[CTRL] Jimmy Carter calls Cheney a disaster for U.S

2007-10-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Jimmy Carter calls Cheney a disaster for U.S
Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:42pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on  
Wednesday denounced Vice President Dick Cheney as a disaster for  
the country and a militant who has had an excessive influence in  
setting foreign policy.

Cheney has been on the wrong side of the debate on many issues,  
including an internal White House discussion over Syria in which the  
vice president is thought to be pushing a tough approach, Carter said.

He's a militant who avoided any service of his own in the military  
and he has been most forceful in the last 10 years or more in  
fulfilling some of his more ancient commitments that the United  
States has a right to inject its power through military means in  
other parts of the world, Carter told the BBC World News America in  
an interview to air later on Wednesday.

You know he's been a disaster for our country, Carter said. I  
think he's been overly persuasive on President George Bush and quite  
often he's prevailed.

Asked to comment on Carter's remarks, Megan Mitchell, a spokeswoman  
for the Republican vice president, said, We're not going to engage  
in this type of rhetoric.

Carter, a Democrat who was president from 1977 to 1981 and won the  
2002 Nobel Peace prize for his charitable work, is a strong critic of  
the Iraq war and has often been outspoken in his criticism of  
President George W. Bush.

In a newspaper interview in May, Carter called the Bush  
administration the worst in history in international relations.

Carter did have kind words in the BBC interview for U.S. Secretary of  
State Condoleezza Rice.

I'm filled with admiration for Condoleezza Rice in standing up to  
(Cheney) which she did even when she was in the White House under  
President George W. Bush, Carter said, referring to Rice's former  
role as White House national security adviser.

Now secretary of state, her influence is obviously greater than it  
was then and I hope she prevails, Carter added.

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[CTRL] Closeted GOP gay senator on deck to be outed

2007-10-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


October 10, 2007 -- Closeted GOP gay senator on deck to be outed
publication date: Oct 10, 2007
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October 10, 2007 -- Closeted GOP gay senator on deck to be outed

WMR has learned that the GOP, still reeling from the men's room toe  
tapping performance of Idaho Senator Larry Craig in a Minneapolis  
Airport toilet stall, will soon face another major outing of a gay  
Republican senator.

Just as Craig has embarrassed the GOP in the solid red state of  
Idaho, the impending outing of another GOP senator in another solidly  
red state will diminish the chances of the Republicans to prevent  
next year a Democratic electoral tsunami in Congress, particularly in  
the Senate.

WMR has been told that South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey  
Graham is the next to be outed in what may be a series of outings of  
Republicans in the Senate and House. The outing of Graham will pose  
problems for the Defense Department and the Bush administration. The  
Pentagon's don't ask, don't tell policy on gays in the military  
will be tested by revelations about Graham because he is a Colonel in  
the U.S. Air Force Reserves.

If Graham is not the subject of an administrative hearing for  
suitability for retention in the service, other gays and lesbians who  
have received less- than-honorable discharges for reasons of  
homosexuality will have ready-made legal cases to seek either  
reinstatement or monetary damages.

Graham is up for re-election next year. The expected controversy  
surrounding his sexual orientation is sure to result in a GOP primary  
challenger from the right who will attack Graham on his orientation  
as well as his stance on immigration.


Arthur T. Murray (Seattle, WA)

Clap ypur hands!
Tap your toes!
NSGOP is in its throes!

Chan (camas)
Ole Mitch is next.

JM (Pine Ridge)
The Republican party is going down fast, and it's about time.  
They're full of shit, hypocritical, idiots. Is that why Bush is  
shoring up loose ends by trying to add immunity for the companies  
that allowed him to spy on Americans? His days of majority support  
may be coming to an end.

Diane Bourdeau (Winnetka)
This could not happen to a more deserving Party!

George LoBuono (Davis CA)
And if it does go down, it will be replaced by another stooge  
party that does the same. Until the eye of the pyramid is decapitated  
and exposed for what it is, it will be more of the same.

Bill Wade (Exeter)
as George LoBuono above so eoloquently puts it, I'll add:

Nancy Pelosi on the protestors outside her home:

And if they were poor, and they were sleeping on my sidewalk,  
they'd be arrested for loitering, but because they have 'impeach  
Bush' across their chest, it's the First Amendment.

Marycatherine Barton (Indianapolis)
Impeach Cheney/Bush. Vote for Cindy Sheehan for Congress to show  
unhappiness with Democratic Nancy Pelosi standing against impeachment.

Styve (Portland, OR)
I have long said Bush is going down...the question is, on whom!!

All right...I'll keep my day job... -)

Chan (camas)
Pelosi has to go

Bill Wade (Exeter)
Chan, help us - it's Vichy Dem Pelosi please, thanks!

Chan (camas)
Bill Wade
and that's too kind...

JM (Pine Ridge)

No don't quit, that's funny. Is it Tony Blair or Victor Ashe?  
Ahh, he probably already has grown weary of those trysts. Maybe as an  
extra prize to being handed over the next presedential election, the  
elected official will also win an early stay in the Lincoln Room,  
where George will doll himself nice and sexy and bequeath a deep  
throat full of glory to the victor. And, to the victor goes the glory!

