[CTRL] torture missions, human trafficking, Mexico

2005-09-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Navy contracted planes for torture missions 
SAN DIEGO — A branch of the U.S. Navy secretly contracted a 33-plane fleet that included two Gulfstream jets reportedly used to fly terror suspects to countries known to practice torture, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.
At least 10 U.S. aviation companies were issued classified contracts in 2001 and 2002 by the obscure Navy Engineering Logistics Office for the "occasional airlift of USN (Navy) cargo worldwide," according to Defense Department documents the AP obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking - Establishes Human Trafficking as a Crime  Strengthens Victims Compensation Fund http://www.governor.ca.gov/state/govsite/gov_htmldisplay.jsp?BV_SessionID=0625300294.1127861112BV_EngineID=addfmffcfngcfkmdffidfng.0sCatTitle=Press%20ReleasesFilePath=/govsite/press_release/2005_09/20050921_GAAS44405_Human_Trafficking_Signing.html

article describes torture - fwd from L Moss Sharman - Bungling, cover-ups in 350 puzzling deaths - Mexican police, officials suspected of links to crimes by Ginger Thompson, New York Times 9/26/05 "International observers, human rights workers and federal authorities say it illustrates a disturbing pattern of malfeasance by state law enforcement authorities responsible for investigating Mexico's most gruesome murder mystery: the deaths of more than 350 women in this border area over the last decade, including at least 90 raped and killed in similar ways. Whether through incompetence, corruption or a lurid connection to the killings, the bungling and cover-ups are so extensive, federal investigators say, that the police and other officials have themselves become suspected of links to the crimes." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/09/26/MNG95EU1351.DTL
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Lukashenko Belarus

2005-09-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

Subject: Lukashenko Belarus

Mr. President,Ladies and 

To have an honest look at today?s world is the 
reason why state leaders haveconvened here at the United Nations. Together 
we must gain the understandingof the main thing: do we lead our countries 
and the mankind along the rightpath? We should answer this question for 
ourselves and our nations. Withoutthat we have no chance to get out of the 
deadlock that we are in.Fifteen years have passed since the break-up of my 
country, the USSR. Thatevent dramatically changed the world order. The 
Soviet Union, despite allmistakes and blunders of its leaders, was the 
source of hope and supportfor many states and peoples. The Soviet Union 
provided for the balance ofthe global system.Today the world is unipolar 
with all the consequences stemming from this.The once prosperous Yugoslavia 
was devastated and disappeared from the mapof Europe.The long-suffering 
Afghanistan became a hotbed of conflicts and drugs trafficking.A bloody 
slaughter in Iraq is continuing to the present day. The countryhas turned 
into a source of instability for the vast region.Iran and North Korea, 
Columbia, Cuba and other states are looked at throughgun sights.Belarus 
is a nation just like the majority represented in this hall. Havingemerged 
from the debris of the Cold War, Belarus has managed to become astate of 
advanced science and technology inhabited by ten million of highlyeducated 
and tolerant people. The UN ranked us as a developed country witha high 
level of human development.Like you, what we need from the world is peace 
and stability. Nothing more.The rest we shall create ourselves through our 
own efforts. My country isfree from conflicts. Different nations and 
nationalities peacefully coexistin Belarus each practicing religions of 
their own and having their own wayof life.We do not cause any trouble 
for our neighbours, do not have any territorialclaims, do not try to 
influence their choice of the way of development.We gave up our nuclear arms 
and voluntarily relinquished the rights of anuclear successor to the 
USSR.Today we shall sign the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of 
NuclearTerrorism. We also declare that we have decided to sign the 
Additional Protocolto the Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the 
International AtomicEnergy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in 
Connection with the Treatyon the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.We 
have established a lasting and successful union with Russia as our veryclose 
neighbour.We build our country using our own wits and on the basis of our 
own traditions.But it is obvious that this very choice of my people is not 
to everyone?spleasure. It doesn?t please those who strive to rule the 
unipolar world.Wonder how?If there are no conflicts - they are 
invented.If there are no pretexts for intervention - imaginary ones are 
created.To this end a very convenient banner was chosen - democracy and 
human rights.And not in their original sense of the rule of people and 
personal dignity,but solely and exclusively in the interpretation of the US 
leadership.Has the world really become so black-and-white, deprived of its 
diversityof civilizations, multicoloured traditions and ways of life meeting 
aspirationsof people?Of course not! The simple thing is that it is a 
convenient pretext and aninstrument to control other 
countries.Regrettably, the United Nations, though it belongs to us all, 
allows itselfto be used as a tool of such policy. I am saying this with 
particular bitternessand pain as President of the country that co-founded 
the UN, after sacrificingthe lives of one third of its people during the 
Second World War for thesake of our own freedom and the freedom of Europe 
and the entire world.The Human Rights Commission keeps mechanically stamping 
resolutions on Belarus,Cuba and other countries. Attempts are being made to 
impose such resolutionsalso on the UN General Assembly.But how can the 
United Nations be minding imaginary "problems" while unableto see true 
disasters and catastrophes? Those which nobody other than theUN as community 
of civilized nations can cope with?Quite recently, in the room next to ours 
we were shown maps and graphs allegedlydepicting weapons of mass destruction 
in Iraq. Were those weapons found?They do not exist. In the meantime, Iraq 
is bleeding, devastated, peoplebrought to utmost despair. Terrorists are 
threatening to use weapons of massdestruction against cities in Europe and 
America.Has there been an open and independent trial under UN supervision of 
theGuantanamo prisoners? How many of them are there and who are they?Who 
will defend the rights of the Abu Graib victims and punish all of 
theirtorturers without exception?Afghanistan was destroyed with rockets 
and bombs under the pretext of findingBin Laden. Was the world?s "number one 
terrorist" captured? Where is he now?He 

[CTRL] Fw: [stopnato] US Military To Leave Uzbek Air Base With Tail Between Its Legs

2005-09-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:21 AM
Subject: Fw: [stopnato] US Military To Leave Uzbek Air Base With 
Tail Between Its Legs

Forward from mart 

The U.S. was caught red-handed,financing, 
aidingand *arming*anotherone it's "Orange 

Revolution" coups, this timeusingso-called 
"Islamic" insurgentsin 
anattempt to the overthrow 
the (formerly and up until now) 
"U.S.' best friend 
and ally",Uzbek 
government. Once again,further 
irrefutable proof that with"friends and allies" like the 
U.S. and NATO,you don't needs 
enemies! - mart

via Rick Rozoff and Stop NATO

US Military To Leave Uzbek Air Base 

With Tail Between 
Its Legs.

Agence France-Presse- Sept. 27, 2005


US military to leave Uzbek air base 

'without further discussion': 

TASHKENT - The US military will 
vacate a military airbase it had been using in Uzbekistan without 
furtherdiscussion, as demanded by the Uzbek authorities, asenior US 
official confirmed Tuesday.

"We intend to leave the base without furtherdiscussion," 
Dan Fried, assistant secretary of statefor European and Eurasian affairs, 
told reportersafter meeting here with Uzbek President Islam 

Fried also confirmed Washington would pay Uzbekistan23 
million dollars for the past use of Karshi-Khanabadair base, also known as 
K-2, despite objections bymembers of the US Congress.

Uzbekistan in July gave the US military six months toend 
operations at K-2, effectively severing apartnership that sprang up in 2001 
on the eve of theUS military campaign to oust the Taliban inAfghanistan. 
Uzbek lawmakers ratified the evictionnotice last month.

The base was a crucial staging area for US forcesoperating 
in northern Afghanistan, and after the warbecame a hub for flights carrying 
supplies for US 
and NATO forces in the country.Fried admitted to 
differences with Karimov during 
his meeting with the Uzbek leader. 

"We did not agree on all issues and made it 
clear we support civil society and NGOs 
the world just like foreign NGOs can 
operate in 
the US [sic]," he said.He said his message to 
Uzbek officials was todetermine a basis on which US-Uzbek relations 

and cooperation could move ahead, provided 
such notions as democracy, human rights 
political reforms were taken into account.

He also denied allegations by one of 15 allegedIslamist 
insurgents on trial over the Andijanbloodshed that the US embassy had 
funding to his group.

"The assertions about helping Islamic insurgents 
are ludicrous and not credible [sic]," he said.

