Re: [CTRL] Stone-Throwers to Be Treated Like Gunmen: Israeli Radio

2002-10-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

If the Palestinians love their children, they will keep them at home not
send them to the front lines.

Yes. Those dastardly Palestinians 'sending' children 'to the front lines'
(front lines being Palestinian cities and towns).

Well those smart Israelis know how to deal with this dirty trick -

Yeah, that'l teachem!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Robert Fisk: How to shut up your critics with a single word

2002-10-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: How to shut up your critics with a single word

21 October 2002

Thank God, I often say, for the Israeli press. For where else will you find the sort of courageous condemnation of Israel's cruel and brutal treatment of the Palestinians? Where else can we read that Moshe Ya'alon, Ariel Sharon's new chief of staff, described the "Palestinian threat" as "like a cancer – there are all sorts of solutions to cancerous manifestations. For the time being, I am applying chemotherapy."

Where else can we read that the Israeli Herut Party chairman, Michael Kleiner, said that "for every victim of ours there must be 1,000 dead Palestinians". Where else can we read that Eitan Ben Eliahu, the former Israeli Air Force commander, said that "eventually we will have to thin out the number of Palestinians living in the territories". Where else can we read that the new head of Mossad, General Meir Dagan – a close personal friend of Mr Sharon – believes in "liquidation units", that other Mossad men regard him as a threat because "if Dagan brings his morality to the Mossad, Israel could become a country in which no normal Jew would want to live".

You will have to read all this in Ma'ariv, Ha'aretz or Yediot Ahronot because in much of the Western world, a vicious campaign of slander is being waged against any journalist or activist who dares to criticise Israeli policies or those that shape them. The all-purpose slander of "anti-Semitism" is now used with ever-increasing promiscuity against anyone – people who condemn the wickedness of Palestinian suicide bombings every bit as much as they do the cruelty of Israel's repeated killing of children – in an attempt to shut them up.

Daniel Pipes and Martin Kramer of the Middle East Forum now run a website in the United States to denounce academics who are deemed to have shown "hatred of Israel". One of the eight professors already on this contemptible McCarthyite list – it is grotesquely called "Campus Watch" – committed the unpardonable sin of signing a petition in support of the Palestinian scholar Edward Said. Pipes wants students to inform on professors who are guilty of "campus anti-Semitism".

The University of North Carolina is being targeted – apparently because freshmen were required to read passages from the Koran – along with Harvard where, like students in many other US universities, undergraduates are demanding that their colleges disinvest in companies that sell weapons to Israel. In some cases, American universities – which happily disinvested in tobacco companies – have now taken the step of blocking all student access to their records of investment.

Lawrence Summers, the Jewish president of Harvard, has denounced "profoundly anti-Israel views" in "progressive intellectual communities", that are – I enjoyed this academic sleight of hand – "advocating and taking actions that are anti-semitic in their effect if not their intent". Mr Said himself has already described all this as a campaign "to ask students and faculty to inform against pro-Palestinian colleagues, intimidating the right of free speech and seriously curtailing academic freedom".

Ted Honderich, a Canadian-born philosopher who teaches at University College London, tells me that Oxfam has refused to accept £5,000 plus other royalties from his new book After the Terror following a campaign against him in the Toronto-based Globe and Mail. Now I happen to take issue with some of Professor Honderich's conclusions and I think his book – praised by the American-Jewish scholar Noam Chomsky – meanders. I especially don't like his assertion that Palestinians, in trying to free themselves from occupation, have a "moral right to terrorism". Blowing up children in pizzerias – and Professor Honderich's book is not an endorsement of such atrocities – is a crime against humanity. There is no moral right to do this. But what in God's name is Oxfam doing refusing Professor Honderich's money for its humanitarian work? Who was behind this?

Our own John Pilger made a programme for Carlton Television called Palestine Is Still The Issue. I have watched it three times. It is accurate in every historical detail; indeed its historical adviser was a left-wing Israeli academic. But Carlton's own chairman, Michael Green – in one of the most gutless statements in recent British journalism – announced that it was "a tragedy for Israel so far as accuracy is concerned". Why Mr Green should want to utter such trash is beyond me. But what does he mean by "tragedy"? Is he comparing Pilger to a suicide bomber?

