[CTRL] {attack} EDITORIAL: Environmentalists Face Por Choices in Wind Power (fwd)

2003-07-07 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 21:38:07 -0600
From: Steven Woodcock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: {attack} EDITORIAL: Environmentalists Face Por Choices in Wind




Rich Martin

 \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/
A great editorial from a week or two back about wind power.


Nethaway: Price of chasing the wind
My daughter lives on about 600 acres of South Texas land next to Big Bend National 

When she first said she was interested in buying a section of land that a distant 
relative won in a poker game, I asked why.

There's nothing there, I said.

That land would be lucky to support a goat on 100 acres, which would limit her income 
off the land to a widely scattered herd of six goats. Less if you factor in the 
likelihood that mountain lions would eat her entire herd within a month.

It's beautiful, she said.

The beauty of desert living with a backdrop of mountains and open vistas grows on you.

One day I pointed to an object that jutted up from a ridge north of her property.

What's that?

The owner of the adjacent land had leased the ridge to an outfit with a bright idea 
that failed - microwave tower links to Mexico or something that never worked.

It's a blight on your view, I mused staring at the man-made construction. I had begun 
to appreciate the rocky beauty of nature in the raw.

Walter Cronkite and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. feel the same way about plans by an energy 
outfit to install 130 windmills taller that the Statue of Liberty across 24 square 
miles in Nantucket Sound off the shore from Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

Cronkite and Kennedy find themselves among a growing number of environmentalists who 
oppose the construction of giant wind turbines that are touted as an environmentally 
friendly way to generate electricity without burning fossil fuels and polluting the 

Subsidies cause lease rush

Heavy government subsidies for wind-powered electricity has caused a rush by power 
companies and energy entrepreneurs to buy up leases to install giant wind turbines 
that stretch for miles across the horizon.

The upside to this fastest-growing segment of America's energy picture is that wind is 
free and the electricity generated by windmills does not add to greenhouse gases or 
add to a national dependence on foreign oil.

The downside is that wind power would not be cost-effective without state and federal 
subsidies. Wind farms also take up many miles of prominent landscape and then must 
have transmission lines constructed to connect them to an electrical grid.

Considering the huge footprint they leave on the ground, they produce a relatively 
small amount of electricity.

Even if government subsidies grow a new breed of millionaire wind wildcatters, fossil 
fuel producers also enjoy rich government subsidies.

The main objection to wind farms is that they are an environmental blight on nature 
while attempting to save the environment.

Environmentalists like Cronkite and Kennedy strongly support wind power as long as 
20-story windmills do not alter the landscape of anything they have grown to love.

The problem with that attitude is that some people may love the ocean view off Cape 
Cod and not mind sticking wind farms on mountain ridges in Appalachia or in remote 
desert locations.

Beauty, as the saying goes, is in the eye of the beholder. While practically everyone 
agrees that leviathan windmills stretched across the horizon are an eyesore, there is 
a lot of disagreement over what part of the country is ugly enough to stick these 
things without running the risk of spoiling nature's beauty.

A smaller group of environmentalists oppose wind farms because the churning 100-foot 
plus blades kill migrating birds. A wind farm in California, according to The New York 
Times, is called the condor Cuisinart.

The dispute over the rush to industrialize America's skylines with wind farms boils 
down to visual pollution against air pollution.

Choose your poison It a tough call.
Steven Woodcock
From the High, Snowy Mountains of Colorado

'Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready.' - Teddy 
Roosevelt, 1903

You are welcome to join rich's Rants

[CTRL] Using one war to distract from another

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Using one war to distract from another
By G. Jefferson Price III
Perspective Editor
Originally published July 6, 2003

Keep a sharp eye on Liberia, folks. 

Not that what happens there is of crucial importance to Americans - any more so than, say, what happens in Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Zimbabwe or any other African country where life is dangerous, degrading and desperate, and America has done practically nothing about it. 

By the time you read this column, U.S. forces might have landed in Liberia and it would be logical for Americans to wonder why - why now? If they haven't landed, but the Bush administration is still talking about the possibility, the same question applies. Why Liberia? Why now? The place has been in a state of bloody chaos for more than a decade. 

Could it be that the Bush administration needs a distraction? 

The scenario is awfully reminiscent of one that existed almost 20 years ago, when Ronald Reagan was president and George Bush senior was his vice president. 

American troops were in Lebanon to help save democracy from godless communism and its terrorist surrogates, and to bring order and stability to a bad place, preferably under a Christian leadership. 

American Marines were being shot at and killed. Most Lebanese, especially the Lebanese Shiites, were not happy the Marines were there. Then one terrible day, a Shiite drove a truck bomb into the Marine barracks near Beirut airport and the explosion killed more than 200 U.S. servicemen. 

This disaster shocked the Reagan White House and the American people who wondered what on earth American Marines were doing in Lebanon. The world press was glued to the grisly scene in Beirut, where Marines were being brought out of the rubble, one body after another. 

One day they focused on Vice President Bush, who surveyed the rubble dressed in a helmet and a flak jacket and proclaimed that America would not let "a bunch of insidious terrorists shape the foreign policy of the United States." He also promised, "We are not going to let our friends down because of terror." 

Later events rather quickly proved that Bush was wrong on both counts. "Insidious terrorists" quickly changed the policy of the United States government in Lebanon. 

