[CTRL] Fwd: Judith Miller Sure Gets Around ...

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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Judith Miller also claimed to have a top-secret security clearance 
from her days as reporter in Iraq

N.Y. Times reporter could testify for suspect 

Chicago Sun Times, October 18, 2005 

Bridgeview used car salesman Muhammad Salah recalls being beaten, housed in a "refrigerator cell" and threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers until he admitted to bankrolling overseas terrorists, according to a new filing in U.S. District Court. 

In an odd twist, the interrogation was witnessed by embattled New York Times reporter Judith Miller, and defense attorneys suggested Monday the best way for the U.S. government to prove its case -- and prove Salah wasn't abused -- is to call the controversial journalist to the witness stand. 

"We think the government is going to call her," said Chicago defense attorney Michael E. Deutsch. 

A message left for Miller -- author of the book God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting From a Militant Middle East -- at the New York Times on Monday was not returned. A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who subpoenaed Miller to testify in the leak of a CIA agent's name and whose office is prosecuting Salah, declined to comment on whether Miller might be called to testify in the case. 

In the filing Monday, Salah wants to keep any alleged confessions from being aired at trial, arguing he was coerced into implicating himself at the hands of Israeli soldiers who beat him and threatened to kill him and his family. 

"When I was not being actively interrogated, I was still forced to remain awake. I was either handcuffed behind my back to a forward slanted child-size chair in a position that caused excruciating pain between my shoulder blades and in my back since I had to balance myself and the chair so I wouldn't slide off," Salah said, according to court records. 

"If I was not shackled to the small chair, I was put in a dark, freezing, closet-sized cell in which I could not stand upright, sit or lie down. ... Most of the time, my head was covered with a filthy, foul-smelling hood reeking of urine, vomit and other unpleasant substances." 

Deutsch, speaking on behalf of his client, said: "Once we make these allegations, they [prosecutors] have the burden to show the statements were voluntary." 

Spent five years in Israeli jail 

In Israel, Salah gave a 64-page, handwritten statement describing his activities in the group, prosecutors say. 

Salah served five years in an Israeli prison for terrorism activities before he returned to the United States in 1997. 

Now Salah and a second person are facing federal charges of laundering millions of dollars in a 15-year conspiracy to fund Hamas. Hamas has taken credit for dozens of attacks abroad, including suicide bombings. Both have pleaded not guilty. 
Salah -- a naturalized U.S. citizen born May 30, 1953, in a refugee camp near Jerusalem -- has recanted all of his statements to the Israelis. 

Miller told the Sun-Times in 1998 that Salah did not appear to be a man under duress when questioned
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[CTRL] Fwd: Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Scholar Refers to Secret History of Cold War

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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At least 50% of documents from WWIIare still classified, 60 years later. 
Even certain documents about Lincoln's assassination remain classified, 
a century and a halfafter the fact.

Questions About Vietnam War Raised 
by Controversial NSA Article
October 31, 2005
WASHINGTON—The National Security Agency has been blocking the release of an article by one of its historians that says intelligence officers falsified documents about a disputed attack that was used to escalate the Vietnam War, according to a researcher who has requested the article.
Matthew Aid, who asked for the article under the Freedom of Information Actlast year, said it appears that officers at the NSA made honest mistakes in translating interceptions involving the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. That was a reported North Vietnamese attack on American destroyers that helped lead to President Johnson's escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Rather than correct the mistakes, the 2001 article in the NSA's classified Cryptologic Quarterly says, midlevel officials decided to falsify documents to cover up the errors, according to Aid, who is working on a history of the agency and has talked to a number of current and former government officials about this chapter of American history.
Aid draws comparisons to more recent intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction that overstated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's arsenal.
"The question becomes, why not release this?" Aid said of the article. "We have some documents that, from my perspective, I think would be very instructive to the public and the intelligence community ... on a mistake made 41 years ago that was just as bad as the WMD debacle."
The NSA is the largest spy agency in government, responsible for much of the United States' codebreaking and eavesdropping work. In spy lingo, the agency collects and analyzes "signals intelligence" — or "SIGINT."
The article, written by NSA Historian Robert Hanyok, and the controversy over its release were first reported in The New York Times on Monday.
In a written statement, NSA spokesman Don Weber said the agency had delayed releasing the article "in an effort to be consistent with our preferred practice of providing the public a more contextual perspective." He said the agency plans to release the article and related materials next month.
"Instead of simply releasing the author's historical account, the agency worked to declassify the associated signals intelligence ... and other classified documents used to draw his conclusions," Weber said.
Aid has been told that Hanyok's article analyzes problems found in interceptions about the events. He said the nature and extent of the mistakes remain unclear, and some senior officials at NSA who were not involved with the errors have taken issue with the journal article.
Many historians believe that Johnson would have escalated U.S. military action in the region anyway.
Yet Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists project on secrecy, said events of the Cold War cannot remain off limits, effectively a secret history.
"A lot of what we think we know of our recent history may be mistaken," Aftergood said. "It is a disgrace that it should be so in a democracy, but it is."
James Bamford, who has written several books on the NSA, said the agency has a "lethargic attitude" about revealing historic information "that may be useful for people in the future, to help prevent mistakes."

