[CTRL] Blame It On Arafat: Dennis Ross and the MISSING PIECE

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


November 8, 2004 issueCopyright © 2004 The American Conservative

The Peace That Failed
The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace, Dennis Ross, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 872 pages
By Michael C. DeschFormer American Middle East envoy Dennis Ross is a dedicated public servant deeply committed to achieving peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors. In his new book The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace, Ross works hard to be evenhanded in this account of why his efforts, spanning both Democratic and Republican administrations, failed to establish peace between Israel and two of its neighbors, Syria and Palestine. 
At one level, Ross succeeds in producing an admirably comprehensive history of the process. But on a deeper level, Ross—now counselor to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a Fox News analyst—fails to provide a “fair and balanced” assessment of the history he recounts. While he is critical of the top leaders on both sides and freely admits that all parties—himself included—made mistakes, he lays the blame for the failure of the peace process at the feet of the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasir Arafat. As Ross puts it, “I would not now be writing about the failings of Oslo if it had not been for Yasir Arafat.” 
This one-sided indictment raises important questions: is Ross’s interpretation of the ultimate failure of Camp David consistent with the historical record, including his own account of events? If not, what caused the disjunction between the known history and his analysis? In fact, Ross’s conclusion that Arafat and the Palestinians are principally to blame does not follow from his narrative, much less from the rest of the literature on the peace process. Ross’s faulty assessment results from a set of biases shared among many Americans but exacerbated in Ross’s case by his personal and religious ties to Israel and by his all-too-human need to find someone to blame. Because the United States and Israel are de facto allies and Ross is so deeply committed to Israel, he cannot blame the Israelis or the Americans, even if the historical record would suggest that they bear an important share of the responsibility for the collapse of the peace process. Hence, Arafat and the Palestinians must take the rap. 
As with so many bitter and long-running struggles to control the same piece of territory, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has produced very different stories about how it started and who is at fault for perpetuating it. Dennis Ross offers what is by now the standard American and Israeli story. In this account, the Jews who immigrated to Palestine prior to 1948 did so seeking refuge from oppression. They were willing to live in a bi-national state with the Arab inhabitants but this offer was spurned, and so the Zionists had to fight for their own independence. Since 1948, Israel has stood as the Middle East’s only democracy in a sea of hostile neighbors. With pluck and courage (and ever increasing American support), the Israelis managed to survive. In spite of unremitting Arab hostility, the Israelis have repeatedly stretched out the hand of peace, only to have it slapped away. Only the Egyptians and the Jordanians eventually realized the futility of trying to destroy Israel and have been willing to make a peace, albeit one that remains chilly and fragile. 
In Ross’s story, the Israel-Palestinian conflict followed much the same course. Arafat and the PLO were never interested in peace until after the 1991 Gulf War, when Arafat imprudently backed Saddam and isolated the Palestinians internationally. This isolation forced the Palestinians to get serious about peace and led to the historic Oslo Accords in 1993. Unfortunately, the Oslo process ground to a halt, in the Israeli and American interpretation, because of continuing Palestinian terrorism. 
In addition to a general Palestinian unwillingness to rein in terror (presumably reflecting an unwillingness to live in peace next to the Jewish state), Ross attributes the failure of the July 2000 Camp David summit to Palestinian obstructionism. In his words: “The summit was about to collapse. The President had made his best effort, and now so had Barak. Arafat has said no to everything.” The final nail in the peace process’s coffin, in Ross’s view, was Arafat’s rejection of the December 2000 “Clinton parameters,” which would have given the Palestinians control of most of the West Bank, Gaza, and parts of Jerusalem. To paraphrase Abba Eban’s famous line: Arafat never misses a chance to miss an opportunity for peace. This account of the missing peace is widely accepted in Israel, and to the extent that Americans know and care about why the peace process failed, this is their understanding too. 
But this account is badly flawed. First and perhaps most important, it is not correct to say that 

[CTRL] oil at $49.05/bbl thre are off shore oil resources that need to be developed.

2004-11-05 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Another note on Nuclear POwer check out
A HREF=http://www.tvo.fi/126.htm; Finland's new nuclear power plant/A
Finland is building at least one NEW NUCLEAR POWER PLANT and they are
using the reason that it does not emit so called green house gases. Why
can't you anti-nuke eco freaks out there at least admit this fact?
as for off shore drilling usa check out my energy page for a link on
offshore drilling and don't forget there is a known large oil field off
the southern california coast which with development and the building of a
few new oil refineries on the west coast would help in lowering gas prices
check out
A HREF=http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html;
or http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
and there is an article with evidence that new crude oil is constantly
being created by natural combination of methane into crude oil by MOTHER

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Presidential Votes Miscast on e-Voting Machines Throughout The Country

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Presidential Votes Miscast on e-Voting Machines Throughout The Country
Technocrat.net | Nov 4 2004
Voters from at least half a dozen states reported that touch-screen voting machines had incorrectly recorded their choices, including for president. Voters discovered the problems when checking the review screen at the end of the voting process. They found, to their surprise, that the machines indicated that they voted for one candidate when they had voted for another. When voters tried to correct the problem, the machine often made the same error several times. While in most cases the situation was reportedly resolved, many voters remain uneasy about whether the proper vote was ultimately cast. Meanwhile, voting experts are concerned that other voters are experiencing the problem, but failing to notice that the machine is indicating the wrong choice on the "summary" screen. Election observers with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Verified Voting Foundation (VVF) reported today that the problem, which some voting officials initially attributed to fluke "voter error," is evidently widespread and may even be relatively common with touch-screen machines. Incorrectly recorded votes make up roughly 20 percent of the e-voting problems reported through the Election Incident Reporting System (EIRS), an online database in which volunteers with the Election Protection Coalition, a coalition of non-partisan election observers dedicated to preventing voter disenfranchisement, are recording and tracking voting problems. 
For voters, these incidents underscore the need to carefully review ballots during the final portion of the electronic voting process. But they also point to the larger issue: using touch-screen voting systems vulnerable to this kind of error, combined with poll workers and voters unfamiliar with the new systems, substantially increases the chances of voter disenfranchisement. 
"We're likely to see these types of problems repeated on Election Day," said EFF Staff Attorney Matt Zimmerman. "As a short-term measure, we strongly encourage voters who use touch-screen voting machines to proof their ballots at the review stage. But while we can try to address obvious, visible problems like these, the problems we really worry about are the ones that the voters and poll watchers can't see. Often the only way you catch these flaws is through audits - yet most of these machines lack even the most basic audit feature: a voter-verified paper trail."

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] E-Voting Machines Give Bush Mysterious 5% Edge

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday, November 03, 2004 commentary:

States with electronic voting machines gave Bush mysterious 5% advantage; bloggers do the math that broadcast networks fail to follow

Is Bush trying to pull a fast one? It's not fooling bloggers over at DemocraticUnderground.com, who have put together some fascinating numbers showing that a mysterious "5% advantage" goes to Bush only in those states using electronic voting machines. Or, put another way, all the exit polls showed Kerry winning, and the exit polls asked people who they actually voted for. But strangely, the "official" count appears to have been boosted in favor of Bush. 
How was it boosted? Read up at BlackBoxVoting.org to learn how electronic voting machines can easily be hacked. And since there's no paper trail -- are we insane? -- there's no record of how the votes were actually cast. 
Another burning question is surfacing: if this was such a record turnaround, with long lines all over the country, where did all the votes go? Because the vote totals don't show much of a difference from the 2000 election. It's as if a few million votes just vanished... 
Just to make things even more frustrating for Democratics, the e-voting machines have no way to offer a meaningful recount of votes. As this WIRED article explains, the machines leave no paper trail. The votes are recorded as mere bits and bytes, meaning there's really no way to tell how the people actually voted in the first place. (Only in America could we decide our national elections with the aid of voting machines that leave no paper trail.) 
An analysis of exit polling, which showed Kerry with a tighter margin and leading in myriad states, raises serious questions about the authenticity of the popular vote in several key states, RAW STORY has learned. 
The analysis, conducted by a poster at the popular Democratic forum, Democratic Underground, suggests possible voter fraud in states that do not have electronic voting receipts. 
An exit poll involves asking someone after they walk out of the election booth who they voted for. 
Exit polls were recently used in Venezuela to ensure the vote was accurate and legitimate. 
Perhaps more importantly, while exit polling is unreliable, the odds of President Bush having gaining an advantage from every exit poll in swing states is an extremely improbable coincidence. 
Actual voting counts found that Bush trailed by 5 percent, with a 5 percent discrepancy favoring Bush.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Draft Agency Files Notice to Request Record Matching With Dept. of Education

