[CTRL] Muslim, Zionist: Is There a Federal Double Standard?

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Muslim, Zionist: Is There a Federal Double Standard?
July 14, 2003, 06:59 PM 

(PC) - On July 9, 2003, an Arabic-language newspaper publisher, Khaled Abdel-Latif Dumeisi, was arrested in Chicago by federal authorities. He was charged with failing to register as a foreign agent for Iraq. 

Ad revenues permitting, Dumeisis newspaper comes out once or twice a month. It is a very little fish in the big media ocean. 

Dumeisi, a Muslim, could face up to 10 years in the federal slammer and a $250,000 fine if convicted. According to the U.S. Attorney, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the defendant is suspected of gathering information in the U.S. about people living in America for the purpose of providing the information to hostile governments. He added, The charges are serious. 

Well, it is kind of strange that Mr. Fitzgerald mentioned hostile governments, since the law doesnt make that distinction. Is he trying to say that if an American citizen acts as an agent for a foreign power, thats supposedly an ally, like say Israel, he wont be prosecuted? Huh? 

One of the reasons Im asking is because, in the expose By Way of Deception, ex-Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky revealed how there are thousands of Jewish people around the world, including many residing in North America, who are secretly working for Israel. They are called Sayanim. Question: Does anyone ever recall the Feds prosecuting any U.S.-based Sayanim for not registering as a foreign agent? 

And, who can ever forget that sleazy Marc Rich and the sordid presidential pardon scandal. The fugitive billionaire was granted a full pardon by Bill Clinton, as he left office in 2001. This plot appears to have originated in Israel, where Rich had close Mossad ties. One of the advocates on Richs behalf was Abe Foxman, chief honcho of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). His organization had received a $250,000 donation from Rich. Isnt that nice? 

Was Foxman doing Israels dirty work in the Rich affair, and if so, should he have registered, under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), as its agent? Foxman insisted he was just doing his own thing for an old acquaintance. Oh yeah! 

On another front, activists in California are still reeling from a very alarming scandal that also involved the ADL. In the early 90s, it was discovered that a slippery character, named Roy Bullock, was working for the ADL and running a huge, domestic surveillance operation. His snooping project focused on liberals. It was feared that confidential information may have been filtered back by him to spy networks in Israel, South Africa and the U.K. Did the Feds do anything about these serious charges that involved the privacy rights of tens of thousands? No! The ubiquitous ADL has a budget of over $50 million a year. It operates in all 50 states, and continues to resemble, more and more, the caricature of Big Brother, from George Orwells prophetic novel, 1984. 

Incidentally, the Dumeisi indictment for allegedly violating (FARA) is actually a rarity. FARA official generally prefer voluntary compliance. That policy gives rise to my next question: Is Dumeisi, a Jordanian, who was born in Palestine, being targeted for SELECTIVE PROSECUTION to serve some broader political purpose and/or is he a victim of an egregious double standard by law enforcement officials? 

Enter the odious Richard Perle. In 1996, according to Allan C. Brownfeld, Perle, a notorious Neocon, helped to prepare a paper entitled, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. The study was intended as a political blueprint for the upcoming Israeli government of Binyamin Netanyahu. Brownfeld underscored that the Perle was clearly advising a foreign government in 1996 (WRMEA, May 2003). 

Brownfeld continued, Perles connections with Israel are particularly extensive. He is a personal friend of Ariel Sharon, a board member of the Jerusalem Post, and an ex-employee of the Israeli weapons manufacturer Soltam. Perle has also been the subject of a highly critical article by top investigative reporter Seymour Hersh (New Yorker, 03/03), which dealt, in part, with the arrogant Perles controversial Israeli ties. 

Within the Department of Justice, there is a special unit that administers FARA. It maintains an office in Washington, D.C., which is open to the public. On Friday, July 10th, I visited it. Relating to Israel, I couldnt find any filings, as a registrant, by Richard Perle, Abe Foxman or the ADL. Foreign direction and control are pivotal whether registration under FARA is mandated or not. 

However, the totality of Perles incestuous relationship, over the years, with Israel, warrants, at least, some threshold type of inquiry by the Feds. Unfortunately, they have failed to take any action in that direction. Too bad. He would be a bigger fish to fry than poor Khaled Dumeisi. 

FARA does recognize certain exemptions to registering. Fo

[CTRL] Lies That Come Home To Roost - The Mask Slips On Real War Aims

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Lies that come home to roost: The Mask slips on real war aims
by Albert Doyle

The administration lies that formed the propaganda background for the attack on Iraq are not fading away. They are now getting mainstream media attention - not just in the alternative media and internet circles. The Bush folks never expected it and they are in disarray. Their response has been clumsy and amateurish.

Let’s understand what happened here. Sometime after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center by Al Qaeda terrorists the administration capitalized on the anger of the American public which had supported the punitive invasion of Afghanistan to follow up with a plan to attack Iraq long favored by pro-Israel, so-called neoconservative elements within the administration. The real aim of these plans was to project imperial US power in the Middle East in support of our “ally” Israel and to exert US influence if not control over Iraqi oil resources and ultimately those of the neighboring countries. The nasty Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was an attractive target having been the enemy in the first Gulf War and victim of punishing UN sanctions for years, and a leading enemy of Israel which guaranteed media support for any action against them. The attack on Iraq was expected to be popular and successful.  The decision was “go” on Iraq. But how to explain it to the American people? Certainly the true policy objectives could not be used. Americans didn’t much like Saddam, but  there had to be more to stir up support for an attack opposed by even the Pope as “unjustified”. Presto, “9/11” opened the door! The War on Terrorism was the answer! Saddam was presented as a principal enemy in that war. The propaganda machine readily ground out the needed stories. The administration proceeded to claim that Saddam was a threat to the United States and indeed the world. It was loudly proclaimed that we had solid intelligence that he had “weapons of mass destruction”, a term seldom defined precisely but which came to include charges of possession of or plans to secure nuclear weapons, large rocketry, poison gas and chemical agents, and who knows what else. The term “weapons of mass destruction” was repeated endlessly in administration rhetoric and dutifully repeated in the US media with scarcely a question. It took on aspects of a religious mantra.  It projected an image of powerful weapons in the hands of a madman, a new Hitler, ready to use them.  The President also repeatedly suggested that Iraq had ties to Al Qaeda and had some part in the 9/11 attack although the lack of evidence for this was weakly noted. Nobody cared. It might be true, right? War drums beat “to protect our nation” in defiance of international opposition and Americans would take the word of our President when it came to “national defense”.

The culmination of the US propaganda campaign for war came when Secretary of State Powell solemnly and with an impressive audiovisual show presented his case to the United Nations claiming to present the definitive details of the charges.  To the anger of the administration the Powell show was was widely distrusted in the international  community because of the obvious flimsiness of the evidence and UN support for the attack was not forthcoming. The US media however didn’t see the flaws or ignored them and got behind the war and that was all that counted. We also proceeded to ridicule and demonize the UN weapons inspectors engaged in the long term and fruitless search for the weapons of mass destruction as incompetents or worse - and slandered foreign nations, the French in particular for some reason, for questioning the need to rush to war. The American people lapped it up and the attack went forward without UN sanction and the opposition of most nations. Who cared? We would “go it alone”. Jingoism was rampant and the Bush folks strutted. Their strategy seemed to have worked. And after all we had our allies; Tony Blair and ... well, never mind who else. As I said, who cared. The term “allies” in headlines conjured up the heady, patriotic days of World War II. Things were going well.

