[CTRL] Falluja is under siege

2004-04-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

Iraq Solidarity Action HYPERLINK "_javascript_:tell_friend();"E-mail 
thisHYPERLINK "http://electroniciraq.net/news/printer1451.shtml"Print 
this Ewa Jasiewicz , Occupation Watch, 11 April 2004Ewa Jasiewicz 
lived in Baghdad and Basra for 8 months while working withVoices in the 
Wilderness and Occupation Watch. On Friday April 9th,2004, Ewa spoke to 
friends and colleagues currently in Iraq. Thefollowing contains excerpts 
from their conversations. Paola Gaspiroli, Italian, from Occupation 
watch and Bridges to Baghdad:Falluja is under siege. 470 people have 
been killed, and 1700 injured.There has been no ceasefire. They (Americans) 
told people to leave, andthey have 8 hours to do so. People began to leave, 
but became trapped inthe desert. The Americans have been bombing with B52s. 
Bridges toBaghdad are pulling out. We have flights booked out of Amman. 
Tomorrow ateam will go to Sadr City to deliver medicines. 50 people have 
beenkilled there. The sheikh in Sadr City has told me I should leave. 
Hesays that even he can't control his people. Foreigners are going to 
betargeted. 6 new foreigners have been taken hostage. Of the six, 
fourItalian security firm employees were kidnapped from their car. 
Baghdadwas quiet today except for Abu Ghraib (West Baghdad, where a vast 
prisonis located and is bursting at the seams with 12,000 prisoners). 
AnAmerican convoy was attacked there and 9 soldiers were injured and 
27were kidnapped. Thats right 27. None of the newswires are reporting 
itthough. There are people in the desert. They've left Falluja but 
they're notbeing allowed into Baghdad. They're trapped in the dessert, 
likerefugees. It is terrible but the people, Iraqi people, are giving 
allthey can. Theyre bringing supplies. Everyone is giving all the help 
andsupport they can to Falluja. It is really, really bad. The 
Americanshave been firing on ambulances and snipers are following them. 
Theambulances cannot get in.I want to stay but I have to go. If I 
want to come back and be useful, Ithink its best to leave. Its getting 
really dangerous for Italians. Wefeel like were being targeted now. (Italy 
has a 2500+ force includingCarabinieri occupying Nassiriyah which has been 
subject to a number ofresistance attacks including the devastating attack on 
the Policestation which claimed the lives of 4 soldiers, one civilian, 
onedocumentary film maker, 12 Carabinieri police and 8 
Iraqis.)Palestinian friend with family in Falluja and friends in 
the IraqiIslamic Party:Weve been seeing it with our own eyes. 
People were told to leaveFalluja and now there are thousands trapped in the 
desert. There is a 13km long convoy of people trying to reach Baghdad. The 
Americans arefiring bombs, everything they have on them. They are firing on 
Families!They are all children, old men and women in the dessert. Other 
Iraqipeople are trying to help them. In Falluja the Americans have 
beenbombing hospitals. Children are being evacuated to Baghdad. There is 
achild, a baby, who had 25 members of his family killed. Hes in 
thehospital alone without anyone. The Americans are dropping cluster 
bombsand new mortars, which jump 3-4 meters. They are bombing from the 
air.There are people lying dead in the streets. They said there would be 
aceasefire and then they flew in, I saw them, and they began to bomb. 
The people are fighting back and they are fighting well. But, we 
areexpecting the big attack in 24-48 hours. It will be the main attack. 
TheAmericans will be taking the town street by street, searching 
andattacking. They did this already in a village near-by, and now they 
willbe doing this in Falluja. People need to protest, go to the 
Embassies,and get them to do something to stop this. We are having a protest 
at anAmerican checkpoint tomorrow. Do everything you can.What to 
DoPlease contact active groups in your area. Demonstrations and 
protestsare already scheduled in many cities across the United States 
andelsewhere. For more complete updates on the situation in Falluja, 
please visitalternative media websites, including HYPERLINK"http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage"Al-Jazeera 
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[CTRL] 'Terrorist' Seeks to Head Sierra Club (fwd)

2004-04-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 08:52:53 -0400
From: johnperna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Birch Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 'Terrorist' Seeks to Head Sierra Club

'Terrorist' Seeks to Head Sierra Club
The man who may become the new leader of the Sierra Club doesn't care if you think 
he's a terrorist.

