hide files on eBay? (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[These results, alas, aren't as interesting as they could be. I urge Greg
to broaden the search. The article in question
( never
mentioned eBay, so analyzing eBay images isn't that helpful. The article
talked of: sports chat rooms, pornographic bulletin boards and other Web
sites. Seems to me that in debates, we should assume that Bin Laden is
using crypto and stego, and frame our responses accordingly. If he isn't,
the next generation certainly will. --DBM]


From: Greg Schnippel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FOR POLITECH: Study finds low use of steganography on the web
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 00:50:06 -0400

Declan -

Thought this might be interest to your readers,
especially considering the currrent debate in Congress
to outlaw encryption and steganography products.

In contrast to earlier reports from USA Today that Bin
Laden was using steganography, a technique that allows the
user to concel a message in a document or image, to conceal maps
and secret messages a new study from the University of Michigan finds
no widespread use of steganography on the web.

Of course, they only searched 2 million images on Ebay. They
are going to conduct a similar search on USENET next. I'm
waiting for someone to convert this into a distibuted computing
project like 'SETI@home' but hunt-bin-laden@home :)
Possible, but lots of legal and practical questions to be

Full study is here:

USA Today article:

-Greg Schnippel


New Scientist
Massive search reveals no secret code in web images

15:56   25  September  01
Will Knight

New research indicates that terrorists are not using advanced computer tools
to hide messages in innocuous-looking web images.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
Declan McCullagh's photographs are at
To subscribe to Politech:
This message is archived at

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Temples of Mannon? Billions in Gold at Bottom of World Trade Center???

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Note this item in 1993 the bomb went off very close to the vault in
which it was said an amount exceeding a billion dollars, was on deposit
- many different bankers involved.

Used to be in ancient days (and I will send item on this) temples were
looted for the Gold - look at the pyramids.

Now this is conspiracy list right?   What if like the Brinks job the
goal it to steal the gold at the bottom of these Temples?  There are
twelve Federal Reserve Districts in the United States - maybe even
representing the 12 tribes, if set up on masonic keys.

The pyramid on the dollar bill with the ever vigilant (and I am question
this ever vigilant) eye?   All speaks to Temples of Mannon.

It is said you cannot serve God and Mannon therefore the dollar bill is
a paradox unto itself - In God We Trust?

This thing with John Gotti - and a dead body found in the lot also makes
me wonder - the billions of dollars in contracts when in fact there is a
Contract on America.

Under subect matter you can get the lay of the land  from the tunnels,
etc., to the gold buried.was this the reason the World Trade Center
was downed?  And we know the Pentagon holds so many treasures some of
which I saw way back when my relative served on Joint Chief but they
have billions in diamonds.

So who knows and who holds the key to the small Kingdom known once, as
the great World Trade Center - and why this need to call them the Twin
Towers - ominous warnings but this masonic stuff I always find

Gold at feet of Temples of Mannon?   How many people knew of this gold
and why is there so little concern re there a gigantic plot to
rob this site or has it already been sacked.

Here is item dating way back - maybe Doomsdayers got their revenge for
this, is the year of the Millennium, not last year.

Just a few thoughts - for after all the love of money is the root of all
evil or is it the lack of money?  That bible one day I started counting
up some of the gold and hey even Jerry Falwell refers to gold, etc., in
the Liberty Bible and we are now going through the days of Jerimiah and
Isaiah we are almost through - but the days grow short and it is the
Hunter chasing the Scorpion - after the attack.said Scorpion always
just out of reach of the Hunter - for it was planned this way, they are
never on the same stage together (or are they from time to time and we
do not know it).

So who is Mr. Big  it is Mammon who rules in this world - right?

Am reproducing one item and other if you want info on the gold, check
under subject matter.

Who has keyes to this kingdom?


- A. GHOSH -

Islam's injunctions to its followers to destroy and insult the other
religions are well-known. Churches and synagogues in Southern Europe and
Middle Eastern countries that have been desecrated by the Moslems in the
name of Islam are too many to cite.

The story did not change in the case of the subcontinent of India
either. Their houses of worship were destroyed, desecrated, the deities
stolen and carried away to be ground to dust or placed below the steps
leading to mosques to be trod upon by Moslem pilgrims. the idea has been
to insult the kafirs.

Of late the followers of Islam seem to have a second thought on the
pheonomenon. A new breed has appeared on the scene who can be called
apologists or public relations men for Islam. In the early days, Islam
did not need any apologists.

Anything done in the name of Islam was already justified and there was
no room for any guilt complex. When Aurangzib executed the sufi holy man
Sarmad, he knew that no apologies were required. When he tortured the
mullahs that had advised his son to rebel against the father, Aurangzib
was certain that no apologies were needed.

But times have changed and people dc think on their own, more so among
non-Moslems. Among the Moslems, however, free thinking is taboo, where
Islam is concerned. This explains why this religion did not have any
reformers or thinkers to purify the creed as human civilization
progressed. Whatever was supposed to have been said by the prophet more
than a thousand years ago is supposed to hold good today in its

One such apologist of Islam writes in his 'The Life and Times of Sultan
Mahmud of Ghazna': The critics who accuse the Sultan of wanton
bloodshed and reckless spoliation of Hindu temples forget that these
so-called barbarities were committed in the course of legitimate
warfare, when such acts were sanctioned by the practice of all the great
conquerors of the world.
Spoils captured from a defeated enemy have always been considered lawful
property of the victorious army.

In India, however, wealth was accumulated not only in the coffers of the
kings, as in other countries, but also in the vaults of the temples,
which were consecrated in the service of various deities.


[CTRL] Fwd: Gold Depositories Buried Beneath Trade Center Rubble -- 09/12/2001

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Bragged about gold - isn't the Treasury Department more or less a Secret
Service?   Loose lips sink ships but all this gold of Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait at the feet of the Temples?

Its a little late, Mayor Giuliano - as they say, they stole the horse
but in so doing killed a small city  more slaughter of innocents

Almost as if everything well planned in advance . war of terrorism?
Lets clean house at home first for who opened the doors while an eternal
eye knew in advance every movement of these killers.

Once there was  a movie God Is My Co Pilot - well, seems someone else
was riding in the seat of the co pilot other than God.

We are our own worst Enemy.


Gold Depositories Buried Beneath Trade Center Rubble
By Stewart Stogel Correspondent

September 12, 2001

New York ( - As New Yorkers try to recover from the attack
on the World Trade Center, financial markets have yet to feel the full
impact of the terrorist action.

Far beneath the shattered buildings, screaming ambulances and dazed New
Yorkers on the streets of Manhattan are two of the world's largest gold

One belongs to the US Federal Reserve Bank; another to a group of
financial institutions.

The Fed's gold reserve is housed 100 ft. beneath its headquarters, only
blocks from the World Trade Center, whose twin towers collapsed into
mammoth heaps of rubble after two hijacked jetliners were crashed into
the buildings.

The Fed boasts that its gold depository spans the length of two football
fields and contains more gold than any other vault on earth.
[Boast?   Was this a challenge - since when do Feds boast of Gold in
such a manner - do not recall of this boast is the
Secret Service, isn't it.Saba Note]

Its deposits are believed to surpass the value of the legendary Fort
Knox gold reserves in the mid-1980s.

While the Fed declines to release the total value of gold on deposit, it
is unofficially estimated at more than $25 billion. But the gold stored
in that facility does not belong to the U.S.; it's owned by foreign
nations, including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

At the World Trade Center itself is another, smaller gold storage
facility owned by a group of commercial banks.

When Islamic radicals bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, the New
York Police Department and FBI at one point thought that the attack
might have been a raid on the gold depository.

The explosion eight years ago was close to the vault, which withstood
the explosion. It's not known how much gold was kept in the World Trade
Center vaults in 1993, but it's believed as much as $1 billion in
Kuwaiti gold eight years ago.

It's also believed that the amount gold currently buried beneath the
debris of the World Trade Center today far exceeds the 1993 levels.
Kuwaiti officials in New York declined to discuss the matter.

Demonstrators Torch Former US Embassy Building in Kabul

US-Pakistan Ties Strained over Fate of Taliban

Pakistan's Christians Fear for Their Safety
New Coin Would Honor Terror Victims

Publication Set for Barbara Olson's New Book

Supreme Court to Hear School Voucher Case

UK Editors Told To Tone Down Speculation

South Africa To Help with Terrorist Investigation

Peres-Arafat Finally Meet; Declare Israeli-PA Ceasefire
Clone Pioneers To Shift Research Goals Because Of GM Fears
Lloyd's Attack Payouts To Total $1.9 Billion
Bill Proposed To Name Cesar Chavez 'Hero'
Study: Religion Helps Teens Delay Sexual Activity
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[CTRL] Fwd: ORBIT: Bad Vibes

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Note item also re Colonel Tom Beardon - and remember the snow in July in
Saudi Arabia .



2001-09-26 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:28:28 EDT, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 It's fake and its pretty funny in a slightly warped way...

Pretty obvious, too, since, if I recall correctly, both planes were tilted
when they struck the towers.

| AIM:Damaeus   |Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| ICQ:18405845  |New Age, Conspiracy, UFO, Alien TV Listings |
|---'. |
| YahooMessenger:Damaeus | |

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No Regrets About Developing PGP

2001-09-26 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded E-Mail Message
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 18:45:40 +
MAP: No Regrets About Developing PGP

Phil Zimmermann, inventor of PGP encryption

To: Cypherpunks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: No Regrets About Developing PGP
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 07:59:50 -0700


Phil Zimmermann asked me to post this.  He would like it freely
disseminated, so feel free to post it wherever you wish.

  S a n d y

No Regrets About Developing PGP

The Friday September 21st Washington Post carried an article by Ariana
Cha that I feel misrepresents my views on the role of PGP encryption
software in the September 11th terrorist attacks.  She interviewed me on
Monday September 17th, and we talked about how I felt about the
possibility that the terrorists might have used PGP in planning their
attack.  The article states that as the inventor of PGP, I was
overwhelmed with feelings of guilt.  I never implied that in the
interview, and specifically went out of my way to emphasize to her that
that was not the case, and made her repeat back to me this point so that
she would not get it wrong in the article. This misrepresentation is
serious, because it implies that under the duress of terrorism I have
changed my principles on the importance of cryptography for protecting
privacy and civil liberties in the information age.

Because of the political sensitivity of how my views were to be
expressed, Ms. Cha read to me most of the article by phone before she
submitted it to her editors, and the article had no such statement or
implication when she read it to me.  The article that appeared in the
Post was significantly shorter than the original, and had the
abovementioned crucial change in wording.  I can only speculate that her
editors must have taken some inappropriate liberties in abbreviating my
feelings to such an inaccurate soundbite.

In the interview six days after the attack, we talked about the fact
that I had cried over the heartbreaking tragedy, as everyone else did.
But the tears were not because of guilt over the fact that I developed
PGP, they were over the human tragedy of it all.  I also told her about
some hate mail I received that blamed me for developing a technology
that could be used by terrorists.  I told her that I felt bad about the
possibility of terrorists using PGP, but that I also felt that this was
outweighed by the fact that PGP was a tool for human rights around the
world, which was my original intent in developing it ten years ago.  It
appears that this nuance of reasoning was lost on someone at the
Washington Post.  I imagine this may be caused by this newspaper's staff
being stretched to their limits last week.

In these emotional times, we in the crypto community find ourselves
having to defend our technology from well-intentioned but misguided
efforts by politicians to impose new regulations on the use of strong
cryptography.  I do not want to give ammunition to these efforts by
appearing to cave in on my principles.  I think the article correctly
showed that I'm not an ideologue when faced with a tragedy of this
magnitude.  Did I re-examine my principles in the wake of this tragedy?
Of course I did.  But the outcome of this re-examination was the same as
it was during the years of public debate, that strong cryptography does
more good for a democratic society than harm, even if it can be used by
terrorists.  Read my lips: I have no regrets about developing PGP.

The question of whether strong cryptography should be restricted by the
government was debated all through the 1990's.  This debate had the
participation of the White House, the NSA, the FBI, the courts, the
Congress, the computer industry, civilian academia, and the press.
This debate fully took into account the question of terrorists using
strong crypto, and in fact, that was one of the core issues of the
debate.  Nonetheless, society's collective decision (over the FBI's
objections) was that on the whole, we would be better off with strong
crypto, unencumbered with government back doors.  The export controls
were lifted and no domestic controls were imposed.  I feel this was a
good decision, because we took the time and had such broad expert
participation.  Under the present emotional pressure, if we make a rash
decision to reverse such a careful decision, it will only lead to
terrible mistakes that will not only hurt our democracy, but will also
increase the vulnerability of our national information infrastructure.

PGP users should rest assured that I would still not acquiesce to any
back doors in PGP.

It is noteworthy that I had only received a single piece of hate mail on
this subject.  Because of all the press interviews I was dealing with, I
did not have time to quietly compose a carefully worded reply to the
hate mail, so I did not send a reply at all.  After the article
appeared, I received hundreds of supportive emails, flooding in at two

[CTRL] Uncle Santa's BIG Xmas

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The United States wants to provide military aid
to Iran and Syria to woo them to a Washington-led coalition against
terrorism. President George Bush has asked Congress to lift
restrictions on the provision of military aid and weapons to those on
the State Department list of terrorist sponsors. The list contains
such countries as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, North Korea and Yemen.
The waiver would last for five years and allow the administration to
provide military aid to any country, regardless of its record on
terrorism or human rights. The Bush administration is said to believe
that Iran and Syria will be crucial in any coalition against Saudi
billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden. Currently, Bush is prohibited
by U.S. law from providing military aid to the so-called rogue
states. Both Iran and Syria have rejected joining a U.S.-led
coalition and, instead, have called for a United Nations effort
against terrorism. The Bush effort comes as the administration has
sent Iran a message that appeals for its support in the fight against
terrorism. Such a message is being delivered by British Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw during his visit to Teheran. On Saturday, the
United States lifted sanctions from India and Pakistan. The sanctions
were imposed in 1998 after both countries detonated nuclear bombs.
Congressional sources acknowledged the administration's effort to
lift military sanctions against Iran and Syria. They said
congressional leaders have requested to meet with the White House for
clarification. The waiver must be obtained through congressional
legislation. We all want to be helpful, and I will listen to what
they have in mind, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Patrick
Leahy told the Washington Post on Monday. But we also want to be
convinced that what is being proposed is sound, measured and
necessary and not merely impulsive.
This service contains only a small portion of the information
produced daily by Middle East Newsline. For a subscription to the
full service, please contact Middle East Newsline at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for further details.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
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--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Neotame

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From the September 2001 Idaho Observer:
M.D. declares aspartame disease global plague

Aspartame-like Neotame coming soon to a store near you

By The Idaho Observer
Mission Possible editor Betty Martini, who processes the
world's most cutting edge information regarding the toxic
artificial sweetener aspartame, reports that H.J. Roberts, M.D., has
declared aspartame disease a global epidemic upon
publishing the 1,023-page medical text, “Aspartame
Disease: An Ignored Epidemic.”

The declaration comes at a time when the government of New
Zealand has just approved the manufacture and sale of
aspartame clone neotame.

Aspartame is commonly used as a dietary sweetener in
over-the-counter beverages such as Pedialyte and soft
drinks. It has been proven to break down into formaldehyde
and methanol, both of which are known neurotoxins, at ambient
temperatures. Scientists believe that cumulative
levels of aspartame are responsible for a list of over 200
ailments that range from headaches, nausea, motor
dysfunction, irritability, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's
disease, obesity and death.

“As we are faced with one of the largest plagues in
world history, the Australia New Zealand Food Standards
Council (ANZFA) approves the more potent  aspartame clone,
Neotame,” said Martini.
ANZFA spokeswoman Fiona Hodges ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
explained that, “This sweetener offers a viable
alternative for people with the genetic disease
phenylketonuria as it does not break down to

According to Martini, “The formula for Neotame [which
is available at the Mission Possible website at:] proves phenylalanine is one of the

In a discussion with Dr. Jeffrey Bada, a peptide chemist
who has written  on aspartame, he said that to produce
neotame, they had simply scrambled the formula but it has
the same deadly breakdown products as aspartame.

“Monsanto has now sold the rights to Neotame to Childs
but Monsanto Communications Director, Nancy Nevin wrote
some years ago: 'Compositionally it [neotame] begins with aspartame,
but  a simple enhancement to the dipeptide base
of aspartame uniquely and markedly changes its sweetness.
It is 40 times sweeter than aspartame,'” Martini

Dr. H. J. Roberts wrote to the Dockets Management Branch of
the FDA on 3/3/98 saying: “The timing and self-serving
corporate interests of this petition are suggested by the fact the
patent on aspartame expired several years

Dr. Roberts has reviewed studies for both aspartame and
neotame. He found that those studies funded by Monsanto to
“prove” the marketplace safety of those synthetic sweeteners were
skewed and lacking scientific merit.
Conversely, non-biased studies and field experience prove
his theory that such products are linked to global
epidemics of a variety of serious chronic illnesses.

Monsanto has a long history of being able to get FDA
approval for demonstrably unsafe and/or toxic products.
Bovine Growth Hormone and genetically engineered foods come
to mind. It has been reported that the FDA recently obtained patent
rights to terminator gene technology
primarily developed by Monsanto.

Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, can be found at
or by calling (800) 814-9800.
More info on aspartame can be found at:
The Aspartame Toxicity Center can be found at:
Aspartame Support Group is at:

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, 

[CTRL] The Case Against Farm Subsidies (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Getting Back to Normal
The case against farm subsidies.

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 12:00 a.m. EDT

The world has changed. America is at war against terrorism, what president
Bush called the murderous ideologies of the 20th century.

Congress has changed too, quickly appropriating $40 billion to meet the
emergency and begin waging the war. Then came $15 billion in help for the
battered airlines and the restoration by the Senate Armed Services Committee
of $1.3 billion in strategic antimissile-defense funds it had previously cut
from the president's request. For the moment there is a truce in the
ideological wars that consumed Congress for two decades.

A new reality is also showing up in unexpected places. Last week's U.S.
Department of Agriculture report Food and Agricultural Policy, Taking Stock
for the New Century is a direct attack on the fundamental concept of farm
subsidies, a program that has been sacrosanct since the Depression. The
report is a forceful analysis of the negative impact of existing farm
policies and a good discussion of the economics of farming. It is a bit soon
to conclude that going to war against terrorism has brought common sense to
farm policy, but Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman's report is a good

Farming has changed a lot since the 1930s. As the report points out, farm
production has doubled over the last 50 years while the number of farms has
fallen by two-thirds. Technology has increased yields; corn yields have grown
to135 bushels an acre from 40, wheat to more than 40 bushels from 15. Food
expenditures as a share of domestic disposable income have declined to 12% in
1999 from 22% in 1949 while exports have grown to $54 billion from $7 billion
in 1970. Farm incomes have greatly increased. As the report points out, they
no longer lag, but rather surpass those of other U.S. households. . . . Most
farms are run by people whose principal occupation is not farming.
But government agricultural programs have hardly changed; they subsidize
agriculture today in much the same way they did during the Dust Bowl and
Depression years.

The report questions the basis for such subsidies: Even the most carefully
designed government intervention distorts markets and resource allocation,
produces unintended consequences, and spreads benefits unevenly. We cannot
afford to keep relearning the lessons of the past.

Many of the program approaches since the 1930s proved not to work well or
not at all, the report continues:

History has shown that supporting prices is self-defeating;
Supply controls proved unworkable too;
Stockholding and reserve plans [withholding grain from the market to increase
prices] distort markets enormously; and
Program benefits invariably prove to be disparate, providing unintended (and
unwanted) consequences.
The report also notes that there is still no direct relationship between
receiving benefits and the financial status of the farm. Subsidies are based
on acreage or harvest size, not farm economics. So the poorest 6% of farms,
with an average household income of $9,500, receive less than 1% of the
payments while nearly half the subsidy payments go to large commercial farms
with an average household income of $135,000.
Congress recognized in 1996 that the old ideas were not working. So it
enacted the Freedom to Farm Act, which was supposed to return market forces
to agriculture, reduce agricultural subsidies to $4 billion a year from $9
billion and wean farmers off what Speaker Newt Gingrich called East German
socialist agricultural programs.

But it didn't work. Direct payments to farmers have tripled since 1996.The
farm lobby persuaded Congress to enact emergency payments over and above
the reduced subsidies; they increased to $23 billion last year. And so we are
right back where we started 70 years ago, with a set of increasingly
expensive, flawed '30s policies favoring large wealthy farmers and costing
consumers a great deal of money.

Unfortunately it gets worse. Last July the House Agriculture Committee
approved Chairman Larry Combest's bill to replace the Freedom to Farm Act
that expires in 2002. It restores wool and mohair subsidies that the 1996 act
eliminated, adds a new $350 million-a-year peanut subsidy, restores
below-target price payments for basic crops and adds a tobacco export
subsidy. And it creates new subsidies for fruit, vegetable, hog and cattle
farmers. Altogether it adds another $73 billion in subsidies to the $95
billion 10-year base.

It is a big step backwards, for in the words of a Cincinnati Post editorial,
Through a variety of techniques . . . the legislation continues to subsidize
products it has always subsidized, subsidizes again some it used to subsidize
and subsidizes some it has never before subsidized.

Which makes Secretary Veneman's report an interesting and unexpected
document: a powerful Republican administration critique of agricultural
subsidies shortly after a 

[CTRL] Sand, Quick Sand!

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From LA Times

Sand Trap
Indiscriminate bombing of Afghanistan would play directly into Osama
bin Laden's hands.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s most recent book is A Life in the 20th
Century: Volume I, Innocent Beginnings.
September 23 2001

In his powerful address before Congress last Thursday,
President Bush correctly defined the threat of terrorism. And he
correctly characterized the motivation of Osama bin Laden, the
presumed evil genius of terrorism.
President Bush correctly called for American leadership in a global
campaign against terrorism. But he laid down non-negotiable
specifications for his war that friendly states will consider ill-
judged and delivered in a tone they may regard as arrogant.
Our allies have had more experience with terrorism than we have had.
They know how difficult it is to eradicate terrorism, even when the
terrorists operate in their own countries. The Basque terrorists live
in a relativel
y confined space in northwestern Spain, but Spanish governments have tried and failed 
for 25 years to stop their outrages. The Corsican terrorists live on an island, but 
they continue to defy all efforts by the French aut
horities to stamp them out. The British could not stop Irish Republican Army bombings 
in England; nor, now that the IRA has abandoned terrorism, can they stop bombings by 
the thugs who style themselves the Real IRA. The
re is no knock-out blow against terrorism. Does our president really understand what 
he is getting us into? President Bush believes he knows how to deal with terrorists in 
a part of the world in which we have had meager h
istorical experience and small operational knowledge. He should have asked himself 
what Bin Laden would wish us to do next. What American response would best serve the 
villain's purposes?
The answer surely is indiscriminate American air attacks on Afghanistan, killing large 
numbers of innocent people. Bombing is not likely to eliminate Bin Laden and his 
crowd, who have well-prepared hideouts. It would only
 demonstrate once again the impotence of the American superpower. Civilian casualties 
would confirm Bin Laden's thesis of an evil America, push even moderate Muslims toward 
hatred of the United States, produce a new gener
ation of suicidal bombers for Al Qaeda, Bin Laden's terrorist network and incite 
radical Muslims to rise against moderate regimes.
The only thing that would probably please Bin Laden more would be an invasion by 
American ground forces. Afghanistan is famous for its unconquerability. The British 
Empire and the Soviet Union failed in their efforts to d
ominate the country, and they at least knew the rocky terrain and had people who spoke 
the languages. American troops in Afghanistan would be even more baffled and beset 
than they were a third of a century ago in Vietnam.