In the aftermath of the “successful” attack and the at least partial departure of Saddam things started to unravel. First of all it was clear that while most Iraqis were glad to get Saddam off their necks they did not want an American occupation of their country either. Opposition to the occupation of their country was widespread and growing. Worse, people around the world started to notice that the Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” which had been loudly proclaimed as the reason for the attack were not to be found. As the days and weeks went by it grew more apparent. Saddam may have been an unpleasant dictator but he didn’t have the fearsome weapons the Americans (and British) had claimed he had. Certainly they couldn’t find them. At first the Bush and Blair team called for patience as, n


2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: Dorothy Anne Seese

This had to happen, as I've been a conservative far too long and a paleoconservative at that, which is just a big word to describe what everyone knew as "Republicans" forty years ago.

But all that has changed.   There has been introspection.  There has been self-examination of thoughts, words and deeds.  There has been a mood of discontent with the neocons. I have observed an attitude of either apathy or wasted effort and frustration by the diminishing numbers of true conservatives.  Nuts to it all.

For several years, I've been a person without a country on a planet without a world as we once knew it.  Then it all became crystal clear ... I can no longer be called a conservative,  I no longer think like the majority of people who call themselves conservatives.  My liberal friends associated me with the chickenhawks, warhawks and turkeyhawks in Washington, D.C. and my humiliation was overwhelming.  Others have felt I am one of "those" who underwrite the tactics of the military/industrial complex as being true capitalism.  They cannot even spell the word "entrepreneur" so they don't believe in it, whatever it is or they are.   Lost in this maze of newspeak and confusion, to whom could I turn?  Ralph Nader?  Is he still alive and greening?

Certainly the Arizona in which I live is neocon or liberal. There are some "rednecks" in the hills, but I live in the Phoenix Metroplex amongst the elders and geezers of another era who haven't the foggiest notion that our world has changed. Their golf course has not, their country club has not, and besides I live in the poorer section of Sun City where few belong to these societies.  As a member of the proletariat, I am obliged to be a liberal.

But this identification with neocons and warhawks has rent asunder my conscience and left me defenseless, sputtering about to try to explain that "they" are not conservatives, enduring the sarcastic laughter of those whose mindset revolves around the Bush cabal.   I've examined the tenets of liberalism and with a few minor changes here and there, I have made up my mind.  I am now a liberal, and a NEO-liberal at that, and here is my manifesto:

*  I believe it is a liberal's duty to restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights, since liberals declare openly that they are "for the people" and even have branches around the world called "Peoples Repubics."  Therefore, if I am to espouse the Peoples Republic of the United States, then my utmost cry for equality amongst all lies in the wording of the Declaration of Independence (a revolutionary document and consistent with liberalism) and in the freedoms granted to the proletariat -- oops sorry --   oppressed masses.  It even tacks on a Bill of Rights so that the people have guaranteed freedoms, and thus the liberal dream of equality and fraternity are fulfilled.   These are absolutely revolutionary, ultra-liberal documents and it is Article I of my Manifesto that such shall be restored.

*  I firmly espouse the liberal notion that we, the people, have a right to own guns, and the guns of our choice! If that isn't the height of liberalism, I do not know what is.  We don't know when we might have to take up arms to overthrow the bourgeoisie leadership, and therefore, any decent, thinking, NEO liberal would have to favor free and unhindered gun ownership by all comrades ...err ... make that Patriots.  So that is Article II of my Liberal Manifesto.

*  I believe in peaceful co-existence with our fellows on the planet, a globalistic approach espoused by numerous founding fathers of the United States, and in particular the philosophy of "peaceful commerce with all, entangling alliances with none."  This is absolutely a NEO liberal viewpoint, since liberalism is a subversion of the status quo aimed at quiet change with which the people will agree.  However, when the oligarchs are in control, meddling about the world like gadflies, getting our citizens in uniform killed over imaginary threats to our national security, it is time for revolution.  One of our liberal heroes stated as much when he said:

"If you make peaceful change impossible. you make violent revolution
inevitable."    --- President John F Kennedy 

Now violent revolution within the United States is highly undesirable, as is any more terrorism, whatever the true source of it.  Hence, as a NEO liberal it is my duty to espouse the credo that America should withdraw its military from every foreign nation and put them gainfully to work in the USA.  Thus, a foreign policy of non-intervention except in case of a clear and present, painfully obvious need to defend the country is an absolutely NEO liberal philosophy, and has become Article III of my Manifesto.

*  As a NEO liberal, I believe in large government, but with one minor change, and that is shifting the focus of power from an overbearing federal government that is lost in its o

[CTRL] Neocons Have Done Us A Favor...And Don't Even Know It

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Jim Moore

Well, let me put it this way. Those deceiving, nation-wrecking sonsabitches didn't mean to do us any favors, but it turned out that way. And there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.

Excuse my French, but I'm so happy with what I found out about this neo-con windfall that I could sit on a cactus and feel no pain.

The way I discovered how the neo-cons put this goodie on our plate was by a careful reading of the speech Rep. Ron Paul gave the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2003.

Rep. Paul called his speech "Neo-Conned ", which I presume he means how the neo-con hit squad is taking advantage of the American people by over-running our administration, running over our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and foreign policy, and outrunning any attempts to stop their rotten political steamroller.

In his quite long and very comprehensive speech, Rep. Paul explains in detail all the facts we need to know. 

Paul reflects on and reiterates what the term "conservative" used to stand for: limited government, rule of law, free markets, Constitutional guidelines, a less militaristic, interventionist foreign policy, and so on.

He then explains how a strange and powerful (yes, even subversive) group of people, the neo-cons, changed the whole meaning of conservatism, by slithering into power-positions in the US. Government, infiltrating the administrat ion, and turning our foreign policy upside down. 

Without beating a dead horse, here are few things the neo-cons in government believe in and are actively pursuing: 

+ Attacking civil liberties

+ Using force to change foreign nations

+ A powerful federal government

+ Re-shaping the Middle East

+ Increasing the welfare state

+ The ends justify the means

+ No neutrality in foreign affairs

+ Preemptive wars

+ Unconditional support of Israel

As you see, nothing on this list has anything to do with American freedom, security, laws, or ideals. How the neo-cons managed to gain access to the reins of American government is a subject even Rep Paul must have found complicated and tough to describe. Suffice to say, the neo-cons have the power, and they don't intend to give it up.

Now, if the neo-cons are changing America to our detriment, why do I say they're doing us a favor? And just what is that favor?

To answer that, think about how most of us vote year after year, often along party lines. We do that because we know, or think we know, what the Republican, Democrat, Independent, and other political parties stand for. So we register and vote for the party, automatically, that seems to best represent our views. We figure that's the best we can do for America.

Not so fast. When the neo-cons began defying all the principles America stands for, they inadvertently blurred the distinction between political parties and began screwing both sides of aisle. By designing and carrying out an agenda to take over America (they already control most departments of the present administration), they made it necessary for politicians in ALL parties who truly have America's interests at heart, to seriously consider where we are heading, begin thinking on a bi-partisan level, and eventually taking an INDIVIDUAL stand of some kind.

This has forced the American voter to do likewise; to begin looking more closely at the person instead of the party. It is making party platforms less important, if not non-sequiturs. It is making us scrutinize closer the qualifications of each individual, rather than overlooking a better man or woman for the job, and voting sheep-like for the party "our family has always voted for."

But most important of all, it gives us an excellent reason to contact our representatives and let them know that we know what's going on in our government, we don't like it one bit, and we want them to do something about it. Or else.

Not everyone, of course, will take this opportunity seriously because everyone has personal likes and dislikes. But none of us dislike America, and seeing the bigger picture, then acting on it, can work wonders.

Forcing this change in voter perspective is, in my opinion, a very big favor, albeit unintentional, that the neo-cons did for us.

And if we're smart, we'll take advantage of this "crack" in the neo-con armor and shove our spear in, right up to the hilt.

