[CTRL] Thais Infected With Bird Flu; Virus Spreads

2004-01-24 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

"if someone becomes infected with the bird flu and the human flu at the 
same time, the viruses could swap genetic material, creating a new strain that 
could spread quickly among people. Nobody knows how long this might take, if it 
happens at all, but work has begun on a vaccine in case one is 

Doesn't this mean they are creating the new strain? - JR


  January 24, 2004
  Thais Infected With Bird Flu; Virus 

  ANGKOK, Saturday, Jan. 24 — Human cases of avian 
  influenza, contracted from birds, have turned up in a second Asian 
  country, Thailand, showing the virus has spread in recent weeks. The 
  announcement, made by the Thai government on Friday, has deepened fears of 
  a global epidemic if the virus combines with another that can be 
  transmitted from person to person.
  The Thai government's chief spokesman said the outbreak had been 
  concealed for "a few weeks" to avoid panic. The concealment also allowed 
  Thailand's politically powerful chicken industry to keep up exports until 
  word leaked late this week, although officials said they had ensured none 
  of the exported meat was infected.
  Speaking of the cases in Thailand, Dr. Klaus Stöhr, an influenza expert 
  at the World Health Organization in Geneva, said, "This changes the 
  ballgame by posing an increased level of risk" to people. 
  Thailand reported that two boys from different provinces had become 
  infected with the bird flu, and six more people are suspected of having 
  it. Vietnam has already reported five confirmed fatal cases in people near 
  Hanoi, and on Saturday reported two more confirmed cases in Ho Chi Minh 
  City, while seven additional suspected cases are being tested in the 
  country. Chickens from South Korea and Japan, to Vietnam and Thailand, 
  have been dying from the same disease.
  So far, the human cases have resulted from contact with live chickens 
  or their waste. But the World Health Organization, a United Nations 
  agency, has warned repeatedly that if someone becomes infected with the 
  bird flu and the human flu at the same time, the viruses could swap 
  genetic material, creating a new strain that could spread quickly among 
  people. Nobody knows how long this might take, if it happens at all, but 
  work has begun on a vaccine in case one is needed.
  The three largest influenza epidemics of the 20th century are believed 
  to have started in birds. The A(H5N1) strain now killing chickens across 
  East Asia and infecting humans in Southeast Asia appears to be especially 
  The W.H.O. said it did not know why children account for eight of the 
  nine avian influenza cases in Vietnam and Thailand. It may be that adult 
  cases have been attributed to another respiratory infection. Still, Dr. 
  Stöhr said, the point "adds to our concerns" because the influenza 
  pandemic of 1918-19 affected millions of people in the prime of life. 
  The Thai government has vehemently denied for the last week that there 
  was any avian influenza in Thailand, insisting that it was bird cholera. 
  But Jakrapob Penkair, the government's chief spokesman, said in a 
  telephone interview on Friday night that the government had known for a 
  few weeks that chickens were dying of avian influenza. "It was kept from 
  the public, but full-scale operations have been under way" to control the 
  problem, he said.
  The Thai operations, conducted jointly with the country's biggest 
  agricultural businesses, involved killing chickens at farms where there 
  were infections or halting the sale of these chickens, while quietly 
  testing for bird flu all Thai chicken going to the country's main export 
  markets, Mr. Penkair said. Japan buys half of Thailand's chicken exports 
  and the European Union buys another third.
  On Thursday, Japan temporarily suspended the import of Thai chickens, 
  and the European Union did so on Friday. The W.H.O. has said that while 
  the feces, saliva and breath of the chickens may contain the virus, no 
  evidence exists that the meat can cause illness. 
  Countries that have banned poultry from the affected nations are trying 
  to prevent introduction of the virus to their own flocks. "It's probably a 
  good idea, if you want to protect your own poultry production, that you 
  put in place some effort to try to keep live birds out," said Dr. Jorgen 
  Schlundt, who directs W.H.O.'s food safety program.
  In the United States, sporadic outbreaks of avian influenza have 

Re: [CTRL] The Dean Deception

2004-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/23/2004 9:57:06 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If we're lucky, Dean may derail his own campaign with his careening instability long before he gets anywhere near the White House.


Dean is a straw horse being knocked down with much ceremony. If Morris is right about the Clintonian treachery, then surely those "detectives" Bill and Hillary have on Dean's tail are earning every penny of their pay. Hardly a day goes by without some new outrage being unearthed. Oh, look at him yelling and letting out a war whoop (Nya!) in front of his supporters! He's "angry"! He's psycho! Would you want his finger on the nuclear trigger? The whole process reminds me of the smear campaign directed at Barry Goldwater in 1964, when "Fact Magazine" ran a piece by a psychiatrist claiming Goldwater was a certified nutball. The chorus is getting louder, and more hostile, as we head into New Hampshire: the Establishment has decided that it's Howard's end.