There is, in addition, the land-mine problem. According to Robert Fisk, Middle Eastern 
correspondent for The Independent in London, Afghanistan contains one-tenth--more than 
10 million--of the world's unexploded land mine
s, laid by the Soviet Red Army in 27 of 29 provinces. Two dozen Afghans are blown up 
every day.
Moreover, by November freezing weather will arrive, and the Pentagon has no hope of 
dispatching troops and winning the war in the six weeks remaining before winter comes 
to Afghanistan. Nor could an invading American army
 count on serious assistance from the internal anti-Taliban resistance, their most 
effective leader, Ahmed Shah Masoud, having been assassinated shortly before the 
assault on America.
But President Bush is not confining his attentions to Afghanistan. He seems to be 
contemplating confronting much of the Arab world. Either you are with us, he said, 
or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward
, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the 
United States as a hostile regime. That sounds like the ending states and regime 
change talk of Paul D. Wolfowitz, the deputy secreta
ry of Defense and the most high-flying of hawks.
Does this mean that, after Afghanistan, we will be taking on Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya? 
And though the president correctly distinguishes between the moderate and the militant 
Muslim states, this hard line will make life co
nsiderably more difficult for the moderates in Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan.
Little is more vital in the months ahead than retaining the support of moderate Muslim 
states. President Bush has set an admirable example by visiting a mosque and 
condemning attacks on American Muslims. Islam has histori
cally been a tolerant faith. Mohammedans ruled Spain for five centuries, during which 
Spain was culturally more advanced than the rest of Europe. Muslims coexisted 
cheerfully with Christians and Jews. Most moderate Arab s
tates have fragile regimes threatened by radicals within. It is essential that we 

[CTRL] *Frankenstein* (not by E Winter)

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



  Middle East
Saudis turn their backs on the Taliban, a monster they helped create
By Robert Fisk  Middle East Correspondent
26 September 2001
The Saudis, who helped to create the Taliban regime in Afghanistan,
thereby spawning a baby that turned into a monster, severed all
diplomatic ties with the Kabul government yesterday.
Their decision, which ended seven years of shameless Saudi support
for the most obscurantist and cruel regime in the region, came
scarcely a month after the Saudi Royal Family fired the man who did
more than any individual to cement the Taliban's power in
Afghanistan: Prince Turki bin Feisel al-Saud, the head of the Saudi
secret service.
Saudi Arabia's break with the Taliban ends a relationship that
embarrassed the Saudis as much as it infuriated the United States –
even though it was studiously ignored by US administrations and the
American media.
The links began in 1994 when Saudi and other Arab princes flew to
Afghanistan's second city of Kandahar for a hunting expedition,
bringing with them jeeps, money and an entire mobile phone system for
their Afghan hosts. Among them was Prince Turki, who was not only a
close acquaintance of Osama bin Laden but had enthusiastically
embraced Mr bin Laden's original call for Arab fighters to join the
war against the Russians in 1980.
Prince Turki had first promoted the Wahhabi Sunni Muslim Taliban – reared in the 
ignorance of the Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan – as adherents to the al-Saud family 
sect and a counter-balance to the Shia Muslim Hazara
tribe of Afghanistan, which was supported by Iran. Wahhabism, a form of pure Islam 
first preached in the 18th century by Abdul Wahab – whose daughter's marriage to an 
al-Saud sealed the alliance between the theological
zealot and the future rulers of Saudi Arabia – enforced strict sharia religious law, 
which was applied with obsessional relish by the Pashtun-speaking Taliban.
The Saudis had few doubts about supporting them. Mr bin Laden's flight from Sudan to 
Afghanistan in 1995 placed him under Taliban, and therefore Saudi, control.
There are many accounts of the Arab hunt for game birds – bustards in this case – 
around Kandahar and of the Arab princes' generosity to the Taliban. According to the 
Pakistani journalist Ahmad Rashid, whose 20-year study
 of Afghanistan, Taliban, is probably the most authoritative source on the subject, 
the head of the Pakistani Jema'a Ulema Islami (Group of Islamic Religious Scholars), 
Maulana Faz-lur Rehman, organised the Arabs' trip.
Within 18 months, Prince Turki had returned to Kandahar, this time to provide millions 
of dollars, vehicles and petrol for the Taliban assault on Kabul – the battle that 
finally drove the feuding and largely secular mujah
edin guerrillas out of the city and led to the imposition of the ruthless religious 
laws that within months destroyed culture, entertainment, science and women's rights 
in most of Afghanistan. The involvement of two Saudi
 companies in a gas pipeline project across the country provided further reason for 
the Saudis to pursue their friendship.
The Saudi religious leaders, the ulema, had insisted that the Royal Family should 
support the Taliban after they themselves had been forced to approve the presence of 
half a million US troops in the land of Mecca and Medi
na five years earlier. The ulema, including Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, the Grand Mufti 
and chairman of the Council of Senior Preachers, demanded Saudi support for the 
Taliban and preached in favour of its rule in Afghanis
tan in the madrassahs (religious schools) and mosques across Saudi Arabia.
In April 1997, Mullah Rabbani, the Taliban leader, arrived in Riyadh to announce that 
Saudi Arabia is the centre of the Muslim world [and] we would like to have Saudi 
assistance. King Fahd expressed happiness at the good
 measures [sic] taken by the Taliban and over the imposition of Sharia [law] in our 
country. According to Mr Rashid, the Saudis were now extremely reluctant to demand 
the return of Mr bin Laden.
Ironically, the Iranians, who have always opposed the Taliban and their regime, had by 
1996 found themselves in a position remarkably similar to that in which the US finds 
itself today. The Taliban had given sanctuary to
Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jamaar, head of an opposition terrorist group that had been 
recruiting among Iranians around Khorasan, many of them from Iran's Baluchi, Turkmen 
and Afghan minorities. The Taliban gave the Iranians the
same reply as they have done in response to demands for Mr bin Laden's expulsion: he 
is a Muslim guest and cannot be asked to leave.
The state visit by Mohammad Khatami, the Iranian President, to Saudi Arabia in May 
1999 doomed the Saudi- Taliban relationship. The Saudis had grown to distrust the 
Taliban's other prop, Pakistan, and were appalled at the

[CTRL] Just (a) War

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Libertarian Just War Theory
By Wendy McElroy
As a political philosophy based upon non-aggression and
individualism, libertarian theory would seem to preclude any support
for violence committed by a State, let alone the mass violence
involved in a war. Yet an icon of the libertarian movement is the War
for Independence, or the American Revolution. Somehow the American
Revolution is viewed differently than all other wars, and not merely
because the Continental Congress functioned as an unofficial body
when it first met in 1774. The Congress quickly became a government
during the conduct of hostilities. For example, to finance the
Continental Army, it issued approximately $226 million dollars in
paper money, then (1780) devalued it at the rate of $40 to $1 of
specie, giving rise to the saying not worth a Continental.
Moreover, the Continental Congress forcibly imposed its authority on
a substantial percentage of the colonists -- namely, loyalists who
favored British rule.
Despite such factors, libertarians tend to view the American
Revolution as a noble struggle, waged for the principles of natural
rights and no government without the consent of the governed. In
short, it was a just war.
The idea of a 'just war' is far from a new one. Indeed, in his book
War and Conscience, the minister Allen Isbell opens the chapter
entitled The Justifiable War Doctrine with a question, When and
how may a State legitimately engage in a war? This has been a prime
topic of discussion in Christian ethics for sixteen centuries. From
this continuing conversation within Christendom, a doctrine of
justifiable war has evolved(76).[1]
Allen goes on to list eight requirements a war must meet to be deemed
justified within Christian ethics: the war must be the last resort;
since only one side is justified in fighting, you must be on that
side; the war must have an adequate cause; it must have a legitimate
aim; it must be waged with a proper spirit; it must be waged by a
proper authority; the execution of the war must be just; and, it must
have the promise of beneficial victory(77-78).
Does libertarianism include a theory by which a war such as the
American Revolution can be viewed as fundamentally just, albeit with
some unfortunate, but non-essential aspects? If so, what would be the
requirements of a libertarian just war?
The idea of a libertarian war is not an absurd one. After all,
libertarianism permits violence even to the point of killing someone
if it is an act of reasonable self defense. Nothing in libertarianism
precludes the possibility of a collectively exercised right to self
defense. Indeed, many libertarians who have been influenced by the
philosopher Ayn Rand believe this is one of the few valid functions
of a 'night-watchman' State.[2] As long as every individual that a
State (or a private defense agency) claims to represent has
voluntarily assigned his or her right of self-defense to that State,
then it is justified in acting collectively on their behalf against
an invader. Moreover, if the State acted against only those
individuals who were actual aggressors, e.g. the individuals in an
invading army, it would avoid objections revolving around innocent
civilian casualties, e.g. victims of a bombed city.
Libertarianism seems to accept at least the theoretical possibility
of a just war. Of course, this does not necessarily justify any war
that has ever occurred in human history, but it opens the possibility
of a just war in the future. Again, what would be the requirements of
such a libertarian war?
Answering this question requires backing up a step to discuss how
libertarianism approaches issues in general. Libertarian theory is
means, rather than ends, oriented. That is, it does not aim primarily
to produce a particular end such as 'social justice' as embodied in a
specific result such as the elimination of poverty. Instead,
libertarianism aims primarily at producing a particular means of
functioning by which it defines social justice. This means has been
described in various ways, including: anything that is peaceful;
individual rights; society by contract; the non-initiation of force.
Whatever results from the means of peaceful behavior is acceptable to
libertarian theory. To illustrate this point, consider freedom of
speech. The means approach asks only whether the speech is free and
violates no property rights: if so, it legally tolerates whatever is
spoken. The ends approach asks whether the content of the speech is
proper and, depending on the answer, it does or does not legally
tolerate what is spoken.
A libertarian just war would have to the libertarian means of
approaching issues. It would have to be declared and conducted in
such a manner as not to violate individual rights or the principle
anything that is peaceful (including, by definition, justified self
defense). This qualifier is what would constitute the meaning of the

Re: [CTRL] No Regrets About Developing PGP

2001-09-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 26 Sep 2001 at 11:38, Damaeus wrote:

 appears that this nuance of reasoning was lost on someone at the
 Washington Post.  I imagine this may be caused by this newspaper's
 being stretched to their limits last week.

A most charitable view.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [C-I] Northern Alliance = Taliban from the Oread Daily

2001-09-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: reg 


Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 4:57 PM
Subject: [C-I] Northern Alliance = Taliban from the Oread 
THERE YOU GO AGAINNow we are beginning to hear and read 
stories about the heroic Northern Alliance, those "noble" figures who have 
been fighting the Taliban for years and who want to act in concert with the 
US "War on Terrorism." Folks, we've been here before. The 
Northern Alliance is not all that different then the Taliban. The 
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (which these days 
seems to me to be the only group in the world at the moment that makes any 
sense) had this to say which the Oread Daily considers quite relevant 
today:In our opinion, the Taliban and other jehadi fundamentalist 
cliques of Rabbani, Sayyaf, Masoud, Khalili, Hekmatyar and their like are 
brothers in arms. They are all of the same hue, because: All of them 
have a Klashnikov in one hand and the Quran in the other to kill, 
intimidate, detain and mutilate our people arbitrarily. All are 
violently misusing Islam, interpret the Quran according to their own 
personal whims and political interests, and use religion as a cover to 
hide their heinous crimes. They are all proud of stoning men and women to 
death, cutting their limbs, public executions and punishing the people 
without trial in an authorized court. Educational affairs during more than 
four years of the jehadi fundamentalists' rule were not better than what we 
find today under the Taliban. All of them are equally hostile to science and 
culture All of them are not indigenous and are dependent on foreign 
countries. The Taliban too cannot last long without foreign support and the 
same holds true for other jehadi fundamentalists as well. They are not only 
incapable of providing any economic relief to the Afghan people but are also 
unwilling to take any step that benefits the masses Unprecedented 
abuses of human rights were committed on mass scale under the domination 
of both types of fundamentalists.  Although Taliban's hostility against our 
women goes far beyond in intensity than what they had been experiencing 
during the rule of Rabbani  Co., it must be noticed that it was Mr 
Sibghatullah Mujaddedi who instead of paying heed to any of the numerous 
serious problems of Afghan people, raised hue and cry for imposition of 
"Islamic hejab". It was in the light of such injunctions that Rabbani  
Co. too started to ban women from appearing on TV and working in the 
offices.  Of course, presently the rate of murdering, raping young girls 
and boys, and looting houses by the Taliban has been somehow less than 
jehadi fundamentalists; but the degree of brutalities of Taliban only 
against Afghan women is enough to understand the bigotry and fanaticism 
of this group. They physically force people to pray and destroy audio/video 
cassettes as haram (forbidden), and regard hearing even the sound of a 
woman's steps as a sin!  In view of what we said, it is easy to understand 
that the current infighting among different types of fundamentalists is 
nothing but a bloody war of Islamic bandits over booty. And since they are 
controlled by their foreign masters, the conflicting interests of these 
patron countries are also playing havoc with the fate of the Afghan people 
The Oread Daily provides daily (Monday-Friday) progressive, left, 
anti-racist, anarchist, commie, activist, environmental, Marxist, 
revolutionary, etc. news and information from around the US and around 
the world. The Oread Daily was a mimeographed sheet that came out first in 
the summer of 1970 in Lawrence, Kansas. It was irreverent, radical, spicy, 
revolutionary et. al. Now, three decades later it returns. To view the 
entire Oread Daily, please visit:

[CTRL] Fw: [JUGOINFO] Visnjica broj 114

2001-09-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:16 PM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Visnjica broj 114


 Il nazionalista-separatista Ibrahim Rugova accusa
 i nazionalisti-separatisti dell'UCK di legami con
 il terrorismo islamista:

 ROME, Sept 26 (Tanjug) - Democratic League of Kosovo leader
 Ibrahim Rugova has said that the KLA (so-called Kosovo
 liberation  army) is hiding international terrorist bases at the
 territory under  its control, and that KLA members are ready to
 organize terrorist  attacks to support Osama bin Laden, the
 Saudi-born dissident  suspected of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks at
 New York and  Washington.
 Rugova, leader of the moderate Kosovo Albanian wing, has
 reiterated his warning to the world about the KLA's terrorist
 nature, the Itar-TASS news agency said, quoting a special
 statement  it received from Rugova's information service in Italy.
 One must not forget that bin Laden's organization got  established
 on the territory of Albania and Kosovo as early as in  1994, and
 that in 1996 bin Laden ordered his detachments to get  prepared
 for actions in Kosovo and Albania, Rugova said.
 According to Rugova, one of bin Laden's associates, Mohammed
 Zawhiri, personally supervised the training of ethnic Albanian
 KLA is not just a rebel organization capable of devastating the
 territory of Kosovo and Macedonia, but on the international
 level  it is ready to act, using the same means as in Kosovo, and to
 render  assistance to terrorist groups, the statement said.


 Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
 Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
 I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
 le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
 vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
 solo scopo di segnalazione e commento (for fair use only).
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 Per cancellarti da questo gruppo, invia un messaggio vuoto a:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] fwd [TomPaine.Com] The Patriotic Duty of the Press

2001-09-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:[TomPaine.Com] The Patriotic Duty of the Press
Date:   9/26/01 6:18:17 AM Central Daylight Time

  New at

The Patriotic Duty of the Press

Public support for the War on Terrorism flows from the still-raw wounds
of September 11.

But if President Bush wants to keep that support, he would be wise to
ensure the Pentagon refrains from the media manipulation it practiced
during Desert Storm - excluding reporters from the battlefield,
overstating successes, minimizing or ignoring mistakes, and sanitizing
visual images.

Journalists have a duty to resist official spin even when some secrecy
is justified. A free press must serve the governed, not the governors,
said Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.

Journalists will best serve the national interest by maintaining a
patriotic skepticism and by asserting their independence to report the
war with or without Pentagon cooperation.

Read our new op ad...

...and read our Op-Ad Features...

Will Truth Again Be the First Casualty?
Jacqueline E. Sharkley, from the Public i (
   During the Gulf War, the Pentagon practiced news management in
order to control the story. The generals excluded reporters from the
battlefield, overstated successes, minimized or ignored mistakes, and
sanitized visual images.

Journalists Must Resist the Military's Attempts at Absolute Secrecy
Jane Kirtley, from Media Studies Journal (
   Experience has shown that the military, given the opportunity, will
do everything possible to use the media as instruments of propaganda, to
shape public opinion and to garner support.

When the Media and the Military Butt Heads
James Kitfield, from Media Studies Journal
In an age of instant communications, the problem may not be too
little information but too much -- globally broadcast too quickly to
permit verification and reflection, and concentrated and exploited too
cleverly by government and military officials with an agenda.

NOTE: Free copies of the MEDIA STUDIES JOURNAL issue Front Lines and
Deadlines are available at (navigate to
section) or by sending e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Journalists Should Not Be Cheerleaders
by Joe Davidson,
   The media has done an pretty good job since September 11, but there
has been a recurrent theme that confuses patriotism and journalism, and
diversity has been lacking.

   Also New at

When Taxpayers Save Corporations from Themselves
by John D. Donahue,
   History may not repeat itself, Mark Twain said, but it does rhyme a
lot. We're talking serious money for saving the airlines, and we'd
better get it right.

by M. W. Guzy,
   Remember Lenin's observation that a capitalist would sell you the
rope to hang him if he could do so at a profit? Today, replace the word
rope with encryption.
   AUDIO and TEXT -- produced by Sharon Basco

A Talk to the Pew International Journalism Program
   Bin Laden's hatred of the U.S. began during the Gulf War when U.S.
troops entered Saudi Arabia, an act bin Laden viewed as sacrilegious

* * *

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dead Air

2001-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


List of artists and songs at the site.  AER 

chatterboxIt's the End of the World as Clear Channel Knows It
By Eliza Truitt
Monday, Sept. 17, 2001, at  7:03 p.m. PT
On Thursday of last week Clear Channel Communications, a company that
owns and programs air time at over 1,000 U.S. radio stations, sent e-
mail to its program directors at stations across the country with an
updated and expanded list of songs with questionable lyrics that
they should avoid playing. Some of the 162 songs--more if you include
the blanket directive against All Rage Against the Machine Songs--
are understandable, such as Metallica's Seek and Destroy or Ozzy
Osbourne's Suicide Solution.
But many of the songs on the list are ridiculous in their tenuous
connection to anything even remotely offensive to survivors of the
Sept. 11 attack. The Bangles' utterly harmless piece of fluff Walk
Like an Egyptian? Or what about Elvis' (You're the) Devil in
Disguise, Pat Benetar's Love Is a Battlefield, and Bobby Darin's
Mack the Knife?
Large stretches of the list reveal a grisly perspective on the part
of the authors: Boston's Smokin, Springsteen's I'm on Fire, Blue
Oyster Cult's Burnin' for You, Jerry Lee Lewis' Great Balls of
Fire, Judas Priest's Some Heads Are Gonna Roll, and the Dave Clark
Five's Bits and Pieces. Several pro-peace songs made it onto the
list: Cat Stevens' Morning Has Broken and Peace Train, presumably
because Stevens is now Muslim and goes by the name Yusuf Islam. The
oddest inclusion has to be John Lennon's explicitly pacifist anthem
Imagine, unless Clear Channel is pushing a pro-war agenda.
Jack Evans, a regional senior VP of programming at Clear Channel
insisted this list was not an effort initiated by management: After
and during what was happening in New York and Washington and outside
of Pittsburgh, some of our program directors began e-mailing each
other about songs and questionable song titles, though the finished
list was distributed to the program directors by Clear Channel
Evans concedes that some of the songs are off base: I think there
were certainly songs on the list that people were reading too much
into (the Beastie Boys' Sabotage, perchance?) though he supports
the list in general. There were a substantial amount of songs in
question that I'm glad the [program directors] brought up so we
didn't air them at a very, very sad time. You can judge for
yourself. Here's the list, with original spellings intact.
Clear Channel is now denying the existence of the list. Click here
to find out more.

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 

[CTRL] Oklahoma police dismiss scientist

2001-09-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

This is the scientist who reported out a blood type on motor
oil, and whose testimony sent an innocent man to prison for 15
years on a rape conviction.

Oklahoma police dismiss scientist
Expert a scapegoat, her lawyer says; panel
reviewing convictions
By ARNOLD HAMILTON / The Dallas Morning News
OKLAHOMA CITY “ Oklahoma City police chemist Joyce
Gilchrist was fired on Tuesday amid a state investigation into
allegations that she bungled scientific analysis and gave false or
misleading testimony that helped secure hundreds of criminal
convictions during the last two decades.
In a brief statement, Oklahoma City Police Chief M.T. Berry
said Ms. Gilchrist was dismissed because of laboratory
mismanagement, criticism from court challenges and flawed
casework analysis.
He declined to provide further details, citing ongoing criminal
investigations and city personnel policies.
Ms. Gilchrist's attorney, Melvin Hall, criticized the decision,
saying the longtime chemist was totally and completely a
This woman, until today, had absolutely not a single piece of
negative paper in her 21-year personnel file, he said. It's very,
very unfortunate.
A task force that includes the state attorney general's office, the
Oklahoma Indigent Defense System and the Oklahoma State
Bureau of Investigation is reviewing more than 1,200 cases in
which Ms. Gilchrist testified. Bureau spokeswoman Kym Koch
said Ms. Gilchrist's dismissal would not affect the task force's
Our investigation has nothing to do with the ... personnel
hearing at the Oklahoma City Police Department, Ms. Koch
said. We were asked to look into her work, and that's what
we'll continue to do.
Ms. Gilchrist's work was thrust into the spotlight earlier this
year when she was placed on paid administrative leave after
questions were raised about her work. In April, the FBI urged a
review of all cases in which her work played a significant role
in obtaining a conviction. And in May, authorities released
from prison a man who served 15 years after he was wrongly
convicted of sexual assault when Ms. Gilchrist misidentified
hair evidence.
Ms. Gilchrist has not been accused of any criminal wrongdoing.
Chief Berry said the decision to fire Ms. Gilchrist came after a
police review board in August and September heard 14 days of
testimony about her work.
Evidence considered in the decision to terminate Joyce
Gilchrist was specifically related to the allegations investigated
by the Oklahoma City Police Department and the City of
Oklahoma City, the Police Department statement said.
Since this action is administrative in nature, and because of
ongoing criminal investigations, no further information will be
provided regarding her termination.
The president of the Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers
Association hailed the decision to terminate Ms. Gilchrist,
using the occasion to renew his call for a criminal investigation
of her police work.
Jack Dempsey Pointer also said he did not believe that
Oklahoma City police simply ignored problems with Ms.
Gilchrist's scientific analysis and testimony, blaming
prosecutors instead.
She was the darling of the Oklahoma County district
attorney's office, Mr. Pointer said. She could take seemingly
innocuous evidence and turn it into absolute daggers.
I think she was so cagey and foxy in her evidence-handling
that very few people knew exactly what she was doing and
Mr. Pointer said he believed it would be proved that others
were wrongly convicted because of Ms. Gilchrist's evidence
analysis and testimony.
The state task force looking into Ms. Gilchrist's cases has
targeted for further review 112 of the 680 cases it began
So far, the team has concerns with roughly 17 to 20 percent of
the cases they've reviewed, Ms. Koch said in a statement
released earlier this week. It's possible further review of court
testimony will provide sufficient answers to those concerns. It's
also possible further review could result in the evidence being
Ms. Gilchrist, who earned a base salary of $59,528, was placed
on paid administrative leave last February. Her attorney, Mr.
Hall, said she was weighing her legal options following her
As a first step, her attorney said he wanted to acquire a copy of
the police review board's report, in hopes of finding specific
information that led to her dismissal. Mr. Hall said he was
dismayed that the termination letter “ and the public statement
“ offered no details.
Can't they be a little more specific than that? he said. They're
the ones with the burden of proof. I think their failure to
specify dates, times, names “ minimum due process “ speaks
volumes to what's really going on here.
She wasn't surprised [by her termination]. She was fully
expecting this. It's still disappointing to her. She was hurt by it.
She worked hard her entire career. It's like the carpet was
pulled out from under her.

Online at:

[CTRL] Orde Winston - Christian Zionist

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Maybe some keys here to Timothy McVeigh?   And see how Zionists and
Christian Zionists have from the very beginning set out to destroy Arab
Relations with British and Americans.

Orde once attempted it possible some of this suicide
stuff has a little well, wonder who these these Gideons really are?
Only two have I ever met - one in export import and no doubt Mafia type
and the other, elected politician, former military man, high degree
Mason who about jumped out of his skin when I told him of my bible
calendar in a Gideon bible.

Osama bin Laden did not pulll off the World Trade Center or Pentagon
job..look for the hand in the clouds - the one who set off the
religious zealots as someone set off Oswald and Sirhan and this

Its all in the cards - and wonder what the Tarot Card Assassins are
doing today?

Slaughter of the Innocents, Falling towers, and the Fool about to go
over the abyss?

The whole world has been programmed to believe that the USA is the evil
Babylonand Larry Flynt of course the man is a sodomist, committed
sodomy in public and gives huge amounts of money to the ADL and in
California is such big hero now the little corrupt city officials play
games with him - but this sodomist has become a symbol of freedom of
speechthe man who sat with Christian Zionist Jerry Falwell - and how
much money did they make on that one...

So we  are to believe we are being punished?   All timed date wise to a
calendr in the Gideon bible with more to come.shades of Daniel and

It is all organized crime in disguise - like in Kings, put ashes on
their faces ..for all Kings and Masons are brothers?

Orde winston would go to battle with the bible open to Judges, the part
about Gideon - he built first Israeli Special Forces and Zionism was
given heavy hand...yes it is said Orde was sadistic and once he tried to
cut his own throat

In other words - he could self destruct - and DRUGS made him capable of
this sadistic act.wonder, drugs and manchuran candidates - keep
thinking of McVeigh and his messages he left in a Gideon Bible...

What a way to start the war - just like the Titanic - and guess they
just made a movie of that one too.

I am on our side - the USA and these Christian Zionists should be the
ones investigated.for it is the Christian Zionists and ADL with Bnai
Brith - well look at ADL Hate List prepared for last year's millennium
when they knew God damned well, the millenium was this year.


Check out this Mafia thing for many many clues.  Until that
timeconsider WWIII has been planned well ahead and it looks like
a little polluted starving country named Afghanistan will again pay the
price..while others will seek to loot the Temples of Mammon..for
wars against camel drivers are very very expensive.

Christian Zionists .. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart -
note none of these bastards seem to have taken vow of poverty and they
peach doom and gloom to America - they are like doomsdayers and do not
forget Tammy and Jimmy Baker .so see the difference, get the picture
they want this rubbish to be portrayed as CHRISTIANs when they are
actually, Zionists.Each complement the other in their own way, but
make a fool out of the legitimate Churchand Robertson in to


Israeli stamp honoring Wingate
(courtesy  Sam Zwetchkenbaum)
The Life
Orde Charles Wingate was a brilliant and unorthodox military leader in
the Second World War. His luminary achievements created a legend in
military history, which is enhanced by the uniqueness of the man's
personality. He helped to develop modern warfare. In British Palestine,
his operations in counter-
insurgency were innovative and almost textbook. The stressing of
well-motivated and trained individuals using initiative, speed, and
surprise helped to lay the groundwork for a future nation's survival. In
Ethiopia, he demonstrated the power of insurgency when the conditions
were right. His ideas on the use of insurgency involved creating a shock
force to compliment the practice of bluff and constant harassment. In
Burma, his campaigns were a precursor to modern mobile warfare. On the
strategic level, he was the first military leader who practiced the
linking of air power with ground forces behind enemy lines to force a
conclusive decision.
Wingate's military exploits etched for him a place in the military arts
as a man of creativity, daringness, and foresight, and controversy. His
skill and character, and luck, ensured that in a half dozen years he
rose from the rank of Captain to Major-General. In each of the three
campaigns, Palestine, Ethiopia, and Burma, the military challenges he
faced and the solutions to them grew in scale. In each of case he
overcame tremendous obstacles and conceived and personally led military
operations. And in each case both admiration and questions arose toward
his ideas and his personality.

Re: [CTRL] FW: weird rumour (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes and if Osama in real life was a Christian Zionist?

For whoever the enemy is, they are using the King James Gideon placed

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Border Patrol: Two Americans Threatened with Civil Rights Lawsuit for Stopping Illegals

2001-09-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-
   Border Patrol: Two Americans Threatened with Civil
  Rights Lawsuit for Stopping Illegals
  J.J. Johnson 09.26.01
A Sierra Times Exclusive

Whetstone AZ - In a time of heightened tensions and security
around the nation, two Cochise County men may soon have to pay
a price for what many would consider a civic duty. Apparently
stopping an illegal encroachment across a national border can get
you in a lot of trouble.

On Sunday, September 23, John Petrello and his neighbor Phil
Mathews saw something on Petrello's 5-acre parcel along the
U.S/Mexican border, about 12 miles south of Sierra Vista. We saw
the 'coyotes' just drop about 26 Mexican nationals off in two groups,
and then leave, said Petrello.

Coyotes is a term given to drivers who transport illegals across the
border, and to their prescribed destinations in the U.S. Being on
alert as many Americans are at the southern border are, they took

At about 8:30 am local time, Petrello detained 14 nationals directly
across the road from his property. The illegals ran from his property
to other side of road with Petrello and Mathews in pursuit. Then the
two ordered the illegals to get on the ground which they did.

No shots were fired.

Once they saw the gun, and heard us, they stopped. They gave us
no problem and didn't try to escape, said Petrello. This is nothing
new to the American border dwellers. He has been doing this for
over a year - always working with the Border Patrol.

