[CTRL] Fwd: Burning Jet Fuel and Office Furniture Can NOT Melt Steel

2005-08-31 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: galen [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 31, 2005 12:36:41 AM PDTTo: Jack Sarfatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: Jim Marrs [EMAIL PROTECTED], leon lisbona [EMAIL PROTECTED], Art Greenfield [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ken Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED], RU Sirius [EMAIL PROTECTED], david mosier [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hank Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED], Colin Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED], S-P Sirag [EMAIL PROTECTED], JINSA Info [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Horowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Komarek [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dick Farley [EMAIL PROTECTED], Robert Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kim Burrafato [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mark Pesses [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ron Pandolfi [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kit Green [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cliff May [EMAIL PROTECTED], sonata [EMAIL PROTECTED], RICK DOTY [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gene Loscowski [EMAIL PROTECTED], wayne wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED], galen [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Burning Jet Fuel and Office Furniture Can NOT Melt Steel Jack,Your most recent e-mail helped me understand why you're unable and unwilling to understand what really happened on 9-11 -- you're an admitted USG insider!  If you were hand-picked at an early age and educated by the USG, of course you'll not be able to grok what really happened on 9-11.  You were literally raised on USG propaganda!I've tried to make it very simple for you.  I've boiled the entire 9-11 argument down to a single vexing problem for the USG official narrative: the widely reported fact that there was molten steel at the sub-basements of the WTC towers.  If you're capable of doing higher math, you should be able to understand that there's no way jet fuel and office furniture burning in the atmosphere can possibly melt massive steel columns... seven floors underground, no less.  Steel melts at about 1500 Celsius.  Jet fuel is effectively kerosene and burns in the atmosphere at only a fraction of this temperature.  Besides that, most of the jet fuel burned off in the first minutes after the planes hit.Jack, i'm convinced that you're incapable of understanding what happened on 9-11 because your mind is closed.  And please don't try to roll out Occam's Razor to support your incompetence theory because, as i said earlier, incompetence does NOT explain the molten steel that persisted for several weeks at the WTC site.  Occam doesn't state just that the simplest theory must be correct, but that the simplest theory that also does the best job of actually explaining what is known must be correct. My 'theory', that WTC 1, 2, and 7 were intentionally demolished in controlled demolitions, explains the molten steel; your theory, that the jets brought down the buildings, does NOT explain the molten steel.It's that simple Jack, as 'smart' as you think you are, you're wrong about 9-11, and it all boils down to the melting point of steel... pun intended.Regards,Dennis "galen" MitrzykPS:  I don't know where Sklar went after Michigan, but i do remember him as being one of the most pompous, self-important people i've ever met. I guess that's to be expected when you're raised as a SuperKid. ; ) Jack Sarfatti wrote: Interview link at http://stardrive.orgOn Aug 30, 2005, at 11:46 AM, galen wrote: Jack,I just listened to your recent interview with RU Sirius... well done.   There are actually TWO shows. Go to R.U.'s site. When i studied Physics and Math at UM before getting my MBA i was very interested in spacetime.  I took Sklar's course on the philosophy of spacetime. Larry Sklar was part of Walter Breen's SUPERKIDS that I was in. I met him at Breen's as a teenager. Did he go to Oberlin or to University of Chicago? Jack, you seem to be a reasonable and intelligent person so i'm having a difficult time reconciling your statements about 9-11.  Your 'logic' that we can't be right about 9-11 being an inside job because we haven't been killed can just as well be applied to you, but i don't question the veracity of your claims about ETs. No, because I WORK WITH THE USG INTELLIGENCE in an informal way for years. They need my expertise and also I do not believe this 9-11 conspiracy nonsense because I have a pretty good idea of how the inside really works. LOTS OF INCOMPETENCE FOR SURE! You do not need TREASON to explain 9-11 - just SHEER STUPIDITY  INCOMPETENCE of key people. Occam's Razor. You should remember my professors at Cornell built the A Bomb at Los Alamos. I am one of the Golden Geese since childhood. I was educated  financed by leaders of the USG Technology Elite , National Defense Fellowship- Project Jason  all that. Read my autobiography Destiny Matrix. They won't kill me, but they will kill you if you are right. Fortunately for you and all the Wacko Lefties (who I know well since the 60's BTW with Angela Davis, Black Panthers, and Herbert Marcuse at Brandeis and UCSD La Jolla) you are wrong and you will continue to live in freedom - unless the Islamofascists win and then THEY will cut your head off (and mine).  Furthermore, you 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Sliming Miss Cindy

