[CTRL] Doubles As Twins

2004-08-05 Thread A. Bpyer
-Caveat Lector-

This article is fuller and with now embued with a
great many statistics.  Give it another read, the
"doubles" may include even your mean neighbors' spooky
buddiesE. Murray


ABR, Judith.  2004.  "Doubles as Twins:  Celebrities
Risk Everything for Money and Fun, and So Might Your
Best Friend."  Internet:  CTRL, MFHR.

Consider the possibilities that hoards of celebrities
and even common folks may be using twin doubles during
the routines of their normal lives as a common recipe
for modern survival living.  It was the celebrated
conspiracy writer and radio host, Mae Brussell who
first brought up this possibility during her articles
on the Patty Hearst kidnapping when she stated,
without further explanation, that someone was using a
Hearst "double" look alike in the 1974 incident.
Brussell's insider information was no double accurate
and based upon her Jewish contacts or affiliations
with the CIA.  Brussell was, after all, herself a
secular Jew.  The whole notion of look alikes, of
course has given rise to spates of highly popular
speculative magazines such as National Enquirer,
People, .  What is missing in this equation is another
possibility altogether if the celebrities are using
convincing doubles for public appearances, a fact the
magazines and public are not openly stating, even if
they are in doubt about it.  This might account for
the countless misconceptions and odd photographs which
surface and which celebrity's often dispute.  While
celebs may claim the photos are contrived and unclear,
the situation may be something quite different as the
use of doubles could be the true reality.

The doubles scenario may be too good for celebrity's
to pass up financially and there is some evidence that
since 1999, their use may have grown exponentially
throughout the world of stardom.  Take probably the
worst offenders to date, rock stars.  As much as I
love their work, I will take a moment here to give 'em
hell, because it has become abundantly clear to me
that nearly all the legends are using doubles for
their excruciatingly exhaustive concert tours.

Look at some of the statistics to date regarding the
more active bands:

Springsteen's Big Nights in 2003 (mainly between Aug -
1.  Giants Stadium, NJ (10 dates) $36.5 million
2.  Shea Stadium, Manhattan (3 dates) #11 million
3.  Lincoln Field, Philadelphia (3 dates) $10.3
4.  Gillette Stadium, MA (2 dates) $7.1 million
5.  Fenway Park, Boston (2 dates) 5.4 million

These weren't all the dates, mind you, just the very
biggest venues which piled up an average of 3.5
million per night.  Springsteen charges on the low end
of $35 - $115 for each ticket.  Rolling Stones tickets
can run double this or more, up to $350 (at one
private venue in Manhattan during 2003, Stones tickets
were found in access of $5,000 each).  The statistics
are staggering in terms of high finance.  Other bands
copped the following rags to riches stories:

Highest Grossing Band Tours:

1. Rolling Stones, 1994, $121.2 million
6.  Celine Dion, 2003, 145 dates, 80.5

2.  Springsteen, 2003, $120 million
   7.  Fleetwood Mac, 2003, 71 dates, 69 million

3.  U2, 2001, $109.7 million

8.  Simon and Garfunkel, 2003, 39 dates, 64.5 million

4.  Pink Floyd, 1994, $102.4 million
  9.  Dixie Chicks, 2003, 65 dates, 60.5

5.  Paul McCartney, 2002, 103.3 million
 10.  Cher, 2003, 102

dates, 68.2 million(1)

   11.  Bob Dylan, 2004,
 dates, ? million? (2)

Seven of the above mentioned 11 acts are performers
who are at least 55 years of age and who have had
25-40 years of experience playing to multimillion
dollar crowds.  Some of these rockers, it is
estimated, have on record 2,000 - 3,500 concert dates.
 Consider that they are playing these dates in rapid
fire order, as many as 15-20 dates per month.
Consider that these performances are exhaustive as the
players are running back and forth on the stage for
literally hours and supposedly singing at the top of
their lungs non-stop.  Even one of these performances
could exhaust a 20 year old for days.  Opera singers
would not consider anything like this schedule as
their voices would evaporate, become badly damage
quickly.  Their schedule includes only a few dates a
month, at tops, and their voices at this pace last for
probably no longer than fifteen years if they are
So what is enabling rock stars to accomplish Herculean
feats of performances year after year, especially
since 1999 or so when these amazing tour schedules
became commonplace?  Doubles and probably a lot more
than one look alike in the case of those with heavy
tour schedules.  Some tour dates may be fakes.  But
the doubles acts are the mainstay of these rock
groups, they must be individuals of a special caliber,
able to withstand the tremendous physical work of not
only traveling constantly but able to run a marathon

[CTRL] Investigators Concluded Shelby Leaked Message Justice Dept. declined To Prosecute

2004-08-05 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

It appears no Washington insiders will ever be prosecuted for clear cut 
crimes. Sany Berger will be another example of this. - JR







Investigators Concluded Shelby Leaked 
Message Justice Dept. declined To Prosecute Case 
By Allan Lengel and Dana PriestWashington Post Staff 
WritersThursday, August 5, 2004; Page A17 

Federal investigators concluded that Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) divulged 
classified intercepted messages to the media when he was on the Senate Select 
Committee on Intelligence, according to sources familiar with the probe.
Specifically, Fox News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron confirmed 
to FBI investigators that Shelby verbally divulged the information to him during 
a June 19, 2002, interview, minutes after Shelby's committee had been given the 
information in a classified briefing, according to the sources, who declined to 
be identified because of the sensitive nature of the case.
Cameron did not air the material. Moments after Shelby spoke with Cameron, he 
met with CNN reporter Dana Bash, and about half an hour after that, CNN 
broadcast the material, the sources said. CNN cited "two congressional sources" 
in its report.
The FBI and the U.S. attorney's office pursued the case, and a grand jury was 
empaneled, but nobody has been charged with any crime. Last month it was 
revealed that the Justice Department had decided to forgo a criminal 
prosecution, at least for now, and turned the matter over to the Senate Ethics 
The Justice Department declined to comment on why it was no longer pursuing 
the matter criminally. The Senate ethics panel also declined to comment on its 
Yesterday, Shelby's press secretary, Virginia Davis, issued this statement: 
"Senator Shelby served as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee for 
eight years and as Chairman for five and a half years. He has a full 
understanding of the importance of protecting our nation's secrets, and he has 
never knowingly compromised classified information. He is unaware of any 
evidence to the contrary.
"This matter has been under investigation for two years. The Justice 
Department has not taken any action other than, only recently, to refer the 
matter to the Senate Ethics Committee. Other than the letter from the Ethics 
Committee describing the subject of the reference in general terms, Senator 
Shelby has not been informed of any specific allegations. He looks forward to 
the opportunity to respond to the Committee's concerns at the appropriate 
The disclosure involved two messages that were intercepted by the National 
Security Agency on the eve of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks but were not 
translated until Sept. 12. The Arabic-language messages said "The match is about 
to begin" and "Tomorrow is zero hour." The Washington Post, citing senior U.S. 
intelligence officials, reported the same messages in its June 20, 2002, 
National security officials were outraged by the leak, and moments after the 
CNN broadcast a CIA official chastised committee members who had by then 
reconvened to continue the closed-door hearing.
Intelligence officials, who consider intercepted communications among the 
most closely guarded secrets, said the breach proved that Congress could not be 
trusted with classified information. But experts in electronic surveillance said 
the information about the NSA's intercepts contained nothing harmful because it 
did not reveal the source of the information or the methods used to gather 
Vice President Cheney upbraided the Senate and House committee chairmen in 
separate phone calls the next day, and White House press secretary Ari Fleischer 
said President Bush had deep concerns about "anything that could harm our 
ability to maintain sources and methods, and anything that could interfere with 
America's ability to fight the war on terrorism."
The panels' chairmen, Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and Rep. Porter J. Goss 
(R-Fla.), responded immediately by requesting a Justice Department investigation 
into the disclosure, an unusual move that brought criticism from other members 
of Congress.
The FBI asked 17 senators to turn over phone records, appointment calendars 
and schedules. The FBI probe included an interview with a staff member on the 
intelligence committee who said that Shelby was trying to leak the information 
to show the shortcomings of the intelligence community, the sources said. Shelby 
had called repeatedly for the resignation of then-CIA Director George J. Tenet, 
whom he said was not up to the job.
Cameron confirmed this week that FBI agents interviewed him on several 
occasions and asked whether Shelby leaked the information to him. He said they 
also asked if he saw the senator walk off with CNN's Ba