John has held illegal aliens on his own property and taken them to
Border Patrol in the past. I was in one shoot-out involving shots
fired. on about 12 illegals; all men, all backpacked and advancing
on me after shouting to stop. The men were on his property and
running towards him, his wife and daughter. The Border Patrol gave
him no problem. They patrol our street frequently. Said Petrello.
He said the neighbors help was even solicited in the past.

Then, a second car of illegals pulled up. Mathews moved to detain
this group, leaving John with the first group. A total of 26 illegals
were held for The United States Border Patrol. The call was made
by Petrello's wife.

Like in previous times, the U.S. Border Patrol gave him no problem
over his actions. All the detainees were captured on U.S. Soil They
[Petrello and Matthews] were free to leave. There was no violation
of the law, according to the Border Patrol.

Tell that to the Mexicans.

At about 2:30 PM the same day , a sheriff's deputy drove out from
Sierra Vista and told John Petrello that may have violated the illegal
aliens civil rights. This was due to a civil rights lawsuit that has been
filed by those Mexican Nationals with help from the Mexican
Consulate nearby - against John Petrello and Phil Matthews.

As expected, John Petrello went ballistic.

He did state that both the Border Patrol and Sheriff Deputy were
very polite about the whole affair, but he wonders what's going on
with American border security. Apparently the illegal aliens have
more rights than American Citizens. Why are not our civil rights
being protected? he asked.

Petrello said he did learn from both the Border Patrol and the
Chocise County Sheriff's office that last week, at least 10 foreign
nationals were apprehended in the same area last week. They were
described as of Middle-Eastern origin.

A public report on last Sunday's event is due out later this week.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: weird rumour (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 19:37:26 +0200
From: Rayna Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [neah] FW: weird rumour

From: Yael Lotan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:18:45 +0200
Subject: weird rumour

Amid a welter of rumours one story that's making the rounds seem to have at
least some links to reality.

It seems that some very elderly Yemenites in Moshav Bareket and elsewhere
insist that they knew the Bin Ladens back in Hadramaut - in South Arabia,
where they came from - and that they were a Jewish family that converted to
Islam. These old people are very bemused by the idea that this family now
appears to be Muslim fundamentalists, not to mention all the rest of the
hype around them.

It would be very ironic if it turned out that the arch-enemy is actually of
Jewish origin.

A happy new year,
Yael Lotan

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] articles re: bin Laden, US plan to overthrow Taliban

2001-09-26 Thread Agent Smiley

1. Secret Plan to Overthrow Taliban Regime
3. Modern Mythology and Osama bin Laden

___      __ /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S
T   R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense
of the Middle East /_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\)

News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!

--- The new MER Forum
and Discussion Room are now open:

http://www.MiddleEast.Org/forum http://www.MiddleEast.Org/discussion


MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington -

The UNITED NATIONS has shamefully bowed out, right when it is needed
more than ever.  Urged to do so by Secretary-General Kofi Annan --
who had been urged to do so by Washington, which he has quite a
habit of taking orders from -- for the first time in history the
General Assembly has put off  its important international gathering
and not even set an alternative date.

This is truly inexcuseable.  Now more than ever the leaders of the
world should be urgently meeting, discussing, debating.  Now more
than ever the United Nations should be trying to safeguard world
peace and prevent international warfare that certainly threatens
to spiral out of control and affect millions of lives everywhere.
And if not in New York, there is always the Palais in Geneva.

But that's not to be it seems.  World history is being made; maybe
even a World War of sorts -- some kind of War of the Worlds it
appears -- may be looming; yet the United Nations, terribly mislead
by Kofi Annan following American directions, has decided to sit it
all out.

Meanwhile, The Guardian in the U.K. is reporting today that the
Americans are already planning to do their will with Afghanistan
and then use the U.N. once again to clean up the horrible carnage,
care of the millions of refugees, and pathetically front for the
Americans politically.   We've been through this before not that
long ago even if in a rather different form -- the last time an
Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations feeling forced
to resign in moral disgust and publicly charging the organization
he served most of his lifetime with genocide in Iraq.


By Ian Traynor in Tajikistan and Gary Younge in Washington

[The Guardian, UK, Friday September 21, 2001]:

The US government is pressing its European allies to agree to a
military campaign to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and
replace it with an interim administration under United Nations

Diplomatic cables from the Washington embassy of a key Nato ally,
seen by the Guardian, report that the US is keen to hear allied
views on post-Taliban Afghanistan after the liberation of the

The embassy cable reveals that the US administration is bent on
force to evict the Taliban from power because of the shelter it
has offered Osama bin Laden, named by the White House as prime
suspect for the New York and Washington atrocities on September

The Guardian has also learned that two large US Hercules transport
aircraft landed in Tashkent, capital of the former Soviet republic
of Uzbekistan, on Tuesday loaded with surveillance equipment to be
installed along the northern Afghan border.

The secret landing represented a radical departure since it appeared
to herald the deployment of squadrons of US fighters at Uzbekistan's
sprawling airfield at Termez, directly on the border. Such a build-up
would incur the wrath of Russia which views the central Asian
republics as its backyard.

The Pentagon yesterday continued its move to a war footing, with
orders for up to 130 heavy bombers, fighters, aerial refuelling
planes and other combat aircraft to be deployed around the Middle
East and Central Asia region.

Two B-52 bombers yesterday left Barksdale airbase in Louisiana,
joining F-15E fighter-bombers, F-16 fighters, B-1 long range bombers
and E-3 Awacs airborne command-and-control aircraft that left on

The navy has also sent an additional aircraft carrier toward the
Middle East region,which along with the air deployment could place
up to 500 US warplanes in the Mediterranean, Gulf and Indian Ocean

Tony Blair, in Washington last night to meet Mr Bush, suggested
military strikes inside Afghanistan, targeted on Bin Laden's training
camps, could come in a matter of days. These people, if they could,
would get access to chemical, biological and nuclear capability.
We have no option but to act, he said.

The US strategy to depose the Taliban regime is based on more than
military thinking. A further plank appears to 

[CTRL] US would have attacked Afghanistan anyway, Averting Bioterrorism

2001-09-26 Thread Agent Smiley

1. BBC-Was US set to attack Afghanistan anyway?
2. Averting Bioterrorism Begins with US Reforms


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BBC-Was US set to attack Afghanistan anyway?

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Peter Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BBC Report:

Was the US Set to Attack Afghanistan Anyway?

[The same issues covered by the Guardian reports of Sept. 21 and
Sept 22 were reported by the BBC on September 19th (see below).

Up until now, the 9-11 attack has been presented as having come
from al-Qaida, a non-state actor.

Someone in the spook community has decided to show the BBC and the
Guardian reporters evidence of US prior planning to attack Afghanistan
and forcibly submitting them to UN authority. Which could then give
the *Afghan nation* a reason to bomb us.

Which, in turn, would remove the nagging little problem of how do
we rationalize attacking Afghanistan and battling the Taliban,
since our target (bin Laden and his al-Qaida) is essentially a
transnational corporation with a branch office in Afghanistan?

So, while this leak in a sense provides a rationale for the 9-11
attack -- and if true, absolutely quashes the unprovoked aspect
of the official spin on it -- it also escalates the strike on the
US from the status of a roque terrorist attack to a state action,
and makes it easier to kick the chocks out from under the tires on
the bombers and get 'em airborne.

Niaz Naik, the major source of this story, is a former foreign
minister of Pakistan and should be viewed as an employee of the
Pakistani government. Elements of what he says -- but by no means
everything -- are backed up by others.

The Pakistanis are about to let the US use their airspace against
Afghanistan.  Surely it is to their advantage to present the conflict
between bin Laden and the US as being a larger one, between
Afghanistan and the US.

They may well see no other way at all to sell their position to
their people -- and the US has to see huge advantages in doing the
same thing, since we're about to do a lot of collateral damage.

The threats made at the track two meeting in July are not part
of a war on the Taliban; the US allegedly delivered a warning that
there would be an aggressive strike against bin Laden himself.
This may, in fact, have pushed bin Laden the non-state actor to
accelerate plans he'd been working on, or may merely have firmed
his resolve to carry them out.

By mid-July, the Taliban could reasonably have expected that
satellite surveillance would back up their claims to have largely
met the requirements for State Department certification of their
cooperation with the US war on drugs.

Because of large stockpiles of opium in Afghanistan, both the
Taliban and the opposition Northern Allince failed in March, 2001
to satisfy the State Department in March 2001, althogh the Taliban's
curtailment of new opium production was acknowledged.

However, in June 2001 the UN Drug Control Program verified
that cultivation had ended, and that the Taliban had eradicated
the Afghan poppy crop for 2001.

The Taliban would have been in a bad position in terms of humanitarian
aid beyond promised rewards for drug eradication, though, as the
destruction of the World Heritage Site at Bamiyan was clearly
something far, far stupider to do than they dreamt of ahead of

They have apparently been asking for some time for the US to bring
its evidence against bin Laden to court in Afghanistan or another
Muslim country; I'm sure they were expecting US support for the
opposition Northern Alliance to wane as a quid pro quo for the
poppy eradication, but instead were presented with little in the
way of aid, repeated demands for bin Laden, and little willingness
in the international community to assist a government so hell-bent
on oppressing women and so willing to ignore world opinion on

In short, it's possible that these meetings did not go at all the
way they expected them to, but rather than representing a new
declaration of war -- as Naik implies -- the comments could have
been made at a very tense meeting that the Taliban expected to go
relatively well, because of their efforts at drug 

[CTRL] Fwd: Creating the Bible Zionist Party

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

Shades of Gideon  here is part of itGideon Bible Zionists
passing themselves off a Christians?

Wondered about this Mason in the Gideon Bible Society, but then it is
still a free country.

So how about Christian Islam Party for they got us outnumbered?   And
from what I see there is something we do not see at work here.

Hail Zionism?


Creating the Bible Zionist Party
by Victor Mordecai
The recent firebombings of the Ya'ar Ramot Conservative Masorti
synagogue in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem and the messianic
congregation in Maale Adumim are not the first, nor probably the last,
attacks on houses of worship by fanatic vandals. It is fair to assume
and hope that police will indeed apprehend the criminals.
But I think that beyond the acts of fringe elements, there is an
underlying malaise in Israel regarding independent thinkers and
believers. Israel plays, or at least it should be playing, a very
special central role for all the different types of Jewish and Christian
people. Yet, there are Jewish and Christian groups in Israel that are
disenfranchised, meaning, they have no political representation and are
therefore outside of the Pale.
In Judaism, this refers mainly to the Conservative (Masorti) movement,
as well as the Reform trend in Judaism. In Christianity, there are
different groups which are under attack at worst or disenfranchised at
best. Under attack, for example, are those known as the messianics.
These groups are mainly under attack from the Jewish side, while
Christian Arabs are under attack from the Islamic side. At the same
time, there are now new immigrants from the former Soviet Union and
Ethiopia who serve in the Israeli army, pay their taxes, and vote. Yet,
even though Christians make up about six percent of Israel's population
today, there is not even one Christian MK, while there are 11 Moslem
members of Knesset. Whereas the Moslems mostly do not serve in the
Israeli army and seek changing Israel from a Jewish state into an
Islamic or at least secular state, Christians do serve and are part and
parcel of the Jewish nuclear family. Jews and Christians share the same
God, Bible, and the messiah is a Jew who speaks Hebrew for both Jews and
Christians. We share the same roots. We share the same destiny. Most
Christians in Israel are Zionist. There are even evangelical Christians
from the US and worldwide who have been living in Israel for decades and
their children have served in the IDF. Yet there is not even one
Christian MK.
Neither Conservative nor Reform Jews have any representation in the
Knesset, because total membership in these two organizations barely
reach enough votes to land even one MK. These two movements represent
about 60 percent of American Jewry. These two movements based their
political dreams on siding with the Meretz and Labor parties. I believe
this was a grave mistake, because it alienated most Jews from middle
eastern or east european origins.
Today, according to polls in Israel, 60 percent of the Jewish people
light candles on the Sabbath and fast on Yom Kippur. Yet, those people
voting for the ultra-orthodox parties total only 25 percent of the
Jewish population. Clearly, 35 percent of Israel's Jewish population is
not ultra-orthodox yet love and serve God. But they do not find
themselves represented by the ultra-orthodox parties.
At the same time, Israel's four main political blocs are not the answer.
The Moslems are anti-Zionist and do not serve in the IDF. The
ultra-orthodox are anti-Zionist and do not serve in the IDF. The Labor
and Meretz parties are anti-Bible and anti-religious parties by their
socialist nature. And the Likud, which was my party for the first 51
years of my life, basically no longer really has any ideology left at
I think that the answer to the firebombings of houses of God's worship
lies in the creation of a new political party in Israel. This party
would include all those who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the Tanach or Hebrew Bible, who are Zionists, serve in the IDF,
pay taxes in Israel, and vote. This covers all Israelis, Sabras and
immigrants, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, Orthodox, Conservative and
Reform Jews, Arab Christians, Russian, Ukrainian and Ethiopian immigrant
Christian, born-agains who have been living in Israel for decades with
children in the IDK, and even though I am not a messianic or a
Christian, I believe the messianics should be included.
In my new book, Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat and Christian Revival
for Israel's Survival, I review Islamic plans for the destruction of the
Jews and Christian in Israel. Five million Jews cannot withstand the
inevitable onslaught of over a billion Moslems. We Jews need the
Christians, all Christians, on board in our war for survival. I think
that a Judeo-Christian Bible Zionist Party is the answer. I think that
true democracy will be better served. Without this party, there will be
division. Many Jews and Christians in Israel will be 

Re: [CTRL] US would have attacked Afghanistan anyway, Averting Bioterrorism

2001-09-26 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Prior to World Trade Center explosions and demolition - the word was out
that CNN and MSNBC were cutting staff over seas  -  well too much
coverage or getting them out for some other reason - the reason was
cash flow I presume for heaven forbid Ted Turner gave so much money to
the UN he does not have enough to pay his troops?

Well this war is Jerry Falwell's dream war come true.

God is punishing us.ought to send that creep to Afghanistan.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 3 more articles

2001-09-26 Thread Agent Smiley

SAS troops clash with Taliban unit deep inside Afghanistan

A Letter to the President

Radar Data: Pentagon was Target of Flight 77


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SAS troops clash with Taliban unit deep inside Afghanistan

James Clark, Tony Allen-Mills and Stephen Grey, Washington

SAS troops in Afghanistan have been fired upon by Taliban soldiers
in the first clash of the campaign against global terrorism.

Nobody was hurt, military sources said, adding that the gunfire
had been more symbolic than directed. They suggested that the
small SAS team had spooked Taliban soldiers near Kabul, who had
fired indiscriminately before fleeing.

However, the incident marks an escalation in what has so far been
only an intelligence war. The Taliban are in a high state of alert
for coalition forces waiting to enter their country.

It is rare for Ministry of Defence insiders to confirm that their
forces have been involved in skirmishes, but a source close to the
SAS said there had been a clash late on Friday.

SAS troopers, together with members of MI6 and the CIA, are working
with the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance in the search for Osama
Bin Laden, the Saudi-born millionaire believed to have masterminded
the suicide hijacker attacks on America 12 days ago in which 6,818
are feared to have died.

They are seeking intelligence about Bin Laden's whereabouts, the
location of mines, routes he might take out of the country and the
help of guides for later operations.

Unlike their American counterparts, SAS troopers specialise in
long-term operations behind enemy lines, making them ideal for
intelligence-gathering missions in Afghanistan.

The soldiers involved in the clash with the Taliban were believed
to be from a four-man unit that had crossed the border, possibly
from Tajikistan.

The SAS men on the ground are communicating with commanders via
RAF Nimrods from the secretive 51 Squadron, using state-of-the-art
squirt radios to transmit large amounts of data in seconds,
helping avoid either interception or pin-pointing by the enemy.

American forces are also on the move. Advance units of two United
States army divisions are on the Afghan border preparing for strikes
against the Taliban regime.

Units of the 82nd Airborne and 101st Air Assault Divisions arrived
at bases in Pakistan, near the border towns of Quetta and Peshawar,
as a huge build- up of ships, aircraft and troops ordered to the
region by President George W Bush continued. A Pentagon official
declared that the military was ready to respond the second the
president pushes the button.

US military aircraft carrying reconnaissance equipment landed
yesterday at a base near Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. It
also emerged that US attack helicopters are still stationed inside
Uzbekistan after recent joint military exercises. Northern Alliance
rebels were reported to be advancing towards Mazar-i-Sharif, a
possible bridgehead into Afghanistan for American forces.

The coalition operation inside Afghanistan coincided with intelligence
reports that any further terrorist action would be radically
different from the suicide hijackings that led to three passenger
planes being crashed into the World Trade Center in New York and
the Pentagon. They've been there and done that, said one US
government adviser. The real fear now is chemical.

It was revealed last night that crop-spraying planes had been
grounded in America after police found evidence at a suspected
terrorist hideout suggesting that plans were being made to disperse
biological or chemical agents. In Britain, the security services
believe the main threat could be the release of poisons into the
air or the contamination of water.

Proposals for emergency anti-terrorist legislation were presented
to Tony Blair yesterday amid pressure from opposition MPs and some
ministers for an early recall of parliament.

Ministers and MI5 officials are concerned that any crackdown on
terrorist suspects could fall foul of human rights legislation.

They are pressing for a new judge-proof law to be rushed through

David Blunkett, the home secretary, who has secured agreement for
a European Union-wide arrest warrant and a faster extradition

[CTRL] Virus Alert: W32.Vote.A

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

New malicious code, known as W32.Vote.A, has been identified.  This worm
attempts to download and execute the attachment WTC.exe. Once executed,
this file will corrupt an infected user's antivirus software and Internet
Explorer Startup page, as well as reformat the c: drive.

If you receive this email, delete it immediately and call the PNC Help Desk
at (800)937-4445.  Do not attempt to open the attachment or forward the
email to others.

The worm arrives through email with the following:

Subject:   Fwd:Peace BeTweeN AmeriCa and IsLaM!
Body Message:  Hi iS iT A waR Against AmeriCa Or IsLaM!? Let's Vote to Live
in Peace!
Attachment: WTC.exe

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-09-26 Thread radtimes

What happened to this group?

We are unable to deliver the message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your message was sent to a group that does not exist.


 There is no group called BushOccupation.

Re: [CTRL]

2001-09-26 Thread Bond

Must have been only recently deleted, since the search page still pulls it 
up (and their digest group - which has gone too).

I see the 
still there... and on that page are two other related groups.


- Original Message - 
From: radtimes 
What happened to this group?

[CTRL] Fwd: Jewish Publications Claims Noam Chomsky Is A Secret Neo-Nazi : No Joke -...

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

Jewish Publications Claims Noam Chomsky Is A Secret Neo-Nazi
No Joke -- The Claim Is Being Made That He Is Secretly Far Right

9/26/01 11:50:39 AM
LSN Staff

Commentary -- Noam Chomsky is a neo-Nazi terrorist, an admirer of Hitler,
and linked to far
right anti-Semitic organizations.

Or so David Horowitz and Werner Cohn would have you think.

In a new anti-hate report entitled Partners in Hate:  Noam Chomsky and
Holocaust Deniers Cohn, writing for the racist Jewish conservative
publication, Cohn claims that Chomsky has built extensive ties to
Nazis, and that Chomsky secretly admires Hitler.  The report is one of
articles on that theme published on today.

Horowitz's publications claim to be the voice of mainstream conservatism,
claims to be representative of conservative points of view.  Two days ago,
in a
special war on Islam issues, of the top ten lead columns for his
eight were Jewish, one was black, and one was a gay man with AIDS -- not
exactly the faces of mainstream American conservatism.

Most Jews don't have extensive interaction with non-Jewish people outside
of a
handful of tightly regulated situations -- like their corporate offices --
have almost no exposure to non-Jewish people of the type that dwell
cities, and don't realize that the range of viewpoints that is acceptable
urban Jewish communities is not the range of viewpoints that is acceptable
maintream American society -- and that common underlying assumptions of
Jewish subculture, like Zionism and the need to shout and wail whenever
questions anything you think, are not important, underlying, or commonly
beliefs outside of Jewish subculture.  Because of this Jewish writers and
thinkers often present views that cause the American public to think of
as alien, and, not believing that these is a significant difference
the distribution of viewpoints in the Jewish community and the
distribution of
viewpoints in America as a whole, believe that any hostile or
reaction their often wacky views receive is the result of hate or anti-
Semitism.  Such a defensive reaction then fosters hate and anti-Semitism
the mind of the people observing the Jewish writer.

After LSN editor Bill White had published on the site a letter to Larry
asking him how much the Zionists paid him to spew their garbage, and
out that the writers for the site were not exactly the voice of working
America, White received a number of responses, approxaimtely one-third of
were from self-described Jewish racists who cited Jared Taylor, accused
of being black and stated that he made the comments out of a misguided
desire to rape white women, telling him that now Israel was going to
him.  One of those conversations is reproduced below.

A published letter from a reader, illustrating exactly
how out
of touch the website is, then accused White of being a far-left globalist


Email conversation with a reader:

[The first threatening message from typical reader
[EMAIL PROTECTED], were [EMAIL PROTECTED] claims White is black, was

[White responds to it:]

 Hey Zionist pig --

 You don't like what the people of this country think?
 Go back to Israel -- and take your imperialist pig
 wars with you, you dumb fuck.

[Typical reader [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:]

Dear APE. Are you white trash or a Negro?

[White responds by saying that it doesn't matter -- like it doesn't matter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is Jewish -- Zionism alone is enough to qualify for

[Typical reader [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:]

I saw the site. Your BLACK. You criticized anti-Black racism to Front

Your kind gang rape white women. Your drug dealers, gang babngers,
welfare bums. Its been proven your kind have LOW IQ's

Your kind are the ones who don't even know what country you cam to
America from!

ha ha ha

[White responds:]

Actually, I'm white, and of German Schwenkfelder and
 British Celtic descent -- my family on my father's
 side has been in America for more than 300 years, and
 in Germany for at least another 300 before that, and
 my mother's family has been in the British Isles since
 before the time of Caeser.

 However, you're comments below show me that my
 comments to you have been absolutely justified.

 Our country doesn't need your kind.  If you want a
 racist, theocratic state, GO TO ISRAEL and leave us


[Typical reader [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:]

Dear alleged Germ/Boston Celtic. You criticized anti-Black racism. I
can read through you. Your a Communist who hates American.

You Germans tried to overthow America during WW2. Thats a Fact

[White responds by saying he is anti-Communist and anti-Capitalist.  A
discussion of the Third Way, where typical 

[CTRL] Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy

By Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Taliban gave the United
States a taste of the ferocious hostility it faces if it tries to unseat
them when thousands of their supporters stormed and torched the deserted
U.S. embassy in Kabul on Wednesday.

Within hours of the assault, the Taliban's reclusive leader, Mullah
Mohammad Omar, told his people he saw less likelihood of an attack since
Washington had no proof that Osama bin Laden was involved in this month's
U.S. suicide plane attacks.

Although all U.S. diplomats and staff left the embassy in 1989, the
sprawling complex -- once a key listening post in central Asia -- remained
mothballed, its diplomatic status respected by all who have controlled
Kabul since.

What started as a peaceful protest by government officers and students
spiraled into a frenzied attack.

It was not clear if it was orchestrated or spontaneous.

Some armed men were clearly trying to hold back the crowd and city
firefighters worked hard to tackle the blaze, but other Taliban fighters
joined in enthusiastically.

Two turbaned, black-clad Taliban shimmied up the main entrance to the
building and used a crowbar and hammer to rip off the huge metal U.S. seal
hanging between the pillars.

Boys jumped and waved their arms in jubilation as men used axes to hack at
the windows of the main building to gain entry.

Amid scenes of pandemonium, fires were started and black smoke billowed
into the sky over Kabul. Young men ripped up cabling from walls and
pathways to feed the inferno.

The hulks of dozens of abandoned embassy vehicles -- long cannibalized for
spare parts -- were also set upon and burned.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United
States held the Taliban responsible for the security of the embassy

They must assure that these facilities are protected, and I would say
once again these incidents today demonstrate once again how out of step
the Taliban is with its international obligations, he told a daily

Governments around the world protect diplomatic facilities before events
happen, before mobs are allowed to go into them. that's the responsibility
we ascribe to the Taliban, he said.

Washington continues to employ Afghans as a skeleton staff at the embassy
but none were present at the time, he added.


It was the biggest show of anti-American and pro-Taliban support since
Saudi-born Islamic militant bin Laden was first implicated in the
devastating September 11 attacks.

The United States say bin Laden -- who lives as a guest of the ruling
Taliban -- masterminded the attacks on New York and Washington and has
vowed to punish him and his protectors.

We will support Islam and bin Laden, the crowd chanted as they marched
on the embassy. The U.S. government should learn a lesson from our defeat
of the Russians and the British.

A day earlier, Mullah Omar urged Americans not to blindly follow their
government in acting against Afghanistan. He has urged his people to be
ready for jihad, or holy war.

How many will be prepared to heed the Taliban's call for a fight to the
death against any U.S. action remains to be seen.

U.N. agencies reported hundreds of thousands of people on the move inside
the country -- and millions more at risk from the effects of a withering
drought compounded by fighting between the Taliban and opposition Northern
Alliance fighters.

Mullah Omar ordered all Afghans to return home.

There is less possibility of an American attack, he said in a message
distributed by the Information Ministry. America has no reason,
justification or evidence for attacking.

Therefore all those (Afghans) who have been displaced internally or
externally are instructed to return to their original place of residence.

On Tuesday, Mullah Omar appealed for common sense from the American people
in assessing whether bin Laden could have masterminded the attacks.

You accept everything your government says, whether it is true or false,
Omar said in a message faxed to Reuters from his headquarters in the
southern city of Kandahar.


Mullah Omar's position has never appeared more perilous, but under siege
from the rest of the world and under attack from within, he has responded
defiantly by insisting that anyone helping the United States faced the
wrath of his holy warriors.

The Taliban were left with but a single ally on Wednesday, its neighbor
Pakistan, after Saudi Arabia -- the birthplace of Islam -- cut off all
ties with the puritanical Muslim movement.

Pakistan withdrew its diplomats on security grounds on Monday.

As they found themselves virtually friendless, the Taliban -- which
controls some 95 percent of the country -- also faced a small but
emboldened opposition that has stepped up attacks from their northern

[CTRL] Fwd: Government Brain Print Machine Would Identify Terrorist Thoughts (No J...

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

Government Brain Print Machine Would Identify Terrorist Thoughts (No
Dr. John Norseen's research gives new meaning to the term thought crime

9/26/01 10:40:28 AM
Becky Oberg for LSN

Washington, DC -- According to an article in Boy's Life, the U.S.
Department of Defense is
interested in Norseen's current biofusion project, which translates the
electrical patterns into mathematical models called brain prints.
hired him to develop ways of identifying terrorist thoughts in brain
prints.  A
brain mapping device hooked to an airport security scanner will compare a
person's thoughts with computerized maps.