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Special-Forces Palace Guard

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Commandos Get Duty on U.S. Soil
By Eric Schmitt The New York Times,23 January 2005
Washington - Somewhere in the shadows of the White House and the Capitol this week, a small group of super-secret commandos stood ready with state-of-the-art weaponry to swing into action to protect the presidency, a task that has never been fully revealed before. 
As part of the extraordinary army of 13,000 troops, police officers and federal agents marshaled to secure the inauguration, these elite forces were poised to act under a 1997 program that was updated and enhanced after the Sept. 11 attacks, but nonetheless departs from how the military has historically been used on American soil. 
These commandos, operating under a secret counterterrorism program code-named Power Geyser, were mentioned publicly for the first time this week on a Web site for a new book, "Code Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs and Operation in the 9/11 World," (Steerforth Press). The book was written by William M. Arkin, a former intelligence analyst for the Army. 
The precise number of these Special Operations forces in Washington this week is highly classified, but military officials say the number is very small. The special-missions units belong to the Joint Special Operations Command, a secretive command based at Fort Bragg, N.C., whose elements include the Army unit Delta Force. 
In the past, the command has also provided support to domestic law enforcement agencies during high-risk events like the Olympics and political party conventions, according to the Web site of GlobalSecurity.org, a research organization in Alexandria, Va. 
The role of the armed forces in the United States has been a contentious issue for more than a century. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which restricts military forces from performing domestic law enforcement duties, like policing, was enacted after the Civil War in response to the perceived misuse of federal troops who were policing in the South. 
Over the years, the law has been amended to allow the military to lend equipment to federal, state and local authorities; assist federal agencies in drug interdiction; protect national parks; and execute quarantine and certain health laws. About 5,000 federal troops supported civilian agencies at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City three years ago. 
Since Sept. 11, however, military and law enforcement agencies have worked much more closely not only to help detect and defeat any possible attack, including from unconventional weapons, but also to assure the continuity of the federal government in case of cataclysmic disaster. 
The commandos here this week were the same type of Special Operations forces who are hunting top insurgents in Iraq and Osama bin Laden in the mountainous wilds of Afghanistan and Pakistan. But under the top-secret military plan, they are also conducting counterterrorism missions in support of civilian agencies in the United States. 
"They bring unique military and technical capabilities that often are centered around potential W.M.D. events," said a senior military official who has been briefed on the units' operations. 
A civil liberties advocate who was told about the program by a reporter said that he had no objections to the program as described to him because its scope appeared to be limited to supporting the counterterrorism efforts of civilian authorities. 
Mr. Arkin, in the online supplement to his book, says the contingency plan, called JCS Conplan 0300-97, calls for "special-mission units in extra-legal missions to combat terrorism in the United States" based on top-secret orders that are managed by the military's Joint Staff and coordinated with the military's Special Operations Command and 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Bush Dynasty -- Divine Right Restored