Paul Watson has spent the last forty years sinking fishing boats, destroying whale 
processing facilities and ramming whaling ships.

After co-founding the extremist Greenpeace in 1972, Watson left the group because they 
weren't radical enough.

They were into this passive protest, Quaker kind of thing, Watson told Men's Journal.

So he went on to establish the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a vigilante band of 
high seas pirates, and now flies flags of the skull and crossbones on his ships.

He now calls Greenpeace the Avon ladies of the environmental movement.

In 1986, Watson opened the sea valves of two commercial whaling ships with a monkey 
wrench in Reykjavik, Iceland, flooding them and causing them to sink. That was after 
he took sledgehammers to one of the city's whale meat companies, prompting Iceland's 
minister of justice to expel him from the country.

People can call me a terrorist, I don't care, says Watson.

Last year he got himself elected to the Sierra's board of directors and is trying to 
take control of the board and its $100 million budget.

Lawrence Downing, a former president of Sierra Club, warns, If Paul Watson is 
successful with this takeover the club as we know it will no longer exist. It will 
become just another fringe group.

We thought it already was - and Watson's current board position proves the point.

For more information visit:






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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Says Al Qaeda Threat Was Not Specific

2004-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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-Caveat Lector-

Not specific? He's told they have numerous cells in the US, are planning an
attack involving hijacking passenger jets and that a giant attack was
expected in the very near future, an imminent attack...how specific did he
need it to be to reach the level of a threat, the flight numbers and names
of each hijacker, the actual date and hour? If terrorists acting
independently hijacked the planes on 9/11 all the government would have had
to do to stop them was increase airline terminal security.

 The P.D.B. was no indication of a terrorist threat, Mr. Bush said. There
was not a time and place of an attack. It said Osama bin Laden had designs
on America. Well, I knew that. What I wanted to know was, is there anything
specifically going to take place in America that we needed to react to?


Bush Was Satisfied on Pre-9/11 Probes

Apr 11, 5:46 PM (ET)


CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - President Bush insisted Sunday he was satisfied
that federal agents were on top of the terrorist threat after reading a
pre-Sept. 11 briefing detailing Osama bin Laden's intentions on U.S. soil.

For two years, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice left Americans
with the impression that the memo from Aug. 6, 2001, focused on
historical information dating to 1998 and that any current threats
mostly involved overseas targets. Yet the release, under public
pressure, of the briefing showed that Bush had received intelligence
reporting as recent as May 2001 and that most of the current information
focused on possible plots in the United States.

I was satisfied that some of the matters were being looked into and
had any specific intelligence pointed to threats of attacks on New York
and Washington, I would have moved mountains to prevent it, Bush said
Sunday during a visit to Fort Hood in Texas.

But he said the document, which the White House released Saturday night,
contained nothing about an attack on America. It talked about
intentions, about somebody who hated America - well, we knew that.

Should the memo - a leading topic of the Sunday talk shows - have raised
more of an alarm bell than it did? I think in hindsight that's probably
true, said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. He said the Clinton and Bush
administrations bear responsibility for Sept. 11.

The existence of the president's briefing memo was disclosed to the
public at a news conference in May 2002. The overwhelming bulk of the
evidence before Sept. 11, Rice declared, was that any terrorist attack
was likely to take place overseas.

Most of the CIA reporting during the summer of 2001 did focus on
possible overseas targets. But the memo specifically told Bush that
al-Qaida had reached American shores, had a support system in place and
was engaging in patterns of suspicious activity ... consistent with
preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks.

In May 2002, Rice said there was specific threat reporting about
al-Qaida attacks against U.S. targets. She did not mention that it was
in the report sent to the president.

