[CTRL] Power point presentation from the NACO

2005-06-29 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Power point presentation from the National Association  of Counties on

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [JBirch] Phyllis Schlafly: CAFTA Should Be Rejected Just Like The EU Constitution (fwd)

2005-06-29 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 20:03:09 -0700
From: Blumstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: [JBirch] Phyllis Schlafly: CAFTA Should Be Rejected Just Like The
EU Constitution

CAFTA Should Be Rejected Just Like The EU Constitution
June 29, 2005
by Phyllis Schlafly

Since democracy is the worldwide goal of the Bush Administration, we
must face the stunning fact that the integration of different
nationalities under a common European Union (EU) constitution was
rejected by decisive democratic votes. President Bush can thank
conservative leaders for saving him from the embarrassment of
endorsing the EU constitution shortly before it was so soundly
defeated in France and the Netherlands.

The EU constitution was defeated because Western Europeans don't want
to be politically or economically or socially integrated with the
culture, economy, lifestyle, or history of Eastern Europe and Muslim
countries. Western Europeans recognized in the proposed EU
constitution a loss of national identity and freedom to a foreign
bureaucracy, plus a redistribution of wealth from richer countries to
poorer countries.

Will the political and business elites in America hear this message
and stop trying to force CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement)
on America?

The Senate Republican Policy Committee appears to be tone deaf. Its
just-released policy paper argues that CAFTA should be approved
because its purpose is "integrating more closely with 34 hemispheric
neighbors -- thus furthering the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas
(FTAA)" which the 2001 Quebec Declaration declared would bring about
"hemispheric integration."

Americans don't want to be "integrated" with the poverty, corruption,
socialism and communism of our hemispheric neighbors any more than
the French want to be integrated with the Turks and Bulgarians.

Just as the French and Dutch were suspicious of the dangers lurking
in the 485-page EU constitution, Americans are wary of the dangers
hiding in the 92-page CAFTA legislation plus the 31 pages that
purport to spell out the administrative actions the U.S. must take in
compliance. No wonder CAFTA's supporters are bypassing our
Constitution's requirement that treaties can be valid only if passed
by two-thirds of our Senators.

The Senate Republican policy paper argues that CAFTA "will promote
democratic governance." But there is nothing democratic about CAFTA's
many pages of grants of vague authority to foreign tribunals on which
foreign judges could force us to change our domestic laws to be "no
more burdensome than necessary" on foreign trade.

We have had enough impertinent interference with our lives and
economy from the international tribunals Congress has already locked
us into, such as the WTO (World Trade Organization) and NAFTA (North
American Free Trade Agreement). Americans don't want decisions from
another anti-American tribunal any more than the French and Dutch
wanted their lives micro-managed by Belgian bureaucrats.

The EU political elite ridiculed the French and the Dutch for not
realizing that globalism is on the march and we should all get on the
train before it leaves the station. The French and Dutch woke up to
the fact that the engineers of the EU train are bureaucrats in
Brussels and judges in Luxembourg who invent regulations and
judge-made laws without so much as tip of their hats to democracy.

The pro-EU political bosses blamed the "non" vote by the French on
worry about losing their jobs to the cheap labor of Eastern Europe
and Turkey. But the worry was grounded in reality, and Americans are
likewise correct to worry about how CAFTA will put U.S. jobs in
competition with low-wage Central America where the average factory
worker is paid about one dollar an hour.

CAFTA would even prohibit U.S. states from giving preference to
American workers when taxpayer-funded contracts are granted.

CAFTA is not about free trade; it's about round-trip trade. That
means multinational corporations sending their raw materials to poor
countries where they can hire very cheap labor and avoid U.S.
employment, safety and environmental regulations, and then bringing
the finished goods back into the United States duty-free to undersell
U.S. companies that pay decent wages and comply with our laws.

The promise that

[CTRL] Interviewing the interviewer about the Tall Whites

2005-06-29 Thread Stonehouse, Dale
-Caveat Lector-


Interviewing the interviewer about the Tall Whites

"Sweeps" is the nickname of a atypical and amazing character, an
American "ufologist" and  radio animator living in Ireland . He is the
first one who interviewed for the radio medium  Charles Hall, the
retired airman who worked between 65 to 67 at Nellis Air Force Base.
Because of his unique position and view about the Area 51 and
extraterrestrial subject, we  thought at Karmapolis that "Sweeps" could
be a very interesting witness to give us an  opinion about the Tall
Whites phenomenon and about the personality and credibility of  Charles
Hall. Have fun...
Karma One: Can you present yourself briefly to our readers?