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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Kevin Phillips, architect of a much earlier GOP triumph--Nixon's "Southern Strategy"--has taken a jaundiced view [of Republican corruption] from the beginning. His 2002 book, Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich, viewed all ruling political coalitions as special-interest wealth-accumulating enterprises, regardless of rhetoric. He took sharper aim in his 2004 book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush. 
In that book, Phillips talks about Bush's election as a kind of elitist, anti-democratic "Restoration," akin to that of the Charles II, after Cromwell and parliamentary rule, in 17th Century England, and that of Louis XVIII, after the French Revolution and Napoleonic rule, in 19th Century France.
"Restoration, of course, has one central impulse: to recover the past," Phillips wrote. "Each time that has involved a return of the courtiers, cronies, and prejudices of the expelled dynasty, often the very figures that had helped to incite the earlier expulsion." 
Figures returning under Bush, Jr. include high-profile DC insiders like Cheney and Rumsfeld, plus lesser-knowns directly involved in terrorism and dirty wars abroad, most prominently John Negroponte, who covered up Honduran death squad activities, and Contra drug-running in the 1980s. Negroponte served as Bush's UN Ambassador and Ambassador to Iraq before being appointed Director of National Intelligence.
Phillips, once the top GOP guru of policy and politics, is now a political independent, who sees the cronyism, corruption and criminality of the Bush regime in terms of recurrent historical forces, which will eventuallyebb. 
Author and investigative reporter Robert Parry, who broke the story of Iran-Contra Affair in 1986, takes a much grittier, close-up view. ["How Rotten Are These Guys?"] Both are aware of the Bush family's long involvement in covert operations--dating back to Bush's great-grandfather in World War I, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush's involvement in helping to fund Hitler's rise to power--a matter that was "strictly business," but hardly a source of family pride. ["Bush, the Nazis and America"]
"There is history here; and much as people have tired to spin the Bush family as patrician, or beyond question, the reality is very different. If anyone goes back and studies the family and the compromises they've made in their political rise, they will see a tolerance and collaboration with criminals," Parry said. But he focuses primarily on more recent events.
"Both George Bushes have been close to people who have engaged in criminal activity in various ways. The older George Bush was involved with some very unsavory characters when he was director of Central Intelligence in '76, when he helped cover up terrorist acts," Parry pointed out. 
Chief among them was the Washington DC bombing that killed Chilean envoy Orlando Letellier, and his American assistant, Ronnie Moffit. Bush "steered the investigation away from the perpetrators" who worked for the Chilean government, Parry noted. The Bushes--including brother Jeb--have also protected anti-Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, Parry added. And then there were the connections with South American drug trafficking, both through Manuel Noriega and the Nicaraguan Contras.
This is only natural, Parry explained.
"People operating on the edges of the law or outside the law, will buy themselves some protection." Shifting focus slightly he brings up Reverend Sun Yung Moon Moon, whose influence peddling for South Korea in the late 70s lead to an IRS case, and jail time. "What Moon learned form that was the need to spread money around, and have media like the Washington 

[CTRL] Fwd: By Any Means Necessary

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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New York Times documents 
military role in theft of 2000 election
By Barry Grey19 July 2001
In an extensive report published July 15, the New York Times shed new light on the methods employed by the Bush campaign to hijack the 2000 presidential election. The report, entitled “How Bush Took Florida: Mining the Overseas Absentee Vote,” was the product of a six-month investigation by the Times into Florida officials’ handling of ballots mailed from outside the US. These overseas votes became a focal point in the struggle between Bush and Democratic candidate Al Gore over the disputed Florida election.
The Times described how the Bush campaign waged a combined legal and propaganda offensive to pressure canvassing boards in Republican strongholds to accept overseas ballots that, under Florida election laws, were illegal and should have been rejected. At the same time, Bush lawyers pressed canvassing boards in Democratic counties to reject overseas ballots with identical flaws.
This effort to illegally increase Bush’s vote centered on hundreds of ballots from military personnel stationed overseas. The Republicans enlisted the aid of the military brass to increase the number of military ballots. They also pressed local election boards to validate military ballots that lacked postmarks, bore postmarks later than the November 7 Election Day, or failed to meet other legal requirements.
As a result, 680 of the 2,490 overseas ballots that were counted as legal votes after Election Day—more than one out of every four such ballots—were defective. Of these, 288 were ballots that canvassing boards initially rejected on November 17, the deadline for receiving overseas ballots, but subsequently accepted under pressure from the Bush campaign, the military and the media.
Bush’s official margin of victory in Florida was 537 votes. Citing the Florida Department of State’s web site, the Times reports that without the overseas ballots counted after election day, Gore would have won Florida, and thus the White House, by 202 votes.
The Bush campaign and Florida officials, headed by Governor Jeb Bush, the brother of the Republican candidate, engineered this systematic violation of Florida election laws at the same time that they were declaring any delay in the statutory date for certifying the Florida vote to be impermissible, on the grounds that election laws had to be strictly enforced.
The flagrantly unequal treatment of overseas ballots flew in the face of the other major contention of the Republicans, namely, that the lack of specific and uniform criteria for judging disputed ballots in different counties violated the equal protection clause of the US Constitution. This novel idea, if consistently applied, would invalidate elections at every level in the United States, where election laws differ from state to state and rules and procedures vary from county to county across the country. Nevertheless, it was ultimately seized on by the right-wing Republican majority on the US Supreme Court, which based its 5-4 ruling halting manual recounts and handing the presidency to Bush on this supposed violation of the equal protection principle.
Even as the Times presented its account of fraud and criminality on a massive scale, it sought to lend a veneer of legitimacy to the election. The article stated, without explanation, that the Times found “no evidence of vote fraud by either party.” It went on to say that its investigation “found no support for the suspicions of Democrats that the Bush campaign had organized an effort to solicit late votes.” At a later point the article declared, “There is no evidence that the Pentagon knowingly delivered ballots cast illegally after Election Day.”
The authors further cited an 

