[CTRL] Post Election Reality Check for Baghdad Bob Bush

2005-12-23 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

From the Los Angeles Times
Iraqis March, Say Elections Were RiggedBy Associated Press8:55 
AM PST, December 23, 2005BAGHDAD, Iraq — Large demonstrations broke out 
across the country today, denouncing parliamentary elections that protesters 
called rigged in favor of the main religious Shiite coalition.In 
Baghdad, unknown assailants kidnapped a Sudanese diplomat and five other men as 
they left prayers at a mosque, a spokesman for Sudan's Foreign Ministry said. An 
Iraqi Foreign Ministry official said he had not heard of the 
abduction.As many as 20,000 people demonstrated after noon prayers in 
southern Baghdad today, many carrying banners decrying last week's elections. 
Many Iraqis outside the religious Shiite coalition allege that the elections 
were unfair to smaller Sunni Arab and secular Shiite groups."We refuse 
the cheating and forgery in the elections," one banner read.Sheik 
Mahmoud al-Sumaidaei of the Association of Muslim Scholars, a major Sunni 
clerical group, told followers during Friday prayers at Baghdad's Umm al-Qura 
mosque that they were "living a conspiracy built on lies and 
forgery.""You have to be ready during these hard times and combat 
forgeries and lies for the sake of Islam," he said.The U.S. military 
said two soldiers were killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in 
Baghdad Friday. No other details were released. At least 2,163 members of the 
U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, 
according to an Associated Press count.Sudanese Foreign Ministry 
spokesman Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim said that among the six Sudanese nationals 
kidnapped Friday were four employees at the country's diplomatic mission in 
Baghdad, including a diplomat identified as Abdel Moneam Mohammad 
Tom.One employee managed to call the Sudanese mission briefly on his 
cell phone immediately after the kidnapping and talk to the charge d'affaires, 
Ibrahim said in a telephone call to The Associated Press in Cairo. But so far 
there had been no contact with the kidnappers, he said."We don't know 
who they are or what their demands are," he said.Last month, a top 
adviser to Sudan's president joined the Arab League's secretary general in 
arranging an Iraqi reconciliation conference in Cairo. Sudan has been planning 
to push for a larger reconciliation conference in Baghdad.Gunmen have 
kidnapped more than 240 foreigners and killed at least 39 since the Iraqi 
insurgency began after U.S.-led forces overthrew Saddam Hussein.The 
kidnapping of Arab diplomats has been particularly embarrassing to the Iraqi 
government, which has been pressing Arab states to return ambassadors to 
Baghdad.Arab governments have been reluctant to raise their diplomatic 
missions to full strength because of the insecurity.In July, two 
Algerian diplomats and an Egyptian diplomat were abducted and killed in Baghdad. 
The Al-Qaida in Iraq group claimed responsibility.Sunni Arab and secular 
Shiite factions had demanded Thursday that an international body review election 
fraud complaints, and threatened to boycott the new legislature. The United 
Nations rejected the idea.Their demand came two days after preliminary 
returns indicated that the current governing group, the religious Shiite United 
Iraqi Alliance, was getting bigger-than-expected majorities in Baghdad, which 
has large numbers of Shiites and Sunnis.On Friday, more than 2,000 
people demonstrated in Mosul, where some accused Iran of having a hand in 
election fraud. About 1,000 people demonstrated in Tikrit, Saddam's 
hometown.The former leader claimed at his trial this week that he had 
been beaten by his American captors.Defense lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi 
said Friday that he had seen marks on his client's body. Speaking in Amman, 
Jordan, Dulaimi said that he had filed a complaint Thursday with the court 
hearing Saddam's case.The chief prosecutor, Jaafar al-Mousawi, told The 
Associated Press on Friday that he hadn't seen a complaint but planned to visit 
Saddam and his seven co-defendants to review their health and "listen to their 
demands and supply them with everything they need."Meanwhile, gunmen 
Friday attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint in the city of Adhaim, in religiously 
and ethnically mixed Diyala province, killing eight soldiers and wounding 
seventeen, an Iraqi army officer said on condition he not be identified for fear 
of reprisal."There were too many to count," said Akid, a 20-year-old 
soldier from Diwanayah being treated for gunshot wounds to both 
thighs.Akid, who would only give his first name for fear of reprisal, 
said his battalion of about 600 men had already suffered over 250 desertions 
after a Dec. 3 ambush in Adhaim killed 19 Iraqi soldiers."They gave up," 
he said.In Balad Ruz, 45 miles northeast of Baghdad, a suicide bomber 
detonated his explosives belt 