2005-08-31 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 31, 2005 5:06:02 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Sliming Miss CindyReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/news/opinion/12503351.htmhttp://www.smirkingchimp.com/article.php?sid=22541mode=nestedorder=0Sliming Miss CindyPaul Waldman, Philadelphia Daily NewsAugust 30 2005THE HEAT index in Crawford, Texas, stays comfortably over 100 in August, andPresident Bush may be looking forward to the end of his five-week vacation.But not because of the weather - it's the band of protesters opposed to theIraq war, led by Cindy Sheehan, that has Bush and his advisers feeling theheat.As always when this White House comes under pressure, the right-wing mediaswing into action. If you thought a grieving mother would be off-limits forpersonal attacks, you'd be wrong. Rush Limbaugh said of Sheehan, "Her storyis nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that'sreal."Charles Krauthammer brought out the old saw that by criticizing the war,Sheehan is "hurting" and "endangering" our troops." Bill O'Reilly, basinghis opinion on nothing, opined that "other American families who have lostsons and daughters in Iraq... feel that this kind of behavior borders ontreasonous." David Horowitz said Sheehan "doesn't respect her own son'slife." Christopher Hitchens referred to Sheehan's Crawford outpost, namedCamp Casey after her son, as "Camp Fruitbat and Nutbag," calling Sheehan a"hysterical paranoid ideologist." Convicted felon G. Gordon Liddy, dialingin from an alternate galaxy, managed to decide that Sheehan is anti-Semitic.Should anyone believe that anything - even the loss of a child in GeorgeBush's war - might give you moral authority that would stay the hand of theright when it comes to ideological battle, Sheehan can attest that there areno limits to the animus of White House defenders.But something remarkable happened when Sheehan came under attack. She didn'twilt, and the arrows missed their target. Support for the war continues togo down. According to the latest Gallup poll, 54 percent of Americans saythe war was a mistake and 57 percent believe it has made us less safe fromterrorism. Only 34 percent told Newsweek they approve of the job Bush isdoing on Iraq.As Harold Meyerson of the American Prospect observed before Sheehan startedher vigil, the anti-war effort has been a striking success despite - orperhaps because of - the absence of a visible anti-war movement. There havebeen few marches or demonstrations since the start of the war, at leastuntil Camp Casey was set up in Crawford. And now the face of opposition tothe war is not a pierced, dreadlocked 19-year-old but a grieving motherasking for answers.The venom the right wing has spewed at Cindy Sheehan shows just howdesperate they have become. Their attacks can not hide the fact that everyday, more mothers and fathers who placed their children in the government'shands come to know her unimaginable grief. And more Americans ask the samequestion Cindy Sheehan says she wants to ask the president: What are wedoing in Iraq?Paul Waldman is a senior fellow with Media Matters for America, aprogressive media watchdog.Reprinted from The Philadlphia Daily News--No virus found in this Mario's outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.17/85 - Release Date: 30.8.2005 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- FONT COLOR="#99"Fair play? Video games influencing politics. Click and talk back!/FONTA HREF=""http://us.click.yahoo.com/VpgUKB/pzNLAA/cUmLAA/TySplB/TM">http://us.click.yahoo.com/VpgUKB/pzNLAA/cUmLAA/TySplB/TM"BClick Here!/B/A~- -__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __  /-_|-0-\-V-/-\|-|-__|-|-|-/-_| \_-\--_/\-/|-\\-|-_||-V-V-\_-\ |__/_|--//-|_|\_|___|\_A_/|__/  SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal http://mprofaca.cro.net CAUTION! # Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed) "reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collectedby Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy Newsfor OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly tojournalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for theirstory writing, further publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.To unsubscribe:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS eGroup members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Iraq conflict costlier than Vietnam war

