Re: [CTRL] Bill's Pals.

2001-09-14 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

 In the past I've always felt sorry for the Palestinians, but after seeing the 
pictures of them dancing in the streets and celebrating the deaths of many thousands 
of Americans ... I say let them fend for themselves without any American intervention 
on their behalf.  The PA may have blocked further viewing of the Palestinian Blood 
Dances but we have already seen how they really feel about the US.  May Israel rain 
death upon them at will.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Education Tax Racket

2001-08-24 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

The Education Tax Racket
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

So there’s this guy named Ray Simon. He’s director of the Arkansas
Department of Education, and he’s got a complaint about the boom in home
schooling. The way he sees it, this trend is a threat to our, or at least
his, way of life.

A third of our support for [government] schools comes from property taxes,
Ray tells the new issue of Time, which features homeschooling on the cover.
Ray goes on: if a large number of a community’s parents do not fully believe
in the school system, it gets more difficult to pass those property taxes.
And that directly impacts the schools’ ability to operate.

No surprise there: parents might not want to pay for services they don’t use.
But are we to presume the reverse is true? That parents with kids in
government schools are more likely to back tax increases? Could be, could be.
Certainly kids in school are not taught to be suspicious of the
powers-that-be; quite the reverse.

But at least we have here a bracing look into the heart of American public
education. The goal is to keep the kids in school so that they and their
parents can be taught the merits of the system (the entire government sector)
that keeps them there. In other words, it’s a glorified tax scam, just
another racket to extract money from the public so that it can be transferred
to the pockets of bureaucrats.

No wonder the homeschooling movement – the most momentous educational
development of the last few decades and one of the most hopeful signs for the
future--is starting to catch on in a big way. This is prompting much grousing
from the public-school industry.

Just look at the logic of Ray’s comments. Why do schools need higher and
higher taxes in order to have the ability to operate? Why can’t they
operate on the money they have now? It’s because they are run by the
government, which can’t do anything as well as the private sector.

The per-pupil cost of public schools averages $6,000, compared with $3,100
for private schools. In other words, all else being equal, we could abolish
all public schools and the taxes that support them tomorrow, let the market
replace them with private schools, and cut the total cost of education by
nearly half.

Why isn’t this done? The short answer is that there are many people on the
payroll of the education bureaucracy who would be unhappy. But wouldn’t
teachers also be unhappy? Not necessarily. Consider this conclusion of a 1997
report from the National Center on Education Statistics (yes, this is the
government talking):

Despite poorer pay, private school teachers as a group are more satisfied
than public school teachers with their jobs. In the aggregate, private
schools seem to offer a greater sense of community, greater teacher autonomy
in the classroom, and more local influence over curriculum and important
school policies. In addition, on average, private schools have a climate that
would appear to be more conducive to learning, including greater safety and
fewer problems caused by students having poor attitudes toward learning or
negative interactions with teachers. Finally, private school students take
more advanced courses than do public high school students. They also appear
to follow a more rigorous academic program overall

Now, it’s bad enough that the public-school lobby demands twice the amount of
money to run schools than the private schools do. But it’s even worse that
Ray demands ever more money each year through tax increases.

Imagine if the computer industry said it always needed to raise prices in
order to have the ability to operate. It might like to try, but competition
and innovation keep prices falling. In fact, if it weren’t for
government-instigated inflation, computers would be much cheaper than they
are. And despite falling prices, quality improves every day.

Ray, meanwhile, is thinking only about how to get more money. It seems that a
number of tax-limitation measures have passed in Arkansas in recent years.
Panicked legislators have been inching up the sales tax to feed government’s
voracious appetite, and yet people are starting to catch on to that gimmick

Not so with schools. Even where taxes grow and grow, the quality falls. And
it’s not only the quality of the education that parents have to worry about
these days. They must also be concerned for their kids’ safety.

It’s interesting, for example, to consider that little incident in Jonesboro,
Arkansas, three years ago. Two boys tripped the fire alarm at a middle school
and went on a bloody rampage. When it was over, a teacher and four girls were
dead; 11 more children were wounded.

Does Ray believe that homeschoolers and their anti-tax ways are responsible
for that too? Might such violence have something to do with why parents are
withdrawing their kids from the schools to educate them at home?

As these things go, the Time article on homeschooling wasn’t 

Re: [CTRL] NM: War with China

2001-08-19 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/19/01 6:10:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 This article is pure unadulterated bullshit. It is scare mongering for NMD
 which has NOTHING to do with defending the citizens of this country, and
 everything to do with militarily dominating the entire planet from space.
 And... a monstrously huge welfare package for the military industrial

 NMD will give the New World Order the ability to sit at the top of Mount
 Olympus and hurl down lightning bolts at anyone, for any reason, anytime.

 If you hear ANYONE discussing NMD as  defensive, you know you're being
 lied to. 

 Instead of calling this bullshit, how about some proof that Red China
is not being used as an exterminator - to rid our elites of us useless eaters
and leave the rich to use this country for their own purposes.  Not only did
Bush  Clinton give/sell missle secrets and communications technology to the
Reds, they also gave them a base in California.  And, why do we have tens of
thousands of German and Russian troops quartered in our country?  I do not
trust our elite shitheads any farther than I can throw an elephant ... I've
lost my job to Mexicans, Malasians and Red Chinese four times in the last
nine years.  If our elites cannot starve us out by sending our jobs to
foreign countries; they just may have an alternate plan to use foreign troops
to exterminate us ... we don't need Germans, red chinese or Russians in our
country for any reason what-so-ever.  People should realize that Fascism and
Communism are being used to destroy this country and there is little
difference between these two Statist ways of operating, they both result in


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Electricity Fact website

2001-08-19 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

 Very interesting article Mike.  If all this is true the people of
California should prosecute him and put him in jail with the other criminals,
then elect another Govenor.  Unfortunately most politicians are criminals
licensed by the State and the people of the US are too afraid or stupid to do
anything about it.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Connect the Dots

2001-07-27 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Connect the Dots
by Patrick O'Hannigan

Anyone looking for anecdotal evidence of state ambition can find it by
perusing newspapers for a month, but sometimes the truth is obvious enough to
make detective work unnecessary. I was reminded of this when the daily paper
in my corner of America the Beautiful curtsied to the government last Sunday.
Front-page stories on local and national issues were juxtaposed to great

Armed with a metaphorical shotgun from the peace-loving but ferocious firm of
Rockwell, Dieteman, and De Coster, I scooped the local fish wrap off my
driveway that morning to find that I had stumbled into a libertarian
skeet-shooting tournament where some newsroom paste-up person or her editor
had just yelled, Pull! The result may be amusing to paleoconservatives and
Rothbardian anarcho-capitalists everywhere.

The fish wrap in question goes by the name of the San Luis Obispo County
(California) Tribune. On July 22, 2001, a syndicated story from the
Washington Post took pride of place above the fold. The story was headlined,
Bush sticks to position on Kyoto. Following a formulaic description of
continued American refusal to toe the international line on climate change
and what, if anything, to do about it, reporter William Drozidak left Asia
behind to describe the New Deal that leaders of eight industrialized
countries propose for Africa. This initiative is designed to boost the
continent’s living standards, enhance democracy, curtail corruption, expand
the use of new technologies, and control the trafficking in small arms that
promote regional wars.

The bad grammar got me first. Does no one proofread anymore? While I was
cringing at the lack of subject-verb agreement, the bad policy crept in like
a border collie trying to swipe a peanut butter cracker off the kitchen
counter. Criminy! If this initiative for Africa were a business plan rather
than a monument to the egos of world leaders, it would be laughed off the
table by any self-respecting venture capitalist. Every one of its five stated
goals is ambiguous and ambitious.

Never mind the unsubstantiated link between small arms trafficking and war
(reporters rarely locate the cause of warfare in unreformed human hearts
because it is easier to blame and ban bazookas than to take the biblical call
for repentance seriously). Thanks to this well-meaning but unworkable
initiative, a Jonah Goldberg-style invasion of Africa suddenly sounds less
far-fetched. I have a better idea: let’s enhance democracy by suggesting
that politicians who hit free speech whenever they aim at campaign finance
reform not bestir themselves to observe elections in Africa. We can do that
without spending taxpayer money.

Halfway through a bowl of the Organic Gorilla Munch that my children like,
having read the ecological propaganda for young minds on the back of the
cereal box, I turned back to the newspaper and found that it had another
nugget on page one. Next to the piece about the Group of Eight meeting in
Genoa, Italy, from which sound bites about global warming and African rescue
had been extracted, there was a local story. The headline on the homegrown
piece said Moving out of the county’s way, and the accompanying photo
showed a woman at a bakery counter serving a doughnut to an unseen customer.

Tribune reporter Rick Jackoway profiled small business owners whose popular
doughnut shop is being razed to make room for a $40 million government
center. The new building will consolidate offices for county employees who
currently work in about 24,000 square feet of leased space throughout the
downtown area. Unlike the doughnut shop owners, the government workers take
scheduled coffee breaks twice a day. Pay no attention to the math behind the
curtain, or you might wonder why it takes a 90,000 square-foot building to
consolidate employees now working in 24,000 square feet.

The doomed doughnut shop sits in a prime location across the street from the
county government center and on a high-visibility corner. The shop is owned
by Meng (Bob) Gau and his wife Sim, who fled the killing fields of Cambodia
in 1978, spent two years in a Thai refugee camp, and came to America in 1981.
The Gaus are now negotiating payment and relocation terms with the county,
which according to the Tribune story offered to pay them less for their
business than the Gaus themselves paid when they bought the shop 12 years ago.

County government, meet world government. Is it any wonder that Lew
Rockwell’s Thirty-Day Plan and Larry Elder’s Ten Steps to Fix America both
envision drastic cuts in government size? Seeing the doughnut shop story next
to the Kyoto story was like comparing before and after photographs in a
testimonial for weight gain supplements. Yo! Limited government! Tired of
having private citizens kick sand in your face just because they studied
things like the Bill of Rights? Grow the state payroll enough and you can be
the one doing the kicking, at 

[CTRL] The State and Illusion

2001-07-27 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

I especially liked the part about schools and the state is equivalent to the
country it rules.

The State and Illusion
by Gene Callahan
A theme running through several recent pieces on both this site and other
sites is that the state is sustained by illusion. I thought it might be
useful to examine the notion of illusion more thoroughly, to deepen our
understanding of what is indicated by this theme.

What do we mean by illusion? Does this mean that the state is like a dream or
a movie, that it is some sort of fantasy? Although this definition of
illusion may pass muster in common usage, we need to be more precise. Dreams
or fantasies are not inherently illusory. As Michael Oakeshott points out,
every experience is real if we do not take it for more or less than it is. A
dream is real: it is a real dream. Illusion arises when we take fact for
non-fact or non-fact for fact. If I dream that I have sold my next book for a
million dollars, I had a real experience. But, if I wake up the next day and
try to start spending the money by purchasing things with my credit card, I
am under an illusion. The dream money does not exist in the realm of fact,
but the bills I subsequently will receive do! I have mistaken a non-fact for
a fact.