Within a year, the U.S. Marines and the naval armada lying off the coast of Lebanon were gone. America's friends in Lebanon - whoever they were - were left to their own devices. 

And today, a bunch of insidious terrorists has had a drastic impact on the shape of American policy. 

The bombing of the Marine barracks happened on a Sunday morning in late October 1983. Bush's visit was the following Wednesday. That Friday, Reagan ordered the invasion of the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada, where he claimed Godless communists were taking over and threatening America. 

Grenada? Anybody remember that pathetic place in the catalog of Reagan adventures? The debate goes on over whether there was any cause to invade the island to get rid of the communists from Cuba and the Soviet Union. Most people don't remember Grenada. But it served its purpose in a couple of ways in 1983, and one of them was to distract from the tragedy of Beirut. 

Today, President Bush, whose foreign and domestic policies are overwhelmed by insidious terrorism, has America deeply settled into the aftermath of a war in Iraq, which is not going well at all. 

It is similar to Lebanon in some ways, but worse. 

No one dragged America into Iraq as they did in Lebanon. The war is not over, no matter what Bush may say, because American soldiers are still being killed by Iraqis. 

In Iraq, as in Lebanon, America says it wants to bring freedom and stability to the Iraqi people, but they do not want America's style of democracy and freedom. 

Weapons of mass destruction, the main reason for going after Saddam Hussein, have not been found. Neither has Hussein been found. Iraq's vast oil fields are not working. The talk from the president - when he's not doing his macho "Bring them on" - is that Americans will be in Iraq for a long and dangerous time. 

Not a happy picture. 

Imagine how delightful, under the circumstances, it would be to go to a place like Liberia where people are being shown on television pleading for the United States to come and rescue their country. All those happy faces cheerfully welcoming U.S. troops dispatched by President Bush. 

Though there is strong post-Somalia reticence about all things African, the possibilities must still seem irresistible to the Bush handlers. 

Reagan had Grenada. Bush could have Liberia. Shucks, there are probably some al-Qaida there. 

Remember Wag the Dog, the film that came out during Bill Clinton's presidency? It was a marvelous satire about a president who was in trouble over a love affair and whose handlers created a phony war to distract the public. 

If Bush sends troops to Liberia, it would be 

[CTRL] Quizzing Them on 9/11 (Bush and Clinton)

2003-07-07 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

If it happens at all it will be in closed sessions. Then it can be spun any 
way they want through "leaks."





  Sunday, Jul. 06, 
  2003Quizzing Them on 
  9/11Bush and Clinton may be asked to meet with the independent 
  commission investigating the terrorist 
  Will President Bush be summoned before the independent commission 
  investigating 9/11? It now appears very likely. John Lehman, Ronald 
  Reagan's Navy Secretary and one of five Republicans on the 10-member 
  panel, told TIME that he wants both President Bush and former President 
  Clinton to meet with the commission and discuss matters that could include 
  what their Administrations knew about the al-Qaeda terrorist plots—and 
  what was done to combat them—before the 9/11 attacks. 
  With the commission evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, 
  Lehman's position makes it all but certain that a majority will support a 
  request to interview Bush and Clinton. "I don't think any commission 
  should ever formally call a President to testify," Lehman said, "but I 
  think it is very much in the country's interest—and in both President 
  Clinton's and President Bush's interest—to meet directly with the 
  commissioners." Responded White House press secretary Ari Fleischer: "The 
  White House has been and will continue to cooperate with the commission." 
  Investigation fever is building on Capitol Hill. Richard Shelby, former 
  top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, who complained that 
  federal agencies like the cia and countries like Saudi Arabia hampered the 
  congressional probe into the Sept. 11 attacks, has a new angle. Term 
  limits forced the Alabama Republican off the intelligence panel this year, 
  but as new chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, he is setting up 
  hearings aimed at terrorist funding. A Shelby aide says the hearings will 
  have "the Executive Branch telling the committee what they've done with 
  the Patriot Act," the post-9/11 law that expanded the government's 
  antiterror capabilities. The aide says the hearings' focus will include 
  the CIA and the governments of Saudi Arabia and Yemen—and what they're 
  doing to stanch the flow of terrorists' funds. 

Copyright © 2003 Time Inc. All rights 
  reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is 
Privacy Policy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-07-07 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Excerpts from chapter three of Nikola Tesla's autobiography entitled My Inventions.