Curious George has become glorious George while precious Rome  
has been set ablaze!

Richard Hein (New York)
No wonder why Graham was so outraged that he led the charge to  
impeach Clinton for consensual heterosexual relations - and then rode  
the fame and fortune the the Senate.

sysiphus (Melrose, WA)
George L hit it again in this thread!! Only the really mentaly  
challenged didn't see past the Rethuglican perverted killers even  
before 2000 but what worries me are the millions of intelligent  
people that think they are being cool by voting Democrat. I have been  
voting Nader for the past 11 years but even that is not advisable.  
What we need is a hit list of Democrats who We the People can take  
aim at and throw out on their asses in every election from no on. We  
can't change the two party duopoly in the short term and we can't  
throw our votes away on third options no matter how good they are;  
so, if the Democrats are too fat and sassy to shape up, let's ship  
them out! At this point the only one I would leave in is Cynthia  
McKinney but we have to prioritize by doing the least amount of  
sacrifice to our values. Let's aim for 

[CTRL] S. Africa's silent war in Iraq Apartheid-era hired guns drawn by money

2007-10-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


S. Africa's silent war in Iraq
Apartheid-era hired guns drawn by money

By Paul Salopek

Tribune foreign correspondent

October 7, 2007

PRETORIA, South Africa

Andre Durant, a burly policeman from this leafy African capital, was  
kidnapped 10 months ago by unidentified gunmen in Iraq. Apart from  
one brief phone call, in which Durant managed to shout a strangled I  
love you to his wife, he hasn't been heard from since.

Yet there are no yellow ribbons trimming Durant's quiet suburban  
Pretoria house, as hopeful ribbons might adorn the home of a U.S.  
soldier missing in Iraq. There has been no drumbeat of sympathetic  
news coverage about his case, as one would expect when a local man  
gets sucked into a global story in the world's most notorious war  
zone. Indeed, Durant's family, like the families of three other South  
Africans who were snatched with Durant in a Baghdad ambush in  
December, has maintained an anguished and puzzling silence for the  
better part of a year.

And in that hush lies a clue to this African nation's murky and angst- 
ridden participation in America's military adventure in the Middle  
East: Durant is one of thousands of South African police officers and  
soldiers, most of them white veterans of the old apartheid regime,  
who have left their jobs to work as private security contractors in  
Iraq -- a semiclandestine exodus of hired guns that has alternately  
embarrassed and alarmed the pacifist government here.

Maybe in the States soldiers' wives can talk about these things to  
ease their loss, said Lourika Durant, who has kept a low profile for  
months not only to safeguard negotiations for her kidnapped husband's  
release, but because of the stigma attached to operatives who  
freelance in a war deeply unpopular in South Africa. Here we must  
suffer alone, without making waves.

The Sept. 16 killings of up to 11 Iraqi civilians by guards from the  
security firm Blackwater USA have rekindled intense debate in the  
U.S. over the propriety of outsourcing security responsibilities in  
Iraq to scores of private companies. But the acrimony in America  
can't begin to match the political hand-wringing that surrounds the  
issue in South Africa.

Sensitive to its apartheid-era reputation for exporting soldiers of  
fortune to wars across Africa, the young, black-led government in  
Pretoria recently drafted the harshest anti-mercenary bill in the  
world, a measure that would criminalize virtually all of its citizens  
working in Iraq.

And as the war grinds through its fifth year, there is growing  
concern that Iraq's drain on skilled police and military personnel  
may be crippling the nation's elite security services. Local media  
reports warn that tactical police units in major cities are being  
thinned by the stampede of officers to Baghdad. And a former South  
African military officer who runs his own security firm conceded that  
most of the nation's best special forces trainers now are on the U.S.  
contracting payroll in Iraq.

South Africa's national police force, meanwhile, has begun offering  
its most experienced staff monthly bonuses of about $900, in part to  
stanch the flight of talent.

We don't deny that there has been an exodus, said Selby Bokaba, a  
police spokesman. We simply can't compete with the obscene salaries  
that our officers are being offered in Iraq.

Wages for private contractors who work as bodyguards, convoy escorts  
and oil field security workers in Iraq average about $10,000 a month  
-- more than 10 times the pay of a South African army or police captain.

Up to 10,000 in Iraq

Nobody knows how many South Africans have signed up for such  
hazardous duty. The foreign affairs ministry puts the number as high  
as 10,000, though industry experts and U.S. contracting firms say the  
figure is far smaller, more like 2,000 to 3,000 men. Still, even the  
lower estimate would make South Africans the third-largest contingent  
of armed foreigners deployed in Iraq after Washington's closest  
military ally, Britain.

A Blackwater spokeswoman, Anne Tyrrell, said no South Africans were  
currently employed by her security firm in Iraq. She said the  
company's main contract, guarding State Department officials,  
requires a U.S. security clearance. Industry sources said most of  
South Africa's guns for hire rent their services to British  
companies, or U.S. companies with strong South African ties.

