Re: [CTRL] Global Elite Promoting 'End Times' Myth

2003-07-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Jul 2003 at 9:45, Jim Rarey wrote:

 And just what is this Plan that I am supposed to get with?

Jim, It's your Plan, and you are in charge of the details. So what are you going to do
about it? You don't have to tell anyone. Just Decide and it is on it's cosmic way to
being done.

Think about it and have purpose. That's why we have a brain, and a soul coupled to the
grey matter. You don't need an outside God to tell you what to do. Just like
implantable microchips, Gods are easy to implement, but hard to verify. You are part 
the Real God. Take advantage of your inborn power and help impliment your Plan.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Rush of Dittos

2003-07-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

A Rush of Dittos
By Sartre 7-21-3

Are you a fan of EIB? Do you still think that the cutting edge is heard 
coast-to-coast, on the syndicated phenomenon, that boasts - 'the greatest radio show 
on earth!' Rush Limbaugh went national during the last days of the Ronald Reagan 
administration. Those who recall that bold and fresh attitude will remember that Rush 
was radical. Reminiscent of the early work of Larry King out of Miami, the broadcast 
hit at the under belly of the ruling class. One even heard carping of George H Bush 
back in those days, when the principles of the Gipper began to fade. As the Clinton's 
took power, the show swung into high gear. And as Rushís web site states: 'The rest is 

If you have any doubts about his talent, he will set the record straight - Rush is 
Right! But is he really conservative? Bear in mind, this is the same guy that stated 
in his 35 Undeniable Truths of Life, 
No 11 - Neither the US, nor anyone else, imposes freedom on the peoples of other 

Now we will be treated to the next evolution of the pedagog from Cape Girardeau. 
Starting on September 4th, the following Sunday, and every Sunday throughout the 
season all the way to the Super Bowl I will be appearing with Chris Berman, Steve 
Young, Tom Jackson, Michael Irvin and the whole cast at ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown. 
Well, we wish Rush all success in his actual passion - Football. His unrivaled 
entertainment style needs a break from politics. Thank our lucky stars that Rush 
didn't seek to replace his fellow 'Show-Me State' recently resigned GOP chairman, Jack 
Walters. Can you imagine the master cheer leader rebuking the closing statement from 
Mr Walters: I grieve for our nation, and the untold suffering that will be wrought. 
As history has shown, you can possess the greatest armaments in the world, but if your 
cause and motives are not right, only catastrophe will result.

Expertise in politics is not synonymous with blind faith regarding partisan policy. 
Fidelity to principle is seldom demonstrated within any party regime. An authentic 
conservative philosophy has been forsaken, as Rush attributes faultlessness to a 
failed GOP administration. Common sense demands consistency with fundamental values. 
Rush has aged into a reliable mouthpiece for the Bush agenda. Republicanism under the 
madness of King George, has succumbed to the nihilism of the NeoCon betrayal mindset. 
Limbaugh has become an aspirant Limey. His brand of phony conservative politics has 
decayed into a defense of a compassionate globalism. This modern day Tory pays homage 
to the Crown of an American empire. He now seduces his audience with appeals of 
impulsive patriotism, while abandoning even the pretension of limited government.

Since the former firebrand, values his media crown more than veracity, his 
significance is reduced to sport. No question ESPN's gain will divert from the 
culpability that sober folks will hold for the neo Rush. He will charm, beguile and 
tell us of the greatest of those Steeler teams. Any relaxation from being a Bush butt 
boy will be refreshing.

The only Ditto left to agree with is a profound disgust for all pinko DemocRATS. Too 
bad that Rush lacks the courage to admit that the RepubliCANTS, are unable and 
unwilling to restore an actual Republic. Where is the commitment for reform in his 
message? Where are all those parodies that exposed the underbelly of the central 
government beast that had the twin profiles of a Klinton head? Surely, no sane person 
would conclude that the Feds have championed individual Liberty under Dubya's GOP? 
Rush acts like it's GOD's Only Party . . .