This is a powerful concept: That a handful of images can shape the self-
identity of a person, a group, a society, a culture, wrote Norseen in a
report on brain patterns.

He explains that Van Gogh's famous ear-removal might not have been in a
fit of
rage, but due to instable brain waves.

Rather than the accepted interpretation that in some fit of rage, he was
performing self-inflicted surgery to relieve an inner ear infection, could
there really have been some hypersensitivity, some extreme antinomy, to
Gogh's Broca-Wernicke area, in that he was trying to silence internal
in a phase locked loop, that were compelling him in some tortuous semiotic
malady? he wrote.

According to Norseen, The United States Air Force Scientific Advisory
(SAB) report, New World Vistas - 21st Century, commissioned by the
of the Air Force and co-signed by the Chief of Staff (94), concluded in
on pages 50 and 51 of the Executive Summary that:

'...Novel enhancements in Human-Machine aggressively
The ultimate interaction is Thought Control.'

Semiotic based approaches are suggested for the next millenium control of
Intelligent Systems, including Uninhabited Combat Aeronautical Vehicles.

Norseen talks about some potential uses of brain prints in his report.

Since human mental output is error prone, and human infants take years
to fully develop the structural capacity for complete semiotic
there would be an evolutionary advantage for older humans to teach and
shape the error correcting potential of replacement infants, he wrote.

Whereas not all older humans would have the same amount of evolutionary
interest in the previous statement, infants would be at an advantage to
closely interact with those older humans willing to share learned semiotic

Norseen's report can be viewed at

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)


[CTRL] NYT: 2 Leaders Tell of Plot to Kill Bush in Genoa

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

September 26, 2001


2 Leaders Tell of Plot to Kill Bush in Genoa

Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 - The president of Egypt and the deputy prime minister
of Italy say that Osama bin Laden's network of Islamic terrorists
threatened to kill President Bush and other leaders of the industrialized
world when they met at a summit meeting in Genoa last July.

The White House, in line with longstanding policy not to discuss threats on
the president, declined to comment today.

In an interview on French television on Monday, President Hosni Mubarak of
Egypt spoke in specific terms about the threat, saying that on June 13 of
this year, we learned of a communiquÈ from bin Laden saying he wanted to
assassinate George W. Bush and other G8 heads of state during their summit
in Italy.

It was a well-known piece of information, Mr. Mubarak added in the
interview broadcast by the network France 3.

Separately, he told Le Figaro, a major French daily newspaper, that
Egyptian intelligence services had told the United States about the threat
and that the warning included a reference to an airplane stuffed with

Several days before Mr. Mubarak's interview, in an appearance on Italian
television, Gianfranco Fini, the Italian deputy prime minister, discussed
parallels between the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
and warnings his government had received before the Genoa meeting in July.

Many people joked about the Italian Intelligence Force, Mr. Fini said,
but actually they had information that in Genoa there was the hypothesis
of an attack on the American president with the use of an airplane. That is
why we closed the airspace above Genoa and installed antiaircraft missiles.
Those who joked should now reflect.

The senior American security official said the source of warnings from
foreign intelligence agencies was often unclear, and the volume was so
great that serious threats were frequently difficult to separate from false

A senior administration official, who could not confirm the accounts, said
that foreign intelligence agencies frequently received tips about threats
to the president that they passed on to Washington.

While there was a general concern about Mr. bin Laden before the July
conference in Italy, there had also been concerns about Islamic extremists
at other summit meetings, including the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation
meeting in Brunei last year, attended by President Clinton.

There was no attack in Genoa. It was marked chiefly by violent protests in
the streets by anarchists and anticapitalist demonstrators that resulted in
many injuries and the death of one protester at the hands of the Italian

But participants and reporters who flew into the Christopher Columbus
airport, which was closed to commercial traffic, were greeted by the
unusual sight of antiaircraft batteries along the runways.

One senior American official who has been involved in a number of such
summit conferences said today, It's something I have never seen before,
especially in such an obvious spot.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington, European and
American officials have been reviewing threats from Mr. bin Laden's
organization in June and July. Those threats resulted in a number of public
warnings around the July 4 holiday, and extra security precautions for Mr.

But after nothing materialized, the concern waned.

The most specific warning that Mr. bin Laden planned an attack apparently
came from Egyptian intelligence sources.

In his interview with Le Figaro, published late last week, Mr. Mubarak
said: We had communicated to the Americans certain information from the
video made by bin Laden on the 13th of June. It spoke of assassinating
President Bush and other heads of state in Rome. It was a question of an
airplane stuffed with explosives. These precautions then had been taken.

However, people who have viewed the tape say there is no reference on it to
any airplane stuffed with explosives, no specific threat to kill the
President, and no mention of an attack by aircraft.

President Mubarak added that no one had imagined that Boeings filled with
passengers would be crashed against the buildings.

Italian officials say that the antiaircraft batteries they set up in Genoa
were primarily intended to deter an attack from a small plane.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. 

[CTRL] BH: Bin Ladens own stake in Mass. biomedical firm

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bin Ladens own stake in Mass.  biomedical firm

by Jonathan Wells and Jack Meyers
The Boston Herald

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

One of Osama bin Laden's brothers and a separate Saudi banking family
suspected of funneling millions of dollars to bin Laden's terrorist
organization own 28 percent of the stock in a Massachusetts biomedical
firm engaged in advanced DNA research.

Securities and Exchange records show that Yahia M.  A.  bin Laden, one
of the bin Laden siblings in charge of the family's Middle East-based
construction conglomerate, owns 16 percent of Cambridge-based Hybridon,
Inc., an 11-year-old company developing new medicine to combat cancer and
bolster the human immune system.

A second stockholder in the company is Abdela bin Mahfouz, a member of a
wealthy family which controls Saudi Arabia's largest bank, National
Commercial Bank.  That bank was accused by the Saudi government in 1999
of trying to transfer at least $3 million to front organizations for
Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization.  As of last May, Abdela bin
Mahfouz owned nearly 12 percent of the stock in Hybridon.

Earlier SEC filings show that another member of the family, Abdulrahman
bin Mahfouz, held stock in Hybridon.

Abdulrahman bin Mahfouz is a director of the National Commercial Bank as
well as a board member of Blessed Relief, a Sudan-based charity, which
U.S.  officials say served as a front for Osama bin Laden.

Robert Anderson, chief operating officer of Hybridon, said Yahia bin
Laden and the bin Mahfouz family have been ``loyal stockholders.''

``We don't have any issue with the background of the investors.  We
don't have any concern,'' Anderson said. ``These families put money in
early on .  .  .  they deal at arms length.  I imagine they have a number
of investments in the U.S.''

``We are a legitimate company which is developing medicine,'' Anderson
added.  ``We have dedicated scientists doing cancer research, not
anything harmful.''

Hybridon, incorporated in 1990, is one of a handful of companies in the
U.S.  developing ``antisense'' technology, which involves the design of
synthetic DNA material to inhibit the body's production of
disease-causing protein.

The biggest U.S.  company involved in the antisense field, Isis
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is currently working under a $6.6 million
research grant from the U.S.  Department of Defense to see if this new
technology can be used to counteract the devastating effects of
biological weapons.

Hybridon has an agreement under which it licenses intellectual property
to Isis, but according to Anderson, Hybridon has no involvement in any
research related to germ warfare.  ``Currently we don't,'' Anderson said.
``I guess if Isis were successful in some way we would consider it.''

As far as Anderson knows, Hybridon researchers do not work with materials
useful in the development of biological weapons.

Anderson said he has never met Yahia bin Laden in person or spoken with
him by telephone.  However, he provided the Herald with a copy of a
statement Hybridon received from the head of the bin Laden family in
Saudi Arabia a few days after the U.S.  named Osama bin Laden as the
chief suspect in the Sept.  11 terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, D.C.

Signed by Abdullah A.  A.  bin Laden, the statement declared the bin
Laden family's ``strong denunciation and condemnation of this tragic
incident which has resulted in the loss of lives of so many innocent
men, children and women, which run counter to our gracious religion and
which is repugnant to all religions and humanity.  .  .  .  We express
our condolences to the families and relatives of the innocent victims.''

Restating a position first announced by the family in 1994, Abdullah bin
Laden also asserted that ``the bin Laden family has no relation at all
with (Osama bin Laden's) acts and conducts.''

The message was delivered to Hybridon through the Saudi Arabian
consulate in the United States.

Another Hybridon stockholder and member of the company's board of
directors is Camille A.  Chebeir, whose company, Saudi Economic
Development Co., manages bin Mahfouz family money, which reportedly
totals some $4 billion.

Chebeir, the former executive vice president of the bin Mahfouz's
National Commercial Bank, was appointed to Hybridon's board in 1999.

According to reports in USA Today and by the Associated Press that same
year, Saudi government officials audited National Commercial Bank and
its founder, Khalid bin Mahfouz, and found that several of the country's
wealthiest businessmen had ordered the bank to transfer more than $3
million to New York and London, where it was placed in the accounts of
Islamic charities, including Blessed Relief.  Khalid bin Mahfouz was
reportedly placed under house arrest after the discovery of the

Anderson said he is unaware of any alleged financial dealings between
the bin Mahfouz family and Osama bin Laden's organization.

Of the bin Laden and bin 

[CTRL] NYT: Army mum on unexplained disappearances of soldiers: Commandos Left a Calling Card: Their Absence

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

September 26, 2001


Commandos Left a Calling Card: Their Absence


SOUTHERN PINES, N.C., Sept. 25 ó This is as placid and pretty a town as
anyone could imagine, complete with stately old homes, antique shops, a
store that sells homemade fudge and an ice cream parlor across from the
clapboard train station. People here say they believe it is also home to
some of America's most fearsome commandos.

More than a few of these soldiers have disappeared in the days since the
terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon. No one knows for sure where
they are, but neighbors guess that some belong to the elite special
operations unit called Delta Force, and that they have made their way to
places near Afghanistan. Delta Force is thought to be based at Fort Bragg,
just a few miles down the road.

Chris Musto, a college student who works at a local cafe, said some of his
regular customers had suddenly stopped showing up.

One guy I used to see all over the place, Mr. Musto said. I saw him at
the bar, at the gas station, at the grocery store. But I haven't seen him
since all this started, or even his truck.

Others have also noticed unexplained disappearances here.

There's a group of younger people who used to come in late at night who
aren't around anymore, said Patrick O'Donnell, owner of O'Donnell's Pub, a
popular tavern.

Who these soldiers are and where they have gone will always be a matter of
speculation. The Army does not release information about Delta Force or
even acknowledge its existence. Asked if it trains at Fort Bragg, a
spokesman for the Army's Special Operations Command, Sgt. Amanda Glenn,
replied, We do not comment on that unit.

Many people around here, however, not only say that Delta Force is based at
Fort Bragg but take it as a point of pride. Some say that over the years,
many of its members have gravitated to idyllic Southern Pines.

I'm sure there are Delta Force people here, said Joe Monroe, manager of
the local bookshop. This is a place that gives you a relaxed feeling.
That's probably something they need after all the time they spend
practicing the awful things they do.

Army publications do not mention Delta Force, but for a time in the 1990's
the Army personnel Web site had this notice: Delta is organized for the
conduct of missions requiring rapid response with surgical applications of
a wide variety of unique skills, while maintaining the lowest possible
profile of U.S. involvement.

Col. Charlie A. Beckwith, who was the first commander of Delta Force,
published a memoir in which he identified Fort Bragg as its headquarters.
Colonel Beckwith, who died in 1994, wrote that its members were trained to
put two head shots in each terrorist.

That makes them perfectly suited to the war the United States is now
preparing to wage. If men like Osama bin Laden are hiding in remote caves
or underground bunkers, military experts say, no one is more likely to
overpower them than the commandos of Delta Force.

They do not serve warrants and they do not make arrests, said Eric Haney,
who says he served with Delta Force for eight years and who now lives in
Georgia. Their job is to kill people we want killed. That makes them ideal
for the situation our country is facing right now. At this moment, I
suspect a lot of them have already been pre-positioned in places that are a
lot closer to Afghanistan than they are to the East Coast of the United

Military historians say that Delta Force was created in 1977 after a series
of terrorist attacks in various parts of the world, including the murders
of Olympic athletes in Munich. Those who want to join the unit face a
grueling selection process. It includes living for days without food in
hostile terrain and training with weapons including bamboo sticks and
flash-bang grenades that temporarily blind and stun adversaries.
According to Colonel Beckwith's memoir, successful applicants are
audacious, free-thinking individuals who can be at times extremely
patient and at other times extremely aggressive.

Delta Force is believed to have fewer than 2,000 members. That is a small
fraction of the 30,000 men and women on active duty with all special
operations units, among them Rangers, Navy Seals and Special Forces, who
are sometimes called Green Berets.

Officers close to Delta Force say that several hundred members of other
elite military squads apply to join each year. Only a few dozen are
ultimately accepted.

Unlike other elite units, Delta Force commandos are trained to operate in
small squads or even alone. They may dress as they please, wear their hair
as long as they please and make decisions in the field that normal soldiers
may not.

These are trained killers, said Daniel Goure, a former Defense Department
official who is now a senior fellow at the Lexington Institute, a policy
research group based in Virginia. They're just right for the kind 

[CTRL] BBC: Iraqis held at US base

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

BBC News

Wednesday, 26 September, 2001, 17:34 GMT 18:34 UK

Iraqis held at US base

The lorry in which the men were found Seven men have been detained under
the Terrorism Act 2000 after being found hidden in a vehicle at RAF
Lakenheath in Suffolk.

The men, six of whom are thought to be Iraqis, were concealed in a
civilian lorry, which is believed to have entered the UK on Wednesday.

A seventh man, thought to be German, has also been arrested.

The stowaways were discovered when the lorry in which they were
travelling was stopped during a routine search at the entrance to the

Noises were heard from inside the vehicle and police were called to the
base by military personnel shortly before midday.

The men were found locked in a compartment under the lorry.

'Illegal immigration'

In a statement, Suffolk Police said: All seven men were arrested in
connection with offences relating to illegal immigration.

Because of the circumstances surrounding their discovery, all seven men
were additionally detained under the Terrorism Act 2000.

The white lorry remained within a sealed off cordon tonight as
investigations continued.

Army personnel were also providing security at the scene.

The base is used by the United States Air Force and is about 70 miles
from Harwich, from which a number of ferry routes operate.

Colonel John Snider, vice commander of the
48th Fighter Wing stationed at the base, said:
It's an excellent reminder to us all to be vigilant when it comes to
force protection.

You never know what might happen.

The men are being held at an undisclosed location.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy

2001-09-26 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

ooo scary

tearing down shuttered and abandoned buildings

that'll show us
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen


 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 19:24:45 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-


 Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy

 By Sayed Salahuddin

 KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Taliban gave the United
 States a taste of the ferocious hostility it faces if it tries to unseat
 them when thousands of their supporters stormed and torched the deserted
 U.S. embassy in Kabul on Wednesday.

 Within hours of the assault, the Taliban's reclusive leader, Mullah
 Mohammad Omar, told his people he saw less likelihood of an attack since
 Washington had no proof that Osama bin Laden was involved in this month's
 U.S. suicide plane attacks.

 Although all U.S. diplomats and staff left the embassy in 1989, the
 sprawling complex -- once a key listening post in central Asia -- remained
 mothballed, its diplomatic status respected by all who have controlled
 Kabul since.

 What started as a peaceful protest by government officers and students
 spiraled into a frenzied attack.

 It was not clear if it was orchestrated or spontaneous.

 Some armed men were clearly trying to hold back the crowd and city
 firefighters worked hard to tackle the blaze, but other Taliban fighters
 joined in enthusiastically.

 Two turbaned, black-clad Taliban shimmied up the main entrance to the
 building and used a crowbar and hammer to rip off the huge metal U.S. seal
 hanging between the pillars.

 Boys jumped and waved their arms in jubilation as men used axes to hack at
 the windows of the main building to gain entry.

 Amid scenes of pandemonium, fires were started and black smoke billowed
 into the sky over Kabul. Young men ripped up cabling from walls and
 pathways to feed the inferno.

 The hulks of dozens of abandoned embassy vehicles -- long cannibalized for
 spare parts -- were also set upon and burned.

 In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United
 States held the Taliban responsible for the security of the embassy

 They must assure that these facilities are protected, and I would say
 once again these incidents today demonstrate once again how out of step
 the Taliban is with its international obligations, he told a daily

 Governments around the world protect diplomatic facilities before events
 happen, before mobs are allowed to go into them. that's the responsibility
 we ascribe to the Taliban, he said.

 Washington continues to employ Afghans as a skeleton staff at the embassy
 but none were present at the time, he added.


 It was the biggest show of anti-American and pro-Taliban support since
 Saudi-born Islamic militant bin Laden was first implicated in the
 devastating September 11 attacks.

 The United States say bin Laden -- who lives as a guest of the ruling
 Taliban -- masterminded the attacks on New York and Washington and has
 vowed to punish him and his protectors.

 We will support Islam and bin Laden, the crowd chanted as they marched
 on the embassy. The U.S. government should learn a lesson from our defeat
 of the Russians and the British.

 A day earlier, Mullah Omar urged Americans not to blindly follow their
 government in acting against Afghanistan. He has urged his people to be
 ready for jihad, or holy war.

 How many will be prepared to heed the Taliban's call for a fight to the
 death against any U.S. action remains to be seen.

 U.N. agencies reported hundreds of thousands of people on the move inside
 the country -- and millions more at risk from the effects of a withering
 drought compounded by fighting between the Taliban and opposition Northern
 Alliance fighters.

 Mullah Omar ordered all Afghans to return home.

 There is less possibility of an American attack, he said in a message
 distributed by the Information Ministry. America has no reason,
 justification or evidence for attacking.

 Therefore all those (Afghans) who have been displaced internally or
 externally are instructed to return to their original place of residence.

 On Tuesday, Mullah Omar appealed for common sense from the American people
 in assessing whether bin Laden could have masterminded the attacks.

 You accept everything your government says, whether it is true or false,
 Omar said in a message faxed to Reuters from his headquarters in the
 southern city of Kandahar.


 Mullah Omar's position has never appeared more perilous, but 

[CTRL] Government Mapping Agency Blocks Access

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

Mapping agency blocks access, postpones outsourcing pact

By Jason Peckenpaugh

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency blocked access to a widerange of its publicly available maps last week while officialsreviewed the maps to make sure they did not contain informationthat could jeopardize national security.

NIMA issued the unprecedented freeze last Wednesday as a securityprecaution in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes on theWorld Trade Center and the Pentagon, according to NIMA spokeswoman Joan Mears.

The order prohibited agencies from selling or making accessible forcopy all NIMA topographic maps. While most of these maps are nowavailable to the public, maps of U.S. military installations andmore detailed maps of the United States remain off-limits for security reasons, according to Mears.

[CTRL] WashPost: Moscow Eager to Tie Rebels In Chechnya to Bin Laden

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Moscow Eager to Tie Rebels In Chechnya to Bin Laden

By Sharon LaFraniere
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, September 26, 2001; Page A17

MOSCOW -- Two years ago, in the green hills of Chechnya near an old Soviet
children's camp, 24-year-old Zamir Ozrokov studied what was described to
him as pure Islam.

The Koran readings came with an unusual military twist. An Arab instructor
taught him and about 100 other youths how to assemble and take apart AK-47
assault rifles, how to shoot and how to lay mines. After three weeks, he
returned to the neighboring Russian republic of Karbardino-Balkaria, where
he was later arrested and told his story to the police.

The camp in Serzhen-Yurt no longer exists, but Ozrokov's account of his May
1999 stay there, published in his republic's newspaper, is one small sign
of the role of radical Islamic groups in the bloodshed that has reduced
much of the southern Russian republic of Chechnya to abandoned ruins.

The camp was run by a man known as Khattab, a mysterious Arab in his
mid-thirties who emerged several years ago as one of Chechnya's most
powerful rebel commanders. Russian intelligence and military officials
identify him as the main link between the Chechen rebels and Osama bin
Laden's Afghanistan-based terrorist organization.

The strength of that link is in dispute. Sergei Yastrzhembsky, a spokesman
for President Vladimir Putin, said in an interview last week that bin Laden
is by no means the only foreign backer of Chechen rebels, and maybe not
even the main one. But he is a real sponsor, he said. That is a fact.

At least it is a fact to Russian officials, who are eager to tie Chechnya's
stubborn revolt to an international terrorist conspiracy, and so win
sympathy among critics of Moscow's merciless prosecution of the war there.

In an address to the German parliament in Berlin yesterday, Putin said
Russia was committed to the complete ideological and political isolation
of terrorists and he called the war in Chechnya a harbinger of what the
West now faces.

He warned that international terrorists [have] made clear their wish to
set up a fundamentalist Muslim state between the Caspian Sea and the Black

We don't recognize the real dangers, said Putin, the first Russian
president to address the Bundestag.

This shows that we are well-advised to work with Russia as a partner in
combating worldwide threats, said Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. That
wasn't so clear everywhere. Now it is.

But proof of bin Laden's involvement is hard to come by, and some more
dispassionate experts are far less certain of it. I think it's a kind of
misinformation sent to the mass media by Russian secret services to make it
seem they are not fighting a small separatist movement, but against the
world's radical Islamic community, said Alexei Malashenko, an expert on
Chechnya at the Carnegie Endowment's Moscow Center.

The guerrillas deny any ties. When I hear that the Taliban fights in
Chechnya . . . this sounds stupid, said Aslan Maskhadov, Chechnya's former
president and now the leader of a key rebel faction, referring to
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia in an interview transmitted through an

Why do we need weapons from abroad? There are plenty of weapons here, and
much cheaper too. We don't need military or other training from abroad

What is apparent, however, is that Islamic extremists have taken partial
command of the Chechen revolt since 1996, and many have come from Arab
countries, flush with money, weapons and four-wheel drive vehicles that the
impoverished region's indigenous guerrillas could only dream of.

Estimates of bin Laden's influence over Chechen rebels range from simple
moral exhortation to providing squadrons of guerrilla fighters and millions
of dollars. Russian intelligence officials, citing intercepted radio
conversations, insist bin Laden plays a key role in the ongoing military

Russian Interpol chief Vladimir Gordiyenko asserts that bin Laden maintains
direct contacts with Khattab and another key commander in Chechnya,
Shamil Basayev.

Intelligence officials in Moscow contend that bin Laden trains Chechen
fighters in a half-dozen military camps in Afghanistan and provided Chechen
fighters with 36 anti-aircraft missiles in 1999. Thirteen months ago, they
have said, he sent $34 million to Khattab. Col. Gen. Valery Manilov, former
first deputy chief of the Russian general staff, later offered a revised
figure of $5.5 million, and said bin Laden promised to train as many as
5,000 fighters.

Many experts on Chechnya believe these are exaggerations -- maybe vast

One recent arrest of a Saudi man identified as a courier for Khattab
suggests much lower sums. The man, nabbed crossing the Azerbaijan border
into the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan, said he had $10,000 for
the rebels.

One former high-ranking Chechen 

[CTRL] Xinhauner: Indonesian Muslims Call for Jihad If U.S. Attacks Afghanistan

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Indonesian Muslims Call for Jihad If U.S. Attacks Afghanistan

Xinhuanet 2001.09.25 19:42:33

JAKARTA, September 25 (Xinhuanet) -- Indonesian Muslim  organizations
Tuesday issued a statement, calling for jihad (holy  war) if the United
States attacks Afghanistan.

The statement was issued by the organizations following a  meeting between
the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and other 32  Muslim organizations in
the MUI headquarters here.

Condemning the U.S. plan to attack Afghanistan, the statement  asked the
U.S. government to make an introspection into its unfair and double
standard attitudes.

The statement expressed the hope that the United Nations will  not allow a
country to attack another country.

Asking the Indonesian government not to support the U.S. plan  to attack
Afghanistan, the statement also called on the government to give no
permission to the combat fleet from the U.S. and its  allies passing the
Indonesian territorial waters.

MUI Chairman Amidhan told reporters that issuing the statement  does not
mean that the MUI urged the people to prepare for war.

He stressed that the MUI opposed the recent sweep of American  citizens in
Solo and other cities.

Separately, two Indonesian Islamic groups Tuesday demonstrated  in front of
the U.S. embassy in Central Jakarta, denouncing the U. S. government's plan
to attack Afghanistan.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Students Association, South  Jakarta, Muhammad
Supendi said that the rally was a show of  solidarity among Islamic
believers against the U.S. plan to strike Afghanistan.

He said that in case the U.S. carries out its plan to strike  Afghanistan,
Islamic believers in Indonesia would wage an open war against the U.S.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Reu: Interpol Issues Warrant for Key Bin Laden Aide

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday September 25 12:00 PM ET

Interpol Issues Warrant for Key Bin Laden Aide

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Interpol Tuesday issued an arrest warrant for Osama
bin Laden (news - web sites)'s right-hand man at the request of Egyptian
police authorities, the international police organization said in a

It said Aiman Al Zawahri, born in Giza, Egypt in 1951, is the leader of the
Al Jihad group and was emerging as one of the key figures in bin Laden's
al-Qaeda network.

``Interpol's 179 members are hereby formally requested to try to trace him
and if successful, notify the Cairo Interpol bureau as well as Interpol's
headquarters in Lyon, France,'' the statement said. It was released ahead
of a news conference during Interpol's 70th General Assembly in Budapest.

The move by Interpol came on the same day as Saudi Arabia cut its ties with
the radical Islamic Taliban in Afghanistan (news - web sites).

Afghanistan is believed to shelter Saudi-born fugitive bin Laden, chief
suspect for attacks on the U.S. committed on September 11.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LaRouche- Hysteria Is The Worst Possible Thing

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon
This interview transcript appears in the October 5, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

LaRouche On Dominican Radio:
`Hysteria Is the Worst
Possible Thing'

Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Sept. 25 on the "Revista 110," a popular morning news and commentary TV program hosted by Dr. Julio Hazim in the Dominican Republic. The interview was scheduled to air again on Channel 56 that same evening, and again on Channel 13 and 53 the following weekend.

Q: Mr. LaRuche, I want to quote something you said in a statement you issued on Sept. 15:

"The trouble is, there are too few people on this planet today, especially in my own country, who have both the knowledge and the guts to tell the truth about such matters. That is why I am a leader among my nation's celebrities, and some others who pretend, or are even elected to be leaders, are not.