To accentuate the potential domestic threat, the memo told Bush the FBI
had 70 investigations related to bin Laden under way.

The president's memo mentioned two current threats: suspected al-Qaida
operatives might have cased federal buildings in New York and that,
according to a phone call to an American embassy in the Middle East, a
group of bin Laden supporters was in the United States to plan attacks
with explosives. The FBI later concluded the two Yemeni men
photographing buildings in New York were tourists.

Slade Gorton, a member of the commission investigating the Sept. 11
attacks, said the memo did talk about potential attacks in the United
States, but it didn't give the slightest clue as to what they would be
or where they would 

[CTRL] Fwd: Carter's Crusade

2004-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

The following was posted on the PeaceEfforts list. As one who spent 3 years
studying theology, I concur fully with Carter. What has emerged as the
Christian right, is not at all Christian. It is some sort of perverse demonic
body disguised is pseudo-Christian clothes. Such is extremely dangerous. The
Nazis developed their own version of Christianity (minus the 'Jewish' bible)
along similar lines to justify their hatreds. Ed Kent --

Carter's Crusade

Jimmy Carter explains how the Christian right isn't Christian at all.

By Ayelish McGarvey Web Exclusive: 04.05.04

Former President Jimmy Carter, America's first evangelical Christian
president, still teaches Sunday school at his Baptist church in Plains,
Georgia, and he and his wife, Rosalynn, continue their human-rights work in
developing nations through the Carter Center at Emory University. In recent
months, the Carters toured Togo, Ghana, and Mali to raise awareness of the
public-health needs of those nations. In February, Carter spoke about the role
of evangelical Christianity in democratic politics with Prospect writing
fellow Ayelish McGarvey.

Republicans have been extremely successful at connecting religion and values
to issues like the fight against terrorism, abortion, and gay rights.
Democrats have been far less adept at infusing our issues -- compassion, help
for the poor, social justice -- with any sense of religious commitment or
moral imperative. Why do you thiink that is?

When I was younger, almost all Baptists were strongly committed on a
theological basis to the separation of church and state. It was only 25 years
ago when there began to be a melding of the Republican Party with
fundamentalist Christianity, particularly with the Southern Baptist
Convention. This is a fairly new development, and I think it was brought about
by the abandonment of some of the basic principles of Christianity.

First of all, we worship the prince of peace, not war. And those of us who
have advocated for the resolution of international conflict in a peaceful
fashion are looked upon as being unpatriotic, branded that way by right-wing
religious groups, the Bush administration, and other Republicans.

Secondly, Christ was committed to compassion for the most destitute, poor,
needy, and forgotten people in our society. Today there is a stark difference
[between conservative ideology and Christian teaching] because most of the
people most strongly committed to the Republican philosophy have adopted the
proposition that help for the rich is the best way to help even poor people
(by letting some of the financial benefits drip down to those most deeply in
need). I would say there has been a schism drawn -- on theology and practical
politics and economics between the two groups.

What has attracted conservative Christians to a party that protects corporate
interests and promotes an aggressive foreign-policy agenda? How do those square?

There is an element of fundamentalism involved, which involves the belief on
the part of a human being that [his or her] own concept of God is the proper
one. And since [he or she has] the proper concept of God, [he or she is]
particularly blessed and singled out for special consideration above and
beyond those who disagree with [him or her].

Secondly, anyone who does disagree with [him or her], since [he or she is]
harnessed to God in a unique way, then, by definition, must be wrong. And the
second step is if you are in disagreement with [his or her] concept of the way
to worship, even among the Christian community, is that you are inferior to
[him or her]. And then the ultimate progression of that is that you're not
only different and wrong and inferior but in some ways you are subhuman. So
there's a loss of concern even for the death of those who disagree. And this

[CTRL] Israel and US Ignite Iraq and Middle East

2004-04-12 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

War's Full Fury Is Suddenly Everywhere

New York Times News of the Week in Review -
April 11, 2004 -  BAGHDAD, Iraq -

Just the other day, on the outskirts of town, clouds of black smoke boiled up
from the highway. A fuel truck was on fire, engulfed in flames.