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-



Draft agency files notice to request record matching with Department of Education
Filed under: 

General— site admin @ 3:37 pm Email This

Selective Service to match records with Education for compliance
By John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor
The Selective Service filed a notice in the federal register three days before the election to check the computer records of the Department of Education for compliance with a law that requires all students receiving federal financial aid to register for the draft, RAW STORY has learned.
The notice, filed Oct. 28, was published today in the Federal Register.
Former Reagan Assistant Defense Secretary Lawrence Korb, who now works at a progressive thinktank, downplayed the significance of the notice. He said that the law mandating financial aid students to register was put in place by a Democratic congress in the early 1980s, after many failed to register.
Asked if he thought it gave any credence to rumors of a draft, he said, “Not as far as I know, no.”
“The purpose of this matching program is to ensure that the requirements of Section 12(f) of the Military Selective Service System Act,” the notice reads.
While not an unexpected request, in a time when Americans have been so worried about a draft that Congress had to pass legislation asserting a draft would not be reinstated, the request can only fuel increased speculation about a military draft plan for the war in Iraq. The New York Times reported last month that the military was exploring a medical draft in the event of a national security emergency.
“In addition, Section 12(f)(2) of the Military Selective Service System Act specifies that any person required to present himself for and submit to registration under Section 3 of the Military Selective Service System Act must file a statement with the institution of higher education where the personintends to attend or is attending that he is in compliance with the Military Selective Service System Act,” the notice adds.
Korb added that while not a procedure done annually, the Selective Service is required by law to ensure aid students are registered.
“I would imagine they would have to,” he said. “Under the law they’re required to ensure that people don’t get financial aid if they haven’t registered.” 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Grand Theft Election

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Grand Theft Election
Karl Rove's Turd Droppings All Over This One
by Wayne Madsen

www.globalresearch.ca 5 November 2004 
The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/MAD411A.html 

Karl Rove, the political sorcerer who is called "turd blossom" by his political master George W. Bush has his nasty fingerprints all over the 2004 Election in a scam that can best be called "Grand Theft Election."There was something very wrong in Ohio, which Bush claims he won handily. Not only had the head of computer voting machine maker Diebold and Ohio's Republican establishment of Governor Bob Taft and Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell conspired to suppress registration and voter turnout in heavily Democratic precincts but the Ohio Secretary of State web site was only reporting results from 9 counties as of 11:30 AM on November 3, just three hours before John Kerry conceded the election to Bush. Totaling the results from the 9 counties (Fayette, Fairfield, Geauga, Jefferson, Portage, Mahoning, Trumbull, Richland, and Washington), John Kerry was clearly ahead. A 10th county, Columbiana, suspiciously showed up as "NO RESULTS."The totals from the 8 Ohio counties reported on the Secretary of State web site were:BUSH 267,771KERRY 294, 648There has to be a way for those of us who voted for Kerry and Edwards to sue Diebold Chief Executive Walden O'Dell and Diebold board member W.R. Timken for conspiring to deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush. O'Dell and Timken are also top fundraisers for Bush, so-called "Pioneers." O'Dell told the Cleveland PLain Dealer in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."The fact that Diebold machines were used in the Ohio rip-off should make O'Dell and Timken the subjects of criminal investigations. Of course, that will not happen in a GOP vassal state like Ohio. But why not a civil suit by those of us nationwide who voted for Kerry and had our presidency stolen from us as a result of racketeering and corrupt practices by a cabal of Republicans and fat cat corporate types? In a civil suit, through the process of discovery, O'Dell's and Timken's e-mails, letters, and other records could be ordered open by a judge. They could also be deposed as witnesses before plaintiffs' attorneys.Then there were the strange hiccups with the official election web sites reporting results in states and counties across the nation.During the morning of November 3, attempts to access the Pinellas County, Florida Election web site http://www.co.pinellas.fl.us/soe were met with the following:The page cannot be found.The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.At 11:52 am on November 3, the St. Lucie County, Florida election web site showed no returns, long after the polls closed:"Welcome To St. Lucie County Live Election ReturnsElection results will appear shortly."Attempts to access Miami-Dade County's election web site during the morning of November 3 were similarly unsuccessful.On the Florida Secretary of State web site there appeared some verbage about a link to the Marion County election web site. But there was no link. Ditto the same for Nassau County, a county that saw widespread voter intimidation and suppression of African-American votes in 2000.Indian River County, Florida election results were also of interest and indicated fraud:Registered voters as of October 4, 2004, included Republican: 41,866; Democratic: 24,515 ; Independent: 15,262. Votes on Nov 2 were Bush: 36,744; Kerry: 23,850Democrats had almost complete turnout if you match turnout to their registered voters. Republicans were down some 4000, but what happened to the Independents' votes? There were less than 1 percent for the third party candidates. We were told Independents were breaking for Kerry. Even if 23, 850 for Kerry included a majority of the Independents and even a few moderate Republicans, the results from Indian River don't indicate that.In pivotal New Mexico, by mid morning on Nvomber 3, the state election web site was missing several returns from areas with large Native American populations: Cibola and San Miguel Counties were missing in addition to 1 precinct in Dona Ana County with the following close returns listed:
Bush: 26 072 Kerry: 25,6081 precinct in McKinley County with the following returns listed:Bush 7132 Kerry: 12,7251 precinct in Sandoval County with the following close returns listed:Bush: 22,482 Kerry: 21,21515 precincts in Socorro County with the following close returns listed:Bush: 3197 Kerry: 2638New Mexico was eventually declared for Bush in a close election, even though it went for Gore in 2000.There were also missing returns from a very close race in Nevada.Clark County (Las Vegas) had 271,465 people vote early and 220,501 vote at polls on election day.Kerry received 279,575 votes to Bush's 253, 

