[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Pushes For Renewal of Patriot Act

2004-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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April 18, 2004
Bush Pushes for Renewal of Antiterrorism Legislation

ASHINGTON, April 17 — President Bush on Saturday kicked off a concerted effort to pressure Congress into extending expiring provisions of the antiterrorism law passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying that failing to keep them in force would leave the nation vulnerable.
Mr. Bush used his weekly radio address to renew and amplify a demand he first made in his State of the Union address in January, calling on the House and Senate to act to extend provisions of the USA Patriot Act that will otherwise expire at the end of next year. The provisions include making it easier for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to share information about suspected terrorists, expanding the use of wiretaps and search warrants and allowing the government to track who is sending e-mail to or receiving it from suspected terrorists.
"To abandon the Patriot Act would deprive law enforcement and intelligence officers of needed tools in the war on terror, and demonstrate willful blindness to a continuing threat," Mr. Bush said.
The White House's renewed focus on the issue comes after weeks in which the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks assailed the F.B.I. and C.I.A. — and to some degree the Bush administration — for failing to do more to identify and head off the terrorist threat. The commission focused attention on a number of shortcomings that impeded intelligence and law enforcement agencies from acting more aggressively, including a wall that hindered sharing a lot of information about suspected terrorists.
In raising the issue again now, Mr. Bush is hoping to emphasize to the nation the steps he took after the attacks to ensure that terrorists could never again operate so freely within the United States, administration officials said. The White House has also been considering other steps in advance of the commission's recommendations this summer, including an overhaul of the nation's intelligence agencies.
Although the Patriot Act passed Congress with broad bipartisan support soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, it has subsequently become one of the most heatedly debated pieces of legislation to come out of Capitol Hill in decades.
Civil libertarians in particular have fought hard to have it scaled back or repealed, asserting that it went too far in sacrificing individual rights in a rush to ensure that law enforcement had broad powers to identify and track potential terrorists. But even some Republicans who support the White House's desire for robust legal powers for the fight against terrorism said the law needed to be reviewed carefully, and neither the House nor the Senate is scheduled to consider extending the expiring provisions anytime soon.
But Mr. Bush suggested on Saturday that opponents of the bill were deluding themselves about the degree of the terrorist threat and risked leaving law enforcement and intelligence officials handcuffed in their ability to thwart terrorists.
"Key elements of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year," Mr. Bush said. "Some politicians in Washington act as if the threat to America will also expire on that schedule."
Among those members of Congress critical of the act has been Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, Mr. Bush's Democratic rival in the presidential race. While supporting some of the act's main provisions, including those allowing greater sharing of intelligence and law enforcement information, Mr. Kerry has criticized Mr. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft for using the legislation to limit civil liberties.
Mr. Kerry has called in particular for putting additional restrictions on some types of searches and wiretaps and for 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Record Poppy Crop Makes Mockery og Afghan's Jihad on Opium

2004-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Record poppy crop makes mockery of Afghanistan's 'jihad' on opium
By Nick Jackson in Kabul
18 April 2004
Blossoms of ripe opium poppies blanket the valleys of Nangarhar province - colourful proof that another war is not working: Afghanistan's "jihad" against opium production.
President Hamid Karzai's promise that 25 per cent of the opium harvest in Afghanistan would be destroyed is no closer to being realised. Last year, the harvest provided three quarters of the world's heroin, and 95 per cent of Europe's. This year a record harvest is expected. Robert Charles, a narcotics expert from the US State Department, says that 300,000 acres of opium poppies will be harvested, 30 per cent more than the previous highest. Already 10 million people worldwide are addicted to Afghan opiates.
At a conference in Berlin this month, US Secretary of State Colin Powell linked the aid package of $2.3bn pledged to Afghanistan for 2004-05 to the destruction of the opium harvest. It was then that Mr Karzai called on farmers to fight opium production with the same commitment as they would a holy war.
"This is not a real policy," says Haji Din Mohammad, the governor of Nangarhar. "We have only told farmers at the end of the season. It is only now being decided whose fields will be destroyed."
Anger at the destruction of the harvest has led to demonstrations by farmers, including a 3,000-strong street protest in Kama district in Nangarhar last week. The fact that the central government did not work out which plots were to be destroyed earlier has passed control of the destruction to local authorities.
District authorities are responsible for overseeing the destruction of the local harvest. Police chiefs in Behsood district and Kama district have been ordered to destroy 600 acres of opium. The farmer is paid $2,500 for 12kg of opium that each acre of poppies provides. An acre of wheat is worth only $120. Each district of 50 villages faces losing more than $1.5m.
The local authorities do not have the funds to replace the massive revenues from opium farming. Hazrat Ali, the military commander of Nangarhar, admits that they are not doing their job. "Our local administration is lazy and corrupt when destroying opium," he says. "They can be paid off." Bribes of about $100 per half acre are being paid to prevent the destruction of fields, according to reports from Kandahar.
It is only the big landlords who can afford to pay off the police chiefs in this way. All local authorities in Nangarhar province talk of a negotiation with the local elders, the richest landlords. Abdul Rahib, the police chief in Behsood district, says they control the selection of fields to be destroyed. Haji Ajif Khan, District Mayor of Kama, adds: "Some people have 100 or 200 acres of land, and we take money from these people." He claims that it is then distributed to poorer farmers.
When the big landlords who own hundreds of acres of poppies are targeted, the fields have been carefully selected. In Behsood district only half an acre of local landlord Haji Jilal Gul's massive crop was being cut down. It is possible to tell if an opium bud can produce opium or not by the smell of its seeds. Ripe opium buds smell fresh, like wet grass; buds that have gone off have a sickly sweet smell. The field destroyed would have been unable to produce a significant crop. The field next to it, owned by the same man, was ripe and being harvested.
Local worthies use other methods to counter the opium jihad. Many fields targeted had already yielded up to 50 per cent of their opium. Every day the buds are cut with four small slits, the next day or the day after the opium that seeps out is collected and four more slits cut. A small opium bud can be harvested over three days, a large opium bud over eight days.
In Shergar village 

[CTRL] Fwd: Wealthy Taxpayers Bank on Bush

2004-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Wealthy Taxpayers Bank on Bush

By Holly Sklar

www.dissidentvoice.org April 15, 2004

It would take 17 Donald Trumps to match the $43 billion
net worth of investor guru Warren Buffett, the world's
second richest man. When it comes to federal taxes,
though, Buffett pays about the same rate as his office

I pay a somewhat higher [federal tax] rate for my
combination of salary, investment and capital gain
income than our receptionist does, Buffett wrote last
year, But she pays a far higher portion of her income
in payroll taxes than I do.