Sweeps: Can I be brief? Don't know. OK. I was a former Agent...U.S. Army
Security Agency  (same as Gerry Zeitlin).

-Worked in Project Peace Hawk-Saudi Arabia-training Saudi Air Force on
Top Security Base in  Saudi outside of 'Taif'...where we identified
UFO's on radar...and scrambled sorties after  them time and time again.
-Founder and Field Readiness Coordinator; 'Royal Saudi Arabian Army
COMBAT MEDICS  '...before, during, and after Gulf War 1 'Desert Storm-
-I am a Teacher/educator-now teach at local secondary school-basic
traditional Science  subjects
-Am a Registered Professional Nurse, and worked in the United States as
well as in many  various world countries/settings. I've been a Nurse
Supervisor for Mental Hospitals, Acute  Care Units, Accident and
Emergency Departments, Medical/Surgical Units, and certified in  ACLS
(Advanced Cardiac Life Support) as well as Emergency Medical
Author-different books-among them; 'Trying To Light The Match'- Kicking
The One Reality  Habit , and 'Introduction To Arabic Speaking'...which I
used to teach Western Coalition  Forces for 'Desert Storm'/Gulf War 1.
Also wrote many technical Neurology, Seizure Disorder,  Burns Unit
Nursing manuals.
Was also the Duty Supervisor for ADT, in Dublin Ireland. It's the
largest Private Security  Company in the World, I was in charge of the
'guarding' for major facilities such as 'The  Point', The RDS (Royal
Dublin Society), The National Museum, and hundreds of other Prime
locations in and around the Irish Capital.
Founder/editor/and PRO -'Irishufology Forum Outreach & Paranormal
Studies'-6900 members  world wide and about 15,000 associate members.
Web site: www.irishufology.net
People can E-mail me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We do a 'Newsletter' monthly/articles/color/graphics, and are into our
6th year of  publication for members, media, and friends

I do talks/lectures at Universities, run work shops, and organized
'Skywatch' groups to  signal and look for UFO's. We video tape and make
documentaries of UFO's photographed and  videoed I had the pleasure of
beening the subject for books, magazines, TV Documentaries,  and
newspapers. On TV and radio shows frequently talking/showing UFO's world
wide and  speaking with special reference on Paranormal and Reality
views. Most currently, I am the  Host of 'The Sweeps Fox Show', a local
Irish and Internet radio program, will shortly start  Streaming the
Shows from out Web Site.

Karma One: You were the first radio show to interview Charles Hall. What
where the reactions  of your listeners and also viewers (because you
edit a video version of the interview)  toward the story of Charles?

Sweeps: Yes, 'The Sweeps Fox Show'-Radio- was the 1 st /exclusive to AIR
Charles Hall's  'Tall Whites' interview for both a Local Irish and a
Global Internet Audience. It was a  wonderful experience to be able to
do that and 'get the message' out to the world...at last!  It was the
one everyone was waiting for. Actually, Paola Harris the investigative
photo  journalist was on top of the story a year before. 'We' couldn't
understand why she hadn't  presented the story herself, since she had
CONFIRMED all the aspects of it during her  personal investigations and
time with Charles Hall. I phoned her in Rome and told her we  were going
to AIR the story, and she was quite nice about having been asked in
advance for  her approval. Nexus magazine editor Duncan Rhodes was also
quite an advocate of Charlie Hall  and his 3 millennial books about his
experiences with the Tall White ET's. while serving as  an Airman in the
U.S. Air Force in Nevada , U.S.A. I had established a good rapport, as
well  as good insights, with Charles and his wife Marie Therese which
helped us present the books  and the story in a very personal fashion
for the broadcast.