[CTRL] How Bush Blew Bin Laden's Capture --- Give Him An F In The War on Terror

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


November 1, 2004

CounterPunch Exclusive

*** Secret Afghan Envoy Tells All ***

Give Him an "F" in the War on Terror
How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It
George Bush, the man whose prime campaign plank has been his ability to wage war on terror, could have had Osama bin Laden's head handed to him on a platter on his very first day in office, and the offer held good until February 2 of 2002. This is the charge leveled by an Afghan American who had been retained by the US government as an intermediary between the Taliban and both the Clinton and Bush administrations.
Kabir Mohabbat is a 48-year businessman in Houston, Texas. Born in Paktia province in southern Afghanistan, he's from the Jaji clan (from which also came Afghanistan's last king). Educated at St Louis University, he spent much of the 1980s supervising foreign relations for the Afghan mujahiddeen, where he developed extensive contacts with the US foreign policy establishment, also with senior members of the Taliban.
After the eviction of the Soviets, Mohabbat returned to the United States to develop an export business with Afghanistan and became a US citizen. Figuring in his extensive dealings with the Taliban in the late 1990s was much investment of time and effort for a contract to develop the proposed oil pipeline through northern Afghanistan.
In a lengthy interview and in a memorandum Kabir Mohabbat has given us a detailed account and documentation to buttress his charge that the Bush administration could have had Osama bin Laden and his senior staff either delivered to the US or to allies as prisoners, or killed at their Afghan base. As a search of the data base shows, portions of Mohabbat's role have been the subject of a number of news reports, including a CBS news story by Alan Pizzey aired September 25, 2001. This is the first he has made public the full story.
By the end of 1999 US sanctions and near-world-wide political ostracism were costing the Taliban dearly and they had come to see Osama bin Laden and his training camps as, in Mohabbat's words, "just a damn liability". Mohabbat says the Taliban leadership had also been informed in the clearest possible terms by a US diplomat that if any US citizen was harmed as a consequence of an Al Qaeda action, the US would hold the Taliban responsible and target Mullah Omar and the Taliban leaders.
In the summer of 2000, on one of his regular trips to Afghanistan, Mohabbat had a summit session with the Taliban high command in Kandahar. They asked him to arrange a meeting with appropriate officials in the European Union, to broker a way in which they could hand over Osama bin Laden . Mohabbat recommended they send bin Laden to the World Criminal Court in the Hague.
Shortly thereafter, in August of 2000, Mohabbat set up a meeting at the Sheraton hotel in Frankfurt between a delegation from the Taliban and Reiner Weiland of the EU. The Taliban envoys repeated the offer to deport bin Laden. Weiland told them he would take the proposal to Elmar Brok, foreign relations director for the European Union. According to Mohabbat, Brok then informed the US Ambassador to Germany of the offer.
At this point the US State Department called Mohabbat and said the government wanted to retain his services, even before his official period on the payroll, which lasted from November of 2000 to late September, 2001, by which time he tells us he had been paid $115,000.
On the morning of October 12, 2000, Mohabbat was in Washington DC, preparing for an 11am meeting at the State Department , when he got a call from State, telling him to turn on the tv and then come right over. The USS Cole had just been bombed. Mohabbat had a session with the head of State's South East Asia desk and with officials from the NSC. They told him the US was going to "bomb the hell out of Afghanistan". "Give me three weeks," Mohabbat answered, "and I will deliver Osama to your doorstep." They gave him a month.
Mohabbat went to Kandahar and communicated the news of imminent bombing to the Taliban. They asked him to set up a meeting with US officials to arrange the circumstances of their handover of Osama. On November 2, 2000, less than a week before the US election, Mohabbat arranged a face-to-face meeting, in that same Sheraton hotel in Frankfurt, between Taliban leaders and a US government team.
After a rocky start on the first day of the Frankfurt session, Mohabbat says the Taliban realized the gravity of US threats and outlined various ways bin Laden could be dealt with. He could be turned over to the EU, killed by the Taliban, or made available as a target for Cruise missiles. In the end, Mohabbat says, the Taliban promised the "unconditional surrender of bin Laden" . "We all agreed," Mohabbat tells CounterPunch, "the best way was to gather Osama and all his lieutenants in one location and the US would send one or 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Kerry Won. . .

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Kerry Won. . .
Greg Palast
November 04, 2004

Bush won Ohio by 136,483 votes. In the United States, about 3 percent of
votes cast are voidedknown as spoilage in election jargonbecause the
ballots cast are inconclusive. Drawing on what happened in Florida and
studies of elections past, Palast argues that if Ohios discarded ballots
were counted, Kerry would have won the state. Today, the Cleveland Plain
Dealer reports there are a total of 247,672 votes not counted in Ohio, if
you add the 92,672 discarded votes plus the 155,000 provisional ballots.
So far there's no indication that Palast's hypothesis will be tested
because only the provisional ballots are being counted.

Greg Palast, contributing editor to Harper's magazine, investigated the
manipulation of the vote for BBC Television's Newsnight. The documentary,
Bush Family Fortunes, based on his New York Times bestseller, The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy, has been released this month on DVD .

Kerry won. Here are  the facts.

I know you don't want to hear it. You can't face one more hung chad.  But
I don't have a choice. As a journalist examining that messy sausage called
American democracy, it's my job to tell you who got the most votes in the
deciding states. Tuesday, in Ohio and New Mexico, it was John Kerry.

Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting for Kerry. At 1:05 a.m.
Wednesday morning, CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio
women by 53 percent to 47 percent.  The exit polls were later combined
withand therefore contaminated bythe tabulated results, ultimately
becoming a mirror of the apparent actual vote. [To read about the skewing
of exit polls to conform to official results, click here .] Kerry also
defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a
third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state.

So what's going on here? Answer: the exit polls are accurate. Pollsters
ask, Who did you vote for? Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial,
question, Was your vote counted? The voters don't know.

Here's why. Although the exit polls show that most voters in Ohio punched
cards for Kerry-Edwards, thousands of these votes were simply not
recorded. This was predictable and it was predicted. [See TomPaine.com,
An Election Spoiled Rotten,  November 1.]

Once again, at the heart of the Ohio uncounted vote game are, I'm sorry to
report, hanging chads and pregnant chads, plus some other ballot tricks
old and new.

The election in Ohio was not decided by the voters but by something called
spoilage. Typically in the United States, about 3 percent of the vote is
voided, just thrown away, not recorded. When the bobble-head boobs on the
tube tell you Ohio or any state was won by 51 percent to 49 percent, don't
you believe it ... it has never happened in the United States, because the
total never reaches a neat 100 percent. The television totals simply
subtract out the spoiled vote.

Whose Votes Are Discarded?

And not all votes spoil equally. Most of those votes, say every official
report, come from African-American and minority precincts. (To learn more,
click here.)

We saw this in Florida in 2000. Exit polls showed Gore with a plurality of
at least 50,000, but it didn't match the official count. That's because
the official, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, excluded 179,855
spoiled votes.  In Florida, as in Ohio, most of these votes lost were cast
on punch cards where the hole wasn't punched through completelyleaving a
'hanging chad,'or was punched extra times.  Whose cards were discarded?
Expert statisticians investigating spoilage for the government calculated
that 54 percent of the ballots thrown in the dumpster were cast by black
folks. (To read the report from the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, click
here .)


[CTRL] Four Decades of Imperial Hubris

2004-11-05 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
November 2, 2004 14:14
Defending America
Hack's Weekly Column
Four Decades of Imperial Hubris
- By David H. Hackworth, DefenseWatch Senior Military Columnist
In most of the wars weve fought, our leaders have understood our enemies
and how to take them down. But in the current shootout  a continuation of
the revolutionary fervor first ignited in Algeria in the 1960s, then fanned
by the Iranian Revolution, a huge Jihad victory against the Soviets in
Afghanistan, Israels humiliating withdrawal from Lebanon and its
interminable fight in Palestine culminating in 9/11 and our retaliatory
invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq  Americas leaders from both major
parties and our military and intelligence establishments remain in deep
denial and blindly continue to believe that because weve got the power, we
shall overcome. Ditto a large chunk of the American public that has sent me
gigabytes of e-mail about how we should do a Goldwater on the bad guys and
bomb them back to the Stone Age  when that's where most of our 1.3
billion potential Islamic opponents already are. If ignorance is bliss,
America might have cornered the market on happiness.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Another Election Stolen / Millions Disenfranchised?

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

   From: Kat L'Estrange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 14:14



   Kat L'Estrange, 541-510-5646 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   November 4, 2004:  Concerned citizens are calling for a thorough investigation 
   the discrepancies identified in the election results between exit polling data
   provided by independent polling organizations and the data supplied to the 
   networks by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International in the final 
   vote analysis, which awarded Bush the presidency on November 3, 2004.  Sen. John
   Kerry conceded the election to Bush, but a growing number of concerned citizens
   believe the votes in this election are not his to concede. The votes belong to 
   legal voters who cast them, and existing discrepancies may point to possible
   wrongdoing by those who counted them.  Organizations or individuals who support
   this public outcry are encouraged to get involved.