Belief is necessary for illusion to persist. While transitory illusions occur
all the time – for instance, when someone mistakes a certain play of light
and shadow for an animal – the nature of the world of facts is such that the
truth tends to intrude and dispel the illusion. I might easily mistake a
moving shadow for an animal. But if I attempt to live by eating these
illusions, I will soon find myself very hungry. I can only maintain such an
illusion if I adopt a belief that supports it, such as deciding that these
shadows are spirit animals that vanish back into the spirit world upon my

Belief in illusion will occur when the believer is unwilling or unable to
confront the facts of the situation. Someone who is fearful of his own death
might find it easier to externalize that fear, seeing ghosts and spirits in
the shadows, instead of his own mortality. Or consider a person who doesn't
wish to give up some unfortunate practice, such as stealing from his
employer. He may adopt a belief that he is owed the money he steals, and that
his victim really stole it from him, by exploiting his labor.

Illusion cannot be forced on anyone. Social pressure to go along with some
illusion may be a powerful motivator, but ultimately a person must buy into
the illusion-supporting belief on his own. Thinking is, as Mises points out,
an action. All action is undertaken by individuals, and has the goal of
replacing what is with what ought to be. Therefore, the person adopting an
illusory belief must feel he is better off having done so.

All right, all right, you say, what has all this to do with the state?
Well, I was getting to that, but since you're rushing me, I'll jump right
into it. Here are just a few of the illusions that support the state:

Public schools are necessary to socialize children.
When my wife and I tell people that we intend to home school our children,
this is the most frequent comment we hear. People are willing to believe that
we can handle the instructional tasks of the schools, but what about

This is clearly a non-fact taken as a fact. The non-fact seems to originate
chiefly from the teacher's unions. A little examination shows how fragile
this particular illusion is. Institutional schooling has only been widespread
in the last 150 years. Before that, we had three or four million years of
human history during which, by some means, children managed to become
socialized. Furthermore, we have strong theoretical and empirical reasons to
believe that the public schools de-socialize rather than socialize children.
Where were the pre-modern Columbines, where adolescents simply go bonkers and
wipe out large numbers of people at random? The public schools are so many
thousand experiments in duplicating the scenario of The Lord of the Flies.

The state must exist in order to provide us with security.
But the state has been the main threat to the life of its own citizens, let
alone the lives of citizens of other states, during most of the twentieth
century. Hans-Hermann Hoppe has brilliantly outlined how security against war
and invasion can be better provided privately than by the state. Daniel
McCarthy notes that traditional law enforcement often was performed by
private citizens. As governments have seized this role, disorder and lack of
security have become the rule.

The state is equivalent to the country it rules.
Recently, in response to a column from Benjamin Kepple in Front Page
Magazine, A Real American wrote in that: It is long past due that someone
exposed the Libertarians for the traitors that they are. By talking about
secession, anarchy, and so on, we are betraying our neighbors, friends, and
family – our community and 

Re: [CTRL] Global warming?

2001-07-25 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/24/01 6:36:35 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

  The above problem could be easily solved by
 implementing a sane, rational use of technology and natural resources.

The sun is the most plentiful source of energy on this planet.  Converting
the rays of the sun to heat water to run steam generators could provide the
US with enough electricity to free us from the hold the Arabs have on us with
their oil as well as the oil industry in the States.  We have room for these
plants in California, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, eastern Colorado, North 
South Dakota, Oklahoma, parts of Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming.  Sunlight can
also be converted directly to electricity.  With nearly free energy water can
be purified and salt water from the oceans could be used to irrigate farms
and cancel drought conditions.  How much free energy would we have now if we
spent the money on solar energy instead of the oil depletion allowance for
the filthy rich oilmen?  What if we spent the money on solar energy instead
of War ... we would all be receiving nearly free electricity and water right
now.  Pollution would be cut by a hell of a lot, not to mention that with
abundant cheap energy we could also run vehicles with oxygen and hydrogen as
the fuel which has no pollution.  This can happen if everyone fights the oil

 NOT one based on a wasteful economic system like Capitalist Free Markets.

Free markets do not exist today because of government.  Government created
corporations.  Capitalism and free markets cannot exist with government
created controls such as NAFTA and GATT as well as thousands of laws and
regulations that cancel any chance at a free market.  The blame lies with
government, not capitalism.  Communism will be the same except that the
communists will have government completely own and control corporations
making you a slave with almost no hope of getting out from under the iron
boot of government.

 Or one based on carbon fuels which only benefit the scumbags who currently
' OWN ' profit producing shares in the fossil fuel industry. 

SCUMBAGS is too nice of a description for those who currently hold us hostage
and have an inordinate voice in government.  If government was smaller they
would have less control over our lives.  The power of government should be
kept at a local and State level rather than the Federal government stealing
power from the people and disregarding the tenth amendment.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Heading the World

2001-07-20 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/20/01 7:16:37 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 something real bad is going to happen in the political and social arena in
the near future. The day when people were willing to politely and silently
starve to death while their betters gorged themselves inside fortified
compounds is gone. Unless we address this imbalance, we're likely to find
ourselves in the middle of something
 that will make the French Revolution look like a pacifists convention. 

Surely the government already knows this and they don't want to pay the price
of their meddling in our lives both socially and economically.  It worries me
that all presidents have moved closer to the UN and that the government is
constantly growing.  It bothers me that government is demonizing gun owners
and slowly chipping away at the second amendment as well as massively
overstepping boundaries set by the tenth amendment.  I also wonder why the
Red Chinese have been given a port at Long Beach and why there are so many
Russian and German soldiers in Texas.  Perhaps the government has already
figured how to stop something bigger than the French Revolution.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Liberty Committee

2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Meet the Liberty Committee
Current, former members of Congress, citizens join forces



By Julie Foster
© 2001

A group dedicated to the Declaration of Independence clause that all men are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, has grown to include more
than 60,000 citizen activists in its two short years of existence.

Based in Falls Church, Va., the Liberty Committee brings together members of
Congress and American citizens in a grass-roots effort to reduce the size and
scope of government. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, is honorary chair of the group,
which partners with the congressional Liberty Caucus. The latter boasts both
current and former congressional representatives as its members, while the
former is made of ordinary citizens.

The Liberty Committee has seen tremendous growth since it was founded
concurrently with the congressional Liberty Caucus.

During the last two years, Liberty Committee activists and Liberty Caucus
members joined forces to defend and advance liberty by being actively
involved in our national legislative process. Executive orders, national
sovereignty, and privacy were the issues that called for our greatest efforts
during these last two years. I am pleased to tell you that our efforts met
with success, wrote Paul in an open letter to current and prospective
Liberty Committee members.

From the Liberty Committee's website, members have the opportunity to keep
abreast of current legislative proposals key to the cause of liberty. They
can also electronically sign and send letters to representatives, lobbying
their causes.

This year, those causes included the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which
authorized income taxes in 1913. Members are also advocating a repeal of
withholdings taxes. If successful, employers will no longer be required to
confiscate taxes from employees' paychecks and route the funds to the IRS.
Citizens would have to pay their total tax liability without intervention by
employers – a move that would create renewed awareness of dollar amounts
individuals pay to their government, proponents say.

Liberty Committee members are also asking President George W. Bush to
rescind the signature of the United States of America to the International
Criminal Court Treaty that former President Clinton authorized on December
31, 2000. The ICC has been ratified by 36 countries so far. Once 60
countries have ratified the treaty creating the court, the new judicial body
will formally be established. Clinton claimed he signed the treaty to ensure
the United States is included in formation of the court's procedures. But
Republican leadership in Congress has vowed not to ratify the treaty,
however, should Bush submit the proposal for legislators' consideration.

In response to growing worldwide support for the ICC – Canada ratified the
treaty last July – and to the increasing role of the United Nations in
American policy, Liberty Committee members have banded together to support
H.R. 1146, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. The bill would withdraw
the United States from the United Nations and prohibit U.S. armed forces from
serving under U.N. command.

Liberty Committee Executive Director Kent Snyder summed up the phenomenon
that drives the group in a letter he wrote Wednesday.

One thing politicians will fight to keep is power, whether that power is
stolen from the people or not. As long as the people are asleep, politicians
get away with their illicit power grabs. One power grab leads to another, and
too soon, the people are without liberty because piece by piece, they let
their political power slip away, he wrote Wednesday.

The letter continues with an explanation of the constitutional limits of
campaign-finance reform measures. Paul believes opponents to proposals such
as the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance reform measure are correct when they
say such measures are unconstitutional. The bills violate the First
Amendment, says Snyder, making them illegal.

The Constitution specifically does not give to representatives and senators
the power to make laws affecting campaigns so they cannot control the outcome
of their own re-elections (and for good reason!). But how many Washington
politicians will stand on the floor of the House or Senate and admit the
truth ... that the only power they have is that limited, specific power
granted by the Constitution? he wrote.

In addition to the Liberty Committee's congressional membership, the group's
senior legal adviser is attorney Herb Titus, who holds a Harvard law degree.
Titus taught constitutional law, common law and other subjects for nearly 30
years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools. He
also served as the founding dean of the College of Law and Government at
Regent University in Virginia. 


