[CTRL] Swiftvet Author to Kerry: Renounce 'Hanoi Jane's' Campaign Help

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


Friday, Sept. 24, 2004 10:53 
a.m. EDT 
Swiftvet Author to Kerry: Renounce 'Hanoi Jane's' Campaign 
John Kerry should reject 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda's campaign help in 
this year's presidential election and issue a statement renouncing her 
anti-American activities during the Vietnam War, "Unfit for Command" co-author 
Jerry Corsi said Thursday.Fonda has been traveling the country 
registering women voters and denouncing President Bush as a "radical ideologue" 
- backing Kerry the same way she did 34 years ago when she bankrolled his group, 
Vietnam Veterans Against the War. "Jane Fonda has been a 
radical activist since the 1960s," Corsi told NewsMax. "I don't recall any 
statement from Kerry renouncing either Jane Fonda or Scott Camil, who was one of 
the most radical activists in the VVAW." 
Camil was a regional organizer for Kerry's campaign earlier this year. 
But it's Fonda who's become the focus of new controversy. Last week she 
brought her "Vaginas Vote" registration drive to New York City and 
enthusiastically endorsed Kerry's presidential bid. 
"I don't think there's ever been such a clear choice between radicalism and 
moderation," Fonda told a Fox News reporter, in quotes covered only by the 
British press. About Bush, she added, "I mean, we are dealing with a radical 
ideologue here." 
The Kerry-Fonda relationship is the target of the latest TV ad by the 
Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, with a narrator explaining: 
"Even before Jane Fonda went to Hanoi to meet with the enemy and mock 
America, John Kerry secretly met with enemy leaders in Paris. ... Eventually, 
Jane Fonda apologized for her activities, but John Kerry refuses to." 
Corsi said that instead of campaigning for Kerry, Fonda should "come out 
publicly, especially in view of the new Swiftvet ad, and let us all know if she 
renounces having gone to North Vietnam during the war and telling our POWs at 
the Hanoi Hilton that they were war criminals." 
See old pals John Kerry and 
"Hanoi Jane" Fonda protesting the Vietnam war together in 1970. 
Editor's note:
The Real Story About John Kerry`s Vietnam Record – Click Here! 

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:Sen John 
Kerry: On the Record

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[CTRL] Source: CBS Worried About Worse Revelations

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Friday, Sept. 24, 2004 9:32 a.m. 
Source: CBS Worried About Worse Revelations 
Senior sources at CBS headquarters in New York tell NewsMax 
that, while they are pleased that Dick Thornburgh and former AP president Lou 
Boccardi have agreed to head an investigation into the controversial Dan Rather 
report on President Bush's National Guard service, there are hints that more 
revelations are yet to be uncovered.
One CBS insider tells NewsMax that though it is hoped "the worst is behind 
us," there is a fear that more is yet to come. 

While no details on what else may be uncovered by the investigatory panel 
were discussed, there is a growing acceptance that some high-level firings or 
"resignations" may be in the works. 

Those seemingly "exposed" are on the management side of CBS News operations. 

Even the fate of Dan Rather is not assured. Sources explain that the future 
of such CBS notables as Rather and news president Andy Heyward could be impacted 
by what the panel may uncover. 

Lou Boccardi had a reputation within the Associated Press for having zero 
tolerance for shoddy news reporting. 

In a move still talked about by AP'ers, Boccardi sacked his longtime No. 2, 
Bill Ahearn, in 2000 when the AP came under fire for "questionable" sourcing on 
story about a U.S. massacre in the village of No Gun Ri during the Korean War. 

Ironically, the AP won a Pulitzer for the story. 
Editor's note:
Goldberg’s best seller "Arrogance" exposes the media – get it FREE – Click Here 

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:Corporate 
ScandalsMedia BiasDan 

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[CTRL] Campaign workers suspected of fraud

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-





Campaign workers suspected of fraud 
September 23, 2004

Overzealous or unscrupulous campaign workers in several Michigan counties are 
under investigation for voter-registration fraud, suspected of attempting to 
register nonexistent people or forging applications for already-registered 
voters, election and law enforcement officials said Wednesday. 

Officials in Wayne, Oakland, Ingham and Eaton counties have been contacted 
about the problem, which appears to be an outgrowth of unprecedented efforts by 
political interest groups to register thousands of new voters before the 
November election. 