And so it goes on. It is left, of course, to the likes of Uri Avneri in Israel to state that "the Sharon government is a giant laboratory for the growing of the anti-Semitism virus". He rightly says that by smearing those who detest the persecution of the Palestinians as anti-Semites, "the 

[CTRL] Waldheim continues to receive UN pension

2002-10-20 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Yet another reason to get rid of the UN, or at least get the US


Linked to WWII crimes, Waldheim continues to receive UN pension

Michael Freund  Oct. 20, 2002

Despite having been linked to Nazi crimes against the Jews, former
Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim continues to receive a
pension from the world body, the New York Daily News reports.

Waldheim, who served as a Wehrmacht intelligence officer and has been
a US Justice Department 'watch list' since 1987, receives an annual
pension of $124,754. He served two five-year terms as the UN's chief
official from 1972 to 1982.

Former US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who served as US
representative to the UN from 1975 to 1976, denounced the continued
payments to Waldheim.

The awful fact that he still receives a UN pension speaks to the
corruption of an institution that has abandoned the principles on
it was established, he said, adding, Waldheim was a low point in UN

In the mid-1980's, a Justice Department probe revealed that Waldheim
assisted or participated in Nazi deportations and executions of
and Yugoslav Jews and allied soldiers in the Balkans during World War
In 1986, Moynihan introduced a nonbinding rider to a congressional
anti-terrorism bill that would have frozen Waldheim's pension by
withholding U.S. contributions to it. The measure was approved, but no
action has ever been taken to implement it.

Waldheim, who is now 83, will continue to receive his UN pension until
his death, at which time his widow will collect half of it annually
she dies.

The paper notes that when Waldheim retired from the UN in 1982, his
pension was $80,000 per year, but that it was repeatedly increased
as evidence surfaced regarding his involvement in war-time atrocities.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dead People With Connections To The Bush Dynasty

2002-10-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Dead People With
Connections To The Bush Dynasty

Serial President - 140+ death row Texecutions   Executing juveniles, the
mentally disabled, the innocent, violating international law by denying
foreign citizens the right to contact their government before they're
sentenced to death, even accusations of genocide   Please, Bush whimpers,
his lips pursed in mock desperation, don't kill me.   A Roster of the Dead
  This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have been called
Witnesses had they not met their untimely ends. Some of the names on this
list will give you pause. Some are rumor. Some you may find incredible, and
some frightening. Do your own research. You will draw your own conclusions.
The above paragraph began the last edition of the Bush Body Count. In
previous editions, there were no special criteria for adding bodies - only
that they could be related to the Bush family in some way, and be dead. In
fact, the original Bush Body Count started as a parody of the so-called
Clinton Death List.   Times have changed. The Bush Body Count is no longer a
parody, and many of the names have been removed. This edition examines the
scandals and misdeeds of the Bush family generations, and lists the corpses
they leave in their wake.   Bush Went Awol - Bodies   Sid Adger Mr. Adger, a
Houston oil supply company executive and Bush family friend, died in 1996 of
unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious businessman who approached General
James Rose and asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending
him for a pilot position with the National Guard.   General James Rose
General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Texas
National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was immediately buried
and no autopsy was performed.   Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr. Lt. Col.
William Harris was one of two commanding officers who could not perform
George W. Bush's annual evaluation covering the year from May 1, 1972 to
April 30, 1973. They stated in their filing that Lt. Bush has not been
observed at this unit during the period of this report. Fortunately for
George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not here to verify his 1973 statement.
He's dead.   Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian was
another of George W. Bush's commanding officers. He cannot testify in a court
of law as to George W. Bush's dereliction of his sworn duty. Lt. Col. Killian
is dead.   James Downing Aalund Mr. Aalund's name is the first on a long list
of young Texans who died in Vietnam. These young men did not have influential
fathers to pull the strings necessary to get them into the Texas Air National
Guard. If they had been so lucky, they would surely have fulfilled their
responsibilities to the ANG, if only out of gratitude that they did not have
to die, thousands of miles away in a strange land. They surely would not have
disappeared from duty for over a year, as did our fearless leader George W.
Bush.   Enron - Bodies   J. Clifford Baxter Found dead in his car, shot in
the head. Mr. Baxter was vice chairman of Enron Corp. when he resigned in May
2001. Enron has been hot copy lately with the revelation that they were the
largest campaign contributors for George W. Bush. Was J. Clifford Baxter a
potential witness to Bush foreknowledge of their wrongdoings? His death was
ruled a suicide.   Charles Dana Rice He was the senior vice president and
treasurer of El Paso Corp., an energy corporation swept up in the recent
energy scandal. Two months after the suicide of Enron executive Clifford
Baxter, in the midst of questions about the accounting practices of El Paso
Corp., Charles Rice was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. His death
was ruled a suicide.   James Daniel Watkins His body was found on December 1,
2001 in the Pike National Forest in Colorado, a gunshot wound to the head.
Mr. Watkins was a consultant for Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm for
Enron. He disappeared on November 13 after he left work. He was described as
a devoted family man who always called home if he were going to be late.
Officials initially said that the death was suspicious, but have changed
their tune and have ruled his death a suicide.   Commerce Secretary Ron Brown
He died in a plane crash on April 3, 1996. Was Ron Brown the first Enron
body? In 1995 Enron officials accompanied Brown on a trade mission to India,
and to Russia in 1994. Speculation among right-wing whackos suggests that our
last duly-elected President, Bill Clinton, was somehow responsible for his
death, but we wonder: was Secretary Brown privy to information that would
conclusively link George W. Bush to Enron greed and corruption? Charles
Meissner, Assistant Commerce Secretary, also died in this crash.   Jake Horton
 He was the senior vice-president of Gulf Power, a subsidiary of Southern
Company, a cohort of Enron in the energy industry, and a 