While Dean is not "antiwar" in the sense that he wants us out of Iraq and out of the empire business altogether, unlike "frontrunner" Kerry he did speak out before the President launched his fateful invasion, and has especially focused on the process by which we were lied into war. For this alone, he has been marked for destruction by the War Party, which explains the bipartisan coalition that has developed to crush him. 

What frightens our rulers is not Dean, whose foreign policy would be only incrementally different than their own, but the movement that he has generated. His campaign taps into deep and widespread antiwar  and anti-neocon  popular sentiments. The Bush administration's legal and political onslaught against the Constitution, their wild spending spree, and most of all their imperious arrogance have deeply alienated voters on the right as well as the left.

But Morris the magician makes these voters disappear:

"Dean had seized an early lead based on his opposition to the war in Iraq. But his campaign died the day we captured Saddam Hussein. This military coup demonstrated anew the reasons for our invasion of Iraq and robbed the Dean campaign of its essential cause, its raison d'etre. The pounding of the Democratic Party establishment did the rest, dropping Dean to a small percentage of the vote he would have otherwise garnered."

I'm sure the relatives of the 500-plus killed in Iraq are all thrilled by the capture of the Iraqi dictator, although perhaps they find this less consoling than Morris might imagine. It also seems that the families of those deployed in Iraq, the National Guards who signed up for a short stint and find themselves conscripted indefinitely in the service of the Empire, will be less than impressed by the finality of Morris's judgement. This brings to mind a recent comment by the American commander in northern Iraq that 

"U.S. forces have 'brought to their knees' the former Saddam Hussein regime holdouts who formed the backbone of the anti-occupation insurgency in areas north and northeast of Baghdad."

The headline of this Associated Press dispatch proclaims: "Backbone of Anti-Occupation Resistance Broken," or words to that effect, and you have to read all the way to the final paragraph to learn that, oh wait:

"[Maj. Gen. Raymond] Odierno, whose troops are preparing to depart Iraq in several weeks, said that although the former Baath Party loyalists are no longer a major threat, the nature of the anti-American violence could shift, fueled by what he called a nationalistic motive to get U.S. troops to leave. He defined the nationalistic threat as being posed by 'those that really just want Iraqis to run their own country,' and 'elements that are going to try to use Iraqi nationalism to say we need to get the Americans and the coalition forces out of Iraq, and they will continue to attack us.'"

As a political strategist, Morris may have some insights to offer: as a military strategist, however, he's a complete washout. This war isn't going away any time soon, and instead of fading into insignificance as an issue, it will be at the very center of the election season debate  unless the War Party arranges it so that both parties nominate loyal supporters of our interventionist foreign policy. In which case there will be no real debate.

The Bush foreign policy of preemptive imperialism goes against the American grain. To attack a country that never attacked us, to impose our system and way of life on a people so manifestly unsuited to it, to preen and prance about the world stage, demanding that the nations of the world admire our greatness  to many ordinary Americans, still relatively immune to the imperial baccillus, nothing could be more un-American. 

These voters are likely to sit out this election unless a major party nominates someone who wants to take back their country from the neo-royalists and the neocons, the neo-imperialists and the 


2004-01-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Krsljanin 

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:11 PM
Subject: Three Months at The Hague: AN ATTEMPT TO SILENCE THE 

We expect to provide you soon with the full 
text of the ICTY's Appeals Chamber decision refusing to prolong the time for the 
preparation of the President Milosevic's case from three months earlier decided 
by the Trial Chamber. We urge your reactions. In the meantime, we repost the 
statement of the Quebec-Canada section of ICDSM, drafted by ICDSM lawyer and 
candidate for President Milosevic's legal associate Ms. Tiphaine 

URL for this article is 

The Québec and Canada sections of 
the International Committee for the Defence of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) wish 
to register our outrage at the decision of the International Criminal Tribunal 
for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to grant President Slobodan Milosevic only 
three months preparation time for the presentation of his defence against a 
"case" built only on the cynical distortion of the ten most turbulent years of 
Yugoslavia's history.
This decision is yet another 
illustration of the ICTYs contempt for the most basic international norms of 
jurisprudence and prisoners rights. 
This decision is also a clear signal that this institution, born of 
political pressure from the US administration  which has institutionalized 
legal impunity for its own, ongoing crimes  was not designed for and does not 
intend to conduct a trial. This 
process merely seeks to divert scrutiny from the West's responsibility for the 
destruction of a nation. Faced with President Milosevic's refusal to accept the 
political manipulations of The Hague, his principled defence of his people and 
their history, and successful courtroom performance, the ICTY is now attempting 
to prevent him from presenting his case.
This is, as the renowned Canadian 
criminal lawyer Edward Greenspan put it, a lynching.

Imposition of counsel? 