As soon as we broadcast that show or web site was 'hacked'. The 'server'
for our web site  was taken off line by YAHOO. We had been with YAHOO
for about 5 years...and all of a sudden we  were given 'the run a round'
by them. Suddenly they 'never heard of us'. We has ceased to
exist...and were paid up for months ahead. Interesting huh? We had to go
make a new web site  with a better hosting policy. Next, our 'Sister

[CTRL] Charles HALL and the Tall Whites

2005-06-29 Thread Stonehouse, Dale
-Caveat Lector-


Charles HALL and the Tall Whites

Another perception of the extraterrestrial phenomenon

and the Area 51


The Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial race coming from an unknown planet
is a really recent phenomenon in the sense that Paola Harris and later,
Michael Salla, discovered the existence of a retired airman, Charles
Hall who lived with those alien on Nellis range, Nevada in 1967. This
race could be as important for the human destiny as the Short Greys
popularized by the abduction literature except that they don't abduct
humans according to Charles. Hall decided to reveal all his story in a
semi fictitious trilogy - "Millenial Hospitality"- and the less we can
say is that this story is really an amazing one, another way to describe
the extraterrestrial phenomenon an specially the notorious Area 51. If
we believe what Charlie tells us, we must admit that Nellis Range is no
longer the domain of the infamous Short Greys. It doesn't mean that
those little Greys doesn't exist and Charlie believes that maybe, the
exclusive place for the Grey is in New Mexico , maybe Dulce. But it is
still an hypothesis. To give an external point of view about Charles
Hall and the Tall Whites, we interviewed also "Sweeps den Fox" an
American and Irish radio host and webmaster who's a long time and
pertinent observer of the extraterrestrial subject and the conspiracy

Karma One : In the abduction literature, did you ever see a story from a
victim of abduction that typically fit with the behavior and the
physical description of the Tall Whites? Do you remember precisely the
case? Or the Tall Whites don't generally abduct people?

Charles Hall : No. I never saw the tall Whites abduct people in the
malicious manner that the typical abduction case describes. However, as
I describe in my books, while I was out on the ranges, if the Tall
Whites believed that a human was in trouble or in need of help, they
would come in close to offer help if they could. The terrified and
confused human could easily confuse this with an attempted abduction.
For example in "Millennial Hospitality" in the chapter entitled "Olympic
Tryouts" and in "Millennial Hospitality II The World We Knew" in the
chapter entitled "Olympic Dreams", I describe my personal experiences in
those areas. Also, sometimes other activities might look to humans like
abductions when they weren't. For example, in "Millennial Hospitality"
in the chapter entitled "In Memory of Me", The alien Teacher would bring
her little girl to play with the human little girl. Neither the human
little girl nor her mothers were actually abducted. I have seen in the
literature several cases of that type. Another case of great personal
interest is the case entitled "Incident at Happy Camp" which was
researched by one of the famous UFO researchers. In that case, the
description of the aliens and their craft definitely matches The Tall
Whites. In that case, they only abducted the humans after the humans
attacked the children.

My personal Observations are: I never saw anything that would lead me to
believe that the Tall White aliens are supernatural, seeded our planet,
want to create hybrids, that there are wormholes in space, or that the
Tall Whites travelled backward or forward in time.

I did observe craft which regularly and routinely travelled faster than
the speed of light.

Karma One : In some stories about Alien Races, one could find
descriptions of some kind of Nordic Tall blond, blue eyed individuals.
Do you think that we can correlate the Tall White phenomena with the so
called Nordic alien Type?

Charles Hall : I have no idea. I can only speak from my personal
experiences with the Tall Whites and with the aliens that I describe in
"Millennial Hospitality III The Road Home" whom I call "The Norwegians
with 24 teeth".

There is no correlation that I can see between the Tall Whites and the
so called Nordic alien type.

Karma One : Do you have information about the first interaction between
the Air Force and the Tall Whites when the Air Force arrived in Nevada
to build the Nellis installation? You seem to say that the Tall Whites
were not newcomers and that they were in fact installed there for quite
a long time before the US army? .

Charles Hall: I do not have any personal information regarding the first
interactions between the US Government and the Tall White aliens.
However, as I describe in "Millennial Hospitality III The Road Home",
The Tall White lady who called herself "The Teacher" stated that Pamela
had been born in Indian Springs Valley during the time when James
Madison was the U.S. President. That was back around the years 1812. The
construction of the main Tall White hanger was consistent with the late
1940's or early 1950's. I note that The U.S. President Harry Truman
stated that he believed he had met the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in the

[CTRL] Aliens on Earth

2005-06-29 Thread Stonehouse, Dale
-Caveat Lector-

When will they make themselves popularly known round the 'globe'?


