[CTRL] John G. Roberts: Gitmo-police-state freak and Cheney cabalist

2005-07-20 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

John G. Roberts, he new Supreme Court nominee is sure to keep the skids
greased in the continuing story of this nation's decline. Check out one
of this police-state freak's big opinions on the Appeals court -- from Law.com 
02-22-2005: There was another WMATA [Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority]
case -- known as the french fry case -- which some critics point to as
a sign of a certain hard-heartedness in Roberts' decision making.In
the unanimous ruling last October in Hedgepeth v. WMATA, Roberts upheld
the arrest, handcuffing and detention of a 12-year-old girl for eating
a single french fry inside a D.C. Metrorail station. No one is very
happy about the events that led to this litigation, Roberts
acknowledged in the decision, but he ruled that nothing the police did
violated the girl's Fourth Amendment or Fifth Amendment rights. Not content to rubberstamp cops kidnapping little girls off the subway and searching through car trunks without a warrant; 
Roberts ahs also done his level-best to cover-up Cheney's pre-Iraq shenanigans.  As 
People for the American Way points out: In re: Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, 2003 U.S. App. LEXIS 18831 (D.C. Cir. 2003), 
cert. granted, 2003 U.S. LEXIS 9205 (2003): secrecy of Vice President Cheney's energy task forceJudge Roberts was one of the dissenters in the court's 5-3 denial of a petition for rehearing 
en banc
(with one judge not participating) filed by the Bush Administration in
its continuing efforts to avoid releasing records pertaining to Vice
President Cheney's energy task force. This ruling came in litigation
brought by Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club charging that the Vice
President's task force had violated federal law by not making its
records public. The court's ruling marked the fourth time a judicial
panel has rebuffed efforts to keep the information from the public.
Carol D. Leonnig, Energy Task Force Appeal Refused, Washington Post
(Sept. 12, 2003). At the Administration's urging, the Supreme Court has
agreed to review the case; a decision is expected by the end of June
2004.  You may recall that lawsuit produced 
documents proving that Cheney and his oil cronies were carving up maps of Iraq's oilfields months, or even years before the invasion.

And then, just last Friday, Roberts earned his final bones just last
week by backing the military detention of enemy combatants -- even
Americans-- in the Guantanamo concentration camp in the name of the
unConstitutional undeclared War on Terror. This is from an opinion
roberts signed on to issued last Friday, July 15 2005 in the case of 
Hamdan v Rumsfeld: The trial and punishment of enemy combatants, the Court further held, is thus part of the conduct of war. 
We think it no answer to say, as Hamdan does, that this case is
different because Congress did not formally declare war. It has been
suggested that only wars between sovereign nations would qualify for
such a declaration. See  John M. Bickers, Military Commissions are Constitutionally Sound: A Response to Professors Katyal and Tribe,
34 TEX. TECH. L. REV. 899, 918 (2003). Even so, the joint resolution
went as far toward a declaration of war as it might, and as far or
further than Congress went in the Civil War, the Philippine
Insurrection, the Boxer Rebellion, the Punitive Expedition against
Pancho Villa, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the invasion of Panama,
the Gulf War, and numerous other conflicts. Id. at 917. The plurality
in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, in suggesting that a military commission could
determine whether an American citizen was an enemy combatant in the
current conflict, drew no distinction of the sort. This
opinion cited the phantom war against terrorism and the offical 9/11
legend in its justification of military concentration camps for
Americans.-- www.total411.infowww.total911.info
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] former alaska governor pushes gas pipeline

2005-07-20 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

source: http://www.gasline.org

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ANWR Alaska arctic image
Former governor says it is time to push for gas line

Former Governor Wally Hickel comes out swinging (kind of) at a forum in
Anchorage, Alaska. Hickel pointed out that the Alaska constitution states
that Alaskans own the natural gas within the state.

Here is an article from KTUU in Anchorage.

Former governor says its time to push for gas line

Anchorage, Alaska - It was 28 years ago today that oil began flowing
through the trans-Alaska pipeline. Now, 14 billion barrels later, that oil
is selling at record prices, almost $57 a barrel this afternoon.

It took political arm-twisting to get the trans-Alaska pipeline built. And
former Gov. Wally Hickel says thats just what it will take to get the
long-stalled natural gas pipeline built.

Here are some facts about the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline:

Alaskas North Slope has more than 35 trillion cubic feet of proven natural
gas reserves and more than 100 trillion cubic feet of potential reserves.

Alaska natural gas development has been hampered by the difficulty and
expense of transporting gas from remote North Slope wells to major Outside
Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Facts

Here are some facts about the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline:

Alaskas North Slope has more than 35 trillion cubic feet of proven natural
gas reserves and more than 100 trillion cubic feet of potential reserves.

Alaska natural gas development has been hampered by the difficulty and
expense of transporting gas from remote North Slope wells to major Outside

North American natural gas supplies are declining more steeply than
expected, and demand is steadily increasing. Natural gas is now used for
cooking and heating in 70 percent of U.S. homes. It also supplies
40 percent of U.S. industrial energy needs and is the most popular energy
source for new and existing electricity generation plants.

