[CTRL] Fwd: Rice, Hadley, Wolfowitz, other Neocons to be subpoenaed in AIPAC/Israel spy case

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Rice, Hadley to be subpoenaed in Israel lobby spy case
WASHINGTON (AFP) — A judge ruled Friday that Secretary of State Condoleezza 
Rice and White House National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley can be subpoenaed 
to testify in a sensitive spying case that has focused attention on Israel's 
powerful US lobbying. 
Federal court judge T.S. Ellis ruled to allow the request by lawyers for 
Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, former employees of the influential pro-Israel 
lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), to subpoena Rice, 
and 13 other current and former top government officials to testify in the 
case, according to court documents. 
Rosen and Weissman, accused of passing secret US defense information to 
unauthorized people while they worked for AIPAC, hope the testimony of the 
government officials will support their defense that they were not engaged in 
The defendants claim that testimony from these current and former officials 
will tend to show that the overt acts reflect nothing more than the 
well-established official Washington practice of engaging in 'back-channel' 
communication, according to Friday's ruling issued in Alexandria, Virginia. 
The White House and the State Department declined to comment on the ruling, 
which rejected government arguments that the officials' testimony in the case, 
which involves key issues of national security, would be immaterial and even 
harmful to the defendants. 
We are aware of the order authorizing the potential issuance of subpoenas in 
the Rosen and Weissman case should the case go to trial, said National 
Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe. 
It is our understanding that no subpoenas have been issued at this time. We 
cannot comment further because this is an ongoing criminal prosecution. 
We are not going to comment on an ongoing legal matter, said State 
Department spokesman Tom Casey. 
Rosen and Weissman and Department of Defense official Lawrence Franklin were 
charged in 2005 under the Espionage Act with conspiracy to communicate 
national defense information after they were documented in a lengthy FBI 
investigation sharing sensitive US intelligence with each other and with 
US officials alleged that between 1999 and 2004 Franklin passed secrets to 
Israel using AIPAC as the conduit; at the time Rosen was the lobby's policy 
director and Weissman an analyst on Iran. 
The sealed indictments, according to court documents, record 57 overt acts in 
the mishandling of the secrets, including meetings and telephone calls 
involving communicating the information with both US and foreign nationals. 
The intelligence involved terrorist activities in Central Asia, US 
intelligence and policy regarding Middle Eastern countries, and Al Qaeda, 
according to 
the court documents. 
Rosen and Weissman maintain that the secrets were not closely held by the US 
government and their disclosure did no damage to the country, the court 
documents said. 
Franklin, a former assistant to former undersecretary of defense Douglas 
Feith, pleaded guilty after a series of closed hearings and was sentenced in 
January 2006 to 12 years and seven months in prison and a 10,000 dollar fine. 
The pre-trial ruling will allow Rosen and Weissman's lawyers to proceed with 
subpoenas for Rice, Hadley, former senior State Department officials Richard 
Armitage, Marc Grossman, Matthew Bryza and William Burns, former top defense 
department officials Feith and Paul Wolfowitz, and others from US defense, 
diplomatic and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Ex-Saudi ambassador: Kingdom could have helped U.S. prevent 9/11

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Ex-Saudi ambassador: Kingdom could have helped U.S. prevent 9/11


* Story Highlights
* Prince Bandar bin Sultan: U.S. did not engage Saudis in serious,
credible way
* All but four of September 11 hijackers were Saudi nationals
* U.S. official: Bandar's comments should be taken with a grain
of salt
* Bandar was the Saudi ambassador to Washington for nearly 22 years 

 (CNN) -- Saudi Arabia could have helped the United States prevent al
Qaeda's 2001 attacks on New York and Washington if American officials
had consulted Saudi authorities in a credible way, the kingdom's
former ambassador said in a documentary aired Thursday.

Prince Bandar said that Saudi intelligence was actively following
most of the 9/11 plotters with precision.

The comments by Prince Bandar bin Sultan are similar to the remarks
this week by Saudi King Abdullah that suggested Britain could have
prevented the July 2005 train bombings in London if it had heeded
warnings from Riyadh.

Speaking to the Arabic satellite network Al-Arabiya on Thursday,
Bandar -- now Abdullah's national security adviser -- said Saudi
intelligence was actively following most of the September 11, 2001,
plotters with precision.