The Discovery of the Rotating Magnetic Field

.I received word that my father wished me to go on a shooting expedition. It was a strange request as he had been always strenuously opposed to this kind of sport. But a few days later I learned that the cholera was raging in that district and, taking advantage of an opportunity, I returned to Gospic in disregard of my parents' wishes. It is incredible how absolutely ignorant people were as to the causes of this scourge which visited the country in intervals of from fifteen to twenty years. They thought that the deadly agents were transmitted thru the air and filled it with pungent odors and smoke. In the meantime they drank the infected water and died in heaps.
Another one of my projects was to construct a ring around the equator which would, of course, float freely and could be arrested in its spinning motion by reactionary forces, thus enabling travel at a rate of about one thousand miles an hour, impracticable by rail. The reader will smile. The plan was difficult of execution, I will admit, but not nearly so bad as that of a well-known New York professor, who wanted to pump the air from the torrid to the temperate zones, entirely forgetful of the fact that the Lord had provided a gigantic machine for this very purpose.
It was in the second year of my studies that we received a Gramme dynamo from Paris, having the horseshoe form of a laminated field magnet, and a wire-wound armature with a commutator. It was connected up and various effects of the currents were shown. While Prof. Poeschl was making demonstrations, running the machine as a motor, the brushes gave trouble, sparking badly, and I observed that it might be possible to operate a motor without these appliances. But he declared that it could not be done and did me the honor of delivering a lecture on the subject, at the conclusion of which he remarked: "Mr. Tesla may accomplish great things, but he certainly never will do this. It would be equivalent to converting a steadily pulling force, like that of gravity, into a rotary effort. It is a perpetual motion scheme, an impossible idea."" But instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical
 deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile. For a time I wavered, imprest by the professor's authority, but soon became convinced I was right and undertook the task with all the fire and boundless confidence of youth.
In 1899, when I was past forty and carrying on my experiments in Colorado, I could hear very distinctly thunderclaps at a distance of 550 miles. The limit of audition for my young assistants was scarcely more than 150 miles. My ear was thus over thirteen times more sensitivein Budapest I could heare the ticking of a watch with three rooms between me and the time-piece...sun's rays, when periodically intercepted, would cause blows of such force on my brain that they would stun mein the dark I had the sense of a bat and could detect the presence of an object at a distance of twelve feet by a peculiar creepy sensation on the forehead.
One afternoon, which is ever present in my recollection, I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the City Park and reciting poetry. At that age I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethe's "Faust." The sun was just setting and reminded me of the glorious passage:
"Sie ruckt und weicht, der Tag ist uberlebt,
Dort eilt sie hin und fordert neues Leben.
Oh, dass kein Flugel mich vom Boden hebt
Ihr mach und immer nach zu streben! 1
* * *
Ein schoner Traum indesen sie entweicht,
Ach, zu des Geistes Flugeln wird so leicht
Kein korperlicher Flugel sich gesellen!" 2
As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagrams shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him: "See my motor here; watch me reverse it." I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence.
1 "The glow retreats, done is the day of toil;
It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring;
Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil
Upon its track to follow, follow soaring!"

2 A glorious dream! though now the glories fade.
Alas! the wings that lift the mind no aid
Of wings to lift the body can bequeath 

[CTRL] Rainbow gathering sticks to the rules

2003-07-07 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Rainbow gathering sticks to the rules 

 Rainbow Family members hold an impromptu jam session Tuesday as the annual counterculture gathering, this year held on Forest Service land near Lyman Lake in the Wasatch National Forest, continues. Rainbows make decisions by consensus and endorse no hierarchy in their camp. (Leah Hogsten/The Salt Lake Tribune) 
By Linda Fantin The Salt Lake Tribune  Steven Hawking did not have to attend a Rainbow Family reunion to understand chaos theory, but for nongeniuses the experience can be helpful.  For starters, there is nothing like a naked, hairy 50-year-old man squatting in a meadow to remind you of the power of spontaneity.  But individual _expression_ aside, the Rainbows have turned the Uinta Mountains into an outdoor laboratory demonstrating how, with time, order can emerge from undesirable randomness.  The Rainbows are a vast, leaderless collective of latter-day hippies, anarchists and street people that congregates once a year on public lands to espouse peace and denounce the trappings of the real world, or as they call it, Babylon. They make decisions by consensus and endorse no hierarchy. They call themselves "the largest
 nonorganization of nonmembers."  But, for all their counterculture vibes, Rainbows are highly organized. They construct elaborate kitchens and campsites using miles of PVC pipe and water-filtering systems. They have a sophisticated system of radio checkpoints and their own security. They even have an information booth.  A Rainbow gathering functions much like a commune. It is an experiment in peaceful living and a study in adaptability. 



 Hitchin' a ride: For the first to arrive in the Lyman Lake area of the Uintas, parking options were limited only by a car's clearance (or not, judging by the occasional muffler in the road) and the driver's definition of camping spot. They parked as close to the trailhead as possible, reserving the best spot for people living in buses and vans.  It wasn't long, however, before the Rainbows were forced to establish park-and-ride lots several miles down the hill. The first shuttle, an old yellow school bus, broke down, and now, any vehicle with two or more passengers is considered a Rainbow shuttle.  The system does not exactly conjure up images of the 2002 Winter Games. There are no schedules and the waits are shorter, too. But Rainbow shuttle drivers are every bit as friendly, efficient and resourceful as their Olympic counterparts. Our driver crammed six adults, 10 sacks of groceries, three watermelons and several
 overstuffed backpacks into a new Jeep.  He rented it, he said, at the Salt Lake International Airport. "I just said I was going camping, and they gave me this," he said.  As the Jeep passes through the shuttle checkpoint, a Rainbow woman speaks into her walkie-talkie to whomever is listening. "Could someone please locate 'Freedom' from the healing arts/yoga camp and relay where to drop the watermelons and other supplies?" she asks.  Just when you think that has got to be a rhetorical question, the radio crackles to life:  "At Bus Village."  "Copy that."   Tolls and trolls: This particular checkpoint -- which only shuttles can go past -- is not the Family's idea, but that of the U.S. Forest Service, the federal agency in charge of containing the campout. It was the Forest Service that forced the creation of the park-and-ride lots in
 the first place and, at one juncture, even required shuttle drivers to surrender their licenses to keep them from sneaking more cars closer to the gathering site.  Eager to minimize confrontations with rangers, veteran Rainbows serve as the gatekeepers. Even the inhabitants of the alcohol, or "A," camp get into the act, bellowing belligerently at cars to slow down. Drive too fast and you just might miss the A-camp "wanted" sign pleading for "beer, whiskey, pot and white women."  A more dramatic example of Rainbow self-policing is evident wherever rangers on horses congregate. These mounties are more menacing than the field hands assigned to check foot bridges and monitor wildlife habitat, and are therefore magnets for the more antagonistic Rainbows. To avoid conflict, other Rainbows volunteer to be bodyguards for the mounties. And you thought guarding the parking lots was the assignment from hell.  On Tuesday, six
 mounties rested at the edge of Trading Circle, a poor man's flea market where Rainbows trade everything from bongs to Beanie Babies to Power Bars to sugar packets.  As a woman held her baby up to pet one of the horses, a bodyguard radioed for backup.  "Um, these guys say they are going to be here all day. I repeat. All. Day. I'm gonna need some relief. Do you copy?"  Just then a white-bearded man with saggy breasts wandered by.  "What would you do if I kicked your horse?" the man queried.  "I'd probably arrest you," the ranger replied.  In an instant, a husky 