Another day in Baghdad. Another hit on a military convoy.

But when a photographer and I stepped out of our car to take pictures, it was
clear we were stepping into another Iraq.

Insurgents flooded onto the roadway, masks over their faces, machine guns in
their hands. They began to fire at approaching Humvees. The neighborhood around
us scattered into a mosaic of panic. Women slammed gates behind them. Cars shot
gravel from their tires as they raced away. And we were just 20 minutes outside
the city center in a place that up until the last few days was as safe as any.

In Kufa, a palm-lined town on the Euphrates, bearded Shiite militiamen who swear
their allegiance to a rebel cleric are driving around in police cars. American
officials had just bought those police cars. American soldiers had just trained
the policemen who had been riding in them.

In the Khadamiya neighborhood, one of the prettiest spots in Baghdad, men passed
out grenades where just days ago children sat under umbrellas, licking ice
cream. It was stunning how natural it looked, how quickly armed men seemed the
norm, how nobody seemed to bat an eye, even though the heart of Baghdad now
looked like the heart of Kabul.

The atmosphere in Iraq has completely changed. In just a week, a fading
guerrilla war has exploded into a popular uprising. Six months of work is
completely gone,'' said a State Department official working in southern Iraq.
There is nothing to show for it.''

It was as if the clock had been set back to the early days of occupation. Again
tanks are blasting apart targets in Baghdad neighborhoods. Cities like Falluja
and Ramadi are under siege or, more accurately, re-siege.

But there is a difference. Back then, last April, when I was a reporter embedded
with the United States Army, Iraq seemed as if it was slowly coming under
control. Now, after three months on my current stint here, that nascent sense of
order is collapsing into chaos.

This past week, a photographer (yes, the same one) and I headed to Ramadi, 50
miles west of Baghdad and the scene of a fierce battle that claimed the lives of
12 marines. The trip was supposed to take two hours. We had to take back roads.

The fields glowed green with rice, the palm trees swayed, and children splashed
in rivers. We saw women in the doorways of mud huts squinting at us. We saw a
slice of life in Iraq that was quiet and simple.

But just as I was admiring the scenery, a minivan zoomed in front of our car and
blocked the road. A dozen gunmen with scarves tied over their faces jumped out.
Some had heavy machine guns. Some had rocket-propelled grenades. We were
surrounded. Out! Out! ' the men shouted. We were in a bulletproof car. Or
allegedly bulletproof. Who really knew? The insurgents banged on the inch-thick
glass with the tips of their Kalashnikovs. I didn't want to open my door.

But with the fatigue of one who is thoroughly defeated, I got out. I stood in
the dust and watched the men level their guns at my chest. I thought about my
mother. I was hoping it wouldn't hurt.

The translator and driver, usually so cool, even joking, under fire, looked
terrified. One insurgent swung the safety off his gun, making a very deliberate
metallic sound I hope never to hear again, and unloaded half a clip into the

Move! he shouted.

We stepped over the hot brass bullet casings that had just been spat into the
dirt and got into the minivan. We had no options. We had driven into the heart
of the Sunni resistance, into a little town between Baghdad and Ramadi
completely overrun by mujahedeen fighters, right now one of the most
anti-American places on the planet. We later learned that we had arrived just at
the time of an attack.

Our captors were not sure if we were journalists or spies. Eventually, they
satisfied themselves that they could trust us. The critical moment came when a
man with aviator sunglasses brought us a bowl of water.

Drink, he said.

My mouth was so parched from fear that no sip ever tasted so wet.

Now, he said, you are our friends.

Later someone told me that if you are offered water - or tea, or anything in
such a situation - take it. The gesture means you are a guest. And hospitality
in the Arab world can spell the difference between making it out of a sticky
situation or not. The man with the aviator sunglasses wasn't just giving me
water. He was giving me life.

Eventually, we were allowed to drive away from the village. As we left, the
insurgents launched an attack on the marines. Rockets flashed. The insurgents
cheered. The last we saw of them their fists were in the air.

