[CTRL] FEMA poisons thousands in Oklahoma with mercury

2007-10-19 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

*FEMA poisons thousands in Oklahoma with mercury*



Sheeple lined up for their mercury-laden flu shots in Oklahoma, many
guaranteeing themselves a future rife with dementia and Alzheimer's. From *The
McAlester News-Capital* October 19,

Thousands of people got their flu shots Thursday while a mock disaster
drill went on quietly in the background.

Yesterday we vaccinated 2,582 people, Pittsburg County Health Department
Administrator Mike Echelle said this morning. At the same time we had our
drill and the people who watched it believe we have the capabilities to
serve the people in the event we did have a medical emergency.

The drill, which was called a Mass Immunization Prophylaxis Strategy, or
MIPS for short, was evaluated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
the Pittsburg County Office of Emergency Management and the state Department
of Health.

Taking part in the drill were uniformed law enforcement personnel,
ambulances and even the SWAT team. We're doing this as real as possible,
just in case we ever have to really do it, in the event of a pandemic or an
emergency, Det. Capt. Shawn Smith said.


The feds have long been openly spraying chemtrails on the peopl of Oklahoma
as well. The population there is very trusting of the national security
state and thus ideal test subjects for bioweapns and the like. The
mass-injection coincided with FEMA drilling bioweapon attacks in other
locations in the US during TOPOFF4.


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[CTRL] reproductive harms survey, clergy abuse

2007-10-19 Thread Smart News
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Describes crimes
Reproductive  Harms Survey - Where were you  harmed? 
Answers Votes Percent 
1.  Canada  29  12%  
2.  United States  157  67%  
3.  Europe  19  8%  
4.  Australia  17  7%  
5.  New Zealand  6  3%  
6.  Israel  2  1%  
7.  Asia  2  1%  
8.  Africa  0  0%  
9.  South America  0  0%  
10. Other  3  1%  

Total Votes:  235

Did you decide not to have a child because you thought it would  be 
impossible to keep a child safe? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  87  37%  
2.   no  118  50%  
3. n/a  30  13%  
Total Votes:  235

Have you ever experienced a forced pregnancy by ritual  abuse-torture  

Answers Votes Percent 
1. yes  158  68%  
2.  no  62  27%  
3.  n/a  11  5%  
Total Votes: 231
Have you experienced forced abortions by ritual abuse-torture  perpetrators? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.yes  150  64%  
2.  no  69  30%  

3. n/a  14  6%  
Total Votes: 233
Have you experienced a live delivery when still enslaved by ritual  
abuse-torture  perpetrators? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1. yes  111  48%  
2.  no  102  45%  
3.  n/a  16  7%  
Total Votes: 229
Did rapes occur during or after an abortion or delivery? 
Answers Votes Percent 
1.  yes  128  56%  
2. no  57  25%  
3. n/a  42  19%  
Total Votes: 227

If a  pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s)  killed/sacrificed? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  118  51%  
2.   no  53  23%  
3.   n/a  59  26%  
Total Votes: 230
If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s)  cannibalized? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  97  43%  
2.   no  62  27%  
3.   n/a  67  30%  
Total Votes:  226

If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred did the infant(s)  disappear? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  96  42%  
2.   no  65  28%  
3.   n/a  68  30%  
Total Votes: 229
If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s) kept within the  

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  35  15%  
2.   no  118  51%  
3.   n/a  79  34%  
Total Votes: 232
INTERNATIONAL DIGEST: Mexico cardinal knew about child abuse, group claims  
Posted on Oct 12, 2007 | by Mark Kelly MEXICO CITY (BP)--Mexico's leading Roman 
 Catholic cardinal knew a Mexican priest might be molesting children when he  
transferred him to the United States, a victim's rights group has alleged. To 
 support their claim, the Survivor's Network of Those Abused by Priests 
released  letters written in 1987 between Mexico City Cardinal Norberto Rivera 
Los  Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, as well as 1986 police report in which 
Nicolas  Aguilar, a priest in Mexico's Puebla state, was accused of molesting 
boys during  overnight stays. The documents had been filed by attorneys 
Rivera  against charges in Los Angeles that he and Mahoney conspired to 
protect Aguilar,  according to the Associated Press. 