"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact." 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being

[CTRL] Israel's Role In Dossier Hoax

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:
Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel
by Jeffrey Steinberg 

According to media accounts, the 10 Downing Street "dossier," cited favorably by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in his disastrous Feb. 5 report to the United Nations Security Council, was plagiarized from an American graduate school paper, based on information more than a decade old. The scandal that erupted when the Blair dossier hoax hit the press, seriously undermined the credibility of those war party advocates of an immediate Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. As Lyndon LaRouche wrote, Powell was set up by a gang of public relations flacks who can't think straight.

So far so good. But a deeper probe into the scandal reveals that there was good reason that the spin-meisters at the Coalition Information Center—the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell's own lighter-than-air book of evidence—did not reveal the sources of their information. The entire cooked intelligence picture was "Made in Israel." It was cooked up at a right-wing think-tank complex notorious as a hotbed of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with links to the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and his former client, Marc Rich.

The essential facts are as follows: Two days before Powell's UN appearance, 10 Downing Street issued a 16-page paper, "Iraq: Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception, and Intimidation," purportedly based on high-level British intelligence data. In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.

Al-Marashi's article, a profile of Iraqi intelligence, was drawn, largely, from Iraqi government documents confiscated during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Al-Marashi, in turn, heavily footnoted his article to other, earlier stories published in Rubin's obscure online journal, by Amazia Baram, the journal's deputy editor.

This was no bit of grammar school plagiarism. The public relations team that put together the Blair and Powell propaganda drivel were themselves linked to Rubin and his fellow Israeli pranksters, through Ahmed Chalabi's discredited and corrupt Iraqi National Congress (INC). Chalabi, University of Chicago protégé of the late utopian Albert Wohlstetter, then fugitive swindler, was adopted as the Iraqi oppositionist-of-choice by Israeli "X Committee" agent and chairman of the Defense Policy Board Richard Perle and his British Arab Bureau handler, Dr. Bernard Lewis, in the 1980s.

Rubin and the Chicken-hawk Intelligence Agency

Rubin issued a statement following the Downing Street dossier flap, taking full credit for the cooked intelligence report. His only complaint was that, while the Blair government apologized to Al-Marashi, they did not issue a similar public statement of regret to him and his journal.

To have done so would have been suicidal, as a quick review of Rubin's pedigree makes clear.

According to three current biographies, Prof. Barry Rubin is the deputy director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Israel, and a senior fellow at Hebrew University's Harry Truman Center and Haifa University's Jewish-Arab Center. He is the director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center, research director of the Lauder School of Government Policy and Diplomacy, and a senior fellow at the International Center for Counterterrorist Policy (ICT)—all of which are part of the Interdisciplinary Center, Israel's first private university, in Herzliya.

The Lauder School was named after Ronald Lauder, the former Reagan Ambassador to Austria, former president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, soon-to-be-successor of Edgar Bronfman Sr. as head of the World Jewish Congress, and a notorious financier of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The ICT, which co-sponsored a May 26, 2002 Herzliya center conference on suicide terrorism with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, is financed by the Marc Rich Foundation, the tax shelter of fugitive Russian Mafiya don Marc Rich. Avner Azulay, a former Mossad officer and director of the Rich Foundation, is an ICT director. Another publicly listed associate of the ICT is Maj. Gen. Meir Dagan, one of Ariel Sharon's most notorious thugs, and the current head of the Mossad.

Rubin, a transplanted Israeli citizen, still spends a good deal of time in the United States. On Feb. 4, he was one of the speakers at a Willard Hotel luncheon in Washington sponsored by Eleana Benador Assoc

[CTRL] An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins
Exclusive To Rense.com
By James Dyer c. 2003 All Rights Reserved
May not be reproduced in any media

This author's world, like yours, changed forever on that September morning in 2001. I knew immediately that we were being lied to, but like all members of my generation, I had very little real information upon which to draw. The vapid explanations of the government, relayed through an owned media, were the incantations of a defrocked priesthood in my eyes and those of my peers. 

So we all went looking for our own sources and making our own outlets. The site upon which you read this is just one of thousands. In my search for the reasons why two skyscrapers came down on a Tuesday morning, why we witnessed the suspension of the Fourth and Sixth Amendments via the Patriot Act and a why a seemingly Zionist- heavy foreign policy had America tied-up like a junkyard dog, I stumbled upon Eustace Mullins in my own backyard while researching the Federal Reserve. 

Eustace Mullins is the last living protege of Ezra Pound, the author of the only book burned in Germany since Hitler (a burning under the direction of Americans) and a former researcher for Joseph McCarthy. He's known almost everyone on the American Right for the last 50 years, and is one of the most hated men in America in some circles. He belongs to no group, espouses no movement or party and doesn't give a damn what you think of him. I found an affable 80 year- old man with a healthy sense of humor and a keen love for Liberty. Here's a piece of my conversation with him on his front porch on July 8th, 2003. 

Let's start with your first book, Secrets of the Federal Reserve

I started the research in 1948, the year I met Ezra Pound. I worked for three years on that book and I went through 2000 books at the Library of Congress to get the material for it.

And you worked with George Stimson on Secrets of the Federal Reserve?

Yes. George was quite a scholar. He was founder of the National Press Club, which did one terrible thing to this country. It created the myth that journalists are serious people. They'd always been known as drunks and fools up to that point, which is what they were. George, because he wasn't a fool or a drunk, created the National Press Club as a place where serious journalists could be taken seriously. But there aren't any. So the NPC became a big office building where a lot of lobbyists and journalists have their offices.

Ezra Pound commissioned me to write Secrets of the Federal Reserve for $10 a week. When I finished the book, no one would touch it. Devin Garrity said they couldn't print it, and they'd be the only ones that could. We finally found a girl who printed a thousand copies and we sold it immediately. We sold it within a month, they took every book.

The German edition came out in '55 and it was burned by the German government. 

Was there a rationale?

Well, it went before a court hearing and judge named Israel Katz, an Occupation judge, ruled that the book was unconstitutional under German law. It broke laws against race and that was the legal excuse for them to ban the book. [author's note: Secrets of the Federal Reserve makes no mention of any race]

What was your immediate reaction to the book being burned?

I was devastated because I expected to make money over there and of course Guido Roeder had put up his own money to print the book. I tried to sue the German govt. and the German govt. said they were still under the American occupation, so I sued the American govt. and they said that Germany had gotten its "freedom" back in 1953...some kind of treaty. It was a total runaround.

Other books of yours...?

The next book was The World Order. I reprinted Secrets of the Federal Reserve in '83, and it began to sell pretty well, being an updated book, so I printed The World Order which was sort of a spin-off of the research I had left over from revising Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Then I printed The Curse of Canaan, a study of demonology through history and I'm reprinting that this fall. I've never advertised any of these books, it's all been word of mouth. I've never spent one penny on advertising, and the average NY publisher spends 30% of his budget on advertising.

How many copies of your books do you think are floating around out there?

Over a million. I print 10,000 copies a run and I sell out and reprint them over and over again.

I found an entire copy of Secrets of the Federal Reserve on the internet. Do you mind that your books may be on the net?

There's nothing I can do about it. I'd like to have the money, but it's more important that the information gets out there. That's the key to the whole thing. If people know what's going on, then there's a chance that something could be done about it.

Maybe this will help sell some books.

[CTRL] The Other Bush Lie

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Other Bush Lie
By Jim Lobe, TomPaine.com
July 15, 2003

As calls mount for a full-scale investigation into the Bush administration's manipulation of intelligence on Iraq's nonexistent nuclear and chemical weapons program, let's hope that the other causus bellum on which the administration based its war – the alleged link between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein – also gets the scrutiny it deserves. 

While the link was hyped less by administration officials than by right-wing idealogues and the conservative press, an organized campaign was nonetheless launched to persuade the American public that such a connection was real – and represented a mortal threat. 