If U.S. security authorities had engaged their Saudi counterparts in
a serious and credible manner, in my opinion, we would have avoided
what happened, he said. Video Watch Bandar's comments »

Bandar was the Saudi ambassador to Washington for nearly 22 years
before he was replaced in 2005. A knowledgeable U.S. official told CNN
that Bandar's comments should be taken with a grain of salt.

On Monday, Abdullah told the BBC that Saudi Arabia had sent warnings
to British authorities before the London subway bombings that killed
52 people -- the city's bloodiest day since World War II.

We have sent information to Great Britain before the terrorist
attacks in Britain, Abdullah said. But unfortunately, no action was
taken, and it may have been able to avert the tragedy.

 The September 11 attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in New York,
Washington and Pennsylvania. All but four of the suicide hijackers who
carried out the plot were Saudi nationals, and after the attacks, the
kingdom was widely criticized for having tolerated Islamic militancy.

The Saudis have called the criticism unfair, pointing out that al
Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden's original grievance was against the
country's ruling family, which invited U.S. troops into the kingdom
after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

A string of attacks on Western compounds, oil installations and Saudi
institutions between 2003 and 2006 were blamed on al Qaeda's followers.

And Saudi officials say that since 9/11, they have taken steps to
ensure charitable donations do not fall into the hands of al Qaeda. 

All About 

September 11 Attacks 
Al Qaeda

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[CTRL] Fwd:   Planned American Dictatorship Has Started Creation of Their Thought Police

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- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 4:03 AM
Subject: Planned American Dictatorship Has Started Creation of Their Thought 


Title:  Planned American Dictatorship Has Started Creation of Their Thought 
Subtitle: We have expected this type of law since the attacks of 9/11. While 
California was burning, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a 
Thought Crime bill which will classify Patriot and/or Christian dissidents as 
Homegrown Terrorists!
Since the 9/11 attacks, Cutting Edge has been warning that the Illuminati was 
planning to use the attacks as cover for implementing a severe dictatorship 
upon America. Gradually, and always operating under the guise of saving 
American freedom, Skull  Bones President Bush has cooperated with an equally 
committed Illuminist Congress, has consistently passed laws which remove all 
our freedoms and Constitutional protections. 

If you have ever actually read Patriot Acts 1 and 2, you will realize that our 
government can arrest anyone on any pretense, without specific charges, with no 
right to a lawyer, no right for a public jury trial, and no right to appeal any 
sentence. Furthermore, the victim can be jailed at a secret location, his 
family has no right to know where he is, and he can be executed secretly and 
buried just as secretly, with the government under no requirement to notify the 
family that he was executed. 

The only reason we Americans still think we are free is that our government 
leaders have decided to not implement any of these draconian laws right away. 
Following the example set by Adolf Hitler, our leaders are gradually setting 
these dictatorial laws in place but not implementing them until the total Plan 
is ready to set in motion. When the time has come for the next terrorist attack 
and/or the next environmental disaster to occur, FEMA and/or Homeland Security 
can totally dissolve our Constitutional government, and start arresting 
dissidents, completely protected by law. Again, this is the path traveled by 
Adolf Hitler 

The Horror of H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism 
Prevention Act of 2007 

NEWS BRIEF: House Passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill, BY Lee Rogers, Rogue 
Government.com, 10-25-2007 

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 1955 titled the Violent 
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This bill is one 
of the most blatant attacks against the Constitution yet, and actually defines 
thought crimes as homegrown terrorism. If passed into law, it will also 
establish a commission and a Center of Excellence to study and defeat so called 
thought criminals. Unlike previous anti-terror legislation, this bill 
specifically targets the civilian population of the United States and uses 
vague language to define homegrown terrorism. 

Please note the following troubling provisions: 

1) Civilian populations of the United States -- American citizens -- are 
targeted. Starting in late, 2001, Cutting Edge warned repeatedly that the 
danger in disallowing non-citizens their normal rights under American law was 
that the day would soon come when native-born American citizens would be 
disallowed their Constitutional rights. But, because the targets following 9/11 
were Islamic terrorists, the average American on the street uttered not one 
word of protest. 

Now this bill substantiates the truth of the Cutting Edge position: American 
citizens were the ultimate targets after all! 

2) Vague language is always the friend of the dictator, and always proves the 
complete undoing of the dissident. 