The sonorousness of Rush has become a pompous and pretentious farce. He wants the 
status of a sage and the bust appearance of a Pallas. However; his parroting of a 
benign New World Order, in red, white and blue hues; resembles the ill-omen of a raven.

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust 
of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's 
that is dreaming, And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted- 

-- Edgar Allan Poe

Let's hope that the NFL will beat some sense back into the man. Concussions go with 
the game. What's unusual is when a jar head seeks relief from his own idiocy in the 
company of steroid induced warriors. The Super Bowl of politics reflects a staged 
march down the road of perdition. Rush Limbaugh is goose-stepping with the skull and 
bones fuhrer. This parade is foreign and is hostile towards true American conservative 
traditional values and heritage. Keep in focus, Rush's Truth No 28: Abe Lincoln saved 
this nation. Any person who believes that, deserves to be treated with proper regard - 

[CTRL] Notes from the ground - Baghdad

2003-07-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject:  from K8 who's got problems posting to MRN
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 03:54:27 -0400
From: Claude Véziau

A bit of news from Iraq, from an ONG worker on site.

Claude Véziau,

- Original Message -
From: Sooz
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:44 AM
Subject: from K8 who's got problems posting to MRN

K8 asked me to copy and paste this and post it on her behalf.

- Original Message -
From: khristo newall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 8:32 PM

Dear friends,

I'm still in Baghdad, safe and sound. The conditions of life are intense
and the security situation is tightening up as tension mounts, but the
challenges of being here generally, (including my work with street
children), are invigorating for want of a better word!

Life is a battle; even breathing in the 50degree air is a challenge . .

Both writing a cohesive email and actually being able to send it can
also be very difficult so I've resorted to tapping in a few notes now
and then in the hope that I can send it sometime!

Anyway, here they are - not a logical progression but I hope it gives
you some impressions of what I'm seeing and experiencing.

RANDOM NOTES FROM BAGHDAD - end of June/early July 2003

Our NGO keeps a curfew of 8.30pm which means even if you've been in the
office all day at night you're still stuck there; the only way around
this is to be in a secure location and stay the night so the other night
I went to Rick and Mary's; great folk who I met in Amman and now here
working with AFSC (Quakers). They are suffering under the same
conditions as the locals without a generator so after walking down the
street for an early dinner we sat in the garden where it was a lot
cooler than inside. As the evening progressed several of their
neighbours joined us. This is typical in Iraq but for me it was a
beautiful change from night after night in the same house that is also
our office.

Tonight I went to hear the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra play their
first concert since the war!! It was a bittersweet experience that had
tears welling in my eyes . .
Beautiful proud musicians, crippled in their art by war, sanctions,
looting and suffering -  now  playing to their occupiers. The audience
was perhaps half Iraqi, thirty percent occupation forces and the rest
made up of NGO staff, the UN , etc.
Stirring to hear the Iraqi audience break into song - 'Our Nation' - for
now at least their replacement for the National Anthem as decreed under

Bremer was there with his security honchos looking like something out of
a bad Mexican movie . . where do they find these guys? I don't mean the
tough guys - they're everywhere but Bremer and co? I still don't get it
- the guy and his actions are a joke (or would be if the consequences
weren't so horrendous).

Caught a taxi, and in the broken English that we could manage I asked
the driver about the war and America:

'America good, and America bad . . good that saddam is gone, bad that
they are here'
 . . .
K: So Saddam is bad but so is Bush?

'Bush is ten times as bad! Saddam is a baby; Bush is the big daddy . . '

As write this it's the 4th of July - US independence day. Feels
incredibly ironic given that I'm in Iraq where people were promised
independence from Saddam Hussein, and freedom and democracy. Instead I'm
in Baghdad, a city living in chaos, increasing tension and conflict and
with a population suffering under the new US regime . .

The people are frustrated and tense . .
Very little power and then water problems as well . .

Bush and his spin doctors are still trying to characterize the incidents
as Baath party loyalists or extremists . .

Then on the 3rd of July he virtually goes looking for a fight - 'Bring
them on' is his response to the ongoing conflict . . Not only a stupid
comment but one that put him offside with his own troops, who saw this
comment as inviting attacks on them.