[CTRL] Dems press TV stations to shun vets' ad

2004-08-05 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Attempted intimidation by Kerry lawyers. Notice, however, they did not 
threaten a lawsuit. hmm. - JR

This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Thursday, August 5, 2004

ELECTION 2004Dems press TV 
  stations to shun vets' adDNC, Kerry campaign warn 
  of 'libel' by Vietnam colleagues
  Posted: August 5, 20045:47 p.m. Eastern
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com 
  Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee and Sen. John Kerry's 
  presidential campaign have faxed a letter to television station managers 
  warning them not to broadcast an ad by Kerry's Vietnam colleagues which 
  asserts the candidate is lying about his service during the war. 
  The letter, posted by 
  Human Events Online [Requires PDF viewer], tells the managers 
  if they decide to air the ad they are "responsible for the false and 
  libelous charges" made by the group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. 
  As WorldNetDaily 
  reported, the new TV 
  commercial is a montage of remarks from a number of veterans who 
  accuse Kerry of misrepresenting his actions for medals and attack his 
  The letter is signed by Kerry-Edwards 2004 general counsel Marc Elias 
  and Democratic National Committee general counsel Joseph Sandler. 
  The lawyers say the advertisement "contains statements by men who 
  purport to have served on Senator Kerry's SWIFT Boat in Vietnam and one 
  statement by a man pretending to be the doctor who treated Senator Kerry 
  for one of his injuries." 
  "In fact," the lawyers contend, "not a single one of the men who 
  pretend to have served with Senator Kerry was actually a crewmate of 
  Senator Kerry's and the man pretending to be his doctor was not." 
  "The entire advertisement, therefore," the letter states, "is an 
  inflammatory, outrageous lie." 
  The vets in the ad, however, do not claim to have been members of 
  Kerry's crew but say they served with him in his unit or were in the Naval 
  chain of command. 
  Some, including crew members on swift boats that went on missions with 
  Kerry, say they were witnesses of events related to his medals. 
  The lawyers call Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth a "sham organization 
  spearheaded by a Texas corporate media consultant." 
  The swift-boats group, which says it has the support of more than 250 
  veterans, claims only one of 23 surviving commanders who served with Kerry 
  believes he is fit to be commander in chief. 
  The "Band of Brothers" that has backed Kerry on the campaign trail is 
  comprised of nine of the 10 crew members who served under him on two 
  separate boats. The 10th crew member, Steve Gardner, a gunner's mate, 
  strongly backs the contentions of Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth. 
  Band-Aid wound? 
  The lawyer's letter asserts the doctor, Louis Letson, "was not a 
  crewmate of Senator Kerry's and was not the physician who actually signed 
  Senator Kerry's sick call sheet." 
  Letson has never said he was a crewmate, and a Swift Boats spokesman 
  pointed out sick call sheets usually are signed by an orderly, not the 
  In the ad, Letson is identified as "lieutenant commander, medical 
  "I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I 
  treated him for that injury," Letson says before the camera. 
  The lawyers note Letson, according to news reports, "did not record his 
  'memories' of the incident until after Senator Kerry became a candidate 
  for president in 2003." 
  As WorldNetDaily 
  reported, Letson said the wound that made John Kerry eligible for the 
  first of three Purple Hearts was not severe enough to warrant 
  Kerry came to sick bay for treatment Dec. 3, 1968, one day after 
  arriving back from a patrol north of Cam Ranh, Letson said in a written 
  "The story [Kerry] told was different from what his crewmen had to say 
  about that night," Letson said. "According to Kerry, they had been engaged 
  in a fire fight, receiving small arms fire from on shore. He said that his 
  injury resulted from this enemy action." 
  Crew members, however, told Letson the injury was caused by a grenade 
  launcher fired at close range to rocks on shore, which caused a small 
  piece of metal to stick "very superficially in the skin of Kerry’s arm," 
  about one centimeter in length and two or three millimeters in diameter. 
  "I simply removed the piece of me

[CTRL] Brave New World: Drug "Vaccines" for Children Would Alter Brain Chemistry

2004-08-05 Thread DIG Joanne Panettieri
-Caveat Lector-

Brave New World: Drug "Vaccines" for Children Would Alter Brain Chemistry --Forever 
Children to get jabs against drug addiction 
Ministers consider vaccination scheme. Heroin, cocaine and nicotine targeted 
By Sophie Goodchild and Steve BloomfieldLondon Independent/25 July 2004
A radical scheme to vaccinate children against future drug addiction is being considered by ministers, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. 
Under the plans, doctors would immunise children at risk of becoming smokers or drug users with an injection. The scheme could operate in a similar way to the current nationwide measles, mumps and rubella vaccination programme. 
Childhood immunisation would provide adults with protection from the euphoria that is experienced by users, making drugs such as heroin and cocaine pointless to take. Such vaccinations are being developed by pharmaceutical companies and are due to hit the market within two years. 
The Department of Trade and Industry has set up a special project to investigate ways of using new scientific breakthroughs to combat drug and nicotine addiction. 
A national anti-drug immunisation scheme is one of the proposals being put forward by the Brain Science, Addiction and Drugs project, an expert committee of scientists appointed by the Government earlier this year. 
Professor David Nutt, a leading government drugs adviser who sits on the committee, told the IoS that anti-drug vaccines for children are likely to be among the panel's recommendations when it reports next March. 
Professor Nutt, head of psychopharmacology at the University of Bristol and a senior member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, said: "People could be vaccinated against drugs at birth as you are against measles. You could say cocaine is more dangerous than measles, for example. It is important that there is a debate on this issue. This is a huge topic - addiction and smoking are major causes of premature death." 
According to the Government's own figures, the cost of drug addiction - through related crime and health problems - to the economy is £12bn a year. There is a strong incentive for the Government to find new ways to halt spiralling addiction. Last week, the IoS revealed that cocaine use had trebled in Britain with increasing numbers of users switching to highly addictive crack cocaine. 
Scientists are already conducting trials for drugs that can be used by doctors to vaccinate against cocaine, heroin and nicotine addiction. 
Xenova, the British biotechnology firm, has carried out trials on an anti-cocaine vaccine which showed that 58 per cent of patients remained cocaine-free after three months. 
Meanwhile, experts at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California, have developed a super-virus, harmless to humans, which produces proteins that can block or reduce the effects of cocaine. 
The team at Scripps tested the virus on rats by injecting it into their noses twice a day for three days. 
On the fourth day, the rats were given a shot of cocaine. The researchers found that cocaine had more effect on the rats not injected with the virus than those that were. Scientists hope that the virus will help stop the cravings experienced by cocaine users for the drug by blocking the pleasure they normally associate with cocaine. This anti-drug medication is expected to be available to users within the next two years in the form of a nasal spray. 
Proposals to introduce a national anti-drug vaccination programme have been given a cautious welcome by MPs and experts. 
Ian Gibson, head of the Commons Science and Technology Committee, said the Government would have to carry out public consultation. "There is no reason to think this would not be a starter or beneficial," said Dr Gibson, Labour MP for Norwich North. "But ... proper consultation with the public needs to happen well in advance." 
David Hinchliffe, chairman of the Commons Health Committee and Labour MP for Wakefield, said: "This could have a huge impact on society in terms of preventing damage to others and dealing with addicts. [But] the ethical perspective does need to be looked at closely." 
The National Treatment Agency, which manages drug-addiction programmes, welcomed any new ways of treating addiction but said there was no "magic bullet". 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector

[CTRL] Fw: [openmindandcodenews] The Hanoi Hilton Used Kerry Speeches to Torture POWs