[CTRL] Guerrilla Warfare in Iraq

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Guerrilla Warfare in Iraq

Polaria  iraqwar.ru 7 July 2003 

Analysis of casualties since 1st of May

Certified Iraqi casualties during the occupation (after 1st of May) 
2112 Imprisoned 
165 killed 
- 145 killed in firefights 
- 7 shot during demonstrations 
- 13 killed on checkpoints or during routine patrols 

Certified coalition casualties during the occupation (after 1st of May) 
82 soldiers killed 
7 Iraqi collaborators 
- 38 killed by traffic accidents, helicopter crashes, drowning, non-combat gunshots and unspecifies non-combat incidents 
- 39 killed in ambushes, firefights and sniper attacks 
- 10 killed by mines or in accidental detonation of unexploded ammunition 
- 2 killed by disease or died of natural reasons 

The attacks against coalition troops in Iraq have continued unstopped since the 1st of May when president Bush announced that major combat operation in Iraq were over. During the last weeks a clear pattern of change in the nature of coalition casualties has emerged as an increasing number of coalition troops have been killed in firefights, sniper attacks and ambushes. 

During the occupational period of the war 82 coalition troopers have been killed, 32 of which as a direct result of enemy action. The coalition has also lost two helicopters and a fighter plane during the occupation period. One of the helicopters was a trasport UH-60 called for medevac and rammed by M2 Bradley during a chaotic firefight, another was a AH-64 Apache shot down during a raid north of Baghdad. The reason of the F-16 crashing is still unclear but it also happened during this raid so low flying and anti-aircraft fire probably contributed in the crash. During the first weeks of occupation many of the ambushes against colaition troops were clumsy affairs of drive-by shooting which almost invariably resulted in the ambushers themselves being cut down by overwhelming american firepower. Lately the strikes have become more effective and a number of old but effective guerrilla tactics like sniping, road-side ambushes and remote controlled explosive chrages have been used. The weapons have also evolved and an increasing number of attacks have been made with mortars and RPGs instead of assault rifles. 

38 of the 82 killed coalition troopers have died in helicopter crashes, traffic accidents and other similar reasons. Recent evidence suggests that in many of the incidents the accidents and crashes happened during very chaotic situations during or immeadeatly after an ambush or attack against coalition troops. In many incidences helicopters have crashed while flying very low at high speeds, during the night and probably in great haste. Similar situation also aplies to many of the traffic accidents which have happened during a firefight following ambush or while the vehicle was on its way to respond to an ambush. Enemy fire may also have contributed to the deaths. 

At the same time 1830 Iraqis have been imprisoned by coalition troops and 165 have been killed as a direct result of the use of weapons by coalition troops. So far no reliable data is available on how many of the 165 Iraqis were resistance fighters and how many were innocent civilians shot by accident or caught in the crossfire. As there the coalition command has so far been very hesitant on releasing any information on Iraqi casualties during the fighting it can be concluded that the real number of Iraqi casualties due to coalition use of weapons is probably much higher. As at least 145 of the 165 killed Iraqis were found carrying weapons at the time the were shot so it is safe to assume that the number of actual resistance fighters killed is 100-150 individuals. 

It is impossible to have realiable data on the number of Iraqi casualties that have resulted due to secondary effects of coalition and Iraqi weapons or whose circumstances have been inadvertly caused by ambushes or firefights nearby. As many of the firefights, ambushes and following traffic accidents have happened in populated areas and heavy firepower has been used it is more than probable that a significant number of people have been killed and injured by stray bullets, shrapnel, mines exploding at the wrong time and Iraqi cars crashing in the traffic accidents and ambushes. 

At this point it is impossible to estimate how many of the attacks agains coalition troops have been made by volunteer Fedayeen fighters, how many by the remnants of the Iraqi Special Forces trained to conduct guerrilla warfare and how many by ad hoc units of resistance fighters without formal training. It is, however, most probable that all these have contributed to the attacks. This means that any attempt to plant the responsibility to common criminals or terrorists is propaganda aimed for getting more popular support for coalition actions against these elements opposing the occupation. 