State Elections Director Christopher Thomas said he hoped criminal 
prosecutions would result. Thomas, who has held his post for more than 20 years, 
said the scale of voter-registration drives this year and the irregularities 
were like nothing he had seen before. 

Although there is little likelihood that phony registrations could be used to 
affect the outcome of an election because of safeguards in place, alleged fraud 
undermines confidence in the system and burdens local elected officials, Thomas 

"We don't want to give the impression that there are a lot of people who will 
be able to vote" using a phony registration, Thomas said, "but these clerks have 
enough to do without having to screen thousands of duplicates" and bogus 

Ingham County Sheriff's Detective Mark Bowser said an investigation of 
suspected registration fraud has been under way since late August and could be 
turned over to the county prosecutor by the end of the week. 

Bowser said it is unclear how widespread the problems are. He said the 
investigation has reviewed "a couple thousand questionable registrations." 

Representatives from two groups whose workers have submitted 
apparently-fraudulent applications -- the Public Interest Research Group in 
Michigan (PIRGIM) and Project Vote -- downplayed the issue Wednesday, insisting 
that it involved only a handful of workers and a limited number of 

David Leland, national director of Project Vote, said fewer than 100 of the 
thousands of applications his group has collected in Detroit, Pontiac and other 
four other urban centers had been identified as fraudulent. 

But the massive registration drives have produced thousands of registration 
applications from voters already on the rolls, city elections officials said. 

Detroit Elections Director Gloria Williams said her office has been receiving 
several thousand new registrations a day, about half of which were duplicates of 
people already registered. 

Heidi Blankenship, regional director of a PIRGIM voter-registration drive 
designed to generate 20,000 new voters in Ingham and Washtenaw counties, said 
only three or four workers out of dozens in the project were suspected of 
wrongdoing. She described them as "young students who didn't realize it was a 
potential felony." 

She said PIRGIM pays workers a flat rate, with bonuses for exceeding 
registration targets. The group attempts to verify a sampling of new 
registrations, she said. 

Project Vote's Leland said workers from the offices of the Association of 
Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which are collecting 
registrations in Michigan, had produced nearly 70,000 new registrations with a 
very low error rate. 

"I feel very happy with the way it is working out, but we will do whatever we 
can to ensure the integrity of the process," he said. 

There have been scattered reports of similar voter-registration problems from 
around the country. The Project Vote office in Ohio fired two workers earlier 
this year for submitting bogus voter applications. 

Ingham County Clerk Mike Bryanton said some of the alleged fraud he had 
reviewed was "pretty obvious," including names taken out of the phone book and 
as many as eight people registered from a single apartment address. 

Bryanton said he didn't know whether the bad registrations violated election 
law or could be prosecuted under some other statute, such as forgery. But they 
are a "real pain" for local clerks, he said. 

Contact DAWSON BELL at 313-222-6604 
Copyright © 2004 Detroit Free Press 
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[CTRL] Dead man on voter rolls sparks inquiry

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Problems before they even get to the electronic voting machines. - JR






  Dead man on voter rolls sparks inquiry 
  Thursday, September 23, 2004 
  Michael ScottPlain Dealer Reporter 
  Painesville - At least one Lake County voter would have made quite a 
  comeback to cast a ballot Nov. 2. 
  He has been dead for more than two decades, elections officials said. 
  In a seemingly lesser miracle of wayward democracy, an elderly nursing 
  home resident who only scrawls a shaky "X" when signing official documents 
  suddenly regained a firm, crisp cursive signature when she registered. 

