[CTRL] Fwd: Method in Libby's Madness?

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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It Wasn't Only Joseph Wilson They Were After
As has been remarked, the lengths to which the administration went to exact revenge on Joseph Wilson for pulling the tablecloth off the WMD rationale and letting the yellowcake crash to the floor were way out of proportion to his imagined offense. Especially when it had a war to wage. 
Sure, Cheney is noted for his vindictiveness. However, according to Wayne Madsen, it wasn't just Wilson the administration was after: 

"['Scooter'] Libby and Cheney links to global weapons smuggling cartel resulted in exposure of Brewster Jennings and Associates non official cover (NOC) network. . . the operation's cover was partially blown because of its success at removing Soviet era nuclear weaponry and materials such as high grade plutonium from the international weapons smuggling market."
In other words, Libby, if not Cheney except for guilt by association, was after Brewster Jennings, the dummy corporation the CIA had set up to interrupt the flow of black market nuclear weapons. As usual with the invaluable Madsen, his piece is almost encrypted. Here's my attempt to render his report intelligible to others besides intelligence: 
Libby was once the lawyer for Marc Rich, the Swiss-based American fugitive, who, you'll remember, was pardoned by President Clinton. Rich, whose links to Israel are splashed all over the Internet, became enmeshed with Russian and Ukrainian organized crime figures who escaped to Israel to avoid prosecution, according to a CIA source of Madsen. 
Russians with access to nuclear materials sold same to the crime figures, who, in turn, retailed them to the A.Q. Khan network in Pakistan and other WMD smuggling operations. To remove these materials from circulation, Brewster Jennings, in a CIA Directorate of Operations Counter Proliferation Division operation, bought them at this "nuclear used car market," as one CIA source put it. In the late 1990s, according to Madsen, black-market high-grade plutonium was being sold in buckets from warehouses. 
Thusthe Russian crime figures, Rich, and Libby found themselves pitted against Brewster Jennings. Then a well-known neocon affiliated with a Washington think tank received classified information about Brewster Jennings from someone within the Department of Defense and passed it on to forces within Israel, who relayed it to the Russian crime figures. 
Some of this information was contained in documents passed to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Israelis by indicted former Defense Department analyst Larry Franklin. 
The Russian crime figures discovered the Brewster Jennings purchase program was making Russian surplus nuclear materials scarcer. With prices thus driven up and sales hurt, they used their connections inside the Pentagon and White House (Libby, presumably) to[sabotage] Brewster Jennings by outing Ms. Plame. They were only trying to remove the competition -- as well as those Russians involved in the CIA WMD purchase program, some of whom they executed gangland style. 
Was that any help?
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[CTRL] Fwd: Cheney Libby Withheld Truth from Congress

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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... which puts "Plamegate" on a par with Iran-Contra

Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel 
By Murray Waas, special to National Journalhttp://nationaljournal.com/about/njweekly/stories/2005/1027nj1.htmThursday, Oct. 27, 2005 
Vice President Cheney and his chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, overruling advice from some White House political staffers and lawyers, decided to withhold crucial documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2004 when the panel was investigating the use of pre-war intelligence that erroneously concluded Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, according to Bush administration and congressional sources. 
Among the White House materials withheld from the committee were Libby-authored passages in drafts of a speech that then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell delivered to the United Nations in February 2003 to argue the Bush administration's case for war with Iraq, according to congressional and administration sources. The withheld documents also included intelligence data that Cheney's office -- and Libby in particular -- pushed to be included in Powell's speech, the sources said. 
The new information that Cheney and Libby blocked information to the Senate Intelligence Committee further underscores the central role played by the vice president's office in trying to blunt criticism that the Bush administration exaggerated intelligence data to make the case to go to war. 
The disclosures also come as Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald wraps up the nearly two-year-old CIA leak investigation that has focused heavily on Libby's role in discussing covert intelligence operative Valerie Plame with reporters. Fitzgerald could announce as soon as tomorrow whether a federal grand jury is handing up indictments in the case. 
Central to Fitzgerald's investigation is whether administration officials disclosed Plame's identity and CIA status in an effort to discredit her husband, former ambassador and vocal Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson, who wrote newspaper op-ed columns and made other public charges beginning in 2003 that the administration misused intelligence on Iraq that he gathered on a CIA-sponsored trip to Africa. 
In recent weeks Fitzgerald's investigation has zeroed in on the activities of Libby, who is Cheney's top national security and foreign policy advisor, as well as the conflict between the vice president's office on one side and the CIA and State Department on the other over the use of intelligence on Iraq. The New York Times reported this week, for example, that Libby first learned about Plame and her covert CIA status from Cheney in a conversation with the vice president weeks before Plame's cover was blown in a July 2003 newspaper column by Robert Novak. 
The Intelligence Committee at the time was trying to determine whether the CIA and other intelligence agencies provided faulty or erroneous intelligence on Iraq to President Bush and other government officials. But the committee deferred the much more politically sensitive issue as to whether the president and the vice president themselves, or other administration officials, misrepresented intelligence information to bolster the case to go to war. An Intelligence Committee spokesperson says the panel is still working on this second phase of the investigation. 
Had the withheld information been turned over, according to administration and congressional sources, it likely would have shifted a portion of the blame away from the intelligence agencies to the Bush administration as the party responsible forerroneous information being presented to the American public, Congress, and the international community. 
In April 2004, the Intelligence Committee released a report that concluded that "much of the information 