Well, think about it. On our last 'Sweeps Fox Show'-global and internet
Radio, we recounted the 'Tall Whites'...extraterrestrials...walking
about quite freely on Nellis Air Force Base and areas near Area 51 near
to Indian Springs Nevada. We also informed a VAST world audience that
'they' were also walking around among us in Las Vegas...though in
disguise...which they seem quite capable of doing.

The 'Nordic' ET species are commonly 'out and about', not only in
Scandinavia but in Wisconsin U.S.A. AND, we have mentioned the SAMMI
dwarf like ET's in Finland and around the Artic Circle areas in Lapland.
These Sammi folk have intermingled/interacted with locals there for
generations at least, and are WELL KNOWN as ETs.

Then there is the revelation from Helen Littrell, telling about a
revelation to her by a Colonel Harry Nadien. He is an Air Force Colonel
in 'the secret'/'deadly force'-keep out citizens facility north of Area
51 in Nevada. He confirms that, just 'like' in the movies MIB and MIB 2,
that this 4 corners area is (and has been) serving as an 'Ambassadorial
receiving area' for different species of 'ALIEN' coming and going from
this planet.

We, the people of Earth, have been having different very 'humanoid'
groups of ET's walking amidst us for long periods in these 'modern
times'...never mind all the past civilizations and their own MYTHS of
consorting with 'Gods from the sky', and 'them' consorting with our
women folk considerably. We also know now from Helen Littrel and Jean
Bilodeaux's book 'Rachael's Eyes, that a Zeta Reticuli hybrid girl named
Rachael actually went to a California College with them and lived in a
rented flat. The book is quite relevant to 'them' living, working, and
walking among usand for the most part undetected! Keep your own
senses and eyes open. They are not that rare...in our range of day to
day existence.

So, as Dr. Richard Boylan has remarked (paraphrased) 'why should WE
expect them to 'land on the White House Lawn' or 'come out in the open'
when they seem quite comfortable/able to suss us out by being here and
going out meeting us everyday'. What would the purpose be? Perhaps it's
not the time for public full disclosure, but it sure is inevitable.
Remember, the government and the 'black project/cabal boys and gals are
persistently now trying to come up with the BIG plan for
'Disclosure'...but they face the dilemma of just how to 'wiggle off the
hook' of the big lie they've been hiding and cloaked in for over 57
years now in MODERN times. Meanwhile, the 'disinformationists' at
SETI-radio astronomers- you know are still probing the 'heavens' trying
to locate any signs of sentient life. What garbage. How about...'How
many of US are possibly hybrid descendents of their interaction wit he
Human race already?

Things to ponder. But, we here at Irishufology.com will be
investigating, and bringing all of the world's people up to date on
several ET species which we know of. Look forward, please, to our
following shows. It's preparation time for the world. Some will want
this knowledge. Some don't want to know, and shatter their 'stable
sameness' one reality world view. Still, it's better to be prepared. At
least listen in and watch what we are now disclosing and investigating.
As we say...'Tune in, Turn on, and 'Take off'...with 'The Sweeps Fox
Show'...and our many world wide guests of professional repute in this

We also now have knowledge of 'The Apunians' which are believed...by
many of their 'contactees' to be a kind of race/species of 'people'
originating from the direction of Andromeda...our nearest/next whole
GALAXY. Apunians say that their ancestors had visited Earth in very
ancient times, locating in places we now refer to as Mexico &
Peru...among others in the Southern Hemisphere. Contactees like Vlado
Kapetanovic (an electrical engineer from Yugoslavia born in 1918 and
worked in a hydroelectric plant in Peru), who spent many physical
contact hours in Peru with these ET's, states they originated/live on a
planet 'they' call APU. His contact with 'them' began in March of 1960.
The 'Era Swing' consciousness and 'mind explosion' is just around the
corner. What it will mean, and how it will effect YOU, are good
questions and reasons to keep tuned. Need your input. 'Sweeps' *