"As for the current global monetary and financial crisis, which defines the environment of what happened on Tuesday, I have warned you about it. Many of you rejected my warnings, including the leading candidates for the 2000 U.S. Presidential election. You were wrong; they were terribly wrong. Now the devil against which I warned you then is here. I know how to get us safely out of this monetary and financial crisis. I do not know who the treasonous rogues are, who did what happened on Tuesday, but I know we can defeat them if we come to our senses soon enough. Have courage. Stop looking for retribution against those who have been proven guilty of no crime. Face up to what you have lacked the courage to face up to now. Then, together, we shall build this nation out of this horrible nightmare.

"I can propose; what you do about what I propose, is up to you. You can reject my warnings, but you can not escape the consequences of your own folly.

"For a start, turn off CNN!"

Could you please comment?

LaRouche: We're at a point of the collapse of a world system, a system which developed especially in the past 30-odd years. We have reached the end-point of that, and at this particular time, we have not only the crash of a financial system, but we have from inside the United States, someone, some powerful agency, trying to run a coup d'état. It's not an ordinary coup d'état, nor is it over.

What happened on Sept. 11 was the first blow of what is obviously intended to be a series of blows. The first attack was on the mentality of the population. In that sense, it was a terror attack, but so far, we recognize that, unlike many terror attacks, the author of the attack has not come forward in any way. Nor has he been detected. He is not, of course, an Arab terrorist country, or something of that sort. Because some of the personnel involved may have been recruited from such sources as the former Iran-Contra operation, and as we know, these people came from many countries. But it could not be done without the direction of a powerful organization, a secret organization, working inside the United States.

Therefore, there will be a second attack, and probably a third. Exactly when, we don't know, but it could be fairly soon.

Q: Do you believe it's possible for there to be such an alliance, as has been proposed, of such different clashing cultures. You have the Taliban on the one side, which has already given some indication of its culpability. The cultures are so different. Also, are these people... really capable of conceiving such a plot that they can hit this financial center, the Twin Towers, and the military center, the Pentagon, and a fourth plane which, to this day, we don't really know where it was headed for, do you think this is possible?

LaRouche: No, it is not. Not from such sources. Remember, we've had, over the period of over a quarter-century, actually since 1968, we've had the buildup of a phenomenon of international irregular warfare, including terrorism. But this was never—with a few exceptions here and there—really an individual or group phenomenon. I've been investigating this thing for over 30 years, and this is never done without the participation of governments or similar agencies.

The Iran-Contra operation, as it came to be called, is an example of this. This was run by special warfare units and commands inside the United States, Britain, and Israel. And it had involved assets who had been recruited for this operation from many countries. The case of Italian terrorism, the case of German terrorism, the French terrorism, all of these things were run by agencies like governments, or by governments. This is a phenomenon of the age of nuclear weapons, where governments no longer feel free to start wars in regular warfare. So they go back to another form of warfare, of semi-anonymous guerrilla warfare, by people under false flags.

Now, what you have out there is you have a tremendous potential of mercenary, and mercenary-like forces, which have been trained and used for these kinds of 

[CTRL] CNN: U.S. considering targeting Taliban drug trade

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. considering targeting Taliban drug trade

September 24, 2001 Posted: 7:38 PM EDT (2338 GMT)
By Jamie McIntyre

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pentagon officials have targeted illicit-drug
production facilities in Afghanistan to cut off the Taliban militia's
funding, sources told CNN Monday.

Striking at drug facilities is one option military planners are considering
as they devise ways military force could be used to pressure the Taliban, a
senior Pentagon official said.

This is like a football coach having a lot of plays in his play book, the
official said. Drug facilities in Afghanistan are on the list of potential
targets, the source said.

Officials are investigating a full spectrum of options in dealing with
the Taliban, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld confirmed Monday.

We're intent on altering behavior, Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon briefing.
We're intent on attempting to take the steps so that the American people
and our interests and friends and allies and deployed forces can go about
our business not in fear.

Illicit drug trade is the primary source of revenue for the Taliban,
bringing it an estimated $50 million a year, U.S. officials say. The Bush
administration is trying to squeeze the finances of terrorist groups in
general -- Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda in particular -- by freezing their
assets and cutting off their sources of revenue.

CIA analysts say Afghanistan in 1999 led the world in the illicit
production of opium, the substance from which heroin is derived.

This year, say U.S. officials, the Taliban banned the cultivation of
poppies, the source of opium. The ban apparently has been effective: Almost
no poppies are growing in Taliban-controlled regions of Afghanistan,
sources say.

Still, say analysts, evidence suggests the Taliban have huge stockpiles of
poppies, sufficient to keep cash flowing.

The ban apparently has not harmed Afghanistan's drug production, according
to the CIA, whose fact book lists Afghanistan as major source of hashish.
Increasing numbers of heroin-processing laboratories are setting up in the
country, and major Afghan political factions profit from their illicit
activities, the fact book says.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Greek Authorities Said Fear CIA 'Black Ops,' Expect 17N To Suspend Activity

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Greek Authorities Said Fear CIA 'Black Ops,' Expect 17N To Suspend Activity


Athens To Vima tis Kiriakis in Greek
23 Sep 01 p A23

[Report by Dh. Nikolakopoulos: CIA and FBI 'Black Ops' in Greece]

[FBIS Translated Text]

The CIA and the FBI will be free to organize black ops (assassinations
included), as well as assassinations, throughout the world (including
Greece.)   Their target would be to hunt down, arrest, and transport
members of terrorist groups (like 17 November) to Washington to stand
trial.  In their opinion, these groups are acting against US national
security and interests.   These ops can be conducted without the knowledge
of our country's authorities, despite the counter-terrorism agreement
signed between the United States and Greece.

Government executives believe that such a development is a real possibility
for the following two reasons:

The first is US President Bush's decision to lift--within the context of
the US Government's measures for the country's protection from
terrorism--the presidential decree that was signed on 4 December 1981 by
then US President Reagan and which barred CIA activity abroad, mainly as
far as the
assassinations of foreign people and leaders were concerned.   The second
is Greece's designation by the US services as a country with intense
terrorist activity, mainly against the US interests.   This is something
that can be seen in official State Department annual reports on terrorism.

The prospect of the CIA organizing black ops in Greece deeply concerns
the Greek Government.   The government was under intense pressure to
proceed to immediate arrests of people that the US secret services merely
suspected of being 17N members, even before the terrorist attack on New
York's twin towers.   It goes without saying that the US authorities did
not have the evidence required to take them to court.   US secret service
officials openly threatened in the past to make use of the classified
directive that became effective in January 1986 under Reagan, allowing the
CIA and the FBI to arrest terrorists abroad and transport them to the
United States to stand trial.

The conduct of joint operations by the antiterrorist squad and the FBI to
apprehend members of the 17N is today one of the conditions of the
counter-terrorism agreement signed between the United States and Greece.
This agreement in a way legitimized similar operations in the past,
designed to infiltrate the terrorist groups through the selling of weapons
and explosives--even though these operations ended up in fiascoes.
Furthermore, investigations took place in the houses of people suspected of
terrorist activity.

Notwithstanding, government executives cannot even fathom that the US
secret services would organize on Greek soil unilateral black ops, or
even the murders of individuals thought--or even proved--to be members of
terrorist groups.   Such a development would be disastrous for the
democratic institutions and protection of the citizens' individual rights,
a government executive told To Vima.   He admits, however, that following
Black Tuesday in the United States, everything concerning the 17N
investigations has changed drastically.

The new developments, in conjunction with the need to guarantee the
security of the 2004 Olympic Games--nobody doubts that the pressure will
become more intense in the future--are affecting the Greek Government's
decision to close the domestic front of terrorism at all cost.   This
means that 17N must either be disbanded or forced to suspend its activity.

Government executives believe that a possible reappearance of 17 November
would become today a hammering ram against our country.   They are
apprehensive, however, of the authorities' ability to achieve immediate
results, namely to arrest and take to court members of the 17 November
group.   Despite this, the investigations have produced important evidence
that can bring about specific results in the fight against terrorism.
17N is not likely today to operate as it did in the past, they stress.

They Expect a 17N Proclamation

The Public Order Ministry officials are eagerly expecting the next
proclamation by 17 November, in which the group will be expressing its view
on the terrorist attack of 11 September on New York and the Pentagon.
They believe that this proclamation will be the first clear indication of
whether the 17N will follow--even under different circumstances--the
example of European terrorist groups like the RAF and suspend its
activity--at least temporarily.

[Description of Source: Athens To Vima tis Kiriakis in Greek --
Left-of-Center Weekly newspaper; Sunday edition of To Vima]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] ChgoTrib: Some Situations, Names and relationships of Afghan players

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Chicago Tribune
September 25, 2001

Wild Card To Play Hand In Battle Plan

By Michael Kilian
Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- Whatever course U.S. military action takes against Osama bin
Laden and his Al Qaeda terrorist organization, if the United States goes
into Afghanistan, a significant role is likely to be played by forces
already on the ground, a loose grouping known as the Northern Alliance.

Members of this alliance, also known as the United Front, ruled Afghanistan
before the Taliban took control of the desolate, mountainous and largely
impoverished nation in 1996. The Northern Alliance has been fighting the
Taliban since then.

The Northern Alliance's military strength has been estimated as high as
50,000, but more realistic assessments by Jane's World Armies put the
number at 20,000 or less. In small groups, its forces are active all over
the country and are in firm control of all or portions of six provinces in
the northeast, about 10 percent of Afghanistan.

This territory includes old Soviet airfields that could be used as forward
bases by U.S. aircraft or commando units. The Northern Alliance is eager to
help the American effort, analysts say. It already has been receiving
military equipment from Russia, via Moscow's close ally Tajikistan.
According to American sources who have maintained contact with the Northern
Alliance, the U.S. and Russia are arranging to provide the Afghan rebels
with more.

The apparent hope is that, in concert with U.S. aerial assaults and
possible covert and special operations force actions, the Northern Alliance
might serve as the lever to topple the Taliban regime and make way for the
installation of a more moderate and less anti-American government in Kabul.

But at best, the Northern Alliance is a military wild card.

I would say their strength is more like 6,000 in terms of serious
combatants, said Anthony Cordesman, director of Middle East studies for
Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies. But much more
could be mobilized and more will appear if there's an attack on a specific

British Royal Army Maj. Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies,

There are all sorts of clans who will join for a bit and then move off
again and go cold on them, and then come back in the fold, he said.

Barnett Rubin, a leading Afghan expert said that troop strength is not the
real issue. These are not disciplined forces that are going to march out
and fight each other according to their battle order, said Rubin, director
of New York University's Center on International Cooperation. How many
forces each side has depends on how people feel the wind is blowing.

On paper, the Taliban has a field army of 45,000 men, an air force of about
20 old Soviet Su-22 Fitter ground-attack planes, MiG-21 Fishbed
fighters and a few Mi-35 Hind attack helicopters.

Taliban armor amounts to about 100 aging Soviet T-54 and T-55 tanks. It
also has 200 armored fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, plus
artillery pieces.

According to Jane's, the Northern Alliance has about 30 old Russian tanks,
and perhaps 50 armored fighting vehicles.

It's been really, really difficult to get spare parts for these old
tanks, Heyman said. They have to cannibalize other tanks, and only a
handful are still operational. The U.S. will have to almost certainly
provide them with spare parts and things like that to give them a chance
against the Taliban.

Most of the Northern Alliance's armored force has been engaging Taliban
troops in northeast Afghanistan's Panjshir Valley, not far from the capital
of Kabul and one of the few pieces of terrain in the country conducive to
tank operations.

Tanks are almost a liability, Heyman said. They make good mobile fire
support bases and nothing else. The chance of one tank being knocked out on
a mountain road means you can't get the other tanks past. It's ideal ambush
country, so you're really talking about boots on the ground.

U.S.-made missiles

Both sides also are equipped with U.S.-made shoulder-fired Stinger missiles
acquired when Washington supplied military aid to Afghan insurgents in
their successful 1980s war against the Soviet Union. The ground-to-air
missiles inflicted a heavy toll on Soviet helicopter gunships, but mostly
in daytime attacks. Sophisticated U.S. helicopters like the Apache would be
expected to operate at night.

The Northern Alliance has been intensifying military efforts in recent
days, according to news reports from the region, but this loose grouping of
forces remains a big political question mark.

They're in disarray in political terms, said NYU's Rubin. It's not
really a military question, but a political one.

Though Afghanistan is 99 percent Muslim, it has severe ethnic divisions.
The majority of people are Pushtuns, while the hard core of the Northern
Alliance leadership and fighting force is made up of Uzbeks and Tajiks.

Gen. Ahmed Shah Massood, a charismatic figure and the 

[CTRL] Snooping (Allegedly) Isn't Email Delay Cause

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon,1284,47092,00.html

Snooping Isn't E-Mail Delay Cause 
By Michelle Delio 

10:25 a.m. Sep. 25, 2001 PDT

E-mail delivery has been particularly sluggish during the past two weeks. Messages have arrived at their destinations hours after being sent, sparking speculation that new surveillance programs by government intelligence agencies might be responsible for the sudden slowdown. 

But in truth, most transmission delays can be traced to the recent spate of e-mail and server worms that primarily attack Microsoft products -- so much so that one prominent technology research firm recommended Tuesday that businesses switch to server software other than Microsoft's IIS until the company completely rewrites the program from the ground up. 

The United States and other governments have said that surveillance of electronic communications will play a part in their battle against terrorism, and President Bush warned the media on Monday that the methods of intelligence gathering will "remain guarded." 

"My administration will not talk about how we gather intelligence, if we gather intelligence and what the intelligence says," Bush told the media at Monday's press briefing. "That's for the protection of the American people." 

But despite the secrecy, blame for any of the currently bogged-down networks doesn't seem to be attributable to Big Brother. Security experts said they doubt the government would want or even be able to scan everyone's e-mail, and also noted that any e-mail surveillance would probably be undetectable to users. 

Any slowdown is more likely due to the brat pack of worms that have been hitting Internet servers hard, coupled with increased Internet use by people seeking news, according to both security experts and Internet service providers. 

Isolated equipment damage following the destruction of the World Trade Center may also be a factor. 

"At this point, speculation that any law enforcement surveillance system is causing Internet performance issues is just that -- pure speculation," said Joel Scambray, managing principal of security firm Foundstone. "Especially after the events of Sept. 11, from which several service providers are still trying to recover. 

"Couple this with the ongoing effects of the Code Red, Nimda, and SirCam worms, and such speculation becomes even more tenuous. 

"There is the potential that some ISPs have implemented re-routing of their network architectures to provide a single inspection point through which all mail must pass -- which could account for some bottlenecks -- but I have seen no reports of this," Scambray added. 

Scambray and other experts believe the slowdowns that some people have noticed are most probably caused by Nimda and Code Red worms, along with any other extraneous worms or viruses that may be making the rounds. 

Internet service providers such as Road Runner, Earthlink and Excite have sent alerts to their broadband customers attributing network slowdowns to the effects of these worms which overload networks by constantly searching other computers to infect. 

Meanwhile, antiviral software companies released alerts about a new worm on Monday. Known as the "Vote Virus," (Win32.Vote.A@mm) the worm arrives in an e-mail attachment. The body of the message asks people to open the attachment in order to cast their "Vote To Live in Peace!" 

The attachment is actually a Visual Basic script, similar to the "ILOVEYOU" and Anna K. viruses. Although some companies have ranked it as a high threat, very few infections have been reported, because most users understand that they shouldn't open attached .exe files. 

The worm only infects Windows operating systems through Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program. 

"It's not any Big Brother snooping device that's causing this (slowdown), but the resulting mess caused by the world using very exploitable software from Microsoft on public networks," said Richard Forno, chief technology officer for Shadowlogic and co-author of Incident Response and The Art Of Information Warfare. 

Only computers that run unpatched Windows 2000 and NT operating systems using Microsoft's IIS Web server software are vulnerable to infection by Code Red and Nimda. (Nimda, a worm with multiple infection capabilities, can also infect computers using Windows operating systems and Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program or Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browsing software.) 

Some Linux and Mac users who run emulators -- programs that allow users of one operating system to run programs intended for other operating systems -- have also been infected by Nimda. 

Gartner, a technology research and advisory firm, released a report on Tuesday recommending that businesses switch to non-Microsoft Web server (IIS) software in the wake of this summer's worm attacks. 

The report stated that "viruses and worms will continue to attack IIS until Microsoft has released a completely rewritten, thoroughly and 

[CTRL] San Diegans fighting new war from their computer terminals

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


San Diegans fighting new war from their computer terminals

September 23, 2001

Like so much else before 9.11.01, it plays back to us now like a
black-and-white movie. Remember the cyberspace manhunt for the kid computer
hacker Kevin Mitnick, then on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list?

It gripped the world in 1999, until Tsutomu Shimomura, the eccentric genius
at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, finally outsmarted the kid and ended
his knockdown raids on U.S. corporations and universities.

What's changed since then in computer terrorism and counterterrorism?
Everything, but not as much as we might wish.

The hero Shimomura left the supercomputer campus to live at Lake Tahoe.
One of the smartest people on the planet, as colleague Sid Karin calls
him, Shimomura is revered as a master computer sleuth and takes on only
cases that intrigue him.

And Mitnick? Out of jail now, he conducts an early-morning computer show on
Los Angeles radio.

Meanwhile, computer encryption has become the workaday mask of terrorism.
Federal surveillance of the Internet has become a covert industry. This
nation's 13 federal intelligence agencies are being told to streamline and
cooperate in war.

Two days after the attacks in New York and Washington, the Combating
Terrorism Act of 2001 was introduced as an amendment to a federal
appropriations bill and quietly passed the Senate. It may become part of
the legislative package coming to Congress from Attorney General John

Section 832 is at its crux: It would enhance the U.S. government's powers
to spy on suspects' communications in cyberspace.

In the short space of two years since Kevin Mitnick was on the run across
America like a fleeing train robber, this is not entertainment anymore.
This is a war for the life of the world's most powerful nation. Yet under
restrictions against such undercover spy networks as those from which John
Le Carre wrote magic yarns, our 13 intelligence agencies now may garner as
much as 70 percent of their information from open source intelligence Web

One reasonably wonders: Are these Osama bin Laden's hackers?

Both in secret intelligence personnel and in institutional power like that
of UCSD, the Supercomputer Center and the FBI's Regional Computer Forensic
Lab, San Diego is in the midst of America's war against computer terrorism.
Some online slip that renders bin Laden vulnerable would stand in history
like the code breaking that helped make the Allies victors in World War II.

These are pivotal intelligence matters about which most sensible Americans
would prefer, for the moment, to know rather less than more. It is enough
to know that there are formidable San Diegans already long active at the
top of this curve.

At the Supercomputer Center, Tom Perrine leads the security group. He
recently was honored quietly in law enforcement and intelligence circles as
San Diego's private sector investigator of the year. A year earlier, the
same award went to Abraham Singer, a programmer analyst at the
Supercomputer Center. (Each year, one award goes to a law enforcement
officer and one to the private sector.)

Erin Kenneally, an administrative specialist at the center who is also a
lawyer, is especially revered among San Diego judges. She specializes in
computer forensics. Defense attorneys in computer criminal cases manage
usually to arrive in court well enough versed in computerspeak. Judges call
on her to provide seminars to bring them up to speed.

Also at the center, Mihir Bellare, an associate professor, focuses on the
mathematics of encryptography as a field of computer security. Another
programmer analyst, and two colleagues -- Stefan Savage and Geoff
Voelker -- study denial-of-service attacks in which computer servers are
and disabled.

Their work and that of thousands more may never entertain us like the Kevin
Mitnick case. But they will help save America.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] WSJ: Hijackers' Deeds Highlight Issue Of Rampant Fake IDs in the U.S.

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

September 26, 2001

Major Business News

Hijackers' Deeds Highlight Issue Of Rampant Fake IDs in the U.S.

Staff Reporter

One thing evident in the wake of the World Trade Center and Pentagon
attacks is that the identification used by many of the terrorists often
had little to do with who they were.

At least four of the hijackers apparently used false passports to
acquire authentic American drivers' licenses and other documents.  A
suspected associate traveled back and forth across the U.S.-Canadian
border and acquired a driver's license in Michigan based on his
Massachusetts license, even though he had an arrest warrant outstanding
in Massachusetts.  Federal officials say some of the terrorists may have
engaged in identity theft -- which usually means stealing Social
Security numbers to impersonate other individuals with false IDs.

The hijackers were operating within a U.S.  personal-identification
regime that is one of the loosest in the developed world, with no single
national ID and limited cross-checking or authentication of
local-government records.  The primary form of identification used by
most Americans is the drivers' license, an often-forged document
governed by 50 different sets of rules.

ID documents in the U.S.  aren't worth the plastic they're printed on,
says Joseph Atick, chief executive of Visionics Inc., a Jersey City,
N.J., company that makes biometric identification systems, including
computerized face-recognition.

The terror attacks have raised calls for tightening up the system,
including consideration of a national identity card, something that
never before has been seriously proposed in the U.S.  because of
civil-liberties concerns.  Rep.  George Gekas, chairman of the House
subcommittee on immigration, is considering proposing national IDs among
ways to tighten up the national security of visas and a host of other
immigration procedures, a spokeman for the Pennsylvania Republican says.

Experts say that starting a national identity card or even standardizing
or adopting stronger anticounterfeiting measures for drivers' licenses
would pose daunting logistical problems.  Many of these ideas rely on
encoding IDs with biometric identification -- usually fingerprints or
face patterns -- which would take a long time in a nation of 280 million.

If you started now it would be 2½ years before most states could
replace the driver's licenses of even half their people, says John A.
Munday, president of a Polaroid Corp.  unit that makes drivers' licenses
for 37 states.

Civil-liberties advocates continue to oppose the creation of a vast
national database with reams of information about the comings and goings
of law-abiding citizens.  Once you start collecting databases of very
personal information, it's scary to think about where it would go, says
Shari Steele, executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
a privacy watchdog group based in San Francisco.

The problems with identity come in two forms: counterfeit IDs and
legitimate IDs that authenticate the wrong person.

The spread of color laser printers has made forging drivers' licenses a
cottage industry near many college campuses, where they are used by
minors to buy alcohol.  States have fought back by embedding in the
licenses hard-to-copy holograms that are destroyed when kids try to
insert a substitute photo.  Few bartenders or airport reservation agents
are familiar with out-of-state licenses, so forgeries often pass.

David Myers, a Florida beverage-control officer who trains police
nationally on recognizing false IDs, says there are 16,000 different
types of birth certificates and 242 different drivers' licenses in the
U.S.  -- including old and new designs, special licenses of young
drivers and other variations.  Very few people can recognize even a
small portion of them, he says.

Even more troublesome are real IDs issued to the wrong people.  Once
someone gets a breeder document, such as a counterfeit birth certificate,
they can use it to obtain genuine driver's licenses or Social Security
cards, experts say.

Anyone with a laser printer and PhotoShop could produce a birth
certificate, says Polaroid's Mr.  Munday.  Birth certificates are accepted
by most motor vehicle departments.

Motor vehicle departments have various standards for checking databases.
When someone brings an out-of-state drivers' license, almost all states
check it against a national bad-driver registry.  But that doesn't link
them to criminal databases that would hold arrest warrants.

State Department lists of terrorists aren't checked either.  Fewer than
a dozen states are equipped to check the Social Security Administration
database to see if the applicants' name and Social Security number

The Air Line Pilots Association, which had been advocating a special
identity card for pilots using biometrics before the attack, now thinks
all air crews should have one.  It 


2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




September 26, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - An al Qaeda terror camp, where
scientists may be working on chemical weapons, and the Taliban's heroin
production facilities will be among the first targets hit when the shooting
war starts, The Post has learned.

U.S.  military planners, working with Russian and Pakistani intelligence
agencies and anti-Taliban rebels in northern Afghanistan, have quietly
drawn up a list of hundreds of potential targets for airstrikes and
ground missions in the early phases of the war on Osama bin Laden's
empire of terrorism.

Bush administration officials insist that final decisions have not yet
been made, pointing out that mapping out strategy against a mobile enemy
hiding in caves and tunnels in a mountainous country with few big
strategic targets is an immense undertaking.

But the Pentagon, which is mobilizing the largest attack force since the
Persian Gulf War, is expected to aim much of the U.S.  firepower at the
Kandahar and Jalalabad regions in southern Afghanistan.

That's where the bulk of bin Laden's terror infrastructure is based and
where the Taliban's seat of power is located.

U.S.  officials expect to strike a notorious bin Laden terror camp where
intelligence agencies believe experiments have been taking place on
chemical and biological weapons.

That suspicion is backed up by recent satellite photos that show hundreds
of dead animals outside.

The Taliban maintains scores of opium and her oin production facilities
throughout the country that are likely targets of air and ground attacks.

Afghanistan is a worldwide leader in poppy production and the drug
trade is a primary source of funding for the Taliban, generating .  .
.  between $50 million and $100 million a year, said Peter Singer,
military analyst for the Brookings Institution.

Targeting those facilities makes a lot of sense, because not only do we
cut off a primary source of funding for the Taliban but it helps in the
information warfare - the p.r.effort to paint this regime as a criminal
enterprise that is doing very un-Islamic things, Singer added.

The White House said yesterday that it's not seeking to replace the
Taliban with another government.

But administration officials concede that hundreds of strategic and
tactical targets of the Taliban, including radio stations, government
buildings and military installations are on the Pentagon's hit list.

Other targets for U.S.  airstrikes include Taliban air bases in Kabul,
Kandahar, Shindand and Herat, where the militia maintains a decrepit
force of 10 fighter jets and 20 attack helicopters.

Bin Laden is believed to have his own small fleet of planes -
including a giant transport jet and a small passenger jet.  If they can
be located, those planes will also be hit to prevent the millionaire
Saudi expatriate from fleeing.

The United States is also expected to launch airstrikes against Taliban
military positions along the front lines in the civil war with the
Northern Alliance.  U.S.  officials want to use the Alliance's Bagram
air base as a staging area for commando operations against bin Laden's
forces and need to eliminate threats from Taliban forces massed in that

The Taliban has an estimated 20,000 troops as well as 200 tanks, Stinger
anti-aircraft missiles and pickup trucks outfitted with rocket

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Prophecy Fulfilled

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

Prophecy Fulfilled

by Roland Watson

You pull into a train station in Nazi-occupied territory. The exits from the station are all blocked by Gestapo officers checking newly arrived passengers. As you shuffle your way along the queue, you prepare a countenance of calm indifference as faces are scanned by faces for outward signs of inward duplicity.

As you assume the head of the queue, you are greeted with the terse phrase "Papers, please!" Muscles tense and thoughts press in as the interrogator takes an uncommon time to go over your personal details. You know these people can play mind games with you just to draw out any suspected deception but you must go along with the game until they pass you on. If they pass you on ...