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[CTRL] Portland PD thwarts Chertoff/SAIC bomb plot

2007-10-19 Thread Total Information
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* Portland PD thwarts Chertoff/SAIC bomb plot

Heroic local officers with the Portland Police department did an explosive
sweep on vehicles belonging to criminal elements connected to Mossad agent
Michael Chertoff. Cherotff was in town to participate in a SAIC-scripted
terror drill. Counterterrorsim analysts in the blogosphere had voiced
concern that Chertoff would use the opportunity to take the drill live,
blaming a false-flag attack on Iran.

Portland activists should be commended for alerting local law enforcement as
to who the real terrorists are.
From Portland's *The Oregonian* October 18, 2007

Portland police cordoned off several blocks around the Lloyd Center,
marking off the area with thousands of feet of yellow tape blowing in the
afternoon wind. They also shut down MAX trains through the area, and alerted
people inside the hotel and surrounding buildings. Some in those buildings
chose to evacuate, while others remained in place.

By 3:45 p.m., Police spokesman Brian Schmautz said officials were
comfortable there was nothing sinister going on. Shortly after that, TriMet
spokeswoman Peggy LaPoint said the red and blue MAX lines were back open in
both directions through the area.

Nonetheless, Topoff activities at the hotel were quickly canceled earlier in
the afternoon. Schmautz said officers had been sweeping the area in advance
of visits by Chertoff and high-ranking military personnel using a pair of
explosives sensitive police dogs. One dog got an alert at this car. The
second dog was called in and also gave an alert. A third dog later came to
the parking garage, and had the same reaction as the first two.

Authorities initially focused on one vehicle, which turned out to be owned
by a participant in the Topoff exercise.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Bush Quips He Might Stay in Power

2007-10-19 Thread RoadsEnd
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Bush Quips He Might Stay in Power (Threat Level Plays Along)
By Kevin Poulsen October 17, 2007 | 2:47:58 PMCategories: Election '08   
At a press briefing this morning that touched on issues like the White House's 
extrajudicial wiretapping program and torture policies, the president was asked 
a question about Vladimir Putin's plan to hold on to power when his term as 
Russian president runs out. 

  Reporter: Mr. President, following up on Vladimir Putin for a moment, he said 
recently that next year, when he has to step down according to the 
constitution, as the president, he may become prime minister; in effect keeping 
power and dashing any hopes for a genuine democratic transition there ...

  Bush: I've been planning that myself. 

Ahahahahaha. That's funny. It's a great comedian who can give voice to what 
everyone else is just thinking. 

Despite the president's occasional contempt for the law, THREAT LEVEL doesn't 
believe that he's going to declare a state of emergency and cancel the 2008 
election. But in July, we filed some FOIA requests anyway. We asked five 
Justice Department offices for documents produced or revised after August 2001 
addressing the feasibility, advisability or lawfulness of deferring, 
rescheduling or canceling a U.S. national election. 

The Office of Legal Counsel responded in nine days: It has no documents fitting 
that description. This is the office specifically tasked with advising the 
president on legal matters, and which infamously  belched out a memo 
sanctioning torture in 2002. 

This was, by the way, the fastest FOIA response I've ever gotten -- the speed 
suggesting the proposition was so ludicrous that it demanded swift repudiation. 
(Or that the office wanted to dispose of the FOIA before the White House went 
and asked for election postponement options). The Office of the Attorney 
General responded late last month (.pdf), also reporting no records found. 
Ditto the Office of the Associate Attorney General. 

Only two offices haven't given the all-clear: The Office of the Deputy Attorney 
General is still looking into it. The National Security Division says it can't 
even estimate when I might get a response, because there are 14 unrelated FOIA 
requests ahead of mine.

That means I'll probably hear back sometime in late 2009, by which time Bush 
won't even be in office any more. Unless he is. Ahahahahaha. Just kidding.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fw: [Quiche!] 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

2007-10-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Neo Mulder 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 23:38
Subject: [Quiche!] 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

By Iain Murray

Fri Oct 12, 2007 19:29


Gorey Truths

25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

By Iain Murray

With An Inconvenient Truth, the companion book to former Vice President Al 
Gore's global-warming movie, currently number nine in Amazon sales rank, this 
is a good time to point out that the book, which is a largely pictorial 
representation of the movie's graphical presentation, exaggerates the evidence 
surrounding global warming. Ironically, the former Vice President leaves out 
many truths that are inconvenient for his argument. Here are just 25 of them.

1. Carbon Dioxide's Effect on Temperature. The relationship between global 
temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2), on which the entire scare is founded, is 
not linear. Every molecule of CO2 added to the atmosphere contributes less to 
warming than the previous one. The book's graph on p. 66-67 is seriously 
misleading. Moreover, even the historical levels of CO2 shown on the graph are 
disputed. Evidence from plant fossil-remains suggest that there was as much CO2 
in the atmosphere about 11,000 years ago as there is today.