   Exit polling on election day as reported by John Zogby of Zogby International 
   other independent exit polling organizations show a different result earlier on 
   the contest than what was reported later on by 6 national networks, ABC, CBS, 
   CNN, Fox News Channel and The Associated Press, who received their exit polling
   data from Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International, a consortium formed
   after Voter News Service was disbanded and blamed for the networks' error in
   prematurely calling Florida for Gore in the 2000 election.  Exit polling using
   statistical analysis is an important part of our election process, providing
   necessary checks against the tabulated results, and a reasonable amount of
   protection against vote fraud.

   According to the networks, Edison Media Research had a direct connection to 
   election results across the nation via computer modems.  Although early polling
   data obtained by Edison/Mitofsky appear to be accurate, as the situation 
   later into the night, the exit polls were combined with and therefore 
   by the tabulated results, ultimately becoming a mirror of the apparent actual
   vote.  Jonathan Simon of Alliance for Democracy notes, Statistical 
   were identified in key battleground states that exceeded the margin of error of 
   exit polls. In Ohio, for instance, a shift of 3.1% toward Bush converted a 52% -
   48% exit poll victory for Kerry into a 51% - 49% electoral victory for Bush.
   Other critical states showed similar anomalous results, each of which should 
   less than 5% of the time.  In the group of 12 critical states selected for
   analysis, exit poll vs. tabulated vote shifts exceeded the polls' margin of 
   in 4 cases, which according to statistical analysis would occur only 0.2% (or 
   five-hundredth) of the time in the absence of significant mistabulation of 
   Simon also notes that exit polling appears inexplicably to have been 
   more accurate in nonbattleground states, than in the states that were crucial 
to a
   Bush victory.

   Rather than objectively exploring reasons for these identified discrepancies, 
   networks now glibly claim exit polling based on scientific methodology is
   completely unreliable, and have all but forgotten that there was a deep and
   widespread concern about the reliability 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ArtBell_Talk] Alex Jones - Truly Remarkable

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

What an episode last night!  I recorded this and am listening to it now.  Did anyone 
listen to it?  Of course that is a rhetorical question.  Really an amazing 
presentation of what is what.  If you did not tune in,  get streamlink, at least for a 
day and listen to this particular program.
Be well

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Here we go again. Some of you will be sick of this topic and to those of you who are I 
ask that you get over the desire to be infotained and deal with the unpleasant 
reality: that the American voting system is totally bogus. What is contained in this 
post is of interest to anyone that believes that justice cannot be served without a 
full disclosure of the level of corruption in almost every corner of our political, 
governmental, and journalistic behemoth. Voting machines made by right wingers is not 
a 'fair and balanced' approach. It's a relative no-brainer but many will want to 
continue inhabiting a fantasy, o­ne in which everything is alright and o­ne hundred 
thousand dead Iraqis in the past two years just don't matter or, because we don't have 
to stare at them first hand, simply aren't real.



It's the Voting Machines, Stupid, by David Cogswell


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

The following report will be printed in the American Free Press (AFP)
newspaper this week. To subscribe to AFP call 888-699-6397HOW A PRIVATE COMPANY COUNTS OUR VOTES ON ELECTION
NIGHTBy Christopher Bollyn American Free
PressWhen the polls closed in Chicago, American Free Press was at the
Cook County clerk's office to see how the secretive private company that
operates the voting machines in America's third largest city actually
controls the counting of the votes. CHICAGO, Illinois: The morning
after Election Day, the Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards
promised the nation that the Democrats would "make sure that every vote
counts, and that every vote is counted." Later in the day, as the
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry, conceded defeat to
George W. Bush, his fellow Bonesman from Yale's elite secret society, The
Order of the Skull  Bones, he said: "In America, it is vital that every
vote count." Kerry and Edwards, however, conceded defeat before some
170,000 to 250,000 provisional ballots from the state of Ohio, which could
have changed the outcome of the election, had been counted. As the
public has been led to believe, the final tally came down to a near 50-50
split and it was the "swing state" of Ohio that made the difference.
But how were the votes actually counted across the nation on November 2?
VOTING IN CHICAGOOn Election Day, voters in Cook County
(Ill.) were among the 60 million Americans who voted with machines made by
Election Systems  Software, a secretive and private company based in
Omaha. ESS, as its known, calls itself "the world's largest and
most experienced provider of total election management solutions." According
to the company's own figures, 42 percent of all registered voters in the
United States voted on ESS equipment on Election Day. ESS
sells its "end-to-end election management suite of solutions" to replace
traditional voting methods -- and election officials -- with what it calls
"one-stop-shop" full service election coordination from start to finish.
What this means on Election Day is that ESS, a private company,
manages everything about the voting, from voter registration, the printing
of ballots, the programming of the voting machines, the counting and
tabulation of the votes, and the final reporting of the results for 60
million Americans in 47 states. Four years after first revealing the
flaws inherent in the insecure ESS electronic voting machines used in
Cook County, American Free Press went to the county clerk's office to
observe how ESS controls the counting of the votes for America's third
largest city, Chicago, and the suburban area around it. Scott
Burnham, spokesman for the county clerk, had informed me that the vote count
is open to the public and that press credentials would not be required.
Shortly after arriving, I ran into Burnham and David Orr, the county clerk,
in the hallway. Although I had arrived just shortly before the polls
closed at 7 p.m., I was the only member of the public or the press around
except for a couple Associated Press (AP) reporters in the far corner of the
room. They were busy connecting their laptops to the ESS computer in
the backroom, which provided them with "direct feed" of the results.
I was surprised to see so few people attending such an important event.
In France, scores of citizens watch the vote count in each polling
station. While the results were coming in, the AP reporter read a
novel while her laptop did the communicating. When I went to talk to the AP
reporter, Burnham quickly appeared and told me to leave. "You should talk to
AP," he said. "She is AP," I replied."She just works for
AP," he said. Clearly the subject of the Associated Press having direct
data feed from the mainframe computer was something Burnham did not want me

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Documentary uncovers Nazi gold trail to Argentina

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Documentary uncovers
Nazi gold trail to ArgentinaFri 5
November, 2004 14:16

By Hilary Burke
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - A new documentary thick with tales of
spies and secretive submarine landings traces how Nazis smuggled gold and cash
from Europe to Argentina, a notorious safe haven for war criminals after World
War Two.
"Nazi Gold in Argentina," directed by Argentine filmmaker Rolo Pereyra, aims
to break new ground by revealing how Swiss banks, Roman Catholic bishops and
Argentine politicians helped to plunder hundreds of millions of dollars in Third
Reich treasures.
The flight of many Nazis, including notorious Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele
and Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann, from war-torn Europe to South America
has been extensively documented.
But the trail of a fortune in gold and cash has been much less explored.
The documentary, partly financed by HBO, re-enacts stories of Nazi submarines
loaded with gold landing in Argentina's far-flung Patagonia, the mysterious
deaths of Nazi conspirators, and spy-novel machinations based on 10 years of
It received a standing ovation at Sao Paulo's International Film Festival
last month, and director Pereyra suspects the audience enjoyed the film's
dramatic flair. The documentary will be screened at film festivals in Belgium,
Spain and Cuba through December.
"My idea was to give it a bit of that spy story rhythm ... with spies spying
on spies ... People appreciate that," Pereyra said.
The film includes vignettes on such figures as Hermann Doerge, a powerful
German banker who worked at Argentina's Central Bank in the 1940s and died in a
suspicious suicide after destroying proof of the Nazi wealth transfers,
according to Argentine central bank archives and Allied intelligence.
The film -- based on the book "Odessa al Sur" by Argentine writer Jorge
Camarasa -- connects the dots between Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Germany and
Argentina to show how Nazis and their wealth were smuggled to the New World.
Hundreds of Nazis flocked to Argentina after the war, drawn by the open-door
policy of Gen. Juan Domingo Peron, a pragmatic politician with fascist
sympathies. But Nazi ties to the political and economic elite outlasted Peron,
Pereyra said.
"What surprised us is that the trail of this smuggled money leads to the
heirs of many families, even up to the 1980s and 90s," Pereyra said. "These
people are linked to the Argentine oligarchy and the economically powerful."
Pereyra was nominated for an Emmy Award in the mid-1980s for an investigative
report on the burning alive of a young couple during Chile's military
"Nazi Gold in Argentina" includes interviews in Argentina with Wilfred Von
Oven, a former aide to Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and the son of
Erich Priebke, a former SS captain who was extradited to Italy and jailed for
his role in the murder of 335 civilians in Rome in 1944.
Camarasa said the importance of the probes is that they unearthed
conspiracies and complicities hidden for decades.
"Bringing this to light allowed people to confront a quite shameful episode
in Argentina," Camarasa said.
"This is just another story about the good guys and the bad guys and how the
bad guys triumph," he said, chuckling.