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives n

[CTRL] Cointelpro 9.11: Death Threat in S

2005-06-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
http://madcowprod.com/Cointelpro 9.11: Death Threat in San DiegoJune 29, 2005 Venice, FL--An eyewitness to pre-9.11 intrigue in San Diego involving the infiltration of as many as 200 still-unknown Middle Eastern men into the U.S. received a death threat in the middle of the night of June 3rd from  an Iranian exile, former SAVAK agent, arms dealer for the Shah of Iran and convicted felon.Joe Cicchese, a witness quoted in a recent story in the MadCowMorningNews was threatened with his life in a brief but chilling 4.30 a.m. phone call from 53-year old Sam Koutchesfahani, with whom he hadn’t spoken since they worked together 10 years ago in a San Diego-area motel.In the aftermath of the incident the MadCowMorningNews renewed its probe into Koutchesfahani, and we have discovered his story contains several implausible but real connections with  the scandal unfolding currently embroiling Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, and unregulated casinos."Let sleeping dogs lie" must not be a proverb in Persia.read the story
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] WMR-W admin cooked the books on Russian & Iraqi intel2justify war&defense budget increases,TURNED OVER THE STATE'S FOSTER CHILDREN TO CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST GROUPS

2005-06-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Our bill of rights <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 29, 2005 10:36:22 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctrl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] WMR-W admin cooked the books on Russian & Iraqi intel2justify war&defense budget increases,TURNED OVER THE STATE'S FOSTER CHILDREN TO CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST GROUPS AND PEDOPHILES (IN SOME CASES, THEY WERE ONE AND THE SAME),FINANCIAL ADVISER IN TEXAS, KARL ROVE TRASHED THE STATE'S PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM. MANY SMALL HOSPITALS IN POOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES WERE CLOSED. THE ACT WAS A WINDFALL FOR HCA (HOSPITAL CORPORATION  OF AMERICA), CALLED THE "WORST HMO IN TEXAS." OF COURSE, THE SENATOR WHO DIAGNOSES PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE PATIENTS FROM FIVE YEAR OLD VIDEOTAPES, BILL FRIST, IS THE HEIR TO THE HCA FORTUNE,SMUGGLING RING THAT INVOLVES TRANSPORTING MEXICAN MIGRANT FAMILIES TO FARM LABOR CAMPS IN FLORIDA AND GEORGIA. GIRLS AS YOUNG AS 12 ARE USED AS CHILD PROSTITUTES WHILE THEIR PARENTS AND OLDER SIBLINGS SLAVE AWAY ON LARGE AGRI-BUSINESS FARMS. Pentagon running a vigilante squadReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/       June 29, 2005 -- Bush administration cooked the books on Russian and Iraqi intelligence to justify war and defense budget increases. Latest intelligence agency involved in politicization -- the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC). Bush's Iraqi centrifuge aluminum tubes were Egyptian-made knock-offs of Italian gun barrels captured during Desert Storm. MORE June 28, 2005 -- Names of U.S. agents wanted in kidnaping of Egyptian cleric in Italy revealed. CIA likely taking a bum rap here. These may primarily be Task Force 121 vigilantes operating under authority of National Security Council. MORE June 28, 2005 -- DEVELOPING STORY! BUSH "FAMILY VALUES" -- TEXAS AND FLORIDA ARE CASE STUDIES: IF ANYONE EVER HAD ANY QUESTIONS ON BUSH FAMILY VALUES, THEY NEED LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE TWO BUSH BANANA REPUBLICS ("STATES") HEADED UP BY BUSH GOVERNORS. THREE DIFFERENT STORIES HAVE COME TO OUR ATTENTION AND ARE DEVELOPING.  