Enemy of the State or just a nervous, law-abiding citizen? You decide, for the modern-day reality is about to break out upon us in Britain. The horrors of the 11th September have revitalised statist plans to introduce national identity cards here in Britain. A disaster of one degree leads to another as the State takes the opportunity presented by human death and suffering to increase its grip round the throat of Liberty.

This is a rare opportunity for the State to seize and indulge itself in that most intrusive of activities - sanctioning and defining who YOU are. We all have an identity unique to ourselves; we have the nod and assent of friends and family to acknowledge who we are and we have the self-conscious apprehension that we are a distinguishable individual walking amongst other distinguishable individuals and ultimately we have our God-given DNA which is the final arbiter in the realm of physical identity.

But is that enough in the eyes of the State? The imprimatur of identity is now to be ultimately defined, not by you, not by kith and kin, not even by God, but by the omniscient State. Without that flimsy card with that unbecoming photograph alongside that mysterious magnetic strip, you are a non-entity in the eyes of the State and, by default, under suspicion. No appeal to friends or family or God will reverse that edict of the statist super-ego.

I hoped better of the conservative newspapers here, but one tabloid has declared thusly: "ID CARDS: Why we must stop whining about civil liberties and act immediately to stop our people being killed". For added psychological effect, this is transposed alongside this main panic-mongering headline: "Britain in germ terror alert".

I would merely add two observations to this. One is that none of "our people" has been killed in Britain and, two; the likelihood of Britain being attacked by botulism or anthrax is a good deal less than that of the U.S.A. (who have not decreed such a violation of personal liberty). 

Yes, a lot of Britons were tragically killed in New York, but that is because they were in the country targeted and hated most by the Islamic terrorists. Britain has never been a target for Islamic terrorism and is; I suggest, way down the list of desirable, high-profile targets.

So, how is the introduction of ID cards going to stop terrorism? Remember that some of these Muslim fanatics had never committed an offence in their lives and are not on the files of the Secret Services. Why? Because they are new and fresh to their movement but just as determined as their seasoned colleagues. The F.B.I. knew about those men on those aircraft training courses in Florida, what could ID cards have possibly added to that situation?

How does this stop outside terrorists from coming in? Passports and visas did not stop them, so how are ID cards going to stop them? Like wartime spies, what is to stop them forging ID cards and slipping by security forces that are much less ruthless than the Schutzstaffel of old? Truly, any terrorist organisation that is incapable of forging passable ID cards is also incapable of mounting the scale of attack that these cards are meant to help prevent.

Sadly, while the State wields omniscience only over its law-abiding citizens, the enemy slips in unseen through cracks you could not push an ID card through.

No doubt, some apologist will say, "Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear." No, Sir, I have somewhat to fear. And, rest assured, the day may be coming when the phrase "Nothing to hide" will apply to even that which is personal and legitimate. 

So, let us submit the motion that ID cards are as useful as a chocolate teapot and be done with them. 

"Mr. Statist, your papers do not appear to be in order …" the officer coldly replied.

September 26, 2001

[CTRL] NYP: JET PLOT: Osama bin Laden's henchmen tried to buy a multi-million $ Boeing 727

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




September 26, 2001 -- Osama bin Laden's henchmen tried to buy a
multi-million dollar Boeing 727 six months before they hijacked
commercial planes and slammed them into the Twin Towers and the
Pentagon, The Post has learned.

Someone connected to Osama bin Laden was looking to buy a retired
aircraft sometime in March, a federal investigator close to the
terrorism probe told The Post.  He was also trying to recruit Americans
to buy it for him, to act as a front.

They got at least as far as kicking tires [in used-airplane lots] in
Denver and Tucson, the source said.

The suspected terrorists found a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., broker who tried
to represent them in the deal, said the source.

Bin Laden's followers were also looking to hire American pilots for
private training sessions at the time.

The source declined to name bin Laden's representatives or the dealers

The information, described as not specific enough to have thwarted the
Sept.  11 attacks, was passed to the FBI at the time and the agency is
looking into the matter, sources said.

Mohamed Atta and other hijackers took flying lessons about
200 miles from Fort Lauderdale in July 2000, and logged time on a Boeing
727 flight simulator in Miami.

Probers believe they wanted the jet to hone their piloting skills and
for possible use in an attack.

It looks like they wanted to get the feel of flying a big plane, one
source said, noting that the hijackers flew mostly small planes in
flight schools around the country.

A flight simulator is good, but it isn't the real thing.

The four hijacked planes included two Boeing 767s that destroyed the
World Trade Center and two 757s, one of which hit the Pentagon, the
other of which crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

Another view is that terrorists could try using a purchased or leased
jet to sidestep airport security.

This could be the next step, said terrorism expert and author Tony
Dennis.  It certainly would be one way to get around any heightened
airline security.

What this also says is they have serious money, Dennis said.

Buying a mothballed 727 or any plane is easy, if you have the money.

Right now, there are more than 900 airliners out of service that are
subject to sale, said Bob Chipperfield of Jet Traders in Santa Clarita,
Calif.  The procedure for buying one is pretty straightforward.

The plane is listed, contact is made, the plane is inspected and an
offer is made.  All you need is the money.

Boeing 727s cost between $1.5 million to $8 million, depending on the
engine and condition, said Gordon Hamilton, president of Hamilton
Aviation in Tucson, Ariz., which has 20 jets parked and ready for sale.

Aircraft dealers and brokers have kept a wary eye out for drug runners
looking to buy planes, but now must remain on alert for customers who
might be linked to terrorists, Chipperfield said.

Most people in the aviation industry are pretty sharp,
Chipperfield said.  They would have their antennae up and report
anything suspicious right away.

Mojave Airport in Southern California now has more than
100 retired jets ready to be refurbished, recertified and sold.

The attempt last March would not be the first time bin Laden bought a
jet in the United States.

In 1992, a pilot named Essam al-Ridi, acting on bin Laden's behalf, paid
$250,000 for a decommissioned T-39A jet from the U.S.  military.

Al-Ridi testified last February in Manhattan federal court that he flew
the plane from the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center in
Tucson and delivered it to the terror chief's former base in Sudan,
where it was to be used to ferry Stinger missiles from Pakistan.

There, he met bin Laden.

We just had dinner and chatted, al-Ridi testified.  I just gave the
keys to Osama bin Laden.

But the plane's brakes failed and it crashed on the runway, al-Ridi

Bin Laden, a multimillionaire, has access to several other planes,
including an executive jet and a C-130

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, 

[CTRL] NewYorkTimes, Washington Post suppress media recount of Florida vote

2001-09-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

New York Times

Washington Post suppress media recount of Florida vote By Barry Grey 25

September 2001

A consortium of major American news organizations, including the New York
Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, has decided to
withhold the results of its recount of ballots cast in Florida in the 2000
presidential election. The consortium had planned to publish its report
this week, and although its decision to suppress its own findings has
received virtually no media attention, the reason is made clear in a
September 23 column by New York Times Washington bureau chief Richard L.

In a column that enthusiastically welcomes the dissolution of all political
opposition in Washington in the wake of the September 11 terror attacks,
Berke writes: Until September 11, the capital was riding a historically
partisan period, with leading Democrats still portraying their president as
'appointed' by the Supreme Court. In a move that might have stoked the
partisan tensions-but now seems utterly irrelevant-a consortium of new
organizations, including The New York Times, had been scheduled this week
to |release the results of its ambitious undertaking to recount the Florida
presidential ballots. (That has been put on hold indefinitely).

In other words, the Times and its counterparts in the consortium have
decided to conceal from the American people facts damaging to the Bush
administration's claims to political legitimacy. They are doing so for the
express purpose of suppressing dissent and bolstering the president as he
prepares to take the American people into war and makes sweeping attacks on
their civil liberties.

This act of self-censorship is entirely in keeping with the overall
response of the media to the events of the past two weeks-a response that
in coming years will be widely seen as among the most shameful episodes in
the history of American journalism. Neither in the broadcast nor the print
media is there any attempt whatsoever to examine the claims of the Bush
administration. All statements emanating from the White House and the
Pentagon, even those known to be lies, are presented to the public as good

What now seems utterly irrelevant to Berke is the fact the very
government which is committing the population to a war of undefined
duration and dimensions, with all of the tragic consequences this entails,
was installed through the suppression of votes and judicial fiat. Berke
voices his own cynicism toward the theft of the 2000 election when he
writes: The indecisiveness of last year's election gave the nation a
civics lesson, but one that lent itself to snide jokes, not grave

This attitude, so crudely expressed and brazen in its contempt for
democratic principles, cannot come as a surprise to anyone who has
seriously considered the trajectory of news reporting in the US over the
past decade. It says a great deal about the role of the media and the
outlook that pervades editorial offices and network news bureaus.

The media, however, does not exist in a void. Its degeneration reflects
more profound tendencies within society and the political system.

The suppression of the Florida recount, and the Times' justification for
it, exemplify the role of the media as a de facto organ of the state.
Journalists like Berke, who occupy prominent positions within the media
establishment, no longer conceive of themselves, even remotely, as
protectors of democratic institutions and the rights of the people, with a
responsibility to inform and educate the public so that it can assert its
interests in opposition to those who wield power.

One component of bourgeois democratic institutions in the US was the
traditional conception of the press as the Fourth Estate, an independent
force that served as a check on the power of the state. This notion, often
enough expressed more in the breach than in the observance, and always
attenuated by corporate control of the media and the innumerable ties that
existed between the media establishment and state agencies, including the
CIA, has now been thoroughly eroded and repudiated. Today, media operatives
overwhelmingly, and as a matter of course, conceive of their task as the
defense of the corporate elite and the state, as against the right of the
people to know.

The debasement of the US media can be traced in relation to the great
political convulsions of the past 30 years. During the Vietnam War and the
Watergate crisis, major news organs such as the New York Times and the
Washington Post played a significant role in exposing the lies of
successive administrations, culminating in the exposure of the criminal and
authoritarian actions of the Nixon administration. In the aftermath of
Watergate, however, there was a determined campaign to bring the media more
tightly to heel, to which the media succumbed with relatively little

Today it is 

[CTRL] NATO Buildup In Balkans:Part Of A Deadly Game

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

NATO Buildup in the Balkans: Part of a Deadly Game
[posted 26 September 2001]
In a London 'Times' article, entitled 'U.S. to Build Buffer Zone in the Balkans,' U.S. Ambassador to England William Farish expresses great concern for the stability of the Balkans.

Take this with a generous dose of salt.

Ambassador Farish says the Balkans needs a NATO troop build-up to make it "a potential buffer against terror threats from the east."

The problem is, the Balkans is itself rife with terrorism.

There are presently tens of thousands of NATO troops in the Balkans. Are they working to stamp out this widespread terrorism?

If this were the case it would be a nice little picture: NATO (directed by Washington) fights terror in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, everywhere. Nice; just not true.

According to the 'Times,' one of the places where NATO would increase its troop strength is Macedonia, a country which has been attacked by the world's worst terrorists, the Kosovo Liberation Army or KLA.

The KLA, based in the neighboring Serbian province of Kosovo, works under various names. In Macedonia it calls itself the NLA. In Kosovo it uses the cover of the United Nations-sponsored Kosovo Protection Corps, or KPC. A UN document, prepared for Secretary General Kofi Annan, accuses the KPC of 'murder, torture and extortion.' Aside from driving 350,000 Serbs, 'Gypsies,' Jews, Turks and Slavic Muslims from Kosovo and making life hell for those who remained:

"The KPC has been running protection rackets across Kosovo - in Pristina, Suva Reka, Dragash, Istok and Prizren - demanding 'contributions' from shopkeepers, businessmen and contractors. In Suva Reka, KPC members are alleged to have forced petrol stations to accept coupons rather than money for fuel.

 "In Vucitrn, the KPC reportedly demanded protection money from members of an 
ethnic minority, the Ashkali, originally from India. One family member had previously been kidnapped and the family had been bombed.

 "The KPC has a nice line in death threats, says the UN. Two members threatened to 
kill K-For interpreters after being arrested by Nato troops in Kosovo. Following the arrests, 20 KPC men mobbed the police station and demanded their release. They were freed the next day.
"The KPC may be running prostitution rackets, says the UN." [And so on, and on...]
(From the 'London Observer,' 12 March 2000. To read more, see 'How will you plead at your trial, Mr. Annan,' at

The KLA (or KPC or NLA) appears to be just the kind of terrorist outfit that has finally driven Washington to stand up and take action against Evil. Right?


"AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians. Central Intelligence Agency officers were cease-fire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999, developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police." ('Sunday Times,' 12 March 2000, for which see 'The Cat Is Out of the Bag' at )

Did the U.S./NATO stop sponsoring the KLA when NATO occupied Kosovo in the summer of 1999? No, admits the BBC. As recently as the winter of 2001:

"Western special forces were still training the guerrillas, as a result of decisions taken before the change of government in Yugoslavia " (From BBC, 29 January, 2001, See 'Diplomats Admit NATO Backs KLA Invasion of Inner Serbia' at .)

The NATO command has worked closely with the KLA in the day to day running of Kosovo. It is no exaggeration to say that without NATO, the KLA could not have terrorized the non-Albanian population of Kosovo. (1)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
What's Wrong With Those
Darn Macedonian Hard-Liners?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If NATO were sincere about fighting terror, one would expect terrorists in the Balkans to oppose a NATO buildup. One would expect the local anti-terrorists to support it. Isn't that correct?

Yet according to the 'Times:'

"Nato planners are hoping many of the troops involved can stay on until a follow-up mission is agreed with the Macedonian government. [But] Hardline members of the government in Skopje want Nato out of the country." ('Times,' posted below)

Why do those Macedonian government "hard-liners" oppose NATO? Because NATO has been trying to force them to surrender to the NLA (that is, KLA) terrorists. More horrifying, NATO operatives have served as the terrorists' military advisers - that is, as their officer corps:

"A delicate task was posed for the American peace 

[CTRL] The Assassins Drug Dealers Now Helping The U.S.

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

The assassins and drug dealers now helping US
By Rahul Bedi in New Delhi
(Filed: 26/09/2001) 

PAKISTAN'S shadowy intelligence service, one of the main sources of information for the US-led alliance against the Taliban regime, is widely associated with political assassinations, narcotics and the smuggling of nuclear and missile components - and backing fundamentalist Islamic movements.

Locally referred to as Pakistan's "secret army" and the "invisible government", the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) was founded soon after independence in 1948. Today it dominates the country's domestic and foreign policies. It is also responsible for manipulating the volatile religious elements, ethnic groups and political parties that are disliked by the army.

Modelled on Savak, the Iranian security agency and, like it, trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the SDECE, France's external intelligence service, the ISI "ran" the mujahideen in their decade-long fight against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

According to Brig Mohammad Yousaf, who headed the ISI's Afghan Bureau for four years until 1987, the counter-intelligence agency funnelled US money and weapons to the mujahideen to minister the "time-honoured guerrilla tactic of death by a thousand cuts" on the Soviet "Bear" that collapsed soon after it was driven from Afghanistan in 1989.

The brigadier said: "It was the only way to defeat a superpower on the battlefield with ill-disciplined, ill-trained tribesmen whose only asset was an unconquerable fighting spirit welded to a warrior tradition."

Brig Yousef was writing in The Bear Trap, the book that succeeding Pakistani administrations have tried to ban because it detailed the ISI's methods.

In the early 1990s the ISI provided logistic and military support for the Taliban, which emerged from Pakistani madrassahs (Muslim seminaries), and helped it to seize power in Kabul five years ago.

Thereafter, it maintained a "formidable" presence across Afghanistan, helping the Taliban, who are mostly Pathans, to consolidate their hold over the country. The tactics used included bribery and raids that wiped out entire villages of different ethnic tribes.

It is the knowledge gained of the Taliban into which the US is tapping before it launches punitive raids against Kabul, military officials said.

Intelligence sources said that the ISI-CIA collaboration in the 1980s assisted Osama bin Laden, as well as Mir Aimal Kansi, who assassinated two CIA officers outside their office in Langley, Virginia, in 1993, and Ramzi Yousef.

Yousef and his accomplices were involved in the failed bomb attack on the World Trade Centre in New York five years later. The intelligence link-up also helped powerful international drug smugglers.

Opium cultivation and heroin production in Pakistan's northern tribal belt and adjoining Afghanistan was a vital offshoot of the ISI-CIA co-operation. It succeeded in turning some of the Soviet troops into addicts.

Heroin sales in Europe and the US, carried out through an elaborate web of deception, transport networks, couriers and pay-offs, offset the cost of the decade-long "unholy war" in Afghanistan.

An intelligence officer said: "The heroin dollars contributed largely to bolstering the Pakistani economy and its nuclear programme, and enabled the ISI to sponsor its covert operations in Afghanistan and northern India's disputed Kashmir state."

In the 1970s the ISI established a division to procure nuclear and missile technology for the military from abroad, especially China and North Korea. They also smuggled in crucial nuclear components and know-how from Europe.

A director general, always an army officer of the rank of lieutenant general, heads the ISI. Its current head, Lt Gen Mahmood Ahmed, is assisted by three major generals heading the agency's political, external and administrative divisions.

At the behest of Gen Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, the ISI's internal political division is believed to have assassinated Shah Nawaz Bhutto, a brother of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. He was poisoned on the French Riviera in 1985.

The ISI reportedly wanted to intimidate Ms Bhutto so that she would not return to Pakistan to direct the multi-party movement for the restoration of democracy. She returned home, only to be toppled by a political movement fostered by the ISI soon after she became prime minister in 1988.

The main concern for Gen Pervaiz Musharraf, the current leader of Pakistan, is that the ISI's loyalties may still lie more with the Taliban than with its own government and its new American "partner".

[CTRL] Two weeks after US terror, Iran once again cries Death to America

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thursday, September 27 12:04 AM SGT

Two weeks after US terror, Iran once again cries Death to America
TEHRAN, Sept 26 (AFP) -
After a two-week hiatus since the attacks on the United States, loud cries of
Death to America rang out again in Iran on Wednesday as its leaders firmly
ruled out joining a US-led anti-terror coalition.

Privately, several ordinary Iranians felt Tehran had missed the boat for
patching up relations with Washington.

You, who have always caused blows to Iran's interests, how dare you request
help (from us) in order to attack the innocent Muslim nation of Afghanistan
which has suffered and which is our neighbour, Iran's supreme leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran will not participate in any move which is
headed by the United States, he said ending days of speculation on whether
ties would thaw with Washington, which was one of Tehran's closest allies up
until the 1979 Islamic revolution that led to links being severed.

Khamenei's address drew, for the first time since the September 11 terror
attacks on New York and Washington, loud cries of Death to America
broadcast repeatedly by the Iranian state media.

Since the wave of attacks on the United States, which were swiftly condemned
by Iran, there had been signs of an easing of Tehran's position toward
Washington, which carries Iran on its list of rogue states.

Numerous candlelit vigils for the dead were held in Iran's 10-million strong
capital, and no anti-US slogans were chanted by Friday prayer leaders in

There was also a minute of silence observed by 40,000 spectators when Iran's
national football team played Bahrain, while Tehran mayor Morteza Alviri, in
an unprecedented move, expressed condolences to his New York counterpart,
Rudy Giuliani.

But Tehran's rejection of joining a US-led international coalition is
worrying some Iranians who are now speculating over the consequences the
decision may have on their lives.

Iran itself is branded a terrorist country which is why it should have
agreed to cooperate, said 21-year-old Tehran computer student Hani.

I don't know about the politicians, but the Iranian people would like to
have ties with America, she said.

Now, one of the consequences of Iran's decision may be that US scepticism
towards Iran will rise anew, given that we already are on their list of
terrorist states, Hani added.

Mahin, a 56-year-old housewife and mother of three, was not surprised by the
decision but said Iran had missed a golden opportunity.

Bad incidents in life either bring you close together, or separate you. This
was one of those incidents, and I think we missed a golden opportunity, she

Iranian officials have in past days stepped up their opposition to a US-led
international coalition. Instead, they have called for the United Nations to
spearhead the drive against terrorism.

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[CTRL] Missiles Urged to Protect U.S. Nuke Power Plants

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Missiles Urged to Protect U.S. Nuke Power Plants

Updated: Tue, Sep 25 1:06 PM EDT
By Tom Doggett
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nation's 103 nuclear power reactors are vulnerable
to acts of terrorism and the government should immediately station soldiers
and missiles around each plant for protection, two watchdog groups said on

Nuclear power plants are located in 31 states and provide about 20 percent of
the nation's electricity supply.

The Washington-based Nuclear Control Institute and the Los Angeles-based
Committee to Bridge the Gap urged the government to immediately station 30 to
40 National Guard troops around each nuclear plant to protect it from attacks.

The watchdog groups also said the government should be prepared to deploy
anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down attack planes. Another needed measure is
to carefully re-check the background of all nuclear plant employees and
contractors to prevent internal sabotage.

U.S. soldiers would have about seven seconds to fire a missile and destroy a
commercial airliner that is one mile from a reactor and traveling 500 miles
per hour, the groups said.

The groups, which monitor the spread of nuclear weapons, said they prepared a
detailed analysis of which U.S. nuclear plants were most vulnerable. However,
that report will be given only to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),
they said.


It is prudent to assume, especially after the horrific, highly coordinated
attacks of Sept. 11, that (Osama) bin Laden's soldiers have done their
homework and are fully capable to attack nuclear plants for maximum effect,
Paul Leventhal, president of the Nuclear Control Institute, told a news

The groups underscored what they see as an immediate danger by noting that
nearly half the U.S. nuclear plants in routine NRC-supervised tests failed to
repel mock attacks.

The new threat should now be evident to all, and the country can afford to
wait no longer, said Daniel Hirsch, president of the Committee to Bridge the
Gap. The vulnerabilities at these plants can, and must be, closed now.

U.S. plants stepped up security after the Sept. 11 attacks, which left nearly
7,000 people dead or missing.

We take the security threat very seriously, said NRC spokesman Victor
Dricks. In light of the terrorist attacks, it's only prudent that we look at
our security regulations to make sure they're adequate to meet the challenge.

The NRC has acknowledged that it is unsure if U.S. nuclear power plants could
withstand the crash of large, commercial airplanes, such as the kind that
attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The nuclear facilities, all of
which are more than 30 years old, were designed to withstand tornadoes,
hurricanes and earthquakes.


A direct, high-speed hit by a large passenger jet would in fact have a high
likelihood of penetrating a containment building that houses a nuclear power
reactor, said Edwin Lyman, scientific director of the Nuclear Control

A plane's fuselage would likely crumble on impact but its engines are made of
stronger steel and would probably break through a reactor's concrete shell,
according to the groups.

In such an event, the release of radiation could result in widespread effects
downwind of the plant. Many of the nation's nuclear plants are located near
large cities, Lyman said.

Nuclear power reactors are enclosed in concrete walls of up to 4.5 feet (1.35
meters) thick. Concrete shielding the reactor domes is typically up to 3.5
feet (1.05 meters) thick.

U.S. power plants located along airline flight paths were built with the
toughest concrete shells.

The industry group representing nuclear power plants, the Nuclear Energy
Institute, defended security measures. In the few cases where plants were
found vulnerable in NRC-supervised tests, each adopted stricter safeguards,
the group said.

These mock attacks are part of a robust regulatory program for security
fulfilled by all nuclear power plants, said Joe Colvin, president of the
industry group. He said the watchdog groups' claims were incorrect and

Lynnette Hendricks, a NEI nuclear licensing expert, said utilities have begun
rechecking all workers and contractors at plants.

However, NEI does not support the idea of placing soldiers at all plants
because only the federal government has the intelligence information to
determine if and when extra protection is needed, Hendricks said.

The nation's nuclear plants were already protected before Sept. 11, but if
the government believes troops are needed as a visible deterrent, NEI would
support such a move, she added.