[CTRL] Fwd: Looks Like Abramoff (Proxy for the Mafia) BOUGHT the Republican Party

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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Includes NC Rep. Charles Taylor ("Probed for ownership of shady Russian bank – whose other major investor is a former KGB general. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff") and RI House candidate (2002)Mike Battles ("Firm, Custer Battles, disbarred from Iraq contracts after allegations of over charging and money laundering").

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] RESIGN - 103005

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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October 29, 2005 -- Indictment aftermath and review. The GOP spin machine is 
claiming that the indictment of Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby is not 
big deal because he was not indicted on the underlying charge of exposing a 
CIA agent to the media. To the contrary, prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went to 
lengths in the obstruction of justice count to explain in as much detail as 
Libby's damage to the national security of the United States. 


Libby: There is more behind his motives than to politically retaliate against a 
critic. It is Libby's background and network of associates that remains a major 

The prosecutor is also empanelling a new group of jurors in the grand jury 
to investigate the motives behind Libby's and others' leaking of 
classified information to the media. Karl Rove, Stephen Hadley, Cheney, and 
remain under active investigation. When Fitzgerald said that the bulk of his 
investigation is over, he is correct. He and his team of Justice Department 
prosecutors and FBI special agents have investigated the leak and who was 
They know the damage caused to a network of covert CIA operative engaged in 
sensitive counter proliferation tasks. All that remains is establishing the 
of the perpetrators (or should that be perpe-traitors?) The motives are where 
criminal conspiracy enters the fray. Fitzgerald supplemented his team with FBI 
agents from the counter-intelligence section of the bureau. They are looking 
possible foreign entanglements of the perpetrators. This is a road that leads 
cells of neo-con operatives across the Potomac at the Pentagon and in Rome, 
and Jerusalem. This is also where Fitzgerald's investigation dovetails with 
that of 
US Attorney for Eastern Virginia (and incoming Deputy Attorney General) Paul 

It is sad that President Bush uttered words of praise for Libby and his actions 
before he fled Washington for Camp David yesterday. Bush said Libby sacrificed 
much,  serving the administration in “extraordinary times in our nation’s 
What B.S.! Libby sacrificed our nation's national security on behalf of a 
political agenda crafted in right-wing funded think tanks in Washington and the 
rooms of London, Rome, and Jerusalem. Libby and his co-conspirators are 
traitors in 
every sense of the term. Libby joins Aldrich Ames, John Walker, Robert Hanssen, 
Jonathan Pollard, and Benedict Arnold in the halls of treason. For Bush to 
such an individual is yet more proof that this swaggering dolt and failed human 
being is certainly no leader and is, in fact, traitorous to the United States 
much as his top aides who remain under investigation. Bush and Cheney aided and 
abetted treason inside the White House. They should not only be impeached and 
by the Senate, but jailed for the rest of their lives as an example to future 
American leaders who believe it is proper to place the security of the nation 
jeopardy for selfish political purposes. Bush should also be forewarned: any 
to pardon Libby and others convicted for treason will mean the end of the 
Party and the end of the Bush political dynasty.

There are several cross currents in the aftermath of the Libby indictment. One 
that the leak of Valerie Plame Wilson's name and status to the media did not 
have a 
drastic effect on the CIA's counter-proliferation work. This is being spun by 
stenographer-laden Washington Post and other apologists for the Bush 
WMR can report that the damage to the CIA, as well as allied intelligence 
was devastating -- a term 

[CTRL] Fwd: Franklin - Luti - Libby - Ledeen - L'chaim!