[CTRL] Fwd: ((3) The Bush Dynasty -- Divine Right Restored

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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July 13, 2004 

Kevin Phillips' American Dynasty

During my last visit to China I was lucky enough to have dinner with my friend Joseph Bosco, who told me there was one book I needed to read to understand what George Bush and his unfortunate presidency were all about, and that is American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush by Kevin Phillips.
I'll try not to bore everyone with a detailed book review, as there are already some excellent ones out there (this one being my favorite). But I want to urge everyone who thinks they understand who our president is to get a copy. Everyone.
It's important to know that Phillips is in no way a leftie or conspiracy nut. He's a famous and well respected political analyst, more associated with the GOP than the Dems, and a former strategist to Richard Nixon. His brilliance was proven 30-some years ago when he presciently wrote that dramatic new political lines were about to be drawn across the American landscape based on the South's imminent abandonment of the Democrats, and that religion would play a key role in determining those lines. Give the man a gold star for that one. According to friends familiar with his other books, Phillips has since been right on just about everything he writes about.
The premise of American Dynasty is simple and scary: That George W. Bush's rise to power was the first true example of a full-blown dynastic restoration in American politics, comparable to the restoration of Louis XVI after the fall of Napoleon -- and that dynasties were precisely what the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid in America. As with every restoration, you saw not only the staff of the earlier regime brought back to center stage (Colin Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld et. al), but also all of the family's gripes: the lust for vengeance against "family enemies" like Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro, for example. 
We all know the story of Bush's "victory," but Phillips makes it clear how in every way this was no ordinary ascent to power. According to American political tradition, a candidate who "wins" with such a small margin (a negative margin, actually) shows some humility and recognizes the public didn't elect him with a strong mandate. Bush thoroughly ignored this tradition and began to run the nation as though he won by a landslide, pushing for immense tax cuts at once, as well as "moral reform" (stem cell research, abortion, prostitution, etc.). 
This was an early warning that this presidency was, in every way, an anomaly.
Other revelations. It isn't possible to understand Bush --Jr. or Sr. -- without understanding Texas, and its cut-throat, laissez-faire, pro-corporate mentality. Phillips opened my eyes about Texas, where the little guy counts for nothing, and the state loathes spending money on its citizens. Altruism is actually a symptom of weakness, and "compassionate conservatism" is in reality a smokescreen, a way of saying, Pay for it yourself.
There's so much in this book. Just a few more revelations: The huge role that Enron played in the Bush governorship and presidency and the myth that Bush handled the company fairly and without prejudice upon its collapse. Why the family's hatred of Fidel Castro is deeply personal and goes back generations. What the Carlyle Group is really about, the role Bush Sr. plays in it, and the implications of a former president lobbying his son, the current president, on behalf of a company heavily invested in weapons companies and to a large extent in the pocket of the Saudis. Many of Bush's colleagues, like Richard Perle, got very rich counselling him on a war in which they were heavily invested, via Carlyle and other munitions investments. The sheer disregard for ethical considerations or 

[CTRL] Fwd: Happy Days Are Here Again.  NO T!