The same day a Humvee is attacked in Baghdad. Some soldiers are injured
and the vehicle is damaged but as the soldiers go back towards it it's
set on fire by some children; the soldiers then abandon it and a
jubilant crowd of locals stream out and celebrate it s destruction. This
is not a media circus, simply a real response of Iraqi people happy at
the literal destruction of this vehicle and what it represents.

If Bush still really believes it isolated groups of extremists against
him and his Coalition he needs to think long and hard about what it
means when this sort of spontaneous reaction is occurring around Baghdad
, let alone what is happening in towns like Fallujah where the whole
population is strongly anti-US and hostile . .

Did I mention the heat? It's intense; no regular temperature details
though occasionally I hear or read that its 46 or 48; by general
consensus it's been 

[CTRL] Wolfovitz In Babylon

2003-07-22 Thread William Shannon
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

July 22, 2003 

The Entertainer:

Amid the Ruins of Babylon, Paul Wolfowitz Finds "Final Vindication"

by Michael A. Hoffman II

Paul Wolfowitz is something of an entertaining figure in this writer's 
eyes. He represents the Likud wing of meshuganah Israelidom and as such, 
he's the main belt of transmission for the Israeli terror-tactic of 
assassination which has been openly and shamelessly embraced by George 
Bush and the Pentagon's Task Force 20, as part of the Federal 
government's profound retreat from traditional American statesmanship. 
This retreat began under Ronald Reagan, when the latter tried to 
assassinate Muammar Qaddafi in 1986, and ended up killing only his 
infant daughter. 

Two years later, Col. Qaddafi took his infamous Lockerbie revenge on an 
American jetliner with 270 people aboard. The fact that the infanticide 
that triggered his revenge is mostly unknown, is testimony to the means 
by which our homegrown tyrants rule--by media conspiracy. 

The Reagan/Clinton/Bush assassination policy even extends to the murder 
of the families of combatants, and not just the combatants themselves, 
as General Tommy Franks admitted at a recent press conference, calling 
attacks on the families of Hussein supporters, "a really good mission." 
("Franks Details Raid Near Syrian Line," NY Times, July 10, p. A10).

I find Wolfowitz entertaining because I savor the spectacle of a fellow 
more mad than the Mad Hatter leading the US Dept. of Defense. Wolfowitz 
runs the Pentagon under figurehead Rumsfeld almost solely due to the 
electoral muscle of the American Zionist lobby, and not due to any 
military acumen on his part. True, certain American boobs from the 
misnamed Bible Belt imagine that the Israelis are great warriors and 
strategists, but these same people don't intend on being "left behind" 
after the "rupture," so presumably it's not too much of a stretch to 
question their lucidity.

Now comes Wolfowitz to Iraq, an "evil empire" he said was bristling with 
those weapons of you-know-what. Was Wolfowitz even a mite penitent or 
contrite while in Iraq? Did he even mention the fabled weapons while he 
was there? Perish the thought! The bigger the con, the more necessary it 
is to brazenly insist that it's not a con. When Nixon tried this he was 
laughed off the stage of history. Bush, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld are now 
into their third month of viewing the supposed apocalyptic landscape of 
the Saddamites first hand, and finding it empty of all weapons save 
those pesky little rocket-propelled grenades which bedevil our armored 
SUVs with Vietcong-like persistence.

The Bush regime's Iraq project has unraveled. Yet in true Zionist 
fashion, here is Wolfowitz shuffling around the Arabian desert with an 
air of "final vindication." Is there any better evidence of the 
delusional mentality of your garden variety Zionist than this charade? 

Even whackier are the taxpaying, flag-waving psychos footing the $5 
billion a month tab for this made-in-the-synagogue "American foreign 
policy," even as the government quietly released details the other day 
of its intention to drastically curtail the US postal system by closing 
post offices and raising already highly inflated postage rates, as a 
result of the "budget crunch." 