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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What Patrick Fitzgerald knows but ain't telling?

from Justin Raimundo:
Even as the FBI was following the trail of the forgers, the Italians were looking into the matter from their end. A parliamentary committee was charged with investigating, and they issued a heavily redacted report: now, I am told by a former CIA operations officer, the report has aroused some interest on this side of the Atlantic. According to a source in the Italian embassy, Patrick J. "Bulldog" Fitzgerald asked for and "has finally been given a full copy of the Italian parliamentary oversight report on the forged Niger uranium document." The former CIA officer tells me:
"Previous versions of the report were redacted and had all the names removed, though it was possible to guess who was involved. [The version Fitzgerald read] names Michael Ledeen as the conduit and indicates that former CIA officers Duane Clarridge and Alan Wolf were the principal forgers. All three had business interests with Chalabi."
Alan Wolf died about a year and a half ago of cancer. He served as chief of the CIA's Near East Division as well as the European Division, and was also CIA chief of station in Rome after Clarridge. According to my source, "he and Clarridge and Ledeen were all very close and also close to Chalabi." The former CIA officer says Wolf "was Clarridge's Agency godfather. Significantly, both Clarridge and Wolf also spent considerable time in the Africa division, so they both had the Africa and Rome connection and both were close to Ledeen, closing the loop."
A veteran of the Iran-Contra scandal, Ledeen played an important role in the Iran-Contra "arms for hostages" scandal by setting up meetings between the American government and the Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar. Not all that unexpected coming from a self-proclaimed advocate of Machiavelli's amoralism. Today, Ledeen is among the most visible and radical neoconservative ideologues whose passion for a campaign of serial "regime-change" in the Middle East is undiminished by the Iraqi debacle. Just as the Roman senator Cato the Elder finished his perorations with the command "Carthage must be destroyed," so Michael "Creative Destruction" Ledeen closes his hopped-up warmongering essays with "Faster, please!," an exhortation presumably addressed to his confreres in the Bush administration.
Ledeen has kept the neocon faith – and the same friends – for all these years. He's still buddies with Ghorbanifar. In December 2001, he had a meeting in Rome with Ghorbanifar in the company of the Pentagon's top Iran specialist, Larry Franklin, and Harold Rhode, assigned to the Office of Net Assessment, a Pentagon think tank. Also at the Rome conclave: a number of Ghorbanifar's Iranian friends, including a former senior official of the Revolutionary Guard. Rounding out the distinguished guest list, we have the Italian delegation, consisting of SISMI head honcho Nicolo Pollari, the head of Italy's military intelligence agency, and Italian Defense Minister Antonio Martino, a neocon favorite. Once again, Ledeen plays the middleman – but what kind of a deal was he trying to negotiate?
Franklin, we now know, was busy spying for Israel during this period, handing over classified information to AIPAC officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman: he has been indicted and has turned state's evidence: the trial is set to begin in January. To this day, Franklin maintains he was just trying to get AIPAC's assistance in moving a more pro-Israel agenda in policymaking circles.
Rhode is an ideologue of a similar coloration. Together with Franklin, Rhode helped set up the Defense Department's Office of Special Plans, which stove-piped phony "intelligence" provided by Ahmed Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Belgium Hit By Second Mass Strike

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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Belgium hit by second mass strike

Belgian workers have caused widespread disruption with
a 24-hour national strike in protest at government
plans to up the retirement age from 58 to 60.

Few buses and trams were running in most cities, and
Charleroi airport, south of Brussels, was shut down.

Trains were not affected as unions wanted them to keep
running to carry people to protests in the capital.

Tens of thousands of protesters have been marching
through Brussels to get the prime minister to

A primary school in Brussels decided to allow retired
teachers and grandparents to take the lessons as part
of the nationwide protest.

Unions are calling for more provision for older
workers, saying that employees over 50 are often
jettisoned when companies attempt to cut costs.

No talks

They also complain that in other cases, the new plans
would keep older people working longer while young
people struggle to find jobs.

If the government does not respond favourably... the
atmosphere will become fiercer, Socialist union leader
Xavier Verboven told local VRT television.

November is risking to become a very turbulent
month... This is a signal to the government.

Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt's government has
rejected calls to re-open talks with unions on the
proposed changes to state pensions.

It is the second major strike in Belgium this month.

The strike on 7 October brought much of the country to
a virtual standstill, with transport, schools and
government services hit by protests.