So far it can be conclude that 32 coalition troopers have been 

[CTRL] Pvt. Lynch Rescuer Dies In Wreck - Did he know too much?

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Iraq war veteran killed in Highway 11 wreck
Posted Monday, July 7, 2003 - 3:24 am

By Paul Alongi

Josh Daniel Speer, a 21-year-old Marine who died in a single-vehicle wreck Sunday, poses with his weapons in Iraq.

A Marine who was home for the first time since fighting in Iraq died Sunday morning when the vehicle he was driving veered off State 11 and crashed into some trees, authorities said. Josh Daniel Speer, 21, died instantly about 8 a.m. while en route to his fiancee's house, said Kent Dill, a Greenville County deputy coroner. 

Speer was a member of a unit that helped rescue Jessica Lynch, the Army private captured by Iraqis near Nasiriyah, said Capt. Shawn Turner, a corps spokesman. Details of the unit's role weren't available, he said. 

Speer arrived at Camp Lejeune last Saturday after steaming back to the United States aboard the USS Kearsarge. The family said he was back home in Marietta for the first time Thursday and spent the weekend enjoying time with them. 

Holly Coupe, his fiancee, said Speer sent her a letter from Iraq that said, "The first thing I'll do when I get back is put a ring on your finger." 

It didn't happen this weekend because they went to Frankie's Fun Park, but she expected him to give her the ring while hiking next Saturday, she said. 

"I lost him, but it's the Lord's will," Coupe said while choking back tears. "It's hard to accept, but I have to. He has bigger plans for him." 

Family and friends gathered at the home of Speer's parents in the woods of Marietta. They smiled while remembering his life and cried at the thought of losing him. 

"He loved God, his family and his country," said his mother, Shirley Speer. 

His father, John Speer, said the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks played a pivotal role in his son's decision to join the Marines. 

"I feel very proud," John Speer said. "We trained our children to be patriotic and God-honoring people." 

Dan Eshleman, pastor of Faith Independent Church, said Josh Speer visited him shortly after the attacks. He had a fearful look in his face and didn't answer when asked what was wrong, Eshleman said. 

Over the next few weeks, Eshleman said Josh Speer would ask if he should enlist. Eshleman told him to do the will of God. 

By November 2001, Josh Speer had joined the corps. 

"This was his way of doing something to counteract what they had done," Eshleman said. "He gave it his all." 

Josh Speer, who was wearing his seat belt, ran off the right side of State 11 near Dill Road and overturned several times, said Lance Cpl. Dan Marsceau of the state Highway Patrol. He died on the scene, Dill said. 

Josh Speer, the youngest of seven children, graduated from Pleasantview Christian Academy in 2000, family said. He was born in Toccoa, Ga., but lived nearly his entire life in Marietta. 

His plan was to make a career out of the Marine Corps, family said. 

William Coupe, who would have been his father-in-law, said he was proud of Josh Speer. 

"Out of everybody you want your daughter to marry, he's the guy," he said. "I loved him like a son." 

Paul Alongi can be reached at 298-4746. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] What Do STEGO'S WMD Have In Common?

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon

7-7-2003 - What Do STEGO'S and WMD'S Have In Common?
12:15 pm GMT

I'm being haunted by the word 'steganography' and since it's cropped up in the strangest places daily, even to seeing stego in action in a movie, I have to give this another go. I reported on terrorists and the probable use of steganography by the bin lad and Al Q crew in December. I almost didn't go this route today because I discovered it's been addressed many times since I wrote about it in much the same way. 

Ah, steganography. As old as a runner's tattooed message-bearing scalp. I remember writing messages with milk and lemon juice as a kid and tripping hard as the heat from a match brought out the words. It was like magic. I didn't know it had a name. Good article on it, "Steganography: How to Send a Secret Message" written in October 2001. 

Since it's been yelling in my ear, I tackled it again. I found a few surprises. Things have changed since then, like it being illegal in many states and legislation pending in others. This is no shocker in light of the way The Powers are doing things these days. It's part of the Super-DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) that has gone into effect in many states and is pending in others. 

It passed in Michigan in March and one of the sneaky little provisions has made a guy remove his work on stego from a state-based server to one offshore. 

"A University of Michigan graduate student noted for his research into steganography and honeypots -- techniques for concealing messages and detecting hackers, respectively -- says he's been forced to move his research papers and software offshore and prohibit U.S. residents from accessing it, in response to a controversial new state law that makes it a felony to possess software capable of concealing the existence or source of any electronic communication. 

Provos says the Michigan law also makes most of his academic career a crime. Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content. He's developed software to detect some types of stego in image files, but he's also worked the other side, developing improved methods for preventing a message from being detected. He also wrote "HoneyD," a free program that simulates a network of computers, with the aim of luring in and detecting hackers. The deceptive software arguably conceals the source of a communication. 

The Super DMCA began quietly passing state legislatures two years ago, but did not come to public attention until last month, when the broad language in some versions of the bill immediately sparked anger from technologists and public interest groups. 

The law, which took effect on March 31st, typifies the legislation: Among other things, residents of the Great Lakes State can no longer knowingly "assemble, develop, manufacture, possess, deliver, offer to deliver, or advertise" any device or software that conceals "the existence or place of origin or destination of any telecommunications service." It's also a crime to provide written instructions on creating such a device or program. Violators face up to four years in prison." 