  Both the dead man and the elderly woman were signed up by voter 
  registration advocacy groups, Lake County elections officials said. 
  "Those were not their signatures," Lake elections board Director Jan 
  Clair said Wednesday. "Now, we're talking about election fraud here, and 
  we're going to take some of these cases to the prosecutor." 
  Clair said the veracity of dozens of registration cards and maybe 
  hundreds of absentee ballot requests are being investigated by the Lake 
  County board in an election year with possibly record-setting registration 
  efforts. The 12,000 new registrations in Lake County this year more than 
  double the last two years combined, she said. 
  "Let's just say there are a lot of voter advocacy groups out there this 
  year with a number of zealous participants who maybe don't understand the 
  law regarding this type of activity," Clair said. 
  "We're not going to be allowing anyone to intrude on the integrity of 
  democracy," Clair said. 
  She said that the registration of the deceased man was filed by the 
  National Voter Fund, the registration arm of the NAACP, and the woman in 
  the nursing home was registered by the group Americans Coming Together, 
  known in this state as ACT Ohio. 
  She said ACT Ohio had been to two Lake County nursing homes and a 
  number of registrations were now in question. 
  A spokesman for the National Voter Fund could not be reached. Its Web 
  site, www.naacpnvf.org, says it is a nonpartisan effort to increase 
  participation of the African-American voter. 
  Jess Goode, state communications director for ACT Ohio, said the Lake 
  County allegations would turn out to be nothing. 
  "We honestly believe that there is nothing to this and that it was 
  based on confusion and miscommunication," Goode said. "We have tough, 
  professional standards and . . . a well-trained staff. 
  "Our goal is to make sure more Ohioans are able to vote legitimately." 
  ACT is a partisan group formed with the specific intent to oust 
  President Bush from office and promote Democrats on all ballots, according 
  to its Web site, www.actforvictory.org. 
  Groups like ACT are known as 527 organizations because of the number of 
  the section of the tax code that governs political committees. Published 
  reports have said that the organizations have raised nearly $184 million 
  since the end of 2002 to use for get-out-the-vote operations, political 
  advertising and contributions to state and local candidates. 
  Clair said she is also investigating a potentially fraudulent 
  registration effort by a political candidate, whom she would not name 
  unless the case gets referred to Lake County Prosecutor Charles Coulson. 
  None of the cases has been turned over to Coulson yet, although board 
  members Wednesday gave Clair the OK to pursue the cases criminally. 
  There are other apparent irregularities in Lake County, like dozens of 
  people on one street who filed for absentee ballots. 
  "Like one entire neighborhood that says it's going to be out of town on 
  Election Day?" Clair asked. "That seems more than a little strange, so 
  we're going out to have a talk with some people." 
  To reach this Plain Dealer reporter: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], 440-602-4780 
  Copyright 2004 cleveland.com. 
  All Rights Reserved.

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Re: [CTRL] Kerry flip on West Bank wall may cost votes, some say

2004-09-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

What would cost votes? Both Kerry and Bush are ready to stand behind 
every act that Israel makes. Both are ready to commit American lives and 
money at Israel's behest. No difference here at all. 
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Re: [CTRL] Kerry flip on West Bank wall may cost votes, some say

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The article is speculating that Kerry 
could lose Arab votes because he earlier had told an Arab audience that the wall 
was a "barrier" to peace. Just another example of trying to be on both sides of 
an issue. - JR
- Original Message - 
From: Prudy L 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kerry flip on West Bank wall may cost votes, 
some say
-Caveat Lector- 

What would cost votes? Both Kerry and Bush are ready to stand behind 
every act that Israel makes. Both are ready to commit American lives and 
money at Israel's behest. No difference here at all. 
Prudywww.ctrl.org DECLARATION 
 DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with 
its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically 
by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
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[CTRL] Calcuttaization - The Frog Boils Slowly and Thoroughly

2004-09-26 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

This is only the tip of the iceberg. The DemiKan RepubliKrat long term policy is
to import millions of illegal uneducated, unskilled workers to keep low pay
service industry jobs low paying and export most factory and higher paying
service jobs to China and India. 15% of the US working population will thrive,
.5% will get very wealthy - and the rest will eventually fall to a Third World
living standard. The Calcuttaization of the US is proceeding right on schedule.

Poverty Up as Welfare Enrollment Declines
Nation's Social Safety Net in Tatters As More People Lose Their Jobs
By Griff Witte
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 26, 2004; Page A03

Tina Taylor was a model of what welfare reform was supposed to do.

Taylor, 44, a single mother, had spent six years on public assistance. After
1996, when changes were made in welfare law to push people into work, she got a
job that paid $400 a week and allowed her family to live independently. For the
first time in a long time, she could afford to clothe and feed her two children,
and even rent a duplex on the beach in Norfolk.

After losing her job last year, however, Taylor has been unable to find
full-time work in an economy that still has a million fewer jobs than it did at
the start of a brief recession more than three years ago.

She is back in poverty. But she hasn't gone back on welfare.