If President Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy keep
moving forward, the receptionist will pay a higher
overall tax rate than her boss. She already pays a
higher rate in state and local taxes. In Nebraska, home
of Buffett's firm, Berkshire Hathaway, the richest 1
percent of families effectively paid 6.4 percent of
their income in state and local taxes in 2002, the
middle 20 percent of families paid 9.8 percent and the
bottom 20 percent paid 10.2 percent, reports the
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

In Bush's home state Texas, taxes are even more
regressive: the richest 1 percent paid just 3.2 percent
of their income in state and local taxes, the middle
fifth paid 8.2 percent and the poorest fifth paid 11.4
percent--more than three times the rate of the rich.

Criticizing tax breaks for large investors and
corporations, Buffett recently told Berkshire Hathaway
shareholders, If class warfare is being waged in
America, my class is clearly winning.

Bush's tax policies are slashing taxes on dividends,
capital gains and estates, with most of the benefits
going to the richest 1 percent.

Do you want an America where soldiers and teachers pay
a larger share of their incomes in taxes than the
laziest heirs of the wealthy living off inherited

Bush surrounded himself with middle-class families to
launch his tax cut campaign in 2001. When a reporter
asked why no one was representing the top bracket, Bush
laughingly replied, I beg your pardon. I'm
representing...the top tax bracket.

George and Laura Bush reported income of $822,126 on
their 2003 tax return, putting them in the top 1
percent. Dick and Lynne Cheney topped the Bushes with
$1,900,339, including $627,005 in tax-exempt interest
on municipal bonds and $178,437 in deferred
compensation from Halliburton.

Administration tax policies have been good for them,
but not for the country.

While Warren Buffett has a golden track record, Bush
has a reverse Midas touch, transforming surplus into
debt. Under Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway's per-share
book value grew from $19 in 1965 to $50,498 in 2003, a
rate of over 22% compounded annually--about twice the
rate of the SP 500 stock index. Under Bush, the
federal budget reversed course from a projected
2002-2011 surplus of $5 trillion to a projected deficit
of more than $4 trillion, the Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities reports.

Federal tax revenues have fallen to their lowest level
as a share of the economy since 1950. We can't have a
21st century country with 1950 tax revenues.

The average 2004 tax cut for the richest 1
percent--$59,292--is more than the typical firefighter,
registered nurse, environmental scientist, social
worker or police officer makes in a year.

The average top 1 percent tax cut can pay for a gold
watch and a Hummer H2, at a time U.S. soldiers are
dying in Humvees in Iraq.

If extended, already enacted tax cuts for the richest 1
percent will cost the treasury more than $1 trillion
between 2001 and 2010. Those lost revenues won't go to
schools, homeland security, health care, research,
small business development or renovating the aging
infrastructure built with the tax dollars of prior
generations. Bush wants even more tax 

[CTRL] Pick your price: Your blood or your soul - Kaminski

2004-04-18 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

Pick your price: Your blood or your soul
Do you support our killer troops
committing genocide in Iraq?

By John Kaminski

What would you do if your brother -- or perhaps your son, father,
or husband -- was charged with murder? With deliberately taking
the life of another human being.

For sure, it would be an agonizing decision -- making the choice
between practicing what you preach about justice, or standing by
your devastated family. A choice no one would envy -- defend your
blood or obey the laws of God and society.

And then, what if it was a particularly bad murder? Say he shot
an old woman in the back, and watched her die -- all the while
preventing medical personnel from tending to her. Maybe she was
already wounded and he finished her off. From a helicopter, even.

It sure would be tough to keep your family -- your mind, your
heart -- together in that situation. Who could blame you whatever
you decided.

Of course, things are different in the middle of a war, even a
completly illegal war based on well-publicized lies like the
situation in Iraq.

I mean, it's easy to say your were just following orders. That's
what lots of Nazis did in World War II, but they still were put
to death in the trials following the war.

I wonder what will happen when and if Americans find themselves
in that situation in the near future.

Being in a military situation means everything is different.
Innocent civilians always get killed accidentally when the
military's involved. Some are accidental, some are deliberate,
but mostly we never get to know the difference. Bodies get thrown
in holes and are forgotten, except by some of the living who
years later wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

Long after the grisly facts become known, sometimes we get a
little tardy justice. Mostly we don't. Remember when former
Senator Bob Kerrey tried to give back his Vietnam medals,
admitting he killed women and children rather than the dangerous
enemy gunmen his valor citations described. How did the public
react? Hell, we didn't want to hear him. We told him to keep his
medals, keep quiet, and forget about the whole thing.

Demonic demagogues like Joseph Farah, Michael Savage and Rush
Limbaugh all have recently recommended killing large numbers of
innocent Iraqis to teach them a lesson. The lesson being it's
not cool to mess with Uncle Sam and mutilate his hired killers,
the highly paid mercenaries he hired to assassinate Iraqi
intellectuals so when America has that tortured nation
sufficiently lobotomized, there will be a minimum of intelligent
people around to protest the new democratic prison camp that
America has created.

The United States and Britain have decided to adopt the Pol Pot
theory of social engineering -- kill everyone with academic
credentials. And when the irate Iraqis decide to strike back at
this masterpiece of Israeli-style population control, the U.S.
ups the ante on its already-high atrocity level -- and bombs a
totally defenseless town from the air, no matter who gets killed,
and murders all the males under 45. Repeat: murders all the males
under 45. That's what's going on right now, my dear American
compatriots, in the inferno called Fallujah, Iraq. It's called
genocide. No question about it.

This is how your American boys are behaving in a foreign country.
Your sons, your husbands, your fathers.