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[CTRL] [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Shaw and the Dialectic- (fwd)

2004-11-05 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

  Citizens for the inherent dignity and worth of the human person
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 11:54:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Shaw and the Dialectic-

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be
indifferent to them.  That's the essence of inhumanity. - George Bernard
Shaw, playwright (1856-1950)

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* Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code of 
totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian newspeak as it was called in 1984? What 
is doubleplus ungood crimethink in Orwell's classic? *

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Millegan/Noory Interveiw Online

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] [BCPOLITICS] Uprising Against the U-S-A Republican Culture of Death (fwd)

2004-11-05 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 13:35:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPOLITICS] Uprising Against the U-S-A Republican Culture of Death

Long live the Glorious Revolution, Citizen Carolyn. Tell us when it is
time to storm the Bastille!


  Citizens for the inherent dignity and worth of the human person
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:30:21 -
Subject: [DisabilityConvention] Outrage in Ohio: Angry residents storm
State House in response to massive voter suppression and corruption

Outrage in Ohio: Angry residents storm State House in response to massive
voter suppression and corruption
Michigan 05 Nov 2004

 November 3 - Toledo, Ohio Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through
the streets of Columbus-Ohio's Capital-this evening and stormed the Ohio
State House, defying orders and arrest threats from Ohio State Troopers.
O-H-I-O ! suppressed democracy has got to go, they chanted. After troopers
pushed and scuffled with people, nearly a hundred people took over the steps
and entrance to the State's giant white column capital building and refused
repeated orders to disperse or face arrest. People prepared for arrests,
ready to face jail-writing lawyers phone numbers on their arms, signing jail
support lists and discussing non-cooperation and active resistance (linking
arms, but not fighting back).

A freshly painted banner held on the steps read ONE VOTE DENIED = DEMOCRACY
articulated the crisis. An unprecedented massive grassroots voter
registration and get out the vote effort and widespread opposition to Bush
went up against the massive coordinated Republican effort to suppress,
intimidate and possibly steal millions of votes. In addition to the voter
suppression and intimidation is the fact that Bush campaign co-chair
Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell is in charge of the election and vote
counting. But much deeper questions about fundamental flaws in the system
hang in the air.

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According to http://www.gov.bc.ca some 3/4 of British Columbians were Internet users 
by 2001. In 5 years or so, the new EDD, Electronic Direct Democracy will be fully 
developed and the CITIZENS' PARLIAMENT will hold the reins of power daily over the 
Victoria Parliament. The 1996 Recall and Initiative Act enables CITIZENS to recall 
even the Premier.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - An error with an electronic voting system gave
President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said.

Franklin County's unofficial results had Bush receiving 4,258 votes to
Democrat John Kerry's 260 votes in a precinct in Gahanna. Records show only 638
voters cast ballots in that precinct.
Bush actually received 365 votes in the precinct, Matthew Damschroder,
director of the Franklin County Board of Elections, told The Columbus Dispatch.
State and county election officials did not immediately respond to requests
by The Associated Press for more details about the voting system and its vendor,
and whether the error, if repeated elsewhere in Ohio, could have affected the
Bush won the state by more than 136,000 votes, according to unofficial
results, and Kerry conceded the election on Wednesday after acknowledging that
155,000 provisional ballots yet to be counted in Ohio would not change the
The Secretary of State's Office said Friday it could not revise Bush's total
until the county reported the error.
The Ohio glitch is among a handful of computer troubles that have emerged
since Tuesday's elections.
In one North Carolina county, more than 4,500 votes were lost because
officials mistakenly believed a computer that stored ballots electronically
could hold more data than it did. And in San Francisco, a malfunction with
custom voting software could delay efforts to declare the winners of four races
for county supervisor.
In the Ohio precinct in question, the votes are recorded onto a cartridge. On
one of the three machines at that precinct, a malfunction occurred in the
recording process, Damschroder said. He could not explain how the malfunction
Damschroder said people who had seen poll results on the election board's Web
site called to point out the discrepancy. The error would have been discovered
when the official count for the election is performed later this month, he said.

The reader also recorded zero votes in a county commissioner race on the
Workers checked the cartridge against memory banks in the voting machine and
each showed that 115 people voted for Bush on that machine. With the other
machines, the total for Bush in the precinct added up to 365 votes.
Meanwhile, in San Francisco, a glitch occurred with software designed for the
city's new "ranked-choice voting," in which voters list their top three choices
for municipal offices. If no candidate gets a majority of first-place votes
outright, voters' second and third-place preferences are then distributed among
candidates who weren't eliminated in the first round.
When the San Francisco Department of Elections tried a test run on Wednesday
of the program that does the redistribution, some of the votes didn't get
counted and skewed the results, director John Arntz said.
"All the information is there," Arntz said. "It's just not arriving the way
it was supposed to."
A technician from the Omaha, Neb. company that designed the software,
Election Systems  Software Inc., was working to diagnose and fix the

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [ArtBell_Talk] Alex Jones - Truly Remarkable

2004-11-05 Thread Jude Andreas
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/5/2004 1:44:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
What an 
  episode last night! I recorded this and am listening to it now. 
  Did anyone listen to it? Of course that is a rhetorical question. 
  Really an amazing presentation of what is what. If you did not tune 
  in, get streamlink, at least for a day and listen to this particular 
  program.Be wellDavid

Hi David,I am listening to it now. It's truly chilling. I 
am really surprised that Coast is putting on this info...when Bell, NWO shill, 
still contends that the gov't was not complicit in 911.

Did Jones say that 1,000 Mexicans in this country are getting 


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HUMAN EVENTS Weekly Wrap-Up for November 5, 2004 (fwd)

2004-11-05 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 17:12:09 EST
From: Chris Field [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Chris Field (Human Events Online)
Subject: HUMAN EVENTS Weekly Wrap-Up for November 5, 2004

November 5, 2004


In Today's Wrap-Up:

- 1. Two Cents: The 'Tolerant' Left Lectures the Rubes of America
- 2. Headlines and Highlights from HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE
- 3. Exclusive HUMAN EVENTS Feature: Carrying Out the Mandate
- 4. Capital Briefs: Reid to the Helm?
- 5. Jihad Watch: Murder of Theo Van Gogh  the Decline of the West
- 6. The Most Noteworthy and Entertaining Opinions Ever Written by a Supreme Court 
- 7. Political Roundup from Bob Novak
- 8. From Page 3 -- What's Out  What's In


The record vote is in--the liberals still don't get it.  How do they construct their 
alternate reality?  Now the blueprint is laid out in The Age of Unenlightenment:

A brilliant picture of exactly those forces at work in liberal assumptions, and the 
issues propagated by that thinking in our nation...
--Trish Bozell, Senior Editor, Regnery Publishing

To see excerpts, and to purchase The Age of Unenlightenment, click here: 


1. Two Cents: The 'Tolerant' Left Lectures the Rubes of America

Have you witnessed the fallout from the latest election -- how it has affected 
Liberals? It has unmasked them entirely.