The US government could efficiently chug along for decades if it were 
helmed by crafty Machiavellians of the past like Robert S. McNamara, who 
told a 1976 Senate investigation committee, "I just can't understand how 
it (US government assassinations of Lumumba, Trujillo and Abdul Karim 
Kassem) could have happened." 

With village idiot Bush appointing clinically insane spokesmen like 
Wolfowitz and Lubavitcher cultist Ari Fleischer, the US is as patently 
thuggish and ugly as the hideous Ariel Sharon and his government. 
McNamara didn't dare admit that US government assassinations were the 
deliberate result of high level White House decisions, but last autumn 
Ari Fleischer frankly told the nation that war with Iraq could be 
avoided at the cost of "one bullet." Here was open US government 
incitement to the assassination of head of state Saddam Hussein by the 
President's own press secretary.

With crazies like Fleischer at the Washington wheel, the US government 
is losing goodwill and influence around the world, while opening a lid 
on a retributive Pandora's box brimming with vendetta, state terror and 
popular rage. Pandora's door swings both ways, of course. One can't help 
noting in the wake of Fleischer's obscene remark, that the war with Iraq 
might also have been prevented with a single bullet aimed at another 
head of state besides Saddam. 

I confess to being an unabashed Wolfowitz fan. Who better to bring this 
filthy, rotten System crashing down upon the lodge brothers than the 
Wolf of the White 

[CTRL] Fwd: Ah, the Delicious IRONY, as the GOP is Hoisted on Its Own Petard ...

2003-07-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-
Democrats' ad 
questions Bush credibility

GOP calls ad misleading [!}

CNN, July 21, 2003

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) -- Democrats are launching a television ad that accuses President Bush of misleading Americans on the nuclear threat from Iraq. 

Republicans urged broadcasters not to carry the ad, set to be aired initially Monday in Madison, Wisconsin, then elsewhere; they called it "deliberately false and misleading." 

The Democratic National Committee has been raising money through an e-mail campaign that began July 10 to help finance the ad, which sharply questions Bush's veracity on Iraq's weapons. 

The ad says: "In his State of the Union address, George W. Bush told us of an imminent threat. ... America took him at his word." 

The video shows Bush saying, "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." 

The ad continues: "But now we find out it wasn't true. 

"A year earlier, that claim was proven false. 
"The CIA knew it. 
"The State Department knew it. 
"The White House knew it. 

"But he told us anyway." 

Republicans claim the ad improperly quotes Bush because his entire statement was: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." 

DNC spokesman Tony Welch said: "With the British in there, the president's information is still false and misleading. It is exactly what the president said." 

Some Republicans have argued Bush's statement was 'technically accurate' because it attributed the findings about uranium to the British. [Remember the Republican howls of outrage over Bill Clinton's loose lawyerly interpretation of the term "sex"?]

"You can say whatever you want in a fund-raiser," Republican spokesman Jim Dyke said, "but it steps over the line when you knowingly mislead people {!} in your advertising." 

Welch said the ad would be aired in Madison for about a week at a cost of nearly $20,000. 

Efforts to get comment from Madison TV stations were not successful Sunday. 
The ad squabble comes at a time when public trust in the president has been eroding, according to results released Sunday from a CNN-Time poll. 

The poll found that 47 percent view Bush as a leader they can trust, while 51 percent said they have doubts and reservations. That's down from 56 percent who saw him as a leader they could trust in late March, with 41 percent having doubts. 

The poll of 1,004 people taken Wednesday and Thursday had an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] VeriChip: RFID Microchip Implants for Humans

2003-07-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

VeriChip: RFID Microchip Implants for Humans

First it was cattle. Then it was pets. Now it's Mexicans. 

Will Americans be next?

In Mexico, implantable and trackable micro-chips for humans, which can be used to store personal information, like medical, military, criminal and credit history, have been introduced by Applied Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Florida. 

Its brand name is Verichip, and it's a tiny microchip the size of a grain of rice that is implanted under the skin. 

In Mexico, which is suffering an epidemic of kidnappings for ransom, the device may be touted as "LoJack for People." 