A hint of such orchestration came in a June interview between "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert and former Gen. Wesley Clark, as publicized by the press watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR): 

Clark: "There was a concerted effort during the fall of 2001, starting immediately after 9/11 to pin 9/11 and the terrorism problem on Saddam Hussein." Russert: "By who? Who did that?" Clark: "Well, it came from the White House, it came from people around the White House. It came from all over. I got a call on 9/11. I was on CNN, and I got a call at my home saying, 'You got to say this is connected. This is state-sponsored terrorism. This has to be connected to Saddam Hussein.' I said, 'But – I'm willing to say it – but what's your evidence?' And I never got any evidence."

Clark has never said who called him, but we can identify others who were asserting the same connection both on television and in print at the same time. 

Without explicitly citing Iraq, Defense Policy Board chair Richard Perle suggested in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that there had to be a state sponsor behind them. "This could not have been done without help of one or more governments," he told The Washington Post. "Someone taught these suicide bombers how to fly large airplanes. I don't think that can be done without the assistance of large governments. You don't walk in off the street and learn how to fly a Boeing 767." 

Ex-CIA chief James Woolsey, Jr. was more direct. Speaking with Peter Jennings, he suggested Iraq was behind the 1993 bombing of the Trade Center and continued: "[I]t's not impossible that terrorist groups could work together with the government, that ... the Iraqi government has been quite closely involved with a number of Sunni terrorist groups and ... and on some matters has had direct contact with bin Laden." 

He repeated that claim in an interview with Wolf Blitzer. Appearing with the State Department's former counterterrorism chief, Larry Johnson, Woolsey said, "My suspicion – it's no more than that at this point – is that there could be some government action involved together with bin Laden or a major terrorist group. And one strong suspect there I think would be the government of Iraq." (Johnson thought this highly unlikely. "Saddam is a lot of things," he said, "but he's not crazy.") 

Later that evening, William Kristol of the Weekly Standard and chairman of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) echoed Woolsey in a NPR interview: "I think Iraq is, actually, the big, unspoken sort of elephant in the room today. There's a fair amount of evidence that Iraq has had very close associations with Osama bin Laden in the past, a lot of evidence that it had associations with the previous effort to destroy the World Trade Center." 

It remains unclear whether Woolsey, Perle, Kristol and the mystery person who tried to coach Clark really believed there was a connection, or whether they were trying to plant the idea in the public's mind in order to set the stage for war with Iraq. But recently revealed discussions within the administration now suggest the deception may have been intentional. 

Forcing The Connection 

CBS News' David Martin reported last September that ''[B]arely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, the secretary of defense was telling his aides to start thinking about striking Iraq, even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks," FAIR pointed out recently. Martin attributed his account to contemporaneous notes by a Pentagon aide that quote Rumsfeld as asking for the "best info fast" to "judge whether good enough to hit SH at the same time, not only UBL [for Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden]." The notes then go on to quote Rumsfeld as urging that the administration's response "go massive... sweep it all up, things related and not." 

This was the mindset that Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, brought with them to the administration's war council at Camp David four days later. "Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz had been examining military options in Iraq for months but nothing had emerged" before 9/11, wrote The Washington Post's Bill Woodward and Dan Balz in their account of that meeting. "Wol

[CTRL] How "Right-Wing" Neo-Cons Created The DLC

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Missing Link: How Right-Wing Neo-Cons
Created 'Democratic Leadership Council'
by Michele Steinberg

Democrats may be still suffering under the delusion that the Democratic Leadership Council—which brags that the "top four" Democratic Presidential candidates are "Blair Democrats" who supported the Iraq War—is something other than a right-wing Trojan Horse and protection racket for Vice President Dick Cheney, as Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche has exposed. Some even think that the DLC wants to win the Presidency in 2004.

Au contraire! An ongoing investigation by EIR into the roots of the DLC, points to the evidence that it is out to destroy the Democratic Party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The DLC is following the footsteps of its neo-conservative, war-mongering predecessor organizations of the 1970s: the Coalition for a Democratic Majority (CDM), founded in 1972 by the likes of Richard Perle, Midge Decter, Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, and Jeane Kirkpatrick, among others; the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD), founded in 1976 by Richard Perle, Midge Decter, Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, and Jeane Kirkpatrick, et al.; and the Committee for the Free World (CFW), founded in 1981 by exactly the same crew. Rounding out the picture, CFW's chairman was Dick Cheney's Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.

Nowadays, the CDM/CPD/CFW are associated with the Republican Party—particularly with those neo-conservative devotees of Leo Strauss around the Cheney/Rumsfeld cabal. But these organizations are the direct antecedents to the Democratic Leadership Council, and CDM's veterans maintain close coordination with the DLC to ensure that the Democratic Party does nothing effectively to stop the imperial policy of pre-emptive war—even pre-emptive nuclear war—that the Cheney/Rumsfeld gang has laid out. The DLC, and its affiliates—the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) and the New Democratic Network (NDN)—are on a full-scale campaign to destroy every other faction in the Democratic Party, and silence criticism of the Iraq War.

The "missing link" between the "Democratic" DLC and the now-"Republican" CDM/CPD/CFW neo-cons, is the notorious Social Democrats-USA, (SDUSA), whose chairman, Penn Kemble, was the Executive Director of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority in 1972, until he brought in Richard Perle's underling Stephen Bryen to take his place. Bryen, who created the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) in the early 1980s, when he served as Perle's aide at the Department of Defense, is another leading member of the neo-conservative gang that wants to go to war against the entire Arab world in the name of anti-terrorism. Providing daily coordination between Perle and Bryen would be Joshua Muravchik, a fixture at nearly every American Enterprise Institute event—but also a leader of SDUSA since its creation.

Staying Behind as 'Democrats'

For his part, Kemble has been a neo-con insider since the 1960s, but in 1978-79, he worked directly with Cheney's Iraq warriors—Abram Shulsky of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council, and Gary Schmitt of the Project for a New American Century—when they were all on the staff of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) By the 1980s, Kemble was deeply involved in the Project Democracy operations of Ollie North, and the Iran-Contra network that ran a covert gun- and drug-running operation out of the White House.

Kemble never joined the Republicans, but remained an executive with SDUSA, the perch from which he founded and managed a vast network of Project Democracy organizations, including the Institute for Religion and Democracy, Freedom House, the Foundation for Democratic Education, the Committee for the Free World, and Prodemca (Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America), which received funds from Ollie North. Kemble has also been on the boards of the League for Industrial Democracy (LID) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), which is the Democratic Party's conduit for funding from the governmental National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The last is run by another SDUSA hand, Carl Gershman, who has also headed NDI since its creation in 1982.

The DLC and SDUSA both maintain extremely close links to Tony Blair's British "New Labour" party faction, and in parallel, are out to recreate a new version of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority in time for the 2004 elections. The battle cry for this effort is to follow the "strong defense" lead of the original CDM's heroes: the late Senators Henry "Scoop" Jackson (D-Wash.), and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

In this, the DLC is a protection racket for the impeachable Dick Cheney, as LaRouche has charged; it is doing his dirty work in pressuring the Democratic Party to shut up about Cheney's role in foisting phony intelligence ab

[CTRL] Smoking Helps PROTECT AGAINST Lung Cancer!

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Smoking Helps Protect Against Lung Cancer
And here are some of the mice who helped to prove it!