They think religious people are stupid. Not just stupid, dangerous.

Make that Christians.  More specifically, make that Evangelicals.

The Left, the base of the Democratic Party, hail the virtues of tolerance and consider 
themselves to be THE tolerant citizens of America. In their touting of tolerance they 
express their obvious disdain for those whose views run contrary to that of 
enlightened Liberalism.

Dare to make a statement of conviction of any kind, and one of these Leftists will set 
down his cheese and wine, pause his lecture on the virtues of plurality and the 
absurdity of the belief in absolute Truth, and tell you your convictions -- everything 
you believe and hold dear -- are absolutely wrong. Where does he get his understanding 
that what you claim is right is actually not? Against what standard is this 
wrongness measured? He can't say. All he knows is that you're a bigot, you're 
intolerant, you're not worthy of being an American. In fact, you're not smart enough 
to understand what it means to be an American.

And not only are you dumb, you're dangerous. Fanatics like you don't belong in a 
tolerant culture like ours. You and your beliefs and the people who share them 
should not be allowed in our civilized society . . . or, at the very least, you should 
be denied the right to vote. Because when you vote, when you're politically active, 
you screw everything up.

People like you foist upon the world monsters like Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Adolf 
Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Antonin Scalia.

People like you are the most likely to attack America: you're no different than the 
Islamists who fly planes into buildings, suicide-bomb pizzerias, detonate car bombs in 
the middle of busy streets, and blow up buses. At least those Islamic terrorists had a 
reason: America, pushed by people like you, has oppressed the Arab world. Yes, you are 
the reason 3,000 Americans were killed on September 11.

Nowhere has your un-Americanism been more poignantly explained and demonstrated than 
on the New York Times opinion pages over the last two days. Need evidence? Here are 
portions of five opinion pieces that made it into the ever-so-prestigious (and 
self-righteous) newspaper of record.

#1 -- From The Day the Enlightenment Went Out by Garry Wills:

The secular states of modern Europe do not understand the fundamentalism of the 
American electorate. It is not what they had experienced from this country in the 
past. In fact, we now resemble those nations less than we do our putative enemies.

Where else do we find fundamentalist zeal, a rage at secularity, religious 
intolerance, fear of and hatred for modernity? Not in France or Britain or Germany or 
Italy or Spain. We find it in the Muslim world, in Al Qaeda, in Saddam Hussein's Sunni 
loyalists. Americans wonder that the rest of the world thinks us so dangerous, so 
single-minded, so impervious to international appeals. They fear jihad, no matter 
whose zeal is being expressed.

It is often observed that 

[CTRL] [ctrl] Despite their best efforts: A catastrophic night for the Democrats (fwd)

2004-11-05 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:16:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Josef Said [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PresidentGeorgeWBushGroup [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 republicannationalcommittee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ctrl] Despite their best efforts: A catastrophic night for the

A catastrophic night for the DemocratsNew Hampshire
Thank you, Lady Antonia Fraser! In 2000, Clark County, Ohio went to Al Gore. This time 
round, after the local citizenry were targeted by the Guardian to be the beneficiaries 
of Lady Antonia’s voting advice, and John le Carré’s and Richard Dawkins’s and many 
others, Clark County went to ...George W. Bush!

How about that? Alas for the Republican party, Lady Antonia and her chums never got 
round to writing to New Jerseyites and Pennsylvanians and Oregonians, or we’d be 
looking at a Bush landslide. Instead, Republicans had to settle for a little less. 
But, despite the best efforts of the US media, the Guardian, some even phonier than 
usual ‘exit polls’, Bruce Springsteen and ‘Rock The Vote’, Puff Daddy and the ‘Vote Or 
Die’ rap-the-vote movement, George Soros and Steve Bing and the million trillion 
bazillion dollars they poured into Ohio, respected foreign leaders like Yasser Arafat 
and Kim Jong Il, the Arab street, an attempted ‘October surprise’ by the UN’s Mohammed 
al-Baradei and the New York Times, and a late intervention by the late Osama bin Laden 
(which seemed awfully close to ‘Vote Kerry or die’), it was still a Republican night.

You might not have gained that impression from the BBC or even from my friends at the 
Telegraph, who claimed in Tuesday’s issue to be detecting last-minute swings to John 
Kerry. But just to run through what happened: in the House of Representatives the 
Republicans have picked up five seats; in the Senate they’ve picked up at least three, 
maybe four, including David Vitter winning a Louisiana seat that’s been Democrat since 
post-Civil War reconstruction; it looks like they’ve knocked off their chief 
obstructionist in the Democratic caucus.

And, oh yes, the most hated man in the world has become the first President since 1988 
to win over 50 per cent of the popular vote.

In other words, it’s the perfect hat trick: a Republican President, a Republican 
Senate and a Republican House have been re-elected for the first time since President 
McKinley and the GOP Congress of 1900.

How’d that happen? There was a big increase in turnout, adding something upwards of 15 
million people to the polls. We were assured by all the experts that an increase in 
turnout foreshadowed a Kerry landslide. Why, everyone knows an increase in turnout 
must be that big youth vote we always hear about, roused by elderly gentlemen like Mr 
Springsteen playing songs that were hits when their parents were courting into 
stampeding to the polling booths to vote against a return of the draft and Bush’s 
intolerance of gay marriage.

But, as noted here last week, the ‘Rock The Vote’ crowd didn’t show up for Howard 
Dean, and they didn’t show up for John Kerry either. They never show up. Or, to be 
more precise, if they do show up, they’re not a monolithic voting bloc. The Kerry 
campaign was fantasising if it thought that ‘young people’ trend Democrat in large 
enough numbers to compensate for all their fraying demographics — blacks, Hispanics, 
Catholics, rural whites, women, etc. Even with the collapse of the third-party Ralph 
Nader vote, Senator Kerry could only hold Al Gore’s states with much smaller margins: 
Gore won Connecticut by 17 points, Kerry by 10; Gore won New Jersey by 16 points, 
Kerry by 7. The ‘red’ states — the Bush states — got a little bit redder, the ‘blue’ 
states — Kerry’s — got a bit redder too.

So the story of the election is yet another catastrophic night for the Democrats. If 
the Kerry campaign goes into full legal mode sending the chad-chasers into Ohio, it 
will be doing so from a much wobblier footing than in 2000; this time, their man lost 
the popular vote decisively, by four million votes. Legally speaking, you can bring 
the boys in, but, morally and politically, suing your way into victory is a trickier 
proposition when your guy’s such a clear-cut loser. At 2.30 on Wednesday morning John 
Edwards came out to address a demoralised crowd in Boston’s Copley Square, pledging 
‘to make every vote count’ — which is Dem code-speak for ‘lawyers’. But it sounded 
kinda lame when, vote-count-wise, George W. Bush is likely to beat Ronald Reagan’s 
1984 record 

[CTRL] Fwd: J'accuse: War Crimes Iraq

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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J'accuse: War Crimes  Iraq

By Conn Hallinan

Submitted to Portside

...The Parties to the conflict shall at all times
distinguish between the civilian population and
combatants and between civilian objects and
military objectives and accordingly shall direct
their operations only against military objectives
Article 48, 1977 addition to the Geneva
Conventions, Part IV

The above Basic Rule is at the heart of the Geneva
Conventions, the international treaty that tries to be
the thin line that separates civilization from
savagery. It is not something the Bush Administration
has paid much attention to as it goes about the
pacification of Iraqi cities where local insurgents
are resisting the American occupation.

Consider the following.

On Oct. 8, U.S. fighter bombers carried out what the
Pentagon called a precision strike against terrorist
leaders in Falluja, a sprawling city of 300,000 west
of Baghdad. For the past two months Falluja has been
the target of a bombing campaign. According to the New
York Times, the attack wounded 17 people, nine of whom
were women and children. The victims were apparently
from a wedding party that had just dispersed.