Fried was scheduled to meet representatives 
of Uzbek civil society groups on Wednesday, 
and was later due to visit Kazakhstan and 
Kyrgyzstan for talks on bilateral and regional 
issues, including the fight against terrorism, 
officials said.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] PHARISEE WATCH: War, the American Tsunami, and Dilution, the Politicians' True Love

2005-09-28 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-


WHTT BOOKSTORE IS OPEN for phone orders and mail orders only

By Charles E. Carlson, 8/18/05

Don't be too quick to blame the administration for its slow response to
Katrina.  With his popularity dropping, there is nothing the President wants
more than to look like humanitarians and peacemakers.  Mr. Bush just doesn't
know how!  The American Tsunami took Washington by surprise because
Washington is on a wartime footing and doesn't know how to carry out a
friendly rescue.

Remember when the Indonesian tsunami came along?  Bush made himself look
foolish by leaving a couple of zeros off on his first offer of help.  Our
President offered something like one dollar per victim, making America an
incredible cheapskate when compared to other, poorer countries.  Maybe he
just couldn't bring himself to say sorry, we're spending all our money for

If politicians and those who groom, elect, and control them (WE HOLD THESE
TRUTHS CALLS THEM THE WARMAKERS) could cause natural disasters like this
one, wars would be unnecessary.  They would just respond to the disasters
with photo-ops showing them holding babies or passing out food and be
reelected for life.  The complete destruction of a city is the most valuable
event that could happen for the Warmakers who control our President.  It
beats war all to pieces as a control mechanism; for they can smile all the
while they impose more restrictions on us and dilute our money. Have you
noticed that while gas prices spiked to as high as $6.00 per gallon the
stock market is standing firm?  Wall Street smells a mainline injection of
adrenaline on the way from Washington.  Disasters, like wars, have their

For openers, President Bush has just asked Congress for $62.3 Billion just
to get the clean up started(later estimates are up to $200 billion for
Katrina alone).  You are making a contribution, but most of it will land in
the pockets of contractors.  $63 billion is about  $210.00 for every
American man woman and child, $1000.00 for the already dilution pressed
family of five. The Superdome says it needs a cool $100 million just to fix
its roof.  Who do you think will pay for it?  This is in addition to the
private aid.

Who would dare to deny the needs of the tsunami or Katrina victims?  What if
it does cost the taxpayers a bit of dilution in lieu of taxes, who can
object?  But wait until you see the results on our way of life! Already
there are people being dragged from their homes to make way for the giant
corporate occupation of New Orleans while Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) makes huge contracts with their business contacts.  The
Washington Post recently described FEMA as burning 500 million a day in
contracts for temporary housing.

The single most important goal of American political leaders (or any
politician) is to keep job levels up and to create the illusion of rising
prosperity.  This is done by diluting the currency--the result of spending
money on  vitally necessary causes that are, in fact, usually worthless
and destructive, like the occupations of Iraq and Palestine, which are also
paid for by American taxpayers.  Some call this inflation, which is the
act of paying for jobs that don't produce anything.  

It is not easy to produce a valuable product that does not exist beforehand,
such as a quart of milk or a pound of oatmeal. Ask any farmer.  No
government we know of has ever been as successful in doing this as a farmer,
and that includes the state of Israel. 

But it is easy to pay broken people, like those in New Orleans, to pick up
garbage or clean up flood-destroyed homes.  Non-productive work is an art
form perfected by the government.  Spending deflationary dollars for
questionable causes is the essence of controlling people at every level,
whether it's for war or for relief of suffering.

Before I go further, tell me readers, do you really believe the poor people
in the Gulf coast cites will every get enough of the billions that will be
spent, to replace their homes?  Fat chance... that's not how the system

The aid goes for corporate welfare, for the Halliburton's of the world, just
like it's doing in Baghdad!  The result will be cheap jobs, not cheap homes.
When New Orleans is cleared and reclaimed some few years from now, and the
dykes again declared to be safe, most of the land will belong to entirely
different people than those who now own the little parcels covered with salt
water.  The owners will have long since defaulted on their mortgages or
taxes and lost the land lost the land.

The only way for Americans to avoid the dollar dilution that will eventually
destroy the commerce of the country (including the stock market and the real
estate market) as surely as if we were all under water in New Orleans, is
for organized, educated, involved citizens to demand that the federal
government stay out.  The 

[CTRL] Jimmy Carter, democrats and radical left wing marxist lenninistsenvironmental groups are dead wrong on anwr

2005-09-28 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Jimmy Carter and the Rest of the Democrats Are Dead Wrong on ANWR

by Walter J. Hickel
Posted Sep 23, 2005

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On September 13, Jimmy Carter wrote an article for the Washington Post on
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge titled Arctic Folly.  While I respect
the former President, I strongly disagree with his position on ANWR.

Hurricane Katrina has already taught America much about our nation,
including our energy vulnerability.  That one storm removed 1 million
barrels of oil a day from Americas lifelines, contributing to the
previously unimaginable price of $65 per barrel of oil, the skyrocketing
price of gasoline at the pump, and two airlines declaring bankruptcy.
That terrible act of God took us by surprise, and we need to learn from

One lesson is to use the natural resources God gave America to meet our
own needs and to stop relying on the fuel shipped from abroad, especially
from developing nations where it is being ripped from lands and seas with
little heed for the environment.

The first, and most obvious step, is to encourage Congress to open the
most environmentally protected and promising oil province in North
America: the coastal plain of ANWR.  This issue is reaching the boiling
point, heated by the hurricane, the high price of oil and environmental
fears fed mostly by misinformation.

Drill for Oil

Congress is poised to forward a budget reconciliation bill to the
President that includes ANWR authorization.  If he receives it, he will
sign it, and America can step out from the darkness of ignorance.  The
bill will signal that, after 25 years of debate, we have finally found the
courage to face the most shocking environmental issue connected with U.S.
oil consumption: the ongoing rape of oil-rich developing countries that
have virtually no environmental restraints.

For the past 60 years, I have watched or participated in the decisions
regarding Alaskas sweeping coastal plain.  In 1967, as governor of Alaska,
I insisted that Atlantic Richfield continue drilling at the North Slope
when it announced plans to pull out.  You drill, or I will, was my threat.
They heard me, drilled at Prudhoe Bay, and discovered the largest oil
field in U.S. history, just 55 miles to the west of ANWR.

In 1970, as U.S. secretary of the Interior, I launched the environmental
studies that led to the authorization of the trans-Alaska pipeline.  Those
fields and that remarkable pipeline allow millions of Americans today to
fill their gas tanks and heat their homes with energy produced in the U.S.
Without Alaska oil, dependency on foreign imports would rise well above
todays 60% of U.S. daily consumption.

At issue is oil exploration in the so-called 1002 area, one-eighth of the
19-million-acre Arctic Refuge, most of which is set aside permanently from
resource development.  This small segment of the coastal plain, however,
has long been recognized as the most promising untapped oil province in
North America.  In 1980, Congress mandated it be studied in depth.  The
intent was to open the coastal plain carefully and responsibly, not to
lock it up.  Unfortunately, since then, Congress has been intimidated by
political pressure from the domestic environmental movement and its
political spokesmen.

The studies of ANWR have long been complete, and Congress is ready to move
forward to allow exploration to begin, but it needs public support.  From
an Alaskan point of view, we find it difficult to understand the
opposition, especially from those otherwise credible national figures who
are willing to stretch the truth.  Scarcer than domestic energy, it
appears, is domestic integrity.

Meanwhile, the public is victim to a bumper sticker debate.  Who then
should you believe?  The most credible views are those of the Inupiat
Eskimo who have lived on the coastal plain for thousands of years and have
co-existed with and benefited from oil development; the biologists who
have studied our Arctic wildlife for two generations; and the engineers
who have designed the least disruptive oil development procedures in the
world.  The vast majority of these people believe that oil can be
developed on the coastal plain without seriously disturbing the wildlife,
and they know what ANWR oil can do for America.

More Caribou

Here are key facts about North Slope drilling:

* Did you know most wildlife in the 1002 area are present for only six
weeks each year?  If you were to fly over the area today, you would find
it difficult to spot any animals at all in what the environmental
community claims is Americas Serengetiour pre-eminent wildlife sanctuary.

[CTRL] The Joy of Schadenfreude

2005-09-28 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


September 28, 2005 

The Joy of Schadenfreude The War Party is having a bad time of it – hooray! 

by Justin Raimondo

Ah, the joy of schadenfreude! There's really nothing quite like it. Wikipedia tells us there is no equivalent word in English, and defines this German _expression_ as meaning "pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune" or "shameful joy." In short, it means gloating, albeit of a very special kind, and these days there is plenty of opportunity to indulge in it to our heart's content – and I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity. 
Let's start with the neocons' reactions to the gigantic antiwar march held in Washington this past weekend: if you like your humor dark – and I do – you'll get a horse laugh out of poor old David Horowitz, whose bile threatens to eat away at his insides until all that's left is a hollow husk: "100,000 Zarqawi supporters mass in D.C.," he screeches. Now there's a headline that surely deserves some sort of special recognition: Smear of the Year, or perhaps a prominent entry in Hysterical Outbursts of Note. And what vivid imagery it conjures! Seen through a Horowitzian prism, those 200,000-plus Americans from every walk of life who came to Washington to protest an unjust and intolerable war were really turbaned terrorists: instead of chanting "Peace, now!" what they were really saying was "Zar-qa-wi! Zar-qa-wi!" 
People like Horowitz, who made an abrupt right turn after signing on with the New Left in the 1960s – and, in his case, filled a special niche as one of the leading groupies of the Black Panther Party – are suffering from a severe form of ideological whiplash. So abrupt and traumatic was their turnaround, that, in many cases, they took leave of their senses: their brain rattled around in their skull so violently that the result was… madness. The particular variety of mental derangement suffered by Horowitz manifests as a kind of political coprolalia. Although there may have been a time when he knew how to frame a real argument and make his case, his expostulations have degenerated, over the years, until they consist primarily of epithets. "Communist" and "Jew-hater" are two of his more mild descriptions of the marchers. By the beginning of the second paragraph, he is already comparing them to Hitler. 
This progressive derangement is not limited to Horowitz, but extends to his followers and employees (or do I repeat myself?). A recent item on Horowitz's appropriately named "Moonbat Central" blog denounces Lew Rockwell – a man who would repeal the 20th century, and might not even stop there – for being "leftist-like." The hallucinatory effects of drinking the Horowitzian Kool-Aid are readily apparent: if you don't support the war, the neocons, and the Bush regime, you're a "leftist." These people are so indoctrinated, so unwilling to consider anything outside their own narrow and cartoonishly simple paradigm, that they're no longer capable of perceiving even the vaguest outlines of reality. In this, they resemble nothing so much as old-time Stalinists, of the sort that Horowitz in his New Left Period at least pretended to abhor. 
This is fitting, as the American stance abroad increasingly takes on both the substance and style of Soviet policy toward Eastern Europe at the height of the Cold War era. Cato Institute analyst Justin Logan trenchantly describes our foreign policy as a "harebrained, warmed-over version of the Brezhnev Doctrine" – the "Bushnev Doctrine" – and the Sovietization of the conservative movement is one bizarre consequence of this development. 
Speaking of cartoons, another symptom of the ex-leftist-turned-neocon syndrome is the tendency to become a caricature of oneself, and surely Christopher Hitchens fits the bill in this regard. His reaction to the weekend's massive antiwar mobilization is that it represented a Popular Front of "fascism, Stalinism, and jihadism." No one can be sincere in opposing this war, according to Hitchens: we were all manipulated by an evil cabal consisting of the Workers World Party, which supposedly controls the International ANSWER coalition that co-sponsored the Washington march. No one has told Hitchens that Workers World has split into two rather tiny factions, and has left ANSWER: the two splinter groups, together no more than a few hundred, are hardly in a position to manipulate anyone. 
The main work of the march was accomplished by United for Peace and Justice, which Hitchens describes, somewhat grandiloquently, as 
"A very extended alliance between the Old and the New Left, some of it honorable and some of it redolent of the World Youth Congresses that used to bring credulous priests and fellow-traveling hacks together to discuss 'peace' in East Berlin or Bucharest."
The hallucinatory effects of the neocon Kool-Aid are particularly strong in this little essay, where, it seems, time has run back. Suddenly we are living in the heyday of