Click to join catapultthepropaganda    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/catapultthepropaganda/join  1. WHILE HE WAS GOV. OF TEXAS (1995-2000), GEORGE W. BUSH'S DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE AND REGULATORY SERVICES (DPRS), NOW CALLED THE DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES IN AUSTIN ILLEGALLY TURNED OVER THE STATE'S FOSTER CHILDREN TO CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST GROUPS AND PEDOPHILES (IN SOME CASES, THEY WERE ONE AND THE SAME).   2. WHILE BUSH'S FINANCIAL ADVISER IN TEXAS, KARL ROVE TRASHED THE STATE'S PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM. MANY SMALL HOSPITALS IN POOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES WERE CLOSED. THE ACT WAS A WINDFALL FOR HCA (HOSPITAL CORPORATION  OF AMERICA), CALLED THE "WORST HMO IN TEXAS." OF COURSE, THE SENATOR WHO DIAGNOSES PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE PATIENTS FROM FIVE YEAR OLD VIDEOTAPES, BILL FRIST, IS THE HEIR TO THE HCA FORTUNE.           3. FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS ARE LOOKING INTO A FLORIDA- AND GEORGIA-BASED SMUGGLING RING THAT INVOLVES TRANSPORTING MEXICAN MIGRANT FAMILIES TO FARM LABOR CAMPS IN FLORIDA AND GEORGIA. GIRLS AS YOUNG AS 12 ARE USED AS CHILD PROSTITUTES WHILE THEIR PARENTS AND OLDER SIBLINGS SLAVE AWAY ON LARGE AGRI-BUSINESS FARMS. OFFICIAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATIONS OF THIS RING HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN ON THE PERSONAL ORDERS OF GEORGE W. BUSH WHILE JEB BUSH HAS STYMIED INVESTIGATIONS OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES INTO MISSING FOSTER CHILDREN IN THAT STATE. MISSING CHILDREN ADVOCATES CITE TEXAS AND FLORIDA AS THE NATION'S TWO WORST STATES WHEN IT COMES TO MISSING FOSTER CHILDREN AND OTHER MINORS UNDER STATE PROTECTION. U.S. NORTHERN COMMAND AND RAYTHEON INK DEAL WITH SAUDI-SEEDED SATELLITE NETWORK FOR HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY DOMESTIC COMMUNICATIONS      June 27, 2005 -- Although WorldSpace, a privately-owned company, is headed up by an Ethiopian-American, much of its original financing came from Saudi Arabian sources. WorldSpace holds $1.5 billion in IOUs to the Saudis. In fact, Saudis once owned 86 percent of the international satellite network, that, among other media, transmits XM Radio. Raytheon, the contractor for the Mobile Enhanced Situational Awareness Network (MESA), will use XM Radio satellites for North American coverage and WorldSpace birds for global coverage extending to Africa, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. The satellites will be used to coordinate military and emergency personnel in emergency situations. According to Israeli intelligence sources, Israel was once concerned that up until the time that WorldSpace's Saudi financiers were paid off to sever their connections with the firm, Al Qaeda-linked and Wahhabi-funded religious groups might have used the global satellite network to broadcast terrorist coordination messages and propaganda to their worldwide supporter