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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October 30, 2005
GOP Senate to Workers: 
It's Fine to Be Paid 1/3rd Less 
Than Depression-Era Laborers

First, some perspective. Pictured here are some day laborers working on construction of the Hoover Dam in 1932.These men were part of a corps of 5,000 men paid 50 cents an hour to do the dirty unskilled labor that created the magnificent dam over 5 years of hard dangerous work. Those who got that 50 cents an hour considered themselves lucky, as wage rates were depressed by the height of the Great Depression. Still, labor unions at the time bitterly denounced the wage rates and working conditions of the Hoover Dam laborers:

"We believe that a great injustice is being perpetrated against the workers at Boulder Dam in the general lowering of working and living conditions on a project directly under the supervision of our Government during this time of depression and unemployment. Labor at Boulder Dam has no voice in the settling of wages, hours of labor, working conditions, safety or living conditions. Last year local Labor Unions attempted to have the Bacon-Davis prevailing wage law apply to the Boulder Canyon project and Boulder City. An investigation by the conciliation Division of the Department of Labor found that the Bacon-Davis Act did not become a law until two days after the Six Companies signed their contract. Further, that reservations were not covered by the prevailing rate of wage law and the result was a general lowering of wages and working conditions. An arbitrary scale of wage was imposed on skilled mechanics twenty-five to fifty percent lower than the prevailing scales for similar work in the territory adjacent to the project."

Picture and quote from the Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum. Go there if you're in Vegas sometime. It's an incredible story they tell.Now fast forward to 2005. The GOP dominated US Senate has just voted down the first increase of the minimum wage since 1997: from $5.15 to $6.25 an hour. All the Democrats plus four Republicans voted for it. It failed 51-49. In the time since the last increase in the minimum wage, Senators voted themselves seven pay raises totaling $28,000 per year.What does this have to do with the Hoover Dam workers? Well, 50 cents an hour in the Depression translates into $7.89 per hour in today's dollars. (Don't believe me? Do the math with the historical Consumer Price Index.) What the Senate is saying is that today's minimum wage workers should be getting a wage 35% LOWER than unskilled, non-union labor in the height of the Great Depression. This is progress? No. It's a crime against Americans. Next election time, remember who did this to us.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Gambino Family and P2

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Jack Abramoff is allegedly a bagman for the SERIOUS Mafia --the Gambino Family

September 6–13, 2001
Roger and Me
Rosario Gambino, beneficiary of Roger Clinton’s lobbying largesse, has local roots.
by Jim Barry
Last week The New York Times reported that former President Bill Clinton’s half-brother, Roger Clinton, lobbied parole officials to pardon convicted heroin trafficker, Rosario Gambino.
From 1996 to 1999, says the Times, Clinton made at least four visits to the parole commission’s headquarters in Chevy Chase, Md., to meet with federal officials regarding a parole for Gambino. The newspaper reported that Clinton received a Rolex watch, plane tickets to Washington, D.C., expense money and a $50,000 loan to buy a house, all of which came from Rosario’s son, Tommy Gambino.
The article identified Rosario Gambino as an associate of the Gambino crime family in New York City — a crime family that was founded by Rosario Gambino’s relative, Carlo Gambino. Rosario has denied any relation.
But to federal and state investigators in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and to law enforcement authorities in Italy, Rosario Gambino is much more than an organized crime associate.
According to Italian law enforcement, when Rosario Gambino and his brothers came from Sicily in the mid-1960s, they were already "men of honor," made members of the Sicilian Mafia.
Rosario entered the U.S. illegally in 1962 but in 1966 was granted permanent resident status. Rosario, his older brother, John, and his younger brother, Giuseppe, settled first in Delran, N.J. Later they bought homes in Cherry Hill where they lived in the same development as reputed Philadelphia mobster Raymond "Long John" Martorano.
In 1966, the Gambino brothers ran The Cafe Valentino on 18th Avenue in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. At that time, a new wave of Sicilian immigrants were settling in Brooklyn. Not far from the Gambinos, another Sicilian immigrant, Salvatore Catalano, opened the Cafe Viale. (Catalano eventually took control of the Bonanno crime family, only to be assassinated by the Italian-American faction, which resented the Sicilians’ influence and power in an American Cosa Nostra family.) The Gambino brothers and Catalano were friends and often visited one another.
When Tommaso Buscetta, a Sicilian Mafia boss from Palermo, needed to hide his ex-wife and daughter in America, Rosario Gambino took the women in. A few years later, Buscetta fled a violent mob war in Sicily and settled in Brooklyn, where he often hung out with the Gambino brothers as well as Carlo Gambino.
In 1972, Rosario and his two brothers formed Father and Son Pizza; they also ran pizza shops in Philadelphia and Camden, and, with a cousin, pizzerias as far south as Dover, Del.
In 1978, Rosario Gambino used his wife’s maiden name to lease a property at Second and Walnut streets in Old City, which he planned to turn into a restaurant/nightclub. And Rosario’s little brother, Joe, ran Valentino’s Supper Club in Cherry Hill.
The "Cherry Hill" Gambinos were close friends with Philly Cosa Nostra boss, Angelo Bruno. Police discovered that Angelo Bruno often met with New York Gambino underboss, Paul Castellano, at Valentino’s Supper Club. (Castellano eventually became boss of the Gambino crime family and ran it for 10 years until John Gotti had him assassinated December 1985.)
In 1979 Rosario Gambino played a pivotal role in the Michele Sindona story. Sindona, an international banker and money launderer, was the banker for the Vatican, the governing Christian Democratic party of Italy, the Masons and the Mafia in Sicily. At the height of his power Sindona owned six banks in four countries, an international hotel chain, a food company, 500 corporations and one of the largest 