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) has an immense amount of information about this on their site. I urge you to read it and check your state's status out. My focus is not on the DMCA, but on stego. Why has it suddenly become a subject again?

The feds and military are scared to death of steganography. 

Why are most links dead relating to open source or in many cases the tools. Why do WetStone Technologies seem to be running a legal scam about steganography by offering expensive courses about the practice? They begin this month, to the tune of 1500 US smackeroos. The government has their hand in this as they need to have a surefire way to detect the plethora of stegos on the net, from sites, to popups to email images. Of course they think the only applications for this have to be terror related. Jeezus what isn't these days. Oh yeah, their stego tool, a cool 8 thousand bucks. I find it more than interesting that their homepage opens to stego, stego, stego. 

According to blackhat.com, who's doing a course in conjunction with WetStone: "Pre-requisites.Students will be required to have basic computer skills and knowledge of the Windows environment. They will be subject to a background verification prior to final acceptance into the course. Students are not required to provide any materials.

Who should attend? Law enforcement, Intelligence,Security Consultants, Corporate Investigators, Forensic Accountants ,Other IT Investigators.
Course Length: 2 days

Cost: US $2000 on or before July 3, 2003, or US $2200 after July 3, 2003
NOTE: this is a two day course. A Black Hat Certificate of Completion will be offered."

I was taken aback by the word blackhat and to be sure I checked it out.

From a book called "Know Your Enemy".

"My commander used to tell me 

[CTRL] Iraq`s Invasion of Kuwait

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Iraq`s Invasion of Kuwait

Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Background to the 1991 Gulf War

Early last year, I decided there were so many public misconceptions of what was going on in Iraq that I would write a book about the roots of the 1990 Gulf War and the events of the last decade. I wrote several chapters but abandoned the project when I could find no publisher interested in a book that would view that history from the Iraqi perspective as well as from Washington's. Here is an excerpt from the chapter on Saddams rationale for invading Kuwait, material largely forgotten in the years since, but worth reviewing today. It consists largely of a letter from Saddam to President Bush and the transcript of a conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad.

* * * * *

On July 25, 1990, a week before Iraq invaded Kuwait, a neighbor so tiny one American diplomat called it a gas station in the desert, Saddam Hussein summoned the American Ambassador, a career civil servant named April Glaspie, to his office. To critics of the Gulf War, what happened at that meeting has been known since as the green light.Saddam essentially explains his economic predicament, complains of the economic warfare being waged against Iraq by Kuwait, and asks for the official U.S. government view. Ms. Glaspie, acting under instructions from Washington, knows the situation in the neighborhood is tense, as the Iraqi army has massed at a short distance from its border with Kuwait. 

The transcript provides the best sense of Saddam Husseins calculations on how to proceed and also leaves the impression, especially with Ambassador Glaspie, that things will almost certainly work out in the weekend discussions between Iraq and Kuwait. Note she says at the end of the meeting that she thought perhaps she might delay her vacation trip, but given the tone of the meeting with him, she will proceed to Washington and perhaps be able to deliver his letter to President Bush in person. As you see here, the transcript of that meeting was not made publicly available until it appeared in the New York Times more than seven weeks later. By that time the Bush administration had already determined that Saddams invasion of Kuwait was an aggression comparable to the fascist power grabs of the 1930s. The charges that he had gassed his own people in an Arabic holocaust were dusted off after having been dismissed earlier in 1990 by a U.S. Army War College report. Most of the best informed political leaders in Washington have never read the transcript, let alone the American people. I would be astonished if I learned that President Bush ever even knew of its existence. It is reprinted here in its entirety, with my comments at the conclusion:

* * * * *


Excerpts From Iraqi Document on Meeting with U.S. Envoy

Special to The New York Times

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 -- On July 25, President Saddam Hussein of Iraq summoned the United States Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie, to his office in the last high-level contact between the two Governments before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on Aug. 2. Here are excerpts from a document described by Iraqi Government officials as a transcript of the meeting, which also included the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz. A copy was provided to The New York Times by ABC News, which translated from the Arabic. The State Department has declined to comment on its accuracy.

SADDAM HUSSEIN: I have summoned you today to hold comprehensive political discussions with you. This is a message to President Bush. You know that we did not have relations with the U.S. until 1984 and you know the circumstances and reasons which caused them to be severed. The decision to establish relations with the U.S. were taken in 1980 during the two months prior to the war between us and Iran.

When the war started, and to avoid misinterpretation, we postponed the establishment of relations hoping that the war would end soon.

But because the war lasted for a long time, and to emphasize the fact that we are a non-aligned country, it was important to re-establish relations with the U.S. And we choose to do this in 1984.

It is natural to say that the U.S. is not like Britain, for example, with the latter's historic relations with Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq. In addition, there were no relations between Iraq and the U.S. between 1967 and 1984. One can conclude it would be difficult for the U.S. to have a full understanding of many matters in Iraq. When relations were re-established we hoped for a better understanding and for better cooperation because we too do not understand the background of many American decisions. We dealt with each other during the war and we had dealings on various levels. The most important of those levels were with the foreign ministers.

U.S.-Iraq Rifts

We had hoped for a better common understanding and a better 

[CTRL] the truth about the Friedmans - not the movie, the truth

2003-07-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
Here are excerpts from an article in Newsday in 1989

It describes allegations of Arnold Friedman's involvement in child pornography and child abuse.