Her story illustrates a seeming paradox in the U.S. economy: Though the number
of welfare recipients continues to decline, poverty rates -- particularly for
single mothers and children -- have surged in recent years. Just last month, the
government reported that the number of people on welfare had declined by 149,000
at the end of 2003 compared with 2002, while the number in poverty rose by 1.3
million. Those divergent trends offer fresh ammunition to both sides in the
debate over whether, eight years after the fact, welfare reform is working.

Nationally, fewer than half of the families eligible for welfare received it in
2001, the most recent year for which statistics are available, compared with
roughly 80 percent before the 1996 legislation. Reform supporters say that is
exactly what the changes were meant to accomplish -- recasting welfare as a last
resort instead of a crutch. What is happening is that people are making do,
without having to go back on welfare, said Douglas J. Besharov, a University of
Maryland professor and resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise

But some advocates for the poor say cases like Taylor's show that families are
not getting the assistance they need at a time when a good job -- or any job --
can be hard to find. The same people who fall through the employment net now
also fall through the welfare net, said Ellen Bravo, outgoing director of the
Milwaukee advocacy group 9to5, National Association of Working Women.

In Taylor's case, she mistakenly thought that if she enrolled in welfare, she
would have to give up her child-support payments. No one at the social services
office told her about a recent policy change that would entitle her to welfare
benefits and child support, she said. For more than a year, her family lived in
what the census defines as deep poverty -- earning less than half the poverty
level of $14,824 for an adult supporting two children. In Taylor's case, she was
getting by on about $217 a month in child support and $274 in food stamps.

I worked my way out of poverty, said Taylor, recalling the days when she had a
degree of financial independence. Now I'm all the way at the bottom again.

Bravo said stories like Taylor's are not uncommon. The state welfare agencies
that administer the program, she said, have an incentive to keep people off the
rolls because they're striving to meet targets for reducing their caseloads.
The program was designed with a premium put on getting people off the rolls.
The idea was ending welfare rather than ending poverty; reducing caseloads
rather than reducing suffering, she said.

The 1996 reform, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by
Democratic President Bill Clinton, ended the federal entitlement to welfare
benefits and transformed the system into a series of state-run programs funded
by U.S. government grants. The new programs imposed limits on the amount of time
recipients could stay on welfare -- generally two consecutive years, or five
over a lifetime. They also required many recipients to look for work or
participate in training programs before they could receive their checks. In the
first few years after the law passed, as the economy moved toward full
employment in the late 1990s, millions left the welfare rolls for jobs.

There were 4.9 million people on welfare at the end of 2003, down 3 percent from
the year before and less than half the 12.2 million total from August 1996. The
poverty rate also dropped in the first few years after the legislation's
passage, from 13.7 percent in 

[CTRL] Victims of vaccine? N.C. troops say military program is unsafe

2004-09-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Victims of 

N.C. troops say military program is unsafe
ELIZABETH LELANDCharlotte Observer
Sun, Sep. 
26, 2004

Two days after a 
military nurse injected Lavester Brown with the anthrax vaccine at Pope Air 
Force Base near Fayetteville, his heart failed.
Brown was 34, an avid athlete, career military. Doctors had 
warned him to avoid vaccinations, he said, because of a reaction to a malaria 
drug in the early '90s. But when Brown told superiors, he said, they warned he 
could be kicked out of the military if he didn't get vaccinated for 
Brown was afraid: of the vaccine, of losing his job. He had a 
wife and four young children to support.
"I kept telling them, `I can't take the shot.' "
The vaccination is mandatory, part of the military's war on 
terrorism. Brown had been in the Air Force 14 years and was trained to follow 
orders. So when a commander, a major, a captain and a first sergeant all ordered 
him to be vaccinated, Brown, a technical sergeant, rolled up his sleeve and took 
the jab.
He is now awaiting a heart transplant.
Thousands of soldiers have suffered unexplained illnesses after 
getting the anthrax vaccine, ranging from muscle aches to death. The federal 
Food and Drug Administration says the vaccine has no more side effects than 
other vaccines, but cases like Lavester Brown's raise troubling 
Is the vaccination safe?
Should the military require troops to take it?
There was concern about the anthrax vaccine long before the 
threat of global terrorism.
In the 1990s, the FDA found problems with quality control 
procedures at the only U.S. company that makes the vaccine, then owned by the 
state of Michigan. The FDA warned that if the problems were not corrected, the 
company could lose its license. The state halted production in 1998 and began 
renovations, then sold the plant to BioPort.
After terrorists hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, and 
anthrax-laced letters killed five people and infected at least 13 others, demand 
for a vaccine erupted. In January 2002, the FDA gave BioPort approval to 
distribute its vaccine to the military.
The FDA and the Department of Defense and BioPort all say the 
vaccine is safe. A vocal group of current and former military personnel, doctors 
and members of Congress claims it is not. Three lawsuits challenging the vaccine 
are now in federal court.
To the emergency 
Brown knew nothing of the controversy on Friday, Feb. 27, when 
he got the fourth in a series of six anthrax shots.He rarely got sick, not even 
a cold. He didn't drink. He didn't smoke. He stood 5 feet 11 1/2 inches and 
weighed 207 pounds, but so much was muscle, he looked lean.
The day after the fourth anthrax shot, Saturday morning, he 
played basketball at the gym as usual but quickly tired. He went to the 
emergency room that night, he said, and a military doctor diagnosed a 
gastrointestinal infection.
By Sunday, he felt as if his body was filling up with fluid. The 
muscles in his neck throbbed and bulged. He had trouble breathing. Back at the 
emergency room that night, he said, a doctor again diagnosed gastrointestinal 
Something else is happening, Brown remembers saying. I can't 
He said his wife, Ebony, insisted on X-rays. "When they looked 
at the X-rays," Brown recalled, "the doctor got this look on his face. I knew 
something was terribly wrong."
Brown said his heart was so enlarged, it had almost stopped 
pumping. He now takes medication to keep it beating until a transplant becomes 
available. He has dropped to 151 pounds, and walking only a few feet exhausts 
him. Friday, he was medically retired from the Air Force.
Before he got sick, Brown sometimes worked two jobs to provide 
for Ebony and their four children, ages 5 to 12. Now Ebony works and the 
children help care for him, and that's been a tough transition.
"I wish we had done our homework before Lavester got in line 
(for the vaccine)," Ebony said. "We trusted the military."
Mandatory shots
Until recently, anthrax had been considered primarily a 
livestock disease. People can be infected in three ways -- through skin contact, 
by eating infected meat or by breathing airborne spores -- but it's 
The military became convinced that Iraq had developed biological 
weapons, including anthrax, and might pack its Scud missiles with the deadly 
bacteria. Nearly everyone who inhales anthrax dies if not treated.
In 1998, the Defense Department made vaccinations 
Since then, about 1.2 million military personnel have received 
the vaccine, six doses over 18 months, followed by yearly boosters. (Several 
hundred thousand, a Pentagon spokesman said, got the vaccine during the 1991 
Persian Gulf War.)
Out of 4.7 million doses given since 1998, the government says 
it has received 3,817 reports of adverse reactions, from headache, fatigue and 
fever to cancer, cardiac arrest and 

[CTRL] Iraqization = Vietnamization = Defeat

2004-09-26 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Eventually reality strikes. The US is a Hollow Empire, the world's biggest
debtor that depends on Japan and China to avoid debtors prison - with a
population facing a long term drastically falling standard of living. Reality
always exposes the empty rhetoric.

How Will We Know When We Can Finally Leave?
By Michael Hirsh

Sunday, September 26, 2004; Page B01

As Iraq descends into something resembling chaos, it's hard to remember how
grand, even orderly, the plans for its future once were. I had a glimpse of
those plans last January in Baghdad as I interviewed L. Paul Bremer in his dusty
office at the center of Saddam Hussein's old Republican Palace. I asked Bremer,
who was then midway through his tenure as America's viceroy in Iraq, whether
what he was attempting was unprecedented. Perhaps it was, he said, but the model
he was using was the resurrection of post-Hitler Germany.

Bremer, a historian by training, then reached over to his desk for a thick
briefing book that laid out detailed timelines for the development of each Iraqi
ministry. He pointed out a chart that he consulted more than any other:
MILESTONES: Iraq and Germany. It laid out the handover of state institutions
during the 1945-52 occupation of Germany, side by side with corresponding plans
for Iraq over a more compressed period. That way, Bremer said, he could keep
track of where we are versus Germany. The U.S. occupation embraced that model
so completely that officials lifted whole passages from Marshall Plan-era
documents in designing the future of Iraq -- once forgetting, in a section
dealing with currency, to change Reichsmark to dinar.