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[CTRL] Bin Laden terror group tries to acquire chemical arms

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden terror group tries to acquire chemical arms
By Bill Gertz

 U.S. intelligence agencies have uncovered new information that Osama bin
Laden and his terrorist group, al Qaeda, are acquiring from the Russian mafia
components for weapons of mass destruction. Top Stories
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• Kursk to be raised by Monday
• Bush urges Afghans to help
• Attacks, layoffs erode economy
• President Bush to meet Sikh, Muslim leaders
• Iran will not help US or its allies
• Supreme Court will rule on vouchers for tuition
• Spain smashes suspected Islamist cell
• Region loses $5.5 million each day Reagan is closed
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• Jordan makes his comeback official
• Financial centers could be terror target

 Bin Laden, the key suspect in the Sept. 11 terror attacks, also is
believed by U.S. intelligence to have a secret nuclear weapons laboratory
inside Afghanistan, say officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.
 There is no hard evidence that bin Laden or his followers have actually
produced chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. A CIA spokesman declined to
 But a U.S. official said contacts between bin Laden and the Russian
mafia, and efforts to obtain materials used to make weapons of mass
destruction, could not be ruled out because of Afghanistan's porous borders.
This official suggested that the reports about the contacts could not
confirmed independently by U.S. intelligence agencies. Bin Laden has worked
with Russian mafia groups in obtaining chemical and biological weapons
materials and nuclear components, according to officials familiar with
intelligence reports on the contacts.
 There are signs they have been supplying [bin Laden] with chemical and
biological materials and nuclear components, said a second official familiar
with the reports.
 Transporting and then using weapons of mass destruction is difficult,
though al Qaeda's use of suicide attackers makes the use of deadly chemical,
biological or nuclear weapons somewhat easier, those familiar with terrorist
tactics and capabilities say.
 U.S. intelligence agencies have information that bin Laden is operating
a secret nuclear weapons laboratory somewhere in Afghanistan. The laboratory
is believed to be where bin Laden associates are working on developing
nuclear or radiological weapons. Radiological weapons are bombs that kill by
spreading radioactive material. This is believed to be one of the sites
sought for U.S. military strikes, expected in the next several weeks.
 A recent foreign intelligence service report stated that al Qaeda has
obtained some type of nuclear device, but U.S. intelligence officials said
they could not confirm that report. The new intelligence report on bin
Laden's contacts with the Russian mafia provide new details on al Qaeda's
efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.
 An FBI court document made public in 1998 in New York stated that al
Qaeda has tried to purchase enriched uranium since 1993 for the purpose of
developing nuclear weapons. The State Department's latest report on
international terrorism says that al Qaeda continued to seek chemical,
biological, radiological and nuclear capabilities.
 Intelligence officials say classified analysis of the types of chemicals
and toxins sought by al Qaeda indicate the group probably is trying to
produce the nerve agent Sarin, or biological weapons made up of anthrax
spores. Sarin can be produced from the components used to make fertilizer and
kills by disrupting the central nervous system. Anthrax is a highly lethal
biological weapon that causes death after spores are ingested.
 At its height during the Cold War, the Soviet biological weapons program
employed some 65,000 persons, and U.S. officials have feared for years that
some of the out-of-work biological weapons scientists would sell their
expertise to terrorists like bin Laden.
 The FBI has obtained specific threats since the Sept. 11 attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon that terrorists plan to retaliate for any
U.S. strikes on Afghanistan or terrorists around the world by using chemical
or biological weapons, the officials said.
 Russian crime groups also have provided bin Laden's Islamic extremists
with small arms, the U.S. intelligence officials say. They also are believed
to help bin Laden launder the proceeds from drug trafficking.
 Larry Johnson, a former State Department counterterrorism official, says
contacts between the Russian mafia and bin Laden could be related to drug
trafficking and that cooperation between the two is not surprising.
 There has been evidence in the past of links between the Taliban
militia and the Russian mob on opium, Mr. Johnson says, noting that 

[CTRL] Big Bad Wolf Little Red Riding Hood

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

 “Make no mistake about it . . . 
this is good versus evil.   . . .
We are at war – 
a war we’re going to win."
George W. Bush
Indeed it is – 
and when will people wake up
 and see this Truth 
for what it really is?
The battle currently being waged is for the complete domination and subjugation of the minds and souls of all people on this planet.  The repetitive babble that serves as news, identically repeated from channel to channel, newspaper to newspaper, is designed to brainwash the masses into believing that “there is no other choice.”  Detach your mind and Spirit from this emotional black hole, stay focused and aware, and practice discernment of Truth at all times.  Align yourself with the highest energies of the Universe for help and guidance.  This is a “psychic war” designed to break down the defenses of the mind, to scramble any clarity of thought, to suck everyone possible into the black hole of fear, lies, and disinformation.  We fight with the Universal Army of Light and Truth – combating lies with Truth, uniting our Spirits in love, and defining our highest principals by our choice of whom we serve.
The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood
And Little Red Riding Hood exclaimed, “Grandma, What big teeth you have!”  And the Wolf (disguised as Grandma said), “Why, the better to eat to you with, my dear!”
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must have National I.D. cards. 
The Truth: The easier to track you and destroy all vestiges of privacy, which according to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison who has offered the software to accomplish this to the government for “free,” is an illusion at best.  (And how would he know this?)
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must install digital face scanning equipment at all airports (and soon on every street corner.)
The Truth: The better to monitor your travel movements and activities – never mind the billions in cost to install!  
(Isn’t it simply amazing how much money can be “found” and spent at this time?)  
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must turn over the security of airports to the federal government (because the FAA has proven far too incompetent to handle it.)
The Truth: The better to install the police state.  Absolute federal military control is mandatory to stop, search, detain, arrest, hold, and question anyone.  Accustom everyone, everywhere to see armed guards, soldiers, military vehicles as part of daily life.
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must be able to tap and monitor all phone calls and read all email correspondence – with impunity.
The Truth: The easier to instill fear, to pit people one against another, to do away with free speech, and collect those who dare disagree with the draconian measures the government is enacting.
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must be able to hold or detain certain people – but that includes anyone – “indefinitely.”
The Truth: The easier it will be in the very near future to hold or detain anyone, at any time, for any reason or “suspicion.”  
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, the people must be “protected” at all costs – even to the extent of “sacrificing” and giving up their “freedoms” for security from the many radical terrorists hidden away all over the world.
The Truth: The easier to herd, manage, control, track and fence the sheeple into their pens.  Security means: raid, arrest, harass, detain, spy upon, eavesdrop, and descend on private homes and property and circumvent due process of law, which now no longer exists. 
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, the U.S. government must “forgive” the many debts owed it by countries such as Pakistan and others (as well as pay off their debt to the United Nations while they are at it.)
The Truth: The better to bribe, buy, train, control, and arm the former “enemy terrorist states” that have now “pledged” their support to the U.S. and install the one world fascist dictatorship.  
The Lie: In order to stop terrorism, we must wage a war against one man that will go on indefinitely, that must be conducted in secret, that must kill thousands upon thousands.  This is the sacrifice you must make.  We’ll let you know when it’s over.
The Truth: This is the beginning of the end.
The following quote says it better than anything does:
“Nothing will diminish my will
 and my determination . . . Nothing. 
George W. Bush, Dictator of the United States
What other acts of “terrorism” will be committed in order to justify the need for these and other measures?  This particular mind programming and brainwashing has been going on steadily since September 11 and has reached critical mass in just 2 short weeks. 
The wheat is being separated from the chaff.  The battle lines are being drawn.
Our energies and thoughts must be focused, disciplined, and channeled towards the goal in a constructive, positive manner.  We are the hidden warriors of Light and Truth 


2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




September 26, 2001 -- Osama bin Laden's henchmen tried to buy a multi-million
dollar Boeing 727 six months before they hijacked commercial planes and
slammed them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, The Post has learned.
Someone connected to Osama bin Laden was looking to buy a retired aircraft
sometime in March, a federal investigator close to the terrorism probe told
The Post. He was also trying to recruit Americans to buy it for him, to act
as a front.

They got at least as far as kicking tires [in used-airplane lots] in Denver
and Tucson, the source said.

The suspected terrorists found a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., broker who tried to
represent them in the deal, said the source.

Bin Laden's followers were also looking to hire American pilots for private
training sessions at the time.

The source declined to name bin Laden's representatives or the dealers

The information, described as not specific enough to have thwarted the
Sept. 11 attacks, was passed to the FBI at the time and the agency is looking
into the matter, sources said.

Mohamed Atta and other hijackers took flying lessons about 200 miles from
Fort Lauderdale in July 2000, and logged time on a Boeing 727 flight
simulator in Miami.

Probers believe they wanted the jet to hone their piloting skills and for
possible use in an attack.

It looks like they wanted to get the feel of flying a big plane, one source
said, noting that the hijackers flew mostly small planes in flight schools
around the country.

A flight simulator is good, but it isn't the real thing.

The four hijacked planes included two Boeing 767s that destroyed the World
Trade Center and two 757s, one of which hit the Pentagon, the other of which
crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

Another view is that terrorists could try using a purchased or leased jet to
sidestep airport security.

This could be the next step, said terrorism expert and author Tony Dennis.
It certainly would be one way to get around any heightened airline security.

What this also says is they have serious money, Dennis said.

Buying a mothballed 727 or any plane is easy, if you have the money.

Right now, there are more than 900 airliners out of service that are subject
to sale, said Bob Chipperfield of Jet Traders in Santa Clarita, Calif. The
procedure for buying one is pretty straightforward.

The plane is listed, contact is made, the plane is inspected and an offer is
made. All you need is the money.

Boeing 727s cost between $1.5 million to $8 million, depending on the engine
and condition, said Gordon Hamilton, president of Hamilton Aviation in
Tucson, Ariz., which has 20 jets parked and ready for sale.

Aircraft dealers and brokers have kept a wary eye out for drug runners
looking to buy planes, but now must remain on alert for customers who might
be linked to terrorists, Chipperfield said.

Most people in the aviation industry are pretty sharp, Chipperfield said.
They would have their antennae up and report anything suspicious right

Mojave Airport in Southern California now has more than 100 retired jets
ready to be refurbished, recertified and sold.

The attempt last March would not be the first time bin Laden bought a jet in
the United States.

In 1992, a pilot named Essam al-Ridi, acting on bin Laden's behalf, paid
$250,000 for a decommissioned T-39A jet from the U.S. military.

Al-Ridi testified last February in Manhattan federal court that he flew the
plane from the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center in Tucson and
delivered it to the terror chief's former base in Sudan, where it was to be
used to ferry Stinger missiles from Pakistan.

There, he met bin Laden.

We just had dinner and chatted, al-Ridi testified. I just gave the keys to
Osama bin Laden.

But the plane's brakes failed and it crashed on the runway, al-Ridi said.

Bin Laden, a multimillionaire, has access to several other planes, including
an executive jet and a C-130

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2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

X DRUDGE REPORT X TUE SEPT 25, 2001 21:25:37 ET X



Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc. announced today it would proceed
with the publication of Barbara Olson's new book detailing the last weeks of
the Clinton presidency. It will be released on October 22.

Olson, who was killed in the hijacked plane that was crashed into the
Pentagon by terrorists on September 11, had finished the book just days
before her death. Alfred S. Regnery, President and Publisher of Regnery
Publishing, said the publisher had originally planned to start printing the
book on September 13. But after learning of Olson's death, Regnery put the
printing on hold in order to confer with her family and to decide whether or
not to proceed.

We were all very upset over Barbara's death, Regnery said. Barbara was a
good friend of mine and of the company's, and many of us had worked very
closely with her on this new book, and on her previous book. We were deeply
saddened when we heard the news.

But everyone we talked to, including her husband Ted, agreed that Barbara
would have wanted this book published, Regnery continued. She was an
individual of commitment and principle, who held strong opinions, and who
never hesitated to state exactly what she believed. Barbara never shied away
from controversy but was both passionate and courageous, even in her very
last moments on that airplane. Her family, friends and colleagues all thought
she would be pleased to know that even terrorists could not keep her opinions
from being known. In fact, she never would have countenanced the thought that
terrorism could still her voice or cancel her work.

We've also heard from her fans all over the country -- readers of her last
book, and people who had seen her on TV or heard her on the radio. We've
received a deluge of phone calls, letters and e-mails urging us not to cancel
the book, said Regnery.

The book, entitled The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the
Clinton White House, gives Olson's inside-look at the pardons, the late-night
executive orders, eleventh-hour appointments, unseemly gifts, unsavory
property deals, and all the other abuses of power that took place during the
last few weeks of the Clinton presidency.

Olson's previous book Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham
Clinton was published by Regnery Publishing in October 1999 and spent nine
weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list.

The Final Days will be in stores by mid-October. Regnery has arranged for
each book to carry an envelope inviting readers to contribute to the Barbara
K. Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund.


Filed By Matt Drudge

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[CTRL] Clear all Clippings What About the Taliban's Stingers?

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clear all Clippings What About the Taliban's Stingers?
   Joseph Fitchett International Herald Tribune  Wednesday, September 26,
PARIS Taliban forces in Afghanistan are reported to have up to 100
shoulder-fired Stingers, the U.S.-made missile with the deadliest record
against low-flying aircraft of any weapon since World War II.
In a terrorist's hands, a heat-seeking Stinger could bring down a low-flying
airliner as it approached or left an airport, specialists said. But they
described such risks as low for commercial flights operating in the United
States, Europe and Asia.
No terrorist attack with a Stinger has been recorded in the 12 years since
the end of the war in Afghanistan.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration delivered several hundred Stingers to
Afghan resistance groups, including the Taliban.
The Central Intelligence Agency, despite strenuous efforts, was never able to
recover more than a few of the missiles after the war ended, even with big
cash rewards.
After Moscow's withdrawal in 1989, the CIA started a buy-back program to
recover the Stingers, offering as much as $100,000 each. There were
relatively few takers.
The Stingers, fired from tubes six feet (nearly two meters) long, would be
difficult to smuggle or conceal near Western airports amid the now-enhanced
security that often includes security around the runways and airfield
It is unclear exactly how many of the Stingers remain in Afghan hands and
what condition they are in. The Taliban so far seem to have refrained from
selling their missiles in terrorist weapons markets.
The Stingers are not sold or passed on by Afghan war clans, who prize them
as symbols of prestige and as real deterrents against low-level air attacks,
said a former CIA officer who specialized in the region. Despite reports that
the Stingers in Afghanistan might be unusable now, after a decade of wear and
tear, the CIA source said that a test-firing in 1999 in the United States
showed that the vintage Stingers were still working perfectly.
They may have battery problems, but they are fixable, he said.
The Stingers enjoyed mythological status because they turned the tide in
Afghanistan, according to Vincent Cannistraro, a former CIA official who was
involved in the 1986 decision to provide the Stingers to the Afghans fighting
Soviet invaders. As a result they have always commanded political attention.
Perhaps too much, according to critics of the CIA, who have blamed the agency
for concentrating on recovering the hardware that had done so much damage to
the Soviet military forces and neglecting the larger problems of the
political vacuum left in Afghanistan when the Soviet forces pulled out in
The CIA campaign to retrieve the Stingers reflected this misplaced sense of
U.S. priorities, according to one intelligence source, who said the focus on
the weaponry seemed to blind Washington - including even the intelligence
community - to the danger caused by political disintegration in Afghanistan
after the Russian withdrawal and the collapse of any effective central
The intelligence source cited a conversation with a senior CIA officer
shaping U.S. intelligence operations in the region: When asked to explain why
the agency seemed to have lost interest in Afghanistan, the CIA official
reportedly said dismissively:
We don't do windows - meaning that Afghanistan had become a trivial issue
other than as a potential hiding place for Stingers.
Britain repeatedly urged the United States during the mid-1990s to pay more
attention to Afghanistan, citing the danger posed by the Taliban to stability
in neighboring Muslim countries.
Indeed, one source said, the British started providing covert assistance -
mainly in the form of small special forces teams dispensing training - to
Ahmed Shah Massoud, a leading anti-Taliban insurgent who was recently
The United States, too, finally joined in backing Mr. Massoud's Northern
Alliance, but only last year when the Taliban was firmly established.
Now Washington may need the alliance to help topple the Taliban regime.
Similarly, Washington now needs to turn for help to Pakistan and its national
spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, which worked closely with the
CIA in supplying Stingers to the Afghan resistance and then felt ignored by
Washington once Moscow left Afghanistan.
Surface-to-air missiles similar to the Stinger are made in Britain and in
Russia, whose SAM-16 - an improvement over the old SAM-7s and Strela missiles
- contains Stinger technology stolen from in the 1980s from Greece, a NATO
member, by Soviet military intelligence. The Russian missile can be purchased
in international arms markets. But it does not perform as well as Stingers or
Blowpipe, a British equivalent, supplied to the Afghan resistance.
Militarily, Stingers would not 

[CTRL] Controls core of 6,000 fighters in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden plans Balkan front
Controls core of 6,000 fighters in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania



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© 2001

Military sources report that Osama bin Laden’s deputy, the Egyptian Jihad
chief Ayman al-Zawahri, has ordered al-Qaida and Jihad activists in Bosnia,
Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia – an estimated 6,000 men – to report for duty
and prepare to open a second Islamic front against the United States in the

That group is capable of mustering another 40,000 trained and well-armed
fighting men. Many hold on to the up-to-date weapons handed out to them by
NATO, including the U.S. Army, during the 1998 Kosovo War.

In Bosnia, the bin Laden-Jihad alliance commands a reservoir of 7,500
fighting men; in Kosovo – 15,000; in Albania – another 15,000 and in
Macedonia – 5,000.

NATO headquarters in Brussels received reports of some 3,000 Chechen rebels
funded by bin Laden beginning to cross into Georgia, Uzbekistan and
Kazakhstan. They are in flight from President Vladimir Putin’s 72-hour
ultimatum to give themselves up and surrender their arms. They suspect that
Putin received an American carte blanche to crush the Chechen rebellion in
return for his support of the U.S. operation in Afghanistan. The generals in
Brussels fear the Chechens will strike at the U.S. bases going up in
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tadjikistan.

NATO maintains 60,000 servicemen in the Balkans, one third American; U.S.
strength in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia now stands at some

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Leaders Talk Up Economy; U.S. Kabul Embassy Torched

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Leaders Talk Up Economy; U.S. Kabul Embassy Torched

By Tahir Ikram and Jeff Franks

ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World leaders tried to talk up a global
economy under siege since the hijacker attacks on the United States, while
angry supporters of Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s ruling Taliban torched
the long-abandoned U.S. embassy in Kabul on Wednesday.

Afghan government officials and students ripped off the huge metal U.S. seal
hanging at the entrance of the embassy and waved their arms in jubilation as
protesters set fire to the building which the United States left in 1989 just
before the Soviet Union abandoned its occupation of the Central Asian nation.

The attack came as leaders in Europe and the United States tried to talk up a
global economy shaken by threats of war and recession after hijacked
jetliners slammed into New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon (news -
web sites) near Washington on Sept. 11.

``There is no reason for fear because the political, cultural and economic
elite have clearly shown that terrorism can neither damage the internal order
in the free world nor put a long-term question mark over the free world
economy,'' German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said during a debate on
Germany's 2002 budget.

``There is no reason for pessimism,'' he said.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, speaking in Berlin at a joint press
conference with Schroeder, said: ``Our economies are strong and thus we hope
there will not be a slowdown in development...this is not only a hope, but a

The cheery talk notwithstanding, ratings agency Standard  Poor's said the
attack would push the United States into recession and grind global economic
growth to a halt in the coming quarters.

The International Monetary Fund (news - web sites) said in a report that the
attacks added ``further increased downside risk'' to an already slow U.S.

Washington has blamed Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)
for the attacks, which left nearly 7,000 feared dead, and demanded that
Afghanistan, where he has lived for the past five years, turn him over or
face military attack. It has been sending warplanes, ships and troops to the
region as it prepares to launch a ``war on terrorism.''

The ruling Taliban has recommended that bin Laden leave Afghanistan, but said
it cannot find him to deliver the news.

The growing threat of war has set off a huge exodus of Afghans trying to get
out of harm's way.

The United Nation's refugee agency said on Wednesday it was gearing up to
deal with up to 1.5 million new refugees to add to the 3.5 million already
housed in camps in Pakistan and Iran. It said it expected that 7.5 million
Afghans would need assistance to survive the coming winter.

``These figures are based on the worst-case scenario, but then we simply must
be prepared for the worst,'' said U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Ruud
Lubbers in a statement.

Pakistan, which is backing U.S. action to get bin Laden, earlier closed its
borders to new arrivals, but did not rule out the idea of reopening them.

``Within Afghanistan, if the situation becomes untenable, or if there is an
attack, purely for humanitarian reasons, we will contemplate that,'' Abbas
Sarfraz, its minister for the frontier regions, told a news conference.

Voices across the Islamic world have urged the U.S. to be cautious, but
British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites) fired another salvo in
what is still a war of words by saying that Afghanistan must surrender not
only bin Laden, but other militant groups training in its rugged countryside.

``Military conflict there will be unless the Taliban change and respond to
the ultimatum,'' Blair told a London news briefing.

``It's not simply a question of them (the Taliban) yielding up bin Laden, it
is a question of them making sure that all those responsible for terrorism
are yielded up,'' he added.

Not all the words from Europe were so gung ho about the U.S.-led campaign.

The European Union (news - web sites)'s top aid official, Poul Nielson of
Denmark, told Danish newspaper Politiken, that the hijacker attacks were the
result of ``bullying behavior'' by the U.S.

``There is no doubt that the bullying behavior is one of the causes of the
frustration and hatred toward the United States which prepared the soil for
the terror attacks,'' Nielson was quoted as saying. He later said he did not
mean that Washington was ``somehow to blame'' for the attacks.

In Germany, Berlin's minister for culture Adrienne Goehler called the World
Trade Center twin 110-story towers destroyed by the hijackers ``phallic
symbols.'' The comment brought calls for her resignation, but also an
explanation from Goehler.

``In the context of my statement that the 'attacks were aimed symbolically at
the heart of America,' I also made the comment that the towers are ``phallic

[CTRL] How Russia benefits

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How Russia benefits
U.S. campaign plays into Moscow's hands



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company,
WorldNetDaily publishes daily updates on international affairs provided by
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consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international
intelligence reports usually available only to top executives, scholars,
academic institutions and press agencies.

© 2001

Before Sept. 11, Moscow was faced with a U.S. administration that was
increasingly unconcerned with Russia's strategic interests. Now America's
efforts to combat terrorism are creating an environment that will help Russia
refashion its domestic security and international image while extending its
sphere of influence.

The events of Sept. 11 have awakened an angry activism within America's
foreign policy. The U.S. campaign against Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network
is taking multiple forms: the break up of terrorist cells the world over, the
shutting down of money-laundering centers and the pursuit of bin Laden and
the countries that shelter him.

All of these features create opportunities for Russia. If Russian President
Vladimir Putin plays his cards right, he can simultaneously mitigate a
domestic insurrection, rehabilitate Russia in the eyes of the West and secure
long-term control of Central Asia.

The most immediate benefits Moscow can gain by cooperating with Washington
would come in its fight against Chechen rebels. America and its allies are
rooting out terrorist cells across the world, and Russia will have no problem
assisting in this respect. The Kremlin keeps a wary eye on Russia's 20
million Muslims, and increasing the Interior Ministry's powers of
investigation has been a developing government aim.

But in the Russian mind, the largest terrorist cell in the country is the
Chechen republic. Russian authorities have long insisted that there are links
between Middle Eastern militants and Chechnya, with some of these links
allegedly pointing to al-Qaida. It helps Russia's case that Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban regime, bin Laden's current host, was the only state entity to
recognize Chechnya's declaration of independence last year.

Regardless of whether Washington believes Moscow's claims, U.S. statements
regarding Chechnya have become at best muted since Sept. 11. It is highly
probable that Washington will continue this response and perhaps even
recommend that allies such as Turkey stop backing the Chechens. If Moscow can
convince Washington of the bin Laden connection, American intelligence on
Chechnya would also quickly begin flowing Moscow's way.

America's next major push is to close money-laundering centers and deny
terrorists access to funding, another feature that Russia can assist with to
both domestic and international acclaim.

The targets for Moscow would be its oligarchs, the economic elite that
profited from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Boris Berezovsky, until
recently the most powerful of these oligarchs, has long been accused of
having links to the Chechens. Some media have charged him with supplying
Shamil Baseyev, a notorious Chechen warlord, with funding just before the
1998 war with Russia began.

Ever since Putin came to power, he has battled the oligarchs for control of
the country's finances, media assets and industrial base. The prospect of
using U.S. assistance and legitimacy to nail his most vocal critic, by
demonstrating even the most tenuous of links to bin Laden, must be
tantalizing for Putin. And since the oligarchs have smuggled billions out of
Russia, the new international effort against money-laundering also gives
Moscow the world's stamp of approval in its efforts to eviscerate the
oligarchs' financial holdings.

There are additional benefits to cooperating with Washington. For the past
two years, Russia has been on the global blacklist for money laundering,
partially because of the oligarchs' shady financial dealings. Were Russia to
truly cooperate with American investigations, it could not only purge some of
the oligarchs but also clear Russia from the list. That would open the
country to direly needed foreign investment from corporate and multilateral

But nowhere are Russia's opportunities more tantalizing than in Central Asia.
The region has numerous mineral resources, and Russia wants to control an
otherwise porous border with the volatile Middle East.

Moscow's prominence in the region is but a pale shadow of what it was before
the Soviet collapse. Prior to 1992, Russia directly controlled all five of
the Central Asian republics. Now it only has a rather 

[CTRL] Security Council gives U.S. go-ahead

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

As if we need UN permission, UN get out of US! - Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

EXCLUSIVE: Security Council gives U.S. go-ahead
Private assurances go beyond members' public stances

Steven Edwards
National Post
UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations Security Council has given the green
light to the United States to launch a proportionate military strike inside
Afghanistan in retaliation for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Sources inside the Security Council say the 15 member nations unanimously
agreed that their Sept. 12 resolution condemning the attacks also endorsed an
initial military response by the United States, and that Washington requires
no further UN permission to act.

This is contrary to the public stances of Security Council members France,
China and Russia, which hold veto power in the council. Those countries'
leaders have argued that the UN, not Washington, should lead the
international fight against terrorism announced by George W. Bush, the U.S.

The change has come about, say the sources, because Washington's approach to
retaliation appears to be measured and in the spirit of the resolution.

Outside the Council, some states have made noises that the Americans ought
to come back for further UN endorsement, said one high-level source on the
Council. Inside, no one is making those sorts of noises, including the
Russians and the Chinese.

A second Council member said: Should they come come to us for permission to
act militarily? Certainly not.

Should they inform us? It would be better if they want to build a coalition
over the long term. My understanding is that all 15 of the Council's members
are in agreement on this, the member said.

The United States, as one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the
Council, is aware of the endorsement.

The Council's fifth permanent member, Britain, has strongly endorsed the U.S.
military plans.

The sources emphasize that the Council has not given the United States a
blank cheque for continued military action.

The sources say the Council is encouraged that Washington is not talking
about launching a widespread bombing campaign against Afghanistan, but
appears to be limiting its initial military response to attacks on the
country's ruling Taleban, as well as on Osama bin Laden, the terrorist
described by the Taleban as their guest.

Beyond the initial strike, Washington is also calling for a broad and long
fight against terrorism on several fronts, waged in part by enforcing
anti-terrorism treaties at the UN, sharing intelligence and co-operating in
trying to track money used to finance terrorists.

Washington hasn't been saying, 'Let's nuke Kabul,'  said the first source
in reference to the Afghan capital. They also recognize that just blasting a
bomb into the desert isn't the answer either.

The private position of the Council emerged yesterday as Kofi Annan, the UN
Secretary General, called on the UN's 189 members to act against terrorism
through the world body. The organization ... alone can give the global
legitimacy to the long-term struggle against terrorism, he told the General

The day after the terrorist attacks, the Security Council passed Resolution
1368, which described the acts as a threat to international peace and

That, say the Council sources, is now considered to be enough to allow the
United States to invoke Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which
speaks of the inherent right ... of self defence if an armed attack occurs.

The Council is not likely to explicitly say that publicly, said the first
source. But that is the reality.

Washington has been unwilling to ask the Council for specific approval to act
militarily, fearing such a request would spark months of debate.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Terror in the U.S. and the Jonathan Pollard case Part 1

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Terror in the U.S. and the Jonathan Pollard case



By Larry Dub
© 2001

In a bitterly ironic way, the devastating terrorist assaults on New York and
Washington which recently claimed thousands of innocent American lives bring
to mind the desperate and futile attempts of Jonathan Pollard to save America
and Israel from just such a catastrophe.

In the early 1980s, Jonathan Pollard was a civilian analyst in an
anti-terrorist unit of the U.S. Navy. He was responsible for identifying
state sponsors of terrorism in the Middle East, analyzing information on
terrorist activities and briefing American officials on the probability of
terrorist strikes, both at home and abroad.

Pollard's unceasing message in these briefings and in the reports he
submitted was if America did not combat terrorism abroad, the battle would
eventually be brought home to be fought on American soil. Much to Pollard's
dismay, as long as his reports were only about murdered Jews and Israeli
targets, his exhortations were met with indifference. His warnings and his
recommendations – which if implemented threatened to disturb America's
relations with her so called moderate Arab allies – were largely ignored.

For example, Jonathan Pollard was deeply troubled that the U.S. government
did not seem to appreciate the threat to American interests posed by Saddam
Hussein. He repeatedly warned American officials of the dangerous game the
U.S. was playing – both in arming Iraq and providing it with sensitive
intelligence. He also tried desperately to hold the U.S. to its commitment to
warn Israel of the Butcher of Baghdad's lethal plans for the Jewish State.
In his efforts to get this information legally released to Israel, Pollard
appealed all the way up the chain of command in the Pentagon. To no avail. In
desperation, Pollard finally gave the information to Israel himself.