2005-08-31 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 31, 2005 5:05:55 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Iraq conflict costlier than Vietnam warReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/C6F03B90-F193-464D-96F2-614892FE0C3E.htmIraq conflict costlier than Vietnam warAljazeera.netWednesday 31 August 2005 - The US war in Iraq now costs more per month thanthe average monthly cost of military operations in Vietnam in the 1960s and1970s, says a report issued on Wednesday.The report, entitled The Iraq Quagmire from the Institute for Policy Studiesand Foreign Policy in Focus, both liberal, anti-war organisations, put thecost of current operations in Iraq at $5.6 billion per month. This breaksdown to almost $186 million a day."By comparison, the average cost of US operations in Vietnam over theeight-year war was $5.1 billion per month, adjusting for inflation," itsaid.As a proportion of gross domestic product, the Vietnam War was moresignificant, costing 12% of annual GDP, compared to 2% for the Iraq War.However, economists said the Iraq war is being financed with deficitspending and may nearly double the projected federal budget deficit over thenext 10 years.The US Congress has approved four spending bills for Iraq so far with fundstotaling $204.4 billion and is expected soon to authorise a further $45.3billion.Costly war"Broken down per person in the United States, the cost so far is $727,making the Iraq War the most expensive military effort in the past 60years," wrote authors Phyllis Bennis and Erik Leaver.As public support for the war drops, more politicians, including someRepublicans, have begun to compare it to Vietnam.The latest was Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who received twoPurple Hearts and other military honours for his service in Vietnam. He saidearlier this month that the United States was "locked into a bogged-downproblem, not dissimilar to where we were in Vietnam".The total cost of the Vietnam War in current dollars was around $600 billionand there are some experts who believe the Iraq War will eventually surpassthat total.For instance, the Congressional Budget Office estimated this year that ifthe United States managed to reduce its troop deployment to Iraq andAfghanistan to 50,000 by 2010, the cost over the next decade would be anadditional $393 billion, which when added to the dollars already spent wouldexceed the Vietnam total.While there are far fewer troops in Iraq than there were in Vietnam at theheight of that conflict, the weapons they use are more expensive and theyare paid more.--No virus found in this Mario's outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.17/85 - Release Date: 30.8.2005 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- FONT COLOR="#99"Fair play? Video games influencing politics. Click and talk back!/FONTA HREF=""http://us.click.yahoo.com/VpgUKB/pzNLAA/cUmLAA/TySplB/TM">http://us.click.yahoo.com/VpgUKB/pzNLAA/cUmLAA/TySplB/TM"BClick Here!/B/A~- -__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __  /-_|-0-\-V-/-\|-|-__|-|-|-/-_| \_-\--_/\-/|-\\-|-_||-V-V-\_-\ |__/_|--//-|_|\_|___|\_A_/|__/  SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal http://mprofaca.cro.net CAUTION! # Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed) "reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collectedby Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy Newsfor OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly tojournalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for theirstory writing, further publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.To unsubscribe:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS eGroup members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.For more information go to:http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml --- SPY NEWS home 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mourning the Walking Dead

2005-08-31 Thread Sharon Gheen
-Caveat Lector-

Silence means consent

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:26 
  Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Mourning the Walking 
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Begin forwarded message:
Date: August 30, 2005 6:47:57 
Subject: Fwd: Mourning the 
Walking Dead
Nice quote.

From: "Gary Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: August 30, 2005 10:41:25 AM PDT

“Mourn not the dead that in the 
cool earth lie, 
but rather 
mourn the apathetic throng, 
the coward, 
and the meek, 
who see the 
world's great anguish and its wrong, 
and dare 
not speak.

  DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  
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  used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread 
  throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no 
  endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary 
  of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2005-08-31 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

By Sean Brodrick

- Hurricane Katrina smashes Energy Alley, a concentrated
area of oil production in Gulf of Mexico that supplies
about 35% of America's domestic oil.

- White House says oil will get cheaper, but makes hush-
hush plans to increase the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by
42% to ONE BILLION barrels of crude. Why are they so eager
to add to the SPR when oil prices are high?

- Saudis reveal they won't be able to meet oil demand -
first time EVER they've admitted the awful truth

Hurricane Katrina delivered a devastating blow to America
even before it slammed into Louisiana. The Massive storm
smashed through Energy Alley, a concentrated area of oil
rigs off the coast that supply about 35% of America's
domestic oil production and 20% of its natural gas. It
damaged much of our nation's oil production.

At the same time, workers rushed to shut down the offshore
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port, which processes loads from
tankers too large for mainland ports. The LOOP is the
nation's largest oil import terminal, handling 11% of U.S.
imports. And refiners shut down more than a million barrels
a day of production as they braced for the impact from the
monster storm. Those refineries will probably be out for at
least two weeks, setting the stage for a potential gasoline

Panicked oil traders are pushing oil prices over $70 per
barrel. And now for the really scary part. A devastating
hurricane strike at America's oil and gas operations in the
Gulf of Mexico is just one of the major forces that could
send oil to $80 ... $100 ... $150 a barrel. Other forces
that could send oil prices surging are potentially much
more serious...and permanent!

The Saudis are the central bank of oil, right?  So how
come the central bank is scrounging for loose change under
the couch cushions?

Earlier this month came news that Saudi Arabia hired five
Rowan jackup oil rigs for drilling offshore oil wells on a
three year contract. Those rigs are currently under
contract in the Gulf of Mexico, so that means Saudi Arabia
outbid somebody to get those rigs - and rig rates have
already run up to obscenely high levels - 30% to 50% more
than a year ago.

Drilling for oil underwater is very expensive. You'd expect
the Saudis to be drilling out their cheapest oil first.
Don't they have a desert full of this stuff? So why are
they suddenly digging deep for underwater oil, and willing
to pay a premium to do it?

Unless... maybe the Saudis don't have as much oil as they
say they do.

We already know that the Saudis have confessed that OPEC
won't be able to meet western oil demand in 10 to 15 years.
I'm starting to think they might come up short a lot sooner
than that.

Are the Saudis lying? Well, at least it seems like they're
not telling the whole truth. What's more, I believe there's
a whole lot our own government isn't telling us. I'll get
to that in a moment. First, some ugly facts...

· The world uses a BILLION barrels of oil every 12
days.  Do we find a billion barrels of oil every 12 days?
NO!  In fact, if everything goes perfectly, we'll find just
30 million barrels of oil in the same time period.  If
things go badly, we'll find less.  Much less.

· The global depletion rate runs at least 5% a year,
perhaps much higher , as once-reliable sources of oil are
in serious decline. Oil production in Britain fell the
steepest of any country last year, with production in the
once-prolific North Sea falling by 10% (230,000 barrels per
day) last year ... Production in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay has
fallen 75% from its peak in 1987 ... Iraq's oil production
is still half of what it was before the war ...Mexico's
production is declining so quickly it will have to start
importing oil in the next 10 years!

· The U.S. Energy Information Agency has fallen in line
with the International Energy Agency and admits that oil
demand will exceed supply starting in the fourth quarter of
this year. Total world demand is expected to be 86.4
million barrels per day, according to the EIA, while total
world supply is expected to be 85.4 million barrels per
day. The EIA ups the ante by saying there will be a
shortfall in the first quarter of 2006 as well.