Hey! They were just following orders. Based on lies.

This is what your country is doing to innocent people. Killing
them without a second thought, without regard for who they are or
what they've done, how many children they might have or how many
wonderful things they've done in this life.

Hell, they don't worry about the children because they're killing
them, too. Listen to that doctor, forced to set up his clinic in
a filthy garage, describe a little boy with a shell of a skull
missing its brains. Or the man who was brought to the clinic with
burns so bad he will automatically dehydrate to death in 24
hours. How about the boy they threw in the river, and he couldn't
swim so he drowned? Or when the fighting first began, the hundred
teenagers hooded and kept in the sun, and then shot to death by
your beloved Americans boys, one by one.

This was all done by your sons, your husbands, your fathers. Just
following orders.

You know, we all ought to be very scared that these killer punks
will be coming home soon, all with the taste of blood on their
tongues, ready and willing to tell us all about the wonderful
experiences they had in Iraq, or at least the ones who don't
immediately get sick and die from the radioactive ammunition they
had to handle or the poisonous vaccines they had to endure, at
least they'll be able to tell us how they fought the War on
Terror in Iraq by shooting defenseless women in the back and
bombing residential neighborhoods and splattering body parts all
over the tan brick walls of Baghdad.

They were scared. It's OK to kill people when you're 

[CTRL] Fw: Assasination of Nikita Domochko in the Ukraine

2004-04-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: Assasination of Nikita Domochko in the Ukraine

 Comrades! We call on you to express solidarity with
 the struggle of the oppressed masses of the Ukraine.
 We ask you to send letter of protest to the bourgeois
 authorities of the Ukraine for the assassination in
 Kharkov of the student Nikita Domochko. We quote below
 the corresponding addresses. Comrades are also
 encouraged to address letters of protest to the
 embassies and consulates of the Ukraine abroad.

 Editorial board of Proletarskaya Gazeta

 Generalnaya Prokuratura Ukraini: 01601, Ukraina, MSP,
 Kiev-11 ulitsa Riznitskaya, dom 13/15. Generalnomu
 prokuroru. Fax:  +380 44 290 26 03

 President of the Ukraine: 01220 Ukraina, , Kiev-220,
 ulitsa Bankovaya, dom 11. President L.D.Kuchma,  Fax
 +380 44 255 6161


 On April 10th 2004 the third year student of the
 sociological department of the state pedagogical
 university, Nikita, Demochko, the son of a well-known
 civil rights activist, Elena Ivanovna Domochko, was
 buried in Kharkov. Nikita was tortured and
 assassinated in his own apartment. His body was found
 with broken arm, leg, fingers, ribbons, numerous
 fractures in the skull and head.

 According to specialists, sympathizers of the left
 movement in that country, this assassination has been
 carried out by professional fanatic-sadists. We
 presume that this crime is meant to punish his mother
 for her active struggle against privatization and
 police brutality. In the Ukraine, the authorities have
 been turned into a common practice the indictment and
 arrest of innocent people and the application of
 physical, psychological and psychotic terror.

 Elena Ivanovna Domochko organized a picket line on
 April 2nd 2004. It was at that point that she noticed
 being followed by suspicious individuals.

 Group of comrades from Kharkov

 Kharkov, the Ukraine,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [JBirch] WSU.N. influence in Alabama (fwd)

2004-04-18 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 18:59:41 PDT
From: carl william spitzer iv [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JBirch] WSU.N. influence in Alabama

  By Henry Lamb

  Only  a handful of the people who gathered at the  Bir-
 mingham  Hilton on April 8, 2003 knew that the objective  of
 the  meeting was to implement U.N. policy in  Alabama.  Most
 people  in  attendance thought the meeting  was  to  solicit
 comments  about a forest management plan being developed  by
 the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The comment  period  is
 open until July, at which time, the plan will go into effect
 to  standardize ecosystem management in all National  For-
 ests in Alabama.

  Yes, answered Rick Morgan, spokesman for the  govern-
 ment,  when asked if the plan provided for  core  wilderness
 areas,  surrounded  by buffer zones. The plan  fulfills  the
 criteria  of Article 4 of UNESCO's Statutory  Framework  for
 U.N.  Biosphere Reserves. Most of Alabama has  already  been
 gobbled  up by the Southern Appalachian  Biosphere  Reserve,
 one  of 47 U.N. Biosphere Reserves designated in  the  U.S.,
 with  no debate, discussion, or vote by any  state  legisla-
 ture, or the U.S. Congress.

  A major function of all U.N. Biosphere Reserves, is  to
 continually expand the core wilderness areas and  connecting
 corridors  of  wilderness, pushing ever-outward  the  buffer
 zones, and surrounding the entire area with an  ever-expand-
 ing zone of cooperation. The Southern Appalachian  Reserve
 began  with the designation of the 517,000-acre Great  Smoky
 Mountains  National Park as a U.N. Biosphere Reserve.  State
 Department maps now show the Reserve to include an area that
 stretches from Birmingham to Roanoke, and from Nashville, to

  Who  wants all this land managed according to  policies
 decided by UNESCO?

  Morgan was asked: if all the comments received from the
 people  were negative, opposing the management  plan,  would
 the plan be abandoned? His answer: No, the comments will be
 taken and duly noted.

  This management plan is required by the U.N. Convention
 on Biological Diversity. Why is this plan being  implemented
 in Alabama, and throughout the United States, when the  U.S.
 Senate  did  not ratify the U.N.  Convention  on  Biological

  The Clinton/Gore administration expected the treaty  to
 be ratified, with little or no opposition. They were shocked
 when  it  failed, and decided to  implement  its  provisions
 anyway,  through  its administrative  policy  of  Ecosystem

  The people who insist that the U.N. has no control over
 our  land use policies, including those in Congress,  either
 don't  know,  or don't want others to know, how  the  system

  The  Convention on Biological Diversity was first  pro-
 posed  in 1981 by the International Union for the  Conserva-
 tion of Nature. The IUCN is an NGO (non-government organiza-
 tion) in Switzerland whose membership includes more than  60
 major  U.S. environmental organizations, and  seven  depart-
 ments of the federal government.