On April 4th 2003, the 
ICTY acknowledged Slobodan Milosevic's right to defend himself in person, and 
denied a Prosecution motion to impose counsel against his will. This fundamental 
right to self-representation without the imposition of counsel over the will of 
an accused is paramount. The United States Supreme Court has held that 
imposition of counsel on an unwilling accused is unprecedented with the 
exception of the Star Chamber, which carried out political trials. The 
Prosecutor now seeks to revisit this issue, and will petition for the imposition 
of counsel against President Milosevic's wishes, despite the fact that this very 
applicartion betrays the political nature of this process.
The ICTY's decision to permit 
Slobodan Milosevic to represent himself held, in reference to Article 21 of the 
ICTY Statute, that it has indeed an obligation to ensure that a trial is fair 
and expeditious; moreover, where the health of the Accused is in issue, that 
obligation takes on special significance. 
Article 21 states that the Chamber must exercise this obligation with 
full respect for the rights of the accused.
expeditious than fair! 
The Chambers decision to grant 
Mr. Milosevic three months to prepare his defence flies completely in the face 
of its stated concern to ensure a fair trial and respect for the rights of the 
accused. It is a wholly unrealistic 
preparation time for a trial of this magnitude, especially so since Mr. 
Milosevic is defending himself while detained. The Chamber has visited an 
additional hardship upon Mr. Milosevic by ordering him to provide, within six 
weeks of the close of the Prosecution's case, a detailed list of witnesses he 
intends to call, including a summary of the facts on which each witness will 
testify, and an indication of whether the witness will testify in person or by 
way of written statement or use of a transcript of testimony from other 
proceedings before the Tribunal. 
He must also list the exhibits he intends to offer in his case, and serve 
the Prosecutor copies of same. The 
Chamber cannot even guarantee that Mr. Milosevic will have "permission" to call 
any witness he chooses, as the decision states it will hold a Pre-Defence 
Conference to review the witness list for approval and determine the time 
allowed to him to present his case.
Equality of arms? 
Numerous international 
conventions affirm the right of anyone accused of a criminal offence to adequate 
time and facilities to prepare their defence. This right is an important aspect of the 
fundamental principle of equality of arms, which holds that the defence and 
the prosecution must be treated in a manner that ensures that both parties have 
an equal opportunity to prepare and present their case during the course of the 
proceedings. The Tribunal has 

[CTRL] Is the communications failure of the Mars Rover a conspiracy?

2004-01-24 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

Once again the mission to Mars is in trouble, communications trouble
this time. There are several conspiracies that could explain these
1.  The little green men (in this case, little red men so as to blend
in with the background) have in the  past caused the space craft to
crash on landing in a continuing effort to remain hidden from other
worlds and peoples. to date, the martians appear to have been
2. The masons or possiblity the Vatican have been sabatoging the space
program to meet some secret agenda of theirs.
3.  There is nothing wrong with the Mars Rover, it is functioning as
programed. A Haliberton mole rewrote the software so that the Mars
Rover will now explore for oil on Mars has it does it's roving. The
communications blackouts are nothing more than the rover transmitting
it's data back to Haliberton. Soon, Halibuton tankers will be bring
martian oil to the earth so that earthlings will be able to continue
driving their SUVs.
I hope this helps to explain some of the problems with the Mars program.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Cult member child abuse, sexual assaults against prostitutes and children

2004-01-24 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

three fwds from L Moss Sharman - Strict discipline: Ex-member testifies cult beat children By Dave Wedge 1/23/04 "Attleboro cult leader Roland Robidoux taught his brainwashed minions to beat their children with paddles to ``break their spirit'' and encouraged spanking babies who were just a few months old as ``training,'' an ex-member testified yesterdayThe allegations of systematic abuse of children in The Body religious sect were made by Mingo during the trial of Karen Robidoux, who is charged with second-degree murder for the 1999 starvation death of her 11-month-old son, Samuel. Prosecutors say Robidoux, 29, starved her son to death to fulfill a religious prophecy handed down by Michelle Mingo, who is Roland Robidoux's daughter and Mingo's ex-wife. She is awaiting trial on accessory charges. Karen Robidoux's husband, Jacques, is serving a life sentence for their son's killing. Mingo acknowledged that children in the sect were struck with wooden paddles which some members wore around their necks like necklaces. He testified the children's beatings were designed by Roland Robidoux to ``break their spirit.'' Children as young as 1 were made to stand at attention and remain quiet while adults held religious pow-wows in Mingo's Seekonk home, he said." http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/localRegional.bg?articleid=1442

also see 2 views of mother on trial in death - Cast as heartless and as helpless By John Ellement, Globe Staff, 1/23/04 http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2004/01/23/2_views_of_mother_on_trial_in_death/

