[CTRL] Spokane, Katrina, DC rally

2005-09-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


describes abuse
Lurid stories of sex and abuse shock Spokane area By Nicholas K. Geranios AP 9/5/05 ""The number of pedophiles in the United States is not known, but mental health experts estimate that 4 percent of the population suffers from sexual orientation toward children, the vast majority of them males. In 1999, 93,000 kids were sexually abused, and 70 percent of the perpetrators were family members." "it was revealed that officials at the Morning Star Boys Ranch, a revered local institution, may have tolerated physical and sexual assaults against troubled boys." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420slug=WA%20Shocked%20Spokane

The Poor Were Left to Suffer 
Friday 02 September 2005 New Orleans - With the rotors of President George W. Bush's helicopter sounding overhead, New Orleans' poor and downtrodden recounted tales of murder, rape, death threats and near starvation since Hurricane Katrina wrecked this city. 

Washington D. C. Rally! October 8, 2005 
After a year of getting organized, we are finally going to rally in Washington, DC.   Help us put an end to gang stalking, workplace mobbing, ritual abuse, and the use of high tech weapons against 
non-consenting humans. Also see http://stopcovertwar.com/dc.html

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: On Capitol Hill, the Levee Breaks

2005-09-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 6, 2005 11:20:52 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: On Capitol Hill, the Levee Breaks  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/06/AR2005090601676.html From today's Washington Post:         Stung by criticism of the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, President Bush yesterday promised to investigate his own administration's emergency management ...         Bush, who has called the response to the hurricane unacceptable only to amend that to say the results were not acceptable, offered no specifics on his planned investigation.      Still, the call for an investigation was unusual coming from a president who rarely admits mistakes.     House Republican leaders suggested that Congress launch one comprehensive examination of the disaster response, possibly a joint House-Senate investigation.     But Senate committees were already moving forward.     ...       House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) castigated the Cabinet's performance [in behind-closed-doors discussions today] as two hours of "self-congratulatory" talk.      "This administration does not live in reality," Pelosi said.      "To hear them talk, everything went right.  They have very low standards, no performance, and no accountability."
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Political Theatre

2005-09-07 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

No telling WHAT's really going on in Louisiana: FEMA's keeping  
everybody OUT
(especially relief workers!) and only the controlled-media news  
(remember the staged events in Iraq, like the toppling of Saddam's  
statue, films
of which they sent back home to CNN?) seem to be able to move about  
freely (and
again, they didn't bother to tell us that the videos of Bush in New  

were state-sponsored, totally staged photo-ops).

Hey guys, TURN THOSE CAMERAS AROUND so we can all see just who and  
what is
BEHIND you!  Let's give the ubiquitous rooftop snipers, those  
piloting the black
helicopters overhead, the 4-square-mile perimeter-control security  
the script-waving crowd-managers and the extras from local  
Central Casting,
and the elusive professional Dog-Waggers from Karl Rove's no- 
brain trust a

chance to wave at the folks at home TOO!

#0, German Reporters - BUSH STAGING 'Rescue Missions'!!!
Edited by Tinoire on Sun Sep-04-05 02:17 AM



   German correspondent shocked
at staged Biloxi events

The tagesschau is the most popular German news program by far,  
aired at 8
p.m. The German US correspondents, usually very careful in  
criticizing the US

government, were outraged.

Christina Adelhardt was in Biloxi the whole day. She said she couldn't
believe what she saw: Rescue teams, teams for searching bodies and  
their vehicles
showed up, but without being necessary at all -- the area was  
vacated since


She said: I'm shocked about the amount of destruction caused by  
Katrina. But
the choreographed events I've seen here today shocked me the same,  
if not more.


internal_NAV,00.html ((in German))

posted by woody b


Christine Adelhardt live from Biloxi:

Two minutes ago the President drove by with his convoy. What  
happened here

in Biloxi during the day is really unbelievable. All of a sudden
[coincidentally] the rescue troops finally showed up, the clean- 
up vehicles; we didn't see
those over the last days here. In an area where it really isn't  
urgent, there

is nobody around, all the remaining people went to the city center.