The proposed Alaska Gas pipeline would follow the 745-mile Alaska Highway
route approved by Congress in the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of

The pipeline would initially be designed to carry 4.5 Bcf/d of natural gas
at an operating pressure of 2,500 psig.

The current system design includes six compressor stations that would use
gas turbine compressors rated collectively at 256,000 ISO horsepower.

The proposed Alaska gas pipeline is estimated to involve direct costs of
$6.3 billion (2002 dollars).

The overall project is dependent upon local, state, federal and Canadian
regulatory approvals.

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, McMartin

2005-07-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


NBC 10 NEWS - Report: Providence Diocese Still Settling Sex Abuse Claims 7/18/05 "Providence - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence has settled an additional 50 sexual abuse claims, totaling $2 million, since reaching a $14.3 million settlement with about three dozen people in 2002." http://www.turnto10.com/

American priest arrested on Arizona child molestation charges AP 7/19/05 Rome "Italian police have arrested an American Roman Catholic priest wanted on child molestation charges in Arizona, the cleric's lawyer said. The Rev. Joseph Henn was arrested on a court order Saturday and is now under house arrest at the headquarters of his Salvatorian order, near St. Peter's Square, said attorney Michele Gentiloni Severj. Henn, who had worked in the Diocese of Phoenix, was indicted on child molestation charges in 2003 in Arizona's Maricopa County." http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/news/politics/12170730.htm

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - Interview with Jackie McGauley, Part Two (about McMartin) http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/07/interview-with-jackie-mcgauley-part_19.html

Chronology of the McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Bishop and the Boys - Part One

2005-07-20 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, July 19. 2005

The Bishop and the Boys - Part One

The number of American clergy or misionaries [sic] used by the CIA  
has been small. The CIA has informed the Committee of a total of 14  
covert arrangements which involved direct operational use of 21  
individuals. In six or seven cases, the CIA paid salaries, bonuses,  
or expenses to the religious personnel, or helped to fund projects  
run by them.
-- The Domestic Impact of Foreign Clandestine Operations: The CIA and  
Academic Institutions, the Media, and Religious Institutions,  
(Section X of the Church Report), p. 202

In 2001, investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker published Barry  
and the Boys: The CIA, The Mob and America's Secret History. One of  
the first authors to concentrate on the life and times of Barry Seal  
( a dope smuggler and CIA operative who began his career as a cadet  
in the Civil Air Patrol with such dubious luminaries as Lee Harvey  
Oswald and David Ferrie) he also explored the gun-running career of  
David Ferrie himself in the same volume. It is a book full of new  
information on Seal, Ferrie, and the anti-Castro Cubans of Miami, as  
well as on the mysterious goings-on at Mena, Arkansas. He followed  
this up with the publication, in 2004, of Welcome to Terrorland:  
Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 Cover-Up in Florida, a book about the  
terror attacks that should be on everyone?s bookshelf.

But there is another aspect to Ferrie that has so far escaped most  
modern investigators and researchers, probably because it is just too  
weird ... even for conspiracy theorists and Congressional  
subcommittees. This is the area of his life we might term the  

Since it is our intention to investigate the spirituality of our most  
notorious political figures and the religio-mystical ambiance in  
which both covert and overt policy is planned and executed, we can  
have no better starting point than the life and times of David  
Ferrie. Ferrie will lead us to Jack Martin, to Thomas Edward Beckham,  
to Fred Lee Crisman, to Thomas Jude Baumler, to Carl Stanley (now  
Saint Christopher Maria), to Walter Propheta and, eventually, right  
back to J. Edgar Hoover himself. It will also lead us to William  
Bryan, the hypnotist suspected of complicity in the assassination of  
Senator Robert F Kennedy. It will also lead us to the Iran-Contra  
affair. It will also lead us to the civil war in the former  
Yugoslavia and ethnic cleansing.

This is the world of the wandering bishops and, gentle reader, you  
will only hear about this from me. No one else has covered this  
story. No one else has delved very far into the shadowy world where  
intelligence agents and archbishops meet. Although I was there, and  
saw some of this first hand, I will base most of what is told in  
these pages on the documents themselves: Warren Commission records,  
FBI interviews, HSCA documentation, etc. It's all there, if you know  
where to look.

Because of the separation of church and state guaranteed by our  
Constitution, it is easy for anyone in America to set up their own  
church. In countries where there is a state religion this is  
virtually impossible. In other countries, such as Mexico, we find  
laws enacted that curtail the practice of religion in certain ways.  
And in communist countries, the free expression of any form of  
religion is frowned upon or outlawed altogether.

But in America...