2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

 Forwarded Message: 
 Subj:   AFL-CIO and Sierra Agree: ALL CALL TOMORROW
 Date:  7/16/01 1:33:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dolan)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Action-LA List), 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (BA-FairTrade List), 
(Stop-FTAA List), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tradefield List), 
 The AFL-CIO paid for your toll-free call to your congress member.
 1-800-393-1082  It works!  It's easy!
 July 17th: all-call day to STOP Fast Track  *** July 17th: all-call day to 
STOP Fast Track  **  July 17th: all-call day to STOP Fast Track **  July 
17th: all-call day to STOP Fast TrackMake sure YOUR Member of Congress hears 
the message loud  clear: trade deals like NAFTA and the WTO have hurt 
workers, the environment, consumers, family farmers and must be stopped! On 
Tuesday July 17th call Congress at 1800-393-1082 and tell your Representative 
to oppose Fast Track. Then get all your friends and family to do the same.
 If everybody does this one simple thing, we can beat Fast 
Track.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The AFL-CIO and their 
various international unions are part of a massive campaign against Fast 
Track all over the U.S., united with environmentalists, consumer advocates, 
family farmers and students to name a few. This is the coalition that 
defeated Fast Track in 1997, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment in 1998 
and the launch of a new round of multilateral trade talks at the World Trade 
Organization's Ministerial meeting in Seattle in 1999. Now it's time to gear 
up for another win in 2001 - we must kill Fast Track! Fast Track could come 
up for a vote before August Recess. The GOP House leadership has introduced 
H.R. 2149, a Fast Track which does not address the need to include strong  
enforceable provisions on labor or the environment in trade and investment 
agreements. They have teamed up with the corporate lobby group US Trade and 
are actively lobbying Members of Congress on Capitol Hill and around the 
country. Of course they have lots of money to spend, something we do not - 
BUT we have the workers, family farmers, environmentalists, consumers, fair 
trade activists, students, people of faith and YOU to help us defeat this 
retrograde trade legislation.We are happy to join the AFL-CIO in their call 
for a national all-call day on Congress on July 17th, and urge you to mark 
your calendar for this important opportunity to tell your Member of Congress 
to stand up for working families and the environment by saying NO to Fast 
Track. Tell your Representative that labor and environmental provisions MUST 
be included in the core text of any trade agreement, and have the same kind 
of enforcement mechanisms as commercial provisions.You can find more 
information  ways to take action against Fast Track on our web-page:, as well as on the AFL-CIO's 
Fast Track: Share this alert 
with friends  family!=-=-=-=-=-!
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Working Families e-Activist 
Stop Fast Track---Don't Export More Jobs!Your action is needed now to derail 
Fast Track. President George W. Bush and giant corporations want a special 
bill that will let them rush trade agreements through Congress with no 
changes and minimal review.If Congress gives Bush Fast Track, we'll see:+ 
More and faster trade deals like NAFTA,+ More U.S. job losses and smaller 
wages,+ More attacks on workers' rights across the globe,+ And more 
devastating pollution of our air and water.You can help stop Fast Track in 
its tracks. Congress is expected to decide in July on giving President Bush 
Fast Track trade negotiating authority.Here is what you can do.Call your 
members of Congress on Tuesday, July 17---the Fast Tracke-Activist National 
Call-in Day.Call them toll-free at 1-800-393-1082.Tell your members of 
Congress: Working families need fair and balancedtrade that protects people 
and the environment---NOT Fast Track.Forward this message to friends, family 
and co-workers who might beinterested. You can start calling Congress today, 
but remember to call on Tuesday, July 
 Stop Fast Track Call-In Day,this Tuesday, July 17Urgent Action AlertSierra 
Club's Responsible Trade ProgramPresident Bush wants Congress to give him 
fast track trade authority toexpand environmentally destructive trade deals 
such as NAFTA to morecountries.  The Sierra Club is joining with the AFL-CIO 
to declare Tuesday,July 17 a Stop Fast Track Call-In Day to the US House of 
Representatives.Fast Track 

[CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

This is a waste of taxpayer money and I'm a taxpayer.  I'm tired of paying
for their welfare, for their hospitalization, for their children's education
etc.  These people are criminals entering this country illegally why should
they be rewarded for their lack of respect for our laws?  If they have
another amnesty it will encourage more Mexicans to cross the border illegally
and they will expect another amnesty.


 Forwarded Message:
 Subj:   How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens
 Date:  7/17/01 8:13:15 AM Mountain Daylight Time

 July 17, 2001

 (Washington, DC)   President Bush is about to grant amnesty to over 3
 million illegal criminal aliens.  A recent report by Mr. Bush's own
 officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended that he
 approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly Mexican illegal
 immigrants.  Where is the compassionate conservatism for American
 citizens whose tax dollars line the pockets of these border-runners,
 lawbreakers and thieves?

 After 8 years of Clintonism, Bush may seem right on many issues, but he is
 wrong on immigration!  Our President is about to squash our dignity and
 rights as American citizens in order to pander to the anti-American agenda
 of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal Democrats in
 Congress.  Did the President and his strategists forget that Al Gore's and
 Bill Clinton's Citizenship USA program in 1996, which registered over 1.2
 million illegal aliens to vote, allowed the vast majority of their
 fraudulent ballots in 2000 to be cast for liberal Democrats?

 Help stop this amnesty, and help President Bush understand the virtues of
 American citizenship.  Please join in taking the
 following grass-roots action:

 #1   Tell President Bush to reject this illegal alien scheme.  Call (800)
 303-8332 or (202) 456-1414;  Fax:  (202) 456-2461; Write: 1600 Pennsylvania
 Ave. NW,  Washington, DC  20500  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You
 can also call Timothy Goeglein, WH Public Liaison, at (202) 456-2930, and
 Karl Rove, chief strategist, at (202) 456-5587.  These gentlemen give Bush
 pillow talk on this issue.

 #2   Tell Congress to oppose this measure.  The Bush plan may eventually
 encompass an even more radical amnesty proposed by Rep. Luis Gutierrez
 (H.R. 500), which could grant amnesty to as many as 10 million illegal
 aliens!  Contact your Congressman and tell him to oppose the Bush plan and
 H.R. 500.  Call the congressional switchboard at (800) 648-3516 or (877)
 762-8762 or go to .  In the
 Senate, lackey Phil Gramm is pushing for an expansion of a guest worker
 program, an equally miserable measure that will still grant amnesty to
 millions of illegal criminal aliens.  Contact your Senators at .

 #3   Visit and sign our Petition on
 immigration .  We
 will make your voice heard on Capitol Hill and deliver your petition to the
 House and Senate Judiciary subcommittees on immigration.

 Help take America back.  This is our country.  Our rights should not be
 trampled and demeaned by illegal aliens.  Our tax dollars should not fund
 criminal lawbreaking.  If an amnesty does take hold, this will only lead to
 a greater invasion of illegal immigrants.  Please take a stand today.  I
 thank you for your time and consideration.

 Best regards,

 Scott A. Lauf
 Executive Director,

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #


July 17, 2001

(Washington, DC)  President Bush is about to grant amnesty
to over 3 million illegal criminal aliens. A recent report by Mr.
Bush’s own officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended
that he approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly Mexican
illegal immigrants. Where is the “compassionate conservatism” for
American citizens whose tax dollars line the pockets of these
border-runners, lawbreakers and thieves? 

After 8 years of Clintonism, Bush may seem right on many issues, but he
is wrong on immigration! Our President is about to squash our
dignity and rights as American citizens in order to pander to the
anti-American agenda of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal
Democrats in Congress. Did the President and his strategists forget
that Al Gore’s and Bill Clinton’s “Citizenship USA” program in 1996,
which registered over 1.2 million illegal aliens to vote, allowed the
vast majority of their fraudulent ballots in 2000 to be cast for liberal

Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/16/01 4:17:32 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 Something smells fishy, or perhaps AOHellishly-sulfurous. (They never
 alternatives such as WinMx a very viable peer to peer exchange network
 which I have personally used many times and which in my experience works
 better than Napster ever did, even though this would no doubt be of interest
 to AOLers as well as others on the Internet. But that would not be

I downloaded WinMx the other day, but haven't had time to use it much.  I've
been using which worked really good a couple of months ago,
but now is much slower since many members have joined.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-15 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In the Name of Civil Liberties
by Joseph Sobran
The American Civil Liberties Union has been in business so long that it’s a
miracle that we have any civil liberties left. Though revered by the media as
the watchdog of the Bill of Rights, the ACLU has always been devoted to the
destruction of the Constitution. And still is.

Just the other day, the ACLU’s Hawaii branch scrapped plans to invite Justice
Clarence Thomas to speak. One ACLU board member compared Thomas to Hitler and
called him an anti-Christ.

Such vilification recalls the ACLU’s origins as a fellow-traveling pro-Soviet
organization, when ideological enemies were slandered in the roundest terms,
fascist being a favorite epithet. It’s telling that Thomas is likened to
Hitler rather than Stalin: during the 1930s, the ACLU was full of Stalinists,
even on its national board. It reluctantly removed some of them when Stalin
made his shocking pact with Hitler in 1939.

It later apologized for purging itself of such flagrant apostles of
totalitarianism, but it has never explained how men like William Z. Foster,
America’s leading Communist, could be working for Joe Stalin and the Bill of
Rights at the same time. Cynics like Foster were prating about constitutional
rights in America, knowing that in Russia, meanwhile, Stalin was torturing
and murdering millions who enjoyed no civil liberties or legal protections

As Eugene Lyons wrote in his 1941 book The Red Decade: The presence of
Stalin’s henchmen on an American organization of this type was an irony that
no amount of sophistry could erase. It’s only ironic if you’re naive enough
to assume that the ACLU has anything to do with liberty.

But the Reds and their fellow-travelers specialized in appropriating
venerable words for their causes and front groups, which were always
liberal, progressive, democratic, and the like. One outfit of American
volunteers who fought for Stalin in the Spanish Civil War was called the
Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The old words and symbols were used to fool the
public, while the leftists were fighting for the very opposite of their
professed aims.

Today the ACLU is laboring to force the Boy Scouts of America to accept
homosexual scoutmasters. What happened to the freedom of association, which
the ACLU has always claimed for Communists? Isn’t Scouting a valid
alternative lifestyle? Aren’t private organizations allowed to set their own
standards and live by their own rules? And shouldn’t a group devoted to civil
liberties be fighting against state coercion, rather than for it?

Communism as we once knew it is gone, but not the sort of people who
supported it while it lasted. And they still use the same old semantic
tricks, such as using phrases like civil liberties and civil rights while
fighting for abridgments of liberty and individual rights.

Though its name appeals to our desire for limited government, the ACLU really
stands for enlarged government power. Always has, and always will. It hates
Clarence Thomas because he sincerely favors what the ACLU itself only
pretends to favor: strictly constitutional government. The hypocrite
recognizes the honest man as his deadly enemy.

And leftists have always used the coarsest smear tactics against their
enemies. Even though Stalin is no longer around to supervise the vilification
campaigns, that hasn’t changed either. Political libel is an abiding legacy
of the Red Decade.

Of course the ACLU has no obligation to welcome Thomas, but then the Boy
Scouts have no obligation to welcome homosexuals. This is so basic you wonder
why there’s any argument about it. But the Stalinist impulse to subjugate
every free institution remains; it neither began nor died with Stalin.

We can be grateful that the crudity of the Red Decade is long past, with its
brutal one-man tyranny backed by adulating hordes of willing servitors. But
today we face a more bland, refined, and subtle version of the desire for an
all-powerful state, in which every institution is politicized.

Using lawyers rather than firing squads, leftist groups like the ACLU have
perfected their techniques. The size and scope of government power are still
increasing, under both Republican and Democratic rule.

If the Scouts can be forced to take on homosexual scoutmasters, why shouldn’t
churches and synagogues be told what kind of clergy they may have? Will the
ACLU draw the line at imposing civil liberties on religious institutions?
Why should it?