  The bureaucrats from these seven federal agencies,  and
 the  leaders  of  the  environmental  organizations,  worked
 together through the IUCN to develop the draft treaty, which
 was then presented to the U.N. Conference on Environment and
 Development in Rio de Janeiro, where it was adopted in 1992.
 Once adopted by the U.N. these same environmental  organiza-
 tions,  and  federal agencies, lobby for  ratification.  The
 federal  agencies  then implement the  treaties  which  they
 helped draft. And, these same agencies, award federal grants
 to the NGOs to help implement the treaties. Almost all  U.S.
 environmental policy since the early 1970s has followed this
 same route.

  The  Nature  Conservancy has been an  initiator  of  at
 least the last four U.N. Biosphere Reserves nominated in the
 U.S.,  and a primary promoter of Biosphere expansion  every-
 where.  At the Birmingham meeting, Rick Morgan was asked  if
 his  agency was in partnership with The Nature  Conservancy.
 His  reply:  We are mutually supportive,  we  attend  their

[CTRL] Cops held D.C. snipers' other gun

2004-04-18 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


POST-INTELLIGENCERhttp://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/169444_shapcol18.htmlCops held D.C. snipers' other gun 
Sunday, April 18, 2004
The 9/11 commission suggests that the FBI and intelligence agencies may have 
come tantalizingly close to disrupting the terrorist attack plot.
And less than a year later, local law enforcement officers here might have 
prevented another round of terror -- but for the lack of a tiny bit of routine 
A story to be published in the April 20 issue of Gun Week suggests that the 
infamous Bushmaster rifle stolen from Bull's Eye Shooter Supply in Tacoma was 
not the first weapon of choice for "D.C. Snipers" John Allen Muhammad and Lee 
Boyd Malvo. They may have planned to use another rifle, more powerful and 
deadly, in their killing spree.
Gun Week, owned by the Second Amendment Foundation, is a nationally 
circulated firearms news publication with offices in Buffalo, New York, and 
Bellevue, Wash. According to the upcoming story, by senior editor Dave Workman, 
the rifle the pair likely wanted to use wound up locked up in the Pierce County 
Sheriff's Department armory months before the sniper mayhem began.
Their apparent weapon of choice was a Remington Model 700, equipped with a 
telescopic sight, bipod and, more troubling, a barrel that had been shortened by 
6 inches and threaded to accept a silencer.
Workman, a firearms expert, and law enforcement agree that the Remington 
would have been a perfect tool in the snipers' strategy of firing through a 
small opening in the trunk of their car. It would have been accurate at more 
than twice the range; its impact more destructive to its human targets, and the 
silencer would have allowed the snipers to fire more shots from each location 
with less risk of being detected.
But Muhammad and Malvo lost the Remington before it could be put to their 
terrible use, a loss that apparently spurred Muhammad and Malvo to steal the 
Bushmaster from Bull's Eye.
The Remington came to Pierce County deputies after two men found it in a 
vacant lot on Aug. 18, 2002. They reported hearing what sounded like someone 
running away through the brush as they came upon the gun. They found the loaded 
rifle -- minus silencer -- at a vantage point with a clear line of fire to both 
an apartment building and a busy highway.
Pierce County deputies took the Remington into custody, filed a 
found-property report and checked to see if the rifle was registered. It was 
not. Despite the unusual circumstances in which the rifle was found, no 
additional follow-up was done. They didn't, for instance, try to find the owner 
by tracing the weapon's serial number through the dealer who sold it.
If they had, they would have found that the dealer was Bull's Eye Shooter 
Supply, and the owner was Earl Lee Dancy Jr.
It was Dancy who later told the FBI that he'd let Muhammad and Malvo use his 
firearms when they lived in Tacoma, including the .45-caliber pistol used to 
murder Keenya Cook.
And it was Dancy who said he'd bought the Remington 700 for Muhammad, because 
Muhammad could not legally buy a firearm.
And after the pair abandoned it in the vacant Tacoma lot, it was Dancy who -- 
at Muhammad's urging -- had the chutzpah to report the "theft" of that expensive 
rifle to the Fife Police Department on Aug. 20, 2002.
Fife Police Chief Rob DeGroot, who joined the department less than a year 
ago, says the standard procedure should have been to enter the missing weapon's 
serial number into the state and national crime computer networks.
That standard procedure was not followed. A detective who later handled the 
case said a clerk simply failed to make the computer entry.
On Nov. 20, 2002, Fife got a phone call no department would relish. It was 
the FBI, asking about that theft report (Dancy had contacted the FBI after 
recognizing Muhammad and Malvo in news reports of their arrest). After checking, 
Fife officers realized the report had never been entered into the computer 
systems. When it was, there was an immediate "hit" with the rifle recovered in 
Pierce County three months earlier.
Had Fife run the Remington when Dancy reported it stolen, it would have been 
identified as the weapon recovered under strange circumstances in Tacoma. From 
there, what might have happened is anyone's guess.
Police might have queried Dancy more thoroughly. He might have confessed his 
illegal "straw" purchase for Muhammad. That might have led police to contact 
Muhammad and the killings might have been prevented.
Or not. Dancy might have brazened it out. Police might have returned a 
valuable missing article to a grateful owner. The rifle might have found its way 
back to the killers and the death toll driven even higher.
If there's a lesson here, it may be the same as 

[CTRL] What are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia ?

2004-04-18 Thread William Shannon

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

 ..: What are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia ? :..


April 16, 2004

In January I went for vacations to the Chilean Patagonia, expecting some time far away from the bad news in the media. I found a Land of a wild beauty almost impossible to describe, but I also found my old acquaintances from Hebron, the IDF soldiers. It was as if the same people occupying my city had been transplanted to Patagonia after their genocidal rampages. The second rather strange thing which called my attention in Patagonia is that foreigners are buying up large swathts of land in Chile and in Argentina. 

By far the most controversial figure among the foreigners is Douglas Tompkins; a conservationist who bought approx. 330.000 hectares north of Chaiten, and who also owns land at other locations in Chile and Argentina through his Conservation Land Trust. But there are also others, rich persons and corporations, buying land throughout Patagonia. The controversy around the many foreigners who buy land is almost always a conversation topic with the locals: Have you heared about the gringo? (Gringo is a slang word for American widely used in Latin America) was a recurring question from locals between Chaiten and Villa OHiggins.