Bakker visited World Vision foster child - Agency will work to identify possible victims of sex abuse - Jeff Lee - Vancouver Sun 1/22/04 "Donald Bakker, 40, is accused of multiple sexual assaults against prostitutes and children. World Vision Canada and police are investigating whether a Vancouver man accused of sexually assaulting a large number of people had sexual relations with children he sponsored in a foreign country. Dave Toycen, president of World Vision, a non-government agency that operates in 65 poor and developing countries, said Wednesday the agency is cooperating with police in trying to identify nine children allegedly videotaped while being sexually assaulted by Bakker while he was abroad." http://www.canada.com/vancouver/story.asp?id=D8A1742A-56DD-457C-8CAC-45A387B3C2D2

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Lederman, Trump - NY Times 1 25 04

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Even Robert Lederman, a painter and an advocate for street peddlers who
claims that he was arrested three days in a row during protests in front of
Trump Tower against the developer's efforts to ban peddling, enjoyed The
Apprentice. He took special pleasure in the first episode, in which the
contestants were sent out onto the streets of Manhattan to sell lemonade,
the quintessential American symbol of entrepreneurship. It was terrific,
he said. But I found it ironic that this man who spent 15 years trying to
eliminate vendors in Midtown would send them out to become vendors.
Obviously, Mr. Trump understands that if you make it as a New York City
vendor you can do just about anything.

NY Times Arts Section 1/25/04
Due Diligence on the Donald

The first episode of Donald Trump's new hit reality show The Apprentice
began with an introduction. As usual, Mr. Trump did the honors. Over aerial
views of Manhattan's glittering skyline, he intoned, My name is Donald
Trump and I'm the largest real estate developer in New York. The camera
panned across Trump International Hotel and Tower at Columbus Circle, and he
continued: I own buildings all over the place, modeling agencies, the Miss
Universe contest, jet liners, golf courses, casinos and private resorts like

For millions of viewers, the show is an opportunity to watch 16 remarkably
ambitious people compete for a $250,000-a-year job with Mr. Trump. But for
those who follow the New York real estate market, the show provides
something else: a hilarious look at Mr. Trump's blend of fact, image and
sheer nerve. Even when the show plays a bit with the truth, it's an
excellent primer - sometimes unintentionally so - on Mr. Trump's peculiar
brand of success.

To start with, the superlative-prone developer does own many valuable
assets. And the Corcoran Group reports that 22 of the 50 most expensive
apartments for sale in the city today are in buildings developed by Mr.
Trump. But as far as his central claim to fame, he is not the largest
developer in New York, nor does he own Trump International Hotel and Tower
(he redeveloped the Columbus Circle skyscraper on behalf of GE Pension Trust
for a tidy fee and a percentage of the stratospheric apartment prices). In
Manhattan, he has developed 13 residential towers - Trump Tower, Trump
Palace, Trump World, etc. - and about 4,100 apartments. Mr. Trump no longer
owns the condominiums he built, although, by all reports, he continues to
manage the buildings well.

In contrast, consider the relatively invisible Leonard Litwin of Glenwood
Management (developed and owns more than 5,000 apartments) or the Elghanayan
brothers of Rockrose Development (developed and own 7,000 apartments in
Manhattan and are starting construction of 3,500 on the Queens waterfront).
And Stephen M. Ross of Related Companies has developed and managed 11,000
apartments in the city and has five projects with a total value of over $2.5
billion under construction, including Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle.
(These are all private residential developers and owners; even they look
small compared to some of their commercial counterparts.)

In at least five follow-up phone calls to an interview, Mr. Trump insisted
he is by far the biggest builder in New York. There might be some guy in
Queens that sells more units, he said. But one of my units sells for as
much as three or four of their buildings.

The Apprentice, on Wednesday nights on NBC, includes a few more fudges:
the Trump Organization's boardroom in Trump Tower, where one contestant is
fired at the end of each episode, was constructed for the show; the
company's real office is 22 floors above it. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GushShalom]  Something is very rotten

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/

   ad in Haaretz 23/01
This week:
-- An Israeli ambassador disconnects the lights 
in a Stockholm museum - giant headlines.
-- The murderer of Rabin wants to marry - stormy debate.
-- The army destroys 30 homes in Rafah and throws 400 human beings
into the street, without even giving them time to remove their belongings 
- most of the media ignore it, others publish miniscule stories.


Gush Shalom 
these ads are paid for by your donations

The following link leads to the clearcut statement by the UNWRA about the 
latest Rafah house domolitions


Rally in support of Geneva Accord planned for Saturday in Tel Aviv

ôòåìåú ðîùçåú îùåèôåú éùøàìéåú-ôìñèéðéåú  ðâã äçåîä   
éåðúï 066-327736 - ôøðö'ñ÷ä 064-494030

For participating in ongoing joint Israeli-Palestinian 
protest actions against the wall, call:
Jonathan:066-327736 or Franceska:064-494030 

Veteran peace activist Gila Svirsky will be in the 
Philadelphia area in February, on a speaking tour. 
She has still time for invitations to Jewish audiences, 
in private homes or synagogues/temples or wherever. 