[CTRL] Human Events 2005 Man of the Year (fwd)

2005-12-23 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 09:35:00 -0800
From: HumanEventsOnline.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Human Events 2005 Man of the Year

HumanEventsOnline.com Weekly Wrap-Up
December 23, 2005


In Today's Wrap-Up:

 1. 2005 Man of the Year: Rep. Mike Pence
 2. Headlines and Highlights From HumanEventsOnline.com
 3. Ann Coulter: Live and Let Spy
 4. Top 10 Countries That Vote Most Against the U.S. at the UN
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1. 2005 Man of the Year: Rep. Mike Pence

CNBC's Lawrence Kudlow writes: If the Republican majority in the
Senate and House can somehow stave off a newly energized
Democratic assault in the mid-term elections next November and
preserve their governing status, they may well have Indiana
congressman Mike Pence to thank.

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EXCLUSIVE: The editors of Human Events spoke with Rep. Mike
Pence about the need to curb big government by reforming
entitlement programs, and the congressman?s three trips to Iraq.

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2. Headlines and Highlights from HumanEventsOnline.com

Pat Buchanan: How Bush Turned It Around
Men who believe in something, even if wrong, will triumph over
those who believe in nothing. That is the lesson of President
Bush's recovery of the past four weeks.

Read the full story at:

GOP Intel Chairmen Rebut Rockefeller on Surveillance Intercepts
Senate Intelligence Chairman Pat Roberts (R.-Kan.) wryly said
this week he would like to help Intelligence Vice Chairman Jay
Rockefeller (D.-W.Va.) recall the details of White House
briefings they attended together at which the senators were told
about the National Security Agency?s program to tap international
calls involving parties within the United States with suspected
links to terrorism.

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House Subcommittee Investigates RU-486 Abortion Pill
The abortion pill's time in America may be drawing to a close. A
House subcommittee chaired by Rep. Mark Souder (R.-Ind.) has
begun a major investigation into the safety of RU-486
(mifepristone), the use of which has so far killed at least four
American women.

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Senate Dems Put Enviros' Dollars Before National Security
When deep pocket environmental lobbyists say ?jump,? politicians
beholden to them respond ?how high.? Nowhere was this more
evident than in the Senate?s recent inability to pass a
necessary military funding bill as long as it contained a
provision that would have allowed oil and gas production in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

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Public Schools Declare War on Christmas
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would let every parent be the final judge on the issues that
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Israel Increasingly Likely to Attack Iran
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power of Iran.

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Michael Schiavo Tarnishes Terri's Legacy
It is frequently said that truth is stranger than fiction. In
the case of Michael Schiavo, husband of the now deceased Terri
Schiavo, this is precisely correct.

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3. Ann Coulter: Live and Let Spy

Apart from the day the New York 

[CTRL] Battle For A War Story: Soldiers association sues independent publisher over Vietnam book

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Please send far and wide ...


Battle For A War Story: Soldiers association sues independent publisher over Vietnam book
The Register-Guard
Published: Sunday, December 18, 2005

WALTERVILLE - A tiny publishing house here is in the cross-hairs of a $700,000 lawsuit backed by the Special Forces Association, a fraternal organization for current and former U.S. military special operatives.
On the one side are Kris Millegan's Trine Day Press and one of its authors, retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin, who have been targeted in the case. On the other are seven men who served with Marvin in Vietnam during 1966 and 1967.

They contend that Marvin's book "Expendable Elite: One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare," provided a "false, libelous, defamatory, embarrassing and humiliating" account of their activities at An Phu near the Cambodian border. They seek $100,000 each in general, special and punitive damages.