Publicly, the White House urges calm and predicts that oil
prices will retreat from their current high levels. But
privately, the U.S. government is quietly planning to add
to existing oil reserves at a furious pace.

Squirreled away in new energy legislation is a directive to
increase the Strategic Petroleum Reserve from 700 million
barrels (70 days' supply of imports) to ONE BILLION
BARRELS. They're adding to the SPR when oil prices are sky-
high. What are they afraid of?

A confidential source in the Department of Energy gave me
the scoop on the addition to the SPR. This stunning new
directive was placed inside the 1,724-page Energy Policy
Act of 2005 without any fanfare whatsoever - it's hidden in
plain sight. And the mainstream media is too busy going to

[CTRL] Iraq War Ruined New Orleans

2005-08-31 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-


WILL BUNCH, EDITOR  PUBLISHER - New Orleans had long known it was
highly vulnerable to flooding and a direct hit from a hurricane. In
fact, the federal government has been working with state and local
officials in the region since the late 1960s on major hurricane and
flood relief efforts. When flooding from a massive rainstorm in May 1995
killed six people, Congress authorized the Southeast Louisiana Urban
Flood Control Project, or SELA.

Over the next 10 years, the Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with
carrying out SELA, spent $430 million on shoring up levees and building
pumping stations, with $50 million in local aid. But at least $250
million in crucial projects remained, even as hurricane activity in the
Atlantic Basin increased dramatically and the levees surrounding New
Orleans continued to subside.

Yet after 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a
trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending
pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security -- coming at
the same time as federal tax cuts -- was the reason for the strain. At
least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005
specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of
hurricane- and flood-control dollars.

Newhouse News Service, in an article posted late Tuesday night at The
Times-Picayune web site, reported: No one can say they didn't see it
coming. . . .Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious
questions are being asked about the lack of preparation.

In early 2004, as the cost of the conflict in Iraq soared, President
Bush proposed spending less than 20 percent of what the Corps said was
needed for Lake Pontchartrain, according to a Feb. 16, 2004, article, in
New Orleans CityBusiness.

On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana; told the Times-Picayune: It appears that
the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland
security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay.
Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are
doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue
for us.. . .


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iraq and New Orleans

2005-08-31 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-


PROGRESS REPORT - In 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
ranked a major hurricane strike on New Orleans as among the three
likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing this country, directly
behind a terrorist strike on New York City. . . While it happened,
President Bush decided to ... continue his vacation, stopping by the
Pueblo El Mirage RV and Golf Resort in El Mirage, California, to hawk
his Medicare drug benefit plan. On Sunday, President Bush said, I want
to thank all the folks at the federal level and the state level and the
local level who have taken this storm seriously.

Two months ago, President Bush took an ax to budget funds that would
have helped New Orleans prepare for such a disaster. The New Orleans
branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers suffered a record $71.2
million reduction in federal funding, a 44.2 percent reduction from its
2001 levels. Reports at the time said that thanks to the cuts, major
hurricane and flood protection projects will not be awarded to local
engineering firms. . . .  Also, a study to determine ways to protect the
region from a Category 5 hurricane has been shelved for now. (Too bad
Louisiana isn't a swing state. In the aftermath of Hurricane Frances -- 
and the run-up to the 2004 election -- the Bush administration awarded
$31 million in disaster relief to Florida residents who didn't even
experience hurricane damage.)

The Gulf Coast wetlands form a natural buffer that helps protect New
Orleans from storms, slowing hurricanes down as they approach from sea.
When he came into office, President Bush pledged to uphold the no net
loss wetland policy his father initiated. He didn't keep his word. Bush
rolled back tough wetland policies set by the Clinton administration,
ordering federal agencies to stop protecting as many as 20 million
acres of wetlands and an untold number of waterways nationwide. Last
year, four environmental groups issued a joint report showing that
administration policies had allowed developers to drain thousands of
acres of wetlands. The result? New Orleans may be in even greater
danger: Studies show that if the wetlands keep vanishing over the next
few decades, then you won't need a giant storm to devastate New Orleans
-- a much weaker, more common kind of hurricane could destroy the city