The administration's ultimate endgame in Iraq was -- and still is, if judged by
rhetoric alone -- to emulate in the heart of the Arab world the amazing
transformation of Germany in the heart of Europe. It was to convert a fierce
enemy into a loyal ally, a regional security threat into a bulwark of regional
security. Today, faced with worsening violence, administration officials tend to
emphasize how hard a task the postwar rebirth of Germany was (though there was
no real insurgency, and by 1948 the German Miracle was well underway). When I
asked one White House official recently about the troubles in Iraq, he too
harked back to postwar Germany. He quoted Dwight D. Eisenhower as saying in June
1945, The success of this occupation can only be judged 50 years from now.
Like Germany, Iraq is a generational project, this official said.

But if the administration is rhetorically projecting ahead a generation, its own
plans for Iraq do not go beyond the next two years -- and never did. Its
strategy calls for a national legislature to be elected in January, a
constitutional convention a few months later and a permanent government by the
end of 2005. The Pentagon has also outlined a rotation plan for U.S. troops in
Iraq extending to October 2006. Yet it has not laid out an exit strategy for
troops, arguing that to do so would encourage the insurgents, and administration
officials have not made clear what the benchmarks of success would be. American
troops, after all, are still deployed in Germany -- and that was considered a
great triumph. When it comes to laying out longer-term plans for Iraq, there is
a deafening silence from the administration, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.),
the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said recently.
Incredible rhetoric, deafening silence.

Americans must begin to penetrate that silence by reckoning with some grim
realities about the Iraqi endgame. The first is that there is no prospect of
winning in Iraq, at least none that even remotely resembles the
administration's rhetoric. The German model has become part of what Nebraska
Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Republican critic of the war, has called the grand
illusion of Iraqi progress. Indeed, far from following the path of America's
postwar triumph in Germany, the administration's approach on the ground is
closely tracking one of America's greatest foreign policy follies:
Vietnamization. That was the name for President Richard Nixon's disastrous
policy of handing off the war to the ill-prepared South Vietnamese army and a
thinly legitimate government in Saigon, so that U.S. troops could come home. Now
the Bush administration is hanging its hopes on Iraqification, the propping up
of equally unprepared Iraqi forces in hopes that we can ready them in time to
forestall defeat long enough to withdraw.

This dramatic downshift in U.S. ambitions for Iraq continues a pattern of
gradually lowered expectations dating almost from the beginning of the postwar
insurgency. In the first months of Bremer's tenure as head of the Coalition
Provisional Authority, in the spring and summer of 2003, he doggedly followed
the German protocol -- a new constitution guaranteeing rights first, then
voting, and only after that sovereignty. He and his superiors back in Washington
largely ignored 

[CTRL] [SUPERWHITE-SUPREMIST] Re: [ISRAEL_V_EDOM] israelite Israeli Government does not recognize Israeli nation {01} (fwd)

2004-09-26 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 08:22:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Israelite Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [SUPERWHITE-SUPREMIST] Re: [ISRAEL_V_EDOM] israeliteIsraeli
Government does not recognize Israeli nation {01}

Russia offered Birobidjan in the 20's or 30's and it is a great location.
You can almost see Japan from there. Maybe the Russians can lead them out
of Israel to that promised land now and let the True Israelites in.


On Sat, 25 Sep 2004, Israelite Knight wrote:

 Well, now we know why Israel never in half a century ever won an Olympic
 Gold Medal:  Israel doesn't exist.  How fitting for these double-minded
 morons who blasphemy God and Jesus by calling themselves God's chosen

 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: hengist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:10 PM
 Subject: (Archive Copy) [israelite (Moderated)] Fw: Israeli Government does
 not recognize Israeli nation {01}

