[CTRL] A thoughtful comment on the FCC:

2005-11-04 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

If anyones easily offended or
sensitive, pass on this one. Not for the kids!

Youve been warned.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Update, 31 October 2005 - A Critical Review of WTC 'No Plane' Theories

2005-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
http://www.questionsquestions.net/WTC/review.html#update1Update, 31 October 2005Here are a few comments in response to Nico Haupt's analysis of this article.First of all, Haupt brazenly mischaracterizes my article as a critique of "activism" when in fact it is a technical rebuttal of blatantly false no-767 theories and an analysis of the pathological and technically incompetent thinking that led to those mistakes. It's regrettable that I was not able to accurately describe the current thinking of ex-hologram theorists, but that really doesn't matter. The misinterpretations of visual anomalies are the same whether they are used to support hologram or media overlay theories. Thus the substance of my visual analysis is germane to both theories and doesn't need to be revisited.As a matter of fact I'm absolutely delighted that the non-falsibiable, sci-fi hologram theory has been abandoned in favor of the media overlay theory. As I pointed out, you don't even need to consider the visual evidence to dismiss this theory, it is so utterly impossible: it falls apart on logic and common sense alone. It just might be the worst conspiracy theory in the history of conspiracy theory. Given this, I really could and perhaps should end my arguments about the no-767 theories right here, forever, and move on to other things. But a few more comments on Haupt's analysis will confirm the pathology I talked about in my commentary.Haupt attempts to evade responsibility for his embarrassing advocacy of fanciful interpretations of a spot of dirt on a windshield by complaining that I used the term "UFO" instead of "whatzit". As if using the term "whatzit" makes the analysis of a spot of dirt credible! Then he complains about the 13 helicopters that I don't explain. This is a common game that is played by this crowd, bringing up some "new" smoking gun that I haven't covered that supposedly PROVES something was amiss. So let's talk about the helicopters.Just what would the perpetrators of 9/11 be doing with a fleet of 13 helicopters? Nothing I can think of, at least nothing that couldn't be accomplished from a discrete, hidden location. Were they trying to advertise that this was a staged event? What really were these helicopters? Obviously, the gathering of news, police, fire, and medical helicopters that you would expect, and that would have had the time to gather by the time of the collapses. Haupt's bug-eyed insinuation of something fishy going on is a perfect example of the utterly idiotic, discrediting, crackpot interpretations of ordinary phenomena, driven by "smoking gun fever," that I alluded to in myarticle.The public has a well-conditioned impression, created by official disinformation machine, that conspiracy theorists are half-mad, technically incompetent fools who see extraordinary conspiracies in ordinary events. The presumptuous sloppiness of Haupt and crew feeds right into this perception, just one of the ways they are helping the fascist perps they claim to be fighting. Inside the movement, their behavior lends moral authority to those pursuing limited hangouts by making more radical interpretations look ridiculous.Haupt's claim that there is "one" official live footage of the crashof the second plane is false. I have digitized a videotape of the live broadcast of channel 11 in New York which shows a shot from their news copter that I have never seen before. Once I get an internet connection in my new home in exile in the Andes, I'll post it. This piece of footage cuts to the heart of the absurd argument that the perps could have had control over ALL the live and taped footage of the foreign and domestic networks, the local affiliates, the independent videographers and the ordinary people who had their cameras running.The one single complaint Haupt makes which I find reasonable is that I didn't make a strong enough distinction between the no-plane and the substitute 767 theories. Of course the latter is at least possible, and in fact I have carefully made a point to acknowledge this specific possibility in the past, but the fact remains that the evidence we've seen so far is either inconclusive (the departure gate confusion) or totally unreliable (the eminently hackable flight database). Because of the weak evidence, no one deserves to be castigated as an obfuscator or "official story supporter" for finding this theory lacking, yet Haupt and crew have consistently made these kinds of unjustifiably divisive and acrimonious accusations over this issue all the time.This line of Haupt's takes the cake: "Salter seems to be not concernedabout the political situation worldwide and appears like a well earning digital coach potato." This is the usual ad hominem attack that the no-planers resort to when their "analysis" fails to convince.Of course, any reasonable person can see the huge amount of work and care that went into my article. I must add that I have chronic disabling back pain as a result of scoliosis 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] French riots spread outside Paris