And I was left with the question: Why now?

Why did the Shiites, who had been 

[CTRL] Bush Says Al Qaeda Threat Was Not Specific ... so...

2004-04-12 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

.. there was in the case of Saddam Hussein ?...
.. what was the time and place ?...


 The P.D.B. was no indication of a terrorist threat, Mr. Bush said.
 There was not a time and place of an attack. It said Osama bin Laden
 had designs on America. Well, I knew that. What I wanted to know was, is
 there anything specifically going to take place in America that we
 needed to react to?

Y  Dr. Tony DickinsonY
Y   Visiting Research Fellow/Lecturer in Psychology  Medicine   Y
Y   McDonnell Centre for Higher Brain Function   Y
Y Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Y
YWashington University School of MedicineY
Y Box 8108, 660 S Euclid Avenue  Y
Y  St. Louis, Missouri   Y
Y MO 63110  USA  Y
Y  http://eye-hand.wustl.edu/lab/people/tony.htmlY

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11 Smoking Gun: NORAD's own press release

2004-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Friends, Boulderites, Countryfolk, your ears!

I'm forwarding this message everywhere because understanding the
9/11 attacks is the most important issue of our time, and I've seen
no analysis as succinct as mine below. Please distribute it widely
-perhaps with the first paragraph and last sentence deleted- and
contact your representatives and the 9/11 Commissioners
(http://www.9-11commission.gov/) Thank you  -Evan Ravitz

A very interesting video by Barry Zwicker (see
regarding unanswered questions about the 9/11 attacks will be shown
at the St. Johns Episcopal Church annex (just East of the main
church) at 7PM this Thursday April 15. We will talk afterward and
write letters to our representatives in Washington.

To me the most obvious flaw in the official story of what happened
on 9/11 is: what happened to our air defences? Since 1958 NORAD
(North American Aerospace Defence Command) and later the FAA
(Federal Aviation Administration) have maintained a seamless
constant watch on everything that flies, in air or outer space, and
send jet fighters to chase any plane off course. In the year before
9/11 they chased 67 planes. Sometimes they've chased flocks of
birds which looked like planes on radar.

Yet, on 9/11, the only time in history that 4 planes were hijacked,
no jets flew until far too late, from far too far away, at far to
slow a speed. NORAD's own 9/18 press release is the smoking gun:


It shows near the top that the jets traveled at 9 miles a minute or
mach .9 or 540 mph. Yet the F-16s involved can go 1500mph and the
F-15s involved can go 1870mph!

It shows the 2 F-15s which chased the 2 planes headed for the WTC
left from Otis AFB on Cape Cod, 153 miles away. Yet, no planes left
McGuire AFB in NJ, only 70 miles away, though fully ready.

It shows the 2 F-16s which chased the plane headed for the
Pentagon left from Langely AFB in VA, 105 miles away. Yet, no
planes left Andrews AFB in DC, 10 miles away, though fully ready.

(another smoking gun is that the DC Air National Guard -at
Andrews AFB- mission statement was changed on Sept. 12: It used
to read DC Air National Guard mission: To provide combat units in
the highest state of readiness. They made it far tamer, and now
seem to have eliminated the mission page altogether. You can see
the story at:

The Pentagon also has its own radar and, supposedly, antiaircraft
missiles -but this information is classified. If the $500 billion a
year Defense Department can't defend the Pentagon, what can it

The Norad press release also shows the FAA notified NEADS
(Northeast Air Defence Sector, part of NORAD) of the 2 planes
headed for the WTC at 8:40 and 8:43. Yet, there was evidence as
early as 8:13 that Flight 11 was hijacked: according to journalist
Will Thomas -formerly of Boulder (see www.WillThomas.net) Boston
Air Traffic Control both heard Middle Eastern voices in the cockpit
shouting Nobody do anything stupid! and saw that flight 11 had
stopped climbing as per their flight plan. His audio book Stand
down has the recording of the cockpit voices.