3) American citizens who are 

[CTRL] Fwd: Les ROOTS -- Sarkozy, Israeli Mole

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Furl the flag
_Gamal Nkrumah_ 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]::%20Furl%20the%20flag) 


As if his marital challenges were not enough cause for concern, Sarco the 
Sayan has suddenly emerged as the most infamous accolade of French President 
Nicolas Sarkozy. The influential French daily Le Figaro last week revealed that 
the French leader once worked for -- and perhaps still does, it hinted -- 
Israeli intelligence as a sayan (Hebrew for helper), one of the thousands of 
Jewish citizens of countries other than Israel who cooperate with the katsas 
(Mossad case-officers). 
A letter dispatched to French police officials late last winter -- long 
before the presidential election but somehow kept secret -- revealed that 
was recruited as an Israeli spy. The French police is currently investigating 
documents concerning Sarkozy's alleged espionage activities on behalf of 
Mossad, which Le Figaro claims dated as far back as 1983. According to the 
author of 
the message, in 1978, Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin ordered the 
infiltration of the French ruling Gaullist Party, Union pour un Mouvement 
Populaire. Originally targeted were Patrick Balkany, Patrick Devedjian and 
Lellouche. In 1983, they recruited the young and promising Sarkozy, the 
Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how sayanim function in By Way Of 
Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. They are usually 
reached through relatives in Israel. An Israeli with a relative in France, for 
instance, might be asked to draft a letter saying the person bearing the letter 
represents an organisation whose main goal is to help save Jewish people in the 
Diaspora. Could the French relative help in any way? They perform many 
different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental car agency, could 
the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An 
apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank 
could fund someone in the middle of the night if needs be, a doctor sayan 
would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police.  
And, a political sayan ? It's rather obvious what this could mean. The 
sayanim are a pool of people at the ready who will keep quiet about their 
out of loyalty to the cause, a non-risk recruitment system that draws from 
millions of Jewish people outside Israel.  
Such talk sends chills down spines, especially Arab and Muslim ones. Indeed, 
the revelation did not go unnoticed in Arab capitals or come as much of a 
surprise. Paris can be a sunny place for shady people. When it comes to 
intelligence gathering on behalf of Israel, a question mark is immediately 
raised on the 
moral calibre of the person in question. But, how does this scandal influence 
France's foreign and domestic politics?  
It is of symbolic significance that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was on 
a state visit to France in the immediate aftermath of Le Figaro 's exposé -- 
ostensibly to discuss Iran's nuclear agenda and the Palestinian question. 
Proud and prickly France under its supposedly savvy new president hopes to play 
more prominent role in the perplexing world of Middle Eastern politics. On 
Monday, Sarkozy flew to Morocco, the ancestral home of many of France's Jewry, 
soon after his Mossad connection was made public. There is no clear evidence 
that the revelation is to make France 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Parts Left Out of the Good Shepherd

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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High Times
November 2007
 The Parts Left Out of the Good Shepherd
 Hollywood recently released the first behind-the-curtain account of the 
creation of the Central Intelligence Agency and its relationship with a secret 
society at Yale University known as Skull and Bones. HIGH TIMES asked the 
leading authority on the group to help us separate truth from fiction. 

By Kris Millegan

  I hope you are lucky enough to meet someone you trust. I regret to say. I 
—Dr, Fredricks [Michael Gambon] in The Good Shepherd

 The Good Shepherd is Robert De Niro's effort to mine the dramatic materials 
at the very real-life nexus of secret societies, intelligence agencies and 
recorded history, apparently in an attempt to forge a Godfather-style franchise.
 But one is left wincing at the thought of The Good Shepherd.  Part II, given 
that the film begins and ends with the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and its 
aftermath, with the assassination of JFK and its attendant wilderness of 
conspiracy lurking just over the horizon, Will the right people end up 
washing the 
blood off their hands in a sequel, laying the action off on some mob operation 
gone rogue, which then had to be covered up for the good of the country? 
All just an honest mistake 

 But I seem to be getting ahead of myself. I have often been asked. 'What do 
you think of the movie The Good Shepherd? And the best response I could 
usually offer was: Well. I haven't seen it yet. I'd been aware of the film 
several years, and followed its progress to the silver screen, but I don't get 
out much. Then, finally, the DVD version of the film wound its way to our local 
store, and I picked up a copy to see what I could find.  My first viewing 
brought up a host of indignant furies, all riled at the historical hubris of 
tale and the simple fact that most of the characters in it and even the film's 
central story of betrayal are amalgamations at best, and total confabulations 
at worst. Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that you shouldn't watch this 
movie, As a matter of fact. I recommend it highly — but with caveats, as will 
soon become clear. 