2. Kilimanjaro. The snows of Kilimanjaro are melting not because of global 
warming but because of a local climate shift that began 100 years ago. The 
authors of a report in the International Journal of Climatology develop a new 
concept for investigating the retreat of Kilimanjaro's glaciers, based on the 
physical understanding of glacier-climate interactions. They note that, The 
concept considers the peculiarities of the mountain and implies that 
climatological processes other than air temperature control the ice recession 
in a direct manner. A drastic drop in atmospheric moisture at the end of the 
19th century and the ensuing drier climatic conditions are likely forcing 
glacier retreat on Kilimanjaro.

3. Glaciers. Glaciers around the world have been receding at around the same 
pace for over 100 years. Research published by the National Academy of Sciences 
last week indicates that the Peruvian glacier on p. 53-53 probably disappeared 
a few thousand years ago.

4. The Medieval Warm Period. Al Gore says that the hockey stick graph that 
shows temperatures remarkably steady for the last 1,000 years has been 
validated, and ridicules the concept of a medieval warm period. That's not 
the case. Last year, a team of leading paleoclimatologists said, When matching 
existing temperature reconstructions.

the timeseries display a reasonably coherent picture of major climatic episodes:

 'Medieval Warm Period,' 'Little Ice Age' and 'Recent Warming.' They go on to 
conclude, So what would it mean, if the reconstructions indicate a larger.

or smaller.temperature amplitude? We suggest that the former situation, i.e. 
enhanced variability during pre-industrial times, would result in a 
redistribution of weight towards the role of natural factors in forcing 
temperature changes, thereby relatively devaluing the impact of anthropogenic 
emissions and affecting future temperature predictions.

5. The Hottest Year. Satellite temperature measurements say that 2005 wasn't 
the hottest year on record - 1998 was - and that temperatures have been stable 
since 2001 (p.73). Here's the satellite graph:


6. Heat Waves. The summer heat wave that struck Europe in 2003 was caused by an 
atmospheric pressure anomaly; it had nothing to do with global warming. As the 
United Nations Environment Program reported in September 2003, This extreme 
wheather [sic] was caused by an anti-cyclone firmly anchored over the western 
European land mass holding back the rain-bearing depressions that usually enter 
the continent from the Atlantic ocean. This situation was exceptional in the 
extended length of time (over 20 days) during which it conveyed very hot dry 
air up from south of the Mediterranean.



The Global Warming Hoax

Even Roger Revelle, one of the fathers of Global Warming 
theory and the man much touted by Al Gore in his 
mockumentary, came to, well, not disavow his ...



Al Gore - FOR a One World Church and UN Dictatorship

Gore, in Palo Alto, spreads thanks for Nobel Peace Prize win
Nuevo Mundo, CA - 3 hours ago

By Mary Anne Ostrom and Mark Gomez Former US Vice-president 
Al Gore, center addresses to media during a press conference 
on Friday morning in Palo Alto ...

Al Gore Interview With Dianne Sawyer

10 min - May 22, 2007 - (100 ratings) 

Iraq, and how the media frames these debates and the problems
with our democracy and the news media todayAl 

[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Yr Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

2007-10-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: S.T.Ill Freeman 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 00:39
Subject: [ctrl] NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Yr Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Year Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

By Randy Hall

CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
August 16, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - NASA scientists this month corrected an error that resulted in 
1934 replacing 1998 as the warmest year on record in the U.S., thus challenging 
some key global warming arguments, but the correction is being ignored, a 
conservative climate expert charged Wednesday.

Yet at the same time, announcements that support global warming are considered 
front-page news, said H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the 
conservative National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

For his part, James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space 
Studies, has called the correction is statistically insignificant.

Burnett challenged that assertion, saying the correction made it clear that 
NASA's conclusion -- that the majority of the 10 hottest years have occurred 
since 1990 -- is false.

Time after time, Hansen and other global warming alarmists present their data 
as 'the facts,' and [say that] 'you can't argue with data,'  he said. Well, 
it turns out their data is just wrong. And when it's wrong, they want to say 
it's not important.