2004-08-05 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

 Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2004 1:01 p.m. EDTEx-POWs: 
North Vietnamese Jailers Used Kerry's 'War Crimes' Speech Three Vietnam 
veterans who were held captive for years in the prison known as the "Hanoi 
Hilton" revealed Tuesday that their Communist jailers repeatedly cited John 
Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony branding them as war criminals to justify 
threatening them with execution and drive down their morale."These 
statements [by Kerry] ... were proof I deserved to be punished," former POW 
Marine Corps flyer Jim Warner told United Press International. 
During every interrogation session, said Warner, his Vietnamese 
jailers echoed Kerry's charges that he was a war criminal. "The memory 
of that was still pretty fresh in my mind, and I was extremely uneasy. ... 
This officer said I committed crimes, that this war was illegal. ... All 
along they told us they would execute us for our 'crimes.'"His captors 
even waved a four-page transcript of Kerry's Senate speech, Warner said, 
where the Democratic nominee had accused his brother soldiers of raping, 
torturing and mutilating innocent Vietnamese civilians. The ex-POW 
said also that audio from Kerry's speech was regularly played on Radio Hanoi 
and piped into the prison camp. But what particularly incensed him was 
efforts by Kerry and Jane Fonda to use his parents for propaganda purposes - 
by persuading them to appear at the Fonda-sponsored Winter Soldier 
Investigation in 1971."His sisters had told him that Fonda and Kerry 
were involved in getting his parents to appear," UPI said. "The 
[North Vietnamese guards] were always talking about that [anti-war 
demonstrations], and they picked right up on Kerry's throw-away line, 'Don't 
be the last man to die in a lost cause,'" ex-POW Kenneth Cordier told UPI. 
Cordier, an Air Force pilot who spent 2,284 days as a prisoner, said his 
jailers "repeated [Kerry's quote] incessantly."He also remembers his 
captors using photographs of the protest march where Kerry famously threw 
his war medals over the White House fence."They kept talking about the 
Vietnam Veterans Against the War [Kerry's group]," recalls a third 
ex-POW.Navy pilot Paul Galanti told UPI that his Hanoi Hilton jailers 
would cite Kerry as a shining example of someone who had seen the light and 
had "crossed over to the people's" side. 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pastor made nanny kill wife, Nigeria Discovers 50 Possible Ritual Victims

2004-08-05 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Pastor made nanny kill wife By Mattias Karen in Stockholm 8/3/04 "The lawyer for a pastor convicted of manipulating his former nanny into murdering his wife said today he would appeal the life sentence a court handed down last week. Helge Fossmo, 32, was sentenced to life in prison on Friday after the Uppsala District Court ruled that the Pentecostal church pastor persuaded Sara Svensson, 27, to shoot his wife as she was sleeping in their house in Knutby, about 75 kilometres northeast of Stockholm.  Svensson also shot Fossmos' neighbour, Daniel Linde, who survived the January 10 attack." http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,10329209%255E1702,00.html

describes rituals 

Nigeria Discovers 50 Possible Cult Victims  8/5/04 by Daniel Balint-Kurti, AP "Lagos, Nigeria - Police in eastern Nigeria discovered skulls and the corpses of more than 50 people in shrines where a secretive cult was believed to have carried out traditional ritual killings, a police spokesman said Thursday. Two religious leaders and 28 others were arrested in connection with the Wednesday discovery of bleached skulls, fresh corpses and partly mummified bodies at 20 shrines in forests near Okija, police spokesman Kolapo Shofoluwe told The Associated Press.  The town is in the eastern state of Anambra. Police believed some of the victims â businessmen, civil servants and others â may have been poisoned as part of a shadowy ritual justice system, Shofoluwe added. The group is believed to practice a ritual in which parties involved in a personal dispute â often over business deals â are made to drink a potion they are told will kill only the guilty one."  http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040805/ap_on_re_af/nigeria_ritual_killings_3
also see http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,128128,00.html
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] what needs to be done now....

2004-08-05 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

 to Members of Congress
To Have the United States Withdraw From the United Nations
House member:  Consponsor H.R. 1146
Senators:  Introduce a comparable measure in the Senate
To:  1. Congressman _
2. Senator__
3. Senator__
As constituents, we the undersigned request our Congressman to
consponsor The American Sovereignty Restoration Act, (H.R. 1146 ), and
our Senators to introduce a comparable measure in the Senate to terminate
U.S. membership in the United Nations and sever all ties to this would-be
world government, Reasons for this request ( only a partial listing )

* The UN is proceeding with plans to disarm our nation's military and to
disarm law-abiding citizens.

* The UN has supplied funding for China's population control program that
enforces abortion, infanticide, and sterilization. The UN Human Rights
Commission refuses to sanction China for this crime against humanity.

The following a pattern set by his predecessors, UN secretary  General
Kofi Annan has condemned "traditional notions of sovereignty," and
claimed that the independence of nations is an "obstacle" to the UN's
The UN has created an International Criminal Court that will have powers
to arrest and place on trial anyone it deems to be in violation of
numerous loosely defined crimes. Individuals brought before this court
will be denied trial by a jury of peers, the right to confront accusers,
the presumption of innocence, and other basic rights enshrined in the
American Bill of Rights.
The UN was created and is controlled by a group of communists,
socialists, internationalists, and starry-eyed dreamers who intend to
have it supplant the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Therefore, we urge you to adhere to your oath to support
the U.S. Constitution and work to Get US out of the United Nations.
( Name,sign & print )( Mailing address )
1.  ___ __
 ___ __
2.  ___ __
 ___ __
3.  ___ __
 ___  __
4.   ___ __
  ___  __
   Copy and send a completed petition to:
   ( Your Congressman ), House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
   ( Each of your Senators ), Senate Office Building, Washington, DC
   For additional copies of this petition, or for documentation for
the reasons given above, contact:
  The John Birch Society at P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912
9800-342-6491), or visit http://www. getusout.org"> Get us out
of the United Nations

2001 the
John Birch Society


Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] You can help us get out of the united nations.....

2004-08-05 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

   How You Can Help!
Get US out of the UNITED NATIONS!
By implementing the suggestions below, you will be adding
your own weight to that of tens of thousands of others who
 are already working to get the U.S. out of the United Nations.
 These suggestions constitute an important part of our campaign.
 To better understand how they fit into our overall strategy,
 please see Preventing a United Nations Global Tyranny.

1. Circulate the petition
The petition serves a double purpose. The principal purpose,
 of course, is to demonstrate to the recipients
 (your U.S. representative and senators ) the growing demand to
 Get US out! But you can also use the petition as a door-opener
 for introducing the subject to others and for finding out whether
 or not they are interested. As soon as petitions are completed,
 they should be mailed to Washington, per the instructions on the
  petition itself. Please feel free to make as many copies of the
  petition as you need.
Another useful door-opener is the survey entitled Six Shockers
about the United Nations.
You do not have to be an "expert" on the UN in order to approach
others. Encourage those who agree as well as those who disagree to
 read one of the United Nations Wants pamphlets
 (see suggestion #3 below).

2. Contact your U.S. representative and senators
Congress has the power to end U.S. membership in the UN.
 But most representatives and senators will not oppose U.S.
 membership in the UN unless they are pressured to do so by a
 sufficient number of informed Americans in their districts and states. To
learn how you can add your own voice to this growing demand, see "How to
Communicate With Your Congressmen," this appears in the centerfold of
Restoration of America.

3. Use the pamphlets to involve others
We designed The United Nations Wants pamphlet series to capture the
attention of busy Americans, to alert them to the UN threat, and to
encourage them to learn more and become involved. These pamphlets are
short, easy-to-read, and inexpensively priced for wide distribution. Each
pamphlet in the series focuses on a separate hot-button issue. the
"Starter Kit" contains six copies each of three of these pamphlets -- so
you can immediately use them to involve others. One copy each of three
other pamphlets in the series is also enclose.
We recommend carrying copies of one or more of the pamphlets with you so
they'll be available whenever an opportunity arises to discuss the UN
threat.One way of generating opportunities is to wear the lapel button
(see suggestion %5 below ). Whenever possible, ask each person who accepts
a pamphlet to read it. Shortly thereafter, follow up for a reaction.
Depending on the reaction, ask him  or her to sign the petition, to learn
more, and to become involved. Please encourage him or her to order the
materials recommended on the back panel of the pamphlet. Better yet,
please use the website to order extra copies of these material s and have
them available for sale.
Generally speaking, each pamphlet recommends the special "United Nation "
issue of  THE NEW AMERICA magazine and the "Starter Kit." One exception:
The United Nations Wants to Take Your Gun! Pamphlet recommends the pocket
book Global Gun Grab by William Norman Grigg, in lieu of the magazine.
Each pamphlet also directs readers to our website (http://www.getusout.org";>Get us out of the UNited NAtions ) for
more information.