  Bull's eye. Only if all of the churchocrats sustain closed-minded
  bigotry to match that of JKKK will the Edomites retain their support.
  Unless Jesus Christ lied when He said He came ONLY to find the lost sheep
  of Israel (because the torch of civilization had been passed to us from
  the Hebrews and the Patriarchs of Babylon before them) that nation of
  self-identified ANTICHRISTS cannot be True Israel.
  But as for White Right Israelite thing, keep in mind that we will likely
  become Super-White as we colonize the planets and move beyond ... genetic
  engineering and all that.
  As for my super-white pigmentation choice, how about nice shiny yellow
  and black bands? I'd like wings too! And a stinger would be a nice option.
  Guess who should watch his backside thereafter (hint, initials JKKK).
  Zandu Goldbar
  PS-Thanks for the reminder below. I'm long overdue for a trip to the
  library and a half day of reading the Edomite/Idumaean encyclopedias.
  On Sat, 25 Sep 2004, hengist wrote:
   The [Israeli] Interior Ministry refuses, saying that no such
   nation [Israel] appears on its list. 
   Hmm. must be a Jewish 'thing', ... we wouldn't understand.
   But then again, knowing the Talmudic mind and propensity
   for legal nit-picking. Perhaps, the savants of Esau/Edom
   [see Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. V, (1904), p. 41)] are just
   a mite leery of their misappropriation of the title 'Israel'.
   A Nation? What Nation?
   by Uri Avnery
   (Friday 24 September 2004)
   For many people it is difficult to give up the Zionist myths with which
 they grew up. They try to evade any discussion on this subject - and indeed,
 it is hardly ever mentioned in our media.
   It sounds like a joke, but it is quite serious.
   The government of Israel does not recognize the Israeli nation. It says
 that there is no such thing.
   Could you imagine the French government denying the existence of the
 French Nation? Or the government of the United States of America not
 recognizing the (US) American nation? But then, Israel is the land of
 unlimited possibilities.
   Every person in Israel is recorded in the Interior Ministry's registry
 of inhabitants. The registration includes the item nation. This entry
 also appears on the Identity Card that every person in Israel is legally
 obliged to carry with them at all times or risk criminal prosecution.
   The Interior Ministry lists 140 recognized nations which its officers
 can register. This includes not only established nations (Russian,
 German, French etc.) but also Christian, Muslim, Druze and more.
 The nation of an Arab citizen of Israel, for example, may be recorded as
 Arab, Christian or Catholic (but not Palestinian - the Interior
 Ministry is not yet aware of the existence of such a nation.)
   Most Israeli inhabitants carry, of course, identity cards saying
 Nation: Jewish. This has now become a subject of debate.
   A group of 38 Israelis have asked for the cancellation of their
 registration as Jewish and its replacement with Israeli. The Interior
 Ministry refuses, saying that no such nation appears on its list. The group
 has petitioned the High Court of Justice to instruct the ministry to
 register them as belonging to the Israeli nation. This week, the case came
 before the court.
   The 38 include some of the most eminent professors in Israel
 (historians, philosophers, sociologists and the like), well-known public
 figures and others 

[CTRL] priest resignation, child abuse military, 10,000 'slave' laborers in U.S

2004-09-26 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles 

Priest's resignation tied to online sexual purchases By Pat Moore Palm Beach Post Staff Writer 9/24/04 "Stuart - A Martin County priest accused of skimming cash from the weekly offerings at St. Joseph Catholic Church resigned two months ago for another reason: his online purchases of gay pornographic movies, sex toys and bondage paraphernalia. The Rev. Alden Christopher Allen, 52, stepped down in August after Treasure Coast prosecutors notified the Palm Beach Diocese that they felt the priest was "living beyond his means." They also discovered he was taking $500 to $750 weekly from collection plates and stashing it in a "gray box" with no accountability to parishioners. But diocesan officials were not as concerned with the potential theft of parish money as they were with credit card and eBay records showing Allen shopped online for pornographic DVDs, body-piercing rings, tattoo lotions, mink pillows and other items." http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/content/news/epaper/2004/09/24/m1a_MCPRIEST_0924.html

Child Abuse Seen on N.C. Military Bases 9/25/04 By Emery P. Dalesio Raleigh, N.C. (AP) "The cases exemplify new statistics showing that children from military families located in two counties are twice as likely to be killed by their parents or other caregivers than other children statewide. Cumberland County is home to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base, while Onslow County has Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base and New River Marine Corps air station." Http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4514049,00.html