Reservist refusers don't receive the IDF salary compensation for lost 
income. Many of them have a family to maintain. With an increasing 
number of refusers, the Keren Yesh Gvul (specific fund for 
compensations) is emptying rapidly. If you want the refusniks also in 
the future to receive at least something, send a cheque to:  
Keren Yesh Gvul, POB 10276, Jerusalem 91102, Israel.
More information at http://www.yesh-gvul.org/

çãù áàúø: áèçåï  äçåîä

New on the site: Security  The Wall

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history  action chronicle  
\\position papers  analysis (in documents)
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
+ NB: write the word subscribe in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.

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[CTRL] Fwd: the OTHER Republican Candidate for President (who is challenging Bush) exposes the 9-11 scandal

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian,
independent or any other political flavor, John Buchanan's campaign
for the Republican presidential nomination in New Hampshire next week
-- on the issue of Bush's 9/11 complicity -- deserves everyone's
support.  (He's not related to Pat Buchanan.)  If given adequate
publicity, this scandal could completely change the dynamics of the
2004 Presidential sElection, especially since the Republicans are
returning to the scene of their crime -- their convention is in New
York City just before the 9/11 anniversary.
Please ask every other candidate, every TV station, newspaper,
magazine, liberal paper, conservative paper, radio station, website,
political group, etc. if they will dare to talk about the OTHER
Republican running in New Hampshire and the crucial issues that he is
trying to expose.  This is not a partisan political issue, this is
about whether the promise of democracy can be realized or whether we
slide into full strength fascism.
-Forwarded Message-
From: Gordon Davidson
Sent: Jan 22, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: The Truth About 911 Candidacy
Dear Friends,

 Here is an amazing turn of events in that a Republican is trying to
bring out the truth about 911. You never know where courage and light will
emerge from.



Republican Candidate for President takes on the 9-11 issue

We've got a wonderfully bizarre 9/11 visibility gig going on up here
in the New Hampshire Primary now and need a lot of web visibility
support to alert the legions on the ground.
John Buchanan is the guy who documented the Prescott Bush/Nazi
finance story last fall (and got it spilled out from the NH Gazette to
AP - see http://tinyurl.com/rfiz ). Last month he was asked by
patrician Republican and Earth Day founder, John McConnell to run
against Bush in the NH GOP Primary. Having barely enough to pay
his South Miami rent, he reluctantly agreed and now he is up here
running as the 9/11 Truth Candidate and making a hell of a noise.
His hardscrabble campaign is starting to get traction and he's certainly
shaking up his audiences. Last Monday he walked in cold to the
podium at the new England Community Action Association
Presidential Forum at the Nashua Sheraton where everybody was
waiting for Joe Lieberman . They sat spellbound for 30 minutes and
offered massive applause at the windup. Wednesday he spoke at New
England College's College Convention in Manchester and the kids
gave him a lo-o-ong hooting thumbs up ovation.
So PLEASE get everyone you can to link to our John Buchanan, 9/11
Truth Candidate site as well as his his own highly skeptical blog. The
URLs are: http://johnbuchanan.org and
We're praying this will break big by next week and the omens are
good. Time magazine is talking to him tonight and AP is
interviewing him over the weekend. Amazing grace...
un abrazo, david k-

PS: See latest speech below. I know he's no where near as edgy as
many of you, but he is talking to Republicans and holding their


Good afternoon and thank you for welcoming me so warmly.

I stand before you today less as a candidate and more as a messenger
and the message I bear is simple and stark. We have all been lied to
about 9/11, the country is in mortal danger and only you can make it
If you need a label, I stand here as a 9/11 Truth Candidate and some
may thus dismiss me as a single-issue candidate and in a narrow
sense that is true. But if you consider that 9/11 has led us into fiscal
ruin, endless war and constitutional twilight, my issue is the mother
issue of our age.
That said let me return to the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: What brought down WTC #7?

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Original Message-
From: General Journalism Discussion
Behalf Of Preston Peet
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:11 PM
Subject: What brought down WTC #7?

Hi all,

A friend just sent me this link, and I pass it on to you all, seeing as
there are a lot of journalists here who may want to do their own bits of
looking. The following link is to a 7 minute long interview that includes a
seriously disturbing video clip of WTC 7 falling into what seems to me to be
such an impossibly neat and tidy heap with the minimal damage having been
done to it previously as near as can be assertained. Having watched the
second falling tower go down live from my rooftop, I don't agree with the
interviewee's assessment of the 2 main WTC towers exploding before they
fell, (and the 70 or 80 yard spread of debris as it fell seems easily
explained by air pressure from a multi-ton building going down and pushing
out the debris from itself as it went) but the WTC 7 issue does make me
wonder, a lot.
I also reserve judgement on the Pentagon crash, as there were obviously
passengers on a plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon, and I don't know
where they'd have subsequently gone if not into the building, but looking at
the photos of the immediate aftermath of the Pentagon hit, it does give me,
personally, pause for thought, as it simply looks too clean, too bizarre
to have been hit by a big huge plane- but that said, perhaps that did happen
the way we're told by the government. If so though, why can't we see the
whole impact video instead of 2 or 3 still clips from surveillance video?
Anyway, here's the link and it is an interesting interview with the head
of 911review.org, with some accompanying video.



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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] U.S. ambassador downplays Bush protests

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Nov. 18, 2003, 11:39AM
Well-heeled envoy says Brits rally weeklyBy BENNETT
ROTHCopyright 2003 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON -- With President Bush expected to arrive in London tonight,
William Farish III, U.S. ambassador to Britain, dismissed as "overstated" the
massive anti-Bush protests planned for the president's three-day visit.
Farish, a Bush family friend and major GOP donor, suggested that the protests
are not representative of British sentiment, adding that street demonstrations
are common.
"There is a protest here in London once a week," Farish said. "Five hundred
thousand people marched supporting fox hunting. You won't see anything like that
during the president's visit."
The 64-year-old envoy, a horse breeder and Humble Oil heir
who counts Queen Elizabeth II among his friends, will throw a dinner on behalf
of the president as well as help him navigate the treacherous currents of
British politics.
While Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair have become fast allies, new
polls show that much of the British public has a negative view of the American
president and his campaign in Iraq.
Demonstrators have threatened to follow the president during the visit, which
includes overnight stays at Buckingham Palace and a visit to Westminster Abbey.
For Farish, who arrived in London in 2001, the challenges of being ambassador
have intensified since the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes forced more coordination
between the two governments as they attacked Afghanistan and Iraq.
Farish has also been in the line of fire from the British press for not being
aggressive enough in explaining U.S. foreign policy to a skeptical public.
He has been portrayed in the media as a country club Republican who would
rather chat about stallions and mares with the queen than debate strategy on
Iraq. One British newspaper dubbed him the "invisible ambassador."
"He's been a figurehead when you needed a spokesman," said Peter Riddell, a
commentator for The Times of London.
Farish calls such criticism "ridiculous," saying that he has traveled
extensively around the country, giving speeches on the economy and foreign
policy that have not been picked up by major newspapers.
Farish said he was under orders to let other officials, such as Secretary of
State Colin Powell, take the lead in defending administration foreign policy.
"The government position is that the explanation is coming out of Washington
daily. We don't need to be giving further explanation from the embassy," Farish
Longtime friends from Houston defend Farish's low profile, saying that he has
never been one to call attention to himself, despite his immense wealth and
friends in high places. On a financial disclosure report filed with the Office
of Government Ethics, Farish lists assets worth at least $125
"Will is a person who does not seek publicity. It is just not in his
personality. It never has been and never will," said Pete Seale, an attorney who
represents Farish and has known him for 35 years.
The grandson of William Stamps Farish, the co-founder of Humble Oil, the
younger Farish was born in Houston in 1939. He attended St. John's School in
Houston. Farish's father was a military pilot who died when his plane crashed
during an air show. His mother later married Hugo Neuhaus, a well-known
Houston architect.
Farish's wife, Sarah, was originally from Wilmington, Del., and is related to
the du Pont family, founders of the Delaware based chemical

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[CTRL] Mary Williamson Averell Harriman (1852-1932)

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Mary Williamson Averell Harriman (1852-1932) received the Pugsley Gold Medal in 1929 for her services in the establishment of the Palisades Interstate Park. Even before her birth, it appeared that fate intended for Mary Averell to meet and marry Edward Henry Harriman. Their union was not only a private success in terms of love and devotion, it also proved to be an unmitigated success for the unlikely duo of railways and state parks.

 Mary Williamson Averell Harriman (1852-1932) received the Pugsley Gold Medal in 1929 "for her services in the establishment of the Palisades Interstate Park." Even before her birth, it appeared that fate intended for Mary Averell to meet and marry Edward Henry Harriman. Their union was not only a private success in terms of love and devotion, it also proved to be an unmitigated success for the unlikely duo of railways and state parks.
 Born into a prominent New York family, intelligence, gentility, and respect were ingrained into Mary from an early age. Tutored at home, she completed her education at a finishing school in New York with the, usual expectation that one day she would become a fine wife and mother for some young man of equal or greater social standing than the Averells. Marys father, William J. Averell was not only a successful banker, owning with his brother James, Ogdensburg, a major New York bank, but he was also a man heavily involved in his community, serving as a vestryman for his church, alderman for his municipal government, and mayor for his city. This social consciousness was passed down to Mary, whose life also centered on church, family, and community.
 Mary was in her late twenties when she met and married E. H. Harriman. Although his relationship with railways had yet to surface, by the time the couple wed on August 10, 1879, the thirty-one year old Harriman had begun to make a name for himself as a businessman. The road to Harrimans success was legendary. He quit school at the age of fourteen and entered the lower echelons of Wall Street, working as messenger and a pad shover. However, it was these lessons that helped E.H. become member 281 of the New York Stock Exchange at the tender age of twenty-two. Shortly thereafter, in 1870, E.H. opened his own brokerage firm. Although this firm was successful, E.H.s future was in railroads, and this destiny was sealed with his marriage to Mary Williamson Averell.
 In addition to being a successful banker, Marys father was also president of the Ogdensburg  Lake Champlain Railroad. This enabled William to provide the newlywed couple with a special train to whisk them away after the wedding, painting the name E.H. Harriman on the engine. Furthermore, William offered E.H. a seat on the railroads board, one that E.H. readily accepted. It was the start of a lifelong commitment, both to his wife and to rail.
 E.H. and Marys marriage thrived and three children were born: Mary in 1881; Henry Neilson in 1883; and Cornelia in 1884. Business continued to flourish when E.H. entered the rail world as a knight in shining armour. His purchase and refurbishment of rail companies, most notably Union Pacific, earned him his fame and his fortune.
 In 1886, that fortune allowed E.H. to purchase 7,863 acres of heavily forested land on the western shore of the Hudson at Highland Falls in New York. Also situated on this tract of wilderness was a home that served as a sanctuary for the burgeoning Harriman family. Within two years, Harriman had expanded his holdings in the area to 20,000 acres by buying 40 additional properties. The estate was named Arden. EH and Mary Harriman cherished the country lifestyle at Arden with their five children. A multitude of enterprises was based at the estate. Over the years, E.H. had taken up dairying, horse breeding, and mining, and squiring, and this industriousness meant new acreage added to Arden.
 As one of his neighbors succinctly stated, He collects mountains as other men collect china.By 1908, it became apparent this collection of mountains could be the salvation of the wilderness nature of the area. Lumbering and quarries encroached on the tranquility of the region; however, it was the acquisition of land to build a new prison at nearby Bear Mountain that proved to be the final straw. For E.H. Harriman and family, the solution was simple: a giant state park. He proposed donate thousands of aces for the park and $1 million in cash as an endowment for its management, if the governor agreed to locate the prison somewhere else.In August, 1909, E.H. Harriman passed away; however, his legacy did not fade with his passing. In many ways, his influence was as profound in death as it was in life. Like the railroads he managed, the fortune E.H. amassed reached all corners of America, from Boys Clubs to the American Red Cross, from Yale University to state parks. Yet this would not have been possible had it not been for the untiring efforts and dedication of Mary Williamson Averell 

[CTRL] Some mistakes in grantmaking can't be undone

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Philanthropy's Shame
Some mistakes in grantmaking can't be undone

There have long been two schools of thought about how to deal with the poor. One school holds that the poor should, like the non-poor, be treated as individuals who can acquire the necessary skills to become productive citizens. A second school holds that the poor are different from the non-poor-they're victims, with little or no chance of improving their lot without the sheltering hand of the state.
 A more extreme branch of this second school believes the poor are genetically wired for failure, and it is from within its leadership that the ugliest chapter in the history of philanthropy emerged. From 1910-1940, so-called Progressives actively funded the eugenicists, people who systematically sterilized people they deemed tainted with criminal genes to keep them from reproducing. If the poor couldn't be redeemed, the argument went, then they shouldn't be born in the first place.
 Edwin Black's newest book, War Against the Weak, details the damage that eugenics caused in the United States and Europe. Black, an investigative journalist whose previous books have been about the Holocaust, charges that some of America's major foundations "collaborated with the Department of Agriculture and numerous state agencies in an attempt to breed a new race of Nordic humans, applying the same principles used to breed cattle and corn. The names speak power and prestige: the Carnegie Institution (Editor's note: not to be confused with the philanthropic foundation the Carnegie Corporation), the Rockefeller Foundation, the Harriman railroad fortune."
 In America, eugenicists scored their greatest successes between the mid-1920s and 1940. The 1927 United States Supreme Court decision in Buck vs. Bell declared sterilization of "imbeciles" constitutional. As a result, some 60,000 women were forcibly sterilized between 1927 and 1965. In addition, Black shows that eugenicists had a substantial role in shaping the Immigration Act of 1924, which drastically restricted immigration from eastern and southern Europe while keeping immigration from "Nordic" countries such as Germany and Great Britain relatively open.
 State governments proved most persuasive to eugenic arguments. State public health officers conducted most to the involuntary sterilizations. And some state officials, particularly in the South, combined eugenics arguments with more traditional racism in an effort to outlaw "unfit" marriages between blacks and whites. Under the commonwealth of Virginia's Racial Integrity Act, for example, racial investigations of brides and grooms were common. The act, which prevented scores of marriages between whites and blacks and whites and Asians remained in force until 1967.
 The federal government played a lesser role. Eugenicists did receive some grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and traveled under diplomatic passports to attend international conferences. Other agencies offered advice, but not money. Only the U.S. Census Bureau resisted eugenicists, by blocking their efforts to have Census forms include a classification for low-intelligence "socially inadequate" Americans.
 Eugenics also permeated the extensive writings of birth-control pioneer Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Sanger, a fellow-traveler in the eugenics movement, repeatedly advised donors not to help the poor. In Pivot of Civilization (1922), Sanger declared that "organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease." The growth of charity, Sanger declared, was "the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents, and dependents." Sanger continued her eugenically inspired war against the poor until the 1950s.
 What role did foundations play in funding the eugenics movement? Here Black provides some partial answers. But because he fails to carefully trace how much foundation money went to eugenics-practicing organizations, and how much of that was actually applied to eugenics issues, we cannot determine with precision how guilty foundations were.
 We do know that foundations supported eugenics in two major ways. The first was aid for the Eugenics Record Office (ERO), based in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Created in 1910, The ERO did not fund any medical experiments, but published research (most famously of a family it called the "Kallikaks") that claimed to prove that feeblemindedness and criminality were inheritable. ERO staff members furiously networked with eugenicists in other countries, particularly Germany.
 The ERO's principal patron was Mary Harriman, widow of railroad magnate E.H. Harriman (and mother of diplomat Averell Harriman). Between 1910-1925, Mary Harriman gave the ERO 80 acres of land in Long Island and grants, which, in this period, appear to have amounted to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] US Leaders Highlight World Economic Forum Agenda

2004-01-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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By Joan VeonJanuary 21, 2004 
DAVOS, SWITZERLAND -- The World Economic Forum that opens on Wednesday in Davos Switzerland has chosen "Partnering for Security and Prosperity" aas its theme. In light of America's war in Iraq, the war on terrorism and the falling dollar, this week will be a zinger. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton opens the five-day conference that will offer its 2,280 participants more than 190 workshops and sessions. Later in the week, Vice President Dick Cheney will address the audience. 
The participants include 1,000 CEO's from the world's foremost companies, 31 heads of state, 75 cabinet ministers, 48 ambassadors and 32 heads of or senior officials of international organizations. Furthermore, there are 52 heads of non-governmental organizations, 18 union leaders, 24 religious leaders of different faiths and 164 members of academic institutions and think tanks. 
The "Seven Threads" that comprise the agenda to be considered include: Ensuring Global Security, Promoting Global Growth, Managing New Risks, Harnessing the Diversity of Values and Building Corporate Resilience. Under the first thread of global security, questions to be debated include "The Future of Global Interdependence," "The Future of Transatlantic Relations" and "Building a New Security Paradigm." 
For the last 34 years, the World Economic Forum has been forging its place in history and in world events. They are a global facilitator. Their conference and the ideas put forward are on the cutting edge as to where the world is headed. The reality of today's world is one without economic, political, trade or communication barriers. The program offered to those participating reflects a deeper understanding of the interdependent world of the 21st century, also known as the "open society" and "the global village." 
Several years ago when Bill Clinton was president, he joked about the fact that "no one was home because most the Cabinet is here." Besides President Clinton, there are four former members of his Cabinet: former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers who is now President of Harvard University; former Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Laura Tyson; former Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business and Agriculture Affairs and Assistant to the President Stu Eizenstat who is now with a leading international law firm; former Ambassador-at-large and Special Adviser to the Secretary of State Strobe Talbott who is now president of The Brookings Institution and former governor of Colorado and former Undersecretary for Global Affairs Timothy Wirth who is now President, United Nations Foundation. All of these will participate in 13 various sessions. Other fellow democrats taking part include Congressmen Sander Levin, Barney Frank, Edward Markey and Howard Berman who will participate seven times. 
Not to be outdone, the republicans will be headed up by Vice President Dick Cheney who will discuss Iraq, Attorney General John Ashcroft who will deliver a closed briefing to key business leaders and a workshop for all on "Why Victory Against Terrorism Demands Shared Values." Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson will discuss global health issues while Secretary of Commerce Don Evans will participate in two sessions, one which is entitled, "Managing Risk and Growth in an Open Economy." U.S. Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs, Alan P. Larson will participate in workshops on growth in emerging markets and recovery in the U.S. Senators Gordon Smith, Orrin Hatch, Richard Shelby and Saxby Chambliss also will be participating in more than one workshop with Senator Hatch participating in four. 
Others who will participate in workshops and sessions