Some of the world?s newest faiths were created out of whole cloth in  
the United States. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints --  
better known as the Mormons -- was an invention of Joseph Smith, Jr.,  
a ceremonial magician who combined myths about the Indian burial  
mounds, the lost tribes of Israel, and Masonic ritual into a unique  
amalgam of Christianity, Judaism, and occultism. The Spiritualist  
church was created out of the experiences of the Fox sisters in  
upstate New York. The Theosophical Society was created in New York  
City in 1875, and out of that was formed the Liberal Catholic Church.  
And so on.

As popular as many of these religions have become, however, there is  
another world of created church about which most people are unaware,  
and properly so: the leaders of these churches often do not  
evangelize. They are not interested in congregations or parishes,  
theology or liturgics. They have other agendas, and the clerical  
collar and pectoral cross of the clergyman serve to disguise and  
obscure actions and projects that have far-ranging historical and  
political repercussions.

These men (and some women) have been found involved in everything  
from the assassination of a president to the assassination of his  
brother, to Iran-Contra. And they are with us today, changing  
denominations, titles, and even names like sacerdotal chameleons as  
they shape-shift through the political landscape. Their story is told  
in some detail in Sinister Forces, Book One: The 

[CTRL] Fwd: Out Goes Bandar -- In Comes Turki, Bin Laden Buddy

2005-07-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 20, 2005 5:43:41 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Out Goes Bandar -- In Comes Turki, Bin Laden Buddy Former Saudi Spy Chief to Replace Envoy Close to Bush Family July 20 (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, said it plans to appoint former intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal as ambassador to the U.S., the kingdom's first change in the post since Ronald Reagan was president. The Saudi Foreign Ministry announced today that Prince Bandar bin Sultan resigned as Saudi envoy to Washington for ``private reasons'' after rendering ``outstanding services'' to the Arab country since 1983. Bandar cultivated deep access to the White House, including regular visits to the Bush family homes. Bandar, who is close to President George Bush, the current president's father, is a former Saudi Air Force officer who became defense attaché, then ambassador, following his involvement in procuring U.S. fighter aircraft in the late 1970s, according to his official embassy biography. He later became the dean of the diplomatic corps in Washington. Turki, who is ambassador to the U.K., was educated in Washington and has a history of working with the U.S. intelligence community. He will come to the U.S. as the Bush administration attempts to spread democracy in the oil-rich Middle East as a counter-weight to violent Islamist movements. Ned Walker, president of the Middle East Institute in Washington and a former U.S. diplomat, said in an interview that Bandar was a symbol of ``the close, warm, fuzzy ties with the administration. Turki is not that person and will not have that relationship.'' Turki, 60, met several times with Osama bin Laden in the context of Saudi support for Muslim fighters in Afghanistan in the 1980s. He later mediated between the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and the Saudi government. Advised Presidents President George W. Bush issued a statement through his press secretary today that thanked Bandar, 56, for his tenure. ``In troubled times U.S. presidents past and present have relied upon Bandar's advice,'' the statement said. ``In good times, they have enjoyed his wit, charm and humor.'' While Turki may face questions in Washington about his contacts with militant figures including bin Laden, the fundamental economic issues on the U.S.-Saudi agenda ensure that the change in chief diplomat may have little direct impact on the relationship. ``Our interests drive us together,'' Walker said. ``They have no interest in seeing oil pricing going out of the roof. We don't have any interest in alienating the one country that can keep the price under control.'' Oil Ties Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, during an April visit to President Bush's Crawford ranch, offered the U.S. no immediate steps to relieve high gasoline prices, pitching instead a months-old plan to boost oil production capacity by 1.5 million barrels a day by the end of the decade. The country has 260 billion barrels of proven reserves, or ``well over a century's worth of oil'' at current production rates, Abdallah Jum'ah, president of Saudi Aramco, the state oil company, said on July 11 in Beijing. The Sept. 11 attacks carried out by 15 Saudis among 19 operatives ushered in a period of tension in U.S.-Saudi relations. Adel al-Jubeir, foreign affairs adviser to Crown Prince Abdullah, was sent in front of the cameras in Washington to explain Saudi policies in confronting Islamist violence. While U.S. officials praise Saudi cooperation in combating militant Islamists, the U.S. last month warned Saudi officials to step up their efforts against human trafficking and in October listed the country, the home of Islam's most holy sites, as one that routinely denies its citizens religious freedom as it enforces the rules of the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam. During a Middle East trip last month, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice protested the arrest of three dissidents and the disenfranchisement of women. Fighting Terrorism Rice then told Saudi reporters ``the story of what the Saudi government is doing on the counterterrorism front, the arrests that are being made, the cells that are being taken down, is that it gives people confidence that the Saudi government is really taking this counterterrorism action very seriously.'' Turki, who studied at Georgetown University in Washington, is the nephew if the kingdom's de facto ruler, Crown Prince Abdullah, and brother of Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal. Walker said the appointment had to do more with internal familial issues than with U.S. considerations. In a 2002 PBS interview, a period when there was frequent criticism of Saudi Arabia in the U.S. media following the Sept. 11 attacks, Turki blamed the pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, for what he described as perpetrating an anti-Saudi campaign. `Enemies of the Kingdom' ``I