After the chip is implanted, government and hospital officials use a
scanning device to download a serial number to access the name, ID and personal history of the individual on their computer. 

Applied Digital Solutions, which produces the controversial "Digital Angel" tracking device, as well as the "Verichip," also claims it is developing technology to use satellites to track people.

For government officials, the implications are obvious.

Anyone designated as a so-called "terrorist" can be tracked wherever they go with an implanted microchip. 

In fact, eventually an entire micro-chipped population can be more easily tracked, managed and controlled by any government to make sure its compliant to the State's will.

In its report, CNN blithely (and falsely) states that "while the idea of using the chip to track people has raised privacy concerns in the United States, the idea has been popular with Mexicans."

This implies that Mexicans don't care about privacy, and will even stand in line just to get their microchip implants, as long as they will be allowed to move to the United States.

The CNN story also falsely implies that Mexicans will pay the $150 cost for the microchip injection plus the $50 annual fee for the "privilege" of being tracked like cattle. 

That's probably on every Mexican's top priority list -- right after getting his or her daily burrito.

The IT Government market for Applied Digital Solutions, however, appears to be wide open, since the scanning device and related software cost $1,200. 

The downside to the technology? Currently VeriChip can confirm a kidnap victim's identity -- only after the body is found.


According to the press release, "VeriChip is a secure, subdermal, radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip about the size of a grain of rice that can be used in a variety of security, financial, emergency identification and other applications."
This matter-of-fact description of the device is sure to alarm Christians, since it may be identified as the proverbial Mark of the Beast from Revelations, without which no man might buy or sell save he that had the Mark.

"In October 2002, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that VeriChip is not a regulated device with regard to its security, financial, personal identification/safety applications, the press release contionues, but that VeriChip's healthcare information applications are subject to regulation by the FDA in the United States."

Let's see if the FDA ruling can be deciphered. It's OK if the VeriChip tracks your credit report history, but not OK if it's used to inform doctors you're diabetic? This will undoubtedly be used as an argument to justify the VeriChip as a so-called "medical device" in the future.

The live "chipping" event in Mexico was billed as a "simple, outpatient procedure that requires only a few minutes for a local anesthetic and insertion of the chip with a specially designed needle." 

This could actually be the start of a brand new low-cost underground industry. First there were back alley abortions. Then punk garage bands. Can basement microchip insertions be far behind?


Even testimonials by satisfied customers were used to promote the chipping event by Applied Digital Solutions in Mexico.

For example, according to the VeriChip press release, Manuel Rosillo says, "I used to lead a normal, active life, but I never imagined I'd have a health problem as serious as this at my age. So far, I've suffered two heart attacks. I've undergone heart surgery and I'm under permanent treatment and medical supervision, which makes VeriChip an extremely useful product for me."

In other words, doctors at the hospital could monitor Senor Rosillo, while he was having another heart attack -- and dying at a remote location.

Another VeriChip testimonial comes from Francisco Pujano who says, "I was extremely interested in having a VeriChip implant after suffering a cerebral aneurysm. When I have an attack, I don't remember where I am or understand what's happening around me, and it can sometimes last for a long time, so for safety reasons, I opted for VeriChip."

Imagine how this could have helped George Bush -- while he was choking on that Enron 

[CTRL] Fw: Hot Potato - Don't Worry It Is Safe To Eat

2003-07-22 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Medialens Media Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

July 15, 2003


Excerpt From Dont Worry It Is Safe To Eat  The True Story Of GM Food,
BSE, And Foot And Mouth

By Andrew Rowell

As the UK government continues to wriggle over weapons of mass destruction,
of sexing up dossiers and general spin, Tony Blair argues that there is no
greater charge against a prime minister than for him to have personally
falsified claims on which to take a country to war.

That may be so, but another grave charge would be personally ordering the
sacking of a scientist who was involved in some of the first independent
tests on GM, especially if those tests showed evidence of harm, and also
especially if the orders came from Monsanto, via the White House. This is
what Dr. Arpad Pusztai, who raised concerns about GM food in 1998, claims
happened to him.