[CTRL] Fwd: Abramoff Profile in Mother Jones

2005-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

How Jack Abramoff gained the whole world 
and lost just about everything

Mother Jones, Sept-Oct, 2005 by Barry Yeoman

"The vast right-wing conspiracy began with Jack Abramoff" 

Quotes from the moralistic Republican godfather:

"I wish those moronic [Indians] were smarter in their political contributions. I'd love us to get our mitts on that moolah!! Oh well, stupid folks get wiped out."

"These mofos are the stupidest idiots in the land for sure."

"Fire up the jet, baby, we're going to El Paso! ... I want all their MONEY!!!"

"The key thing to remember about these clients is that they are annoying, butthe annoying losers are the only ones who have this kind of money and part with it so quickly."

Says a forgiving Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.):Yes, "it's clear that greed played a role in this, but I've seen nothing that wasn't done 100 times more when the Democrats were in charge. This is standard operating procedure." 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Taking Aim Bulletin October 29, 2005

2005-11-01 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

From: Taking Aim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Our next program
2. Lynne Stewart defense alert
3. Joan Mellen, author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's
Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History, to be
interviewed on WBAI's Law and Disorder program.

1. Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone returns to regular
broadcast this Tuesday, November 1, 5:00 p.m. ET and 2:00 p.m. PT
WBAI-NY 99.5 FM and http://www.wbai.org for live Internet stream.

Our topic: The Hidden Agenda of the Fitzgerald Indictments

2. Lynne Stewart defense update:
Judge Koeltl upheld the verdict against Lynne Stewart. (The
judge also upheld the verdicts against the two other defendants,
Ahmed Abdel Sattar and Mohamed Yousry)  In a 54-page ruling that
recounted key evidence, U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl rejected
all of Lynne Stewart's arguments that the Feb. 10 verdict should be
tossed out. In a separate ruling Judge Koeltl also rejected defense
request for a new trial based on allegations that one juror lied
about his past and that another juror had been unduly pressured to
reach her verdict.

These decisions clear the way for the sentencing now scheduled for
December 22. 

December 8, 7 p.m., a Speak Out and Forum on Lynne Stewart's case
will be held at The Community Church of New York. Details and
participants to be announced.

The Defense Committee has a new DVD, The Struggle Continues for a $10
donation; T-Shirts for $15.00; as well as the NLG booklet: The Case of Lynne
Stewart, a Justice Dept. Attack on the Bill of Rights. Available via the
website http://www.lynnestewart.org, 212-625-9696 or write

3. Joan Mellen will discuss her compelling investigation and book, A
Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That
Should Have Changed History, again on WBAI. Tune in to Law and Disorder,
Monday, November 7 at 10:00 a.m.

