[CTRL] Spinning Deadly Dolphins

2005-09-29 Thread Austin Kelley

Dispelling a myth of dangerous Navy dolphins
'Countdown' investigates report of marine mammals armed, on the loose


• Toxic dolphins?
26: Are armed dolphins, trained by the U.S. military to shoot
terrorists and locate spies underwater,missing in the Gulf of Mexico?
The pesident of Marine Life Oceanarium in Gulfport, Mississippi, joins


MSNBCUpdated: 5:20 p.m. ET Sept. 27, 2005

Keith OlbermannAnchor, 'Countdown'
• Profile

knows the cliche about life imitating art. Well, here we go again.
Because of Hurricane Katrina, we have learned of a reported factual
parallel to one of the most over-the-top ideas ever in one of the most
over-the-top movie spoofs ever.1
Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery, one of Mike Myers' many
characters, Dr. Evil, asks his people to provide him with Sharks with
fricking laser beams attached to their heads.Now, do we have a case of fiction becoming reality?
Monday, the British newspaper The Observer quoted an accident
investigator who claimed that three dozen U.S. military dolphins,
supposedly trained in secret near Lake Pontchartrain, had been washed
away by Hurricane Katrina. 

animals were supposedly capable of identify underwater spies and were
carrying a special harness which permitted them to fire toxic darts at
anybody trying to sabotage a ship.
the actual firing would be done by remote control, rather than by the
dolphins, who may be really smart, but who do not have hands with which
to press the firing button for the fricking darts, nor, for that
matter, any fricking laser beams attached to their heads.
it sounds ludicrous, except that the Navy has long admitted
experimenting to see if dolphins could be used militarily. The idea of
them as last lines of defense against underwater terrorists was
broached very seriously in the months and years immediately after 9/11.
Monday evening, however, the Pentagon actually issued a statement
saying all of its dolphins have been accounted for. Moreover, the DOD
says its dolphins aren't trained to attack, just to look for objects
with their diver companions. Plus, they have no dolphin units in
Louisiana, only in San Diego.
could there be 36 trained dolphins out there somewhere carrying toxic
darts on their backs, ready to shoot surfers or divers or Lloyd Bridges
or Patrick Duffy from Manimal? 
Solangi, the president of Marine Life Oceanarium in Gulfport, Miss.,
which rescued several of its dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico after
Hurricane Katrina, appeared on Countdown Monday to discuss the
read an excerpt of his conversation with Keith Olbermann, continue to
the text below. To watch the video, click on the Launch button to the
Well, I'm confused. Are there such dolphins? Were they in the New
Orleans area? Could they be missing? And, if so, should we assume they
are armed and dangerous?
Well, boy, I will tell you, that sounds like something from X-Files.
If I'd known, we probably would be running away from our own dolphins!
Make sure I'm right on this one point here, that dolphins could not
actually fire poison dart guns, even if they are wearing them, even if
they are loose, because they don't have hands. Am I right about this
so far?
No, I think that's science fiction. And these animals are trained. It's
common knowledge, to look for underwater mines and divers. But I think
darts and all that is a little bit too far.
The story in the British paper suggested the one thing, the one kernel
of supposed truth off of which they hung this entire story was that,
when your dolphins were located out in the Gulf and met up with their
handlers and were eventually rescued, that the Navy wanted to inspect
the dolphins first. Is there any truth to that? 
No, not at all. As a matter of fact, we didn't have any Navy folks.
Now, they have helped us, provided us these temporary tanks in which
we're holding these animals until they recover, so they can be
transported. But, no, the Navy has absolutely no involvement in the
rescue of these animals, other than providing us with temporary pools.

And nobody saw any other dolphins in the neighborhood wearing big
darts. How are your dolphins, by the way? We need to follow up on
Oh, they're doing wonderfully well. They're getting healthy. We moved
all eight of them to the SeaBee base in Gulfport, Mississippi. And,
after they recover, we should move them into other aquariums around the
All right, last question. If I see one of these dolphins wearing a
harness with a poison dart gun on its back in my neighborhood, should I
call Homeland Security or George C. Scott or Dr. Evil? Or who should I
SOLANGI: I think you should swim fast!
Watch 'Countdown' each weeknight at 8 p.m. ET 
  2005 MSNBC Interactive


Disney to make 

[CTRL] US Protects Notorious CIA Terrorist

2005-09-29 Thread flw2
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  posted September 29, 2005 at 11:30 a.m.

Venezuela accuses US of 'double standard' on terrorism

Charges come after Texas judge blocks extradition of man accused 
of blowing up a Cuban passenger jet in 1976.

By Tom Regan | csmonitor.com

Venezuelan officials yesterday accused the US government of 
being hypocritical after a Texas judge blocked the extradition of terror 
suspect Luis Posada Carriles. Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel said the 
decision by the judge to block Mr. Posada Carriles's extradiction showed the 
double standard of the US government's position on terrorism. Posada 
Carriles is accused of planning the 1976 bombing of a Cuban passenger jet 
that killed 73 people.
  The US government is a hypocrite in its fight against 
terrorism, Rangel told reporters today outside [Venezuela's] congress. The 
US is manipulating justice.
  Venezuela formally asked in June that Posada Carriles, who is 
in US custody on unrelated immigration charges, be extradited. [immigration 
judge William] Abbott yesterday said there was no guarantee that Posada 
Carriles wouldn't be tortured if he was sent to Cuba or Venezuela.

The Miami Herald reports that Judge William Abbott compared 
Posada Carriles to a character from a popular spy novel series.
  In his decision on the case, the judge wrote that Posada was 
like a character from one of Robert Ludlum's espionage thrillers, with all 
the plot twists and turns Ludlum is famous for. Abbott issued the ruling 
just hours after the government rested its case against Posada Monday. The 
most heinous terrorist or mass murderer would qualify for deferral of 
removal if he or she could establish . . . the probability of torture in the 


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What is this?

The Venezuelan ambassador to the US was particularly upset at 
the charges Posada Carriles, in his 70s, would be tortured if sent back to 
stand trial. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which arrested him, 
was supposed to be arguing for his extradition. But the InterPress Service 
News Agency reports that Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez said DHS virtually 
collaborated with Posada Carriles by failing to contest statements by one 
defense witness that he would be tortured. Other current and former US 
officials also denounced the judge's decision.

  It's bad enough when the world knows that we're rendering 
suspected Islamic terrorists to countries that routinely use terror, said 
one State Department official. But here we have someone who we know is a 
terrorist, and it's clear that we're actively protecting him from facing 

[CTRL] Philadelphia clergy, fetuses found

2005-09-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


This one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Priests reportedly chastise cardinal: several clerics in a private meeting are said to have challenged his defense of the handling of sex-abuse cases - By David O'Reilly and Jim Remsen - Inquirer Staff Writers - 9/28/05 "Three hundred priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese met yesterday with Cardinal Justin Rigali, a 90-minute conclave at which some challenged his defense of the previous archbishops named in a grand jury report on clergy sex abuse." http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/12759710.htm

describes crimes

Foetuses found at Bogota airport 9/29/05 "Colombian police have found the bodies of three human foetuses hidden in statues destined for the United States. The discovery was made by officers searching for contraband at Bogota Airport on Tuesday. The corpses were wrapped in plastic and concealed inside statues of Christian icons, which were smashed open. Colombian police chief Gen Jord Alirio Varon said the four- to five-month-old foetuses could have been intended for use in Satanic rituals. Gen Varon said the foetuses were found alongside crucifixes and medals." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4293934.stm
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