Their presence in Iraq certainly isn't new. Beefy South Africans  
armed with submachine guns were guarding Washington's first  
proconsul, Jay Garner, within days of Saddam Hussein's fall. Up to 30  
of its citizens have died in Iraq, the South African government says.

The Americans like us because we're well-trained and used to working  
in rustic conditions, said Alex 

[CTRL] Rahm Emanuel: the mini-Rove of the Democratic Party

2007-10-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


October 11, 2007 -- Rahm Emanuel: the mini-Rove of the Democratic Party
publication date: Oct 11, 2007
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October 11, 2007 -- Rahm Emanuel: the mini-Rove of the Democratic Party

US Representative Rahm Emanuel, the chairman of the House Democratic  
Caucus and former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign  
Committee (DCCC), has a history of penetrating opposition political  
campaigns in a manner reminiscent of Karl Rove.

WMR has learned that Emanuel went to work for Ohio Senator John  
Glenn's presidential campaign in Illinois in 1984 with the intention  
of disrupting it. A Glenn campaign worker told WMR that he got into a  
physical altercation with Emanuel after Emanuel attempted to take  
control of campaign responsibilities without authorization. Glenn had  
an off-and-on stormy relationship with Ohio's other Democratic  
senator, Howard Metzenbaum, a strong supporter of Israel.

Emanuel again crossed paths with the Glenn campaign official in 1988.  
The former Glenn official was working for Illinois Senator Paul  
Simon's presidential campaign and Emanuel again appeared on the  
scene. Simon's campaign ultimately failed with Massachusetts Governor  
Michael Dukakis, another strong supporter of Israel, picking up the  
Democratic nomination.

Emanuel served in the Israel Defense Force during Desert Storm in  
1991. Emanuel's father, Benjamin Emanuel, was a member of the Israeli  
terrorist group Irgun Zvai Leumi, whose ideological mentor was Ze'ev  
Jabotinsky, a Jewish fascist who admired Italy's dictator and Adolf  
Hitler ally Benito Mussolini. Jabotinsky is, along with German-born  
Leo Strauss, a founder of the modern neo-conservative movement, which  
has strong underpinnings in fascist and National Socialist ideology.  
The Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing  
and wounding a number of British soldiers. The group also specialized  
in planting bombs in Arab markets (souks) in Palestine, killing a  
number of civilians.

WMR has heard from a number of Democratic congressional candidates in  
California, Florida, Missouri, Illinois, Virginia, Minnesota,  
Michigan, Ohio, and Georgia who have complained that Emanuel acts as  
a political litmus test gatekeeper, ensuring that only those  
Democrats swearing allegiance to strong support for Israel and a  
strong US military presence in the Middle East receive Democratic  
campaign contributions and political support. The Democrats would  
have increased their numbers in the House in 2006 had Emanuel's DCCC  
provided more funds for cash-strapped Democratic candidates in  
congressional districts where GOP incumbents were vulnerable.

Although Emanuel is from Illinois, he is not supporting Democratic  
presidential candidate and Illinois US Senator Barack Obama. Emanuel,  
a former official in the Bill Clinton White House, is strongly in  
Hillary Clinton's camp.


sysiphus (Melrose, WA)
Eureka!! We now have a number 2 for We the People's hit list for  
Democrat slime to off in 2008. Number one is Pelosi. All  
recommendations must be supported by evidence such as our host  
provides us here.

liberty antigone (?)
Steny Hoyer, if I remember what you said before, Mr. Madsen, is  
part of the Israel-first block.

altruist (Austin)
Emanuel starved Col. Bob Bowman for cash in Bowman's Florida '06  
congressional race. Col. Bowman was outspent 30 to 1, I believe and  
still won 44% of the vote. Col. Bowman is also an outspoken proponent  
of a new and real investigation of 9/11.

Is that an investigation Emanuel does not want to take place,  
for fear of where it may lead, perhaps?

Wayne Madsen
Steny Hoyer's sister is Bernice Manocherian. She was President  
of AIPAC in 2004.

Excerpt of Hoyer's speech to AIPAC conference in 2004: ... Now  
let me speak about my sister, Bernice, your incoming president. She  
and I were born not together, but at the same hospital in New York  
City. I was born at least a couple of decades before Bernice. Bernice  
does not have a microphone, but she said, absolutely. Bernice, we are  
so proud of you, we sons and daughters of the Fifth Avenue Flower  
Hospital. And I look forward to working as closely with you as I have  
with Amy – as I have with Howard. I know you will do an extraordinary  
job. (Applause.)

Bill Wade (Exeter)
Here's an important article from CounterPunch:


One of the unintended consequences of 911 was that it brought a  
sense of we are all in this together between the races in the USA  
and in particular between Blacks and Whites. I witnessed many  
poignant moments on that fateful day while watching TV of Black  
victims helping White victims and the reverse. It was hard not to  
notice and it was one of the few heartening things going on that day.  