In a Land where the only growth industry is Tourism, I heard several Chileans commenting that foreigners always seem to receive more leniency from the government than they themselves. Others comment the buyout of Patagonia by foreigners as the prelude to the foundation of a new state. No wonder, they see Israeli military exploring their country since the early 1980s and even before.

I saw the IDFs myself: first on the ship from Puerto Montt to Chaiten, and then everywhere until Candelario Mansilla, 1.200 Km. to the south. They always travel in groups of 5-7 persons, always one or two women among them, every group has an officer, and they reduce contact with locals and others to the necessary minimum. A Chilean with some knowledge in these matters told us that they travel in configurations which would correspond to missions of reconnaisance and insertion in military terminology. This person confirmed to us that the exploration of the Patagonia under guise of tourism has been going on since 1976, intensifying after about 1982.

While the incessant incursion by the IDF has piqued the curiosity of the Chileans, it remembers me of what happened in my Homeland Palestine since the late 1920s and early 1930s, when massive waves of Jews immigrated as farmers. Jews began buying large extensions of land in Palestine through frontmen and front companies. At that time the Palestinians were the majority and owned most land in Palestine. I asked myself if the future of Patagonia will look like the history of Palestine.  

Before these massive Jewish immigration waves, the British Lord Balfour issued the fraudulent Balfour Declaration in which the dying British Empire handed over the Land of Palestine to the Zionists and allowed the Jews to take over the Arab lands, probably in a misguided effort to get rid of the Jews from Europe. Before Balfour, one of the last acts of the Ottoman Empire before its demise was to hand over Palestine, which it had occupied for a long time, to the British. This charade of infamy reminds one more of a couple of beggars sitting at the entrance of a church, one of them selling the church to the other one, than of honest partners doing a deal in good faith.

In 1947, the UN passed a Resolution calling for the division of Palestine into two states, Israel the minority was now to to control 56 percent of the land (at this point in time, Jews owned only about 6% of the land), the Palestinian majority was to control 44 percent of their Homeland. Soon after came the war of 1948, in which the Jews declared their independence and establishment of a Jewish state, Israel, on 78 percent of the Palestinian land. At that time the West Bank and East Jerusalem came under the Jordanian rule, while the Gaza Strip fell under the Egyptian rule. 

In 1948 my family became refugees in our homeland. My mother told me that she was a young girl when she left her village in what is now called Israel. My mother said My family left everything in the village; we were scared of what the Jewish Haganah did to the Palestinians in the other villages nearby. They destroyed those villages and commited collective massacres against the people who had lived there. 
The Arab army (composed of troops from all countries which now have borders with Israel) collected the private weapons from the Palestinians at that time. They convinced us that they were strong enough to protect us and to fight Israel, and that we should trust them and hand them over our weapons. The Arab soldiers told the Palestinians that they should leave their homes for couple of days until the war ended, there is no need to take your personal thingd 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: There's No HERO IN Heroin

2004-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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12-4-2004 - There's no HERO IN Heroin

4:13 PM GMTI'm reminded of this daily as I see drug-ravaged men in the streets parking cars for money, shooting up behind churches, trading needles openly in a pharmacy, walking ghost-like through the park either trying to score or sell. It's a major problem here and there's little help for the addicted. There is one treatment program that reaches worldwide and they have a little thrift shop in walking distance -- my addiction. I've been going to this shop ever since I got here seeking antiques and other cool stuff and I've mett many men and women who have kicked their habits and graduated from the rehab farm to the shops. I've heard many stories over these years, stories that stunned, shocked and saddened me. I've heard stuff that I can't believe they've divulged to me. Somehow people like to tell me their life's story and I'm rapt in listening -- everything from robbery, embezzlement, to making and selling forged passports in Lisbon to
 Pakistanis and Moroccans. It will always blow my mind that all the junkies speak English, when the majority of doctors don't. Like they tell me, it's the universal language in the drug world. I was in there the other day and there was a new guy who was thrilled to find an "Americana" in the shop and was anxious to have a conversation in English. What a conversation it was, he told of being at the top of the world financially until he became addicted to heroin, which was a 20 year run. He told me he was HIV positive and lives one day at a time, and if it gets bad, he's taking himself out with an OD. Then he started talking about the heroin that's beginning to make its way from the fields of Afghanistan into Europe and he feared there were going to be many deaths as he believed since there's such an abundance this year, it will be purer and cheaper. He said it will create many new addicts due to the crackdown on hashish. I was saying how odd I found that. Hash doesn't
 create junkies, yet more hash is confiscated than heroin. The news can't show enough of the "droga" that's been nabbed -- I watched aghast as 30 tons were burned the other day. One month's worth. Then we began talking about the CIA and tthe US government funding themselves with the drug money. I told him I had read the Brits were now into an eradication program and there was a war on drugs happening along with the other war. He said that was "tretas" (bs) and another smokescreen to keep the world from knowing they were still growing and then asked a question I ask myself all the time. Why didn't Bush or Blair get rid of the fields when they invaded Afghanistan? I've written about this before. The answer is war. The coffers were running low and the only way to fill them is with the "milk of the pod". It's nothing new, it's been going on forever and nothing will convince me it's ever going to stop. Nothing's going to stop the farmers from growing, either. The media
 yabbers on about alternatives to poppies, but the ideas are not realistic. Sure, they're going to earn enough money to survive growing saffron or getting into cow herding. It cracks me up that the enfant terrible aka the USA has the sheer nerve to tell countries with centuries under their belts how to act and what to do. Sure, answers are easy from behind a desk. Whoa, the mind is blowing again. I found almost the same words used above in an article called "Washington's Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade from GlobalResearch, so I must be on the right track. Though it seems I took a lot from this, it's just a tad and the article is well worth reading. "The UK sponsored crop eradication program is an obvious smokescreen. Since October 2001, opium poppy cultivation has skyrocketed. The presence of occupation forces in Afghanistan did not result in 

[CTRL] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Re: Breaking News - Kerry rips Bush on Iraq, pushes for U.N. role (fwd)

2004-04-18 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 10:27:05 -0700
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: CANADA-L  Political,Social,Cultural,Economic Issues in Canada
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Re: Breaking News - Kerry rips Bush on Iraq,
  pushes for U.N. role (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 10:18:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Re: Breaking News - Kerry rips Bush on Iraq,
 pushes for U.N. role

In the contest of Moron-Saddam v Moron-Bush, clearly the latter won. Now
the only way you can honourably disentangle yourselves from Iraq is by
BEGGING the UN to take over ... not slavishly play a part. That is the
position which the French are now leading, not the role of lackies to a
pretender nation.

The world's only super-power? Can you add? Europe has more population and
area and GNP than U-S-A and in a couple of decades auto-translators will
handle immediate human language translations between the languages of

Vive la France! Vive le Quebec Libre!


CITIZENS: BC-BASED http://www.geocities.com/newavengers2001

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, MSNBC Breaking News wrote:

 MSNBC Breaking News

 Kerry rips Bush on Iraq, pushes for U.N. role -
 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday 
 that if elected he would commit additional U.S. troops if necessary to Iraq, but 
 also would offer the U.N. a more substantial role in the violence-torn country.

 For more details: http://www.msnbc.com http://www.msnbc.com

 Or, watch MSNBC for more facts and more angles on the latest developments.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BCPOLITICS] Re: [yugoslaviainfo] ICJ: Hearing On Suit Against NATO For Genocide, War Crimes Begins (fwd)

2004-04-18 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:25:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPOLITICS] Re: [yugoslaviainfo] ICJ: Hearing On Suit Against
NATO For Genocide, War Crimes Begins

Given the precedents in Yugoslavia, East Timor etc. is there any reason
why the Kurds of northern Iraq should not have their wish for a sovereign


On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Rick Rozoff wrote:

 1) International Court Of Justice: One-Week Debate On
 Serbian Suit Against NATO For Genocide, War Crimes
 Begins Today
 2) Nearing Five Years Of NATO-UNMIK 'Peacekeeping,'
 Two American, One Jordanian Police Killed; 21
 American, Two Turkish, One Austrian Security Personnel
 3) Kosovo Serb Doctor: American Policewoman's Life In
 4) Irish Foreign Minister: Kosovo Minority Communities
 Must Be Protected Before Status Talks Can Begin
 5) South Serbia: KLA Arms Cache Uncovered
 6) Former Yugoslav Chief Of Staff: Extradition Of
 Generals Would Be Death Warrant For Serbia-Montenegro
 Government, Last Month's Events Opened Eyes Of World
 Community To Truth About Kosovo
 7) Russian Analyst: Simmering Kosovo Crisis Will
 Destabilize Entire Balkans Region
 8) Commonwealth Of Independent States Parliamentarians
 To Visit Kosovo
 9) Superceded By KLA's/NLA's Ali Ahmeti, Washed-Up
 Albanian Politico Demands Kosovo-Style 'International
 Protectorate' For Macedonia


 Blic (Serbia-Montenegro)
 April 18, 2004

 Today about SCG lawsuit against NATO

 The Hague - One-week preliminary debate about lawsuit
 by Serbia and Montenegro against NATO for alleged
 genocide committed during bombing of Yugoslavia in
 1999 is to begin today before the International Court
 of Justice in The Hague.

 Apart from genocide, NATO countries have been also
 accused for illegal application of armed force during
 air strikes on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
 spring 1999 as well as for crimes against humanity.

 Blic (Serbia-Montenegro)
 April 18, 2004

 Conflict between UNMIK police officers in Mitrovica
 Bloodshed over Iraq

 'In armed conflict between UNMIK Jordanian and
 American police officers that occurred in Mitrovica
 the day before yesterday, 21 American, two Turkish and
 one Austrian police officers, have been injured. Two
 American police officers and one Jordanian were
 killed', Stephan Fehler, UNMIK Police Commissioner
 said at yesterday's extraordinary press conference
 held by UNMIK in Pristina. He also said that two
 police officers were in critical condition.

 'Five Jordanian police officers were involved in the
 conflict. One of them, who was killed later on, opened
 fire on the group of his colleagues. American police
 officers returned the fire', Fehler said. He, however,
 avoided commenting the motifs of that conflict.

 'We are waiting for the investigation by the
 international investigation judge. He has already
 submitted request for suspension of diplomatic
 immunity to all police officers involved in the
 conflict', Fehler said promising detailed information
 to the public opinion immediately upon completion of
 the investigation.

 Albanian media informed CNN that the conflict occurred
 after debate over justification of American occupation
 of Iraq. One unnamed American police officer in UNMIK
 Police told AFP agency that situation in Iraq was the
 cause of the bloody conflict

 'Health condition of seriously injured police officers
 and those who underwent surgery is stable. Austrian
 police officer was transferred to German military
 hospital in Prizren at the insisting of his friends.
 An American woman, a police officer with the most
 serious injuries has been removed from artificial
 breathing apparatus', MD Milena Cvetkovic of the
 hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica confirmed to 'Blic'.
 She also said that all injured police officers had
 been transferred to American military hospital at
 Bondsteel Camp for further medical treatment.

 April 18, 2004

 Dr Ivanovic says US policewoman's life still in danger

 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - The life of an UNMIK policewoman
 from the United States, who was a correctional officer
 at the Kosovska Mitrovica prison and who was injured
 in a shootout with police officers from Jordan on
 Saturday, is still in danger, Kosovska Mitrovica
 Hospital Deputy Director Dr Milan Ivanovic said on
 He said that three UNMIK police officers from the
 United States, whose condition was stable, would be
 transferred to the US military hospital at Camp
 Bondsteel near Urosevac in the afternoon, and that the
 Austrian police officer, whose condition was also

[CTRL] FDA blocks 100% testing for Mad Cow

2004-04-18 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

BSE has been found in cattle of all ages. The government (FDA) and 
big meat packers don't care about public health, only profit margin. - 
This goes beyond outrage! - JR



  April 18, 2004
  Niche Meatpacker Is Cut Off From Its Best 
  MarketsBy DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.