2005-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 4, 2005 8:17:13 AM PSTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] French riots spread outside ParisReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=worldNewsstoryID=2005-11-04T155938Z_01_MAR227625_RTRUKOC_0_US-FRANCE-RIOTS.xmlFrench riots spread outside ParisFri Nov 4, 2005 11:00 AM ETBy Kerstin GehmlichAULNAY-SOUS-BOIS, France (Reuters) - Rioters set fire to hundreds ofvehicles in impoverished suburbs of northeastern Paris in an eighth night ofunrest that spread for the first time to other parts of the capital andtowns in France.Local officials said they had lost patience with the government. PrimeMinister Dominique de Villepin and his rival, Interior Minister NicolasSarkozy, opted for low profiles after days of squabbling over how to handlethe crisis.Police reported fewer clashes than previous nights and residents said theEid al-Fitr holiday ending Ramadan may have calmed areas with many Muslimsof North African and black African origin who feel treated as second-classcitizens.But the rioting spread, with some attacks reported in western Parissuburbs -- including the spectacular burning of 23 buses at a depot -- and afew cars firebombed around Rouen in northern France, Dijon in the east andMarseille in the south.The pattern of violence also changed, shifting from crowds clashing withpolice to targeted arson attacks, many against businesses and warehouses."I've had enough of this," said an angry woman wearing a headscarf inAulnay-sous-Bois, a northeastern Paris suburb where a large warehouse wasburned down overnight. "This must stop quickly. It's just not right."Mayors from the riot-hit areas were also exasperated after Villepin briefedthem on Thursday evening about an "action plan for the suburbs" he aims topresent later this month."Many of us told him this isn't the time for an umpteenth plan," saidJean-Christophe Lagarde, mayor of Drancy. "All we need is one death and Ithink it will get out of control.""IMMENSE VIOLENCE"Justice Minister Pascal Clement was visibly shaken after being briefed abouta handicapped woman in her 50s who was badly burned on Wednesday eveningwhen rioters poured petrol on a city bus she was riding in and set itablaze."This is immense violence," he told reporters in Bobigny, another town inthe Seine Saint Denis department between central Paris and Charles de Gaulleairport that has been the worst hit. "I think all French are shocked to seethings like this."With the blazing suburbs making headlines around the world, Foreign Ministryspokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei complained about foreign coverage of theriots -- without naming any media -- and said foreign tourists were not indanger."One is sometimes surprised at the international coverage of these events,"he told reporters. "These are very serious incidents ... but we are very farfrom such a serious situation as some commentaries or television reportslead one to think."Officials in Seine Saint Denis said 187 vehicles had been destroyed thereovernight. Police detained 27 people and reported two injuries.French media said up to 600 vehicles were destroyed in the whole greaterParis region, including 23 buses at a terminal in Trappes in the southwestnear Versailles. An amateur video aired on television showed them all in arow and all in flames.Security officials said the presence of hundreds of riot police had acted asa deterrent, but rioters nevertheless set fire to two textile warehouses, abus depot and a school."Why a school, why a car? What can you say about such blind violence," onelocal mayor, Michel Beaumale, said.FEAR OF VIOLENCE SPREADINGVillepin spent Friday out of public view in his Matignon offices. Mayors whocriticized him expressed concern the rioting could spread to other citieswith similar suburbs that keep the poor far from rich city centers.Manuel Valls, mayor of Evry south of the capital, said: "We're afraid thatwhat's happening in Seine Saint Denis will spread. We have to give thesepeople a message of hope."Rioting among young men of North African and black African origin -- mostlylocally born citizens who feel cheated by France's official promises ofliberty, equality and fraternity -- began last week after two teenagers ofAfrican origin died while fleeing the police.Villepin and Sarkozy, whose bitter political rivalry has overshadowed thegovernment's reaction, teamed up on Thursday to announce that restoringorder was their "absolute priority".Villepin blamed the riots on gangs he said terrorized residents and soughtto keep police out of their districts, and vowed law and order would berestored.In several interviews on Friday morning, conservative politicians said drugtraffickers and Islamist militants were fanning the unrest, although theygave no details.© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- FONT COLOR="#99"Get 

[CTRL] Pueblo school, Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U.S. Prisons

2005-11-04 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


More Lawsuits Claim Sexual Abuse At Pueblo School - Former Catholic Teacher Named In Suits 11/3/05 "Denver - The Catholic Church and a religious order were hit with a new barrage of sex-assault allegations Thursday after five men filed suit alleging they were molested three decades ago by a Catholic school teacher and that church officials failed to protect them. The lawsuits bring to eight the number of claims against the Diocese of Pueblo and The Marianist Province of the United States..." http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/5241043/detail.html

Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U.S. Prisons
NBC5_com - News - Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U_S_ Prisons.htm
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- European Union officials said Thursday they would investigate a report that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to interrogate top al-Qaida suspects. The international Red Cross also said it asked the United States to let a representative visit detainees if such a facility exists. 
Human Rights Watch in New York said Thursday it has evidence indicating the CIA transported suspected terrorists captured in Afghanistan to Poland and Romania. The conclusion is based on an analysis of flight logs of CIA aircraft from 2001 to 2004 obtained by the group, said Mark Garlasco, a senior military analyst with the organization. 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2005-11-04 Thread Michael B.Clark
-Caveat Lector-

A cow from an undisclosed ranch in Texas was dead on

arrival at a pet food processing plant (somewhere in

Texas also ).

Believe it or not the dead cow made it into the PET FOOD

PROCESSING INDUSTRY before it was checked for mad cow


Tissue from the cows brain confirmed MAD COW DISEASE.

Researchers at the University of Texas stated that there

is no doubt that progeny from this cow has made it into

the human food chain.

Comforting to know that my dogs and cat may have been

fed food from an infected cow.


in power.

The Dallas Morning News reported this incident.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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