The controversy began on Aug. 4, when blogger Steve McIntyre of the 
ClimateAudit.org website, sent an email to NASA asserting that the data 
collected by the agency after 1999 was not being adjusted to allow for the 
times of day when readings were taken or the locations of the monitoring 

According to 
a blog posting by NASA climate modeler Gavin Schmidt, agency analysts then 
looked into it and found that this coincided with the switch between two 
sources of U.S. temperature data. 

There had been a faulty assumption that these two sources matched, Schmidt 
said. The obvious fix was to make an adjustment based on a period of overlap 
so that these offsets disappear.

Schmidt said the data analysis was then adjusted 
accordingly, and a note of thanks emailed to McIntyre.

The net effect of the change was to reduce mean U.S. anomalies by about 0.15 
degrees Celsius for the years 2000-2006, which resulted in a very minor 
knock on information from earlier years, Schmidt added.

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Burnett, however, called the miscalculation a serious math error and noted 
that according to NASA's newly published data: 
  a.. The hottest year on record is 1934, not 1998;

  b.. The third hottest year on record was 1921, not 2006;

  c.. Three of the five hottest years on record occurred before 1940; and

  d.. Six of the top 10 hottest years occurred prior to 90 percent of the 
growth in greenhouse gas emissions during the last century. 

'Ignore the man behind the curtain'

The NCPA analyst also charged that because the change does not fit the 
mainstream media's view of global warming as an immediate and ongoing crisis, 
the incident was being ignored by television news networks and newspapers 
across the country.

Cybercast News Service conducted a Nexis search for news articles over the past 
month containing the words NASA, 1998 and 1934. As of Tuesday, Aug. 14, 
only eight newspapers had discussed the correction, along with United Press 
International (UPI) and the Fox News Channel.

On Wednesday, however, a dozen major news outlets -- ranging from the Chicago 
Sun-Times and Tribune to the Los Angeles Times and CNN -- finally ran stories 
on the change, most emphasizing the resulting controversy that had erupted 
across the conservative blogosphere.

In the Washington Post, Hansen said that the critics were making a mountain of 
a molehill. The change does nothing to our understanding of how the global 
climate is changing and is being used by critics to muddy the debate.

Hansen said that NASA generally does not release or discuss national weather 
statistics because it is more concerned with global patterns, the Post 
reported. The agency that pays more attention to American temperature trends 
is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which has said that 
most of the warmest years in the past century have been in the past 12 years.

Hansen said the revised data do nothing to change that overall trend, the 
newspaper added.

Burnett was highly critical of the Washington Post's coverage of the story.

The Post gave James Hansen -- the one who made the error -- four paragraphs to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Ron Paul: Republican or Revolutionary?

2007-10-19 Thread RoadsEnd
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Google News Alert for: Ron Paul

Paul: Republican or Revolutionary?
ABC News - USA
Ron Paul, R-Texas, has raised millions from staunch supporters
attracted to the libertarian's unique message in an otherwise
traditional field of GOP ...

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Paul leads in donations from military voters, with Obama next
Houston Chronicle - United States
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the congressman
from the
Houston area who ...

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President Ron Paul Would Finally Unite This Country
Red State - USA
As near as I can tell, Ron Paul might well be the only
candidate of either party who can finally unite this country -- and
especially unite ...

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TransWorldNews (press release) -
Through Ron Paul's press conference Wednesday, Paul
stated clearly how he is in the top tier in terms of cash on hand. Mitt
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UPDATE Writes Albert Divetta: "We're organizing a local Meetup right
now for Ron Paul supporters to attend and rally the
Institute's National ...

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How Should Ron Paul Get More Media Coverage?
National Ledger - Apache
By Keith Walters Jones Ron Paul is the president of the
Internet a
friend told me yesterday. He scoffed when I told him I believed that
Paul deserved ...

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Paul's Military Support
RealClearPolitics - Chicago,IL,USA
Ron Paul's presidential campaign than to any other candidate.
Significant? Perhaps, but some would be right to be skeptical. Paul
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Atlantic Online - USA
Paul's third-quarter financial disclosure report is sprinkled
supporters whose self-descriptions of their occupations are unusual, to
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Fox News asks Ron Paul why he gets most military support while ...
Raw Story - Cambridge,MA,USA
Ron Paul (R-TX) appeared on Fox News this week, he was
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a master of the art of the Internet who has raised millions in online
donations. ...

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Vice-President Ron Paul ?
Liberty Papers - Elk Grove,CA,USA
It's easy for me to imagine people who wouldn't otherwise vote for a
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Paul is on the ...

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 Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #01 of 12
Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version  GOOGLE VIDEO

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