 Similar emotions were probably experienced by the relatives of Mafia members 
when The Godfather came out: contempt for its errors, but still a 
satisfaction at seeing a film with some semblance of reality, accurately 
portraying the 
Mafia's attitudes, atmosphere and activities while, at the same time, exposing 
a very tragic and very real group that plays by its own rules and affects us 
all … immensely. Being an intelligence brat. I can only speak about The Good 
Shepherd, but if you're interested in the views of Mafia whelps. I suggest 
reading Mafia Princess by Antoinette Giancana, or maybe watching some Growing 
Gotti on AE. 

 But then, my own dad wasn't a big boss; he was just a lesser boss, someone 
who had been in some very interesting places at some very interesting times, 
which had given him an overview of the agency beyond the standard 
compartmentalization. The last overt job that my father, Lloyd S. Millegan, had 
with the CIA 
was serving as a branch chief, the head of the East Asia Research Analysis 
Office. Before that, he'd been in the Office of Strategic Services (0SS) and a 
few of the other alpha-named agencies that eventually morphed into the CIA. 
After his initial contact with the intelligence community in 1936. as an 
18-year-old exchange student at the University of Shanghai. He joined the OSS 
World War II. In 1943, he entered the world of deep politics, monitoring Gen, 
Douglas MacArthur and his staff for 

[CTRL] 20 suspected pedophiles arrested in France

2007-11-04 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

20 suspected pedophiles arrested in France PARIS, Oct. 31, 2007 (Xinhua) --  
A total of 20 people have been arrested in France as suspected pedophiles 
after  the European Union (EU) launched a massive crackdown on the criminal 
Monday, French police said Wednesday. Among the arrestees, three allegedly  
molested children during trips abroad, and another three were believed to have  
filmed children porno scenes abroad. Police also seized about 1.5 million  
illegal images from one suspect's computer.  The  European-wide raid, 
codenamed Koala, followed traces discovered in an  operation on suspected 
molesters in Australia in 2006, during which police  found some 3,000 
e-mail addresses. The operation was supervised by  Europe's police agency 
Europol and Eurojust, the EU agency in charge of  coordinating judicial 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] CIA Scofflaw Fred Thompson

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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As a deep Iran-Contra operative Thompson is himself linked with
megalithic CIA cocaine smuggling, which is mostly what CIA trojan
horse Iran-Contra fake support for the Nicaraguan contras was about.
The contras did not receive half a percent of drug proceeds, or else
they would have had Stinger missiles and helicopters instead of cheap
Chinese  rifles that can't hit the side of a barn.

This about a Thompson aide smuggling a few pounds of marijunana seems
like a limited hangout in comparison of Thompson's support for CIA
cocaine smuggling, and Republican links to two recently captured CIA
cocaine flights in Mexico involving tons of cocaine, and Republican
links to 911 heroin smuggling and quid pro quo liberation of Lebanese
and Afghan-Pak poppies as payback for 911 heroin funding for Porter
Goss and Air America CIA.



Thompson Adviser Has Criminal Past

By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 4, 2007; A01

Republican presidential candidate Fred D. Thompson has been
crisscrossing the country since early this summer on a private jet
lent to him by a businessman and close adviser who has a criminal
record for drug dealing.

Thompson selected the businessman, Philip Martin, to raise seed money
for his White House bid. Martin is one of four campaign co-chairmen
and the head of a group called the first day founders. Campaign
aides jokingly began to refer to Martin, who has been friends with
Thompson since the early 1990s, as the head of Thompson's Airforce.

Thompson's frequent flights aboard Martin's twin-engine Cessna 560
Citation have saved him more than $100,000, because until the law
changed in September, campaign-finance rules allowed presidential
candidates to reimburse private jet owners for just a fraction of the
true cost of flights.

Martin entered a plea of guilty to the sale of 11 pounds of marijuana
in 1979; the court withheld judgment pending completion of his
probation. He was charged in 1983 with violating his probation and
with multiple counts of felony bookmaking, cocaine trafficking and
conspiracy. He pleaded no contest to the cocaine-trafficking and
conspiracy charges, which stemmed from a plan to sell $30,000 worth of
the drug, and was continued on probation.

