[CTRL] Bush's Hit List At the United Nations

2002-05-10 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

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Bush's Hit List At the United Nations

The U.S. has mounted a systematic campaign to oust top United Nations officials 
opposed to the war on terrorism.brnbsp;

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[CTRL] Once-Secret Nixon

2002-03-21 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

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Tricky Dick  Puff the Dragon

Once-Secret Nixon Tapes Show Why the U.S. Outlawed Pot

Lumping marijuana, homosexuality, Jews and Commies into one grand conspiracy, a 
paranoid Richard Nixon launched America's war on pot 30 years ago. Here are the 
tapes to prove it.

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[CTRL] Revolving door poses danger to defense

2001-08-08 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

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From: Alamaine

Revolving door poses danger to defense

By James J. Zogby

August 7, 2001

WASHINGTON - The Senate's confirmation of Douglas J. Feith as undersecretary of 
defense for policy is a classic illustration of the dangerous abuses inherent in the 
revolving door that operates between government and private industry.

Mr. Feith is a political appointee who has used his time in government to build 
relations that can be used for business purposes, and then returns to government.

As the Pentagon's policy chief, his responsibilities include:

- Developing policy on the conduct of alliances and defense relationships with foreign 
governments and their military establishments.

- Coordinating and overseeing the implementation of international security strategy 
and policy on issues that relate to foreign governments and their defense 

- Providing oversight of all Pentagon efforts related to international technology 

This is a powerful position and holds great potential for conflicts of interest. With 
previous Pentagon experience under President Ronald Reagan and as special counsel to 
Richard Perle, who was an assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration, 
Mr. Feith accumulated friends in and out of government who have U.S. defense contracts 
and relationships.

Most recently, Mr. Feith was an attorney with the Washington firm of Feith and Zell.

His biography says that he specializes in technology transfer, joint ventures and 
foreign investment in the defense and aerospace industries.

His firm has one international affiliate, in Israel. More than two-thirds of all of 
its reported casework involves representing Israeli or other foreign interests.

In light of Mr. Feith's new appointment, one of these cases deserves some attention. 
As described on the firm's Web site, Mr. Feith represented a leading Israeli 
armaments manufacturer in establishing joint ventures with leading U.S. aerospace 
manufacturers for manufacture and sale of missile systems, to the U.S. Department of 
Defense and worldwide.

Mr. Feith has also been a registered foreign agent for Turkey, seeking to promote the 
objective of U.S.-Turkish defense industrial cooperation through a company called IAI.

At the time, Mr. Perle, Mr. Feith's former boss, disavowed IAI's efforts, claiming 
that I find very distasteful this business where people leave the government and, the 
next thing you know, they're on the other side of the table negotiating with the U.S. 
This did not stop Mr. Perle from being IAI's highest-paid consultant.

More recently, Mr. Feith and Mr. Perle teamed to represent the Bosnian government. 
According to Richard Holbrooke, the principal U.S. negotiator at the 1995 Dayton peace 
talks, Mr. Perle and Mr. Feith worked for and advised the Bosnians during the talks. 
This time, however, they did not register with the Justice Department, as foreign 
agents are required to do.

Mr. Feith also represented the Loral Corp., which the Pentagon accused of selling 
sensitive technology to China. Mr. Feith argued Loral's case before the Senate.

On the political front, Mr. Feith sees the world in ideological dualistic terms - the 
forces of absolute good confronting the forces of absolute evil. He is especially 
adept at fitting the Middle East into this paradigm.

A prolific writer, Mr. Feith has left a long paper trail of vehemently anti-Arab 
tracts and diatribes against those who challenge or seek to question Israeli policy or 
as he says, Israel's moral superiority over the Arabs.

At his initial Senate hearing, several senators raised their concerns with Mr. Feith's 
previous statements about the Middle East, his support for scrapping existing arms 
control agreements and his support for unilateral development of a missile defense 

Now that the Senate has confirmed Mr. Feith's nomination, his work and the policies he 
creates must be closely scrutinized. His pattern of behavior and obvious conflicts of 
interest should have disqualified him from such a sensitive post; the issues raised at 
his confirmation hearing demonstrated that.

He is now shaping policy at the Pentagon.

Unfortunately, he is the wrong person to do so.

James J. Zogby is president of the Arab American Institute.