Millegan said the case already has racked up nearly $50,000 in legal expenses, and it could bankrupt his small press, which has published just eight books and sold a total of 40,000 copies since its creation four years ago.

But he declined to agree to the men's demand that he reissue the book as a work of fiction. He stands by Marvin's account, saying that some of the defendants verified it on tape at Marvin's request after he sent them early drafts in 1988.

``I have audio tapes from the people who are now suing me, not only confirming Col. Marvin's story, but saying he could use their names,'' Millegan said.

His willingness to challenge the lawsuit has won admiration from other small, independent publishers, said Teresa Kao, owner of Our Town Publishing in Portland and former president of the Northwest Association of Book Publishers.

``Small publishers typically can't afford to carry liability insurance," Kao said. "If someone decides to sue you, there just isn't money for this sort of thing.

``Too often you see people say, `I'll take this book off the market if you'll make this lawsuit go away,' " Kao said. "But Kris sees this really as a kind of quest. He is just going ahead with it because he believes it needs to be done.''

A South Carolina U.S. District Court jury began hearing the case on Halloween day, but a mistrial was declared two days later after one of the plaintiffs' attorneys suffered a medical emergency.

Judge David Norton has scheduled a new trial to begin Jan. 23.

In their opening statement, the plaintiff's attorneys, Ben and Bobby Deaver, acknowledged the audio tapes, but say their clients thought they were being asked to "vet" a work of fiction.

At particular issue are Marvin's contention that he was assigned to assassinate Cambodian Crown Prince Norodum Sihanouk; that he commanded some of the men in an operation that involved firing into neutral Cambodia (which the plaintiffs say would have been a violation of international law); and that the men supported Marvin's refusal of a direct order to leave An Phu (which they contend would have constituted mutiny). In Marvin's account, the defiance was to protect their partners in the mission, a local militant Buddhist sect.

``Tame'' by comparison

"Expendable Elite" is hardly the most outrageous book in Trine Day's list.

"It's tame compared to a lot of the stuff I publish," Millegan said.

Consider "Sinister Forces," which ties the Salem witch trials, the Manson murders, the CIA and the Kennedy assassinations to a Satanic plot. Or "Fleshing Out Skull and Bones," which links the Yale secret society - whose members include President Bush and Sen. John Kerry - to world-wide drug smuggling.

Before the first trial was aborted, Millegan acknowledged under questioning by the plaintiff's attorneys that he had published "Expendable Elite" only after it had been rejected by more than 100 other publishers.
They also elicited testimony that he believes a CIA "Operation Mockingbird" had infiltrated the U.S. news media and publishing houses to prevent would-be whistle blowers from alerting the public.

In court, Ben Deaver presented a very different picture of the An Phu activities of clients William B. Tuttle Jr., Raymond J. Johnson, George H. Kuchen, John E. Strait, Richard Sirois, William Menkins and James A. Taylor than that of the book.

He described the outpost as a "pacified area" where the men did civil affairs work building schools, infrastructure and providing medical treatment.

Why then, did some of them send affirmative written or tape recorded feedback to Marvin's manuscript?
They respected him as a former commander, Bobby Deaver told the jury in his opening statement. ``And then, because they thought this was a novel, a couple of them said, `Yeah, you can use my name if you want to.' "

The Deavers also submitted a deposition from Tuttle, Marvin's former superior officer, now too medically 

[CTRL] Door Kept Open for Priest-Sex Lawsuits, Warrant Issued for 22 CIA Operatives