4. Read The United Nations Exposed -- and encourage others to do the same
The better informed you are, the more effective and motivated you will be.
Ditto for the people you are enlisting in the campaign . The most
comprehensive expose available on the UN is The United Nations Exposed by
William F. Jasper. Please take the time to read it. When others appear to
be seriously concerned about UN threat -- concerned enough that they might
be willing to read and in-depth study on the subject  -- ask them to uy a
copy of the United Nations Exposed. Also, you can use the information in
this book as a basis for letters to editor.

5. Wear the lapel button
This button makes an excellent conversation piece. In fact, it should
cause some passersby to ask you about the UN,  giving you a splendid
opportunity to hand them one of the United Nations Wants pamphlets and to
introduce them to the campaign ( see suggestion #3 above ). Be sure to
wear the button when circulating the petition!

6. Use bumper stickers and envelope stickers
By displaying our message, you will be helping to demonstrate the growing
popular support to Get US out! The more often Americans see this message,
the more receptive they will be to information explaining why so many
want  to Get  US out ! We there encourage you to place the enclosed
bumper sticker on your car and to use the envelope stickers to brighten
your outgoing mail. Individual ef-forts will reinforce our overall
publicity efforts, which include advertising in the print and electronic
media, yard s


2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Plan Daisy

   Article Censored by Moderator "Mr Nuke Buzzcut" at LibertyForum.Org 

   A tempest is raging at the Web's premiere Libertarian
discussion forum.  Here is some biased explanation.

[From a post to Liberty Forum:] 

   Every discussion forum on the Web is monitored by Israeli loyalists.  This is an organized and, where necessary, supported effort that is perfectly reasonable given the situation of Jews and Israel in the world not only today, but throughout history.  Just as the ADL and the JDL and other organizations are properly watchful for those inimical for whatever reason to the well-being of Jews, and are very good at what they do, so we have among us at Liberty Forum not only those who advocate Israel's interests but those who simply watch for dangers.  I support this, I have never not supported it, and firmly advocate that any discrete and identifiable grouping on whatever basis of association should do likewise. 

   What people do with what they learn is another question altogether, the world is full of danger for everybody and everybody should stay on watch for it.  There is nothing "tinfoil hat" about it, ask any mother whether she feels right in ignoring the possibility of dangers to her babies.  And if she has to sneak around and eavesdrop when her daughter is talking on the phone to the guy next door who looks to everybody else like a saint, then more power to her.  I pretty much ignore the possibility of dangers to myself, but only because I've physically watched assassination attempts collapse literally on my doorstep, and every attack on me in the last thirty-five years fail ludicrously and quite often backfire.  But I still look around when I step outside, just out of habit.  It's a good habit. 

   I have a cordial relationship with Leon Gralnik, who fields the Meshuryan team at Microsoft Networks in their discussion groups related to Middle East issues ~ right out in the open, "Meshuryan" is in his signature and it has the same definition in Hebrew and in Arabic, it's hasbara and agitprop.  Leon is an expert, and he's surrounded by extremely competent people.  Whenever a discussion begins concerning Israeli atrocities in Palestine, or corruption of American foreign policy in favor of Israeli state terrorism in Palestine or financing or arming it, he and his crew can bring such a flood of obscure details, disinformation reports that opponents are challenged to "disprove" with their own research, and complete and total confusion to the discussion, that they derail just about everything that might disclose something about Israeli state terrorism.  They're very good, and they're there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, with direct lines to the moderators (one of them is a moderator), to protect Israel's image from the realities unknown to the American people. 

   I had a long conversation there with a grandmother working in the GOI Information offices in Tel Aviv (i.e., Mossad).  I have a friendly correspondence with the webmaster head of the Jewish Defense Organization, who links to my website and to a newspaper article about me that was linked here at Liberty Forum (I think by Down_South) and has posted some of what I have written to him on their website. 

   One of my former neighbors, whose boys were running buddies with my sons, was a veteran of the Jewish Defense League, and we had pleasant conversations.  I support the Jewish organizations that attempt to arm every Jew in America.  I'm very big on self-sufficiency when it comes to being able to resist attack and tyranny, for everybody and especially for those who realize the importance of that.  And I have a great respect for people who can come together to organize their advocacy in a public discussion forum, and Liberty Forum's Israeli loyalists certainly include some very capable individuals.  We even talk to each other privately because each respects the other's right to believe according to his own lights.  We prefer not to meet alone in dark alleys, but I would no more harm a faithful Jew treacherously than I would lay a hand on a muslim.  And I think my experience supports the belief that my "enemies" are also faithful to their own beliefs. 

   We are arrayed in the marketplace of ideas, each advocating a fervently-held vision of humanity.  God Alone will decide what comes of it, "we" are the faithful of all persuasions, and we are all vigilant against the enemies of God and the destroyers of humanity. 

   One of the distinguishing characteristics of Liberty Forum, however, is that such vigilance against dangers to the forum itself is prohibited or, at best, reserved exclusively to [site owner] John Deere himself as and when he feels a need to examine something brought to his attention.  Unlike all other discussion forums there is no "nanny brigade" in place at Liberty Forum to arrest discussion that could prove contentious, unproduct

[CTRL] The Bush Bash

2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Bush Bash
by Charley Reese

Books keep pouring off the presses on the subject of why George W. Bush should not be re-elected. I got four in my mailbox recently. Bush might be the biggest boon to book publishing since Harry Potter. 

The most serious of the four books is The Bubble of American Supremacy, by George Soros. The most superficial is Bush Must Go, by TV personality Bill Press. The most left-wing is The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America, by Eric Alterman and Mark Green. It is also the most tedious. My God, but progressive writers do need a sense of humor. 

The best of the bunch by far is The Bush Betrayal, by one of my favorite writers, James Bovard. Bovard is a scrupulously accurate researcher of facts. His philosophical framework is the same as that of Thomas Jefferson. Press, Alterman and Green are mad at Bush for being too far to the right for their socialist tastes. Bovard points out Bush's betrayal of conservative and libertarian principles. Though far more leftist than Bovard, Soros also points out Bush's betrayal of the principles of an open society. 

Bovard, however, in addition to being a fine writer, has not allowed the mess in Washington to plunge him into pessimism. He can still see the humor in much of the mayhem, goofiness and outright stupidity that characterizes so much of government bureaucracy. 

His tactic is to quote Bush or Bush's step-and-fetchers and then simply point out the great gap between what Bush and his people say and what the facts are. These gaps are so many and so deep that one can fairly conclude that nothing Bush ever says should be taken at face value. 

Like Bovard, I deeply resent a phony conservative â a politician who talks one way and acts exactly the opposite. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney might fairly be called reactionaries, but they are not conservatives in the traditional sense of that word. Being a big spender, a despoiler of the environment, a fearmonger, an ally-alienator, a reckless warmonger and an imperialist does not qualify for the title "conservative." Practicing secrecy and deception and displaying an open contempt for the Constitution and international law are likewise not the characteristics of a conservative. 

As Bovard says: "Dying for Bush's lies should not be considered a lofty cause. ... Bush is still expecting to be cheered and revered for his courage in 'making a tough decision.' It is as if the more Americans who die for Bush's folly, the more undeniable his greatness becomes." 

Bovard's suggestion, in case we are misfortunate enough to have Bush for four more years, is to greet his grandiose delusions with catcalls and laughter. Bush, he says, is as qualified to talk about freedom as Bill Clinton is to talk about chastity. 

An enormous factual database exists documenting the folly of the Bush administration not only in these books but in others that have been published. Clearly the job of president is over Bush's head. He has proven himself to be dangerously incompetent. He has surrounded himself with ideologues totally disconnected from reality. The Pentagon's Paul Wolfowitz, considered the architect of the Iraq War, showed in recent testimony before Congress that he had no idea how many American lives had been lost. So much for this administration's concern for the troops. 

Bush's re-election depends entirely on willful ignorance. He might well ride the sea of ignorance right back into the White House. It would not be the first time Americans have chosen the demagogue over the competent. 