[CTRL] Fwd: JFK: The Manchurian Candidate and The Final Solution

2002-10-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

 JFK, The Manchurian Candidate and The Final Solution 

Note: These research notes (#1-#54) gathered by Dave Emory are being presented as a framework for the serious JFK assassination researcher's further investigations.  It should be noted that the Editors of this Newsletter DO NOT necessarily agree with ALL of the research notes and statements compiled and documented by David Emory.
He remains strictly responsible for these comments and for their validity.

It introduces several published books of interest including Kevin Coogan's book on Francis Parker Yockey (1999) "Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International" and the Loftus/Aarons title "The Secret War Against the Jews" and "The Beast Reawakens" by Martin Lee.   While these notes do not address the topic of the JFK Assassination directly, many of the names discussed have been indentified as having played a major role in what has been termed the murder of the century including: Spas T. Raikin, Bulgarian Fascist from Yaroslaw Stetsko's and Charles Willoughby's Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) who met Oswald coming off the boat from Russia; Allen Dulles, whose allegiances to the Third Reich via Sullivan and Cromwell have been suspected for a long time; James Angleton and Robert Rocca who did whatever they could to obstruct The Warren Commission, and Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith who is mentioned prominently in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, along with Angleton's father, Hugh, and Dr. Revilo P.Oliver, another staunch anti-Semite implying that JFK's killers were long-time Master Race White Supremacists and Eugenicists and followers of both the rabidly anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi Rev. Gerald L K Smith and Father Charles  Coughlin from Michigan both featured in "Demagogues of the Depression" by Leo Ribuffo and "Ministers of Hate" by Professor Jean Glensonne. 

Most of these books can be purchased at drastic discounts, new or used at
the following website which has over 25,000,000 titles in stock among its member book dealers: 


Once the linkages to the vitriolically pro Fascist World Anti-Communist League and the Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League have been established the pattern should become obvious to all but the terminally obtuse.   The Fascist and anti-Semitic Eugenic solution influences in the pending Assassination of JFK were patently obvious in the late 1950's to Richard Condon.  

And the eventual ringleaders, as predicted by Richard Condon, were world class professional Master Race inspired anti-Semites like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, Gerald L K Smith, Ray S. Cline, Robert J. Morris and Edwin A. Walker as well as Charles A. Willoughby whom Douglas MacArthur affectionately called "my little Fascist".

Those who continue to insist that these Fascist, pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic, Eugenics-inspired influences did not exist in the JFK conundrum, are almost as obtuse and obstructionist and closed minded as the Lone Nutters, in my honest opinion.  And of course, those idiots from the Liberty Lobby and the Institute for Hysterical Revisionism, (IHR) have even gone so far as to insist that the Mossad and the Israelis actually had something to do with planning to have JFK killed, one of their few friends at the time.

Finally there is a reference to Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation who probably will live to regret a statement he once made about The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe P. Draper in the 1980's approximately.  It was this very statement that put me onto the trail of Wickliffe P. Draper, who will someday be known as the man