Certainly, at 8:20, when the transponder (locator) was turned off
on Flight 11 (see testimony of NORAD's Col. Alan Scott to the 9/11
Commission at http://www.danford.net/testimon.htm), NORAD should
have known directly.

There were 2 other ways authorities should have known much earlier:
radar shows whenever planes are off-course, and at least 2 flight
attendants made calls to their airlines saying they were hijacked,
which have been aired on the media.

Our jets should have easily caught all the planes and circled them
awaiting orders from the president to shoot 

[CTRL] Organized Religion: Conspiracy against God goes on

2004-04-12 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 13:44:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Urbi et Orbi et Rerum Novarum

Dear Vatican:

CNN Print News told us your Easter message called for a Culture of Life
and Love vs. the logic of death. It is dishonest and contemptuous of the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ to use such words as loosely as a drunk in a
beer parlour ... especially at Easter. CULTURE has meaning to science.
In Toronto a couple of years ago, your speech writers called for the
building of a City of God. More words spoken like drunks in a beer

What would Jesus tell us about a Culture of Life and Love designed by the
60,000,000 Roman Catholics of U-S-A and exported to Canada as a City of
God for say 300,000 which is Canada's annual increase? If you do not
know, how can you claim expertise on the teachings of Christ? Are you then
bogus? Religion fraudsters?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Child porn, Fresno murders, Hosp. cost - abuse, no Falluja truce, clear channel

2004-04-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
"US occupation forces have bombed the Iraqi town of Falluja, belying administrator Paul Bremer's announcement that his forces were suspending military operations there."

"The suit, filed in August 2001, maintains that Clear Channel violated federal and state anti-trust statutes via a bevy of unfair business practices."

scroll for news articles

two fwds from L Moss Sharman - Child Porn Hearing Opens - South County husband and wife are accused of 90 felony counts each, including videotaping and molesting a 5-year-old girl. By Mai Tran 4/9/04 "The videotape gave authorities a roadmap that led to a locked chest stored in a bedroom closet of the couple's home containing 216 videotapes and CDs, many of them depicting the couple having sex with children, investigators said. Investigators said they did not know who sent them the tape or who had the access or time to record snippets from so many movies. Thursday's testimony offered a first glimpse into the case against David Hwang, 31, and his wife, Sheila Sikat, 23. The hearing, which was continued until April 20, will determine whether the couple should stand trial. Orange County sheriff's investigators contend the tapes and CDs reveal six children being molested." http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-molest9apr09,1,3749389.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Man accused of killing family members had mass suicide plan Brian Skoloff, 4/8/04 AP "Marcus Wesson devised a plan nearly a decade ago for his children to kill themselves if authorities came to retrieve the clan, according to a police detective testifying at a preliminary hearing on charges Wesson murdered nine of his kids. Wesson maintained strict control over his many children and would inflict "weeklong spankings" if they broke his rules, which included not talking to men outside of the family, Fresno homicide detective Carlos Leal testified that one of Wesson's adult daughters told him. The 20-year-old girl said the family was forced to study the King James Bible twice a day and listen to Wesson preach, Leal said, adding that she claimed Wesson began molesting her and her sisters when they were as young as 5." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/04/08/state1703EDT0122.DTL

>From American Journal of Public Health - The Economic Burden of Hospitalization Associated With Child Abuse and Neglect Posted 04/02/2004 Sue Rovi, PhD; Ping-Hsin Chen, PhD; Mark S. Johnson, MD, MPH Abstract and Introduction Abstract Objectives: This study assessed the economic burden of child abuse-related hospitalizations. Methods: We compared inpatient stays coded with a diagnosis of child abuse or neglect with stays of other hospitalized children using the 1999 National Inpatient Sample of the Healthcare Costs and Utilization Project. Results: Children whose hospital stays were coded with a diagnosis of abuse or neglect were significantly more likely to have died during hospitalization (4.0% vs 0.5%), have longer stays (8.2 vs 4.0 days), twice the number of diagnoses (6.3 vs 2.8), and double the total charges ($19266 vs $9513) than were other hospitalized children. Furthermore, the primary payer was typically Medicaid (66.5% vs 37.0%)." http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/472527 