But if you intend to vote for Bush, you should at least read the record and not depend on the Republican propaganda machine. The current Republican Party's almost total reliance on character assassination, guilt by association and outright distortions of the truth remind one of what was going on in the 1930s in Europe. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush & Sharon: The Oil Connection

2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

FPIF Commentary 

Bush & Sharon: The Oil Connection

By Conn Hallinan | May 26, 2004

Editor: John Gershman, Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC)

Foreign Policy In Focus www.fpif.org

On its face, President George Bushâs recent endorsement of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharonâs land grab in the occupied territories makes little sense. The plan, under which Israel would abandon Gaza while permanently annexing most of the West Bank, has met with almost universal condemnation. 

>>>It has stirred rage in the Arab world, where, according to U.S. ally Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, âthere exists a hatred of Americans never equaled in the region.â 

>>>European Union (EU) foreign policy spokesperson, Brian Cowen, said that the âEU will not recognize any change to the pre-1967 borders other than those arrived at by agreement of the parties.â 

>>>A letter by 52 former senior British diplomats called Prime Minister Tony Blairâs support for Washington on this issue, âone-sided and illegal,â and predicted it âwill cost yet more Israeli and Palestinian blood.â A Financial Times editorial called the letter âthe most stinging rebuke ever to a British government by its foreign policy establishment.â 

At a time when the U.S. is desperate for an international bailout in Iraq, why would the White House go out of its way to alienate allies? 

The most popular explanations are: 

>>>The influence of pro-Israeli lobbies, and a Republican strategy to woo Jewish voters and money away from the Democrats; 

>>>A bow to the Bush Administrationâs Christian Evangelical wing, which is rabidly pro-Israel because it is convinced the Second Coming is upon us. 

There is no question that pleasing evangelicals is an Administration priority, and certainly Republicans would like to cut into traditional Jewish support for the Democrats. But this explanation assumes that foreign policy is all about partisan politics and God. 

Bush certainly has the inside track with evangelicals. However, there is virtually no difference between Republicans and Democrats on Israel. If anything, the latter are slightly more hawkish. 

There is a simpler explanation for the White Houseâs posture, one the Administration laid out four months after taking office. In May, 2001, Vice-President Dick Cheneyâs National Energy Policy Development Group recommended that the President âmake energy security a priority of our trade and foreign policy.â 

U.S. Policy and Oil 

The recommendation was hardly a bolt from the blue, and the Republicans didnât invent the idea. The recent move of oil companies and the U.S. military into Central Asia is a case in point. It was President Bill Clinton, not George W. Bush, who crafted that strategy. It was not the Republicans who brought Halliburton and Cheney into the Caspian region, but Clinton advisor Richard Morningstar, now a John Kerry point man. 

A flood of future Bush Administration heavies followed in Cheneyâs wake. Condolezza Rice helped ChevronTexaco nail down drilling rights for Kazakhstanâs Tenez oil fields. James Baker, who pulled off Bushâs Great Florida Election steal, helped British Petroleum get into the area. 

When it comes to oil, partisan politics stop at the U.S. coastline. And if it is about oil, itâs about the Middle East. 

Oil production in the US, Mexico, and the North Sea is declining, and a recent study by the University of Uppsala in Sweden suggests reserves may be far smaller than the 18 trillion barrels the industry presently projects. If the new figure of 3.5 trillion barrels is correct, sometime between 2010 and 2020, worldwide production will begin to decline. 

Given that most oil geologists think there are few, if any, undiscovered resources left, that decline is likely to be permanent. 

So the price of oilânow $41.65 a barrel, a jump of $32 since 1997âmay not be a temporary spike. World pumping capacity is going full throttle, but a combination of economic growth, coupled with cash shortages for investment, have kept supplies tight. Only during the Iranian revolution and the Iran-Iraq War did oil cost more. 

With U.S. consumption projected to increase 1/3 over the next 20 yearsâtwo-thirds of which will be imported by 2020âthe name of the game is reserves. The bulk of those reserves lie in the Middle East. Between Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, the Gulf States control 65 percent of the worldâs reserves, or close to 600 billion barrels. In comparison, the U.S. reserves are a little under 23 billion. 

Whoever controls these reserves essentially controls the worldâs economy. Consider for a moment if the U.S. were to use its power in the Middle East and its growing influence in Central Asia to tighten oil supplies to the exploding Chinese economy. 

China presently uses only 8 percent of the worldâs oil, and accounts for 37 percent of consumption growth. 

Lest anyone think this scenari

[CTRL] [FUTURE-CITIES] Liberation Theology in Turks and Caicos (fwd)

2004-08-05 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

TCI is considering whether it should make a bid to join Canada or US.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 14:48:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ronald Hudlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FUTURE-CITIES] Liberation Theology in Turks and Caicos

As you know, Reverend Spanky, POC's platform is not based on liberation
theology (Ward/Vision TV). Liberation theology has "class war" as a
premise. POC'sters are conscientious objectors in the class war.
But of course you may be able to register POC in the TCI province some day
and run against Misick's conservative PNP.

If Ward wants to find out whether "faith without works is dead" applies to
Churchianity Today, all she has to do is ask if the sound directives to do
"all for the glory of God" and "pray without ceasing" do or do not not
mandate a 24/7 "Culture of God". If she can get an honest answer from
these people (unlikely), then she can ask further why they refuse to spell
out just one "City of God" whether it is a papal-approved City of God or
not (As Ward knows, JP II called for the building of a "City of God" when
he was in Toronto a couple of years ago).


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 16:39:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Zandu Goldbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] Request for Public Inquiry into
Extra-Judicial Executions in Canada

Dear First Minister Michael Misick:

Pehaps Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) can help Canada to come forward with public and 
verbal clarification of its position on human rights while you are deciding whether to 
join the Confederation. (Most Canadians are certainly in favour so it becomes a matter 
of the TCI vote and if TCI is favourable, the terms of association).

Since Peter Goldring, MP, is from the Conservative Official Opposition and is within 
reach of forming the next government, we need to know their position as well. CANADA 
Reverend Spanky, below, were to preach and practice the UDHR "Gospel" as party 
platform in TCI, a Canadian province, he could expect to be subjected to health and 
life-threatening political persecution. Ask Prime Minister Martin or Mr. Goldring to 
deny this.

Otherwise, POLITICAL PERSECUTION will be the next in a series of UDHR violations which 
Party of Citizens will be formally filing with UNHCHR in Geneva. Our first formal 
complaint was a complaint about Canadian violations of the Convention against Torture. 
See http://www.geocities.com/universalhumanrightscanada/torturescale

What is the ultimate origin of these human rights violations? It is my opinion, albeit 
speculative, that they can be traced back to Whitehouse control over Canadian domestic 
policy. Refer to a submission by Party of Citizens to the Office of the Information 
and Privacy Commissioner of BC at 

In particular, the motivation is COERCED LABOUR for US global industry. In the case of 
BC it sums up to "Work at Walmart or MacDonalds, if that is where we want you to work, 
or face torture and extra-judicial execution as below". For TCI forced labour, one can 
expect adaptations of both the labour to be forced and the torture to be applied in 
order to force that labour. Don't you think it would be wise for TCI citizens to know 
in advance what both will be like under the new regime before voting on whether to 
join Confederation?


Zandu Goldbar
Party of Citizens Webmaster

Ronald Hudlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Maybe reverend spanky get extrajudicialled for 
preaching Gospel?

Reverend Spanky
The Red Menace

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, U HR wrote:

> Dear Prime Minister Martin:
> Could your government please consider collaboration with the UN's Special Rapporteur 
> on Extra-Judicial and Summary Executions, Professor Ralston? Canada needs a public 
> inquiry into extra-judicial executions in Canada, particularly in British Columbia.
> Chief Complaint Commissioner Rynveld has called for a public inquiry into the 
> death-by-exposure of Frank Paul but the BC Government continues to suppress this 
> inquiry. Mind you, they also suppressed an investigation into abuse of women and 
> children by a polygamy cult in BC (as exposed on CBC's "

[CTRL] Sen. Shelby Leaked Classified Intel

2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Investigators Concluded Shelby Leaked Message
Justice Dept. Declined To Prosecute Case

By Allan Lengel and Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, August 5, 2004; Page A17 

Federal investigators concluded that Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) divulged classified intercepted messages to the media when he was on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, according to sources familiar with the probe. 

Specifically, Fox News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron confirmed to FBI investigators that Shelby verbally divulged the information to him during a June 19, 2002, interview, minutes after Shelby's committee had been given the information in a classified briefing, according to the sources, who declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the case. 