  RKANSAS CITY, Kansas, April 14 — It isn't losing the 
  Japanese market for filet mignon that bothers Bill Fielding most. It's 
  losing the market for tongue.
  Until a case of mad cow disease was found in the United States on Dec. 
  23, a tongue from his premium cattle fetched $17 in Japan. American 
  wholesalers pay $3.50.
  Asian buyers also paid more for the company's prime beef, but the real 
  money was in the spare parts, said Mr. Fielding, chief operating officer 
  at Creekstone Farms, a high-end beef producer with an ultramodern plant 
  here in the flat Kansas corn belt. Mexico snapped up his stomachs and 
  Russians paid 30 cents a pound for liver that goes for 8 cents 
  But after Dec. 23, foreign countries shut their doors. Creekstone lost 
  25 percent of its sales, laid off 45 of its 750 workers and idled its 
  plant one to two days a week.
  Japanese buyers assured Mr. Fielding that they would buy again if he 
  tested his beef for the disease, formally known as bovine spongiform 
  In response, he built a laboratory five feet from the overhead chain 
  that carries skinned heads through the plant. His staff was trained in 
  testing for mad cow, using a machine that gives results in seven hours, 
  while the carcasses are still in the cooler.
  But on April 9, the United States 
  Department of Agriculture forbade Creekstone to test its cattle, saying 
  there was "no scientific justification" for testing young steers like 
  those Creekstone sells. Certifying some beef for Japan as disease-free, 
  the department said, might confuse American consumers into thinking that 
  untested beef was not safe.
  Calling those arguments "ludicrous," Mr. Fielding has threatened to 
  sue. He says he only wants the freedom to please a big, fussy customer, 
  and he accuses the department of bending to the will of the big meat 
  companies that control 80 percent of the industry.
  [A department spokesman said no official could individually discuss Mr. 
  Fielding's accusations. But in a telephone news conference on Friday, Dr. 
  Ron DeHaven, the new chief of the department's health inspection service, 
  reiterated that he wanted to "focus our resources on a science-based 
  plan," which in the long run, he said, would be better for exports.]
  Mr. Fielding, 57, spent 25 years running divisions of three meatpacking 
  giants, Cargill, ConAgra and Farmland Industries, and is a former chairman 
  of the American Meat Institute, the slaughterhouse industry's trade group. 
  "So I understand big packers," he said. "They're exerting all the pressure 
  they can."
  Creekstone slaughters 1,000 cattle a day. Mr. Fielding estimates that 
  exporting the premium meat, along with tongues and other offal, brought in 
  $220 per steer. Giving up that revenue because it is not allowed to do a 
  test that costs $20 a head "comes out to $200,000 a day that we don't 
  capture," he said. "Our long-term viability is very much at risk."
  In Japan recently, he saw free samples 
  of Australian "B.S.E.-free" beef in stores that once sold his. "That just 
  kills me," he said.
  The giants use slaughterhouses that can kill 400 cattle an hour but 
  work on thin profit margins, he said. They do not want to build 
  laboratories, train technicians, slow down cutting lines to take brain 
  samples or build more cold-storage space. Pork and chicken profits will 
  see them through the crisis and they would be happy, he argued, to see a 
  troublesome competitor close.
  J. Patrick Boyle, president of the American Meat Institute, which 
  represents slaughterhouses large and small, said in a written statement 
  that his group "did not urge U.S.D.A. to respond negatively or positively 
  to the Creekstone request."
  Top officials of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, which 
  represents 27,000 cattle ranchers, argued strongly in an interview that 
  Creekstone should be stopped. Testing young animals, said Jan Lyons, the 
  group's president, "is like testing kindergartners for Alzheimer's."
  Terry Stokes, the chief executive, said, "If you let one company step out and do that, other companies 
  would have to follow," at considerable expense.
  Mr. Fielding also 

[CTRL] Deserters from US Army are running to Canada - 04/16/2004 18:43

2004-04-18 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Deserters from US Army are running to Canada - 04/16/2004 18:43

Iraq is not the second Vietnam¦ yet, but the US Army already has deserters as in
the period of Vietnam war.

  Two US Army soldiers requested Canadian authorities to grant them asylum. They
do not want to serve in Iraq.

  One of them is 18-year old Brandon Khagei from San Angelo, Texas. Currently he
is living in the family of Quakers in San Katarinas, Ontario, and is preparing
the papers to submit them to Canadian authorities. Another soldier, 25-year old
Jeremy Khintsmann did not follow the order to depart for Iraq, but left the
military base in Fort Bragg, NC. He hopes to be granted asylum in Canada for
himself and his family: wife Nga Nguen and son Liam whom has not turned 2 years
old yet.

  Khagei and Khaintsmann are requesting the refugee status, Italian newspaper La
Repubblica reported.

  ¦I believe that the war in Iraq is contradicts the international law, and I am
not in the position to fight in this war¦, soldier Khaintsmann said.

  Like Khaintsmann, Khagei joined the Army when he was 17 years old. The young
men was going to earn money for studying in college. Being in the Army, the two
young soldiers raised doubts about the war in Iraq and shared them with their
commanders. The commanders recommended them to ?think less¦.

  Surfing the Internet, Brandon met the man who promised him to help enter
Canada. The soldier deserted on March 2, before the deployment of his military
unit in Iraq. The activist of pacifist movement helped Brandon to cross the
Canadian border: they pretended to be basketball fans heading for the game of
their favorite team in Toronto.

  The people who accommodated Khagei, helped him to meet the lawyer and
Khaintsmann. Khagei became a peace movement activist: he frequently speaks out
at anti-war demonstrations in Canada.

  However, lawyers believe that there is no chance for the two soldiers to be
granted asylum in Canada. In 2003 the record number of Americans (317) requested
asylum in Canada (marijuana smokers and Moslems concerned about prosecution of
them in the USA). No request was satisfied by Canadian authorities.

  Join the discussion of the story at PRAVDA Forum


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush Blows It Again

2004-04-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Blows It Again
by Charley Reese

President George W. Bush continues to mislead the American people as to the cause of terrorism directed against the United States.