Forward-thinking federal plans with titles like Issues and Options in
Flood Hazards Management, Floods: A National Policy Concern, and A
Framework for Flood Hazards Management would be particularly valuable
in a time of increasingly intense hurricanes. Unfortunately, the agency
that used to produce them -- the Office of Technology Assessment  -- was
gutted by Gingrich conservatives several years ago. As Chris Mooney (who
presciently warned of the need to bulk up hurricane defenses in New
Orleans last May) noted, If we ever return to science-based
policymaking based on professionalism and expertise, rather than
ideology, an office like OTA would be very useful in studying how best
to save a city like New Orleans -- and how Congress might consider
appropriating money to achieve this end.

National Guard and Reserve soldiers are typically on the front lines
responding to disasters like Katrina -- that is, if they're not fighting
in Iraq. Roughly 35 percent of Louisiana's National Guard is currently
deployed in Iraq, where guardsmen and women make up about four of every
10 soldiers. Additionally, Dozens of high water vehicles, humvees,
refuelers and generators used by the Louisiana Guard are also tied up
abroad. The National Guard needs that equipment back home to support
the homeland security mission, Louisiana National Guard Lt. Colonel
Pete Schneider told reporters earlier this month. Recruitment is down
dramatically, mostly because prospective recruits are worried about
deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan or another country, the AP reported
recently. I used to be able to get about eight people a month, said
National Guard 1st Sgt. Derick Young, a New Orleans recruiter. Now, I'm
lucky if I can get one.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Fwd: Hurricane Katrina As Assymetric Warfare?

2005-08-31 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Scheck Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 31, 2005 11:28:14 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Hurricane Katrina As Assymetric Warfare? Thousand Oaks, California August 31, 2005       Hurricane Katrina As Assymetric Warfare?        by Richard Scheck     There is a possibility that Hurricane Katrina was a military attack upon the United States.   During the Cold war, both the United States and the Sovie Union developed techniques for weather modification that could be used as weapons, even going so far as to sign a treaty  in 1975 banning their use.   However, in the context of Bush's policies of preventive intervention, all bets appear to be off as the rest of the world responds to America's hegemonic efforts.   Counter-insurgency in Iraq, new economic arrangements in the energy field by  countries like Iran and Venezuela along with joint military exercises by China and Russia are evidence of assymetric warfare designed to constrain American power.   The question for researchers who suspect the intentionality of this "natural" disaster is to determine the identity of the perpetrator responsible for the event.   For those finding it difficult to wrap their minds around the prospect of such duplicitous doings, the author invites you to explore the work of meterologist Scott Stevens (www.weatherwars.info) and astronomer Richard C. Hoagland (www.enterprisemission.com)  who have recently published articles addressing this topic.   Stevens specifically identifies Russia for causing Katrina and also predicts another big attack this fall in the form of a 7.7 earthquake (hello California!!).   It is important for those who want answers to look at (google) America's High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) to decide for themselves what happened and whether this is a possible false-flag operation that used US technology to create and  drive the storm.   Whatever conclusions one reaches, the reality is that the impact of this hurricane on the New Orleans region with its important oil infrastructure will be significant.   The devastation wrought by this powerful storm will linger for a long time and may even lead to the abandonment of efforts to restore this famous city with its French Quarter, jazz music and unique southern flavor.   With many National Guard units from both Mississippi and Louisiana in Iraq, another  issued raised by this catastrophe is whether Bush's foreign policy has weakened our  ability to respond effectively to domestic tragedies.   As the cost in lives and dollars continue to mount, America's citizenry will be forced to  take a hard look at the consequences of its behavior in order to formulate new approaches that embrace the wiser use of energy and smarter ways of interacting with the rest of the planet. Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference, abuse paper, Jehovah's, ritual abuse torture