Cameron did not air the material. Moments after Shelby spoke with Cameron, he met with CNN reporter Dana Bash, and about half an hour after that, CNN broadcast the material, the sources said. CNN cited "two congressional sources" in its report. 

The FBI and the U.S. attorney's office pursued the case, and a grand jury was empaneled, but nobody has been charged with any crime. Last month it was revealed that the Justice Department had decided to forgo a criminal prosecution, at least for now, and turned the matter over to the Senate Ethics Committee. 

The Justice Department declined to comment on why it was no longer pursuing the matter criminally. The Senate ethics panel also declined to comment on its investigation. 

Yesterday, Shelby's press secretary, Virginia Davis, issued this statement: "Senator Shelby served as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee for eight years and as Chairman for five and a half years. He has a full understanding of the importance of protecting our nation's secrets, and he has never knowingly compromised classified information. He is unaware of any evidence to the contrary. 

"This matter has been under investigation for two years. The Justice Department has not taken any action other than, only recently, to refer the matter to the Senate Ethics Committee. Other than the letter from the Ethics Committee describing the subject of the reference in general terms, Senator Shelby has not been informed of any specific allegations. He looks forward to the opportunity to respond to the Committee's concerns at the appropriate time." 

The disclosure involved two messages that were intercepted by the National Security Agency on the eve of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks but were not translated until Sept. 12. The Arabic-language messages said "The match is about to begin" and "Tomorrow is zero hour." The Washington Post, citing senior U.S. intelligence officials, reported the same messages in its June 20, 2002, editions. 

National security officials were outraged by the leak, and moments after the CNN broadcast a CIA official chastised committee members who had by then reconvened to continue the closed-door hearing. 

Intelligence officials, who consider intercepted communications among the most closely guarded secrets, said the breach proved that Congress could not be trusted with classified information. But experts in electronic surveillance said the information about the NSA's intercepts contained nothing harmful because it did not reveal the source of the information or the methods used to gather it. 

Vice President Cheney upbraided the Senate and House committee chairmen in separate phone calls the next day, and White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said President Bush had deep concerns about "anything that could harm our ability to maintain sources and methods, and anything that could interfere with America's ability to fight the war on terrorism." 

The panels' chairmen, Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.), responded immediately by requesting a Justice Department investigation into the disclosure, an unusual move that brought criticism from other members of Congress. 

The FBI asked 17 senators to turn over phone records, appointment calendars and schedules. The FBI probe included an interview with a staff member on the intelligence committee who said that Shelby was trying to leak the information to show the shortcomings of the intelligence community, the sources said. Shelby had called repeatedly for the resignation of then-CIA Director George J. Tenet, whom he said was not up to the job. 

Cameron confirmed this week that FBI agents interviewed him on several occasions and asked whether Shelby leaked the information to him. He said they also asked if he saw the senator walk off with CNN's Bash after talking to him. 

"Yes, the FBI and the Justice Department came to me to ask me all that information," he said. "I will confirm to you that I was asked all those questions." 

But he said he told investigators, "What doesn't go on the air I don't discuss, and we don't disclose our 

[CTRL] Attacking Neo-Cons From the Right

2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

August 5, 2004  
Attacking Neo-Cons From the Right 
by Jim Lobe

Why did the Bush administration invade Iraq?

Most left-wing critics â epitomized perhaps by Michael Moore's blockbuster documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11â have rather reflexively argued that the economic factor, particularly the interests of Big Oil or "the ruling class," must have been decisive. 

But many right-wing critics, who know the ruling class from the inside, lean to a different explanation, in part by pointing out that Big Oil, to the extent it took any position at all on the war, opposed it. As evidence, they cite the unusual public opposition to a unilateral invasion voiced quite publicly by such eminent, oil and ruling class-related influentials as the national security adviser under former President George H.W. Bush, Brent Scowcroft, and his secretary of state, James Baker.

While they do not deny that some economic interests â construction giants, like Halliburton and Bechtel, and high-tech arms companies â might have given the push to war some momentum, the decisive factor in their view was ideological, and the ideology, neoconservative."

Powered by both Jewish and non-Jewish neoconservatives centered in the offices of Pentagon Chief Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney and by White House deference to the solidly pro-Zionist Christian Right, the neoconservative worldview â dedicated to the security of Israel and the primacy of military power in a world of good and evil â emerged after 9/11 as the driving force in the foreign policy of current President George W Bush, as well as the dominant narrative in a cowed and complacent mass media.

Neoconservatives â their worldview, history, networks, strategic alliances, and their role in moving Washington to war in Iraq, as well as the dangerous consequences of their policy prescriptions â are the subject of America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge University Press), by far the best study of the neoconservative movement and its relevance to Bush's "war on terror" in the flood of critical books that have poured forth in the aftermath of the Iraq War.

The two authors, Stefan Halper, a U.S. policy-maker under past Republican administrations who teaches at Cambridge, and Jonathan Clarke, a retired British diplomat currently based at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank here, describe their political perspective as "center-right." The fortuitous combination of their nationalities and politics helps make their critique particularly compelling in light of the neoconservatives' exaltation of the special "Anglo-American" alliance as the great redemptive force in the world, as it was under British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in World War II.

"We set out to demystify the neoconservatives," the authors write at the outset of the book, and over the following 369 pages, including some 1,300 footnotes, they largely succeed. Their motivation is clear from the outset: while consistently measured and reasoned in their tone, Halper and Clarke are clearly outraged that the neoconservative foreign policy pursued by this administration has put Washington's greatest strategic asset â its "moral authority" â at risk.

The book includes well-told, if somewhat familiar, accounts of how the neoconservatives used their many institutional bases, such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (DPB), their formidable political savvy in Congress; their bureaucratic skills within the administration; their ties to the mainstream media, particularly those outlets â such as Rupert Murdoch's media empire led by Fox News and the Weekly Standard, right-wing radio talk shows, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page â that eagerly recycled their ideas; and their longstanding alliance with the Christian Right to create an "echo chamber" that succeeded in moving public debate after the 9/11 attacks toward the threats allegedly posed by Iraq and the necessity of war against it.

Where the book breaks new ground, however, is in its efforts to describe the origins of the neoconservative movement, its ups and downs over the course of the past 40 years, its core beliefs and why it poses serious threats to both U.S. interests as traditionally defined by conservatives and to the health of U.S. democracy itself.

To Halper and Clarke, the neoconservative worldview revolves around three basic themes: that "the human condition is defined as a choice between good and evil"; that military power and the willingness to use it are the fundamental determinants in relations between states; and that the Middle East and "'global Islam" should be the primary focus in U.S. foreign policy.

These core beliefs create certain predispositions: analyzing foreign policy in terms of "black-and-white, absolute moral categories"; espousing the "unipola

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Colombia's Uribe: US ally in "war on terror" named as drug trafficker