Part of the recent argument between the BBC and the government concern the
claims by a single unnamed intelligence source that the government sexed
up one of the dossiers on Iraq. In contrast five people have said that they
were told that Tony Blair ordered the sacking of Dr. Pusztai. Here is Dr.
Pusztais story. It raises many unanswered questions about new Labour, its
link to the biotech industry and the safety of GM food.

Dr. Arpad Pusztai

As we witness the dawn of the biotech revolution, Dr Arpad Pusztai is a
scientist who is convinced that he has uncovered vital evidence that shows
there are potential major health risks with GM crops. Pusztai was catapulted
from an unknown laboratory scientist based at the Rowett Research Institute
in Aberdeen to the forefront of a raging debate about the safety of GM
foods, when he spoke on the World in Action TV programme in 1998.

Overnight the Hungarian-born scientist, with some 35 years lab experience,
found himself at the centre of an international media spotlight. The
controversy would put him on a collision course with the UK and US
governments, the biotech industry and the scientific establishment. His
150-second interview lead to Pusztai being suspended, silenced and
threatened with losing his pension. His wife, Susan Bardocz, who also worked
at the Rowett for 13 years, was eventually suspended too. Their research was
locked up. Scientists and politicians alike vilified Pusztai.

As we search for answers as to whether GM foods are safe, two questions
stand out. Given such a huge controversy over Pusztais experiments, and the
preliminary nature of their findings, why were the political and scientific
establishments so intent on rebutting him? More importantly why have the
experiments never been repeated?

The saga has had very personal consequences. Pusztai has suffered two heart
attacks and the saga has left him and his wife, Susan, needing permanent
medication for high blood pressure. Pusztai is still angry about the whole
affair. His only crime was to speak out, in his words, according to his
conscience: I obviously spoke out at a very sensitive time. But things were
coming to a head with the GM debate and I just lit the fuse, he says. I
grew up under the Nazis and the Communists and I understand that people are
frightened and not willing to jeopardise their future, but they just sold me
down the river.

His story begins in post-war communist Hungary. After the Hungarian
revolution was crushed by the communists, the young Pusztai, a chemistry
graduate, escaped to refugee camps in Austria and from there to England. By
1963, having finished his doctorate in biochemistry and post-doctorate at
the Lister Institute, he was invited to join the prestigious Protein
Chemistry Department at the Rowett Research Institute, which has become the
pre-eminent nutritional centre in Europe.

Dr Pusztai was put to work on lectins, plant proteins that were going to be
central in the GM controversy years later.  Over the intervening years,
Pusztai became the worlds leading expert on plant lectins, publishing over
270 scientific studies, and three books on the subject. Two books were
co-written with his wife, Susan. Pusztai became one of the Rowetts most
senior and renowned scientists.

In 1995, the Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries
Department commissioned a three-year multi-centre research programme under
the coordinatorship of Dr Pusztai into the safety of GM food. At the time
there was not a single publication in a peer-reviewed journal on the safety
of GM food.

The scientists primary task was to establish credible methods for the
identification of possible human/animal health and environmental hazards of
GM. The idea was that the methodologies that they tested would be used by
the regulatory authorities in later risk assessments of GM crops. For the
first time, independent studies would be undertaken to examine whether
feeding GM potatoes to rats caused any harmful effects on 


2003-07-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

by R. Cort Kirkwood

Opponents of the Republicrat Axis of Evil rightly grumble that neither major party can be trusted with the public weal.

Thus do they call for a third party that would mend and mind the Constitution.

More optimistic observers suggest voting for the lesser of the two evils (Republicans, conservatives believe), rather than throwing your vote away on a third party that cannot win.

Maybe it cant. But that doesnt change the simple truth that both parties are invested in an anti-American, anti-Constitutional federal establishment. We have two parties, but one ideology; i.e., the ideology of big government.

This ideology, not party politics as usual, is the cancer killing the Republic.

Why Government Keeps Growing

Time was, Republicans paid at least lip service to the Constitution.