2005-12-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Door Kept Open for Priest-Sex Lawsuits By Jean Guccione, Times Staff Writer "A federal judge Thursday upheld the constitutionality of a California law that opened courthouse doors to more than 1,000 people who sued the Roman Catholic Church for allegedly failing to protect them from predator priests. U.S. District Court Judge William Q. Hayes in San Diego became the second judge in California to reject arguments that the law illegally interferes with the Catholic Church's religious practices. "The failure to supervise or negligent hiring of a person that commits sexual assault does not implicate or effect any religious belief, opinion or practice," Hayes wrote. The ruling arises from a negligence suit brought by a woman who alleged that she was repeatedly raped and sexually abused by a priest at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Escondido beginning when she was 12. Her alleged abuser, Father Victor Uboldi, is dead. She is suing the Sisters of the Precious Blood, the religious order of nuns who once ran the school. The San Diego diocese asked the court to overturn the law." http://www.latimes.com/features/religion/la-me-priests23dec23,1,6720601.story?coll=la-news-religionctrack=1cset=true

 EU Arrest Warrant Issued for 22 CIA Operatives 
Reuters Friday 23 December 2005 
Suspects wanted for allegedly kidnapping Egyptian cleric in Italy in 2003.
Milan - A Milan court has issued a European arrest warrant for 22 CIA agents suspected of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric from Italy's financial capital in 2003, Prosecutor Armando Spataro said on Friday. 
Milan magistrates suspect a CIA team grabbed Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr off a Milan street and flew him for interrogation to Egypt, where he said he was tortured. 
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2005-12-23 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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[CTRL] Fwd: Short Memories and the Lessons of History

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Intelligence abuse déjà vuBy Gary Hart
Los Angeles Times, Decmber 21, 2005

THREE WEEKS after I took the oath of office in the Senate in 1975, then-Majority Leader Mike Mansfield appointed me to a newly created committee — the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, which soon came to be known as the "Church Committee," after its chairman, the late Sen. Frank Church of Idaho. Out of 11 members, I was by far the youngest.The Senate had impaneled the committee because of increasing reports of abuse of authority by the country's myriad intelligence agencies under the Nixon administration as well as previous administrations. For two years, the committee investigated broadly — the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA were all within its purview — and finally, in 1976, it issued a series of recommendations designed to prevent future abuses.Today, one has only to consider the behavior of the Bush administration during the Iraq war to appreciate how soon we forget, how little we learn and how pervasive is the tendency to violate civil and constitutional liberties in the name of war. Virtually all of the reforms recommended by the Church Committee — many of which were passed into law — have been evaded, ignored or violated in the name of the "war on terrorism."It is often said that the first victim of war is the truth. In fact, the first victim of American war is the liberty of Americans.During our investigations of intelligence abuse, we discovered that the government had engaged in widespread surveillance of a very large number of American citizens. Civil rights leaders were monitored. Antiwar groups were under surveillance. Domestic phones were tapped. Mail was opened. The FBI conducted warrantless "black bag" break-ins of private residences and offices. We wrote an entire report on warrantless electronic surveillance by the FBI — exactly what the NSA has now been authorized to do by the president.One particularly egregious program, code-named COINTELPRO, went beyond the mere collection of intelligence on domestic groups to actually trying to "disrupt" or "neutralize" target groups. The excuse given by the FBI and others was, "We are at war, and we need to do everything we can to defeat our enemy." Sound familiar?In some cases, the intelligence services even turned violent. The CIA, for instance, conducted the infamous Phoenix program that resulted in the systematic assassination of thousands of Vietnamese villagers accused of collaborating with the Viet Cong. This was the 1970s version of Abu Ghraib. During the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations we tried (with obsessive insistence in the case of Fidel Castro) to assassinate at least six foreign leaders. Too bad we didn't have the Predator then. It would have been much simpler.Our committee's work resulted in many reforms. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 required special intelligence courts to approve national security wiretaps. The Bush administration, however, has found that statute inconvenient and, predictably, has ignored it.Our committee also recommended presidential "findings" before extraordinary covert operations were undertaken. This was not designed to undermine the CIA but to protect it; until then it had been left dangling in the wind when misused by presidents who wished to claim "plausible deniability."That reform surfaced during another period of political abuse — the infamous Iran-Contra affair, involving Bible-shaped cakes, trading with the enemy, lying to Congress and avoidance of accountability. It turns out that President Reagan, contrary to his own memory, had signed a "finding" authorizing the whole bizarre episode.Again to support the CIA, our panel laid the groundwork for the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act that prevented 

[CTRL] Fwd: US Allies with Communists Against Terrorists

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Thanks to George Bush's economic acumen, 
RedChina --widely expected to beAmerica's enemy inanother World Warprojected within 10-20 years--
virtually OWNS theUnited States economy,
having issueduscredit now equaltoournational debt.