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[CTRL] responding to memories, women's help-seeking decisions, Church not liable

2005-10-30 Thread Smart News
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Sharing and Responding to Memories - by Hal Pepinsky "This article describes the evolution of a college seminar in which reports are presented of sexual assault arising in child custody cases and of ritual abuse and mind-control programmingThe seminar has become a primary means by which the instructor himself learns and teaches about the nature of personal violence and of efforts at healing and peacemaking in response." The article is part of "American Behavioral Scientist" - Volume 48/Number 10 - June 2005. The issue is dedicated to the sociology of memory. The issue can be gotten at http://online.sagepub.com or from Sage Publications 1-805-499-9774, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

No longer silent : a study of women's help-seeking decisions and service responses to sexual assault - Denise Lievore ISBN 1920851976 Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, June 2005 http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/reports/2005-06-noLongerSilent.html

Church not liable in sex assault case, top court rules - Victim abused at B.C. residential school By Richard Blackwell 10/29/05 "The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that a Roman Catholic order does not have to pay damages to a native man who was sexually assaulted by a baker at a British Columbia Indian residential school in the 1950s and 1960s. The decision says the church has no "vicarious liability" for the assault because the employee was not given direct responsibility for the care of the children at the school." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20051029/SUPREME29/TPEducation/
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[CTRL] Fwd: When Superpowers Butt Heads (While a Butthead is President)

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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U.S., Japan Announce Military Agreement

By HARRY DUNPHY, Associated Press Writer
Saturday, October 29, 2005
A U.S.-Japanese agreement announced Saturday is intended to strengthen military cooperation, draw down U.S. Marines from Okinawa and give Tokyo greater responsibility for security in the Pacific.

The decisions were part of an American effort to streamline its military overseas and create a leaner, more flexible fighting force.

The accord says 7,000 U.S. Marines will leave strategically located Okinawa for the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, a move that is expected to take six years.

Earlier in the week the two governments agreed to close the Futenma Marine Corps Air Station in the crowded southern part of Okinawa and move its functions to Camp Schwab in the north, clearing the way for broader weekend talks on defense issues.

Okinawans have long complained of crime, crowding and noise associated with the American bases. There are 14,460 Marines in Japan, the largest contingent based overseas, and nearly all are in Okinawa.

Both Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and his Japanese counterpart, Yoshinori Ono, said the 14-page document would transform the U.S.-Japanese alliance. They were joined at a Defense Department news conference by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura.

"We have agreed to the findings and recommendations to strengthen our alliance and achieve strategic objectives," Rumsfeld said. "Now is the time to move forward with the transformation of our alliance."

Ono said the alliance is getting "a fresh start, new energy and opening a new era ... to improve peace and security."

The accord said the United States and Japan will step up joint military planning, hold military exercises together and share the use of the Kadena air base and other facilities in the country.

Calling the alliance the anchor of regional stability, the agreement gives Japan more responsibility for its own defense and an enhanced security role in the region.

It says Japan will defend itself and respond to situations in areas surrounding Japan, including addressing new threats and diverse contingencies "such as ballistic missile attacks, attacks by guerrilla and special forces and invasion of remote islands."

The United States will deploy state-of-the art radar in Japan for ballistic missile defense and closely coordinate command and control systems with the Japanese, the document says.

At the same time, the accord reaffirms the role of U.S. forces in the defense of Japan, which dates back to the end of World War II.

"The U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region is a core capability that is indispensable to regional peace and security and critical to both the U.S. and Japan," the accord says.

In the troop realignment section of the document, the United States commits itself to giving particular attention to "regions where U.S. facilities are concentrated in densely populated areas."

The realignment "will include the transfer of approximately 7,000 Marine officers and enlisted personnel plus dependents out of Okinawa," the accord says.

The document says Japan, recognizing the strong desire of Okinawa residents for a rapid force reduction, will work with the U.S. government to examine what financial and other measures it can take to help facilitate the movement to Guam.

The two sides committed themselves to producing realignment schedules by March 2006.

The agreement to close the Futenma air base was followed by announcement Thursday that Japan will allow a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to be based there for the first time. The Japanese public has long been wary of a U.S. nuclear presence because of the fear of radiation leaks.

Bill Berkowitz 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Fitzgerald Expanded Scope of Inquiry in 2004 to Probe Niger Forgeries

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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Fitzgerald Expanded Scope of Inquiry in 2004 to Probe Niger Forgeries
by Jason Leopold

This is the first time
there is confirmation
that the investigation
had expanded to investigate
the Niger forgeries.

The special prosecutor investigating the outing of a covert CIA agent
expanded his probe last year to include intelligence information used by the
Bush administration claiming that Iraq tried to purchase yellow-cake uranium
from Niger.

According to a court filing posted on his website, Patrick Fitzgerald, the
special prosecutor investigating who leaked the name of undercover CIA agent
to reporters, was interested in questioning New York Times reporter Judith
Miller about the CIA agent or whether she discussed Iraq's alleged efforts
to purchase uranium from Niger.

On August 12 and August 20, 2004, grand jury subpoenas were issued to
reporter Judith Miller and her employer, The New York Times, seeking
documents and testimony related to “conversations between Miller and a
specified government official occurring between on or about July 6, 2003 and
on or about July 13, 2003, concerning Valerie Plame Wilson (whether referred
to by name or by description) or concerning Iraqi efforts to obtain
 uranium,” the filing made by Fitzgerald last year states.

While many public officials and the media have long believed that Fitzgerald
was not only looking into the identity of administration officials who
leaked Plame's name to reporters, this is the first time there is
confirmation that the investigation had expanded to investigate the Niger

Sources close to the case said Fitzgerald will empanel a new grand jury and
pursue broader conspiracy charges against senior officials inside the Bush
administration, as well as other people who worked at the State Department
and the National Security Council.

NATO sources told United Press International on Monday, Oct. 24 that
Fitzgerald's team of investigators has sought and obtained documentation on
the forgeries from the Italian government.

According to the report, Fitzgerald's team has been given the full and as
yet unpublished report of the Italian parliamentary inquiry into the affair,
which started when an Italian journalist obtained documents that appeared to
show officials of the government of Niger helping to supply the Iraqi regime
of Saddam Hussein with Yellowcake uranium.”

This claim, which made its way into President Bush's State of the Union
address in January, 2003, was based on falsified documents from Niger and
was later withdrawn by the White House.

© 2005 Jason Leopold. Jason Leopold is the author of the memoir News Junkie,
to be released in the spring of 2006 by Process/Feral House Books. Visit
Leopold's website at jasonleopold.com for updates. This article is published
in the Baltimore Chronicle with permission of the author.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Rove and Cheney Are Now Caught In Fitzgerald's Web. Will they Go Down too?

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Rove and Cheney Are Now Caught In Fitzgerald's Web. Will they Go Down too?
Jason Leopold, GlobalResearch.ca
October 29, 2005

Now it’s about the Niger forgeries.

On Friday, after securing a five-count criminal indictment against Vice
President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff, I. Lewis Scooter Libby, for lying
to a grand jury about what he knew and when he knew it in regard to the
outing of a covert CIA agent, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald plans to
pursue broader conspiracy charges against Cheney senior White House
officials, and top officials at the State Department and the National
Security Council, that may finally shed light on how the Bush administration
came to use erroneous intelligence that claimed Iraq tried to purchase
yellowcake uranium from Niger, lawyers involved in the two year old
investigation said.

While many federal officials and the media have long speculated that
Fitzgerald was not only looking into the identity of administration
officials who leaked undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to a
handful of reporters, it was only recently that those rumors were confirmed.

According to a court filing posted on the website of Patrick Fitzgerald, the
special prosecutor investigating who leaked the name of undercover CIA agent
to reporters, was interested in questioning New York Times reporter Judith
Miller about the CIA agent or whether she discussed Iraq's alleged efforts
to purchase uranium from Niger.

On August 12 and August 20, 2004, grand jury subpoenas were issued to
reporter Judith Miller and her employer, the New York Times, seeking
documents and testimony related to conversations between Miller and a
specified government official occurring between on or about July 6, 2003 and
on or about July 13, 2003, concerning Valerie Plame Wilson (whether referred
to by name or by description) or concerning Iraqi efforts to obtain
uranium. the filing made by Fitzgerald last year states.

NATO sources told United Press International that Fitzgerald's team of
investigators has sought and obtained documentation on the forgeries from
the Italian government.

According to the report, Fitzgerald's team has been given the full, and as
yet unpublished report of the Italian parliamentary inquiry into the affair,
which started when an Italian journalist obtained documents that appeared to
show officials of the government of Niger helping to supply the Iraqi regime
of Saddam Hussein with Yellowcake uranium.

This claim, which made its way into President Bush's State of the Union
address in January, 2003, was based on falsified documents from Niger and
was withdrawn by the White House one day after former Ambassador Joseph
Wilson wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in July 2003 disputing the
administration’s claims that Iraq tried to purchase uranium from Niger. It
was Wilson’s op-ed and public criticism of the Iraq war that led officials
such as Libby to blow Plame’s cover in an attempt to discredit Wilson, Plame
’s husband, who went on a fact finding mission to Niger in February 2002 to
investigate the uranium allegations. In outing Plame’s covert status to
reporters, Libby and other officials were trying to show that Wilson’s trip
was a boondoggle that was set up by Plame.

But Fitzgerald’s investigation into the leak has led to many discoveries by
the prosecutor, one of which is that Cheney played a key role in the leak
and the reason was to closely guard the fact that the White House knowingly
used false intelligence, specifically the Niger documents, to build a case
for war against Iraq.

Over the past month, Fitzgerald has turned his attention to a little known
cabal of administration hawks known as the White House Iraq Group (WHIG),

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Libby-Cheney-Rove: What is to be done?

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Libby-Cheney-Rove: What is to be done?
Stan Goff, Feral Scholar
October 28

… when something is not true it’s very difficult to prove.

The Harriet Miers nomination went down yesterday with all the aerodynamic
properties of a set of car keys. Oh, nobody knows the trouble they seen.
Administration fingerprints on ten-pads. Tsk tsk. What does this all mean?
Combined with the White Sox winning the series and this hurricane season,
this MAY very well indicate the fulfillment of Revelations.

Many on the left — and by this I mean something more discriminating than a
left inclusive of Hillary Clinton and Al Franken — are not sure what to
make of the whole Plame-gate affair. We seem to be WRITING on it, but mostly
for the purpose of showing simultaneously that (1) we knew the war was based
on lies when the press was still giving the Bush regime the presumption of
goodwill, that (2) normally we would consider outing CIA agents to be a very
positive thing (this preserves our self-images as REAL leftists), that (3)
the cover-up is not the real issue but the war-lie is, and (4) the
Democrats — true to form — are hiding in the hedges hoping the
administration will collapse without them having to suffer any dilemmas
between restive massess and their capitalist funding streams.

I don’t know when exactly the tendency emerged to stay out of the fray, as
it were, but I suspect the reasons for this tendency trace back to periods
of extreme marginalization when the left experienced periods of incapacity
and all they could do to keep hope alive, to coin a phrase, was issue
positions and critiques and wait for the next social upsurge. But the habits
established during these peirods of relative quiescence become
institutionally imprinted and are carried into more turbulent times by a
kind of inertia.

When called upon to act, we organize demonstrations.

Combine that with a strong dose of creeping philosophical idealism, and you
get the More Revolutionary Than Thou Syndrome, which presents as allergic
responses to (a) any public pronouncements that fail to explain the news all
the way down to the two-fold character of the commodity and (b) any activity
that involves wading into the contaminated waters of bourgeios politics…
that is, anything that involves putting pressure on actually-existing
elected officials.

The fear associated with the latter is that we might be bourgeois-baited by
other leftists or that we might find ourselves compelled to actually work
with (ugh!) Democrats.

The Plame-gate affair is fraught with peril on these accounts, precisely
because the Democrats (the Party, not the rank-and-file) are in the catbird
seat on this one. They will undoubtedly use this scandal, and the recent
epidemic of Republican indictments in the most shamelessly opportunistic
ways, attempting all the while to avoid responding in any meaningful way to
the real needs and concerns of their own constituents… or exhibit any real
commitment to ending the war in Southwest Asia.

Yes, Chuck and Hillary, we know ye! And there is a special circle of Hell
reserved for you in a just universe.

Having made my ritual denunciation of Democrats, I want to says something
about political organizing… not merely ideological persuasion, but
struggling for power.

I hesitate to quote dead communists at any length, because it sounds a bit
too much like bibilical exegisis sometimes, but the fact is, some of these
people did take political power, so they merit our attention. The
independence of the world’s most populous nation — China — was won under the
leadership of Mao Zedong, and while I have many criticisms of Mao and that
whole epoch, he did have one idea that was at the core of their organizing
philosophy that has proven effective. It’s called mass line.


[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] What Patrick Fitzgerald didn't say and the Media didn't ask

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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What Patrick Fitzgerald didn't say and the Media didn't ask
Stan Moore
October 29, 2005

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald announced the multi-count criminal
indictment today of Sleezebag Scooter Libby, and in Fitzgerald's
statements implied that no other prosecutable crimes had been detected by
his investigation of the Name-the-Plame-for-Shame Scandal. But there is much
that Pat forgot to say, or failed to say, or decided not to say, and the
media, which had ample opportunity to ask better questions, rolled over and
acted like it had a continuing case of Investigative Alzheimer's Disease.

For instance, no one asked whether other members of the Bush Administration
would have been indicted had they not received agreements of prosecution
immunity in exchange for their testimony against Mr. Libby and perhaps
others. Apparently, witnesses to the case (or leakers) had identified some
officials who may have been turned against others in exchange for
immunity, yet the entire matter received no comment or question today. Even
in Mr. Fitzgerald would have refused to answer in detail questions about
issuance of immunity, the press should have asked -- it is their job to do

The Press also failed to ask about the scope or potential scope of the
Fitzgerald investigation beyond the limited original focus of the Plame
Investigation. It has been reported that Fitzgerald sought and received
authorization to investigate and prosecute any crimes he may have uncovered
in the midst of his original, limited investigation of who named Plame.
Today, Fitzgerald spoke only of the Plame Affair and did not speak of any
aspects of investigations he may have initiated as a result of things
learned. And the media did not press him for any information on the matter.
For instance, it has been reported that Fitzgerald is also investigating the
forgery of documents related to the yellowcake uranium transaction and
possible criminal behavior in connection with those forgeries. Today the
media said not a word about this sort of expansion of the scope of the
original investigation.

The media seems to have settled into a mode of newsgathering with the use of
sensationalism whenever possible, but without hard-nosed investigative
journalism or healthy suspicion. A good newsperson should be able to
consider not only the newsworthiness of what the government did say, but
also what the significance must be of what the government did NOT say. There
were enough issues and things that Patrick Fitzgerald did NOT say today to
have perked up the nose of a good investigative reporter in real time. But
maybe the media and the alternative media just didn't notice, or didn't
cover the event with their best people.

One has to wonder, where was Democracy Now today when the questions were
being asked? Where were Free News Radio and Flashpoints and where were Greg
Palast and the other members of progressive or left wing media? These
people will have plenty to say about what Patrick Fitzgerald did say today,
but why did they not attend the press conference and ask the relevant
questions in real time? Why did they not force Mr. Fitzgerald to acknowledge
the incompleteness of his statements?

With inattentiveness of the corporate media and non-presence of the
left-wing media, the American public continues to suffer from news neglect.
We have 24 hours of news availability on hundreds of television stations in
hundreds of markets, but we do not get our necessary ration of truth and
facts to allow our democracy to stay healthy. When the government and the
complicit media completely control the content of the news, the public only
hears what it is supposed to hear, and this favors the status quo, not the
real public interest.

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] The First Card Falls, The Truth Remains Hidden

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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The First Card Falls, The Truth Remains Hidden
Anthony Wade
October 28, 2005

Today the first card in the house of cards that is the corrupt Bush
administration fell as Scooter Libby was indicted on five counts in the
Plamegate saga. Libby represents only one card. He is not the end, nor the
beginning. This is not a day for celebration as the job remains far from
over. The truth is still hidden. The real criminals are still at large. The
real crime remains untold.

Libby was charged with five crimes. They are serious crimes. They are crimes
against this country and represent treasonous behavior against the people of
the United States of America. Let no one tell you any differently. Do not
believe the spin you will hear about fantasy tales involving second tier
crimes. These are real crimes. If guilty, Libby deserves the fate he faces.
I say if because this country is founded on the principle that we are
innocent until proven guilty. That makes Scooter Libby innocent as of today.
Libby will get his day in court and the nation waits for the truths left to
be revealed from those proceedings.

Beyond Libby there are more crimes and more criminals. Special prosecutor
Patrick Fitzgerald has empanelled another Grand Jury to continue his
investigation into these traitorous matters. Karl Rove is still in serious
legal jeopardy and while that may send chills of joy through some, Rove only
represents another bit player. The real criminals are the people behind
these cards. They are the people who are in control of this country and have
recklessly led us into a war based not on faulty intelligence but on
planned and known lies. That is the real crime.

The real crime has many victims beyond Valerie Plame whose career is in
tatters at great risk to every American. Those victims include the over
2,000 dead American soldiers. They were sent to perish in a desert by an
administration that appears to have lied to Congress in order to create a
war we never had any business being in. Their sacrifice is sullied by men
who cared not if they died for lies. They still demand justice. You will
hear many things about this day over the coming weeks. You will hear about
the other players in this house of cards. You will hear pundits spin this
away from the real story; the real crime. That is that people at the highest
levels of power lied to Congress to start a war. That war has claimed the
lives of the innocent and their blood is still unsettled. The corporate
media, whose motive is to protect this administration, would prefer to
debate Libby, perjury and Plame then deal with the Downing Street Memos,
lying to Congress and treason. As long as we are focusing on Libby and Rove
the real perps walk right on by us. Do not even be surprised if they throw
Libby on the altar for a sacrifice. Better that one card fall than the
entire house come crumbling down around them. The great thing about a
scapegoat is that he bears all of your sins for you. Meanwhile the truth
stays hidden.