With the ascendance of the Reagan movement, for instance, conservatives talked about abolishing the departments of education and energy and other worthless, unconstitutional agencies. They swore that Republican appointments to the Supreme Court would reverse the trend toward centralizing judicial power in Washington.

But the cancer treatment never occurred.

Ensconced in the capital city, conservatives realized controlling government was more profitable, financially and professionally, than reducing it. Also, its much more fun to violate the Constitution than to uphold it, for violating the Constitution permits politicians and bureaucrats to accumulate power.

If Reagan had abolished the Education Department, conservatives could not have run it. Ditto for the energy department, and the national endowments for the arts and humanities and the Legal Services Corporation.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives a decade ago, the Gang of Four Republicans wrote legislation abolishing four cabinet departments. House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his deputies killed it.

Conservatives also accepted the illegitimate decisions and power of the federal judiciary and try to use it for their own ends.

Thus, the unconstitutional Leviathan kept growing.

Battling For Control

But dont believe the shift toward protecting the Leviathan is strictly a matter of calculating political profit.

Listening to conservatives, it is clear that many, if not most, particularly the younger crowd, dont know what the Constitution forbids and permits.

Conservatives never speak of restoring the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the last two codicils in the Bill of Rights. They never discuss the damage done to the Constitution and state and local prerogatives, by judges manufacturing law with the 14th Amendment and Commerce Clause. Conservatives blithely accept the last 75 years of unconstitutional jurisprudence.

With Americans who blindly accept the income tax and Social Security as inevitable facts of life, conservatives operate comfortably within the corrupting ambit of an unconstitutional regime. Indeed, they thrive in it. The thought that his job might be an unconstitutional arrogation of power and tax money never occurs to the conservative jobber in Washington.

This truth also applies to liberals, for the Constitution says what it says, ideology regardless. Liberals statists create one unconstitutional program after another, enact one unconstitutional regulation after another, whether on education, the environment or business.

Problem is, conservatives, who should know better, cooperate willingly, hoping to prevail in the battle to control the statist Leviathan bureaucracy.

Malignant Ideology

So taxpayers lose, and federal power wins.

It isnt just one party or the other that is wrong. Both embrace the malignancy of unconstitutional, omnipotent central government.

Only a radical third party can cure it.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] A Rush of Dittos

2003-07-22 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

It was liberal Phil Donahue's company that put Limbaugh on the air.  He
was a provision made for dissidents.  He started out exposing a lot,
which gained his audience.  Jerry Falwell's newsletter in the '80s did
the same.  Then came the die off of anything resembling real
information.  The unthinking mid-level conservative audience was
suckered in.  They could be lazy.  Rush would do the work for them.  He
told them so.  He served two purposes:  a target for the left and a
brick wall for those who wanted more information from the conservative
side.  Good there a school somewhere that teaches how to come
across as being sincere.  There are a lot of other provision made for
dissidents yackers out there.  On the far right and on the far left as
well.  That could be the subject for a very interesting book.  Did some
of the posters on this board take a mail order course on this topic?

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of iNFoWaRZ
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 4:18 AM
Subject: [CTRL] A Rush of Dittos

-Caveat Lector-

A Rush of Dittos
By Sartre 7-21-3

Are you a fan of EIB? Do you still think that the cutting edge is heard
coast-to-coast, on the syndicated phenomenon, that boasts - 'the
greatest radio show on earth!' Rush Limbaugh went national during the
last days of the Ronald Reagan administration. Those who recall that
bold and fresh attitude will remember that Rush was radical. Reminiscent
of the early work of Larry King out of Miami, the broadcast hit at the
under belly of the ruling class. One even heard carping of George H Bush
back in those days, when the principles of the Gipper began to fade. As
the Clinton's took power, the show swung into high gear. And as Rushs
web site states: 'The rest is history.'

If you have any doubts about his talent, he will set the record straight
- Rush is Right! But is he really conservative? Bear in mind, this is
the same guy that stated in his 35 Undeniable Truths of
Life, No 11 - Neither the US, nor anyone else, imposes freedom on the
peoples of other nations.