There are graphic descriptions of child abuse below. 

The Secret Life Of Arnold Friedman Friends and parents knew him as a respected teacher. What they didn't know was that he and his son were sexually abusing pre-teen boysBy Alvin E. Bessent May 28, 1989 "The investigation had been going on for two years. In July, 1984, U. S. Customs officials at Kennedy airport had plucked a small parcel from the stream of boxes and envelopes culled daily for contraband. They had learned to be suspicious of small parcels in plain brown wrappers like the one sent from Holland to Arnold Friedman, 17 Picadilly Rd., Great Neck, Long Island. Inside was a magazine called Boy Love. It featured low-budget color photos of nude boys and graphic pictures of men having sex with children. Postal authorities were alerted and the investigation was launched. Using an undercover name and address, a postal inspector wrote to Arnold Friedman and asked if he had "boy lover" material to sell. "I have none to sell but am interested in obtaining," Friedman responded three days later. "Do you know of any sources?" The inspector, who called himself Stan, wrote back but heard nothing from Friedman for more than a year. Then, the day after Christmas, 1985, Friedman renewed the correspondence. "I have a great photo book from Holland that might be copyable. Could you do it?" Other letters followed; the correspondents became "Stan" and "Arnie." "The book is `Joe and his Uncle,' " Arnie wrote. "I think I'd like you to send me something (sort of good faith) and I will forward this rather precious book to you." Stan sent two photos and on Feb. 8, 1986, Arnie mailed a large envelope with a handwritten note. "Stan - Enjoy! Arnie." Inside was the magazine "Joe and His Uncle" - kiddie-porn from a company in Denmark. It was the breakthrough the postal inspectors had been waiting for. The correspondence built up; Arnie even filled out a questionnaire from Stan for an ostensible porn pen-pal club. On Nov. 3, 1987, an inspector dressed as a postman returned "Joe and his Uncle" to the house on Picadilly Road where Arnold Friedman gave computer lessons to children. Fifteen minutes later, government officials and Nassau police, armed with a warrant, raided the home. They found a foot-high stack of child pornography secreted behind a piano in the living room. And there were grimmer discoveries - child-sized dildoes in a cabinet just outside a makeshift classroom." "Police said that 140 children - ranging in age from 7 to 12 - would finally admit what they had been too shamed and afraid to tell their parents. Some of them still wet their beds, take baseball bats to bed with them or are unable to sleep. "If you murder someone, seconds later they're dead," says the father of one of the young victims. "This was like a prolonged torture they subjected the kids to." "Police have given the following account of what happened in Arnold Friedman's computer class:Soon the children found that Arnold knew they'd discovered the racy pictures. He told them he understood. Their parents would get uptight about things like that, he said, but they could talk to him about anything. Next the children were introduced to the pornographic computer discs. Things like "Stroker," in which the player could make a graphic representation of a man masturbate. And "Strip Poker," in which a prone woman figure would shed clothing as the game progressed until she was naked. Or "Talking Sam" in which a male figure would expose his genitals and ask the kids questions about sex. Det. Sgt. Frances Galasso, head of the Nassau sex crimes unit, said the Friedmans had the children mimic the actions of the computer figure in "Talking Sam." "The Friedmans would demonstrate that on the kids, touch them on their private parts and have the kids touch them." As a reward for keeping quiet, children were allowed to take computer discs home to copy. In a few cases, police found such discs in the homes of Friedman's students. None of the parents knew what the discs contained, police said. Experts said this added to the youngsters' feelings of complicity. And the children were warned that if they told anyone what was going on there would be no more computer classes in Great Neck, Arnold Friedman would go to jail and it would be all their fault. "I really wanted to take computer so I never told anyone about what was going on except my dog," said one 8-year-old victim in his statement to police. Inexorably, police said, the Friedmans increased the abuse, touching and fondling and performing sex acts. Boys were eventually told to drop their pants. The Friedmans would sometimes expose themselves, walk around the room and order their young 

[CTRL] Flight 007 Revisited

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Korean Airlines Flight 007 Revisited (Ukrainian News Account)

Note: Originally this article was found on the web site of Facti i Kommentarii, a Ukrainian weekly newspaper

By Vladimir Kolychev 

Almost 20 years after the tragic accident with a South Korean civilian plane a lot of crucial questions still remain unanswered by the experts. One question is if the Jumbo Jet strayed off course into the aerospace of the Soviet Union intentionally. 

Recently Facti published a report on the terrorist bombing of a civilian Boeing 737 in the airport of Bangkok resulted with death of a flight attendant and injury of 7 other people onboard. In the tragic events of 1983 a single Soviet intercepting fighter fired its air-to-air missiles on a South Korean Boeing 747 bringing to death 269 passengers and crew whose bodies were never to be discovered. The "Facti" correspondent interviewed few officials who were members of the team investigating the tragedy. 

The Jumbo Looked Quite Alike a Spy Plane 

Anyone who wants to understand the reason of downing the Korean jumbo jet should be at least generally aware of the situation existing in the Soviet Air Defense forces at that time,  says Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of Ukrainian Air Defense Force Lieutenant-General Valeri Kaminski who was Chief of Staff of an Air Defense division on the Far Eastern Theatre Military Operations of the Soviets 18 years ago.  In 1978 a Korean Air Lines Boeing 707 en route from Paris to Seoul via Anchorage strayed into the Soviet airspace over the Kola Peninsula. The plane overflow the secret naval bases of the Soviet Northern Fleet. A Soviet SU-15 TM fighter sent for interception fired its two air-to-air missiles on the Korean plane causing partial destruction of the left wing with subsequent emergency landing on the ice of a local frozen lake. The result of the attack was death of two passengers of the Korean transport and injury of a dozen more... 