The Times went on to quote a senior Pentagon official
who said, We know what the strike was supposed to hit
and we hit it. If a wedding party was going on, well,
it was in concert with a meeting of a top Zarqawi
lieutenant. Zarqawi is a Jordanian who has claimed
credit for numerous roadside bombings and
assassinations in Iraq.

But according to Article 50 of the Conventions, The
presence within the civilian population of individuals
who do not come within the definition of civilians does
not deprive the population of its civilian character.

In short, the attack violated the Conventions, and the
Pentagon official---most likely Assistant Secretary
of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz--- should be arrested and
tried for violating international law. Since the attack
constituted a grave breach of the Conventions, the
official could also be charged under the 1996 U.S. War
Crimes Act.

In the same article, the Times also quoted a senior
Bush Administration official as saying that the
bombing was helpful for exploiting fault lines in
Falluja, and that it would push the citizenry of
Falluja to deny sanctuary and assistance to the
insurgents, adding that's a good thing.

The official might, indeed, think it was a good
thing, but it also violated Article 51, which states:
The civilian population as such, as well as individual
civilians, shall not be the object of attack.

A Pentagon official also told the Times: If there
are civilians dying in connection with these attacks,
and with the destruction, the locals at some point have
to make a decision. Do they want to harbor the
insurgents and suffer the consequences that come with

In other words, terrify the civilian population into
cooperating, a strategy that Article 51 explicitly
forbids: Acts or threats of violence, the primary
purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian
population, are prohibited.

The violations of the Convention are not limited to the
bombing campaigns. The Washington Post recently
revealed that the Bush Administration allowed the CIA
to transfer Iraqi combatants out of the country (a
violation of Article 49) and to hide them from the Red
Cross (a violation of Article 63).

According to an FBI report, FBI agents visiting Abu
Ghraib Prison, witnessed hooded and chained Iraqi
prisoners being slapped by U.S. soldiers, who told the
agents it was a sleep depravation technique. The agents
also saw prisoners held naked in tiny isolation cells.
The Defense Department readily admits it uses loud
music, painful restraints, and a semi-drowning
technique called water boarding, to soften up

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Defective evoting software lost votes

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Defective evoting software lost votes
Filed under: General  site admin @ 1:21 am Email This

Thousands of new votes on some constitutional amendment questions were
discovered early Thursday, potentially forcing a recount on the question
of a South Florida vote on slot machines, casting new doubts of the
validity of electronic voting in presidential and congressional elections,
the (registration-restricted) Miami Herald reports Friday.

As absentee ballot counting wound down after midnight in Broward Countys
elections warehouse, attorneys scrutinizing the close vote on Amendment
Four noticed that vote totals changed in an unexpected way after 13,000
final ballots were counted.

Election officials quickly determined the problem was caused by the Unity
Software that pulls together votes from five machines tabulating absentee

Because no precinct has more than 32,000 voters, the software caps the
total votes at that number. From there, it begins to count backward.


Attorney Ron Book, who represents the pro-slots group Floridians for a
Level Playing Field, said he believes the new Broward votes, along with
about 21,000 just-counted absentees from Palm Beach County, will give
Amendment Four a yes' margin of about 86,000 votes. Final Miami-Dade
numbers are not yet available.

The error only affects the count of absentee votes on countywide
questions. In this election, it only affected one page of the ballot,
including amendment questions four through eight.

The glitch was discovered two years ago, and should have been corrected by
software manufacturer ESS of Omaha, Neb., according to Broward County
Mayor Ilene Lieberman.

I was so angry last night,' Lieberman said. She spoke to representatives
from ESS early Thursday morning, and later was having a spirited
telephone conversation with Secretary of State Glenda Hood.
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[CTRL] Fwd: (2) Re: Masonic Treasure Hunt

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Source: FilmJerkScreenplay Review: ''National Treasure'' Written 06-24-2003 by Edward Havens Screenplay draft dated April 9, 2003Previous drafts by Jim Kouf, E. Max Frye and Jon Turteltaub 

A young boy, maybe ten years old, is driving a horse-drawn carriage through the rain-soaked of Washington DC. It is 1832, and the boy is taking Charles Carroll, 96 years of age and the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, to the White House, to see President Andrew Jackson about a matter of urgency. Carroll dies before the President can make it outside, but before the old man passes on, he tells the young boy, Thomas Gates, about a great treasure. A grand treasure amassed throughout the ages. From the pyramids of Egypt two thousand years before the birth of Christ, through the Roman Empire and The Crusades, brought to the New World over five hundred years ago. A treasure whose sole clue lies in one word: Charlotte. [??] Thus begins what will become a family curse, as generation after generation of Gates males search for Charlotte and the secret treasure. The story above is told to a ten year old boy, Ben Gates, by his grandfather John, one day during a visit to the rest home the old man lives in. Bens father, Patrick, has tried his best to stop the madness, but what is stronger than the bond between grandfather and grandson when it comes to tales of high adventure and treasure?  Ben grows up to be an adventurer himself. Naturally, Ben will go farther than anyone else in his family ever had before. During an expedition financed by a very rich, and thus not quite trustworthy, British gentleman who is also seeking the same treasure, Ben discovers what Charlotte is. This, naturally, leads to another clue and another mystery to be solved. At every step, one clue solved becomes another needing deciphering. And so it goes, and so it goes.  This is the basis for National Treasure, the upcoming inevitable Disney/ Jerry Bruckheimer/Nicolas Cage blockbuster, currently scheduled to invade motion picture houses in November of 2004. Predestined indeed, as the three previous films from this trio, The Rock, Con Air and Gone In 60 Seconds, have a combined worldwide gross of nearly $750 million. When youre dealing with forces like that, who needs a script that makes sense? Its a wonder how this script spent more than half a decade in development before finally earning a green light.  About this treasure. You think the Ark of the Covenant was the ultimate treasure? Or maybe the Holy Grail? Forget that. In National Treasure, the mother of all hunts revolves around this horde thats been building for four thousand years. You name it, this bountys got it. Gold from the Temple of Solomon? King Alaric II's ransom of the Athenians? The entire wealth of 5th century Rome? The Sword of Alexander the Great? Check, check, check and double check. About the only things missing from this loot are the Heart of the Ocean diamond and anything Dr. Indiana Jones didnt already recover himself.  In fact, the comparisons between the first in the much-beloved Spielberg/ Lucas series and this new film are plentiful and hard to ignore. Indiana Jones had a doctorate in archaeology. Ben Gates has a Ph. D in history. Indiana Jones had a female partner-cum-love interest in Marion Ravenwood, a beautiful, intelligent, independent-minded twentysomething woman. Ben Gates has a female partner-cum-love interest in Dr. Abigail Chase, a beautiful, intelligent, independent-minded twentysomething woman. At a perilous moment within an Egyptian crypt, a torch flickers out on Marion. At a perilous moment within a frozen, semi-capsized ship, a torch flickers out on Ben. Dr. Joness main adversary was a rich Frenchman who wants the treasure for himself, who leaves Jones trapped to die in a tomb with only one 

[CTRL] Fwd: Masonic Treasure Hunt

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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One viewer's comments on "National Treasure":