The real story is the Iraq War. The real story is about weapons of mass
destruction that never existed. It is about a president that scared us into
his war of choice. To scare us he needed material and the forged documents
about Saddam and The Niger served that purpose. When the veracity of the
president was challenged by Joe Wilson the administration went after his
wife. It is clear now that the information of Plame’s identity was given to
Libby by Dick Cheney. The real story is how America has leaders who have
sold out their humanity and have presided over the deaths of tens of
thousands of innocents, all based on contrived lies. It is our collective
soul that is still on the line in this tale. It is believing that 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Indicting America

2005-10-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Indicting America
Scott Ritter
October 29, 2005

New York -- The indictment of I. Lewis Scooter Libby by Special Prosecutor
Patrick J. Fitzgerald provides the most cogent and visible evidence to date
of the criminal mindset that exists inside the Bush administration regarding
the decision to invade Iraq.

The indictment is linked to Libby's involvement in illegally revealing the
identity of a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame, in violation of U.S. law,
and the resultant conspiracy to deny and cover up the fact that this crime
had in fact taken place. But the real crime committed here is the deception
leading to war carried out by the Bush administration, in particular the
activities of the vice president, Dick Cheney, and his chief of staff,
Scooter Libby, which is why they felt they needed to go after former
Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Plame.

The outing of Plame was just the tip of this criminal enterprise. The
specific charge - making false statements to a grand jury - is in fact the
best indicator of the true nature of the crimes committed by Libby and, by
extension, the Bush administration.

Acting at the behest of the vice president, Libby was a key figure behind
inserting dubious and unverified intelligence data alleging the existence of
Iraqi weapons of mass destruction into the public arena, either by leaking
this information to reporters such as The New York Times' Judith Miller, or
by having it referenced in high-profile speeches such as the president's
2003 State of the Union Address or Colin Powell's now-infamous presentation
to the Security Council in February 2003.

Cheney and Libby were behind the decision to mislead Congress, in particular
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's investigation into the reasons
why the U.S. intelligence community had gotten it so wrong about Iraqi WMD
capabilities. (Contrary to the much-hyped case made by the Bush
administration in justifying the decision to invade Iraq, no WMD were found
in Iraq, and the CIA subsequently acknowledged that all Iraqi WMD had been
destroyed by the summer of 1991).

To Cheney and Libby, Joseph Wilson had committed the ultimate sin when he
publicly challenged President Bush's case for war with Iraq by exposing the
fraudulent nature of the administration's very public claims that Iraq had
attempted to acquire uranium yellowcake from Niger.

If true, the yellowcake story would have bolstered the president and vice
president's assertions that Iraq had resurrected its nuclear weapons
program, thus legitimizing the case for war. But the reality is that the
yellowcake claim, like all of the Cheney- and Libby-peddled intelligence,
was specious, in this case derived from forged documents.

Wilson's exposure of this fraud was seen not only as an act of betrayal, but
also rightly recognized as a threat to the entire charade that was the Bush
administration's fabricated case for war. If left unchallenged, Wilson's
claims could have initiated a process that would have unraveled the entire
fabric of deception and lies woven by Cheney, Libby and the Bush
administration about the non-existent Iraqi WMD threat. As far as Cheney and
Libby were concerned, truth was the enemy, and truth-tellers were to be
attacked and destroyed.

And now the lies have come home to roost. But the indictment of Libby must
not be the final punctuation in this tragic tale of lies and deception.
Instead, it should serve as a much-needed boost for Congress, the media and
ultimately the American people to carry out a massive re-examination of the
totality of the processes that took place in the lead-up to the invasion of

The lies of Cheney, Libby and the Bush administration regarding Iraqi WMD
did not take place in a vacuum. 

[CTRL] [JBirch] Crusaders for Sustainable Development, a UN motivaed anti-free enterprise agenda (fwd)

2005-10-30 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
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See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 08:46:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Marv Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JBirch] Crusaders for Sustainable Development,
 a UN motivaed anti-free enterprise agenda

Here is the start of an article describing the activities of a band of greenie 
Max Keiser is a new kind of terrorist. He uses the Internet and boycotts
to manipulate stock prices. In that way he forces corporations to comply
with his brand of radical environmentalism and Sustainable Development. He
puts his hands around corporate throats and squeezes until they comply
with his demands. Max Keiser and his ilk hate business and they hate free
enterprise and are using these tactics to redistribute wealth and cause
chaos in the market place.

Keiser's operation is called KarmaBanque. That new age-focused name
alone should give readers an idea of the wacky worldview that spews from
Keiser's brain. But his brand of activism is much more sinister. He calls
himself a financial anarchist and he and his partner, Stacy Herbert,
consider themselves the Bonnie and Clyde of the Internet. In their own
words, KarmaBanque is at the center of a new activist movement which
combines the civil disobedience of Gandhi with the financial savvy of
George Soros to help change the economic and political landscape of the
Yet another shakedown artist...
Read the article at http://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom39.htm

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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