[CTRL] Mengele, abuse liability

2005-06-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


article describes crimes - this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Network of top scientists helped 'Angel of Death' Mengele  Krysia Diver in Stuttgart 3/22/05 "The "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele, who was long thought to have been the black sheep of Germany's scientists under the Nazi regime, was in fact supported by a network of elite researchers, new research has revealed." http://www.guardian.co.uk/secondworldwar/story/0,14058,1443039,00.html#article_continue

Employers Not Liable for Abuse, Courts Say - Va. Rulings Concern Lawsuits Filed Years Later by Adults Allegedly Victimized as Children By Caryle Murphy 6/29/05 "Two Virginia Circuit Court judges have ruled that victims of child sexual abuse cannot sue the employers of their abusers when the victims file civil lawsuits years later as adults. The June 8 rulings came in two separate cases in Richmond and Norfolk and were victories for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Richmond, a defendant in both lawsuits." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/28/AR2005062801556.html
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Your book to come fall 2005 - JFK and Sam

2005-06-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Robert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 29, 2005 9:28:05 AM PDTTo: Millegan Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Fwd: Your book to come fall  2005 Begin forwarded message:From: "Wim Dankbaar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 29, 2005 7:12:22 AM PDTTo: "Ed Bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Daniel Marvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Fw: Your book to come fall  2005   - Original Message -From: Wim DankbaarTo: John HughesSent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:55 PMSubject: Your book to come fall 2005http://www.cumberlandhouse.com/history/jfkandsam.asp John, some grave errors in the anouncement text. (see corrections in red text) JFK and SamThe Connection Between the Giancana and Kennedy AssassinationsBy Antoinette Giancana, John R. Hughes, DM(Oxon.), M.D., Ph.D., and Thomas H. Jobe, M.D.Who can hear the words "grassy knoll" or "Texas School Book Depository" without a shudder of horror? Who can forget that one minute the handsome, smiling president was waving to the crowds, and the next minute his wife was bravely trying to hold his shattered head together? The story of what happened on that day is very poignant for Antoinette Giancana. Her father, Sam Giancana, ordered the assassination of President Kennedy. (Disagreed, he helped carry it out, we do not know who ordered it)JFK and Sam is a tale of two murders. The first occurred in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The second occurred in Oak Park, Illinois, on the evening of June 19, 1975. The first was ordered by Sam Giancana to avenge his betrayal by the Kennedys. Giancana had assured JFK's win in Illinois with the understanding that the new administration would go easy on the Chicago mob. Instead, Bobby Kennedy stepped up prosecutions. The second assassination was carried out by the CIA and the mob to prevent Giancana from testifying before the Church Committee hearings regarding his role in the CIA's plot to kill Fidel Castro. The irony is that both men—John Kennedy and Sam Giancana—were assassinated because of their relationship to each other and events that transpired from that relationship.JFK and Sam is unique from other books on the Kennedy assassination. Written by an insider with access to key figures, it names the assassins and traces the assassination team's movements on November 22, 1963, and discusses the team leader's life, (Files was NOT the team leader, he was just a rookie) his taped confession, and his face-to-face meeting with Antoinette in the Joliet state prison where he is serving a life sentence for killing a policeman.(Files did NOT kill a policeman, Files did not fire a shot, his partner did, in self defense, the cop survived, his name is Dave Ostertag and the truth is that HE tried to kill Files. Please have this corrected)The first shot came from the Dal-Tex building (adjacent to the book depository) and struck Kennedy in the back of the neck. The second came from Giancana's driver (No no no, Files was Nicoletti's driver) who fired a CIA prototype handgun with a telescope (called a "fireball") from the grassy knoll, using a frangible bullet, which explains why there was such a massive wound to Kennedy's head. Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy and did not fire a weapon.Coauthors John Hughes and Thomas H. Jobe—experts in neurophysiology, neurology, and neuropsychiatry—also provide expert analysis that show what could not have happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963, as well as what did happen. Because of the nature of President Kennedy's injuries and his reaction to the bullets, Hughes and Jobe provide a medical basis that supports the story told by the assassin of the president of the United States.ANTOINETTE GIANCANA is the daughter of Mafia chief Sam Giancana, who controlled Chicago in the late 1950s and 1960s. She is the author of Mafia Princess, which was made into a movie with the same title featuring Tony Curtis and Susan Lucci.JOHN HUGHES is the director of clinical neurophysiology and professor of neurology at the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago. He is the author of six books and more than five hundred scientific articles about the brain and its functions.THOMAS H. JOBE is professor of psychiatry and associate director of neuropsychiatry at the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago. He is coauthor of Lyndon Baines Johnson: The Tragic Self, A Psycho-Historical Portrayal.
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[CTRL] Bush Hides Illegal Alien Survey

2005-06-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

  From Capitol Hill Blue

  Capitol Hillbillies
  Another GOP Congressman Questions Bush's Credibility
  Jun 29, 2005, 01:35

  A Colorado congressman is accusing the administration of trying to
hide documents showing that President Bush sparked a surge in illegal
immigration last year by proposing a guest-worker program.

  The documents _ obtained by the public-interest group Judicial Watch
through Freedom of Information Act requests _ show that aliens crossing
America's southern border in the weeks after the president's Jan. 7, 2004,
announcement interpreted his proposal as a general amnesty, said Rep. Tom
Tancredo, a Republican and chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform

  Some 45 percent of aliens who were stopped at the border said they
were trying to enter the United States because they would be afforded an
opportunity to stay under the president's plan, the documents showed.

  The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of
Homeland Security. After the president announced his policy, the department
ordered a survey of apprehended illegal immigrants to determine whether the
proposal influenced their decision to cross the border.

  About 1,700 questionnaires were filled out, Judicial Watch said, and
the department thus far has handed over 850 in response to the group's
Freedom of Information Act request. The results establish that a significant
number of the captured aliens were crossing the border to take advantage of
what they understood to be the Bush program.

  Once the outcome became apparent and could prove embarrassing,
according to Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, "the Bush
administration abruptly shut it down. The Border Patrol, at the behest of
the White House, instructed its agents not to provide the information about
the negative impact of the proposed amnesty program."