Now itappears that Bush has been making other 
concessions to Communist enclaves elsewhere, 
all for some temporary advantage in some 
harebrained schemein his "War on Terror."

Iwonder howold-fashioned (Cold War era / Reaganite)
anti-Communists must befeelingnow, 
presented with the ironic spectacle of
one of "their own," a "wartime" Republican president, 
who is not only"soft on Communism" butthinks nothing of literallySELLING OUTto what remains of the Red Menace.

US finds a communist ally against Iran
By B Raman 
Asia Times
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EF21Ak03.htmlThe United States, which used Islamic fundamentalists against communism in Afghanistan in the 1980s, has embarked on an operation to use communists to bring about the end of the Islamic regime in Iran. The dozens of anti-cleric and secular Iranian exile groups operating from the West against the Islamic regime in Tehran broadly fall into the following categories: 
The left-oriented Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK - People's Mujahideen) and elements allied with it in the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). They mainly operate from West Europe, with headquarters in France. 
The monarchists, mainly operating from the US, with the help of neo-conservative and Jewish lobby groups. 
The remnants and new adherents of the old pro-Moscow Communist Party of Iran, called the Tudeh Party, and other communist factions, mainly operating from the United Kingdom. The MEK, which has in the past indulged in acts of terrorism inside Iran from sanctuaries provided by the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under a 1996 US law. Until recently, this precluded any Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assistance to or even contacts with it. However, it would seem that after the occupation of Iraq by the US forces, the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) have been allowed to establish contact with MEK elements in Iraq and West Europe for using them against the Teheran regime. This decision was reportedly taken to preempt any Iranian meddling in Iraq. The MEK has had the ability in the past to organize acts of terrorism in Iranian territory, mainly because of the operational assistance provided by the Iraqi intelligence. As of now, the CIA does not have a similar operational capability inside Iran. Moreover, the Bush administration would not like to be seen by the international community as sponsoring terrorism in Iran. Its present cultivation of the MEK is meant more to exercise psychological pressure on the Teheran regime and to keep before it the specter of a US-backed operation one day for a regime change, with the MEK spearheading the operation with US assistance. The French action earlier this week to round up the leaders and activists of the MEK and the NCRI in France was meant to preempt the CIA's covertly using its territory and the large number of Iranian exiles there for a destabilization operation in Iran. The US-based monarchists, who have been financially the most well-endowed and the most articulate against the Tehran regime, have the least following inside Iran. Till recently, they were reportedly the recipients of maximum funds and patronage from the US intelligence community. The post-1999 student unrest in Iran made the CIA realize that while the MEK and the monarchists were making loud, but often unprovable claims about their following and successes inside Iran, it was the remnants and the new adherents of the Communist Party/factions who had been operating silently and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Britons Call for UN Investigation into Bush's War Crimes

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Letter to UN and UK Attorney General
(email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to add your name 
to the 'supplementary signatories' list - see below) 