Copyright Joe Vialls. 16 July 2003  

Every year, thousands of medical doctors and other members of the “Anti-Smoking Inquisition” spend billions of dollars perpetuating what has unquestionably become the most misleading though successful social engineering scam in history. With the encouragement of most western governments, these Orwellian lobbyists pursue smokers with a fanatical zeal that completely overshadows the ridiculous American alcohol prohibition debacle, which started in 1919 and lasted until 1933.
Nowadays we look back on American prohibition with justifiable astonishment. Is it really true that an entire nation allowed itself to be denied a beer or scotch by a tiny group of tambourine-bashing fanatics? Sadly, yes it is, despite a total lack of evidence that alcohol causes any harm to humans, unless consumed in truly astronomical quantities.
Alas, the safety of alcohol was of no interest to the tambourine-bashers, for whom control over others was the one and only true goal. Americans were visibly “sinning” by enjoying themselves having a few alcoholic drinks, and the puritans interceded on behalf of God to make them all feel miserable again.
Although there is no direct link between alcohol and tobacco, the history of American prohibition is important, because it helps us understand how a tiny number of zealots managed to control the behavior and lives of tens of millions of people. Nowadays exactly the same thing is happening to smokers, though this time it is at the hands of government zealots and ignorant medical practitioners rather than tambourine-bashing religious fanatics.
Certain governments know that their past actions are directly responsible for causing most of the lung and skin cancers in the world today, so they go to extreme lengths in trying to deflect responsibility and thus financial liability away from themselves, and onto harmless organic tobacco instead. As we will find later in the report, humble organic tobacco has never hurt anyone, and in certain ways can justifiably claim to provide startling health protection. 
Not all governments around the world share the same problem. Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie that “smoking causes lung cancer.”

The first European contact with tobacco was in 1492, when Columbus and fellow explorer Rodriguo de Jerez saw natives smoking in Cuba. That very same day, de Jerez took his first puff and found it very relaxing, just as the locals had assured him it would be. This was an important occasion, because Rodriguo de Jerez discovered what the Cubans and native Americans had known for many centuries: that cigar and cigarette smoking is not only relaxing, it also cures coughs and other minor ailments. When he returned home, Rodriguo de Jerez proudly lit a cigar in the street, and was promptly arrested and imprisoned for three years by the horrified Spanish Inquisition. De Jerez thus became the first victim of the anti-smoking lobbies.
In less than a century, smoking became a much enjoyed and accepted social habit throughout Europe, with thousands of tons of tobacco being imported from the colonies to meet the increasing demand. A growing number of writers praised tobacco as a universal remedy for mankind’s ills. By the early 20th Century almost one in every two people smoked, but the incidence of lung cancer remained so low that it was almost immeasurable. Then something extraordinary happened on July 16, 1945: a terrifying cataclysmic event that would eventually cause western governments to distort the perception of smoking forever.  As K. Greisen recalls:
“When the intensity of the light had diminished, I put away the glass and looked toward the tower directly. At about this time I noticed a blue color surrounding the smoke cloud. Then someone shouted that we should observe the shock wave travelling along the ground. The appearance of this was a brightly lighted circular area, near the ground, slowly spreading out towards us. The color was yellow.
“The permanence of the smoke cloud was one thing that surprised me. After the first rapid explosion, the lower part of the cloud seemed to assume a fixed shape and to remain hanging motionless in the air. The upper part meanwhile continued to rise, so that after a few minutes it was at least five miles high. It slowly assumed a zigzag shape because of the c

[CTRL] Pentagon Alters LifeLog Project

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Pentagon Alters LifeLog Project  
By Noah Shachtman

02:00 AM Jul. 14, 2003 PT

Monday is the deadline for researchers to submit bids to build the Pentagon's so-called LifeLog project, an experiment to create an all-encompassing über-diary. 

But while teams of academics and entrepreneurs are jostling for the 18- to 24-month grants to work on the program, the Defense Department has changed the parameters of the project to respond to a tide of privacy concerns. 

Lifelog is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's effort to gather every conceivable element of a person's life, dump it all into a database, and spin the information into narrative threads that trace relationships, events and experiences. 

It's an attempt, some say, to make a kind of surrogate, digitized memory. 

"My father was a stroke victim, and he lost the ability to record short-term memories," said Howard Shrobe, an MIT computer scientist who's leading a team of professors and researchers in a LifeLog bid. "If you ever saw the movie Memento, he had that. So I'm interested in seeing how memory works after seeing a broken one. LifeLog is a chance to do that." 

Researchers who receive LifeLog grants will be required to test the system on themselves. Cameras will record everything they do during a trip to Washington, D.C., and global-positioning satellite locators will track where they go. Biomedical sensors will monitor their health. All the e-mail they send, all the magazines they read, all the credit card payments they make will be indexed and made searchable. 

By capturing experiences, Darpa claims that LifeLog could help develop more realistic computerized training programs and robotic assistants for battlefield commanders. 

Defense analysts and civil libertarians, on the other hand, worry that the program is another piece in an ongoing Pentagon effort to keep tabs on American citizens. LifeLog could become the ultimate profiling tool, they fear. 

A firestorm of criticism ignited after LifeLog first became public in May. Some potential bidders for the LifeLog contract dropped out as a result. 

"I'm interested in LifeLog, but I'm going to shy away from it," said Les Vogel, a computer science researcher in Maui, Hawaii. "Who wants to get in the middle of something that gets that much bad press?" 

New York Times columnist William Safire noted that while LifeLog researchers might be comfortable recording their lives, the people that the LifeLoggers are "looking at, listening to, sniffing or conspiring with to blow up the world" might not be so thrilled about turning over some of their private interchanges to the Pentagon. 

In response, Darpa changed the LifeLog proposal request. Now: "LifeLog researchers shall not capture imagery or audio of any person without that person's a priori express permission. In fact, it is desired that capture of imagery or audio of any person other than the user be avoided even if a priori permission is granted." 

Steven Aftergood, with the Federation of American Scientists, sees the alterations as evidence that Darpa proposals must receive a thorough public vetting. 

"Darpa doesn't spontaneously modify their programs in this way," he said. "It requires public criticism. Give them credit, however, for acknowledging public concerns." 

But not too much, said John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org. 

"Darpa adds these contractual provisions to appear to be above suspicion," Pike said. "But if you can put them in, you can take them out." 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: 300,000 Salvadorans CAN STAY -- BUSH -- Treason!

2003-07-16 Thread Michael F. Corbin
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: sallie 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: 300,000 Salvadorans CAN STAY -- BUSH -- 

Thanks Betty, 
That's a very interesting story, thanks for sharing 
and bringing that to my attention.  Canada is also very socialistic.  

It seems whatever happens in the UK, it moves to 
Australia, then Canada, then here i.e.: abolishing juries and double 
jeopardy, removing the Magna Carta and revoking Habeas Corpus, etc. while Bush 
pushes UNESCO.  There's a Congressional vote tomorrow, and everyone 
should call their Congressman today, and stop it.  Also, all the Illuminati 
(started in Germany) Globalist world and corporate leaders are meeting 
at the Bohemian Grove tomorrow (a Satanic event where they worship 
It's all NWO=Globalism Bush Sr.'s dream mentioned 
in many of his speeches, as well as Hitler's -- It's 
In 1979, when I was visiting the former DDR 
(E. Germany).  We were in Guben 30-40 KM from Rattenow, and my friend's 
very elderly mother was in an absolute panic to get back to vote that 
day, even though her vote didn't count for anything but which communist she'd 
vote for.  Would they put her in jail if she didn't vote -- 
They have already abrogated our Constitution with 
the Patriot Act 1, and Patriot Act 2 which is the very definition of 
fascism.  Our government has learn from all 
the mistakes of the Nazis, as they bring us into 
infallible fascism.  It's all being done 
surreptitiously and incrementally with Americans none the wiser, and are being 
told it's for our safety.  The same thing Hitler did when he trashed the 
German Constitution, and initiated under his Enabling Act (our Homeland 
Security Act), having nothing to do with safety or terrorism, and has been 
predicted, planned for years, and in progress, as Bush tries to disarm 
us. -- It's for control.