10,000 'slave' laborers in U.S.: hookers, maids 9/26/04 San Francisco "At any given time, about 10,000 people in the United States are forced to work against their will under threat of violence, a new report found. The report, "Hidden Slaves: Forced Labor in the United States," released Thursday by the Human Rights Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Washington-based nonprofit group called Free the Slaves, was based on interviews with social service workers, government officials and labor advocates, as well as news storiesResearchers found that almost half of forced laborers work in prostitution or the sex industry, and close to one-third are domestic workers. Researchers found that victims of forced labor come from at least 38 countries, but most are from China, Mexico and Vietnam." http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-slave26.html
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Victims of vaccine? N.C. troops say military program is unsafe

2004-09-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

The military doesn't care if you die--just as long as you follow 
orders. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: [BCPOLITICS] Re: Canada.

2004-09-26 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: [BCPOLITICS] Re: Canada.

 You are welcome to join the BCP list and discuss it. It just gets down to
 using a standard English dictionary definition of gestapo ... one of those
 imported words like kimono I guess.


 - Original Message -
 From: A. Javier M. M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:41 AM
 Subject: Canada.

  I don't know your name, but on other way, those I have seen in your web,
  canada, about welfare, and 'new gestapo',,,
  Well, this is other history.
  Political investigation, History and Laws analyze, in fact, give a not
  nice 'photo', not only in canada, but in Europe too.
  Canada, has least population than Spain (About 30 Million), and much
  The politics developed there, since 1990, I remember, where really wrong
  evil, at least what I study.
  This is 'stuff of other box', as we say here.
  Many time, here, we have investigate about 'socialism', about
  about 'Gender', about 'Europe Constitution'.
  It seems to be a Walt-dysney picture, ¹Does not?.
  But under this, other facts ('Facts', remember)  appear, not from any
  'reveled-books', but from Europena Pairlament, from Premier Minster of
  (1989), and many, many more.
  A not very nice reality, is discovered.
  Hope to talk a bout this ,,,
  BEst Regards.

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 According to http://www.gov.bc.ca some 3/4 of British Columbians were
Internet users by 2001. In 5 years or so, the new EDD, Electronic Direct
Democracy will be fully developed and the CITIZENS' PARLIAMENT will hold
the reins of power daily over the Victoria Parliament. The 1996 Recall and
Initiative Act enables CITIZENS to recall even the Premier.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: 10,000 people in U.S. work in forced labor

2004-09-26 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: 10,000 people in U.S. work in forced labor

 - Original Message -
 From: radtimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:39 PM
 Subject: 10,000 people in U.S. work in forced labor

  10,000 people in U.S. work in forced labor
  The Associated Press
  September 25, 2004
  SAN FRANCISCO - At any given time, some 10,000 people in the United
  are forced to work against their will under threat of violence, a new
  report found.

 How many in Canada under Prime Minister SS Martin's gestapo?


  The report, Hidden Slaves: Forced Labor in the United States, released
  Thursday by the Human Rights Center at University of California,
  and a Washington, DC-based nonprofit group called Free the Slaves, was
  based on interviews with social service providers, government officials,
  and labor advocates, as well as newspapers stories published between
  1998-2003 that described incidents of forced labor.
  One of eight cases explored in the report concerned Lakireddy Bali
  the Berkeley landlord and restaurateur sentenced to more than eight
  in federal prison in 2001 for smuggling teenage girls from India for sex
  and cheap labor.
  Reddy came under investigation in 1999 after a 17-year old girl died of
  carbon monoxide poisoning in a Berkeley apartment he owned.
  Reddy was also ordered to pay $2 million in restitution, and the report
  said a civil suit associated with the case was settled in April for $8.9
  Researchers found that almost half of forced laborers work in
  or the sex industry, close to one-third are domestic workers, and one in
  works in agriculture. And while examples of forced labor have been found
  at least 90 cities in the United States, most are concentrated in states
  with large immigrant populations like California, Florida, New York and
  I think everyone recognizes this is a very real issue and we're working
  hard to address it, said Jamie Zuieback, a spokeswoman for U.S.
  Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
  Researchers found that victims of forced labor come from at least 38
  countries, but most are from China, Mexico and Vietnam. Some are born in
  the United States.
  The report urged increased public awareness about human trafficking,
  increasing monitoring of workers in sectors where forced labor is
  prevalent, and ensuring that victims have adequate social services when
  they escape.
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