July 13, 2001

Joe Sobran is a nationally syndicated columnist. He also writes Washington
Watch for The Wanderer, a weekly Catholic newspaper, and edits SOBRAN'S, a
monthly newsletter of his essays and columns.

Get a free copy of Joe Sobran's lecture, How Tyranny Came to America by
subscribing to SOBRAN'S. See for details. For a free sample of
SOBRAN'S or for more information, call 800-513-5053.


[CTRL] Check out Social Security

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

 A HREF=;Click here: Social


Interesting reading

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: re: UTAH town says, No to U.N.!]

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/5/01 6:36:00 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

 Real Americans don't wear U.N. blue!
Pass it on.
Daniel New  (Texas)

  Let's hope and work to make this spark
  become a forest fire.
  Nakano   (Texas) 

Count me in.  My coucilman will receive some info on this by Tuesday morning.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Poor United Nations! Gunowners get under the UN's skin!

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

 Forwarded Message: 
 Subj:   Poor United Nations! Gunowners get under the UN's skin!
 Date:  7/5/01 7:15:16 PM Mountain Daylight Time
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GOA-Texas)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gun_Owners_Alliance_Alert)
 Chris W. Stark - Director
   P.O. Box 1924
 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
  Ph. 1-281-328-3305  Fax 1-810-283-7459
05 July 2001
   Poor United Nations! Gunowners get under the UN's skin!

Copyright © 2001 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
 Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.
 Poor United Nations. Those terrible American Gun Owners should NEVER tell
 the UN the truth as they have, of late!
 After you read the article below my comments, BE SURE to e-mail the UN at:
 Let them know that IF the United Nations was serious about preventing
 and stopping genocide, they would certainly advocate the unrestricted
 private ownership of firearms for the law abiding. The evil downside of
 gun control is GENOCIDE! Let them read:
 With Respect,
 Gun Owners Alliance
 Chris W. Stark - Director
 U.N. Investigating Whether E-Mails From U.S. Gun Enthusiasts a Security
 By Edith M. Lederer Associated Press Writer
 Published: Jul 5, 2001
 UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations is investigating whether irate
 letters and e-mails it has received from American gun enthusiasts protesting
 an upcoming conference on the illicit trade in small arms constitutes a
 security threat.
 The world body has received about 100 complaints from Americans who
 erroneously believe the conference seeks to infringe on their right to bear
 arms, U.N. Undersecretary-General for Disarmament Jayantha Dhanapala said
 The gun-rights enthusiasts did not threaten physical harm to any U.N.
 official but their protests were strongly worded and were turned over to
 U.N. security experts, Dhanapala said.
 What concerned me was that there was a widespread campaign, he said. It's
 essentially a U.S.-based phenomenon.
 The letters and e-mails started arriving in recent weeks, some signed and
 some anonymous, alleging that the U.N. is attempting to take away guns from
 people, in conflict with the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens,
 Dhanapala told a news conference.
 I did not get the impression that they have been orchestrated. They are
 differently worded, but clearly they all labor under the same
 misapprehension about the conference, he said.
 Dhanapala's office released a pamphlet called Setting the Record Straight
 to address the misconceptions they contained and explain what the conference
 hopes to achieve.
 The focus of the conference is on illicit trade in small arms, not the
 legal trade, manufacture or ownership of weapons, the pamphlet stressed.
 The U.N. conference will have no effect on the rights of civilians to
 legally own and bear arms.
 Delegates are expected to adopt a program of action, which is not legally
 binding, to curb and ultimately eliminate illegal trafficking in assault
 rifles and other small arms and light weapons that have become the weapons
 of choice in many internal conflicts around the world.
 About a dozen gun-rights groups, including the U.S. National Rifle
 Association, are among the 177 non-governmental organizations accredited to
 attend the two-week conference which begins Monday.
 Dhanapala said these groups will be able to attend all public meetings and
 will choose several representatives to make statements at one official
 conference session.
 U.N. conventional arms expert Joao Honwana, a top conference official, said
 it wasn't up to the U.N. Department for Disarmament Affairs to judge whether
 the e-mails and letters constituted a threat.
 The objective of turning these e-mail and communications to the U.N.
 security was precisely to allow them to assess them from a perspective of
 threat to the organization of the conference and take whatever necessary
 measures they found appropriate, which is what they are doing, he said.
 They analyze those communications, and I'm sure that they will contact with
 the appropriate institutions in this country 

[CTRL] Fwd: NRA - Be careful what you ask for (you might get it!)

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

Many people have begun to catch on to the idea that the NRA is not protecting 
the rights of gun owners ... they merely give that impression to the 
uninformed by compromising our gun owning rights.  Compromise is what the 
fabian socialists want, a little bit of your rights at a time until you have 
no rights at all.  Let us not forget there are fabian fascists also, they are 
both on the same team:  the Republicans and the Democrats.


 Forwarded Message: 
 Subj:   NRA - Be careful what you ask for (you might get it!)
 Date:  6/25/01 8:49:24 PM Mountain Daylight Time
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GOA-Texas)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gun_Owners_Alliance_Alert)
 Chris W. Stark - Director
   P.O. Box 1924
 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
  Ph. 1-281-328-3305  Fax 1-810-283-7459
25 June 2001
   NRA - Be careful what you ask for (you might get it!)

Copyright © 2001 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
 Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.
 According to Vol. 5, No. 40, NRA-ILA FAX ALERT of 10/9/98:
  On Thursday, Mr. LaPierre, announced the appointment
   of James Jay Baker to the position of Executive
   Director of NRA-ILA, effective immediately.  Jim
   Baker is a staunch defender of Second Amendment
   freedoms with a strong NRA background, LaPierre
   said.  He has served NRA in the past as an expert
   in federal elections law, as Director of our Federal
   Affairs Division, and, until 1994, as Executive
   Director of the Institute for Legislative Action.
   NRA members know Jim Baker, and they know the fight
   for their rights is in capable hands.  The
   appointment marks a return for Baker to the position
   he held from 1991 to 1994.  Jim Baker returns to
   the NRA with an incredible wealth of experience and
   expertise as an aggressive defender of our Second
   Amendment freedoms.  He has an exemplary reputation
   on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures, and Jim
   is highly regarded by the nearly three million NRA
   members and the nation's firearms owning community.
   Jim Baker is a hunter, a firearms expert and a
   skilled legislative strategist.  Our members have
   full confidence that the fight for their rights is
   in capable hands.
 Jim Baker is not the friend of Gun Owners, THAT IS, if you believe that
 the Brady Bill and the Instant Check is the Trojan Horse of the Pro-Gun
 Community. Read on:
 As the noted writer and attorney David Kopel has written in an Independence
 Institute monograph on waiting periods:
   Significantly, the instant check is subject to the same
   problem of creating a gun and gun-owner registration
   system as is a waiting period. As the [1989 Justice
   Department] Task Force observes, Any system that
   requires a criminal history record check prior to purchase
   of a firearm creates the potential for the automated
   tracking of individuals who seek to purchase firearms.
 Go to for more on the dangers of the
 Instant Check system.
 Even now, the FBI illegally maintains a LIST of firearms owner purchasers
 for several months, if not indefinite.
 But who passed this Trojan Horse through?
 In part, we can thank Mr. Jim Baker, which now is the NRA-ILA's Executive
 Director and Chief Lobbyist. Read on:
 Starting in 1989, the NRA, under Warren Cassidy, has chosen to fight gun
 control with . . . national computerized gun control. Jim Baker of the NRA
 was quoted by USA Today on October 26, 1993 (P. 7A) as saying:  We already
 support 65% of the Brady bill, because it moves to an instant check, which
 is what we want.
 And even before the voting started, Jim Baker was conceding defeat. Readers
 of the Tuesday, November 16 issue of USA Today learned this:
   It doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference whether
the Brady bill is voted on separately or as part of
the crime package, says NRA lobbyist Jim Baker. Whether
it's before Thanksgiving or when they get back in January
(the Brady bill) is going to happen.
 Imagine getting ready for a championship game and your coach tells you your
 side is beaten before you've taken the field. Would you give your best 
 The NRA through Jim Baker, was publicly conceding defeat even before the 
 vote was taken on 

[CTRL] The Seven Myths of Gun Control Part 1

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

The Seven Myths of Gun Control

By Richard Poe

The March Toward Gun Abolition

The Seven Myths of Gun Control | July 2001

FOR FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD JESSICA CARPENTER, the morning of August 23, 2000 began
like any other. Her father had left for work. Her mother had taken the car to
get the brakes checked. Jessica had been left in charge, to look after the
four other children, Anna, 13; Vanessa, 11; Ashley, 9; and John, 7.

Although the day started normally, it was not destined to end that way. It
would turn out to be the most terrifying day of Jessica’s life.

Shortly after her mother left, Jessica heard noises from the livingroom. It
sounded as if someone were moving furniture around. Still half asleep,
Jessica assumed that it must be her mother.

But it wasn’t.

She heard the phone ring down the hall and someone answered it. I wonder
what time it is, thought Jessica sleepily. Her grandmother was coming at
nine to pick them up. She rose from bed and went to the kitchen, where the
clock on the range showed that it was already after 9. Better wake up the
others, Jessica thought.

Then she noticed something strange. The sliding glass door in the livingroom
had been blocked with furniture. The shades were shut, leaving the house in
gloom. Why would her mother do that?

Jessica froze. A sudden chill gripped her stomach. At first, she did not want
to believe what she was seeing. But she could not deny the evidence of her
own eyes. There was a man in the livingroom. A strange man. He was stark
naked, and appeared to be trying to pull on his shorts.

Something Dreadful

Hey! the man shouted.

Startled and embarrassed, Jessica fled back to her bedroom and locked the
door. Her mind raced, seeking a reasonable explanation for what she had seen.

Perhaps the man was a friend whom her father had invited over to the house to
change clothes, she thought. But then why had he been moving furniture
around, blocking the door? Jessica’s heart sank as she slowly came to grips
with the fact that something dreadful was happening.

A knock came at her bedroom door.

Who is it? said Jessica.

No one answered. The knock came again. And again.

Jessica, knowing that her mother had a cell phone, picked up the phone to try
to call her. But there was no dial tone. When Jessica’s grandmother had
called earlier, the intruder had lifted the receiver and left it off the

Safe Storage

Cold terror began to seep into Jessica’s bones. She wished that she had a
gun. Her father had taught Jessica and the other children to shoot. Jessica
had passed her hunter safety course and received her certificate at age 12.
She knew that her Dad always kept a .357 Magnum in his bedroom.

In deference to California’s safe storage laws, however, Mr. Carpenter kept
the pistol high up on a closet shelf, unloaded and out of reach of the
children. Even if she could somehow get to the other end of the house to
retrieve it, Jessica knew she would have to climb up on something to reach
the gun, scramble around for the bullets and then load them. The man would be
on her before she had a chance.

