-Caveat Lector-

To anyone who has seen "Terms of Engagement" i strongly recommend it as one
of the best documentary's i've ever seen.

For what it's worth a few comments on Waco:

Waco was not about religion, it was about non conformity. Branch Davidians
were non conformist in terms of their religion. Nevertheless, the issue
seems to be that modern western society is unable to deal with individuals
who are different or espouse unconventional beliefs, whether religious,
political or social.

Any comments welcome.


At 06:37  20/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 5:18 AM
>Subject: 'Waco' Producer: Lesson unlearned (fwd)
>             WorldNetDaily.com (APRIL 20, 1999)
>             'Waco' producer: Lesson
>             unlearned
>             Public remains ambivalent after
>             six years
>             By Jon E. Dougherty
>             (c) 1999 WorldNetDaily.com
>             When producer Dan Gifford was
>             making his documentary film, "Waco:
>             The Rules of Engagement," two
>             things never entered his mind. First,
>             he didn't know the film -- hailed as
>             one of the most complete
>             documentaries of the April 19, 1993,
>             incident -- would ever be nominated
>             for an Academy Award. Second, he
>             never thought the film would be met
>             with such "bipartisan" ambivalence.
>             Even now, six years after the
>             incident, Gifford says the nation is
>             no closer to understanding the causes
>             and effects of what happened in
>             Waco, and he believes that because of
>             that lack of understanding it is likely
>             such incidents will repeat themselves
>             in the future.
>             "Whether you're considered a left
>             winger or a right winger, both sides
>             share many of the same feelings
>             about what happened there," Gifford
>             said during an interview. "Both sides
>             see the film as a major piece of
>             propaganda, period."
>             "People really haven't learned much
>             of anything from it," he added.
>             The Waco tragedy was sparked by an
>             FBI-led assault on a religious group
>             known as the Branch Davidians after
>             a 51-day siege. David Koresh, who
>             died in the ensuing firestorm that
>             engulfed the entire community,
>             headed the group, numbering 83
>             men, women and children. After the
>             assault, many people asserted that
>             the government intentionally
>             planned, then botched, the raid on
>             the Davidians, then attacked and
>             killed them to cover up their
>             initial mistake.
>             Gifford was sufficiently curious by
>             the accusations, so he set out to
>             discover exactly what happened for
>             himself. "Waco: The Rules of
>             Engagement" was the result of his
>             efforts, in which he concluded after
>             making the film that the government
>             attack theory was indeed correct.
>             "The government set up to murder
>             these people, no question about it,"
>             Gifford said. He compared it to
>             ancient times, "when the Romans
>             would follow believers of Jesus into
>             the desert and kill them after they
>             gathered to hear the prophecy."
>             "Quite simply today, as it was then,
>             most Americans seem frightened of
>             people who espouse deep religious
>             beliefs and convictions," he said. "In
>             short, if you believe wholeheartedly
>             in God, you're a crazy who 'ought to
>             be killed,' according to many people
>             who have spoken to me about the
>             film."
>             Gifford says the media and the
>             government are largely responsible
>             for that attitude, purposefully
>             creating a daunting stereotype of
>             Christians and practitioners of
>             Judaism.
>             "I'm not a church-goer myself," he
>             said, "but I see this truth
>             nonetheless."
>             The film, which was edited for
>             viewing on HBO, depicts
>             never-before-seen videotaped
>             accounts of what Gifford said were
>             U.S. and British military special
>             forces personnel "invited by the
>             federal government to 'observe'" the
>             handling of the situation. It also
>             contains videotape shot by Davidians
>             inside the compound during the
>             standoff, and features audio
>             recordings of conversations between
>             leader Koresh and FBI hostage
>             negotiators. Gifford said, "I'm very
>             pleased that HBO decided to air the
>             film," and added that he wasn't
>             surprised by the popular cable
>             channel's decision to do so.
>             In one startling scene from the
>             original "Waco" film, government or
>             military personnel are shown on
>             infrared camera shooting at
>             Davidians who Gifford said "were
>             obviously trying to escape the flames"
>             and burning debris from a fire
>             allegedly caused after canisters of
>             tear gas ignited from Davidian
>             lanterns. One expert in infrared
>             technology was interviewed by
>             Gifford and his staff during the
>             filming of the documentary,
>             testifying that some images caught
>             on FBI tape were indeed automatic
>             weapons being fired by federal or
>             military personnel, not Davidians.
>             Related articles:
>                 No lesson learned from Ruby
>                 Ridge
>                 Disarm the BATF
>                 Jon E. Dougherty writes a daily
>                 Internet column and is the
>                 co-host of Daybreak America on
>                 Catholic Family Radio. He is also
>                 the editor of the weekend
>                 independent newsmagazine
>                 USA Journal Online. He can be
>                 reached by email.
>Visit Ian Williams Goddard  ------>  http://Ian.Goddard.net
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