2005-08-31 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Information on The Ninth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - August 11 - 13, 2006 http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2006-conference.htm

How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships - a research paper- http://members.aol.com/smartnews/howchildhoodsa.htm

Victim hopes sex case changes church by Colin Perkel CP 8/30/05 Toronto - "A Jehovah's Witness who sexually abused his daughter was sentenced yesterday to two years less a day, to be served in the community, in a case that cast a spotlight on how the church handles sex-abuse complaints within its ranks. The victim, Vicki Boer, said the sentencing of her father validates her allegations and should force the church to face up to its shortcomings in handling her abuse complaintShe claimed in an earlier civil suit that church elders told her not to report the abuse. She said they forced her to confront her dad to allow him to repent his sins as outlined in Matthew 18:15-18, a process she said was abusive and traumatic." http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2005/08/30/1193447-sun.html

Ritual Abuse-Torture - A Human Rights Violation - We are inviting persons who have survived ritual abuse-torture to submit a one page signed statement about their ordeals. We have 22 signed statements from Australia, Canada, Holland, Israel, New Zealand and the US (read below signed statements on page 11 of the letter to the Canadian Government: http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/postun.pdf Our dream is to have 100 Canadian and internationally signed statements to bring with us to the UN in Geneva to meet with a working group in 2006, making a statement about the prevalence of ritual abuse-torture world wide. For information on the signed statement process contact us as at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeanne Sarson  Linda MacDonald, Persons Against Ritual Abuse-Torture, www.ritualabusetorture.org
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush's speech

2005-08-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

The best moment of the speech was when he revelaed that the EPA has waived
the absolutely assine requirement to have 85 different blends of gasoline
to be refined by theindustry. He obviously didn;t go far enough, he
should of issued executive orders to
1.) start building nuclear power plants to replace coal oil and natural
gas fired power plants.
2.) order the ending of all restrictions to drill for oil in Alaska, OFF
shore Alaska, the west coast , the east coast and eastern gulf of mexico.
3.) Start the oil shale industry there is at least 3 trillion barrrels of
oil in the united states
4) and of course disallow any and all environmental lawsuits which would
interfere with any of the above and you can visit my energy website at

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [PropagandaMatrix.com] Re: Finally! A True College Education for Conservative Americans (fwd)

2005-08-31 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 19:30:11 -0400
Subject: [PropagandaMatrix.com] Re: Finally! A True College Education for
Conservative Americans

WELCH - an old family name - close knit group and  you would not hav
to worry about your kids here.

With ROBERT WELCH UNIVERSITY's prestigious faculty and top-notch
curriculum, you would expect to pay $300, $525, even $750 per credit
hour. But since Robert Welch University is dedicated to bringing you the
finest education at a cost that won't leave you penniless, we're
offering our courses at the unbelievably low rate of just $125 per
credit hour.

So here is one school where you kids would be safe - we already know the
liberals are the REAL fascists..

... and all for a price that won't put you in the poor house.

White Rose

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](The John Birch Society) Date: Wed, Aug 31,
2005, 5:06pm (EDT-1)

Subject: Finally! A True College Education for Conservative Americans

Dear Conservative American,

Now you can get a great, classical education without having to worry
about liberal bias or politically correct nonsense!
An education that formed the thinking of great Americans like George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.

An education that will ground you in the principles and ideals that made
America the greatest country in the world ...

... and all for a price that won't put you in the poor house.

Introducing an Americanist Education from Robert Welch University

Robert Welch University is a dream come true for students who want the
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politically correct nonsense.
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Whether you'd like to take a few courses to satisfy your own curiosity
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But at Robert Welch University, students will learn to think and reason.
They will become active, engaged, articulate members of society who
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Nowadays, many parents and students alike are concerned about the
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And because RWU students aren't chained to a campus life and schedule,
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Robert Welch University has successfully combined its core courses with
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In some cases, there is an 'embarrassment of riches.' The RWU program
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RWU has spared no expense in bringing you some of the finest
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degree program has been developed by over 15 Ph.D.'s, a rarity in the
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RWU's intellectual base includes distinguished scholars and authors like
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Incorrect Guide to American History.
You'll get the finest instruction from some of the brightest minds in
America, without having to pay Ivy-League prices.