Mr. Carpenter had always taught the children that if there were an emergency,
such as a fire in the house, they should open a window, push out the screen
and climb outside. She proceeded to do that.

From another part of the house, Jessica heard a cry that sounded like one of
her sisters. But she put it out of her mind. I knew I shouldn't go to
investigate and I should go and get the police, Jessica later told

She slipped out the window and set off barefoot across an open field, cutting
her feet as she ran.

A Spooky Man

The intruder was 27-year-old Jonathon David Bruce. The Carpenter family did
not know him, but he lived in their small town of Merced, California, where
he worked as a part-time telemarketer.

Bruce’s strange behavior had long worried his neighbors. He slept all day,
emerging only at night. He was spooky, said neighbor Dawn Carter. He would
walk up and down the sidewalks talking to himself. Talking to the trees. He
did a lot of wandering.

Bruce hated children. Neighbors had begun keeping their kids indoors when he
was around. He yelled about the children mostly, recalls Ray Adams, a
neighbor. He didn’t like kids. And any little noise bothered him.

The police were frequent visitors to Bruce’s house. He had spent a week in
jail for resisting arrest, assaulting an officer and being under the
influence of methamphetamine.

Bruce’s live-in girlfriend had left him several months before, with her two
sons, ages 4 and 5. After that, he just sort of went downhill, said Adams.
Bruce was evicted from his duplex apartment in August, just before he broke
into the Carpenter home.

To this day, no one knows why he picked on the Carpenters. We only know that,
on the morning of August 23, Bruce armed himself with a pitchfork and entered
their home, barricading himself inside with the five Carpenter 

[CTRL] The Seven Myths of Gun Control Part 2

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Covered with blood and growing weaker by the moment, the wounded Anna pleaded
with Fuentes to get his gun and take care of this guy. But he declined.
Instead, he allowed them to use his phone to call 911.

The sheriff’s deputies came quickly, but they arrived too late. John and
Ashley were already dead. Seven-year-old John had been killed while he slept.
When the deputies entered the house, the intruder charged them with his
pitchfork. Whatever had made the man slow and awkward as he chased the girls
down the hallway, it no longer seemed to affect him. Bruce sprang at the
deputies, as swift and limber as a wild predator.

They shot him 13 times, killing him on the spot.


Most people reading this book will never have heard of the Carpenter family
or their ordeal. Unlike the school massacres and office shootings that seem
to saturate network news coverage these days, the Carpenter tragedy received
little national attention.

I first learned of the event months after it occurred. Like most Americans, I
did not see it on the evening news or read about it in my daily newspaper.
Instead, I heard Professor John Lott, the Yale economist who wrote the book
More Guns, Less Crime, discussing the case on the Sean Hannity radio show on
WABC in New York.

Prof. Lott argued that the case revealed the fallacy of safe storage laws. By
forcing people to keep their guns unloaded and out of children’s reach, he
said, the law prevents both children and adults from using firearms to defend

The Carpenter story made this clear. But most Americans never heard the
message, said Lott, because all mention of guns and gun laws had been
surgically removed from the story by the newswires. Lott says that an early
account of the bloodbath distributed by one news service mentioned that there
were guns in the house, that the children were trained and ready to use them,
and that the guns had been put out of reach, in order to comply with the law.
But subsequent accounts failed to include this information.

As a journalist, I was intrigued by Prof. Lott’s observation. I ran a Nexis
search and discovered that, with the exception of two local news stories in
the Fresno Bee and two opinion columns – one by well-known gun rights
advocate Vyn Suprynowicz and another by Prof. Lott himself – no accounts of
the incident remained in the public record that so much as mentioned the gun

No Heroes Allowed

John Carpenter’s children are probably dead because John obeyed the laws of
the state of California, says Reverend John Hilton, the great-uncle of the
Carpenter children. In Hilton’s view, the tragedy could have been prevented
had the children been provided with easy access to a loaded gun. Many of
Hilton’s friends and neighbors quietly agree.

Hilton – who is pastor of a pentecostal church in Merced – recalls that,
when he was growing up, his father always kept a loaded Colt .45 in a holster
fastened to the pantry wall.

He was away a lot of the time, working on construction jobs, says Hilton.
But he made sure that gun was available to us, if we needed it. Without even
looking, you could reach over and get hold of the handle.

In those days, it was common to let children use firearms. They learned to
use them early, safely and responsibly. And there were no school shootings.

Hilton, who is now 66 years old, says that he shot his first deer at age 7.
By the time he was 10, he was proficient with the Colt .45 and capable of
defending his family with it. Nowadays, Hilton’s father would be putting
himself at risk of imprisonment by giving children access to a loaded gun.
California law imposes criminal penalties on gun owners if children are
injured or injure others while using their guns.

Technically, if Jessica or any of the other Carpenter children had managed to
get hold of their father’s .357 Magnum and gun down the killer, their father
could have faced criminal charges. It was for fear of the law that John
Carpenter kept his gun unloaded and hidden on a high closet shelf.

He's more afraid of the law than of somebody coming in for his family,
Hilton told the Fresno Bee.

Likewise, the neighbor who refused to intervene may well have hesitated out
of fear or uncertainty about the law. In today’s legal environment, heroism
is not encouraged. The way to stay out of trouble is to sit back and wait for
the police – even if innocent children are being slaughtered right next door.

No Moral

According to their mother, all of the surviving Carpenter children have vowed
that they would have shot the killer if only they had had a gun handy. In
fact, the wounded girl Anna told her father that, when she saw the man go
after her sister Ashley, I could have shot him right in the back of the

The children’s bravery and fighting spirit were not considered newsworthy.
These elements were left out of the story by the wire services. Instead, the
Carpenters’ ordeal was reduced 

[CTRL] The Seven Myths of Gun Control Part 3

2001-07-05 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Don’t Blame Liberal Journalists

Many are quick to blame liberal journalists for the anti-gun slant they see
in the media. Perhaps they are too quick.

It is undeniable that most journalists hold left-of-center views. A 1996
survey of working journalists by the Roper Center and the Freedom Forum
showed that 89 percent had voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 (compared to only
43 percent of Americans overall who voted for Clinton). Only 4 percent of the
journalists surveyed identified themselves as Republicans and only 2 percent
as conservatives. Journalists clearly favor the left.

Yet, their liberal opinions probably have less impact on the media’s gun
coverage than most people assume. Rank-and-file journalists in large news
organizations actually have little control over the political slant of their
stories. It is management that decides how a network or newspaper will spin a
particular issue. Ordinary journalists have little opportunity to vent their
personal views.

The New York Post, for example, is generally recognized to be a conservative
paper. Yet, when I worked there in the mid-1980s, I found the newsroom filled
with liberals. They grumbled constantly about the paper’s conservative slant.
But they did as they were told, because it was company policy.

Liberal news organizations are no different. Political bias comes from the
top. Rank-and-file reporters simply follow orders. The anti-gun bias
permeating our mass media comes, not from individual journalists, but from
the owners and senior managers of multibillion-dollar media conglomerates.

Don’t Blame Liberal Politicians Either

Liberal politicians are another favorite scapegoat of gun-rights advocates.
But, in government, as in media, the forces promoting gun control appear to
be larger than any party or faction.

It was President George Bush, Sr. who banned the import of assault weapons
in 1989, and promoted the view that Americans should only be allowed to own
weapons suitable for sporting purposes.

It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who, in 1967, signed the Mulford
Act, which prohibited the carrying of firearms in public or in a vehicle. The
law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.
Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. I support the
Brady Bill, he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, and I urge the Congress to
enact it without further delay.

One of the most aggressive gun control advocates today is Republican mayor
Rudolph Giuliani of New York City, whose administration filed suit against 26
gun manufacturers in June 2000.

In March of that same year, New York City police commissioner Howard Safir –
presumably with Giuliani’s encouragement – put forth a nationwide plan for
gun licensing, which would require owners to bring in their weapons once a
year for safety inspections. The real purpose of the inspection, Safir
admitted, was to keep tabs on guns and monitor whether or not they had been

Another Republican, New York State Governor George Pataki, on August 10,
2000, signed into law what The New York Times called the nation’s strictest
gun controls, a radical program mandating trigger locks, background checks
at gun shows and ballistic fingerprinting of guns sold in the state. It
also raised the legal age to buy a handgun to 21, and imposed a ban on
assault weapons, the sale or possession of which would now be punishable by
seven years in prison. ''This is something the rest of the nation should take
a look at,'' said Pataki. I hope this serves as a model.

George W. Bush has kept a low profile regarding Pataki’s gun crackdown. But
when the program was first announced in March 2000, a Bush spokesman said,
The governor . . . wants to review it, but his initial response was

Journalist William Safire asked Richard Nixon, back in 1969, what he thought
about gun control. Guns are an abomination, Nixon replied. According to
Safire, Nixon went on to confess that, Free from fear of gun owners'
retaliation at the polls, he favored making handguns illegal and requiring
licenses for hunting rifles.

Gun Abolition – The Real Goal

Today’s gun-control promoters seem to share a view of gun rights every bit as
restrictive as that of Richard Nixon. The ongoing case of United States of
America v. Timothy Joe Emerson has helped make this clear.

In the midst of a bitter divorce fight, Dr. Emerson – a Texas physician –
was hit with a restraining order from his wife. Unbeknownst to Dr. Emerson,
federal law prohibits anyone under a restraining order from keeping a gun. He
was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm – even though he had
legally owned the firearm in question for years.