The President is traveling with a press convoy, so they get wonderful
pictures saying the president was here and the help will follow.  
The amount of this
catastrophe shocked me, but the amount of set-up that happened here  
today is

at least equally shocking for me.

sorry my english is really poor, i hope its comprehensible, heres the
original transcript:

vor 2 min ist der pres hier gerade mit seinem convoy vobeigefahren,  
was sich

hier in biloxi aber während des tages abgespielt hat, ist wirklich
unglaublich. lötzlich tauchten hier bergungstrupps auf, plötzlich  
waren hier
räumfahrzeuge, die hatte man hier die letzten tage lang nicht  
gesehen. und das in einem
gebiet wo es wirklich nicht notwendig wäre, groß aufzuräumen, weil  
hier lebt
weit und breit kein mensch mehr, die menschen sind weiter innen in  
der stadt. der
präsident reist mit einem pressestross, dieser tross hat damit sehr  
bilder die da sagen sollen der präsident war da und die hilfe, die  
wird auch
kmmen. das ausmaß der naturkatastrophe hat mich geschockt, aber das  
ausmaß der

inszenierung hier heute schockt mich mindestens genauso.

Translation provided by zwielicht

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

META charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/ 
html; charset=ISO-8859-1

META content=MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106 name=GENERATOR/HEAD
DIVFONT color=#ffSTRONGNo telling WHAT's Ureally/U  
going on in Louisiana/ 
STRONG:nbsp;STRONGEMFEMA'snbsp;keeping everybodynbsp;OUT/ 
EM/STRONG (especially relief workers!) and only the controlled- 
media news cameramen (remember the Ustaged/U events in Iraq,  
like the toppling of Saddam's statue,nbsp;films of which they sent  
back home to CNN?)nbsp;seem to be able to move about freely (and  
again, they didn't bother to tell us that the videos of Bush  
innbsp;New Orleans were state-sponsored, totally Ustaged/U  
photo-ops).nbsp; /FONT/DIV

DIVFONT color=#ff/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ffHeynbsp;guys,nbsp;TURN THOSE CAMERAS  
EMAROUND/EM so we can all see just who and what is EMBEHIND/ 
EM you!nbsp;nbsp;Let's give the ubiquitousnbsp;rooftop snipers,  
thosenbsp;pilotingnbsp;the black helicopters overhead, the 4- 
square-mile perimeter-control security people, the script-waving  
crowd-managers and the extras from local Central  
Casting,nbsp;and the elusivenbsp;professional Dog- 
Waggersnbsp;from Karl Rove's no-brain trust a chance  