Communism is when government merges with 
the private sector, but the state owns the corporations.  

Fascism is when government merges with the 
private sector, and the corporations are privately owned, but are 
controlled by the government.  
That's where we are today in America i.e. 
Banking, GM foods, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Media, and even 
put mandatory RDIF chips in clothing and products to track and trace 

"In the 
counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted 
influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The 
potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. 
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or 
democratic processes."  -- President Dwight 
Eisenhower, January 1961.  

David Collins, author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, 
>From Antiquity to September 11.  
This book raises serious questions about the contentions of 
self-appointed terrorist experts that populate orthodox 
academia.  http://www.4acloserlook.com/  The 
interviews below with this researcher are extremely 
7/05/03: Interview with Paul David Collins - Michael 
Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/070503a-collins.ram
7/12/03A: Interview with Paul David 
Collins - Michael Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/071203a-collins.ram
7/12/03B: Interview with Paul David 
Collins - Michael Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/071203b-collins.ram
Michael Corbin is great and on 
every Saturday on Genesis  www.gcnlive.com/hosts.htm or streaming at  www.4acloserlook.com/ 

The CIA originally set up by former OSS who came over under Truman who 
works for the CFR.  They  will assist the their 
military-industrial complex and media moguls to bring it about.  9-11 
was the beginning of the first Coup against the 
American public having a massive impact by their CIA assets, and will be 
followed by more NBC = nuclear, biological, or chemical events to 
gain even more control.  The next staged event will only be 
bigger and will involve more people, more death, more destruction, and even 
greater devastation.  Terrorism will now be continuously with us for 
generations, and why there will perpetual war for perpetual peace, 
just as Cheyne told us, and we will not see peace in our lifetime -- War is just 
a government program!  We are spending ourselves into the 
poorhouse.  Iraq is costing us $3 billion a month, which we can't 
afford, while we have huge unemployment, and cuts in domestic 
programs, as we continue to loose our troops at 1+ a day (already 1/2 the amount 
lost in Gulf 1) and the war has just begun.  Bush lied and people 
died!  Follow the money!  They have neutralized the good Conservatives 
by using the Neo-Cons.
"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, 
The Trilateral Commission founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller and 
the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now movi

[CTRL] Moon steps to 9.11

2003-07-16 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Hello all, 
And so to more number crunching.
The Moon’s Dark 9.11 ‘Foot Steps’. 
Are Skeptics ‘blind’ to scientific facts?
Do Skeptics play the ‘Debunk by Silence’ to hide their 
Are Skeptics unknowing workers of the Adversary?
Not forgetting there are Skeptics who study Ancient Egypt, the 
greatest nation ever to show that they believed in ‘Life after Death’ but these 
Skeptics don’t believe in a ‘Life after Death’ yet they have the gall to study 
that which they believe not.
OK, so to July 20th 1969, a human being first set foot on the 
Moon. The footprint, the mark of the first person to walk on the Moon belongs to 
Neil Armstrong. It has been estimated that one billion people world-wide watched 
Armstrong's first step - making the live transmission from a camera mounted on 
the Lunar Lander the highest rated television show ever. Upon setting foot on 
the Moon, Armstrong said: "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for 
British Summer Time was permanently in force during the Second 
World War from February 1940 until October 1945 and again from February 1968 
until October 1971.Double summer time was in force from 1941-1947 except for 
1946. And from 1981 the start of Summer Time as the last Sunday in March and the 
end as the day following the fourth Saturday in October. The time of change was 
altered to 1 am (GMT). And in 1996 all clocks in Europe were changed the same 
date for the first time. This has been adopted as a directive from the European 
Parliament and was effective from 1998-2001 inclusive. The times of various 
events, particularly astronomical are often given in ‘Universal Time’ 
(abbreviated UT) which is sometimes referred to as ‘Greenwich Mean Time’ 
(abbreviated GMT). The two terms are often used loosely to refer to time kept on 
the Greenwich meridian (longitude zero), five hours ahead of Eastern Standard 
The Moon Footsteps of Tyre
In the Old Testament, the Book of Ezekiel has three chapters 
concerning Tyre, and the god of Tyre is Satan, the Adversary.
Tyre, (Lebanon), was for centuries the strongest and most 
important Phoenician city, exercising control over the others from 10th century 
BCE and onwards. The city was famous for its silk products, and its purple dye 
extracted from the Murex snail. The old harbour area has been excavated, but 
most of the Phoenician city lies was once where today stands the modern 
Tyre was the maritime equivalent of Babylon. Carthage, a rival 
of Rome, and Rome was once a colony of Tyre. When Tyre was at the height of its 
power, the prophet Ezekiel prophesied: "And they shall destroy the walls of 
Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and they 
shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. And 
I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets 
upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the Lord have spoken it, saith the Lord 
God." Ezekial 26:4,12,14
The infamous ‘Ladder of Tyre’ is located on the northern 
border of Israel and into Lebanon. Anyway, Rosh Haniqra, or the ‘Ladder of 
Tyre’, the promontory which marks the political boundary, rises gradually after 
a height of 350 feet over looking the Mediterranean Sea, and continues to an 
official height of 1,174 feet, when two miles further inland. (Source Michael 
Avi-Yonah, a former Assoc. Professor of Archaeology at the Hebrew University, 
Jerusalem, Israel). Thus a reference number for Tyre is 1174, who is humanities 
great Deceiver and Adversary.
Tyre as an Angel of Light 
“For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, 
transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan 
himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing 
if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose 
end shall be according to their works.” 2Cr 11:13-15
OK, whereas Satan has a reference number 155, the Devil, (that 
is the force within Satan) has the reference 508. And so the Devil at 508 + 666 
(Satan’s death mark) is 1174 and the ‘Ladder of Tyre’ is 1174 feet, and the 
reference number for Tyre, that is the great and mighty fallen Archangel Satan, 
who comes as an ‘Angel of Light’ is 1174.
Now, the ‘Eagle’ landed on the Moon at UT 20:17:40 on July 
20th 1969 and 6 hours 38 minutes and 35 seconds later NASA decreed it the 
correct time for a human to place the first step on the Moon.
But Neil Armstrong was rather too quick in climbing down from 
the ‘Eagle’ to perform this historic task, for he made the most famous step in 
history at 02:56:15 UT time, that is 03:56:15 British Summer Time, which was 
nearly 4 minutes too early. 
I say too early, because I vehemently suggest that 4am was the 
desired time… but of course at 4am Neil Armstrong was ‘walk about’. 

And counting from 4am BST on July 21st 1969 to 9:59:28am EST 

[CTRL] MRC Alert Special: Dean Not Liberal, New NYT Editor Very Liberal (fwd)

2003-07-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 10:17:48 -0700
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert Special: Dean Not Liberal, New NYT Editor Very Liberal

  ***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
   1:15pm EDT, Wednesday July 16, 2003

> Media Reality Check. "Howard Dean: Not a Fierce Liberal Force?
Media Brand Vermont Governor 'Populist,' 'Anti-War,' and a Magnet
for 'Middle-Class Resentment'"

> Column on the New Executive Editor of the NY Times: "Cut from
the Raines Cloth"

Reprints of two fresh articles from the MRC:

1) A Media Reality Check produced by the MRC's Tim Graham and
distribute by fax on Tuesday, "Howard Dean: Not a Fierce Liberal
Force? Media Brand Vermont Governor 'Populist,' 'Anti-War,' and a
Magnet for 'Middle-Class Resentment.'"