Copyright (c) 2001, The Baltimore Sun

Link to the article: http://www.sunspot.net/bal-op.feith07aug07.story

Visit http://www.sunspot.net

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[CTRL] For your attention

2001-08-07 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

Alamaine spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

The ruins Tony Blair should visit
Forget Cancun, globalisation has destroyed the real Latin America

Special report: globalisation
Isabel Hilton
Tuesday August 07 2001
The Guardian

Tony Blair is unlikely to be troubled on the beaches of Cancun in Mexico - where he is 
taking a much needed holiday - by any challenge to the vision of global prosperity 
that he promoted in his brief tour of Latin America. Cancun is an affluent resort, 
much favoured for Latin American summits and well endowed with that combination of 
natural beauty and comfortable surroundings that our leaders favour when they gather 
to order our lives.

But perhaps the prime minister might notice that the benefits of the economic 
liberalisation that most countries in Latin America have pursued over the past 15 
years are less evident to those around him than he might hope. In fact, as a senior UN 
development programme official put it two years ago: For the millions of poor, the 
slum dwellers, globalisation now has the face of cruelty, of unemployment and 
marginalisation... The distribution of wealth and income in the region is the most 
unequal in the world and the rise in daily criminal violence ... continuing 
drug-related problems, as well as the incidence of official corruption [are], in part, 
a manifestation of the unequal pattern of development.

It is not a great moment for advocates of globalisation in Latin America. Argentina, 
for instance, was until lately a country cited as a fine example: it had a president 
who, despite his Peronist label, had implemented the policies of the free market, 
pegged the local currency to the dollar, controlled inflation and carried out 
wholesale privatisation. Argentina appeared to blossom and bankers and financiers sang 
the praises of Carlos Menem from New York to Zurich. Now, though, ex-president Menem 
faces criminal charges, Argentina's external debt has reached a staggering #163;90bn, 
unemployment stands at 18% and the country is bankrupt.

In Brazil, things are only slightly better. There, too, the president is a 
liberaliser, but after a promising start, the economy has been plagued by recurring 
crises. Two years ago, with inflation running at nearly 20% and a general collapse in 
middle-class incomes, more than 100,000 people marched in Brasilia to demand the 
resignation of the president and an end to IMF reforms.

Then there is Peru - another case of a promising start gone wrong. Alberto Fujimori's 
regime ended last year in chaos, but he also was once the darling of international 
finance - a man who appeared to have tamed inflation and was liberalising the economy. 
Today he is hiding out in Japan, a country of which he recently admitted to being a 
citizen. (If he had owned up 10 years ago, of course, he would have been disqualified 
the presidency of Peru.) His government collapsed in a corruption scandal of 
breathtaking proportions and he is reduced to posting messages on his website, singing 
his own praises.

Colombia also has a president who is keen on liberalisation - but his main 
preoccupation is the fact that his country has become, with Plan Colombia, the latest 
arena for the theatre of American military illusions.

Plan Colombia has notched up the achievement of uniting most Colombians against the 
environmental disaster of enforced aerial spraying of toxic chemicals and further 
victories are in the pipeline - a growth of paramilitary human rights abuses, 
escalation of military activity and the likely export of Colombia's problems to her 
neighbours are all on the cards.

But there is one major Latin American country that is bucking the trend of 
liberalisation: in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, the still popular president of the country 
that boasts one of the largest oil reserves in the western hemisphere, offers an 
interesting exception to the general rule.

In most of Latin America it is the poor and the newly impoverished middle classes - 
the teachers and health workers who no longer have jobs, the pensioners who no longer 
have pensions - who articulate the opposition to economic liberalism. They have the 
bad grace to point out that, so far at least, it has brought dramatic increases in 
inequalities in the distribution of incomes and assets.

In Venezuela, though, it is the president who says so. Chavez is an old-fashioned 
nationalist  caudillo who prefers the company of Fidel Castro to that of George Bush 
or Tony Blair. Chavez seems determined to introduce to Venezuela some Cuban-style 
social control though, so far, this does not seem to have dented his domestic ratings. 
He's a wild card who might not matter but for those oil reserves.

In the 50s and 60s, behaviour such as Chavez's would certainly have invited 
destabilisation and a military 

[CTRL] A State Agency with the Power to 'Kidnap with Impunity'

2001-08-01 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, July  30, 2001
By Wendy McElroy

Click on the URL below for the rest of this story:

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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