You can receive a copy of Joan Mellen compelling book,  when you
contributing online on the WBAI website, http://www.wbai.org, then follow
the links to the premium offerings. The particular page with A Farewell to
Justice is 
35bc38d5d3 - Another review of the book follows.

A Farewell to Justice by Joan Mellen
Amazon.com Reader Response:Eddie Kasica (New York City)
* (five star-top rating) Saint Joan, October 27, 2005
The United States of America has never truly had its equivalent of Zola's
J'Accuse! Until now. While the Dreyfus Affair is a joke compared to the
far-reaching PERMANENT effects of the National Security State execution of
President John F. Kennedy(don't think they're permanent? -- pick up the damn
newspaper), quite a few books on the crime have been labeled Zolaesque:
Rush to Judgement, Weisberg's Whitewash, Sylvia Meagher's Accessories
After the Fact(a worthy forerunner of Farewell to Justice -- Meagher and
Mellon are sisters of heart, toughness and understanding), Anthony Summers's
Conspiracy and, of course, Gerald Posner's Case Closed(just kidding).
But they weren't. Not even close, because they couldn't be. The cover-up of
the crime continued well into the 1990s and -- like the film or not -- it
was Stone's JFK which caused the break in the dam. The wave of the past 10
years, beginning with the publication and media-embrace of the malignant
Case Closed, has been intensely anti-conspiracy. As all of U.S. society
has seemingly moved toward the worship of power for power's sake, leading to
the establishment of the Bush Reich, anti-conspiracy ideology has become its
own form of totalitarianism. In the power-saturated universe of Millennial
America, seething with plots, anti-plot pronouncements have become as
necessary as squeals in a slaughterhouse. But, there has been a counterwave.
And it's now tidal. More fresh evidence regarding 11/22/63 has become
available these past years than was available to the Warren Commission, Jim
Garrison or the House Assassinations Committee when they were conducting
their investigations or cover-ups. We have had to be patient, and now it's
pay-off time. Christopher Lawford on the family, Gareth Porter on JFK and
Vietnam, Bradley Ayers and Richard Whalen on Kennedy and Cuba, Gerald
McKnight on the Warren Commission, and David Talbot's coming book on Bobby
and the murder(`though the Mellen book may have made that release somewhat

Farewell to Justice is the book we have all been waiting for, since the
day the music died. Joan Mellen has always been one of the world's best film
critics, a magnificent biographer(Kay Boyle, Marilyn Monroe  Bobby
Knight!), and a great writing teacher. Now she has broken the case. There's
no guessing here. No theoretical chapters on the validity of the Zapruder
Film, the DalTex Building vs. a sewer drain opening, no jacket holes or
bullet fragments. Just the moment-by-moment narrative of what happened to
Jack Kennedy 42 

[CTRL] Child Abuse a Factor in Psychosis, 140 more priests, suspect abused

2005-11-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Review Concludes Child Abuse a Factor in Psychosis 10/31/05 Press Release: Dr John Read "The November edition of leading scientific journal, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, includes several new research papers documenting the relationship between trauma and psychosis. Oliver James is referring to "Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: A Literature review with theoretical and clinical implications". Authors Dr John Read (Auckland, New Zealand), Professor Jim van Os (Maastricht), Professor Tony Morrison (Manchester) and Dr Colin Ross (Richardson, Texas), review 218 studies and conclude: "Symptoms considered indicative of psychosis and schizophrenia, particularly hallucinations, are at least as strongly related to childhood abuse and neglect as many other mental health problems. Recent large-scale general population studies indicate the relationship is a causal one." http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC0510/S00069.htm
140 more priests are accused of sex abuse - Scandal-hit Church faces more claims - By Michael Lavery 11/1/05 "More than 140 priests in four dioceses have been accused of sex abuse but more revelations could be on the way as the scandal rocks the Catholic Church in Ireland. The Ferns inquiry involved 21 priests, but since the report's publication, dozens more allegations have been confirmed by bishops. They include Dublin (67 priests), Derry (26) and Tuam (27)." http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=667577

describes crimes - Hicks sexually abused, says father
October 31, 2005 - 9:38PM "Terror suspect David Hicks was sexually abused during two, 10-hour beatings by US attackers, his father Terry has told the ABC's Four Corners program. Hicks has been in US custody since he was captured alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan in late 2001, and has spent most of that time at the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba."
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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