In Spring 1983 USS Midway came close to the Kuril Islands and at one point its aircraft crossed the Soviet state border deepening into the Soviet airspace. The Soviet Air Defense fighters could not scramble from their airfields because of the thick fog. Consequently a state commission came twice from Moscow to investigate the incident. In spite of absence of any guilt by the military quite a few naval and air defense high rank officers were disciplined. I was incurred a punishment with the record in my personal Communist Party registration card specifying my fault as "inadequately persistent actions at scramble take-off" . 

On 1 September 1983 the officer on duty for operations reported that a US RS-135 (sic) reconnaissance aircraft crossed the state border of the USSR over the Kamchatka Peninsula heading on Sakhalin over the Sea of Ochotsk. I thought, "Well that is the end. I can't get away with it now no matter whatever it might end with." It was shortly past 4 a.m. When I was preparing to get into the car I heard somebody calling my name. It was the Commander of the Air Defense division who decided to go along with me. Once we were in the car a tall Korean-looking man appeared at the door. I would wonder where did he come from at this early hour. The man explained that he was a driver carrying in his car the newly recruited solders to an exercise ground. He lost his way and asked if we could be of assistance. Later I would often recall this as a strange omen of what had yet to happen. 

The officer on duty for operations of our division made a situational report and we were put at the high alert with decision taking time not less than 1 hour. At that time RS-135 (sic) was detected on the distance of 450 km. SU-15 TM and MIG-23 fighters scrambled to intercept. They were guided on the American plane. SU-15 fighter was the leader. Everyone on the ground was sure that the intruder was a US reconnaissance aircraft. In fact RS-135 (sic) and Boeing 747 look absolutely identical. The only difference is the "hump" on the fuselage of 747. This difference cannot be observed on the radar screen and hard to be detected visually. As a participant of those events I want to stress that the commanders of the local air defense units made every effort to clarify the situation. The pilot of SU-15 Major Osipovitch reported to the ground control: "I see the silhouette of a huge plane in flashlight of exhaust from its engines". The ground control queried: "Do you see passenger cabin windows? His answer was: "No". As it was nighttime the passengers must have been asleep so the window shades were shut. Later it was reported that the Boeing did not have its navigation lights on. The title of one newspaper article was "The Boeing Flew Without Navigation Lights". This was not true. The Boeing had its lights on but that made little difference. An RS-135 (sic) might have its lights on to adopt a civilian plane disguise. The pilot of 

[CTRL] Forgetting Trauma Stimuli, witchcraft, sex slavery

2003-07-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Journal of Trauma  Dissociation: "Preschoolers' memory for threatening information depends on trauma history and attentional context: Implications for the development of dissociation" by K.A. Becker-Blease, J.J. Freyd, K.C. Pears, K.C. "Contrary to prediction, children with relatively high dissociation scores did not differ in their memory for charged and neutral pictures under divided attention when compared to children with low dissociation scores. Consistent with predictions, under divided attention, abused children remembered fewer charged pictures relative to non-abused children. The same pattern was found when comparing abused children with high dissociation scores to non-abused children with low dissociation scores. These results are consistent with the idea that some traumatized people use divided attention to keep threatening information out of awareness." Jennifer Freyd, an investigator in both research studies, is Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Oregon; 1227 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1227; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Forgetting Trauma Stimuli - Anne P. DePrince University of Denver Jennifer J. Freyd University of Oregon This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in Psychological Science c 2003 American Psychological Society - Anne P. DePrince, Ph.D. Department of Psychology 2155 S. Race Street Denver, CO 80208 [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The high dissociator group reported significantly more trauma, including high betrayal events, than low dissociators. Further, the dissociation by word category interaction was present when we looked only at those participants who reported a betrayal trauma history. This pattern is consistent with betrayal trauma theory's prediction that individuals who experience events high in betrayal will use dissociation to keep threatening information from awareness." 

this may be very heavy for survivors

>From mparent 
Tanzania fights human skinning 7/4/03 "The head of the forensic science division in the chief chemist's office, which is exhibiting the parts, Gloria Machube, told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that the human skin is used in witchcraft." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3045738.stm

Sex Slavery Scandal Rattles Montenegro By Misha Savic Ap 7/7/03 Podgorica, Serbia-Montenegro "Respected local newspapers reported that politicians and other members of Montenegro's ruling elite frequented the brothel and took part in orgies at which women were tortured. The republic's top lawman, state prosecutor Bozidar Vukcevic, was assailed with calls for his resignation for allegedly using his own car to transport captive womenthe case was dropped by another prosecutor, who said there was a lack of evidence and inconclusive witness statements. The move has touched off widespread talk of a cover-up, and the United States, United Nations, Amnesty International and European security organizations have accused Montenegrin authorities of tolerating sexual slavery and human trafficking. Of the estimated 700,000 women transported across international borders for the sex trade each year, as many as 200,000 are taken to or through the Balkans, according to recent statistics compiled by international agencies." http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-svetlanas-secret,0,2357483.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines

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