On 7th December 2005 Tony Benn and forty three others, including Rose Gentle, Reg Keys, Harold Pinter, and Michael Mansfield QC, sent a letter to The UN and to the UK Attorney General asking them to investigate breaches of The Nuremberg Charter and Geneva and Hague Conventions during the Iraq War, and to bring those responsible to account. 
The UK is obliged as a Signator to The Conventions to investigate these charges. 
STOP THE WAR asks you to join as supplementary signatories by e-mail, or post. We want these signatures to be without end or time limit, and, as citizens of the UK, to make it clear, that the Attorney General must fulfill his obligations. 
Alternatively we risk these Conventions being torn up, and in the words of Harold Pinter, we will have "torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder," without cease. We want to restore dignity, and humanity to our country, not the rule of Abu Ghraib, the dog lead, and Fallujah
If you agree with the Tony Benn Submission which follows, can you please send your name to the Stop The War e-mail site ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or by post to Stop The War, 27 Britannia Street, London WC1X 9JP, where it will be recorded and passed to the UN and Attorney General. Your e-mail address will be kept secret. 
Lindsey German, and Nicholas Wood on behalf of Tony Benn.
This is a request to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN that he should instigate an investigation into the claims listed in the attachment to this memorandum. It is also jointly addressed to Lord Goldsmith the Attorney General of the UK. The UK is a High Contracting Party and Signatory to The Geneva and Hague Conventions and Protocols and The Nuremberg Charter of 1945, and of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court. It is thus appropriate that The Attorney General should investigate what appear to be grave breaches of these Conventions and Protocols, and of UN General Assembly Resolution No 95, before and during the Iraq War 2003 - 2005.
We are concerned that, should these breaches be established, those responsible should be held to account. This is urgent. It appears that many breaches, even now, are continuing to take place.
We allege that the breaches committed by the UK Government and the USA in coalition partnership during the period 2002 - 2005 outlined as a selection in summary are as follows:-
1 Crimes Against Peace: Planning and Conducting an Aggressive War using deceit, including deliberately falsifying reports to arouse passion in support of this war .
2 Failure to ensure public order and safety by disbanding the army and police of Iraq, without properly replacing those functions.
3 Extensive destruction of service infrastructure, including drinking water, sewage systems, telephones and electricity supply, with grave consequences to the inhabitants of Iraq, especially in hospitals.
4 Deliberate damage to hospitals and medical facilities and personnel including the shooting up of Red Crescent ambulances, and prevention of movement of ambulances.
5 Failure to prohibit looting and arson resulting in the despoliation and pillage of museums, libraries, archaeological sites, hospitals, administrative buildings and state records.
6 Failure to respect cultural property including the use of the Babylon archaeological site as a military camp.

[CTRL] Fwd: Sorry, We're Having a Constitutional Crisis

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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The Constitution Does Not Apply
By Molly Ivins, AlterNetDecember 22, 2005http://www.alternet.org/story/29983/
Uh-oh. Excuse me. I'm so sorry, but we are having a constitutional crisis. I know the timing couldn't be worse. Right in the middle of the wrapping paper, the gingerbread and the whole shebang, a tiny honest-to-goodness constitutional crisis.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country: Damn the inconvenience, full speed ahead. On his own, without consulting the Congress, the courts or the people, the president decided to use secret branches of government to spy on the American people. He is, of course, using 9-11 to justify his actions in this, as he does for everything else -- 9-11 happened so the Constitution does not apply, 9-11 happened so there is no separation of powers, 9-11 happened so 200 years of experience curbing the executive power of government is something we can now overlook.
That the president of the United States unconstitutionally usurped power is not in dispute. He and his attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, both claim he has the right to do so on account of he is the president.
Let's try this again. The president is not above the law. I wish I thought I were being too pompous about this, but the greatest danger to our freedom always comes when we are scared or distracted -- and right now, we are both.
As an ACLU liberal, I would like to say how proud and honored I am to stand with so many American conservatives on this issue. You do credit to all your heroes. Barry Goldwater would be so proud.
One of the more annoying things about this usurpation of power is that it is both stupid and unnecessary. As large numbers of people have pointed out, it takes almost nothing to get a warrant to do what Bush has been doing illegally -- it's almost pro forma.
Here is a curious fact about the government of this country spying on its citizens: It always goes wrong immediately. For some reason, it's not as though we start with people anyone would regard as suspicious and then somehow slip gradually into spying on the Girl Scouts. We get it wrong from the beginning every time. Never seem to be able to distinguish between a terrorist and a vegetarian.
The Department of Defense has just proved this yet again with its latest folly of mistaking a flock of Florida Quakers for a threat to overthrow the government. A few months ago, a student at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth tried to check out a copy of Mao's "Little Red Book" and wound up being interviewed by two feds. Cointelpro and all those misbegotten Nixon-era spy programs were always making ludicrous mistakes.
The usual suspects, like that silly congressman Dan Burton, solemnly try to scare us with the dread specter of war, as though they alone are the hard-headed pragmatists, while only woolly minded liberals care about the Constitution. "Don't these people realize we're at war?" Well, yes. Why that justifies treating Unitarians like Islamofascists is beyond me.
This is the same pattern we have seen with Bush when it came to the Geneva Conventions for handling prisoners and to using torture. Not only does he consider himself above the law, he has surrounded himself with people who keep inventing perverse readings of the Constitution to justify him. Makes it especially nice to hear him go on about the importance of bringing democracy to Iraq.
Bush defended his actions Monday by saying it was part of "connecting the dots." A painful moment, since the 9-11 Commission just finished giving this administration grades of D and F in terms of preventing another terrorist attack -- and it has jack-all to do with wiretapping. This administration has cried wolf so many times using the national security excuse it has lost all credibility.