The text of the July 15 report:

Here's one sign the media are beginning to take Howard Dean's
presidential campaign seriously. The "liberal" label has been
dropped from coverage, and in some stories, denied. In this week's
Newsweek, Howard Fineman never described Dean as liberal, but did
find him on target: "As an early foe of war in Iraq, he made
acerbic comments that now look prescient." Here are some other
examples of the trend:

> Time. The July 14 Time chronicled "How Dean Is Winning the Web,"
but never called Howard Dean liberal. They did note that the
"primary" he dominated at "left-leaning" MoveOn.org may be
questioned because the runner-up was "the very liberal
Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio."
Reporter Chris Taylor wrote: "Once viewed as a no-hoper for the
nomination, notable only for his vehement opposition to the war in
Iraq, Dean is increasingly forcing his party's other candidates to
adjust their strategies as they figure out how to slow his
momentum." Dean's supporters aren't ideological, just "a seam of
online middle-class resentment...made up of passionate and often
disgruntled believers."

> CNN. On Inside Politics, anchor Judy Woodruff sought out Peter
Freyne of the Vermont alternative paper Seven Days to tackle the
notion that Dean's too liberal. Freyne claimed: "His entire time
in Vermont politics...there was never a sentence in any newspaper
in the state of Vermont that contained the word 'liberal' and
'Howard Dean.'" (See box.)

SUSPEND Reprint for the box text:

A fiscal conservative? The Cato Institute gave Gov. Dean a "D" for
fiscal matters in its report card last year. They noted: "He
supports state-funded universal health care, generous state
subsidies for child care, a higher minimum wage, liberal family
leave legislation, and taxpayer-financed campaignsAfter 12
years of Dean's so-called 'fiscal conservatism,' Vermont remains
one of the highest taxing and spending states."

To access the report: http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa454.pdf

RESUME Reprint:

> Washington Post. A July 6 front-page profile by Evelyn Nieves
was headlined "Short-Fused Populist, Breathing Fire at Bush." The
word "liberal" did not appear until three-fourths the way into the
story, and then only in a quote of denial: "'His being called a
liberal is one of the great white lies of the campaign,' said Tom
Salmon, a fellow Democrat and governor of Vermont for two terms
during the Nixon-Ford era. 'He's a rock-solid fiscal

Nieves allowed Dean to deny the tag: "'I think it's pathetic that
I'm considered the left-wing liberal,' Dean said. 'It shows just
how far to the right this country has lurched.'" Nieves noted:
"Over and over on the campaign trail, he tells audiences that he
is a fiscal conservative who believes balanced budgets serve the
cause of social justice."

> Boston Globe. On June 23, the Globe also dwelt in denial.
Reporter Sarah Schweitzer wrote "Dean's record isn't radically
left-leaning" because "he advocates a balanced federal budget" and
"received top ratings from the National Rifle Association and
supports the death penalty in some cases."

> Centrist? Others have dubiously claimed Dean was a moderate
governor. On the June 23 CBS Early Show, co-host Hannah Storm said
to Dean: "You have opposed the war on Iraq. You oppose the
President's tax-cut package, and yet you are a centrist governor.
So where does your constituency fall on the political spectrum?"

On ABC's This Week July 6, reporter Michel Martin replied to Paul
Gigot's insistence that Dean was driving the other contenders left
by claiming: "The irony being, of course, that he wasn't a
terribly liberal governor. He was in fact, a moderate."


[CTRL] monk tortured pupils, sex abuse - Anglican Church, Big Brother Gets a Brain

2003-07-16 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

has descriptions of abuse
from mparent Jail for monk who tortured pupils  By Auslan Cramb 7/15/03 "A monk who tortured pupils at a residential school in Stirlingshire for troubled children was jailed for two years yesterday. A former night-watchman at the school who sexually molested boys was given the same sentence and a former woodwork teacher will be sentenced for offences of indecency today. Michael Murphy, 69, known as Brother Benedict at St Ninian's List D school in Stirlingshire in the 1960s and 1970s when the offences took place, had been convicted of 10 charges of physical abuse." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ 

Major sex abuse uncovered in Anglican Church 7/16/03 "South Australian police task force into child sex abuse within the Anglican Church had identified 217 victims and 48 possible offenders, police said today. However the number of victims could rise to more than 400." http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/07/16/1058035061544.html

The Pentagon's Plan for Tracking Everything That Moves - Big Brother Gets a Brain by Noah Shachtman July 9 - 15, 2003 "The cameras are already in place. The computer code is being developed at a dozen or more major companies and universities. And the trial runs have already been planned.  Everything is set for a new Pentagon program to become perhaps the federal government's widest reaching, most invasive mechanism yet for keeping us all under watchThe military is scheduled to issue contracts for Combat Zones That See, or CTS, as early as SeptemberYour face and license plate will likely be matched to those on terrorist watch lists. Make a move considered suspicious, and CTS will instantly report you to the authorities." http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0328/shachtman.php 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: The Middle Finger News

2003-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

The Middle-Finger News Sticking It To the Poobahsby Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom





Thirty years ago, the United States' Vice-President, Spiro Agnew, was forced from office by a belated scandal. Gerald Ford, the JFK murder white-washer, without an election, replaced him as the Vice-President thanks to the 25th Amendment which was pushed into constitutional law by the Rockefeller family.

Shortly thereafter, President Richard M. Nixon was coerced to leave office and this time, Vice-President Ford, without an election,  became the resident of the Oval Office. 

President Gerald Ford, in turn, appointed Nelson Rockefeller, without an election, as the new Vice-President. Thus the Nixon/Agnew team was replaced by the Ford/Rockefeller cabal. Rockefeller, a member of one of the world's richest families, testified to the U.S. Senate that he had paid no taxes for the previous eleven years.

Shortly thereafter, Ford survived three genuine assassination attempts. Rockefeller almost became the President by a bullet not a ballot.

Like his uncle, John D. Rockefeller 4th, who calls himself Jay to be cute, itches to occupy the Oval Office without legal election formality. And the CIA is now attempting to force out U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney.

Does George W. Bush study history? Does he see a pattern here? Or is he, according to some cynical commentators, busy pissing on his shoes?

[In 1973, Sherman H. Skolnick, head of a citizen's group investigating judicial corruption and political murders and espionage, was traveling the U.S. conducting seminars mostly for students at various colleges and universities. He often commented that there was a plot to remove the Nixon/Agnew team, starting with a bribery scandal implicating Vice-President Agnew. Students and student newspaper editors heckled Skolnick in that, they had read in no publication they and others said, about any such problem with Agnew. Skolnick was often then called a "liar". He was vindicated when six months later, in October, 1973, Agnew resigned as Vice-President, as part of a deal not to be jailed for bribery matters going back to the time he was Governor of Maryland. Agnew later wrote a book stating that a Nixon White House aide had demanded Agnew step aside or be assassinated.

In 1975, which was prior to Internet, talk radio, and public access Cable TV, and similar alternative outlets for news, Skolnick circulated his group's findings and comments through thirty phones, hooked up to their own phone message machinery, playing a recorded message updating their work. His group had uncovered the details of three genuine plots to assassinate President Gerald Ford. One such plot was by Sarah Jane Moore, an undercover operative for the U.S. Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fire-Arms, which had supplied her with a very large caliber gun. When President Ford came to a public gathering, she aimed the weapon at him point blank. Ford was saved from being blown away when a disabled veteran shoved Moore's elbow causing her to miss.

The U.S. Secret Service, as confirmed to Skolnick off-the-record by various journalists he knew, was determined to stop Skolnick from raising questions of the possible Nelson Rockefeller-U.S. Secret Service complicity in the aborted attempts to murder President Ford. As a result, Skolnick's group's phone message lines were blocked by the Secret Service without legal formality. When Skolnick, as the head of the group, informed the phone company he, in his wheelchair, intended to picket the phone company's downtown headquarters to stop this arbitrary denial of service, the recorded message phone lines mysteriously began working again.

As can be seen from stories on www.