2004-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

The document lists 104 of the "most 
important Colombian narcoterroristscontracted by the Colombian narcotics 
cartels for security, transportation,distribution, collection and 
enforcement of narcotics operations in both theUS and Colombia." Uribe 
appears as number 82 in this list of assassins anddrug 
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/aug2004/urib-a05.shtmlColombia's Uribe: US ally in "war on terror" named 
as drug traffickerBy Bill Van Auken5 August 
2004The release of a 13-year-old previously classified military 
intelligencedocument linking Colombia's right-wing president Alvaro Uribe to 
drugtraffickers has intensified the crisis of Washington's most 
slavishsupporter in Latin America.A virtual "who's who" of the 
Colombian cocaine trade, the report was issuedby the Defense Intelligence 
Agency (DIA) in 1991. It was obtained under theFreedom of Information Act by 
the National Security Archives, anon-governmental research group based at 
George Washington University.The document lists 104 of the "most 
important Colombian narcoterroristscontracted by the Colombian narcotics 
cartels for security, transportation,distribution, collection and 
enforcement of narcotics operations in both theUS and Colombia." Uribe 
appears as number 82 in this list of assassins anddrug smugglers.The 
confidential DIA report described Uribe in the following terms: "AColombian 
politician and senator dedicated to collaboration with theMedellín Cartel at 
high government levels. Uribe was linked to a businessinvolved in narcotics 
activities in the US. His father was murdered inColombia for his connection 
with the narcotics traffickers. Uribe has workedfor the Medellín Cartel and 
is a close personal friend of Pablo EscobarGaviría." It added that Uribe had 
"attacked all forms of the extraditiontreaty" that Washington had sought to 
bring Colombian drug traffickers totrial in the US.Uribe and his 
spokesmen rushed to deny the veracity of the document,pointing to factual 
errors in its findings. The Colombian president's fatherwas killed by 
elements of the Colombian guerrilla movement, theRevolutionary Armed Forces 
of Colombia, or FARC, not drug traffickers, forexample.They failed, 
however, to dispute what many have charged is the keyallegation in the 
document: that Uribe enjoyed a close personal associationwith Escobar and 
the Medellín Cartel.Escobar was reputedly the most powerful drug 
trafficker in Colombia until hewas shot to death in 1993 following a manhunt 
that united Colombian securityforces, US special operations troops and a 
paramilitary death squadsponsored by Escobar's principal rival, the Cali 
Cartel.In Washington, officials also repudiated the report. "We 
completely disavowthese allegations about President Uribe," said State 
Department spokesmanRobert Zimmerman. "We have no credible information that 
substantiates orcorroborates the allegations in an unevaluated 1991 report." 
Anotherspokesman attempted to dismiss the report as "raw information" from 
an"uncorroborated source."In releasing the report, however, the 
National Security Archive counteredthese claims. It pointed out that its 
authors felt the information wasimportant and valid enough to send on to 
Washington and that they assertedthat their findings had been checked "via 
interfaces with other agencies."The report included detailed information 
such as identification cardnumbers, birth dates and photographs, indicating 
that it could have beenintended for use by both criminal justice agencies as 
well as immigrationagents.Moreover, these are hardly the first 
allegations linking Uribe to the drugcartels. Numerous reporters in Colombia 
established extensive connectionsbetween the Colombian president and the 
Ochoa family, one of the mostprominent forces in drug traffick

[CTRL] Fwd: DPFOR: [nlc] Stressed soldiers to be treated with cannabis (fwd)

2004-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan
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-- Forwarded Message: --
From: Nick Hentoff
To: "NORML Legal Committee"
Subject: [nlc] Stressed soldiers to be treated with cannabis
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 01:58:46 +

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No one can accuse this post of being off topic!

Stressed soldiers to be treated with cannabis
Date: August 5 2004

Israeli soldiers suffering from combat stress after tours of duty in
the Palestinian territories could soon be treated with cannabis to
relieve their symptoms, the Ma'ariv daily reported.

The mental health department of the Medical Corps is set to to begin
tests in the next few days on volunteers suffering from post-traumatic
stress disorder after reserve duty, the paper said.

A scientist who will help conduct the experiment heads a research
team, which discovered that cannabis helped mice that had suffered
physical stress and even reduced the risk of stroke.

Hundreds of Israelis have been treated for combat stress after
performing their mandatory national service in the West Bank and Gaza

There was no immediate comment on the report from the Israeli military.

Nicholas S. Hentoff
Hentoff Law Office, P.C.
Esplanade Center
2415 E. Camelback, Suite 700
Phoenix, Arizona 85016

(602) 254-0800 - Office (24/7)

(602) 532-7769 - eFax

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WWW.HENTOFFLAW.COM (New Features: Online bill pay and appointment scheduling)


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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Signs Bill With $25B More for W-ars

2004-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan
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Updates from Citizens for Legitimate GovernmentAugust 5, 
2004 http://www.legitgov.org/ 

Signs Bill With $25B More for W-ars 
--Dictator Bush signed a $417.5 billion wartime defense bill Thursday 
providing an additional $25 billion for Halliburton ['Iraq and 
Payback: 99 percent of political 
donations from Halliburton's board of directors go to Republicans (halliburtonwatch.org) 
"Halliburton's board of directors has given nearly $300,000 to Republican 
candidates and political action committees over the 2004 campaign season, a 
HalliburtonWatch analysis reveals. The board, comprised mostly of individuals 
from the energy industry, gave $296,065 (or 99 
percent) to the Republicans and $4,000 (or 1 percent) to the Democrats. 
Halliburton's political action committee gave another $133,500 to political 
campaigns, with $120,000 (or 90 percent) going to the Republicans." 

Address to receive newsletter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Address to not receive 
newsletter: [EMAIL PROTECTED](or, 
pls. write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED], and 
I can add your name to the roster) lrp/mdr/CLG 
CLG Newsletter editor: 
Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright © 2004, Citizens For 
Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. 

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[CTRL] Typical FBI / Ashcroft Entrapment Scheme

2004-08-05 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Two Albany, N.Y., Mosque Leaders Arrested

Aug 5, 12:14 PM (ET)


(AP) The Masjid As-Salam mosqe in downtown Albany, N.Y., is seen Thursday, Aug.
5, 2004. Federal agents...

 WASHINGTON (AP) - Two leaders of a mosque in Albany, N.Y., were arrested on
charges stemming from an alleged plot to purchase a shoulder-fired missile that
would be used to assassinate the Pakistani ambassador in New York, according to
court papers filed Thursday.

The men have ties to a group called Ansar al-Islam, which has been linked to
al-Qaida, according to two federal law enforcement authorities speaking on
condition of anonymity. U.S. officials have said that Ansar's members are
thought to be affiliated with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian militant whose
network is blamed for attacks on U.S. forces and their allies in Iraq.

The arrests came as FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other agents
executed search warrants at the Masjid As-Salam mosque and two Albany-area
residences late Wednesday and early Thursday. The men were identified as Yassin
Aref, 34, the imam of the mosque, and Mohammed Hossain, 49, one of the mosque's
founders. Hossain also owns the Little Italy Pizzeria in Albany, court documents

The Albany case was not related to the Bush administration's terror alerts over
the weekend indicating that al-Qaida may be plotting attacks against U.S.
financial buildings, officials said. Some have criticized the decision to issue
the warning, which was largely based on intelligence that was several years old.

(AP) Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings, left, and Albany Chief of Police James Turley
walk away from the ...
Full Image

A Justice Department news conference with Deputy Attorney General James Comey
and an FBI official was scheduled in Washington to discuss the case.

According to law enforcement officials, the two are being charged with providing
material support to terrorism by participating in a conspiracy to help someone
they believed was a terrorist purchase a shoulder-fired missile. The person was
in fact a convicted felon working undercover for the government to reduce his
prison sentence.

The informant told the men he was associated with Jaish-e-Mohammed, an Islamic
extremist group in Pakistan that the U.S. government considers a terrorist
organization. According to court records, the informant told the pair that the
missile would be used to kill the Pakistani ambassador in New York.

No missile ever changed hands.

The informant approached Hossain in November 2003 during a meeting that was
secretly videotaped, according to an affidavit by FBI agent Timothy Coll. The
informant told Hossain he imported weapons and ammunition from China, shipped
equipment to New York and that Islamic fundamentalists used such weapons to
shoot down airplanes. The informant told Hossain he earned $50,000 from the sale
of each missile.

(AP) Aalim Ammar, who identified himself as a member of the Masjid As-Salam
mosque, front left, raises...
Full Image

Coll said Hossain smiled when he saw a photograph of a shoulder-fired missile
and said he could earn substantial amounts of money from such imports, which are
illegal. Coll said the two "then further discussed religion."

A month later, during a secretly videotaped meeting at Hossain's pizzeria, the
informant proposed giving Hossain $50,000 to launder on the informant's behalf
with the understanding that Hossain could keep $5,000, Coll said.

Hossain said he didn't need that much money but ultimately agreed to make it
appear Hossain had earned the money from rental properties. Hossain recruited
Aref, an imam at the mosque, to witness the laundering transactions and said
Aref wouldn't betray their confidence because "he's not afraid of anything; he's
only afraid of God."

Gov. George Pataki told a news conference in Albany, "The fact is, there are
terrorists among us who want to engage in acts to attack us again."

The Republican said he wanted to reassure people that federal, state and local
law enforcement authorities will be "aggressive and proactive" to combat plots
and said success depends largely on "the eyes and ears" of the people.