A federal judge dismissed the charges, partly on the grounds that they
violated Emerson’s Second Amendment rights. But the U.S. Justice Department
appealed. Arguing before a three-judge panel on June 13, 2000, Justice
Department attorney William B. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Thomas Jefferson Forever

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

 Forwarded Message: 
 Subj:   Thomas Jefferson Forever
 Date:  7/3/01 9:40:27 PM Mountain Daylight Time
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GOA-Texas)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gun_Owners_Alliance_Alert)
 Chris W. Stark - Director
   P.O. Box 1924
 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
  Ph. 1-281-328-3305  Fax 1-810-283-7459
03 July 2001
  Thomas Jefferson Forever

Copyright © 2001 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
 Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.
 By Dave Kopel
 The greatest writer of the early American republic, and the greatest
 exponent of natural rights and the dangers of government power was Thomas
 Jefferson. It is no wonder then, that Jefferson has been so aggressively
 vilified by the partisans of political correctness. Jefferson was likewise
 disdained by many in the 19th and early 20th century who, quite correctly,
 saw his ideas as an obstacle to the large national regime they wished to
 How sad it is to that the current occupant of the White House bears the
 middle name Jefferson -- even though the real Jefferson taught his nephew
 Peter Carr: Nothing is so mistaken as the supposition that a person is to
 extricate himself from a difficulty, by intrigue, by chicanery, by
 dissimulation, by trimming an untruth, by an injustice. It is of great
 importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth.
 Thomas Jefferson would not be surprised at the degenerate character of the
 childish man who currently disgraces the Jefferson name. For There is no
 vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible and he who permits himself to tell
 a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at
 length it becomes habitual, he tells lies without attending to it. This
 falsehood of tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its
 good dispositions.
 But this column is about another Jeffersonian virtue which William Jefferson
 Clinton has attempted to destroy: the virtue of arms, and all that it
 entails about the relationship between the people and their government.
 In the same 1785 letter to nephew Peter Carr (who was also Jefferson's
 ward), Jefferson advised the fifteen-year-old about building character
 through the shooting sports: A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the
 species exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to
 the body, it gives boldness, enterprize, and independence to the mind. Games
 played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body
 and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore by the constant
 companion of your walks.
 Jefferson's views on the importance of arms for youth remained strong two
 decades later, as expressed in his 1818 Report of the Commissioners of the
 University of Virginia: the manual exercise, military maneuvers, and
 tactics generally, should be the frequent exercise of the students, in their
 hours of recreation.
 It might not have surprised Jefferson to learn that a people who never
 learned to hunt while growing up, and whose main connection with sports was
 watching them as passive spectators through a passive medium (television),
 might not develop the boldness and independence of mind to want real
 independence and responsibility in their own lives. Instead, they would
 prefer the comfortable servitude of a nanny state run by people like the
 Of course the benefits of early training in arms extended to more than good
 character. As Jefferson pointed out to Giovanni Fabbroni in 1778, the
 Americans had a lower  casualty rate than the Redcoats. This difference is
 ascribed to our superiority in taking aim when we fire; every soldier in our
 army having been intimate with his gun from his infancy.
 Even so, Americans were not as well-armed as Jefferson wished. The only book
 Jefferson ever wrote was Notes on the State of Virginia (1782), in which he
 explained the arms shortage that had developed during the Revolutionary War:
 The law requires every militia-man to provide himself with arms usual in
 the regular service. But this injunction was always indifferently complied
 with, and the arms they had have been so frequently called to arm the
 regulars, that in the lower parts of the country they are entirely

[CTRL] Independence Day in Perspective

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Independence Day in Perspective
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

To many Americans the Fourth of July is just another day off, a picnic, and
some fireworks. It is my favorite holiday because, unlike so many Americans,
I haven’t forgotten what we’re celebrating: independence from tyrannical
government. The July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence, one of the defining
documents of our nation’s existence, is better thought of as a Declaration of
Secession, since the Revolutionary War that it started was a war of secession
from the government of England. America was born with an act of secession
which, until 1865, was considered to be one our most cherished freedoms.

Perhaps the most famous section of the Declaration, authored by Thomas
Jefferson, is the list of the train of abuses perpetrated by King George
III on the colonists. This very same train of abuse was heaped upon the
citizens of the Southern states from 1861 until the end of Reconstruction
in 1877, and applies to some degree more or less universally today. Consider
the words of the Declaration:

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly
firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long
time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected.

Lincoln imposed military rule on those parts of the South that were conquered
territory during the war, and the Southern states were governed by Republican
party-appointed military dictatorships for twelve years after the war.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone.

By suspending the writ of habeas corpus, ignoring U.S. Supreme Court Chief
Justice Roger B. Taney’s ruling that only Congress could constitutionally
suspend habeas corpus, and threatening to prosecute state judges who
permitted criminal prosecutions of federal government officials to go
forward, Lincoln effectively trumped the judiciary.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers
to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

Myriad new bureaucracies were created to run the militarily-occupied states
during and after the War for Southern Independence. General Benjamin Butler
famously harassed the people of New Orleans by hanging a man for merely
taking down a U.S. flag and declaring that any woman who did not display
proper respect for federal soldiers would be considered a prostitute. Other
military officers were just as harassing. Federal armies pillaged, plundered,
and sacked their way through the southern states for four years, and Lincoln
supported several confiscation bills that allowed them to plunder private
property (but not slaves).

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent
of our legislatures.

The federal army occupied Maryland in 1861 so that the legislature (most of
which was thrown into military prison) could not meet to discuss secession.
The other border states were under military occupation for the duration of
the war, as was the entire South for twelve years after the war.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the
Civil Power.

By suspending habeas corpus, Lincoln ordered the military to arrest and
imprison virtually all opposition newspaper editors, supported an indemnity
act that prohibited state judges from allowing the prosecution of military
officers for criminal acts, and effectively nationalized the judiciary at

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our
constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his Assent to their Acts
of pretended legislation.

Lincoln suspended constitutional liberty in the North for the duration of his
presidency. He launched a military invasion without congressional consent;
declared martial law; blockaded the Southern ports; suspended habeas corpus;
imprisoned without trial thousands of Northern citizens for favoring peace
over war; imprisoned newspaper publishers and editors who criticized him;
censored all telegraph communication; nationalized the railroads; created
several new states without the consent of the citizens of those states;
ordered federal troops to interfere in elections by intimidating Democratic
voters; deported an opposition member of Congress, Clement L. Vallandigham of
Ohio; confiscated private property, including firearms; and essentially
gutted the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution. This was all
indeed foreign to Thomas Jefferson’s constitution.

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us.

Federal troops were quartered in the border states and in various parts of
the South during the war and the twelve years of Reconstruction.

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world.

The Constitution prohibits blockades except for in wartime and against a
foreign power. But Lincoln never conceded that the Southern states were a
foreign power or the war as anything but a rebellion.

For imposing 

[CTRL] Bowdlerizing C.S.Lewis

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Bowdlerizing C.S. Lewis
by Joseph Sobran
During the Victorian era, the prevailing delicacy of the age inspired Dr.
Thomas Bowdler and his sister to edit Shakespeare’s plays to make them
suitable for family reading. All off-color jokes and sexual matter were
removed. The word bowdlerize entered the language as a synonym for militant

Today it appears that a new species of bowdlerization is afoot. It seems that
HarperCollins has acquired the right to republish C.S. Lewis’s seven classic
children’s books about the land of Narnia – and to edit out their Christian
content. Apparently the idea is to reshape the stories on the model of the
hugely successful (non-Christian) Harry Potter stories, and to market toys
based on the Narnia characters, also on the Potter model.

In a leaked HarperCollins memo, a corporation executive offers emphatic
assurances that no attempt will be made to correlate the stories to Christian

It’s almost unbelievable. De-Christianizing the works of one of the greatest
Christian authors of the twentieth century? The Narnia stories owe their
artistry and power to Lewis’s way of infusing the Christian message into
simple tales about children and a lion named Aslan. The lion, an awesome and
thrilling character, represents Christ.

How Aslan can be suitably watered down for secularized family reading
remains to be seen. Any such attempt is bound to destroy the point and energy
of the Narnia books. You might as well try to edit God and Satan out of
Paradise Lost.

Usually we revere a great author’s intentions and artistic integrity; but
when it comes to Christianity, such considerations may be sacrificed to
higher values, such as multiculturalism and – oh yes – money.

Lewis would be outraged and sickened by this compromise of his work. Are the
keepers of his estate willing to sell him out to the very secularist forces
he fought with all his genius? Can they betray his trust so shamelessly?

Maybe editing Aslan down to modern scale is a job for the Jesus Seminar,
which is devoted to editing the Gospels by deleting any sayings that sound
too Christian. One excellent reason for believing in Christ is that after
2,000 years he is still as troubling to the conscience as he was in his own
time. If he can be reduced to a bland moral teacher, whose doctrine is
indistinguishable from modern political platforms, he becomes much safer and
easier to sell. Whole denominations are based on adapting Jesus to the Latest

Lewis’s fictional adaptation of Christ is another matter. Aslan is not a
watered-down substitute for Christ, but a spiritually challenging figure who
conveys, even to adult readers, some of the wonder of the Original. He seems
to be more than the flesh of HarperCollins can bear.

Lewis always insisted that a good children’s story can’t be just a
dumbed-down version of a story for adults. It has to be a good read for
adults too. He liked the analogy of a string quartet, which uses fewer of the
orchestra’s resources than the symphony, but is just as demanding in its own
way. Children, in fact, are more apt than adults to stop reading a story when
they find it dull.

This respect for children made Lewis a great children’s author, as well as a
great author for adults. I never read the Narnia stories until I was in my
20s, and I was overwhelmed by their inherent power. I still reread them, as I
reread Lewis’s other works. They are all of a piece.

The notion that any editor can improve Lewis’s works is a presumption
worthy of the Bowdlers. But in an age that regards nothing as obscene, the
energies of censorship are turned against unseemly expressions of
Christianity. One wonders whether the unexpurgated Narnia stories will remain
available. Perhaps there will be an adults-only edition?

Aslan’s message to children (and adults) is a stern but loving one: You must
change. This sets the Narnia stories apart from all the children’s books that
are merely adventures, with merely external foes and monsters, however
dangerous or malevolent or spooky. In Narnia, no enemy can truly threaten a
child without the child’s spiritual cooperation.

Has this profoundly Christian message been lost on the Lewis estate?

July 4, 2001

Joe Sobran is a nationally syndicated columnist. He also writes Washington
Watch for The Wanderer, a weekly Catholic newspaper, and edits SOBRAN'S, a
monthly newsletter of his essays and columns.

Get a free copy of Joe Sobran's lecture, How Tyranny Came to America by
subscribing to SOBRAN'S. See for details. For a free sample of
SOBRAN'S or for more information, call 800-513-5053.

Copyright (c) 2001 by Griffin Internet Syndicate. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] Toward Real Federalism

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

The Free Market

August 1995
Volume 13, Number 8

Toward Real Federalism
Clyde N. Wilson

Just a few years ago we had a bicentennial celebration of the Constitution.
Republicanism and federalism, the two most salient features of the
Constitution, were never mentioned. Instead we had a glorification of
multiculturalism and the central state.

Federalism is one of the least understood, both theoretically and
practically, of all political forms. Today we hear talk of restoring
federalism and decentralized government. But we must beware of phony forms of
top-down federalism that will be invented by cornered politicians.

Federalism is not when the central government graciously allows the states to
do this or that. That is just another form of administration. True federalism
is when the people of the states set limits to the central government.

Fundamentally, federalism means states rights. The cause of states rights is
the cause of liberty. They rise or fall together. If we had been able to
maintain the real union of sovereign states founded by our forefathers, then
there would not be, could not be, the imperial central state that we suffer
under today.

The loss of states rights is coterminous with the rise of the American
empire, where a vast proportion of the citizens' wealth is engrossed by
bureaucracy; where our personal and local affairs are ever more minutely and
inflexibly managed by a remote power; where our resources are squandered
meddling in the affairs of distant peoples.