US attack belies Bremer's Falluja 'truce'

Friday 09 April 2004, 15:12 Makka Time, 12:12 GMT 
Fierce fighting in Falluja has left over 300 dead

US occupation forces have bombed the Iraqi town of Falluja, belying administrator Paul Bremer's announcement that his forces were suspending military operations there.
"As of noon today coalition forces have initiated a unilateral suspension of offensive operations in Falluja," Paul Bremer told reporters on Friday. But, the US-led occupation's deputy director of operations, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, denied the reports of a ceasefire. Minutes after Bremer's announcement, US forces carried out a fresh offensive on Falluja bombing the town from the air. Scores of residents were injured in the attack, reported our correspondent. "There is no brokered agreement for a ceasefire in Falluja," Kimmitt told AFP. "There is no agreement between the rebels and the coalition forces."  The fierce confrontations have left more than 300 people dead and over 500 wounded, our correspondent reported, citing hospital sources.

Clear Sailing   
A jury may finally get to hear a juicy suit against Clear Channel.  
John Johnston "an April 2 ruling on a lawsuit pitting local promotion firm Nobody in Particular Presents against Clear Channel, a San Antonio company that leads the nation in radio-station ownership and the sale of concert tickets. The suit, filed in August 2001, maintains that Clear Channel violated federal and state anti-trust statutes via a bevy of unfair business 

[CTRL] Fwd: Morons, Dimwits Symmetrical Yin-Yang Banking

2004-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

* * * * * * * * * * * * REMINDER * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the days that I don't publish, like today, you will
receive Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you
to keep pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and
I agree on most things in the field of economics, so the
two letters will reinforce each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Morons, Dimwits  Symmetrical Yin-Yang Banking

The Daily Reckoning

London, England

Monday, 12 April 2004


*** Markets closed for Good Friday... Jan Berry is dead...

*** Consumer sentiment goes down... business sentiment goes up...

*** What do the hedge funds know? An idea... and more!


Here's a heartwarming story from the TIMES of London: Jan Berry

Only in the death notices do you get any honest or uplifting
news. A man is dead or he is not. There's no way to put a spin on
it. No point in lying about it.  And even the worst hack in
newspapers can get the story right; although very few actually
see the body to make sure.

What is uplifting about the obituaries is that they often confirm
our faith that things turn out, at least often enough to keep us
hoping, as they should.  A man who annoys his neighbors by
playing loud disco music at all hours of the night gets run over
by a bus; because he can't hear it coming. A tort lawyer dies of
lung cancer after winning a big settlement with the tobacco
companies. A woman abandons her family, runs off with the guy who
put a swimming pool in her backyard, and later drowns. These
little vignettes cheer us up; not because they are entertainingly
ironic, but because they remind us that people don't get what
they expect from life, but what they've got coming.

No man ever dared his wife into the arms of another man...

No central banker ever urged consumers to mortgage their homes
and ruin themselves...

No president ever invited his enemies with a bring 'em on

.. without tempting irony. The obituaries are where you see how
the story turned out.

Jan Berry, for example, made the papers back in the 1960s as one
half of the Jan and Dean duo, which rivaled the Beach Boys in
creating the West Coast Sound and recording the good life in
California during the early Consumer Binge Epoch. Their music
seemed to herald the reckless, la la la live for today, 'we'll
think of something' for tomorrow spirit of the whole Baby Boomer
generation. It was Berry who wrote Surf City, with its
delightfully delusional refrain: 'Two girls for every boy.'

Jan  Dean hit it big in 1964 with The Little Old Lady from
Pasadena and Dead Man's Curve.  But the latter song must have
given the gods an idea. Hardly 24 months later, driving at 90
mph, Berry crashed his Corvette Stingray into a parked truck, not
far from the 'Dead Man's Curve' he had made famous.  The poor man
survived, but his brain was damaged. His speech was slurred; he
could no longer play the guitar or remember the lyrics of the
songs he had written. And finally, on March 26th, Jan Berry took
that last ride, ending in a seizure brought on by his injuries of
38 years ago.