Essentially, Jonathan Pollard warned Israel that Saddam Hussein was planning
to scorch the Jewish State with weapons of mass destruction. What is perhaps
most shocking of all, though, is the fact that this vital information was
being purposely withheld from Israel by the U.S., Israel's closest ally.

While the exact reason for this betrayal will probably never be known, at
least two high-ranking members of the American National Security
establishment at the time – Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and Deputy
CIA Director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman – were well aware of Iraq's genocidal
intentions toward Israel, and chose to blindside the Jewish state. Their
motive, it seems, was to curry favor with the Egyptians and the Saudis who
viewed Saddam's covert strategic arsenal as a means to finally destroy

Nevertheless, thanks to Jonathan Pollard, Israel was ready with gas masks and
sealed rooms when Iraq attacked her during the Gulf War.

In warning Israel, Jonathan broke the law. He deserved to be punished. But
the punishment has to fit the crime. The usual sentence for spying for an
ally is 2-4 years. Jonathan is about to complete his 16th year of a life
sentence, with virtually no possibility of parole.

Jonathan Pollard did not spy against the United States. He was never indicted
for intent to harm the United States, nor for treason, though he has been
falsely accused of both. He received his life sentence without benefit of
trial, as the result of a plea bargain which Jonathan honored and the U.S.

Jonathan received a sentence far harsher than most of those who spied for an
enemy nation. Twentieth-century spies Michael Walker, Clayton Lonetree and
Richard Miller, who spied for the Soviet Union and did inestimable damage to
American national security, are all free men today. Only Jonathan Pollard, a
Jew who spied for the Jewish State, remains in prison with no end in sight.

Additionally, the case of Michael Schwartz highlights the disparity in
sentencing between Jew and non-Jew and between Israel and other U.S. allies.
Schwartz, a non-Jew who spied for Saudi Arabia, was arrested, confessed and
indicted. But before he ever stood trial, a quick deal was worked out in
order to appease America's Saudi ally. His punishment? Loss of his Navy job,
rank and pension. Whereas Jonathan Pollard got life for his activities on
behalf of a U.S. ally, Schwartz did not get a single day in prison.

An article (Crime and Punishment, LA Jewish Journal – 04/03/98) by J.J.
Goldberg, Editor of The Forward (N.Y.), cites high-level Washington sources
indicating that the Joint Chiefs of Staff acted through Caspar Weinberger to
secure a life sentence for Jonathan Pollard that has nothing to do with
Jonathan's guilt or innocence and everything to do with sending an
intimidating message to Israel and to the American Jewish community:
High-ranking sources say that it was the 

[CTRL] Bush-Bin Laden Family Link

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

Probe links WTC, Kandahar hijacks 



ONDON: A 30-year-old photograph of Osama bin Laden, wearing purple flared trousers, a skinny-rib jumper and leaning against a pink Cadillac, that enduring symbol of America, is being hawked around by a Swedish picture agency at 1,000 pounds a copy. 

Meanwhile, Western security agencies are reported to believe that one of the hijackers who flew into the World Trade Centre (WTC) was part of the team that seized Indian Airlines flight IC 814 from Kathmandu, and took it to Kandahar in 1999.

According to The Times, London, the Indian Airlines hijacking and the WTC attacks are thought to bear the fingerprints of senior Hizbollah leader Imad Mughniyeh, who is now believed to be somewhere in Iran. 

The paper said Mughniyeh's whereabouts are likely to be raised with the Iranian government by British foreign secretary Jack Straw during his ongoing visit to Teheran.

Mughniyeh, who has proven expertise in hijackings, is especially prone to using pocket knives and scissors in hijacks, rather than guns. 

The paper recalled that the Indian Airlines hijack was accomplished by a similarly-armed gang, who stabbed 25-year-old Rupin Katiyal, while other passengers were ordered to watch him bleed to death. It said that intelligence officers discerned the same pattern in the American hijackings, with a stewardess and a business-class passenger being stabbed on the flight that crashed in rural Pennsylvania. The other passengers were told to keep watching.

Investigators say Mughniyeh is linked to Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network, through the leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is known to be close to Bin Laden.

But even as intelligence agencies investigate the extent of Bin Laden's links with terrorist outfits around the world, the West is digesting quite a different image of the young boy through a family photograph, taken in the Swedish town of Falun in the summer of 1971.

The photograph, which appeared in several British tabloids on Monday, accompanies media revelations that not only was the young Bin Laden fairly Westernised before he embraced Islamist radicalism, he also had a close family link with American President George W. Bush.

According to The Daily Mail newspaper, Salem, the eldest of Bin Laden’s 55 brothers and sisters, invested heavily in Bush's first business venture, Arbusto Energy. 

The paper said that Salem, who died in a plane crash in 1983, became Bush's business partner through James Bath, a close friend of the future American president.

Salem, says the paper, appointed Bath as his representative in Houston, Texas. It was Bath who invested 50,000 dollars in Bush’s company and also bought Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of Osama's elder brother.

The paper said a White House spokesman was unavailable for comment on the subject on Sunday night.

The Swedish owner of the hotel Osama Bin Laden stayed at all those years ago, is quoted to say "they (Osama and Salem) were such nice boys, beautiful boys, so elegantly dressed. Everybody loved them".

She added that the innocent young Osama often played with her two sons.


[CTRL] Terror in the U.S. and the Jonathan Pollard case Part 2

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Once the Summit was underway, Clinton forgot his promise to free Pollard.
Netanyahu knew he had been had but there was little he could do about it at
that point.

Talks at Wye soon broke down over the release of Palestinian murderers with
Jewish blood on their hands, and over Israel's request for the extradition of
Ghazi Jabali, the chief of police in Gaza who was wanted for his role in
planning and executing terrorist attacks in Israel. To break the stalemate,
the Palestinians suggested Jonathan Pollard as the solution. They proposed
that Pollard be sold to Netanyahu once again: The U.S. would give Jonathan
to Israel in return for Israel's freeing hundreds of Palestinian terrorists,
and immunity for Ghazi Jabali.

The U.S. and Israel agreed to the Palestinian plan to swap Pollard for
terrorists and murderers. President Clinton personally worked out the details
in a late-night private session with Palestinian and Israeli representatives.
According to the deal, Prime Minister Netanyahu was to receive a letter from
President Clinton the next morning (one of approximately 30 letters the
Americans had promised) guaranteeing Pollard's release for November 11, 1998,
one week after the U.S. House elections. Jonathan Pollard did not agree to
this deal. He was not even consulted.

Had Pollard been consulted, he would have warned the U.S. and Israel that
making deals with terrorists only encourages them – and that his freedom
should be arranged in a way that redresses the injustices in his case and
brings honor to both the United States and Israel.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that Pollard's release was negotiated at Wye
in a currency agreed upon by both Israel and the United States.

What is more, the Pollard negotiation was the deal-maker at Wye which allowed
the summit to be successfully wrapped up and a signing ceremony to be planned
for the next morning in Washington on Friday, October 23, 1998.

Only hours before the signing ceremony, P.M. Netanyahu received all of the
American letters that had been promised to him except one – the one
guaranteeing the release of Jonathan Pollard. Netanyahu threatened not to
attend the signing ceremony unless he got the Pollard side letter. Clinton
said, Trust me. Netanyahu, knowing he was about to be double-crossed by
Clinton over Pollard for the second time, refused.

Netanyahu demanded that in the absence of a letter of guarantee, Pollard
should be freed into his custody immediately, or no signing ceremony. Ariel
Sharon, who was then a Cabinet minister and is now prime minister of Israel,
supported Netanyahu and they threatened to leave Wye without signing the

In order to take the pressure off President Clinton, CIA chief George Tenet
leaked the news of Pollard's imminent release to the media in a deliberate –
and ultimately successful – attempt to torpedo the deal. He sent emissaries
to Capitol Hill to hold emergency meetings with leading senators and
congressmen to enlist their support in publicly denouncing Pollard's release.
Many lies were told by the CIA emissaries to convince the American
legislators to act swiftly and in unison. Believing the lies, the legislators
complied and began an unprecedented series of public actions to prevent the
release of Jonathan Pollard.

Meanwhile, at Wye, under heavy pressure and still fearful that Netanyahu
would not back down, Clinton quickly negotiated a private fall-back position
with Netanyahu: Clinton would publicly promise to do a speedy review of the
Pollard Case and he would use that review to free Pollard a few months later,
parallel to the release of the 750 Palestinian terrorists who were part of
the price Israel had agreed to pay for Pollard.

Under heavy public pressure and betrayed by his own minister of defense,
Yitzhak Mordecai, who closed ranks with Clinton, Netanyahu reluctantly and
with misgivings accepted this private deal. The signing ceremony was held in
Washington as scheduled.

Netanyahu's capitulation at Wye and the lopsided deal he brought home from
the summit, now that Pollard was no longer publicly perceived to be a part of
it, would shortly cost him his premiership. This, in turn, would jeopardize
the private deal that Netanyahu had made with Clinton because it required the
next prime minister to ensure that Pollard's release was delivered as
promised by the U.S.

After the signing of the Wye Accords, when Clinton had all that he wanted
from the Israeli leader, the White House falsely accused Netanyahu of having
injected Pollard into the summit at the last moment. However, eye-witnesses
to the Pollard deal at Wye, including the Israeli and the Palestinian who had
negotiated the deal with Clinton, and the former Israeli Cabinet secretary,
Dani Naveh (currently minister without portfolio), all later contradicted the
White House version of events and affirmed that President Clinton had

[CTRL] Leftist' media? Not right

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

'Leftist' media? Not right



© 2001

I am incredulous. I keep getting e-mails denouncing the liberal media.

How many newspaper editorials in the past week have not called for
retaliation? How many have not hailed the unity of spirit in the country? I
haven't read a single one.

Folks, I present excerpts from two recent, widely syndicated commentaries.
Please tell me which one comes from the liberal.

For the mass murder of our citizens has filled this country with a terrible
resolve that could lead it to plunge headlong into an all-out war against
despised Arab and Islamic regimes that turns into a war of civilizations,
with the United States almost alone.

We are destined to shadowbox with the devil, with no easy victory in sight.
Both of these commentaries were carried by the liberal media – along with
many more calling for everything from restraint to considering the use of
tactical nuclear weapons. Guess the liberal media just publishes all
different kinds of opinions, eh?

For the record, excerpt #1 comes from Patrick J. Buchanan, who is usually
identified with the right – even the extreme right. Excerpt #2 comes from
Robert Scheer, who is usually identified with the left – even the extreme
left. Buchanan's commentary, U.S. Pays the High Price of Empire, and
Scheer's, Destined to Shadowbox with the Devil, both appeared on the same
page in the Sept. 18 Los Angeles Times.

Doesn't #1 seem more like the cautioning of an advocate of restraint? Doesn't
#2 seem more like the dire warning of someone advocating military action?

The events of Sept. 11 have blurred labels that have so politically polarized
this country in recent years. This is not to say that there is universal
agreement, but it is to suggest that you might find valuable thinking from
across the political spectrum.

Those who generalize about a leftist press deny themselves a basic
advantage unavailable in, say, Iran. As I wrote to a leftist
media-denouncing reader the other day:

You're lucky to have a free press. My suggestion: Be open to reading all
points of view, all reporting, instead of merely looking to have your
existing ideas reinforced.

Leftist media? Who has been the most powerful voice in the media for the
past 10 years? I'd say Rush Limbaugh is pretty near the top. Is he leftist?
Is WorldNetDaily? The Washington Times? Thomas Sowell? Am I?

According to some readers, I am. Yet, I maintain that I am neither left,
right nor center, and that to label yourself accordingly precludes
open-minded evaluation. The late senator Barry Goldwater, lambasted for
having supported a candidate who favored abortion, reacted with contempt,
saying something to the effect that anyone who based a vote on a single issue
is an idiot, and that this candidate was the best of the given choices.

Yet many readers have indicated that they have stopped looking at
mainstream media, as if all newspapers and networks are conspiratorial
purveyors of lies. So they turn to other sources of information that are in
general agreement with their viewpoint. What is the result? More deeply
ingrained convictions, prejudices, less challenge to their perspective, less

Does Limbaugh read only conservative tracts?

The reason the people who built this government opted for a free press was
not so the populace could have its prejudices and viewpoints reinforced. That
can be done well enough by totalitarian government propagandists. The reason
for a free press was to allow the populace access to many opinions, and lots
of information – in order to be more educated and reasoned in its decisions.

As for a conspiracy, this makes me fall down laughing. The newspapers where I
worked were cacophonous dens of barely controlled chaos. That they conspired
to get a paper produced each day always seemed a minor miracle to me.
Newsrooms are microcosms – you'll find as much debate there as you will
anyplace else.

Yet, I admit to a type of liberal bias in reporting. It's inherent. Why do
people get into journalism in the first place? To right wrongs, to do
justice, to stand up for the underdog, to seek truth. Organic to the
goal of digging up information is skepticism of information presented –
whether by governments, corporations or any bureaucracy.
Those-who-have-something-to-lose. (These phenomena tend to be aligned more
with the political right – that is their bias.) For a reporter to have this
type of liberal bias is not only inherent in the job – it is as admirable
and natural as fighting a fire.

Besides, reporters are just people, with foibles and prejudices and ignorance
(and varying degrees of skill). What is your job, then, as a citizen? Be
skeptical, but not necessarily disbelieving. Be questioning, but not
necessarily dismissive. Look for reliable, 

[CTRL] Security's double-edged sword

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Security's double-edged sword



© 2001

The Book of Proverbs 16:25 warns, There is a way that seems right unto a
man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. As I watched the attorney
general testify before the House Judiciary Committee, that proverb kept
replaying itself in an endless loop in my head.

While I listened to John Ashcroft outline the draconian measures required by
law enforcement to combat terror, I couldn't help but think that the
terrorists had already won a major victory. Ashcroft urged the Congress to
pass the proposed measures quickly, saying, The American people do not have
the luxury of time.

The measures sought by the administration are far-reaching indeed. The
Justice Department wants to be able to operate in secret – secret court
orders, secret wiretaps, secret detentions, secret access to Internet users'
e-mails – secret police.

And despite what all this secrecy means to American civil liberties, one
cannot see how we can win the war against terrorism without it.

It is more than just a victory for the terrorists. It's a victory for the
spirit of terrorism, the Evil One that secular America is forced by
circumstance to acknowledge after decades of denial. A quarter century ago, I
wrote a book entitled Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.

A quarter century later, America sees his face in clouds of smoke, sees his
fingerprints all over New York and Washington and has decided to take him on
in open combat.

But secular America, embodied in our government, is woefully under-equipped
for battle in this realm. It is mind boggling to see how much Satan has
accomplished through the terrible tragedies of September 11th.

Consider the various national church services. Efforts to portray pure
Islam as a religion of peace abound. The Koran is the source of pure
Islam, yet it teaches:

So when the sacred months have passed away, then SLAY THE IDOLATERS wherever

Sura [9.5]

The inter-faith movement that is springing up across America is both good,
and bad. Certainly, it has filled churches and many have come to Christ. Just
as certainly, it has filled stadiums with people of many religions who reject
Jesus Christ as the one way to God – which raises the inescapable question
for true Christians, How do we compromise on the most basic and central
teaching of the Lord Jesus Himself?

Jesus commanded, I am the way, the truth and the life: No man comes to the
Father but by Me. He is not a way and He is not a truth.

The world will soon consider Christians who take a stand on this foundational
truth to be against unity and world peace – just as they did in the Roman
Coliseum at the beginning of Christianity.

The September 11th attack has begun what appears to be an endless series of
dichotomies. Fundamental Islam is bad, while liberal Islam (the kind that
doesn't take slay the idolaters [i.e., Christians and Jews] literally), is

But what does that say about fundamental Christians who take the Bible as the
infallible Word of God vs. the liberal Christians who say the Bible contains
the Word of God?

It is a major point. To illustrate this point, this column quotes Scripture,
so it contains the Word of God. But the rest is my admittedly fallible
opinion. Many liberal Christian Theologians believe the Bible is filled
with error.

The September 11th attack and its resulting call to religious unity is a
two-edged sword. As it cuts one way, many people will come to Christ and
eternal life. Swung back the other way, it cuts the ground from under
Christianity by forcing America into an ecumenical box of religious unity at
the expense of Christianity's foundational truth.

Politically, our nation is trying to find a way to abolish the Constitution
in deed, while acknowledging it in word. The First Amendment guarantee that
Congress will not prohibit the free exercise of religion will be diluted by
every congressional effort to protect America from radical Islamic terrorism.
Yet there is no clear alternative. The same two-edged sword that cuts down
fundamental Islam will cut down fundamental Christianity on its back swing.
It appears that the devil has America on the horns of a dilemma.



Hal Lindsey is the best-selling author of 20 books, including Late Great
Planet Earth. He writes this weekly column exclusively for WorldNetDaily and
maintains a website where he provides up-to-the-minute analysis of today's
world events in the light of ancient prophecies.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use

[CTRL] War will begin within days

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

War will begin within days
By George Jones and Anton La Guardia
(Filed: 26/09/2001)

TONY BLAIR cleared the way yesterday for military strikes against Afghanistan
within days by declaring that the Taliban would become an enemy in the battle
against terrorism unless they handed over Osama bin Laden.

Tony Blair: the Taliban is a regime 'founded on fear and funded by drugs and

Standing in the Downing Street garden, he said that America and its allies
had the power to do very considerable damage to the Taliban. Military
conflict there will be unless the Taliban change and respond to the ultimatum
given to them, said Mr Blair.

As diplomats said that military action was likely to begin within a week,
Downing Street announced that Parliament would be recalled for one day on
Thursday of next week. Political leaders had already indicated that MPs
should be brought back only after action had started.

Mr Blair's ultimatum, delivered 24 hours after he briefed Iain Duncan Smith,
the Conservative leader, and senior parliamentarians, was seen as preparing
British and international opinion for hostilities.

The Taliban were further isolated yesterday when Saudi Arabia severed all
relations with the regime. Last night, a Saudi official said that Afghan
diplomats had been given 48 hours to leave the country.

This leaves only Pakistan maintaining diplomatic links with Kabul since the
United Arab Emirates cut ties at the weekend. President Bush, whom Mr Blair
visited last week and vowed to stand shoulder to shoulder with in the fight
against terrorism, praised the Saudis' wise step.

Only President Musharraf of Pakistan, the traditional backer of the Taliban,
said that his country would maintain contact because at least there should
be one country who ought to be able to have an access to them.

In a message to the American people, the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad
Omar, stepped up his defiance. He said the attacks on New York and Washington
were to avenge US cruelty towards Muslim countries.

The American people must know that the sad events that took place recently
were the result of their government's wrong policies. Your government is
perpetrating all sorts of atrocities in Muslim countries. Instead of
supporting your government's policies you should urge your government to
reconsider their wrong and cruel policies.

He added, without claiming to know who was responsible: The recent sad event
in America was the result of these cruel policies and was meant to avenge
this cruelty.

Mr Blair said the Taliban knew what it had to do. If it stood in the way of
bringing bin Laden to account, it would be every bit our enemy as bin Laden
himself. Our enemy's friend becomes our enemy too, he said in his strongest
warning yet that the Taliban would be toppled unless it agreed to hand over
bin Laden.

He described the Taliban as a regime founded on fear and funded largely by
drugs and crime where poverty and illness were endemic and women's rights

Mr Blair emphasised the unity of the coalition lined up against Afghanistan.
He said military action would be directed at the Taliban and not at the
ordinary people of Afghanistan and promised that Britain would help efforts
to deliver food to Afghan refugees to avert a winter crisis.

The Prime Minister called his unscheduled press conference after a day of
non-stop diplomacy aimed at securing international and domestic political
backing for military action. The most significant breakthrough came late on
Monday with President Putin's announcement that Russia would share
intelligence with the West and help the opposition Northern Alliance in
northern Afghanistan.

In a historic address to the Bundestag in Berlin, Mr Putin yesterday sought
to capitalise on his gesture by calling on the West to welcome Russia back to
the diplomatic top table.

Mr Blair did not state when the ultimatum to the Taliban would run out nor
does the Government expect a positive response. But it was meant to increase
the pressure on the regime and provide justification for America and Britain
to take military action.

We have the power to do very considerable damage to the Taliban regime, and
any action we take will be directed towards the regime, and not the ordinary
people of Afghanistan, he said.

As the world lined up behind the coalition, Abdul Sattar, Pakistan's foreign
minister, warned against governments giving military aid to the Taliban's
Northern Alliance opponents. He said: We must not make the blunder of trying
to foist a government on the people of Afghanistan.

His comments were seen as reflecting concern in Pakistan that Iran, an old
enemy of the Taliban, might, after yesterday's visit by Jack Straw, have a
greater say in the future of Islamabad's old client state.

Recognising the delicacy of Gen Musharraf's position, Mr Bush did not call on
Pakistan to follow Saudi 

[CTRL] Haig to NewsMax: Warn Rogue States of 'Devastating' Response

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Haig to NewsMax: Warn Rogue States of 'Devastating' Response
John Douglas Browne
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001
In an interview this week, Gen. Alexander Haig, former NATO supreme
commander, secretary of state and White House chief of staff, said the recent
attacks have moved America from an age of innocence into a new age of
Gen. Haig made several key points:

President Bush is on the right track and doing very well.

America should follow Israel's example by punishing nations that support

To prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists, the
president should give a firm warning in advance that we would retaliate in
kind and in a devastating manner.

America should seek partners as it builds multiple coalitions to destroy
these terrorists and their supporters.
Interview follows.

BROWNE: What did you think of the president's speech, and how is he doing?

GEN. HAIG: His speech was brilliantly crafted and superbly delivered. He has
grasped the essential issues and is doing very well. Most importantly, he has
set a clear plan for a broad strategy, based on coalitions, to be executed in
a sequence according to priorities, based on intelligence. Unfortunately,
some people find it hard to get their heads around this and urge a
'selective' response, confined merely to bin Laden.

BROWNE: Do you think he will succeed?

GEN HAIG: I'm very optimistic that he will succeed. His main challenge will
be to maintain political support. We must give him credit and march in
'lockstep' support.

BROWNE: Until now, each country has had to deal with terrorism virtually
alone. It appears that President Bush has changed that at a single stroke, by
declaring a global war on terrorism, based upon coalitions of nations.

GEN HAIG: The success of his whole strategy will depend on this. It is said
that terrorism floats upon the fear of people. Now countries that were
afraid to act will be emboldened. We must broaden our confidence in success
and not be impatient.

BROWNE: So, this is a revolution in counterterror?

GEN HAIG: Yes, and it will prove key to success. The Israelis have said that
they were successful only when they shared anti-terrorist sentiments with the
populations of the countries in which the terrorists were hiding. In
addition, the president's strategy is multifaceted. Its measures will include
politics, economics, finance, psychology, culture, religion and military. It
is very clear that military measures will not be exclusive.

BROWNE: How important was Great Britain in forming these coalitions?

GEN HAIG: Vital. If Britain and the 'special relationship' had not been right
up front, the cost would have been immeasurable. In modern times, Britain has
never let us down. Their support was a good guarantee that others would
follow – even counties in central Asia, including Pakistan, which we have
mistreated in the past. Progress has been remarkable.

BROWNE: Churchill said, about our alliance with Russia in WW II, that
adversity acquaints us with strange bedfellows. What do you think of the
U.S. entering into coalitions with those who, until recently, it had branded
as rogue states?

GEN HAIG: The 's' is very important. It is not a single coalition. One should
never look a gift horse in the mouth, so we should not recoil at trying to
deal with any state that agrees to help. However, we must assess their true
commitment. Most importantly, we must ensure that no anti-terrorist alliance
is used by certain countries (former rogue states) as an opportunity to
brutalize certain other countries, such as Georgia. We must not allow them to
represent us as intermediaries. We must deal directly.

BROWNE: Why do you feel that these Islamic terrorists are so anti-American?

GEN HAIG: I don't agree with those who say that it is because we support
Israel. They are against democracy and the West. It is a throwback to a
seventh century philosophy in an area that was the cradle of modern
terrorism, although Russia aided greatly in its evolution and development.

First, they (the Arab countries) tried feudalism and it failed. Then they
tried Pan-Arabism, which also failed. After that, they flirted with the
Western culture and were disappointed. Now, they (the extremists) are very
frustrated and they (the terrorists) seize upon a seventh century code that
they feel justifies them in killing the 'infidel'.

BROWNE: Do you share the view of some that an imminent nuclear, chemical or
biological terrorist threat now exists?

GEN HAIG: Speaking optimistically, I do not think that any terrorist
organization yet has an effective means of delivery. But we should issue a
firm warning in advance that we would retaliate in kind and in a devastating

BROWNE: That should act as a serious deterrent to rogue states.

GEN HAIG: That's right.

BROWNE: Do you see the president's establishment of a Homeland Defense

[CTRL] Kim Slams Russia's Communists

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kim Slams Russia's Communists Wires
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001
MOSCOW -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Il returned to Pyongyang from a
three-week trip to Russia with impressions entirely different from those he
was getting from conversations with Russia's communist leaders, a senior
Russian official said Wednesday.
Kim did not give a rather flattering mark to the Russian Communist Party's
leadership, Konstantin Pulikovsky, Russian President Vladimir Putin's
regional envoy in Russia's Far East, told Interfax news agency.

Pulikovsky should know - he was the man Putin appointed to travel with Kim
across Russia on the reclusive Korean leader's bullet-proof train.

The trip was Kim's first to Russia in the capacity of the head of state.

According to Pulikovsky, Kim was surprised to see the progress Russia had
achieved during a decade of post-Soviet democratic reform.

Kim's perception of Russia, added the envoy, was chiefly based on the stories
he was told by Russia's communist leaders on their frequent visits to

They (the communist bosses) misled him by saying that Russia was
impoverished and that it knelt before American imperialism, Pulikovsky said.

According to Pulikovsky, the Korean leader was able to witness the opposite
during his trip as he visited a number of places that were not originally
included into his official schedule.

Kim's hosts took him on his request to visit the subway stations, local
stores, factories and other facilities that produced an impression on the
leader, concluded Pulikovsky.

The blame for his inadequate perception of Russia is partly Kim's -- pledging
loyalty to the communist cause, he shunned the government of Putin's
predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, and maintained contacts exclusively with Russia's

Last year, Putin's diplomatic efforts achieved a breakthrough as Kim pledged
to build stronger ties with the Kremlin and promote openness at home that
could eventually lead to the end of North Korea's isolation by the world

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[CTRL] Social Network Diagram For ARBUSTO Energy Inc.

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

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