That happy old Union was a friendly contract--the states managing their own
affairs, joined together in matters of defense, and enjoying free trade among
themselves. Indeed, enjoying free trade with the world, because the
Constitution, as is sometimes forgotten, required all taxes to be uniform
throughout the Union and absolutely forbade taxation of the exports of any
state. The federal government was empowered to lay a modest customs duty to
raise revenue for its limited tasks, but otherwise had no power to restrict
or assist enterprises.

That is what the States United meant to our Founders, a union of mutual
consent and support. It did not mean a government that dictated the
arrangement of every parking lot in every public and private building in
every town, and the kind of grass that a citizen must plant around his boat

It did not mean the incineration of women and children who might have aroused
the ire of a rogue federal police force, unknown to the Constitution and
armed as for a foreign enemy. It did not mean that billions would be spent
restoring oriental despots to their thrones in distant lands. Had George
Washington been confronted with any of these things, he would have reached
for his sword.

We know the problems. Where should we look for solutions? Thomas Jefferson
gives us the answer: our most ancient and best tradition, states rights. In
his first inaugural Jefferson remarked that in most ways Americans were very
happily situated, and then asked, What more is necessary to make us a happy
and prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow citizens---a wise and
frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which
shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits. This
government shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread that it has
earned. This is the sum of good government.

But how to preserve this form of government? What should we do, or not do?
Jefferson answered: preserve elections (not the party system), maintain equal
justice under the law, rely on the militia, avoid debt, maintain the freedom
of speech, religion, and trial by jury, avoid entangling alliances. And most
important: the support of the state governments in all their rights, as the
most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest
bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies.

There is a large sophistical literature which tells us that states rights was
for Jefferson just a temporary expedient for other goals. This is false. For
his own generation and several following, it was understood that the state
sovereignty of the Kentucky resolutions was Jefferson's primary platform as
an American leader.

John C. Calhoun, speaking in exactly the same tradition a generation later,
said: We contend, that the great conservative principle of our system is in
the people of the States, as parties to the Constitutional compact. Without
a full practical recognition of the rights and sovereignty of the States,
our union and liberty must perish.

Why are states rights the last best bulwark of our liberties? It is a
question of the sovereignty of the people---in which we all profess to
believe. Every political community has a sovereign, an ultimate authority.
The sovereign may delegate functions (as the states did to the federal
government) though not alienate authority. It may not always rule from day to
day, but it is that place in the society that has the last word 

[CTRL] Did You Know That...

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Did You Know That…

•  Americans use guns in self-defense up to 3.6 million times each year?

•  In 98 percent of those cases, the criminal flees at the mere sight of the

• The criminal succeeds in taking the gun from his intended victim in only
one percent of those cases?

•  Studies have shown that the more guns honest citizens own, the lower the
crime rate – with violent crime dropping about 4 percent for each 1 percent
rise in gun ownership?

• The most dramatic reductions in crime have occurred in states passing laws
that allow honest citizens to carry concealed weapons?

• You are far more likely to get mugged, raped, burglarized or shot in
America’s big cities today – where gun laws are strict – than on the old
western frontier, where virtually everyone carried a gun?

• During the frontier era, the combined murder rate in Dodge City, Abilene,
Ellsworth, Wichita, and Caldwell – all wide-open cattle towns – was less
than two murders per year for all five towns combined?

• Violent crime today is concentrated overwhelmingly among inner-city
minorities – with African-Americans committing murder at 8 times the rate of

• The rate of gun murders among white U.S. teenagers is roughly the same as
among teenagers in Canada?

• The most heavily armed nation in the world, per capita, is Switzerland?

• Switzerland also has one of the lowest crime rates in the world?

• England and Australia both experienced dramatic increases in violent crime
after confiscating guns from honest citizens?

• Australia and England were ranked the first and second worst countries in
the industrialized world – in that order – in terms of violent crime,
according to the February 2001 International Crime Victims Survey, released
by Leiden University in Holland?

• The United States did not even make the top 10 list of Leiden University’s
International Crime Victims Survey?

Of course you didn’t know these things. How could you?

A recent study by the Media Research Center shows that television news
stories calling for stricter gun laws outnumber those opposing such laws by a
ratio of ten to one. When it comes to guns and gun laws, we are hearing only
one side of the story.

To hear the other side, read The Seven Myths of Gun Control by Richard Poe.

Richard Poe is editor of David Horowitz’s Web site and

Copyright © 2001

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[CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

The Contradictions of Capitalism
The Dearth of Rational Discussion
by Jim Peron
We can’t win. We advocates of individual rights, free markets and limited
government simply can’t win the intellectual debate with the Left. And the
reason for it is that there is no intellectual debate with them. And there
can’t be such a debate since the Left is simply not open to rational
discussion. They know that capitalism is inherently evil and nothing that is
said, no evidence that is presented, no facts that are marshaled will
convince them otherwise.
Consider this example. The Fabian socialists were founded in 1883, the same
year that Karl Marx died, when a small group of “intellectuals” gathered at
17 Osnaburgh Street in London to hear some lectures on the promised new world
order of socialism. From this meeting was formed the Fabian Society,
dedicated to the willfully slow evolution of a socialist society in England.

The Society was named after the Roman general and dictator Quintus Fabius
Maximus who fought, and laid the groundwork for the defeat of, Hannibal. In
Fabian Tract No.1 the Society explained its strategy:

“For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently when
warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time
comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain
and fruitless.”

The credo of the Fabians said that the society “consists of Socialists” who
will work to destroy private property, free markets and individualism.

Fabians were a strong, if not the strongest, influence on the British Labour
Party and used the likes of George Bernard Shaw and Sidney and Beatrice Webb
to spout its propaganda on the virtues of Stalinism and Soviet Communism. Its
list of members read like the Who’s Who of British intellectualism and
included RH Tawney, GDH Cole, Harold Wilson, Harold Laski, Oswald Mosley (the
founder of British fascism), Bertrand Russell, Clement Attlee, John Strachey,
Stephen Spender, George Orwell, and others.

For over a century the Fabian Society has continued to promote a Marxist
agenda for the various countries of the world. At the turn of the last
century the Fabians would wax eloquently on the virtues of socialism and the
vices of capitalism. They never tired of telling anyone who would listen how
capitalism would lead to poverty and misery for the bulk of England's
workers. They promised that only a socialist, centrally planned society,
could achieve wealth and prosperity. The workers, noted the socialists, could
never find happiness and self-satisfaction as long as they were entrenched in
the poverty of a capitalist economy.

One hundred years later the Fabian Society stills exists. And not long ago,
on BBC World, I watched a documentary series entitled “Big Ideas”. It was
billed as an antidote to the pessimism of the politically correct. In truth
it was hardly that at all. Instead the entire show concentrated on an
“economist” who represents the Fabian Society. So what do the Fabians have
to say 100 years later? Will they continue with their rhetoric of the last
century and castigate capitalism for leading millions into poverty? Of course
not. The laughter from the millions of “workers” viewing the show on their
color televisions would drown out their rhetoric.

Capitalism Causes Too Much Prosperity
Instead this Fabian went on about how the wealth of capitalism doesn’t lead
to happiness. This “economist” lamented the luxuries of the average worker.
He ridiculed those who work hard to get ahead in the world. And he said that
this problem was clearly the fault of capitalism. It seems that capitalism
leads to prosperity. In fact it leads to too much prosperity. People start
seeking out luxuries, and status symbol consumer goods, as a result.

When it was pointed out to him that individuals who didn’t want to work hard
didn’t have to do so, he was unpersuaded. The problem with the wealth of
consumer capitalism is that the system itself forces people to compete. The
individual who wants to drop out, perhaps to read the works of Marx, can’t do
so because of the structure of the system. He is a victim of capitalism.
People should, instead, be free to concentrate on the “important” things, by
which he means things which he thinks are important.

And, of course, the solution to this structural problem was the “social
ownership” of the means of production. He wanted regulations and laws to
prevent rampant competition and wealth-gathering.

Now just about one century ago his forerunners in the Fabian Society were
saying that capitalism leads to poverty and that only socialism can create
wealth for the workers. Turning a blind eye to a century of rhetoric, today’s
Fabians are attacking capitalism for creating too much wealth. A century ago
the worker, living in poverty, would never find happiness. Today the Fabians
argue that happiness is illusive because 

Re: [CTRL] Did You Know That...

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/4/01 9:04:22 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

  •  Studies have shown that the more guns honest citizens own, the lower
  crime rate – with violent crime dropping about 4 percent for each 1
  rise in gun ownership?

 Who is an  honest citizen? And who gets to make that judgment? No one.
 Instead, guns are available to all. Honest or not.

Guns should not be legally available to known criminals.  Known criminals are
not honest citizens.

  • The most dramatic reductions in crime have occurred in states passing
  that allow honest citizens to carry concealed weapons?

 Maybe yes, maybe no.

Look at the facts, I'm sure they have been posted to this list before, but
you as a gun confiscator do not believe facts, only the myths that say guns
are bad.  Do you live in a big city?  Surely you were not raised in a less
populated area where guns are more common.

  • You are far more likely to get mugged, raped, burglarized or shot in
  America’s big cities today – where gun laws are strict – than on
the old
  western frontier, where virtually everyone carried a gun?

 This is pure bullshit. It has nothing to do with gun laws and everything to
 do with population and density.

If what you have stated is true, then gun deaths in smaller populated areas
should be proportional to larger populated areas.  Explain and provide proof
that population and density are as you say.

  • During the frontier era, the combined murder rate in Dodge City,
  Ellsworth, Wichita, and Caldwell – all wide-open cattle towns – was
  than two murders per year for all five towns combined?


So, there is less gun violence when everyone is armed ... the wild west
wasn't so wild, just free.

  • Violent crime today is concentrated overwhelmingly among inner-city
  minorities – with African-Americans committing murder at 8 times the
rate of

 So everyone should be allowed to own guns but Blacks?

No, foolish one.  Law abiding black citizens should be allowed their
Constitutional right to own a weapon to protect themselves.  If more law
abiding blacks owned guns in the ghettos of America the ghettos would be a
safer place for everyone except the criminals.

  • The rate of gun murders among white U.S. teenagers is roughly the same
  among teenagers in Canada?
  • The most heavily armed nation in the world, per capita, is Switzerland?
  • Switzerland also has one of the lowest crime rates in the world?

 Americans are not sane and civilized and cohesive as are the Swiss. You are
 comparing apples and oranges.

Please explain and provide proof that Americans are not sane-civilized-and
cohesive as the Swiss.  Please only the facts and not the false thinking of a
gun confiscator.