Now we will be treated to the next evolution of the pedagog from Cape
Girardeau. Starting on September 4th, the following Sunday, and every
Sunday throughout the season all the way to the Super Bowl I will be
appearing with Chris Berman, Steve Young, Tom Jackson, Michael Irvin and
the whole cast at ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown. Well, we wish Rush all
success in his actual passion - Football. His unrivaled entertainment
style needs a break from politics. Thank our lucky stars that Rush
didn't seek to replace his fellow 'Show-Me State' recently resigned GOP
chairman, Jack Walters. Can you imagine the master cheer leader rebuking
the closing statement from Mr Walters: I grieve for our nation, and the
untold suffering that will be wrought. As history has shown, you can
possess the greatest armaments in the world, but if your cause and
motives are not right, only catastrophe will result.

Expertise in politics is not synonymous with blind faith regarding
partisan policy. Fidelity to principle is seldom demonstrated within any
party regime. An authentic conservative philosophy has been forsaken, as
Rush attributes faultlessness to a failed GOP administration. Common
sense demands consistency with fundamental values. Rush has aged into a
reliable mouthpiece for the Bush agenda. Republicanism under the madness
of King George, has succumbed to the nihilism of the NeoCon betrayal
mindset. Limbaugh has become an aspirant Limey. His brand of phony
conservative politics has decayed into a defense of a compassionate
globalism. This modern day Tory pays homage to the Crown of an American
empire. He now seduces his audience with appeals of impulsive
patriotism, while abandoning even the pretension of limited government.

Since the former firebrand, values his media crown more than veracity,
his significance is reduced to sport. No question ESPN's gain will
divert from the culpability that sober folks will hold for the neo Rush.
He will charm, beguile and tell us of the greatest of those Steeler
teams. Any relaxation from being a Bush butt boy will be refreshing.

The only Ditto left to agree with is a profound disgust for all pinko
DemocRATS. Too bad that Rush lacks the courage to admit that the
RepubliCANTS, are unable and unwilling to restore an actual Republic.
Where is the commitment for reform in his message? Where are all those
parodies that exposed the underbelly of the central government beast
that had the twin profiles of a Klinton head? Surely, no sane person
would conclude that the Feds have championed individual Liberty under
Dubya's GOP? Rush acts like it's GOD's Only Party . . .

The sonorousness of Rush has become a pompous and pretentious farce. He
wants the status of a sage and the bust appearance of a Pallas. However;
his parroting of a benign New 

[CTRL] pedophile politicians, shanley alleg. shared children, judge OKs suit vs NAMBLA

2003-07-22 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Better Late than Never - A lengthy pedophilia investigation in Portugal snags politicians and stirs debate about phone tapping 6/2/03 By Rod Usher "The detention of Paulo Pedroso, Socialist M.P. and former minister, was hailed by lawyers and commentators as a sign that the wealthy and influential were no longer untouchablePedroso's was one of several high-profile arrests after an interminable, eight-month police investigation into a pedophile network operating in state-run children's homes known as Casa Pia. Also placed in preventive detention was Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador to South Africa, along with a doctor, a lawyer and a TV anchorman." Http://,13005,901030602-455005,00.html  

Attorneys submit legal briefs for upcoming Shanley trial By Theo Emery 7/21/03 Boston (AP) "The Rev. Paul Shanley paid to rape and molest teenage boys and sometimes shared them with other men including at least one fellow priest, according to court documents filed Monday by attorneys for Shanley's alleged victims."

from L Moss Sharman
Fed judge OKs Curleys' lawsuit vs. NAMBLA by David Weber 7/22/03 "A federal judge yesterday said a $200 million lawsuit against leaders of the North American Man Boy Love Association should continue, but he dismissed charges against three of the 18 men named individually as defendants. The U.S. District Court lawsuit was filed three years ago by the family of 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley, an East Cambridge boy who was abducted and killed by two men, Charles Jaynes and Salvatore Sicari, on Oct. 1, 1997.The Curleys claim Jaynes was a NAMBLA member and was influenced by its literature."
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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