[CTRL] Petition To End "Kosher Nostra" Scam

2003-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Judge 911

2003-07-16 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

 Hello all,
Some serious tedium below, but quite accurate

   Judgment Day 
  The horror on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th 2001 is 
  something most Americans and Europeans will never forget.
  Yet it seems that the American people still don't know 
  exactly what happened and there is seemingly no plans for a public 
  investigation of how more than 3,000 people lost their lives. And some say 
  that America needs a full, open, publicly televised investigation into event 
  9.11 that provides answers to the unanswered questions.
  There are many important questions that need answering 
  including, “Who locked the roof doors at the World Trade 
  Center?” During the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, hundreds of 
  employees escaped the smoke by making their way up to the roof. But on 
  September 11th hundreds died when they climbed many flights of stairs only to 
  find those same roof doors locked. So why did city fire officials order those 
  doors locked between 1993 and 2001, and more importantly, I read, “Why didn't 
  they post notices through the World Trade Center complex to advise that roof 
  doors would no longer be unlocked?” And if my relative died in the destruction 
  of the ‘Twin Towers’ I would demand answers to the locked roof door 
  Another question that I would like to have answered, “Did 
  anyone take responsibility or make demands before the hijacking of the 
  passenger planes?” In that terrorist organizations often make demands before 
  they act, for example changes the release of political prisoners. Also it is 
  rather difficult to imagine that a group that carried out such a diabolical 
  act, a very expensive act and a very carefully planned terrorist act as 9.11 
  should not claim credit for it. 
  And my last question is “Can the United States Government 
  provide proof of any Osama bin Laden al Qaeda group being the actual 
  instigators of the world’s worse terrorist event in modern 
  I say the Judge,  King and Adversary was his 9.11 
  Gates, that is New York, the  ‘Gate’ to north America.
  Many cities in the ancient world were surrounded by walls 
  with gates, that often had towers, and gates that were locked at night and at 
  times of war. The city gate was a very busy place in the day, the place where 
  news was exchanged and discussed, and at the gates the prophets and priests 
  made their pronouncements. The gate was also the center for the administration 
  of justice. Courts were held at the gates; and disputes were settled. Princes 
  and judges sat at the gate performing their official duties and so for this 
  reason, the word ‘gate’ came to be synonymous with ‘power’ or ‘authority’. And 
  to be within the gates, ’a term found in the Scriptures (see Deuteronomy 
  15:7), meant that a person was under the authority of the elders of the city 
  who presided in the gates. There are many Biblical examples of elders sitting 
  at the gates. Lot himself sat at the gate of Sodom where he greeted the two 
  strangers (Genesis 19:1), while Boaz sat at the gate when he negotiated the 
  redemption of  property (Ruth 4:1). The Book of Deuteronomy 22:15 and 
  Joshua 20:4 also mention elders who judged at the gates of cities in ancient 
  Israel. The Book of Zechariah 8:16 says "These are the things you shall do: 
  Speak each man the truth to his neighbor; Give judgment in your gates for 
  truth, justice and peace..." And we read in Proverbs that wisdom "cries out at 
  the gates of the city" (8:3), and that a virtuous woman’s husband is "known in 
  the gates" (31:23). It was an honor to be seated at the gate, especially the 
  ‘King’s Gate’. We read in Esther 2:19 that Mordecai, Esther’s uncle and 
  guardian, sat at the King’s gate. It was there that he learned the evil scheme 
  of Haman to kill all the Jews. The young prophet Daniel also sat in the gate 
  of the King (Daniel 2:49), a Jewish man in a foreign land who was given honor 
  and authority.
  In the Gospels it says, "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide 
  is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many 
  who go in by it" (Matthew 7:13). And In the new heavenly city, the New 
  Jerusalem, has a great, high wall with 12 gates and gates (made of pearly), 
  named after the 12 tribes of Israel.
  Thus New York is considered by some, to be the Babylon of 
  the United States, the ‘Gate’ into north America, which I give the reference 
  number 253. A great ‘Gate’ that is made up of ‘man’, the spirit, at 126, the 
  ‘Eye of Horus’ and 127 the ‘feman’, the spirit body in women, called ‘Miss 
  Liberty’ the walking talking spirit person released at female human death. 
  (The feman spirit 127 came out of Adam at 126 that is 12.6 x 1.26 x 8 is 
  Now the reference number for the ‘Gate’ is that of ‘power’ 
  and ‘authority’ that is ‘690’ for the ‘

[CTRL] {attack} 'Alarmist' Global Warming Claims Unfounded Says Climatolgist (fwd)

2003-07-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 20:38:03 EDT
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Subject: {attack} 'Alarmist' Global Warming Claims Unfounded Says




Rich Martin

 \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/

The Bald Eagle, The Bird of Freedom
Glides , gazing, calm and sure!


'Alarmist' Global Warming Claims Unfounded Says Climatolgist
By Marc Morano
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
July 14, 2003

Capitol Hill (CNSNews.com) - Climatologist Patrick J. Michaels told a Capitol
Hill luncheon Friday that the fears of catastrophic global warming are
scientifically unfounded and 'alarmist.' Michaels also declared that any climate
change that does occur would not impact the Earth or its inhabitants in any
significant way.

"The science is settled in a very non-alarmist way," Michaels told
CNSNews.com. Michaels predicted that his message would not be well received by many in
the climate debate.

"A non-alarmist way is politically very unpopular in Washington, D.C.," he

Michaels, author of the book Satanic Gasses: Clearing the Air about Global
Warming and an environmental sciences professor at the University of Virginia,
was the featured speaker at a luncheon sponsored by the Cato Institute on

"Scientific data really tells us how much it is going to warm over the next
100 years, and it's going to be at the low end of the projections, and people
will adapt as long as their economies are free. We have been adapting for a
long time," Michaels explained.

Michaels said he expects a negligible warm-up and pointed to the past 100
years as proof that any effects of potential increased global temperatures are
going to be negligible.

"As the planet warmed up about one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years,
the life span in the industrialized democracies went from 40 to 80 [years], and
crop yields doubled. Global warming did not cause that, but it didn't stop it
either," Michaels said.

Instead of being concerned about potential climate change, people should
"worry about something that is really a serious problem," he added.

The whole climate change debate is over, according to Michaels.

"You would think I would tire of shooting fish in barrels, but it's still fun
and that is what's going on here [with the climate debate]," Michaels said.

'Heads in the sand'

Debbie Boger, an energy expert with the Sierra Club, dismissed Michaels'
claims that the global warming debate is over.

"We need to remember both the National Academy of Sciences and the U.N.'s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have both come out with reports
saying global warming is a real phenomenon, caused by human-made emissions and
will have real consequences," Boger told CNSNews.com.

"To say there will be not be consequences is putting our heads in the sand,"
she added.

Michaels called the persistent belief in catastrophic global warming "a
religion" and said that is why he has faced so much opposition to his scientific

"If you say something against a religion, people yell out at you. People
wonder why I drive a [low emission] hybrid car -- they would never blow up a
hybrid car," he said to laughter.

'A couple billion dollars'

Michaels outlined three periods of atmospheric change in the last 100 years
of U.S. history, noting a warming in the first part of the 20th century, a
cooling in the middle part of the century and a warming in the latter part of the

"There is the cooling of the mid-20th century that gave rise to congressional
hearings in the mid-1970s about the coming ice age, and [scientists were
asked], 'Could you use a couple billion dollars to study this?'" Michaels said.

The money politicized the scientific process and "consume[d] billions of
dollars of your money," he said.

"The more money you throw at [climate science], the less certainty you get.
If you shut off all the money, the scientists would probably all agree," he

The real scientific proof that man could not impact our environment with
greenhouse gas emissions in any catastrophic way already exits, Michaels believes.

Paleo records indicate that the concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon