2004-04-10 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: LCDP-ST 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 3:54 PM

Press release 
of the
"European Coordination to 
support the Arab Nation" 
Brussels  April 9, 

Version française à la 



The Syrian popular Committee to 
fight against Zionism and support Palestine organizes in Damas, this April 
9, first anniversary of the occupation of Baghdad by the American-Zionists 
forces, a popular meeting in order to denounce the occupation of Iraq and 
to call the Arabs to support the Iraqi people. 
On this April 9 will be, in all the 
Syrian cities, the day of anger and of support for the resistance of the Iraqi 
people against the occupation specifies our Arab comrades in an official 
statement. The committee also affirms that it is necessary to mobilize all 
the capacities and the efforts in order to help the Iraqi people to continue his 
resistance, in all its forms. The committee rejects any form of legitimation of 
the occupation.

The members of the European 
Coordination to support the Arab Nation, engaged in Europe in the defense 
of the Arab cause and the support for Iraqi and Palestinian resistances, affirm 
their total solidarity with the organizers and the participants of the meeting 
organized this day in Damas.
At the time when the 
American-Zionist offensive against the Arab ideology is developing, Ba'athism 
remains more than ever the vanguard of Arab Resistance !

Against the American-Zionist 
offensive, Syria is today in first line. 

Defend the last Ba' athist fortress, support 
Palestinian and Iraqi Resistances 
is a duty for any conscious anti-imperialist militant 
European-Arab Solidarity 
Free and united Iraq and Palestine 

The "European Coordination to 
support the Arab Nation" :
Iraq committees 

Syria Solidarity 
Transnational association "The 
Peoples Cause" 


Communiqué de presse de la 

«Coordination européenne 
de soutien à la Nation arabe»
Bruxelles  9 avril 2004 



«Comité populaire syrien de lutte contre le sionisme et de soutien à la 
Palestine» organise à Damas, ce 9 avril, date du premier anniversaire 
de loccupation de Bagdad par les forces américano-sionistes, un 
rassemblement populaire en vue de dénoncer l'occupation en Irak et 
d'appeler les Arabes à soutenir le peuple irakien. 
«Le 9 avril sera, dans 
toutes les villes syriennes, la journée de la colère et du soutien à la 
résistance du peuple irakien contre l'occupation» précisent nos 
camarades arabes dans un communiqué. Le comité affirme aussi qu'il faut 
«mobiliser toutes les capacités et les efforts en vue d'aider le peuple 
irakien à poursuivre sa résistance, dans toutes ses formes. Le comité rejette 
toute forme de légitimation de l'occupation».

signataires, unis dans la «Coordination européenne de soutien à la 
Nation arabe», engagés en Europe dans la défense de la cause arabe et 
le soutien aux résistances irakienne et palestinienne, affirment leur totale 
solidarité avec les organisateurs et les participants du rassemblement organisé 
ce jour à Damas.
Au moment où 
loffensive américano-sioniste contre lidéologie arabe se développe, le 
Baathisme reste plus que jamais à lavant-garde de la Résistance 

Contre loffensive 
américano-sioniste, la Syrie est aujourdhui en première ligne. 
Défendre la dernière 
forteresse baathiste, soutenir les Résistances palestinienne et irakienne est un devoir pour tout 
militant anti-impérialiste conscient !
Irak et Palestine libres et 

La «Coordination 
européenne de soutien à la Nation arabe»:
Comités Irak de Base
Comités Solidarité Syrie
Association transnationale 
«La Cause des Peuples»


For more 


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[CTRL] Remember

2004-04-10 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector-

This poem was read at my Brother's funeral. We was 
a highly decorated Vietnam War Veteran. We're doing it all over again. Will we 
ever learn?


Here I stand, dark huge and angular 
firmly planted in the ground

I can not move but I have the power to move 

Those who see me see fear, confusion and 
They hear crying laughing and an explosion 
of noises, a dreaded silence.

Some look at me in pride while others look at me in disgust.

Yet no one meets me with indifference for I 
am a part of mankind.
It is man's needs and greed's that brought 
me into being.
I am the rich, the poor the good and the 
The brave and the coward.

I am one and I am many.

When you look at me, remember a boy barely 
out of his teens calling for his 
Remember a father who never got to see his 
Remember a man who knows the burden of 
sending other to a probable death.

I am America's blood. her anguish, and her 

No matter what you think of the cause, 
look at me and see the faces of those names I bear.

Never let the valor be 

Here I stand for all eternity.
So that the memory of those that died 
in the Viet War live on.

Written bye a 7th grade student from 
Alexandria VA
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[CTRL] Fwd: Newsletter #58: And Now For Something Completely Different ...

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Greetings from the Center for an Informed America
(http://davesweb.cnchost.com/). Please forward this newsletter widely.
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mailings, e-mail (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) a request to be
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April 9, 2004
And Now For Something Completely Different ...

Well, folks, Hollywood has once again stepped up to the plate to deliver
an uncannily timely dose of propaganda to the masses. On April 5, just
five days after four American, uhmm, 'civilian contractors' were dragged
through the streets of Fallujah, the Los Angeles Times ran an article by
John Horn entitled The Avengers. This is how the piece began:
Ready or not (and many in the country seem to be ready), several new
films are about violent retribution.
It's payback time.
For each and every weekend this month, that's the mantra for a variety
of movie characters determined to bring justice to an unjust world.
Americans might feel toothless in their real lives, but violent film
heroes in Walking Tall, The Punisher, Kill Bill Vol.2, Man on
Fire and The Alamo feel no such powerlessness. Rather than get mad,
they get even, and after just two hours of effort, they can truthfully
proclaim, Mission accomplished.
Yes, my good friends, it's time get out there and whup some ass! It's
time to teach those Iraqi barbarians a lesson that they won't soon
forget. And Hollywood, as always, has come through in the clutch to pump
the masses full of bloodlust and rally support for the carnage that is
soon to be unleashed.

How do they do that? How do they manage to always have the right product
ready at the right time? It's almost as if the studios knew long ago,
when these films went into production, that the events of the last week
would transpire at exactly this time. But that would be impossible, it
would seem. Unless, of course, what happened in Fallujah was itself a
Hollywood production.

Cast as the leading man was Stephen Scott Helvenston, who had bounced
around the fringes of Hollywood for years. As has been widely reported,
Helvenston, at age 17, became the youngest-ever Navy recruit to complete
SEAL training. He remained a SEAL for the next 12 years, and then
settled in Oceanside, California, just south of Camp Pendleton. He soon
found work as Demi Moore's trainer on the film G.I. Jane, in which he
also appeared as a SEAL instructor. He also served as a consultant and
stuntman on films such as Face/Off and Three Ninjas, and he produced
a series of workout videos through his company, Amphibian Athletics.
More recently, Survivor producer Mark Burnett, himself a former
special forces operative, cast Helvenston, whom he had known since 1993,
as one of the stars of his cable reality series Combat Missions.
Helvenston also made an appearance on Fox's ludicrous (even by Fox's
standards) reality show, Man vs. Beast, and he had small acting parts
on such television series as Renegade and Silk Stockings.

After all that, Helvenston's next starring role was on March 31, 2004,
when he inexplicably turned up in a burning vehicle on the streets of
Fallujah, Iraq, in the very neighborhood where at least 18 Iraqis had
been slaughtered by U.S. forces just five days before (though that fact
is almost never mentioned in press reports). As an Associated Press
release noted, after years out of the service ... the former SEAL had
left the comfort of his life in California behind him and headed for

He had apparently done so quite recently, with press reports holding
that he had been in Iraq for less than a month. Friends of the fallen
commando were quoted as saying that they were not surprised by
Helvenston's sudden return to the military life. According to Mark
Burnett, That's what, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Condoleezza's ancient Chinese secret scam

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Condoleezza's ancient Chinese secret scam
Posted on Saturday, March 27 @ 07:41:52 EST
Topic: Republicans

Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser to President Bush, has recently
granted an interview to virtually every reporter but me. Perhaps it is
because I keep asking her questions about the Chinese spy in her past. Rice
has impeccable credentials. She worked for the elder George Bush in the
White House, handling Russian issues. She is a distinguished fellow at the
Hoover Institution and former provost of Stanford University. Rice is very
close to former Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry. Rice worked with
Perry and the Clinton administration during her term at Stanford. The
Clinton White House once mentioned her as being on the short list for
secretary of state.

The Chinese Army Spy and Condoleezza Rice
Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2001

Yet it is her years at Stanford working with Perry that have rendered Rice
silent. While working at Stanford, she became involved in the most
successful Chinese army penetration of the Clinton Defense Department. She
will not answer questions about her relationship with Chinese spy Hua Di.

Hua Di was born into a family of prominent Communist officials. He studied
missiles in Russia and worked for the Chinese army missile program for 24
years. In 1984, he went to work for the China International Trust and
Investment Co. (CITIC), a firm then part-owned by the Chinese army.

Hua defected to the United States in 1989 after the Tiananmen Square
crackdown on student democracy demonstrators. He went to work as a
researcher at Stanford's Center for International Security and Arms Control.
There he met Rice and the Stanford Center co-directors, former Secretary of
Defense William Perry and political science professor John Lewis.

In 1994, Hua used his contacts at Stanford, in Beijing and inside the
Clinton Defense Department with then-Secretary Perry to obtain a secure
fiber-optic communication system for the Chinese army. In 1994, Hua
contacted an old friend in the Chinese army then working for Gen. Ding
Henggao, a close friend of Perry.

In fact, Perry and Ding's relationship spans three administrations. Perry
reportedly met Gen. Ding in the late 1970s during the Carter administration.
By 1994, Perry ran the U.S. Defense Department, and Ding had risen to
command the Chinese army military research bureau COSTIND, or the Commission
on Science Technology and Industry for National Defense. COSTIND, according
to the General Accounting Office, oversees development of China's weapon
systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications
technology applicable for military use.

Hua Di teamed in 1994 with Stanford Dr. John Lewis, Secretary of Defense
Perry, and Gen. Ding of the Chinese Army to buy an advanced ATT fiber-optic
communications system for civilian use inside China. The communications
system slipped past U.S. exports laws as a joint U.S.-Chinese commercial
venture called Hua Mei. The Chinese part of the venture was run by a newly
formed firm named Galaxy New Technology.

Hua Di described himself as the matchmaker between the Chinese Army and
Lewis during an interview for the Far Eastern Economic Review. Hua arranged
for Gen. Ding's wife, Madam Nie Li, to head the joint project as the Chinese

Stanford's Lewis, himself a board member of the project, located Adlai
Stevenson III, the former Democrat senator from Illinois, to lead the
American side. According to the Far Eastern Economic Review, Lewis had
Defense Secretary Perry write a personal letter on his behalf to U.S.
government officials, favoring the export to China.

With Perry's blessing, Hua Di and Lewis contracted ATT to ship the secure

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] George Russell Wackenhut is his name

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

The Wackenhut Corporation is a US -based corporation , headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens ,Florida .  Wackenhut was founded by Mr. George Wackenhut, a former FBI agent.  In 2002 , Wackenhut was purchased by Group 4 Falck , a Danish corporation. 

The Premier Custodial Group Limited is a prison corporation engaged in the business of operating private prisons . 50 %of Premier stock is owned by Wackenhut Corrections Corporation (WCC). 

Group 4 Falck is a multinational corporation , based in Copenhagen ,Denmark .  Falck A/S claims to be the second largest security guard service provider on Earth .  The group employs 230,000 people within 85 nation-states globally with operations in more than 85 countries throughout the world. 

Wackenhut is  a worldwide security firm named after its founder George Russell Wackenhut.  George Russell Wackenhut is a descendent of the Russell family that created with Alphonso Taft, the Yale secret society in 1832, the American chapter of the Skull and Bones, also known as the Russell Trust.  And it is out this of Russell Trust that the Wackenhut Corporation was actually birthed. 13 


William  Huntington Russell - founder of what is believed to be an American chapter  of the Illuminati (Skull  Bones Order). It legal name is Russell Trust. 

John  Russell - founder of the fraternity of Daughters of Isabella (DOI) in May, 1897 in New Haven, Conn.10 


Charles  Taze Russell - Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, in Allegheny Pa. and  founder of the Watchtower Society. 

Harvey D. Russell - KT Mason leader of Pittsburgh, PA Beaver Valley Lodge No.   8412 

John Russell - Pastor C . T. Russell step-mother was executor of his will.  His mother was the one chosen to dance with famous Mason Lafayette when he was in Philadelphia.

William  H. Russell - Mason and part owner of the Pony Express, which was a firm made up mainly of Masons.14 

George William Russell (1869-1935) - leading member of the Dublin Theosophist lodge, wrote art. for the theosophic periodical The Irish Theosophist.  Initiated into the Lodge of Isis (with it sexual rites). The keynote of   his work is from the Bhagavadgita. He was a good friend of Golden Dawn leader William Butler Yeats.

James Russell- President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh which was associated  with esoteric groups like the Masons.16 

Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) - A Presbyterian Mason who graduated from the Univ.  of Edinburgh, Scot. He studied at the Univ. of Bonn, Ger. and was active in setting up various organizations in the United States. 17 

Benjamin Russell (1761-1845)- Mason and early American Journalist.18 

Charles H. Russell - Governor of Nevada, 1950-58, and 32son, also in the York   Rite, and a Shriner. 19 

J. Stuart Russell - Mason and newspaper editor and deputy chairman of the   Fed. Reserve Bank in Chicago.20 

Lee M. Russell (1875-1943) - Mason and Lt. Gov. of Miss. 1916-20. (21) 

Louis A. Russell (1854-1925) - Mason, organist for South Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, N.J.22 

Richard  B. Russell (1861-1938) - Mason, judge, editor  business exec.22 

Richard  B. Russell, Jr. - Mason and Gov. of Georgia, 1931-33 and Sen. from Georgia  since 1933. 24 

the family that Bertrand Russell came from. They hold the title of Dukes of Bedford. Ordo  W. Russell served in Lord Palmerston office from 1850-52. He served as unofficial ambassador for Great Britain to the Vatican from 1857-70. His son Baron Ampthill was Grand Master of the English Masons 1908-1935. He joined the English equivalent of the Knights of Malta - 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Admin's Actions=Hostile Corp. Take-over  Actions Directly Parallel A Hostile Corporate Takeover

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Bush Admin's
Actions=Hostile Corp. Take-over Actions Directly
Parallel A Hostile Corporate Takeover

The Bush Administration's Actions Directly Parallel A Hostile
Publicly-held corporations know to keep profits low and cash-on-hand at
absolute minimum.
Why? Because if there is a nice cash profit each year or there is a
of cash in the company's coffers, they become a prime target for what
called a hostile corporate takeover.
You see, all that cash sitting around and cash income becomes a
that is too inviting to pass up. And so predators undertake
takeovers, purchasing a majority share ' against the will of the
ownership ' of the company's stock. They do this by offering
excessively high price for the shares, and so get enough small 
holders to sell out, giving them a majority share.
Why would they overpay for the stock? Well, here is how the scam
As soon as they get control of the company, the first thing they do
take all the money sitting around in the company coffers and stick
directly in their pockets and the pockets of their 
Next, they look at the company’s assets and see what else they can
off or use to put cash in their pockets. They spin-off, sell-off,
then, when the company is just a skeleton of what it once was, they
off the remainder by selling off their stock. This puts money on
top of
all the other money they just made.
Remember the movie Pretty Woman? Richard Gere's character made
fortune by buying up companies, selling off all assets that could put
in his pocket., and then selling what was left over. That is
exactly what
we are talking about - that is the textbook hostile takeover.
Now, look at what Bush/Cheney and company did.
The nation had a surplus - a lot of money sitting around in the
coffers. It also had a high profit - excess tax revenues over
So, they decided to try and take over the company (i.e. American
corporation) so that they could loot the coffers, line their
exploit any other assets that might bring them profits, leaving the
country but a skeleton of what it was.
It was no secret. George Bush said himself during the debates
different times that the President was a Chief Executive
Officer, and
that he was qualified because he had experience in different capacities
a CEO.
He also was clear that if elected, he would take all of the money
in the country's coffers and hand it directly to his co-investors
campaign supporters,) the rich people who had each given him the 
allowed by campaign finance laws, knowing they would get more than that
far returned via the tax cuts.
As President Bush said during the second Presidential debate in St.
on October 17, 2000:
MODERATOR: Governor -- yeah, hold on one second here, though. The
just reversed the thing. What do you say specifically to what the
president said tonight, he said it many, many times, that your tax
benefits the top 1% of the wealthiest Americans, and you've heard what
BUSH: Of course it does.
In addition, he made it clear that he wasn't just going to take all of
cash and profits - the surplus, as it was called - and stick it in
hands of his rich investors, but that he was going to tap all
resources to line his co-investors’ pockets, such as the Arctic
Preserve he promised to drill in, or the pricey pollution control
regulations he promised to roll back, putting cash directly into 
buddies' hands.
So, as with most attempted takeovers, first, they tried to do it the
way. As a company would make an offer to purchase a majority share
in a
direct, decent manner, the Bush/Cheney ticket made an attempt to win
election in a 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Kerry, Kissinger BCCI

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

The BCCI Affair
A Report to the Committee on Foreign RelationsUnited States SenatebySenator John Kerry and Senator Hank BrownDecember 1992102d Congress 2d Session Senate Print 102-140


Introduction and Summary of Investigation 

The Origin and Early Years of BCCI 

BCCI's Criminality 

BCCI's Relationship with Foreign Governments, Central Banks, and International Organizations 

BCCI in the United States - Initial Entry and FGB and NBG Takeovers 

BCCI in the United States - Part Two: Acquisition, Consolidation, and Consequences 

BCCI and Law Enforcement - The Justice Deparment and the US Customs Service 

BCCI and Law Enforcement - District Attorney of New York 

BCCI and Its Accountants 

BCCI, The CIA and Foreign Intelligence 

The Regulators 

Clark Clifford and Robert Altman 

Abu Dhabi: BCCI's Founding and Majority Stockholders 

Mohammed Hammoud: BCCI's Flexible Frontman 

BCCI And Georgia Politicians 

BCCI's Lawyers and Lobbyists 

Hill and Knowlton and BCCI's PR Campaign 

Ed Rogers and Kamal Adham 

BCCI and Kissinger Associates 

Capcom: A Case Study of Money Laundering 

Legislative and Policy Recommendations 

Appendix - Matters For Further Investigation, Witnesses and Writs 
FAS Note: This December 1992 document is the penultimate draft of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report on the BCCI Affair. After it was released by the Committee, Sen. Hank Brown, reportedly acting at the behest of Henry Kissinger, pressed for the deletion of a few passages, particularly in Chapter 20 on "BCCI and Kissinger Associates." As a result, the final hardcopy version of the report, as published by the Government Printing Office, differs slightly from the Committee's softcopy version presented below.--Steven Aftergood


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2004-04-10 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 15:30:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: judith jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, judith jennings wrote:

 When people are really drunk they say things that they don't intend to.'

True but there is plausibility in what he said. Gangsters have been
killing each other on the streets of Vancouver for a long time. For what?
MONEY. Now we are told by the unprecedented raid on the Legislature a few
months ago that organized crime has infiltrated government. So they have
the addresses of all the welfare recipients in BC if they want them. Why
would they want them? What else do gangsters care about but MONEY? Welfare
people cost gangsters MONEY. When illegal MONEY is laundered, when illegal
activities are legalized, the same organized criminals who habitually kill
each other for MONEY have to pay taxes to these useless eaters. Why
wouldn't they murder the welfarees for MONEY as well?


 Man's inhumanity to man', now that is a subject. When it comes to livelithood, 
perhaps this story might even be true, who knows?, but little suprises me. I hope it 
isn't true, but then, I try to be optomistic when it comes to the milk of human 
kindness,(It should indeed encompass all races.) When you come down to it, if the 
races can and do interbreed, then it is really only one race, though some genes may 
predominate, ( make a person appear black rather than white) though they have a white 

 citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Mr. Dobbs:

 I just talked to an old timer who said he worked on the fish boats in
 Florida during his youth. Likely just a tall tale but he said that during
 drinking sessions the boat operators would tell about how many crew men they
 turned into fish food rather than pay their wages. Say, that movie (likely
 to win an Oscar) called Monster is based on a true story from Florida ...
 could this be Monster II in the making? Exporting America eh?


 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 11:38 AM
 Subject: [CITIZENS_ASSEMBLY] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Disappearing Thousands: An
 Exercise in Accountancy (fwd)

  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 11:33:05 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Disappearing Thousands: An Exercise in
  Estimate 40,000+ who have exited from welfare since 2001. MHR's Exit
  Surveys account for 1/3, most of whom are employed in regular, legal jobs.
  This is what we would expect of welfare leavers at any time.
  Best guestimates are that most of the 2/3 are a very different population
  and most of these have been FORCED to leave their homes for other
  provinces where the services essential for their survival will be
  provided. Thus they are HOMELESS PEOPLE emigrating from BC. By the
  definition of the UNHC Refugees, they are also INTERNAL REFUGEES, ie
  people unwanted in their homeland (BC in this case).
  My guestimate is 20,000 internal refugees rendered homeless, who have had
  their health and lives threatened with a discontinuation of those services
  essential for survival if they remain in BC; and half of those, ie 10,000
  driven from their homes in the Greater Vancouver Regional District.
  What is your guestimate? But then why should we guess when we have an
  auditor general who can do some human resources accountancy for us?
  Meanwhile Dr. Campbell, Mayor of Vancouver and the most notorious medical
  torturer since Dr. Ewan Cameron of McGill, bleats on about homes being
  the solution to homelessness, and not tent cities. He conveniently
  ignores the MHR Regimen of torture, murderous threats and criminal assault
  against clients because he is complicit in this regimen. He ignores the
  10,000 GVRD citizens forced into homelessnness and internal refugee status
  BTW, how many would you put in category 7? Don't know? Don't care? When
  Vancouver Sun put forward its 27 questions about the famous and
  unprecedented Raid on the Legislature on Jan. 2/04, here's one it
  overlooked. If organized crime has infiltrated government, organized
  crime which has been killing its rivals for years on the streets of
  Vancouver, why would it not kill some useless eaters, so deemed by
  Campbell and Campbell? How many? If there is even one we should know,
  don't you think? Why not ask RCMP? Don't know? Don't care?
  When the famous artist Tony Only crashed his plane into the Fraser R. a

[CTRL] Fwd: Fury Ignites Solidarity in Iraq

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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-Caveat Lector-

Los Angeles Times
April 9, 2004


Fury Ignites Solidarity in Iraq

By Naomi Klein

BAGHDAD - April 9, 2003, was the day this city fell to
U.S. forces. One year later, it is rising up against

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld claims that the
resistance is just a few thugs, gangs and terrorists.
This is dangerous, wishful thinking. The war against the
occupation is now being fought out in the open, by
regular people defending their homes - an Iraqi

They stole our playground, an 8-year-old boy in Sadr
City told me this week, pointing at six tanks parked in
a soccer field next to a rusty jungle gym. The field is
a precious bit of green in an area of Baghdad that is
otherwise a swamp of raw sewage and uncollected garbage.

Sadr City has seen little of Iraq's multibillion-dollar
reconstruction, which is partly why Muqtader Sadr and
his Al Mahdi army have so much support here. Before U.S.
occupation chief L. Paul Bremer III provoked Sadr into
an armed conflict by shutting down his newspaper and
arresting and killing his deputies, the Al Mahdi army
was not fighting coalition forces; it was doing their
job for them.

After all, in the year it has controlled Baghdad, the
Coalition Provisional Authority still hasn't managed to
get the traffic lights working or to provide the most
basic security for civilians. So in Sadr City, Sadr's
so-called outlaw militia can be seen engaged in such
subversive activities as directing traffic and guarding
factories. It was Bremer who created Iraq's security
vacuum; Sadr simply filled it.

But as the June 30 handover to Iraqi control
approaches, Bremer now sees Sadr and the Al Mahdi as a
threat that must be eliminated - at any cost to the the
communities that have grown to depend on them. Which is
why stolen playgrounds were only the start of what I saw
in Sadr City this week. At Al Thawra Hospital, I met
Raad Daier, an ambulance driver with a bullet in his
abdomen, one of 12 shots he says were fired at his
ambulance from a U.S. Humvee. At the time of the attack,
according to hospital officials, he was carrying six
people injured by U.S. forces, including a pregnant
woman who had been shot in the stomach and lost her

I saw charred cars, which dozens of eyewitnesses said
had been hit by U.S. missiles, and I confirmed with
hospitals that their drivers had been burned alive. I
also visited Block 37 of the Chuadir District, a row of
houses where every door was riddled with holes.
Residents said U.S. tanks drove down their street firing
into homes. Five people were killed, including Murtada
Muhammad, age 4.

And Thursday, I saw something that I feared more than
any of this: a copy of the Koran with a bullet hole
through it. It was lying in the ruins of what was Sadr's
headquarters in Sadr City. A few hours earlier,
witnesses said, U.S. tanks broke down the walls of the
center after two guided missiles pierced its roof. The
worst damage, however, was done by hand. Clerics at the
Sadr office said soldiers entered the building and
shredded photographs of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the
top Shiite cleric in Iraq. When I arrived at the
destroyed center, the floor was covered with torn
religious texts, including copies of the Koran that had
been ripped and shot through with bullets. And it did
not escape the notice of the Shiites here that hours
earlier, U.S. soldiers had bombed a Sunni mosque in

For months, the White House has been making ominous
predictions of a civil war breaking out between the
majority Shiites, who believe it's their turn to rule
Iraq, and the minority Sunnis, who want to hold onto the
privileges they amassed under Saddam Hussein. But this
week, the opposite appeared to have taken place. Both
Sunnis and Shiites have seen their homes attacked and
their religious sites 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fury Ignites Solidarity in Iraq

2004-04-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
A HREF=""ctrl/A

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

-Caveat Lector-

Los Angeles Times
April 9, 2004


Fury Ignites Solidarity in Iraq

By Naomi Klein

BAGHDAD - April 9, 2003, was the day this city fell to
U.S. forces. One year later, it is rising up against

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld claims that the
resistance is just a few thugs, gangs and terrorists.
This is dangerous, wishful thinking. The war against the
occupation is now being fought out in the open, by
regular people defending their homes - an Iraqi

They stole our playground, an 8-year-old boy in Sadr
City told me this week, pointing at six tanks parked in
a soccer field next to a rusty jungle gym. The field is
a precious bit of green in an area of Baghdad that is
otherwise a swamp of raw sewage and uncollected garbage.

Sadr City has seen little of Iraq's multibillion-dollar
reconstruction, which is partly why Muqtader Sadr and
his Al Mahdi army have so much support here. Before U.S.
occupation chief L. Paul Bremer III provoked Sadr into
an armed conflict by shutting down his newspaper and
arresting and killing his deputies, the Al Mahdi army
was not fighting coalition forces; it was doing their
job for them.

After all, in the year it has controlled Baghdad, the
Coalition Provisional Authority still hasn't managed to
get the traffic lights working or to provide the most
basic security for civilians. So in Sadr City, Sadr's
so-called outlaw militia can be seen engaged in such
subversive activities as directing traffic and guarding
factories. It was Bremer who created Iraq's security
vacuum; Sadr simply filled it.

But as the June 30 handover to Iraqi control
approaches, Bremer now sees Sadr and the Al Mahdi as a
threat that must be eliminated - at any cost to the the
communities that have grown to depend on them. Which is
why stolen playgrounds were only the start of what I saw
in Sadr City this week. At Al Thawra Hospital, I met
Raad Daier, an ambulance driver with a bullet in his
abdomen, one of 12 shots he says were fired at his
ambulance from a U.S. Humvee. At the time of the attack,
according to hospital officials, he was carrying six
people injured by U.S. forces, including a pregnant
woman who had been shot in the stomach and lost her

I saw charred cars, which dozens of eyewitnesses said
had been hit by U.S. missiles, and I confirmed with
hospitals that their drivers had been burned alive. I
also visited Block 37 of the Chuadir District, a row of
houses where every door was riddled with holes.
Residents said U.S. tanks drove down their street firing
into homes. Five people were killed, including Murtada
Muhammad, age 4.

And Thursday, I saw something that I feared more than
any of this: a copy of the Koran with a bullet hole
through it. It was lying in the ruins of what was Sadr's
headquarters in Sadr City. A few hours earlier,
witnesses said, U.S. tanks broke down the walls of the
center after two guided missiles pierced its roof. The
worst damage, however, was done by hand. Clerics at the
Sadr office said soldiers entered the building and
shredded photographs of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the
top Shiite cleric in Iraq. When I arrived at the
destroyed center, the floor was covered with torn
religious texts, including copies of the Koran that had
been ripped and shot through with bullets. And it did
not escape the notice of the Shiites here that hours
earlier, U.S. soldiers had bombed a Sunni mosque in

For months, the White House has been making ominous
predictions of a civil war breaking out between the
majority Shiites, who believe it's their turn to rule
Iraq, and the minority Sunnis, who want to hold onto the
privileges they amassed under Saddam Hussein. But this
week, the opposite appeared to have taken place. Both
Sunnis and Shiites have seen their homes attacked and
their religious sites