[CTRL] Fwd: Breaking News

2005-09-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 6, 2005 10:33:44 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: "Breaking News"      Apparently, the "Voice of America" (or "American Pravda"?) news item below seriously understates the tone of a two-hour discussion in closed chamber meetings between the Cabinet and members of Congress.       Tonight on CNN, on Aaron Brown's "Newsnight," a reporter who had sources inside described the meeting as "very contentious," with elected officials (Republicans as well as Democrats) pressing for an immediate investigation of the Administration's handling of the Katrina crisis, calling for the dismantling of FEMA and a full accounting of Homeland Security's actions during the hurricane crisis.     Most telling of all, however, was one telling event described by the reporter:      Before he learned that hearings were already being organized (spearheaded by a fellow Republican, unless I'm mistaken), majority leader Tom DeLay told CNN reporters that NO HEARINGS WILL BE HELD --he vowed  TO PERSONALLY PREVENT ANY INVESTIGATION, NOW OR LATER, of the Bush Administration's "alleged" mishandling of the Katrina crisis -- which, by the way, resulted in the most horrific "collateral damage" on the home front --  the unnecessary and in all probability avoidable death of thousands of Americans in Louisiana  -- even more than have died, thanks to The (same) Powers That Be, in 9/11 or in Iraq ...     The reported intensity of DeLay's antagonism toward any investigation whatsoever, whether Congressional or independent, that might run the risk of revealing incompetence (or worse) within the Republicans' "fortress" in Washington --reminiscent of the Bush Administration's opposition to, and continued obstruction of, any investigation that might reveal the FACTS of the events leading up to 9/11-- was all too revealing ... of MANY things ...     Alongside the video of a clueless, lip-biting Dubya sitting in the classroom for SEVEN MINUTES after he was informed of a major "terrorist attack on American soil," we need to start playing --in our minds-- an endless loop of Tom DeLay's diatribe, reeking of Republican hubris, and do everything in OUR power to GUARANTEE THE INVESTIGATION 'THEY' FEAR ...                US Political Debate Heats Up Over Response to Hurricane Katrina By Dan Robinson Washington06 September 2005http://www.voanews.com/english/2005-09-06-voa59.cfm   Republicans and Democrats say providing relief to victims of hurricane Katrina must be the top priority in coming days and weeks as Congress gets back to work in Washington, D.C. But while there is much bipartisan agreement on the need for an investigation into the federal government response, Democrats are focusing criticism on President Bush who they say must assume much of the responsibility.   House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says he does not think a special commission is needed to examine what went wrong with rescue and relief operations, modeled on the panel that investigated failures before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.   Senate Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid disagrees. "We are going to have an independent commission to study what went wrong. People may not do it today or think it's a good idea today, but mark my word. It IS going to happen," he said.   Senator Reid and Congressman DeLay were among congressional leaders meeting with President Bush Tuesday.    But Mr. DeLay was adamant Republicans will not allow any of their key policy priorities to fall victim to what they see as attempts by opposition Democrats to use the hurricane response controversy to weaken President Bush.   That means no price controls to deal with rising gasoline prices, no reduction in gas taxes, no taxes aimed at oil companies that might be benefiting from high prices, and no rollback of income tax cuts approved by the Republican-controlled Congress.   Democrats for their part say everything should be on the table, including Bush administration tax cuts they say have hurt poor and middle class Americans.   House Democrats take broad aim at what say have been Republican and administration policies that created the conditions for failure. "When you saw the stories about the poor people in New Orleans being left behind, we could see them being left behind because they were in the water, they were very visible," he said. "But we have a federal budget policy which is leaving behind the poor and the middle class all across the board," said Wisconsin Congressman David Obey.   House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says the president must assume most of the responsibility for the slow initial government response. "The buck (blame) stops at the president's desk. The president said he is going to lead the investigation into what went wrong.  For starters, he need only look in the mirror.  HE appointed a person to head FEMA who had absolutely no 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Algiers not flooded burn it

2005-09-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 6, 2005 10:15:06 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [cia-drugs] Algiers not flooded burn it Tuesday New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagin formalizedHInsecurityA DCI Michael Chertoff's line. Now the 82ndAirborne and 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force will begoing house to house evicting everyone from NewOrleans. Jeb Bush had no Everglades airboats for mercybut surely he will rent airboats to taxpayers for PhoenixFaluja?Algiers didn't flood, ex-BlackPanther and current publichousing advocate Malik Rahim said Algiers could haveabsorbed all of the stadium and convention centerflood refugees with the right coordination and support.There were originally only three ways out for New Orleansresidents. Bush security assets blocked off Algiers and theCrescent Connector, and Bush blocked off the airport byholding back his USAF flight control package until he hadthem roll out the red carpet for Air Force One so he couldbe styled by TV as rescuing the crowd at the superdomeand convention center when he had in fact createdthat crowd by blocking the airport and two other exits.Bush only sent in the USAF flight control package aftercivilian passenger airlines forced his hand by landingat the airport. Nagin ought to have forced Bush to sendthe USAF team Monday by bussing people from thestadium and convention center to the airport.As the media blackout of the airport all week, Bush'swith-holding the USAF airport opening team until thecivilian passenger airlines beat them to the airportmade them mere red carpet rollers for Air Force One,the police blockading of Crescent Connector and ofAlgiers, and of Malik Rahim's offer that would havebeen an escape valve when Bush blocked the airport,and finally, news that Jeb Bush never sent airboatsfor house to house rescue but only later for evictionsby the military, all hits the airboat fan, FEMA will aceMalik by flooding Algiers with evictees and thenburning Algiers like Waco and the oil-filled smokepotsBushwhackers lit up for Bush's photo op in New Orleans(probably the same team that lit a dozen oil fires forthe TV kickoff of the US invasion of Iraq).Which Republican is going to run for mayor of NewOrleans to replace Ray Nagin like Enron's ArnieShriver Shortzaneuter replaced Gray after Enrontrashed PGE like Bush created the stadium andconvention center crowd at New Orleans by blockingthe airport?Will Pat Robertson decree a fatwa on Malik like hedid on Hugo Chavez? Maybe he already has. Godhelp us all.-Bobhttp://www.nola.com/weblogs/print.ssf?/mtlogs/nola_cityofno/archives/print077506.htmlTuesday, September 06, 2005Mayor orders forced removal of all in city(New Orleans, LA, Sept. 6, 2005) Mayor Nagin today released adeclaration of Emergency Order for the City of New Orleans. Thedeclaration reads as follows:Whereas, the presence of individuals not specifically engaged by theCity, State or U.S. Government to assist in the remediation and recoveryeffort would distract, impede, or divert essential resources from therecover effort.Now, therefore, I as the Mayor of the City of New Orleans, pursuant tothe authority granted by Louisiana Revised Statutes 29:727 and: 730.2,do hereby promulgate and issue the following mandatory evacuationorder, which shall supercede the Order issued by me on August 28, 2005, which shall remain in effect for thirty days from this date, unless extendedby my order or earlier terminated by my order:Civil District Court District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State ofLouisiana City of New OrleansPromulgation of Emergency OrderWhereas, Hurricane Katrina has caused catastrophic damage to the City ofNew Orleans, including, without limitation, several breaches in the leveesystem, loss of power and water service and the collapse and or loss ofstructural integrity of roadways, building and other structures;Whereas, the above referenced damage necessitates an immediate andunimpeded recovery effort by the City, the State of Louisiana and theUnited States Government;Effective immediately, any public safety officer within the boundaries ofthe Parish of Orleans, including, without limitation, members of the NewOrleans, including, without limitation, members of the New Orleans PoliceDepartment, the New Orleans Fire Department, the National Guard andany branch of the U.S. Military, is hereby instructed and authorized tocompel the evacuation of all persons from the City of New Orleans,regardless of whether such persons are on private property or do notdesire to leave, unless such persons are determined by such public safetyofficers to be specifically engaged by the City, the State or the U. S.Government in providing assistance in the remediation and recoveryeffort.Those persons who are currently located in Algiers on the West Bank sideof Orleans Parish are hereby excepted from this Order.The City Attorney is hereby directed to file this Order with the Clerk ofCourt.Mayor C. Ray 

[CTRL] clergy abuse, abuse symptoms

2005-09-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Broward - Suit: Church knew of sex claims - A Fort Lauderdale man has filed suit against the Archdiocese of Miami alleging a priest raped him when he was 9 years Old. By Wanda J. Demarzo and Jay Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] "After settling a $50,000 sexual-abuse claim against the Rev. Neil Doherty, the Archdiocese of Miami kept the priest in a Broward parish where he allegedly doped and raped a different boy over a five-year period, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The suit, which seeks $25 million in damages, offers evidence that church leaders were aware of earlier sex-abuse allegations against Doherty, yet apparently did nothing to protect children from him."   www.miami.com

Childhood sexual abuse linked to pregnant eating disorder symptoms 9/5/05 "A history of unwanted sexual experiences in childhood appears to be associated with both a lifetime and maternal risk of eating disorder symptoms in women, as well as concerns about shape and weight during pregnancy, study findings show. "Maternal eating problems in the postnatal period have been shown to pose a particular risk to the developing child by interfering with parenting and child growth," note R Senior, from the Leopold Muller Centre for Child and Family Mental Health in London, UK, and colleagues." Source: Br J Psychiatry 2005; 187: 268–273 http://www.psychiatrysource.com/psychsource/News/article1784.htm

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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