  Agents were given a document from Homeland Security, marked "internal
use only," that was described as "White House approved talking points" on
Bush's temporary-worker program. Agents were told, "Do not talk about
amnesty, increase in apprehensions or give comparisons of past immigration
reform proposals" and "do not provide statistics on apprehension spikes or
past amnesty data."

  "Unfortunately, at a time when the United States faces an
illegal-immigration crisis and a war on terrorism, Bush administration
officials directed Border Patrol agents to mislead the American people,"
Fitton said. "This administration improperly withheld information it knew
would be embarrassing."

  Fitton said information obtained from the 850 survey responses
provided to his organization established that Bush's guest-worker program
was "broadly interpreted as an amnesty program by illegal immigrants from
Mexico" and that the proposal "lured greater numbers of illegal immigrants
to the U.S." When asked if they would accept amnesty if offered, 80 percent
said yes.

  According to U.S. Border Patrol data, the number of illegal aliens
apprehended along the nation's southwestern border jumped 25 percent in the
first three months of 2004 compared to the same period in 2003.

  Tancredo accused Homeland Security of issuing a "gag order" and then
"stonewalling" when Judicial Watch sought information.

  The events, he said, "suggest that the administration is playing
politics with border-security data. I hope that this is not the case. It is
crucial that the American people know that their government is not letting
politics get in the way of national security."

  The White House had no immediate response to the claims.

  Immigration policy, which traditionally is an issue near the top of
the American public's list of concerns in polling, has dogged the
administration for months. While anti-immigration forces have called for
tightening border security and dispatching illegals back to their homelands,
the president has taken a softer approach, suggesting the creation of a
temporary-worker program for aliens and permitting those already in the
country to seek citizenship.

  The president told the 2005 Latino Small Business Economic Conference
meeting in Washington in May that the United States must have "a rational
policy when it comes to immigrants coming to this country."

  "I believe if somebody is willing to employ somebody and they can't
find an American worker, and somebody is willing to do the job, we ought to
make that connection a legal connection," Bush said. "People come here to

  The White House proposal, he said, would make U.S. borders more secure
"as opposed to people having to get in the back of 18-wheelers and sneaking
across, you know, Texas borders, or trying to walk across the desert to find

  Lawmakers have been signaling their intent for some time to crack down
on illegal immigration, saying the flow of undocumented aliens threaten

[CTRL] Broken oath at Guantanamo

2005-06-29 Thread Charles Bremer

-Caveat Lector-


Broken oath at Guantanamo

The Virginian-Pilot
 June 29, 2005

Doctors are supposed to heal and comfort. They take an oath to diagnose
illnesses and offer remedies, a precept that covers human minds as surely
as it covers bodies.

That presumption is so strong that even in the most violent places,
medical professionals are usually protected by nothing more than a
dedication to healing and a big red cross.

When doctors go wrong, when they injure rather than protect, they are the
stuff of legend and nightmare. As it is becoming clear, such people may be
working today at the American detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Thats where the United States is keeping prisoners from Afghanistan and
Iraq, incommunicado, without charges, without representation, in a swirl
of rumors and credible reports of abuse, and  yes  torture.

According to reports in The New England Journal of Medicine and The New
York Times, military doctors there have been helping with the Guantanamo

They have been dipping into the prisoners medical files, and using what
they find there to help interrogators break prisoners. Doctors are  quite
simply  forbidden from doing such things. The Pentagon, faced with the
impending release of reports in The Journal and The Times, promulgated new
regulations that bar doctors from participating in unethical behavior.

But since the Pentagon defines the interrogations at Guantanamo as lawful
despite accusations from FBI agents, among others, that torture is part of
the repertoire there  the new guidelines say doctors can participate
without running afoul of their professional ethics.

Since that logical contortion is so circular that nobody is buying it, the
Pentagon is also seeking to justify the doctors behavior by splitting

Bryan Whitman, a senior Pentagon spokesman, according to The Times
suggested that the doctors advising interrogators were not covered by
ethics strictures because they were not acting as caregivers to patients
but rather as behavioral scientists.

Doctors could be acting as chauffeurs or cooks, but that doesnt absolve
them of a duty to heal. When they do the opposite, when they employ their
medical gifts to foster harm, when they use their talents to find
weakness, they are nothing less than monsters, no matter what oath theyve

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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