This week he guaranteed that more Americans will die from terrorist attacks due to his stabbing the Palestinians in the back. He has from the beginning acted as if he were a ventriloquist's dummy and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon were the ventriloquist.

He proved it again by buying into Sharon's scheme to steal great globs of Palestinian land in the West Bank, and by arrogantly denying the right of Palestinian refugees to return home or be compensated. Israel has no legal right to the land occupied by settlements; the whole world recognizes this and has for decades. The United States used to recognize it until Bush decided to kiss the most ample part of Sharon's anatomy.

How dare George Bush tell Palestinian refugees, ethnically cleansed in 1947-48 and again in 1967, that they have no rights? What unmitigated gall and arrogance he shows, what contempt for the Palestinians and indeed for the whole Muslim world. When did God give George Bush the power to abolish the human rights of other people?

It's no wonder he has to lie through his teeth to try to explain terrorism. We are not victims of terrorism because terrorists hate us or democracy or freedom. We are victims of terrorism because George Bush's policies inflict grievous harm on Palestinians, on Afghans and on Iraqis.

One hates to say it, but Osama bin Laden makes more sense than Bush. If you doubt the role of our support for Israel's brutalizing Palestine in causing terrorism, listen to what bin Laden says:

"The greatest rule of safety is justice, and stopping injustice and aggression. It was said: Oppression kills the oppressors, and the hotbed of injustice is evil. The situation in occupied Palestine is an example. What happened on 11 September and 11 March (the Madrid bombings) is your commodity returned to you."

In plainer English, the more the Israelis shed Palestinian blood with our unadulterated support, the more of our blood bin Laden hopes to shed. He says quite plainly  addressing himself to the people instead of politicians  why don't you stop shedding our blood so we can stop shedding yours?

He scoffs at being called a terrorist and says, "Our acts are reaction to your own acts, which are represented by the destruction and killing of our kinfolk in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine."

He goes on to say that rational people would not sacrifice their security, their money and their children "to please the liar of the White House. Had he been truthful about his claim for peace, he would not describe the person who ripped open pregnant women in Sabra and Shatila (a reference to Sharon) and the destroyer of the capitulation process (a reference to the peace process) as a man of peace."

Bin Laden says further: "He also would not have lied to people and said that we hate freedom and kill for the sake of killing. Reality proves our truthfulness and his lie. The killing of Russians was after their invasion of Afghanistan and Chechnya; the killing of Europeans was after their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; and the killing of Americans on the day of New York was after their support of the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula."

As much as you might hate bin Laden, he is telling the truth about the cause of the conflict, and Bush is lying. 

Bush ought to come clean and tell the American people the truth about why we are in this war instead of spreading the lie that we were just innocent bystanders picked on by madmen. Even terrorists have rational reasons for what they do.

Bush is following the Israeli example. Rather than address the cause of the problem, he just tries to kill his way out of it. That policy has failed the Israelis, and it will fail us.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ramallah: Israeli Troops Take it Out on Children

2004-04-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Ramallah: Israeli Troops Take it Out on Children
Monday, 19 April 2004, 1:56 pm
Press Release: Palestinian National Authority   

Israeli Troops Take it Out on Children and Wound Three, Two Critically RAMALLAH - - The Israeli occupying forces (IOF) violently confronted with the demonstrations that erupted after the extrajudicial execution of Hamas leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Al Rantisi, shooting three children and wounding them, two of them critically.


Medical sources and eyewitnesses in the Selwad refugee camp near Ramallah City said that Mohammed Hamed, 15, was shot by an Israeli soldier in the abdomen during an incursion into the refugee camp.

Doctors at Ramallah public hospital, to where Hamed was transferred, said he suffered from critical wounds due to his young age. The witnesses added that Israeli military vehicles stormed the refugee camp and confronted with the demonstrators who took to the streets following the extrajudicial execution of Hamas leader, Dr. Al Rantisi. IOF used tear gas canisters and live ammunition to disperse the demonstration.

Also near Ramallah City, another child was wounded when the Israeli soldiers opened heavy gunfire at him in the village of Deir Abu Mishaal, north of Ramallah City, medical sources and witnesses confirmed.


Sources at Al Sheikh Zayed children hospital in Ramallah said that Islam Zahran, 13, was shot critically in the head by the Israeli soldiers stationed in the guard posts near the village of Deir Abu Mishaal, as he was walking down a street in the village.

The same soldiers killed a child and wounded another two months ago while they were walking in one of the village's streets, claiming they intended to "target" the soldiers at the fortified post. 

In Bethlehem, a third child was wounded near a local mosque when IOF opened fire at demonstrators there, WAFA news agency reported.

WAFA added, quoting medical sources in the city, that 17-year old Sharif Abu Sarhan was shot moderately in his right leg during the heavy confrontations that ensued after a demonstration condemning the extrajudicial execution of Al Rantisi near the Bilal Ben Rabah mosque north of Bethlehem.

Earlier in the Hebron governorate, eight citizens were reportedly wounded and two others were arrested by the Israeli forces during the wide demonstrations and confrontations between the citizens of Dura Town in Hebron and the Israeli occupying forces.

Eyewitnesses mentioned that the citizens of Dura, angered by the murder of Dr. Al Rantisi, clashed with the Israeli troops, who responded with live ammunition and tear gas canisters, resulting in the injury of eight citizens and arrest of two. 

Among the wounded citizens were 14-year old Ahmad Jaradat, who was wounded with a bullet in the head, and citizen Halima Nassereddin, 50, who was wounded in the foot. Several other citizens were treated on the spot as they suffered gas suffocations.

Meanwhile, IOF imposed a tight closure on the city of Hebron, disconnecting it from the neighboring towns and villages, following widespread demonstrations against the Israeli execution of Al Rantisi, as thousands of angry citizens marched through the streets of Hebron City and the towns of Yatta, Dura, Bani Naim, Halhoul, in addition to the Al Fawwar and Al Arroub refugee camps.

These towns and refugee camps also witnessed gloomy atmospheres, as a general strike for three days silenced all the life signs in them , mourning the killing of Al Rantisi and two of his bodyguards in Gaza last night. 

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