[CTRL] Fwd: The New York Police State

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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"In New York, the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg persuaded a federal judge in 2003 to enlarge the Police Department's authority to conduct investigations of political, social and religious groups. 
"We live in a more dangerous, constantly changing world," said the Police Department's chief spokesman, Paul J. Browne. "The [special] powers obtained have been used exclusively 'to investigate and thwart terrorists,'"Browne claims. He would not answer specific questions about the disguised officers [caught on videotape] or describe any limits placed on [police] surveillance at public events
"Before then, very few political organizations or activities were secretly investigated by the Police Department, the result of a 1971 class-action lawsuit that charged the city with abuses in surveillance during the 1960's. 
"Now the standard for [surveilling] political activity has been relaxed, full authority to begin surveillance has been restored to the police and federal courts no longer require a special panel to oversee their behavior."
Police Infilitrate Protests, Videotapes Show By JIM DWYER
New York Times, December 22, 2005
Undercover New York City police officers have conducted covert surveillance in the last 16 months of people protesting the Iraq war, bicycle riders taking part in mass rallies and even mourners at a street vigil for a cyclist killed in an accident, a series of videotapes show.In glimpses and in glaring detail, the videotape images reveal the robust presence of disguised officers or others working with them at seven public gatherings since August 2004.The officers hoist protest signs. They hold flowers with mourners. They ride in bicycle events. At the vigil for the cyclist, an officer in biking gear wore a button that said, "I am a shameless agitator." She also carried a camera and videotaped the roughly 15 people present.Beyond collecting information, some of the undercover officers or their associates are seen on the tape having influence on events. At a demonstration last year during the Republican National Convention, the sham arrest of a man secretly working with the police led to a bruising confrontation between officers in riot gear and bystanders.Until Sept. 11, the secret monitoring of events where people expressed their opinions was among the most tightly limited of police powers.Provided with images from the tape, the Police Department's chief spokesman, Paul J. Browne, did not dispute that they showed officers at work but said that disguised officers had always attended such gatherings - not to investigate political activities but to keep order and protect free speech. Activists, however, say that police officers masquerading as protesters and bicycle riders distort their messages and provoke trouble.The pictures of the undercover officers were culled from an unofficial archive of civilian and police videotapes by Eileen Clancy, a forensic video analyst who is critical of the tactics. She gave the tapes to The New York Times. Based on what the individuals said, the equipment they carried and their almost immediate release after they had been arrested amid protesters or bicycle riders, The Times concluded that at least 10 officers were incognito at the events.After the 2001 terrorist attacks, officials at all levels of government considered major changes in various police powers. President Bush acknowledged last Saturday that he has secretly permitted the National Security Agency to eavesdrop without a warrant on international telephone calls and e-mail messages in terror investigations.In New York, the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg persuaded a federal judge in 2003 to enlarge the Police Department's authority to conduct investigations of political, social and religious groups. "We live in a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Today in History

2005-12-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Dec 23 1948Japanese Premier Tojo and 6 others were hanged by the War Crimes Commission at Sugamo Prison, Tokyo, for the crime of starting an aggressive war.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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