(AP) The Masjid As-Salam mosqe in downtown Albany, N.Y., is seen Thursday, Aug.
5, 2004. Federal agents...
Full Image

The wives of the two suspects denied their husbands were involved in any terror

"It's totally wrong and totally false and totally a lie," Hossain's wife,
Mossamat, said in a telephone interview.

She said more than a half-dozen agents stormed the family's apartment at about
1:30 a.m., just as her husband returned from New York City where he had gone to
buy a plane ticket to Bangladesh for her mother.

Aref's wife, Zuhor Jalal, said the FBI came to her home about 2 a.m. and told
her they had her husband in custody. They took her and her three young children
to a hotel then searched their home.

Jalal said she and her husband are natives of Kurdistan and lived in Syria for

[CTRL] priest files destroyed, ritual abuse in Africa

2004-08-05 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Suit: Dupre said files destroyed 8/3/04 By Bill Zajac "Springfield - The Most Rev. Thomas L. Dupre said personnel records of priests were destroyed upon the retirement of former Bishop Christopher J. Weldon, according to a clergy sexual abuse suit filed against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield. Dupre was chancellor when he discussed the files in 1977 or 1978 at a deanery meeting of diocesan priests at St. Bartholomew's rectory in Bondsville, according to the suit filed last week in Hampden Superior Court by John Doe, a pseudonym used to protect the plaintiff's identity. Dupre resigned as bishop of the Springfield Diocese in February amid allegations that he abused two minors more than 20 years agoA grand jury has been considering charges against Dupre since March when Bennett determined there was "just cause." Possible charges range from sexual abuse to failure to report abuse to the proper authorities." repub.com

describes very graphic rituals and crimes 
** scroll **

Witch doctors arrested in raid on fetish shrines "Lagos, Nigeria (Reuters) -- Nigerian police have arrested 30 witch doctors in a raid on fetish shrines in southeast Anambra state where over 50 decomposing bodies and 20 human skulls were discovered, a police spokesman said Thursday. The heads, genitals and other vital parts of some of the bodies, found in a teak forest in Okija village, had been severed, a sign they may have been killed for ritual. "We saw more than 50 bodies in various coffins. There were several skulls, some of them really fresh," Anambra police spokesman Kolapo Shofoluwe told Reuters by telephone. Ritual killing is common in some parts of Nigeria where many people believe they can become instant millionaires by using human organs to make potent charms. Many Nigerians mix traditional religions with Christianity or Islam. Police said preliminary investigations showed that the people died after the sorcerers engaged them in an animist ritual. As part of the ritual, the victims pledged their property, including bank accounts, to a deity upon their death, the officer said. Their relations were made to believe they would also die if they refused to give up the property."  http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/08/05/nigeria.sorcery.reut/index.html
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Re: [CTRL] New Doubt Cast on Crime Testing in Houston Cases

2004-08-05 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/5/2004 4:55:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
  official whose testimony was challenged, James Bolding, said in a telephone 
  interview that he did not recall the particular case. But Mr. Bolding said 
  that both his scientific work and his testimony were always careful and 
  professional. When he testified in 1987, he was the supervisor of the 
  laboratory's serology unit. He later became the head of its DNA 
These folks better be careful.  You say anything bad about anything or 
anybody from Texas and the Clear Channel will see to it that your music is never 
heard again.  Prudy

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[CTRL] See for yourself (fwd)

2004-08-05 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 19:53:05 -0400
From: GeorgeWBush.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: William Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: See for yourself

Dear William,

Last week in Boston, we introduced a documentary video detailing John Kerry's 
continually changing position on Iraq.

Rudy Giuliani said he thinks "every American should see this" because "it's going to 
say a lot more than any speech John Kerry gives." We couldn't agree more.

Watch Rudy Giuliani speak on Kerry's record and introduce the video at 

To view the full length video, visit www.KerryOnIraq.com.

>From the stage in Boston, Kerry talked about the need to fight terror, but his 
>flip-flopping on this important issue paints a different picture.

>From talking tough about the need to remove Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass 
>destruction in 2001 to declaring himself the anti-war candidate in 2004, Kerry's 
>stance on Iraq has shifted with the political wind.

Seeing for yourself the political metamorphosis and verbal gymnastics of John Kerry's 
Iraq policy over the last three years tells the story better than any speech, ad, or 
press release ever could.

Once you watch the introduction at www.GeorgeWBush.com/VideoandAudio, we encourage you 
to view the full length video at www.KerryOnIraq.com, request a copy for yourself, and 
share it with your friends.


Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager


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[CTRL] New Doubt Cast on Crime Testing in Houston Cases

2004-08-05 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


  August 5, 2004
  New Doubt Cast on Crime Testing in Houston 

  he police crime laboratory in Houston, already reeling 
  from a scandal that has led to retesting of evidence in 360 cases, now 
  faces a much larger crisis that could involve many thousands of cases over 
  25 years. 
  Six independent forensic scientists, in a report to be filed in a 
  Houston state court today, said that a crime laboratory official - because 
  he either lacked basic knowledge of blood typing or gave false testimony - 
  helped convict an innocent man of rape in 1987. 
  The panel concluded that crime laboratory officials might have offered 
  "similarly false and scientifically unsound" reports and testimony in 
  other cases, and it called for a comprehensive audit spanning decades to 
  re-examine the results of a broad array of rudimentary tests on blood, 
  semen and other bodily fluids.
  Elizabeth A. Johnson, a former director of the DNA laboratory at the 
  Harris County medical examiner's office in Houston, said the task would be 
  "A conservative number would probably be 5,000 to 10,000 cases," Dr. 
  Johnson said. "If you add in hair, it's off the board."
  The official whose testimony was challenged, James Bolding, said in a 
  telephone interview that he did not recall the particular case. But Mr. 
  Bolding said that both his scientific work and his testimony were always 
  careful and professional. When he testified in 1987, he was the supervisor 
  of the laboratory's serology unit. He later became the head of its DNA 
  His testimony helped convict George Rodriguez, who has served 17 years 
  for raping a 14-year-old girl in 1987. DNA results have now cleared him, 
  according to court-ordered testing, and the papers to be filed today will 
  seek his release. As in many of the 146 DNA exonerations across the 
  country, the new information also calls into question the scientific 
  evidence used to convict Mr. Rodriguez in the first place.
  A re-examination of the work by the Houston crime laboratory is already 
  under way, but only of the DNA evidence used to convict people. That 
  effort involves hundreds of cases and has produced a staggering workload, 
  prosecutors in Houston say. One man has been exonerated, and significant 
  problems have arisen in at least 40 cases.
  The discovery of flawed work in the laboratory that led to the 
  Rodriguez conviction would seem to require similar reviews of its work, 
  legal experts said, but prosecutors would not immediately say what they 
  will do or whether they will oppose Mr. Rodriguez's release.
  Barry Scheck, one of Mr. Rodriguez's lawyers, said that Harris County 
  was the worst place in America for a crime laboratory scandal.
  "We know already that they couldn't do DNA testing properly," Mr. 
  Scheck said. "Now we have a scandal that calls into question many 
  thousands more cases. And this jurisdiction has produced more executions 
  than any other county in America."
  Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, Texas has executed 323 
  people, 73 for crimes in Harris County.
  A state audit of the crime laboratory, completed in December 2002, has 
  found that DNA technicians there misinterpreted data, were poorly trained 
  and kept shoddy records. In many cases, the technicians used up all 
  available evidence, making it impossible for defense experts to refute or 
  verify their results. Even the laboratory's building was a mess, with a 
  leaky roof contaminating evidence. 
  The DNA unit was shut down soon afterward, and it remains closed.
  Police officers and prosecutors vowed to retest DNA evidence in every 
  case where it was used to obtain a conviction. The size of that job, far 
  smaller than the one called for by experts in the Rodriguez case, has 
  involved many thousands of hours. 
  "It's massive," said Marie Munier, the assistant district attorney 
  supervising the re-examinations. "If you had asked me when it happened 
  would it take us over two years to complete this, I would have said: 
  'You're crazy. No way.' "
  "Maybe if they'd gotten 50 or 100 people," she added, "they could have 
  gotten it done faster."
  Ms. Munier said retesting had resulted in one exoneration, that of 
  Josiah Sutton, who was released last year after serving more than four 
  years for a rape he did not commit. 
  Though DNA is often thought of as a tool for exonerations, prosecutors 
  in Mr. Sutton's c