Thompson's campaign said the candidate was not aware of the multiple
criminal cases, for which Martin served no jail time. All are
described in public court records.

Karen Hanretty, Thompson's deputy communications director, said
yesterday that Senator Thompson was unaware of the information until
this afternoon. Phil Martin has been a friend of the senator since the
mid-1990s and remains so today. Thompson communications director Todd
Harris added that Martin was not subjected to the campaign's standard
vetting process because he's a longtime friend.

There's not a campaign in the world that has the ability to research
every one of its supporters going back more than 20 years, Harris said.

Martin could not be reached in the past week, and lawyers for him in
Tennessee and Florida declined to comment on the criminal cases.
Hanretty said she forwarded detailed questions from The Washington
Post to Martin yesterday afternoon.

Martin, 49, is one of several top political fundraisers with a
criminal past to gain access this year to a presidential contender.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton decided in September to return more than
$800,000 raised by Norman Hsu, one of her top bundlers, after
newspapers disclosed that he had been convicted of fraud and had an
outstanding warrant for his arrest.

Martin has been more than just a key fundraiser 

[CTRL] Daniel Estulin, Bilderberg Group author to be on Coast to Coast, Tues. 11/6

2007-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-


Hosted by
George Noory
Daniel Estulin

Tuesday, November 6
Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin has been researching the Bilderberg 
Group for more than 14 years. He'll discuss the far-reaching influence the 
group has over domestic and world affairs.

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Wall Street Resorting to DEATH THREATS to Prop Up Public Confidence in System

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Top US analyst hits back after death threats over Citigroup downgrade
Tom Bawden in New York 
November 3, 2007, The Times (UK)

_Meredith Whitney: The $360bn analyst_ 
(http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/markets/article2793366.ece)  | 
_Citigroup fears send Wall Street 
reeling _ 
(http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article2783520.ece) | 
_Citigroup chief is about to quit amid mounting woes_ 
96487.ece)  | _Wall St braced for $10bn more credit crunch hits_ 
Meredith Whitney, the analyst who prompted a $369 billion (£177 billion) 
plunge in the value of US shares on Thursday by issuing a negative note on 
Citigroup, hit out at Wall Street’s culture of intimidation yesterday after 
several death threats from investors in the bank.  
Ms Whitney, a CIBC analyst who is married to the former World Wrestling 
Entertainment champion Death Mask, prompted a near 7 per cent drop in 
shares on Thursday, after suggesting that the bank needed to raise more than 
$30 billion to restore its capital cushion.  
She also downgraded her recommendation on Citigroup’s shares to “market 
underperform” in the note that set off America’s biggest stock market decline 
since August.  
Ms Whitney, Forbes’s second-highest ranked stock picker for 2007, told The 
Times: “People are scared to be negative, especially when a company has such a 
wide holding. Clients are not pleased with my call and I have had several death 
“But it was the most straightforward call I’ve made in my career and I am 
surprised my peer analysts have been resistant. It’s so straightforward, it’s 
Ms Whitney, whose marriage to John Charles Layfield, the wrestler, 2½ years 
ago was detailed in The New York Times, said that she has never felt any 
pressure from the Wall Street firms themselves to be positive. But she said 
investors could be “nasty and belligerent” if they felt you had lost them a lot 
money by influencing the price of their shares.  
“No one had the moxie to put in print what I put in print,” she said.  
Ms Whitney’s note came two weeks after Citigroup reported a 57 per cent drop 
in its third-quarter profits, following a $6.5 billion writedown, much of 
which related to the credit crunch.  
That writedown intensified recurring calls for Chuck Prince, Citigroup’s 
head, to stand down, although he remains at the helm of the world’s biggest 
But in a move that will fuel speculation about his position, Mr Prince 
yesterday cancelled a speech he had been due to give tomorrow at the US Japan 
Business Conference. A Citigroup spokesman said he had cancelled the appearance 
prepare for the company’s new listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Monday.  
Ms Whitney, 37, met Mr Layfield in 2003 when they were panelists on Bulls  
Bears, a programme on Fox News.  
Mr Layfield credits Ms Whitney with helping to make him more sophisticated. 
The New York Times reported him saying at their wedding: “She took a country 
boy like me and kind of refined me. I know what fork to use now at the dinner 
table, and I drink my beer from a glass.”  
Fed has biggest day of 
injections since Sept 2001
Thu Nov 1, 2007 9:43am ET