[CTRL] Israel and 9/11: New Report Connects the Dots - What the 9/11 Commission didn't tell us

2005-08-31 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


August 31, 2005 

Israel and 9/11: New Report Connects the Dots What the 9/11 Commission didn't tell us 

by Justin Raimondo

This news report in the Philadelphia Times Herald might shock the average reader, but its subject is surely familiar to longtime readers of Antiwar.com:
"A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States – including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey."
The author of this memorandum [.pdf] is Gerald Shea, a retired corporate lawyer. Shea – an alumnus of Phillips Academy, Yale (1964), and Columbia Law School – was associated for many years with one of New York's most prominent law firms, in New York and Paris, and his memo reads like a lawyer's brief: it is written with the same meticulous attention to details of time and place, and with a lawyerly regard for maintaining a high standard of evidence. 
Shea comes to substantially the same conclusion that I did in a series of columns I started writing in late December 2001, the substance of which is contained in a short book, The Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection: that the Israelis were engaged in spying on U.S. soil in the months leading up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, that these agents were concentrated in the two areas where the 9/11 hijackers lived and planned their atrocities – Hollywood, Fla., and two counties in New Jersey, Bergen and Hudson – and that they did not share all they knew about preparations for the attack with U.S. authorities. Shea writes:
"Why the Israeli government decided not to share with us all the critical information they had, and the extent of that information, is a subject for the public inquiry. They may have thought some sort of warning prudent in the event their surveillance activities later became a matter of public knowledge. But any energetic Israeli effort to assist the United States in preventing the attacks would not have served their strategic interest, in view of the disastrous effect those attacks were likely to have on the relationships between the United States and the Arab world. As a leader of the Israeli New Jersey Group said when he was arrested on the afternoon of September 11, 'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems.'" 
Students of this subject will not be surprised by much of what is contained in the Shea memorandum, but there are significant new details unearthed by Shea's research and his thoroughness, particularly in tracing the parallel movements of the 9/11 hijackers (and their known associates) and the Israelis. Shea shows the Israelis had the means, the motive, and the physical proximity to track the hijackers' movements and intercept the details of their plans. Of particular interest is how some of the hijackers came to be put on the FBI's watch list – too late to do any good, but in time to provide the Israelis with a cover story if their shadowing activities came to light – which suggests a cover-up of major proportions. 
The "Able Danger" data-mining operation that supposedly uncovered the New Jersey cell of the 9/11 plotters was – for some reason yet to be determined – blocked and prevented from apprehending key figures in the plot, according to the testimony of at least three people who have direct knowledge of this matter. Shea's memo opens up a possibility that may relate to (and explain) the "Able Danger" blockage: was surveillance of Arab terrorist groups in the U.S. subcontracted out to the Israelis, with the knowledge and complicity of the CIA, so that "Able Danger" was considered poaching on the Israelis' preserve? Shea cites a piece in The Forward that describes Israeli covert activities in the U.S. as a violation of "a secret gentleman's agreement between the two countries," and avers:
"The real question today, however, appears to be whether the 'gentlemen's agreement' did indeed prevail here and, because we lacked adequate warning from our surrogates who were keeping the Arabs under surveillance, helped bring us to disaster."
Discussion of this subject is, of course, considered a hate crime: I was attacked by David Frum and others for even raising the question of Israeli foreknowledge – although, tellingly, Frum never mentioned the Fox News four-part series by Carl Cameron that brought this story to widespread public attention. What could he say, after all – that Fox News is a bastion of liberal bias, and prejudiced against Israel? I don't think so. 
Of particular interest are the various appendices. The DEA report on the "Israeli art students" has been public for some time, but readers will find Exhibit B very informative: