[CTRL] Pre-7/7 insider trading on British pound

2005-07-23 Thread Total Information
I guess this makes the Bank of England a prime suspect -- why aren't they talking?From 
WorldNetDaily July 16, 2005: it appears some profited by short selling the British pound in the 10 days leading up to the attacks.The 
pound fell about 6 percent (approximately 1.82 to 1.72) against the dollar for no apparent reason – until, of course, the terror attacks sent the British markets reeling still further.
was an almost unprecedented weakness and far too sharp to be a
coincidence, one economist with more than 35 years of experience in
the investment industry, told Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium,
online intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND. That
is, after all, an annualized rate of loss of well over 100 percent.The
fall did not go unnoticed by investigators, who are wondering whether
the terrorist masterminds behind the attacks decided to make some money
on their action or whether other investors with inside information
about possible attacks took advantage of that knowledge.Currencies
of establish countries simply do not fall that fast based upon any kind
of economic or financial analysis, said the economist. Somebody –
somewhere – knew something. Or maybe I should say 'somebodies.'   www.total411.info

[CTRL] [JBirch] CAFTA and *The Best (?) Representatives Money Can Buy!!!* (fwd)

2005-07-23 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 02:54:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Perna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JBirch] CAFTA and  *The Best (?)  Representatives Money Can

*The Best (?)  Representatives Money Can Buy!!!*
Albert V.  Burns

At a closed-door meeting of House Republicans yesterday, Rep. Bill Thomas 
(Calif.) sidled up to the lectern and hinted that the leadership might look 
more favorably on lawmakers' requests for highways and bridges if they vote for 
the Central American Free Trade Agreement, according to three GOP witnesses./* 
 (The Washington Post, July 21, 2005)

According to the administration and House aides, the White House has 
authorized Republican leaders to secure votes with whatever is at hand, from 
amendments [read pork-barrel projects in their respective districts] to the 
highway and energy bills to the still incomplete appropriations bills./*  (The 
Washington Post, July 21, 2005)

[In other words, Want that highway project back home?  You had better vote for 
CAFTA.  Want that new bridge?  You had better vote for CAFTA even though you 
know it is bad for America.

One of the first House members to be bought off was Congressman Phil English 
(R-Penn.).  Mr. English had always opposed CAFTA, but just a few days ago he 
sold out.  He now says he is comfortable voting for CAFTA.  This puts the 
pro-CAFTA forces one critical vote closer to
having the 218 votes they need to pass it in the U.S. House.

What's the vote count?  According to Congress Daily, 105 House members will 
vote yes or are leaning to vote yes on CAFTA with 166 members who will vote 
no or are leaning to vote no.  That leaves 163 House members who are 
undecided or aren't saying.  To stop CAFTA, we
must convince at least 53 of those 163 members to vote against CAFTA.] /Quoted 
from Liberty Committee Newletter./

What a sorry commentary on our American Congress that such a stories  can even 
be written in the press or in a newsletter.  What has happened  to integrity in 
this country?  I realize that politicians, as a general  rule, are extremely 
pragmatic, even venal in their approach to voting
for or against legislation.

In actuality, the sad commentary is about the American public as a  whole that 
will accept such an abominable picture of our government as  it presently 
exists in Washington, DC.  Sadly, the average American  reads stories in the 
press about such power plays in the House or the
Senate but never realizes that, almost without exception, the tar  brush 
applies to the man or woman he or she helped vote into office -  repeatedly!

How much did YOUR congressman's vote cost?  How much is that vote  going to 
cost the United States in the long run?

If YOUR congressman or woman votes FOR CAFTA, will YOU ask him or  her those 
questions?  Actually, you had better ask those questions NOW -  BEFORE the vote 
is taken.  After the vote may well be too late!!!

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, police, suppressing memory, day care

2005-07-23 Thread Smart News
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Bishop Pilla Testifies In Defamation Case Against Diocese - Family Of Abused Man Says They Never Supported Priest's Reassignment 7/19/05 Cleveland "Bishop Anthony M. Pilla testified Tuesday in a defamation case filed against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland by a man who was abused by a priest more than 20 years ago. Christopher Kodger and his parents accuse the diocese of falsely stating in 2002 that they supported the reassignment of the priest who abused Kodger to a parish with a school. Kodger was sexually assaulted by the Rev. James Mulica in 1981, according to documents filed in the case in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. A minor at the time, Kodger told his parents, who called Pilla's home that night. No charges were filed against Mulica, and the family agreed to a settlement of $45,000 on the condition that Mulica not be permitted to work near children, said Kodger's attorney William Crosby. The diocese sent Mulica to be treated for an alcohol problem for two years. He then returned to the diocese and was reassigned to a parish with a school." http://www.newsnet5.com/news/4744275/detail.html

Alleged sex abuse victims accuse Chicago police of wrongdoing by Morgan Lord 7/20/05 "An advocate group of sexual abuse victims filed a complaint Tuesday accusing Chicago police of complicity in abuse of its members by a Chicago priest more than 10 years ago. Barbara Blaine, president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), said the complaint accuses some police officers of involvement in the supposed silencing of eight South Side boys who were molested by their Catholic priest, Father Victor Stewart, in 1992. After the molestation incidents, eight of the boys were picked up by the police, threatened and held without the consent of their parents, according to Blaine and the victims. They were told not to speak to anyone about what happened." http://www.chicagodefender.com/page/local.cfm?ArticleID=1577

Neural Systems Underlying the Suppression of Unwanted Memories Michael C. Anderson, Kevin N. Ochsner, Brice Kuhl, Jeffrey Cooper, Elaine Robertson, Susan W. Gabrieli, Gary H. Glover, John D. E. Gabrieli "Over a century ago, Freud proposed that unwanted memories can be excluded from awareness, a process called repression. It is unknown, however, how repression occurs in the brain. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the neural systems involved in keeping unwanted memories out of awareness. Controlling unwanted memories was associated with increased dorsolateral prefrontal activation, reduced hippocampal activation, and impaired retention of those memories. Both prefrontal cortical and right hippocampal activations predicted the magnitude of forgetting. These results confirm the existence of an active forgetting process and establish a neurobiological model for guiding inquiry into motivated forgetting." http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~blevy/lab/ao2004.pdf

describes crimes - State: Day Care Kids Forced To Eat Worms, Smell Feet 7/22/05 Jacksonville, Fla. -- The state has suspended the licenses of two church-affiliated day care centers. Former director Joshua Palin is charged with molesting ten children, some of them during what investigators say were twisted games of Truth or Dare. At the centers, children were allegedly sexually assaulted and forced to eat worms, pick each other's noses and smell each other's feet during employee-led games of "Truth or Dare." Former director Joshua Palin is charged with molesting ten children, some of them during what investigators say were twisted games of Truth or Dare. He is the son of the affiliated church's pastor. Palin was originally charged last month with molesting two girls. He's being held on bond. Another day care center worker Tammy Sue Warren is free on bond on a charge of lewd and lascivious exhibition. A state report states that she lifted up her shirt during a game of Truth or Dare with the children." http://www.local6.com/news/4758288/detail.html

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Sodomizing Children. For Freedom

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: MA PA [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2005 8:41:21 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [cia-drugs] Sodomizing Children. For FreedomReply-To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com   Sodomizing Children. For Freedom.  by Hunter  Fri Jul 22nd, 2005 at 17:02:20 PDTFollowing up on Kos' post, below; we already have some idea of what the Abu Ghraib images in question show, though we don't know precisely which ones are in the queue to be released. The images, according to those lawmakers who have seen them, paint a picture of torture at Abu Ghraib far, far worse than most Americans have yet been willing to admit. Via the Boston Herald, May 8th, 2004: Signaling the worst revelations are yet to come, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said the additional photos show "acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhuman." [...] The unreleased images show American soldiers beating one prisoner almost to death, apparently raping a female prisoner, acting inappropriately with a dead body, and taping Iraqi guards raping young boys, according to NBC News.Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the scandal is "going to get worse" and warned that the most "disturbing" revelations haven't yet been made public."The American public needs to understand, we're talking about rape and murder here," he said. "We're not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience; we're talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges."And from investigative reporter Seymour Hersh:Continued:http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/1285114.htmlorhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/1285114.html Government Defies an Order to Release Iraq Abuse Photoshttp://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/1282969.htmlor http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/1282969.html      MARC PARENT  CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS http://www.livejournal.com/~mparent http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent      __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.comComplete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/  Please let us stay on topic and be civil.   OM SPONSORED LINKS  United state patent  United state army  United state flag  United state navy flag  United states patent office  Central intelligence agency YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS  Visit your group "cia-drugs" on the web.    To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. www.ctrl.org
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[CTRL] The Secret World of Hijackers, Heaven's Gate Republican, Inc.

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.madcowprod.com/The Secret World of Hijackers, Heaven's Gate  Republican, Inc.Were the 9.11 hijackers connected in America with individuals who have been part of any other events resulting in mass casualties?What does San Diego,CA., where U.S. Rep Randy 'Duke' Cunningham's home was just searched by Federal Agents, have in common with whitebread Sarasota,FL., home to Republican Top Gun Katherine Harris?Why are both cities "Must See" stops on any TerrorLand Tour?How is it that a tiny Defense contractor--which went from zero dollars in Federal contracts to $169 million in the blink of an eye--was greasing Cunningham's palm while at the same time becoming the largest campaign contributor of a woman running for Congress for the first time?Watch a MadCowMorningNews Show special from San Dieg
FONT>click to watch the show
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[CTRL] Fwd: Robbing the Cradle

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2005 1:29:53 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Robbing the CradleReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ref:  http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?emx=xpid=4710With regard to Chalmers Johnson's piece on the looting of Iraq's antiquities, after the misadventures started in that country, I wrote a vehement article/essay/declaration to the folks in the D of C, using this crime as proof that the efforts were ill-advised if not just plain idiotic.  When the very source of civilisation is thrown over in favour of the "Anvil of Armageddon", to the point of being equally desecrated, there is little hope that there is evidence of any other regard for history, something that is the basis of any people and their culture.  As I have followed this issue from almost the very beginning, it is with great dismay that the bozoids in the so-called "civilised" centre of power of the World would expose theyselfs to being the worst of ignorant thugs.  The odd thing about this whole issue is the Angaloids theyselfs are involved with this issue and it was one of theirs, Gertrude Bell, who -- after the deposing of Faisal from Syria and hiring him on as the regent of Iraq (don't forget your "Lawrence of Arabia") following the Great War, Part One -- commissioned her to establish the first national museum in Iraq.  Now, whatever legacy of decency and intelligence and intellectuality and respect the Angaloids hoped to convey to the natives thereabouts, all of that is gone.  Speaking from beyond the realm of the physical plane, we can only recall what happened when Howard Carter began the systematic looting of Tut's tomb in the 1920ies.  Rumours have it that many of those involved got mysterious illnesses from their sacrilege and succumbed to their fits of greed.  One can only wonder what will happen to the recipients of the looted Iraqi treasures, much less to those who have trampled the antiquities under foot and tank tread.  And the instigators.We are not surprised at the attitude of the so-called American "leadership," though.  With their intense efforts to obfuscate and otherwise hide or destroy the truth about their actions, past and present if not future, it only stand to reason that they might attempt to sort of psychically "draft" off of the magical properties of ancient civilisations.  Waht they are missing, in a Chalmers Johnson sort of way, is the "blowback," wherein every action has an equal but opposite (read: "negative") reaction.  But, as we've seen all too well, the misadventures are shifting as easily as the sands of today do, never allowing the lines drawn thereon to remain in place for long.  The consequence of all of their actions might result in some weird external manifestations to match the bizarreness of their internal ossifications, resulting in tragedy upon calamity upon disaster.We have already Georgie falling off of Segways and making ill-fated attempts at riding his bicycle without the training wheels in public and foreign places.  This is -- of course -- only one of the outwardly appearing kinds of failures that are happening in all areas of the American nation, whether it's the declining ability of the military to project or protect itself, or the economy, or honesty, or even whether Georgie's got any timbre. If he does -- and he claimed he didn't, it's probably soft and spongy due to dry rot ... which was the liely reason "why" he disclaimed ownership, 'cause they ain't nuttin' of substance to talk 'bout!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AlamaineGrand Forks, ND, US of A www.ctrl.org
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[CTRL] Fwd: The problem with random searches

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Robert Lederman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2005 8:55:01 AM PDTTo: "Robert Lederman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: The problem with random searches The Problem with Random Searchesby Robert Lederman"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, andeffects,against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and nowarrantsshall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, andparticularlydescribing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."The Fourth Amendmenthttp://www.billofrights.com/The debate over the need for randomly searching the public mistakenlypresents the issue as being a reasonable tradeoff between security andsafety. Missing from the debate is any sense of why the US Constitution gaveAmericans a right to be free from unjustified searches in the first place.If all the police would be looking for is bombs, few would find the searchesobjectionable, but is that all the police will be looking for? A key sourceof information sought by police investigating terrorism or other crimes iscomputer files in the form of disks and hard drives. Another source iscellphones, which automatically list all received and placed calls. Addressbooks, personal calendars and diaries or personal journals are also exactlythe kind of sources authorities will want to examine. Do you have a videocamera? The police will want to see whatever you've been videotaping.Where will the new rules on searches draw a line? Can the police searcheveryone's mail, tap everyone's phone and intercept all of our emailcommunications? If they can search our bags without any reasonable suspicionof wrongdoing why can't they similarly search our homes and cars? Can thepolice search a business for all sales transactions, for their corporateplans and for blueprints of new products that theoretically might be of useto terrorists?It's easy to say, "I'm not a terrorist so there's nothing for me to hide,"but is there nothing in your life you'd prefer to keep private? Would theknowledge that the police or other government officials could watch yourevery move on closed circuit television, listen in on every conversation,read every note you write and search your person and possessions anytime oranyplace cause you to change your behavior?Might it also change your sense of self?I've long suspected that the phenomena of reality TV was not just a form ofpopular entertainment but was intended to condition the public inpreparation for a total surrender of privacy and the imposition of a policestate. That reality is now upon us.Can abandoning our civil freedoms make us safer?Iraq is occupied by more than 150,000 heavily armed US troops with the rightto search anyone at any time. It also has from five to twenty horrificterrorist attacks a day. Israeli security forces are on a much higher levelof alert than anything here in the US and Israel has routine terroristattacks. Russia has the KGB and China has the world's largest police andsecurity services, yet both remain subject to terrorist attacks. Within theUS more than one million incarcerated Americans are strip searched,monitored by closed circuit TV and otherwise watched 24 hours a day, yetmost manage to have routine access to knives, illegal drugs and othercontraband. Could even the extreme scenario of turning the entire US into aprison stop terrorists?NYC police officials are quick to admit that no amount of surveillance orsearching could guarantee them preventing a terrorist attack and it seemsobvious from a statistical viewpoint that randomly searching every fifthsubway rider with a bag is highly unlikely to prevent suicide bombers fromgetting on the subway. Aren't these searches cosmetically aimed at makingpeople feel safer rather than making them actually be safer?In that case, what exactly is the real purpose of these searches? Mightjustifying the complete abandonment of our rights be the real agenda ofthese apparent terrorist attacks? If so, who is really orchestrating them?Dare we ask, how would manipulating Western countries into giving up theircivil rights help al Queda, Muslim fundamentalism or any Muslim nation?It's notable that at the exact same time the government wants the public tocompletely surrender its right to privacy, government officials are makingaccess to information on themselves, their decisions and their policies lessand less available to the public. Is this a coincidental development or partof one consistent agenda?When the Bill of Rights was written its entire purpose was to protect theindividual from government. Benjamin Franklin said it best"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporarysafety deserve neither liberty nor safety."President Bush keeps saying they hate us for our freedom. So far, he's donemore to eliminate our freedom than any President in US history. In fouryears he's also managed to transform the US from 


2005-07-23 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Pepe Escobar of Asia Times gives his impressions of the situation [my comments in brackets]: "The European Union will be waiting, breathlessly, for this deadline set by the al-Qaeda-connected Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades -- which has claimed responsibility for the Istanbul, Madrid and London bombings. After August 15, 'It will be a bloody war in the service of God', or the dreaded possibility of more attacks against 'the crusaders who are still present in Iraq -- Denmark, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy and ... other countries'. The Brigades seem bent on avenging 'blood that has been shed in the land of Islam -- in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine'. 'EU counterterrorism analysts are not taking the threat lightly -- even if its authenticity is not yet proven' [and it never can be -- but it will be touted nevertheless]. This 'message' means that Salafi-jihadis are officially proclaiming that the attacks on London on July 7 were blowback caused by Iraq -- a connection also established by two-thirds of Britons answering a Guardian/ICM poll and by a report conducted by the Royal Institute of International Affairs [CFR's sister global conspiracy organization]. Prime Minister Tony Blair's government -- toeing the Bush administration line -- denies everything. As EU diplomats have assured this correspondent, Europe by no means is going to vote the adoption of a US-style Patriot Act. Nor is anybody contemplating an EU Guantanamo." [End Escobar quote.] 
I'm not too sure about no US-style PATRIOT Act. Britain already is doing the same types of things the American dark side forces have been doing -- it's now only a matter of experiencing enough "terror" to justify codifying it into law. Already, the London bombings have allowed proponents of the USA PATRIOT Act this week to successfully move the House of Representatives to make permanent the most controversial aspects of the Act, which codify government's long-standing policy of illegal surveillance and unlimited detention without being charged. The vote was 251 to 171, mostly following party lines. It's a continuing sad commentary to see liberty being snuffed out by the Republicans who traditionally have been its champions. This undermining of liberty will only become more pervasive, and not just confined to the US, as the globalist agenda plays out.
The underlying agenda to these attacks: If my theory is correct (see the "Strategic Threats" article on my website), the Anglo-American globalists are intent on fomenting a huge backlash against the United States and Britain (by Russian and China, in "defense" of their Slavic and Muslim allies) in order to force the western world into a global government with real power over nation states. These government-agent-created "al Qaeda" threats, and the subsequent bombings that will follow, will be used to separate Europe from its ties to US warmongering -- thus illuminating only the US and British as the true culprits -- and justifying some future pre-emptive attack (with an appropriate provocation brought on by a crisis in the Middle East or Taiwan). The reason for targeting only the US and Britain in the war is because Russia and China would undoubtedly like to avoid a total holocaust of the Western economy and are hoping, as the conflict escalates, to blackmail Europe into submission, after taking out the two "bullies of the world." 

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[CTRL] The government is planning a nuclear training exercise next month

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Richard Scheck [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2005 11:48:14 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Important information:  please acknowledge receipt The government is planning a nuclear training exercisenext month in which terrorists capture a 10 kilotonbomb off the coast of South Carolina.On 911, NORAD and other agencies were conducting atraining exercise in which airplane attacks were "simulated" on US targets.On 7/7/05 in London, training exercises were beingconducted by British officials at the exact times andplaces where the bombs acutally went off.Many people find these coincidences highly suspicious.Please go to www.northcom.mil and read for yourselfthe press release (#7) describing the upcoming test.Then let me know what you think.Best, RichStart your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs  www.ctrl.org
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[CTRL] Exercise to focus on nuclear terror scenario

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
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Defending the Homeland is Job #1 Click here for more info on the Northern Command Map.http://www.northcom.mil/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.showstorystoryid=C9BFBBAC-F3CA-BD2E-008C7B34AFE33114Press ReleaseExercise to focus on nuclear terror scenarioPosted Jun 29, 2005 at 1:00:PM MDTFORT MONROE, Va. -- Here’s the scenario…A seafaring vessel transporting a 10-kiloton nuclear warhead makes its way into a port off the coast of Charleston, S.C. Terrorists aboard the ship attempt to smuggle the warhead off the ship to detonate it. Is this really a possibility?Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) here is planning its next exercise on the premise that this crisis is indeed plausible.Sudden Response 05 will take place this August on Fort Monroe and will be carried out as an internal command post exercise. The exercise is intended to train the JTF-CS staff to plan and execute Consequence Management operations in support of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV’s response to a nuclear detonation. Some of this year’s objectives for SR05 are to refine nuclear incident Concept of Operations, produce a CM Operation Order, refine command post set-up procedures and maintain situational awareness of multiple CM incidents.The Sudden Response exercise has been held at Quantico, Va., in the past, but has been moved to Fort Monroe to maximize command post training time. The senior leadership felt that it was more important to accomplish training instead of losing up to a day and a half in travel time, said Paul Deflueri, J7 Lead Exercise Planner. “This will allow us to still meet our training objectives,” he said. Some external participants may work with JTF-CS during the exercise. “We’re trying to get representatives from FEMA Region IV as well as representatives from South Carolina Emergency Management Division and active duty soldiers from the (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) Consequence Management Response Force to play the role of task force units,” Defluri said. “Each time we do one of these internal exercises, we try to make it more robust and try to add in fidelity,” Defluri said. “That’s what we’re trying to do for SR05: create a good scenario and be able to replicate the effects as best we can. That way we can give the command a really good CM exercise.” www.ctrl.org
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[CTRL] random subway searches...

2005-07-23 Thread tawny wolf
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News  Politics

Are Subway Searches Legal?Police officers began conducting random searches on New York City subways today. Privacy ad... More

Honey, if the Patriot (sic)Act is 'legal,' ain't nothingon God's greenearth that ain't... 

Coming up next: random body cavity searches...

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
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[CTRL] Winning Faulkner Entry in the 16th - spoof of the Bush Baby

2005-07-23 Thread tawny wolf
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Very, very funny...
Personal message:Finally they tellin' it like it is...Winning Faulkner Entry in the 16th - Yahoo! Newshttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050723/ap_on_en_ot/faux_faulkner_story_1Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
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[CTRL] The Maddest Mad Scientist: The CIA’s Dr. Sidn ey Gottlieb

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/21/worlds_worst_excerpt.htmlThursday, July 21, 2005World's Worst Excerpt -- The Maddest Mad Scientist: The CIA’s Dr. Sidney Gottlieb Here's an excerpt from my new book THE WORLD'S WORST: A Guide to the Most Disgusting, Hideous, Inept and Dangerous, People, Places and Things on Earth. (See prvious entries: "The Least Adorable Pet: Miracle Mike The Headless Chicken" and The Least Healthy Diet: Breatharianism)“The Maddest Mad Scientist” The CIA’s Dr. Sidney GottliebOn a warm autumn evening in Paris in 1952, a 25-year-old, up-and-coming American artist named Stanley Glickman was enjoying a coffee at his favorite haunt, the Café Dome in Montparnasse. Perhaps he spent the moment thinking of his Canadian girlfriend who was touring Europe at the time, or of the painting he’d completed that was hanging in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.In any case, Glickman’s musings were interrupted when an acquaintance approached him and invited him to have a drink across the street at the Café Select. He accepted. There, the artist and his companion were joined by an unfamiliar group of Americans. Dressed in unfashionably straight-laced clothing, the strangers espoused political beliefs that were highly disagreeable to Glickman. After hours of hotly contested debate, the artist decided to pay his part of the bill and go home, but one of the strangers—a man with a clubfoot—insisted on buying him a drink as a way to make up for their argument. Instead of calling over the waiter who’d been serving drinks to the party all evening, the clubfooted man went to the bar himself and bought a Chartreuse for Glickman.Before he even finished his cocktail, Glickman began to feel “funny.” The walls appeared to move, the electric lights in the café were ringed with halos, and wine bottles seemed to levitate on Glickman’s silent behest. Another member of the party told Glickman that he was now capable of “performing miracles.”Unbeknownst to Glickman, the clubfooted man had spiked his drink with LSD. The aftereffects of the acid trip sent him into a lifelong tailspin of psychosis, electroshock therapy, and terrifying hallucinations. He had no idea what had happened to him—this was 1952, at least a decade before most people had even heard of the drug. His social life was destroyed. He never had another romantic relationship (he told his Canadian girlfriend to leave him before he ruined her life). He took on a series of odd jobs, including cleaning furniture at a secondhand store. Glickman, who once had a promising future in the arts, never painted again.Who was the mysterious poisoner? In all likelihood, it was Sidney Gottlieb, a man who dosed many other unsuspecting people with powerful hallucinogenic drugs during the 1950s. Infiltrating the seedier neighborhoods of San Francisco and New York, he poisoned prostitutes and their customers just to see what would happen.The authorities were aware of Gottlieb’s activities but did nothing to stop him. That may seem strange, until you learn that the man was an authority himself. For 22 years, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb ran the technical services division of the CIA and oversaw the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program, an illegal drug and mind-control campaign launched during the height of Cold War paranoia. In addition to developing poison darts and toxic handkerchiefs for assassinating leaders of Communist governments, Dr. Gottlieb ran clandestine drug experiments on unsuspecting U.S. citizens. (It’s not known exactly how many people were dosed, because in 1973 the director of the CIA, Richard Helms, ordered almost all records pertaining to MK-ULTRA to be destroyed.)Gottlieb typically selected prisoners, poor people, petty criminals, and the mentally ill for his test subjects, since they were the least likely to be taken seriously should they have the temerity to complain about being drugged without their knowledge or consent by an upper-echelon federal official. (In all fairness, Gottlieb also enjoyed slipping mind-altering drugs into the drinks of his fellow CIA cronies, just for grins.) MK-ULTRA also ran tests on “willing” volunteers, like the seven people in Kentucky who were given LSD for 77 days in a row.It’s not known how many lives were ruined as a result of Gottlieb’s hallucinogenic high jinks, but there’s at least one documented case of a death resulting from his experiments. In 1953, at a U.S. Army research retreat at the Deep Creek Lodge in western Maryland, Gottlieb spiked after-dinner drinks with LSD without letting his fellow diners in on the joke. Frank Olson, a 43-year-old germ warfare researcher, became very disturbed by the experience. When he returned home, his wife and three children could hardly recognize the formerly jovial husband and father. They didn’t have much of a chance to get to know this chemically transformed man, because nine days later, he jumped to his death from a 13-story window.While some might call this murder, you have to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Man shot dead by British police from Brazil: media

2005-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2005 1:23:48 PM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Man shot dead by British police from Brazil: mediaReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_world/view/159521/1/.htmlTime is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 24 July 2005 0407 hrsMan shot dead by British police from Brazil: mediaLONDON - A man shot dead on a London subway train by British police probingbomb attacks in the city is Brazilian, BBC television said on Saturday,citing unnamed sources.The man was shot on Friday morning following a chase through StockwellUnderground station in south London. Police said initially he was connectedto bomb blasts around the capital the previous day, but said Saturday thiswas not the case.A spokesman for London's Metropolitan Police, which said previously it hadestablished the identity of the dead man, said it could not confirm thereport immediately.Some witnesses described the fugitive as appearing to be of Asian origin,but other reports said he looked South American.The man was followed by police after leaving an address in south Londonwhich police had linked to Thursday's blasts on three subway trains and abus.No one was hurt as the bombs appeared not to explode properly.Officers were concerned by the fact he was wearing a thick coat on a warmday -- prompting fears he might be concealing explosives -- and shouted forhim to stop when he entered Stockwell station.He fled, and according to a witness was eventually cornered on a stationarytrain, where a plain-clothes officer fired five shots into his head at closerange.Police said Saturday that the man had been subsequently found to beunconnected to the bombings, describing his death as "a tragedy".- AFP /ls--No virus found in this Mario's outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.3/56 - Release Date: 22.7.2005-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __  /-_|-0-\-V-/-\|-|-__|-|-|-/-_| \_-\--_/\-/|-\\-|-_||-V-V-\_-\ |__/_|--//-|_|\_|___|\_A_/|__/  SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal http://mprofaca.cro.net CAUTION! # Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed) "reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collectedby Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy Newsfor OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly tojournalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for theirstory writing, further publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.To unsubscribe:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS eGroup members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.For more information go to:http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml --- SPY NEWS home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spynews Mario Profaca http://mprofaca.cro.net/ Yahoo! Groups Links* To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spynews/* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ www.ctrl.org
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Man shot dead by British police from Brazil: media

2005-07-23 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-


Police said Saturday that the man had been subsequently found to be

unconnected to the bombings, describing his death as a

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancebnot soap-boxingbplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'b
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] John Bolton Was Regular Source for Judith Miller WMD and National Security Reporting

2005-07-23 Thread Bill Shannon
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July 22, 2005SCOOP: John Bolton Was Regular Source for Judith Miller WMD and National Security Reporting 
TWN has just learned from a highly placed source -- and in the right place to know -- that John Bolton was a regular source for Judith Miller's New York Times WMD and national security reports.
The source did not have any knowledge on whether Bolton was one of Miller's sources on the Valerie Plame story she was preparing, but argues that he was a regular source otherwise.
It's all "thickening."
-- Steve ClemonsPosted by steve at July 22, 2005 03:45 PM 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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