Over to Eric Fry, in New York, with more on the market news...


Eric Fry, from the Street...

- The Coalition of the Unwilling is fleeing Iraq even more
swiftly than its willing counterpart stormed into the troubled
Middle Eastern nation one year ago. Over the last 12 months, the
non-U.S. component of the Coalition of the Willing had been very
willing to build bridges, fix potholes, drill wells and direct
traffic, as long as the local belligerents were targeting US
GIs... and only US GIs.

- But now that the Iraqi militiamen and terrorists are broadening
their range of potential 

[CTRL] Quo Warranto? Delivered to the Eugene City Council - 777 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon - Easter Monday, April 12, 2004

2004-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Delivered to the Eugene City Council -  777 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon - Easter Monday, April 12, 2004

Howdy, my name is Robert Kris Millegan and I have been the organizer and coordinator of the local Eugene event that is part of worldwide gathering celebrating and seeking the liberation of the herb Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana.

For the last four years, there has been a local march and rally. Cannabis supporters have paid for insurance coverage for the march and paid the City of Eugene for police parade patrols. 

This year I had already decided to not have a march this year in favor of a simple political assembly and instruction of our Representatives through means of a peaceable manner and hopefully, dialogue.

It is my understanding that to assemble more than twenty-five people, one must get a permit from Downtown Eugene, Inc., a downtown merchants association.  Where a merchants association would derive such power is unknown. Now, there has been some verbal backtracking of this action, but it is also my understanding that this measure is still on the books. 

I must as a matter-of-conscious ask the council, Quo Warranto?

Under what authority, does the City of Eugene/Downtown Eugene, Inc., claim the right to supersede the Constitution of Oregon or the United States Constitution and their respective Bill of Rights for peaceful assembly, redress and instruction? 

And again as a matter-of-conscious I must ask Quo Warranto?

Under what authority, does the City of Eugene or any governmental body claim the right to arrest, charge, incarcerate and cause financial loss to citizens for the possession of Cannabis, a gift from Natures God. There is no legislative jurisdiction arising either from the Constitution of Oregon or the United States Constitution for prohibitive possession statutes of a plant that comes from Almighty God. Cannabis prohibitory statutes are void ab initio.

To prohibit alcohol, which takes a manufacturing process, it took a constitutional amendment at both the State and Federal level.  

My beliefs on this matter are of long standing public record. 

As a matter-of-fact, both our Oregon Constitution and US Constitution allow my ability to have a personal relationship with Cannabis.

We live in a Republic and are guaranteed by the US Constitution a republican form of Government. My civil rights are inalienable and come from Almighty God. My civil rights do not come from a piece of paper or a vote of the people. Our State and Federal Constitutions limit the power and authority of the Government.

I am a blood-member of the Buffalo-Mandan tribe of Big Sandy Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. One of our tribes sacred herbs is Cannabis and is used ritually and socially. 

I am a Christian and a follower of Hindi and Rastafarian/Coptic traditions; all three faiths have historical use of Cannabis in their rituals.

I am also an herbalist and take Cannabis for its phlegmatic abilities.

I do not come here tonight to be combative but hope for dialogue so that our society may rid itself of the corrupting influence of a black market and deal with the issue in a constitutionally sound way, where individual civil rights are not illegally denied and government participates in legitimate regulation and revenues. 

I can be reached at 541.744.0090 or at PO Box 577, Walterville, OR 97489 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any officials and citizens that would like to have dialogue on this issue. 

We will be holding an instruction of our Representatives about our Constitution by assembling together in a peaceable manner and through Natural religious rites of worship to Almighty God on May 1, 2004 at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza at Eighth and Oak, Eugene, Oregon at high noon.

Robert (Kris) Millegan


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed,


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article IV. - The States
Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, 

Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, _expression_. 
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment IX - Construction