"As Jerry Bruckheimer films go, this is not going to have the wide mass appeal of 'Pirates of the Caribbean', but it's not offensive like 'Armageddon' or 'Pearl Harbor', and quite entertaining.Nicholas Cage comes off as quite sympathetic as Benjamin Franklin Gates, the seventh in a line of archivists, treasure hunters and history buffs stretching back to a confidant of President Andrew Jackson. As a child, Ben was imbued by his grandfather (Christopher Plummer) with not only a love of American history, but a love of stories of knight quests, secreted treasures, maps, and clues hidden deep within the grooves of American History trivia.Ben's father (Jon Voight) does not approve of his father encouraging such nonsense in his son, and his dialogue strangely reads like a non-Bruckheimer fan in the audience voicing his skepticism of the absurd plot to follow, but Ben nonetheless comes to believe his grandpa's story about how the treasure discovered by the Knights Templar within the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt during the Crusades was hidden in America to keep it out of the hands of Britain.30 years later, Ben and his partner Ian Howe ('The Lord of the Rings's Sean Bean) and comedic foil Riley (Justin Bartha) come to conclude that there may be an invisible map written on the back of the Declaration of Independence leading to the treasure, and when Ben refuses to go along with Ian's plan to steal it, and the authorities refuse to listen to him, Ben is forced to foil Ian's crime, and ends up with the stolen document himself, with Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger from 'Troy'), the beautiful archivist in charge of the National Archives (because naturally, archivists working at the National Archives tend to be such lookers) dragged into the chase against her will. With FBI agent Harvey Keitel on their trail, Ben and his partner Riley (Justin Bartha), along with Abigail, race to find the treasure before Ian.What follows is a series of chase scenes as the treasure hunters find and search for clues leading them from one historic place to another across three different states, clues that are steeped in the minutiae of American history lore (I have no idea of any of these points is based in historical fact, but in a movie like this, it hardly matters), with Jon Voight again providing the sole voice of reason as he questions whether these clues are just an endless series of arrows pointing to other clues rather than to any real destination.The action isn't too implausible, the characters are likable, and the movie is just plain fun. The planning and machinations that the film supposes on the part of the Founding Fathers seems wildly implausible, but it doesn't matter. This is a Jerry Bruckheimer film, and one of the better ones. It's take on history may be fluff, but at least it endeavors an interest in it as a prerequisite for the plot, and a medium through which the audience may think to themselves, 'Ooh, I didn't know that about Benjamin Franklin.' If you're an expert in history bothered by the mistakes or flaws about Liberty Bell, or the Masons, or the hidden secrets on our currency, or who just plain doesn't buy the technological sophistication required for some of the artifacts uncovered by the characters, then perhaps you're watching it for the wrong reasons. If you don't know one way or the other, then it doesn't really matter. This is a popcorn film, and if you know anything about Jerry Bruckheimer, you should know going in what you're getting.Bruckheimer was in attendance last night, and gave the brief speech before the movie began (which not usually the case outside of premieres-this was just a press screening), and right before leaving when the closing credits started, I complimented 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Bush Win: A Straussian Mandate for Total War

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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http://www.kurtnimmo.com/blog/Bush Win: A Straussian Mandate for Total 
WarKurt NimmoNovember 04, 
2004Carol Giacomo of Reuters writes:Armed with a 
clearer mandate than the disputed 2000 election,President Bush may well use 
a second term to advance the robustconservative foreign policy "revolution" 
he launched four years agoamove some say would be a huge 
mistake.Most Americans do not understand the dynamics of the 
Bushadministration. It is ruled by a camarilla of lunatic 
warmongers,Straussian neocons who believe America's military power should be 
usedto "reshape" the Middle East in the name of Greater Israel. 
Bush'sStraussian advisors are fixated on killing Arabs and Muslims, the 
sameway Israel's Sharon is fixated on killing Palestinians. Bush's 
evilgenius mastermind is Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, 
"nowwidely known as 'Wolfowitz of Arabia' for his obsession with 
oustingIraq's Saddam Hussein as the first step in transforming the 
entireArab Middle East," writes Jim Lobe, one of a few journalists 
whospeaks the truth about the Straussian neocons. "Wolfowitz is also 
seenas the chief architect of Washington's post-9/11 global 
strategy,including its controversial pre-emption policy." In addition 
toWolfowitz, Lobe mentions two "other very influential 
Straussians[including] Weekly Standard Chief Editor William Kristol and 
GarySchmitt, founder, chairman, and director of the Project for the 
NewAmerican Century (PNAC), a six-year-old neoconservative group 
whosealumni include Vice President Dick Cheney and Pentagon chief 
DonaldRumsfeld, as well as a number of other senior foreign 
policyofficials."As Schmitt told Giacomo, Bush "has made it clear 
over the past yearthat he's not changing the overall direction of his 
policy.  [Bush]may well change personnel (in his government) and tactical 
decisions,but his overall vision is going to remain the same." In other 
words,the White House will remain an appendage of PNAC and the 
Straussianneocons.Giacomo writes:This includes doggedly 
pushing plans to try to transform Iraq into ademocracy and making good on a 
pledge that Iran should never beallowed to acquire nuclear weapons. Schmitt 
said the Iran pledge mayultimately require using force. For the moment, Bush 
is geared towarda Nov. 25 deadline for persuading the U.N. nuclear agency to 
send theissue to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions.Of 
course, the Bushcons don't care about transforming "Iraq into ademocracy," 
in fact democracy is antithetical to all thingsStraussian. As Lobe writes 
elsewhere (http://www.alternet.org/story/15935 
), quoting Shadia Drury, whoteaches politics at the University of Calgary 
and is an expert on thephilosophy of Leo Strauss, the Bushcons "really have 
no use forliberalism and democracy, but they're conquering the world in the 
nameof liberalism and democracy."Strauss had a "huge contempt" for 
secular democracy. Nazism, hebelieved, was a nihilistic reaction to the 
irreligious and liberalnature of the Weimar Republic. Among other 
neoconservatives, IrvingKristol has long argued for a much greater role for 
religion in thepublic sphere, even suggesting that the Founding Fathers of 
theAmerican Republic made a major mistake by insisting on the 
separationof church and state. And why? Because Strauss viewed religion 
asabsolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses 
whootherwise would be out of control.  While professing deep respect 
forAmerican democracy, Strauss believed that societies should 
behierarchicaldivided between elite who should lead, and the masses 
whoshould follow.On November 2, 59,054,087 Americans (if we can 
believe the electionresults) gave Bush and his Straussian managers, Strauss' 
platoianelite, a mandate to lead, while the rest of us will be expected 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] SNAP OUT OF IT!

2004-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

As soon as we can reasonably arrange it, I
am throwing all of our meager funds for a book tour into one large,
well-publicized book signing in Washington, D.C. Rubicon's publisher just did
not have the resources to fund a book tour. I am going to ask for all the
back-up and support I can get, for as many of you to come to Washington as
possible, because I am going there - to the city where Bush, Cheney and Rove
rule; the city where I was born - to stand up and publicly accuse them and
others of murder: multiple counts, and with



  The Day to Forget the November 2nd Election Forever is
  November 3rd
  The Rest of the World Fights the Empire With Money -What
  We Should Have Been Doing Here All Along
  Now is the Time to Attack on the Fronts Where WeHave Real
Michael C. Ruppert
November 5, 2004 1900 PDT (FTW) - The rest of the world has known for some time that it is
pointless to oppose this Empire either militarily or electorally. They haven't
the resources for the former and are legally barred from the latter. I think
it's time the American people adopted the same philosophy. We are, after all,
legally barred from inspecting electronic voting machines. The rest of the world
has been fighting with money and public relations because these tactics work and
work well. This is a lesson that American activists and true patriots should
have learned four years ago. Now the tempo of battle will increase just as
surely as the stakes have been raised both globally and domestically for us
While everyone waits for the administration's first
move a Rubicon has been crossed and there is no turning back. America will fight
for oil wherever it feels the need. 
Now the real Fourth World War begins. Sorry to
disappoint all the scriptwriters and futurists who were thinking exclusively in
terms of bombs, plagues, famine etc. The first weapons of mass destruction in
this war will be economic and they will be devastating beyond imagination.
I feel good now, three days after the election. It
was much easier for me to recover than most because FTW and its readers
had less invested in the election than most. But I am not so glib or cavalier as
to overlook the massive disillusionment that weighs like a wet blanket on all
who had hoped that their prodigious efforts might oust the Neo-cons. 

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Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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