  • England and Australia both experienced dramatic increases in violent
  after confiscating guns from honest citizens?

 That was stupid. They should have confiscated the guns from the dishonest
 citizen too. Duh!

The criminals are not going to willingly give up their weapons.  Have you
devised a method to remove guns from the criminal element?  That is exactly
what the gun confiscators want to do in America ... disarm the American
public and you have people who have to be slaves.  'Tis not the left or the
right that wants gun confiscation, but the rich and powerful elite.  The
elite want to own you and are doing everything in their power to confiscate
your weapons so you cannot resist the takeover by the UN.

  • Australia and England were ranked the first and second worst countries
  the industrialized world – in that order – in terms of violent crime,
  according to the February 2001 International Crime Victims Survey, released
  by Leiden University in Holland?
  • The United States did not even make the top 10 list of Leiden
  International Crime Victims Survey?

 Ergo, the US doesn't have a crime/gun problem.

Can you not read?  Do we have a disability?  Australia and England
confiscated guns from honest citizens, now the criminals have nothing to fear
for they hold the upper hand, they have guns.  If guns are confiscated from
the American public, then we shall be as defenseless as people in Australia
and England.

  A recent study by the Media Research Center shows that television news
  stories calling for stricter gun laws outnumber those opposing such laws
by a
  ratio of ten to one. When it comes to guns and gun laws, we are hearing
  one side of the story.
  To hear the other side, read The Seven Myths of Gun Control by Richard Poe.

 If it's more bullshit like this...
 No thanks. 

Spoken like a true gun confiscator.  Never listen to facts, ignore them.
Always follow the religion of the gun confiscating elite, always be a lackey,
never have an 

Re: [CTRL] Classic

2001-07-02 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/1/01 1:01:39 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 I believe it, but what would happen if we moved to abolish the government?
 Martial law.  Tienneman Square.  The Holocaust.

We don't need to abolish government, just hold it to the Constitution,
especially the tenth amendment.

  Thankyou for posting this Prudy.  It's obvious that most Americans no
  longer believe in, or are even familiar with, these principles.  The
  public schools (government indoctrination centers) and the mass media
  have done a thorough job of erasing these beliefs from the public mind.
  There is a story about old Ben Franklin emerging from the Constitutional
  Convention after the signing.  A woman called out to him: What form of
  government have you given us?  He answered: A Republicif you can
  keep it.  We haven't.  It's gone.

 Question is...what comes next?  What is the segue going to be?  I wonder if
 we're heading to a time of a major abolishment of the few remaining freedoms
 we have.  I'm thinking we are.

I'm thinking the very same thing.

  It's one of those rock bottom things, kind
 of like alcoholics having to hit rock bottom before they can see the light
 and turn things around.  Probably society will have to hit rock bottom
 before the cat is cornered and it starts hissing and fighting.  It's just a
 matter of compromises.  There is a power in place that wants more and more
 control, so lawyers battle it out in court and a compromise takes place.
 Later there is another compromise as someone, somewhere wants more control,
 so we compromise again, each time giving up a little more freedom.

Somehow, we need to turn that compromising around and head it in the opposite
direction.  How you do that I don't know.  I tend to doubt that it can be
turned.  Perhaps the only way to regain our Republic is to do it the way the
founding fathers did it ... maybe that's why this government is hell bent on
abolishing weapons for common people.

 The sad part is that there is little I can do about it by myself.  There is
 little we can do, even collectively, as members of this mailing list because
 we're really not mainstreamers.  Mainstreamers are so strapped for cash that
 mom and dad have to work, the kids are in daycare and everyone is so
 exhausted by the time they come home that all they can manage to do is plop
 down in front of the TV to absorb a few hours of propaganda before falling
 asleep and repeating the same thing until the weekend when some of the
 people get drunk, some of the people have sex and the rest just lay around
 and recuperate from the hell of the weekdays.

I'm one of those mainstreamers you are talking about.  I joined this list
because a friend of mine signed off after being here four years.  He posted
many interesting articles from this list at work and got a couple dozen of us
interested in politics.
He didn't have any answers, nor did he find any one complete answer on this
list, but he did get many people (at work) interested.  After being here a
couple of weeks now, I can see why he got so frustrated.  Obviously all the
thirty or so people on this list care about what is happening in this country
and to the world, but even these thirty people can't seem to be unified in
their thinking, so how do you get tens of millions of people to unify against
the government/powerful corporations?  There seems to be too much pettiness
rather than serious discussion and no conclusions.  Too much right-left,
rich-poor, straight-gay, black-white-brown-etc, liberal-conservative, gun
rights Vs gun confiscation, and a thousand other means of dividing people so
they won't organize a united front and members of this list are just as
susceptible to these same divisions.  What are the answers?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clintons' hit squad

2001-06-29 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/29/01 12:14:29 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 On 29 Jun 01, at 1:39, Tito Hammond wrote:

  even set up the economy for Clinton so that those who are ignorant would
  believe the booming economy was created by Clinton.

 I seriously doubt this is true. Bush created a mini recession that continued
 into the early Clinton years.


What is your source for this recession?

The United States Economy

Growth in Output

The decade of the 90’s has been one of unprecedented growth and
prosperity for the United States economy. Since the most recent recession
that ended in the first quarter of 1991, real GDP (inflation-adjusted value
of the nation's output) has grown constantly at an average rate of more than
3% per year. Since the end of 1995 real GDP growth has been above 4% per year
consistently. Reflecting similar strength in the nation’s output of products
and services, the index of industrial production has risen at an average
annual rate of approximately 3.7% since 1990. Growth in output has generated
robust growth in personal income, which has grown at an average annualized
rate of 5.28% during the decade. Growth in demand for products at the retail
level has kept pace with total retail sales increasing at more than 5.5% per
year since 1990.

Labor Markets

With such vigorous growth in the nation’s production of output during the
1990s, it is not surprising that employment growth was similarly strong.
While the labor force grew at an average rate of 1.14% per year, actual
employment grew by more than 1.3% per year for the same period. That resulted
in persistent declines in the unemployment rate from a high of 7.5% in 1992
to 4.2% for 1999. Historical perspective has taught expert and casual
observers alike that periods of high GDP growth and low unemployment cannot
be sustained without abnormally high (and accelerating) inflation rates.

Price Stability

Inflationary pressures that were expected, especially during the latter
half of the '90s did not materialize. Using percentage changes in the GDP
price deflator, the broadest measure of inflation, the rate fell from almost
4% in 1990 to less than 3% through 1995, and under 2% for the remaining years
of the decade. Inflation in consumer prices was similarly low, also falling
below 2% during 1997-98. Nearly a decade of sustained high growth in output
and employment combined with stable prices and full employment represents a
rare occurrence in our nation's economic history.  How does one explain the
phenomenal performance ?

Productivity Growth

Using the benefit of hindsight, the answer to that question is reasonably
clear. For the production of goods and services, the supply side, the key to
growth has been increasing productivity, enhanced by accelerating
technological advancement. Analysis of  figures in Table 1, shows
productivity growth measured by the percentage change in output per hour of
work was positive throughout the '90s. During the final four years of the
decade, productivity grew at an average rate of almost 3% per year. The
ability to produce increasing levels of output per hour of work at home and
the availability of products produced at low cost abroad helped to relieve
inflationary pressures that otherwise would have been present.

Consumer Demand

Demand for products and services remained strong , buoyed by spending by
consumers who made purchases out of rising incomes and even more rapidly
rising stores of wealth. As cited above, personal income rose at more than
5.25% per year, and gains in wealth were even more impressive. The SP 500
Index, for example rose from approximately 267 at the end of 1989 to 1469 by
the end of 1999, an average increase of more than 21% per year for the entire
period. That exponential rise in the value of equity shares affected both the
demand for products and the ability to produce them more inexpensively.
Additional household wealth not only stimulated additional spending for big
ticket items such as housing and SUVs, but also it made financing readily
available to firms, allowing them to introduce new technologies to the


For the U.S. economy, the 1990s was a decade of robust growth in output
supported by equally robust productivity growth based on technological
advancement and spending based on the wealth effect. From the macroeconomic
perspective, it was a period during which most of the economic news was very

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout

Re: [CTRL] Clintons' hit squad

2001-06-28 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/28/01 9:21:09 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

 This article, about five years too late, was just published in (of all
places) the Weekly World News. Trying to discredit the story, or reaching the
mass media the only way possible? 

This article, or dozens just like it have been on the web for several years,
however nothing will be seriously investigated.  Clinton is sleeping with the
Bushes.  Bush sat back and didn't put up a fight in 1992 so Clinton could win
and maybe Baby Bush taking office 8 years later was part of the deal.  Bush
even set up the economy for Clinton so that those who are ignorant would
believe the booming economy was created by Clinton.  Big Bush said nary a
word during the 8 years Clinton was in office when he could have raked him
over the coals, especially concerning Ron Brown and Vince Foster.  Have you
noticed That Clinton is also keeping quiet about the Florida voting fiasco
when he could have damn near started a revolution over it.  There is a
Clinton in the Bush family ... Clinton isn't smart enough and doesn't have
the CIA connections to pull it off by himself.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR Unmasked

2001-06-27 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 7:21:46 PM Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So what is new about this?  This fact is common knowledge. Heck FDR allowed
 British spies to assassinate German spies in the US.  A clear violation of
 the constitution.

 Grow up for Pete sake. I am not an FDR fan in general. But, what he did vis a
 vis W.W.II was necessary. 

None of us can say whether it was necessary for the United States to enter
WWII.  The Germans probably never would have defeated the Russians, then they
may have turned to the US.  One could speculate that the Germans may have
been capable of winning the war since they were well on their way to
developing an atomic bomb and had produced jet fighters before the end of the
war, not to mention V2 rockets.  The point is that FDR was a liar and
railroaded the US into the war that no one wanted (or at least very few).
The historical truth needs to be known that FDR murdered the people at Pearl
Harbor and every other person that died as a result of WWII.

WWII had a profound effect on the US in many ways.  It increased the power of
the military/industrial complex.  It was the start of the breakdown in family
values, in that women were doing the same work as men and leaving the
children to be raised by baby-sitters instead of their Mothers.  The
government grew much more powerful and has been in a power-grab course ever
since.  Corporations also gained more power during this time and became more
politically active, thus eroding our right to vote.

FDR was no hero, he was more of a mafia-type figure.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR Unmasked

2001-06-27 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 8:09:20 PM Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The trouble with the scorpions in a bottle metaphor is that they would
 not have killed each other. One would have killed the other. Then the
 world would have had to deal with a totalitarian state that reached from
 the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

Could one country have controlled that much territory?  The country that won
would have been very weak after the war and would not have long survived had
another country contested the victory.  Another thought is that even Hitler's
henchmen tried to kill him when the going got tough.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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