[CTRL] Beast-Men' Cheney, Sharon Plan New, Nuclear Mideast Wars

2003-10-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Beast-Men' Cheney, Sharon
Plan New, Nuclear Mideast Wars

This release was issued on Oct. 14 by the LaRouche in 2004 political committee. 

Lyndon LaRouche, one of only two Democratic Party Presidential candidates certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) as qualified for Federal matching funds, issued a strong warning on Oct. 14 that the world is facing a major eruption of war in the Near East in the immediate weeks ahead, unless President Bush can be made to intervene forcefully and publicly, to curb Israel's breakaway-ally regime under Ariel Sharon.

LaRouche said that we have reached a strategic danger-point where, unless "Beast-man" Dick Cheney is dumped from the Bush Administration, and "Beast-man" Sharon is stopped, a new Middle East war is virtually certain between now and some point in November, with the possible new, horrific feature of Israeli use of nuclear weapons against targets inside the territory of Iran. Israel is economically and strategically bankrupt, and hopeless. Sharon is losing ground. Under these circumstances, the mad-dog faction in Israel could use nuclear weapons versus Iran.

LaRouche drew attention to the report, published in the Oct. 12, 2003 Los Angeles Times ("Israel Adds Subs to Its Atomic Ability," by Douglas Frantz), that Israel now has deployed submarines, carrying nuclear-armed Harpoon missiles, able to strike Iran and other regional targets.

LaRouche further warned: The U.S. military has no capability for carrying out any further wars, so long as American forces are tied down in Iraqunless the U.S.A., too, were to resort to the use of nuclear weapons. Thus, if the current, planned Israeli war stunt is not stopped now, we also face the prospectgoing into the pre-U.S.A. election Autumn of 2004of a desperate Cheney-led and chicken-hawk-dominated Bush Administration being tempted to use nuclear weapons against North Korea. At this moment, the neo-conservatives in and around the Bush Administration are pushing for Israel to use nuclear weapons to set the precedent for the later American use of mini-nukes against targets in North Korea. The controllers of this neo-con war-party apparatus need their Sharon asset to do the job, to set off this chain of events.

LaRouche concluded, that an American Presidential crackdown on Sharon is the only near-certain way to stop this Sharon war plan. The danger in the immediate period ahead is that Israel attacks Syria and then Iran, leading to a U.S.A. nuclear attack on North Korea just prior to the 2004 Presidential elections.

Cheney's Steps to War

At the center of this war drive, and the protection of Sharon, is Vice President Dick Cheney, who has recently revived the drive to attack Syria and Iranthrough a Sharon-led Israeli "surrogate war." A timeline of recent events highlights Cheney's role in this mad effort to blow up the Near East:

*In early September 2003, David Wurmser, the primary author of "A Clean Break"the July 1996 scheme to wreck the Oslo Peace Accords, prepared for then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuwas transferred from the State Department arms control office, where he was special assistant to John Bolton, to the Office of the Vice President, replacing Eric Edelman, who was named to be the new U.S. Ambassador to Turkey. At that point, Cheney revived the targeting of Syria and Lebanon, which had been scotched at the close of the Iraq war in late April, despite feverish efforts at the time by the war party to extend the Iraq war into Syria.

*On Sept. 16, again at Cheney's urging, Bolton was given the green light to testify before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee, on Syria's role in terrorism and its illegal WMD program. This testimony had been stopped a month prior, when the CIA produced a 38-page document, disputing many of Bolton's charges against Syria. The day after Bolton's testimony, the same subcommittee heard rabid testimony on Syria and Lebanon from Daniel Pipes and Gen. Michel Aoun, former Lebanese Prime Minister (1988-90) and a prop in the Hudson Institute drive for a war against Syria. The Hudson Institute Mideast project is headed by Meyrav Wurmser, wife of David Wurmser, now of Cheney's staff. She also co-authored "A Clean Break," along with Richard Perle, Charles Fairbanks (Paul Wolfowitz's closest friend and disciple), Douglas Feith and others.

*On Oct. 5, Israel bombed sites inside Syrian territory. While the attacks were ostensibly in retaliation for a suicide bombing in Haifa the day before, the Israeli Cabinet had in fact approved the bombing raids into Syria six weeks earlier. Sharon's announcement of the Syria raids used formulations taken verbatim from President Bush's March 20, 2003 announcement of the launching of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

*Oct. 9, the Bush Administration lifted its opposition to the Syria Accountability and Restoration of Lebanese Sovereignty Acta bill modeled on the Iraq 

[CTRL] #Beast#

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


  by the Beast
  Jeff Snyder
  if we look with a fresh mind, a news report can reveal to us just
  how much we have already given up, how complacent and unquestioning
  we have become, and how comfortable we are wearing the chains forged
  for us.
  February 20 article from the London Telegraph reports that
  clerics and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church met "to
  decide whether changes to Russia’s tax system heralded the coming
  of the Antichrist." The reason for this extraordinary meeting?
  The introduction of an individual number for each taxpayer.
  to the report, the conference sought to allay the fears of an imminent 
apocalypse. Thousands of believers are boycotting the tax codes
  and some dioceses are in a panic over the changes. The source of
  this remarkable resistance is a passage in the Book of Revelation
  prophesying that the Beast "causeth all, both small and great,
  rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand
  or in their foreheads." The believers denounce the tax numbers
  as the mark of Satan and "a humiliation of man’s dignity incompatible 
with the holy design of man in God’s image and form."
  story did not receive much play here in the Land of Mammon, where
  the Social Security Administration’s "numbered from birth"
  initiative proceeds apace, and an individual’s SSN increasingly
  becomes the key link to more and more commercial and government
  databases. No, no such qualms from this nation’s clerics
  and theologians; no need to question the nature of this government
  based on the revelations of the nature of evil in scripture. No
  silly superstitions here. We are a pragmatic people, and readily
  recognize the administrative necessity of accepting and using the
  "name" given to us by the State in lieu of the one given
  us by our parents. Come, let’s enjoy a chuckle at the fears of these
  simpleton Russians.
  is not the first occasion, however, that orthodox believers have
  resisted numbering by the State. The former Soviet Union labored
  mightily to free its people from the superstition of religion. The
  masses could have no legitimate need for opiates in the Worker’s
  Paradise. Stalin, especially, was so impatient to hasten the withering
  of the State foretold by Marxist-Leninist doctrine that he imprisoned
  hundreds of thousands of Christians in the labor and death camps
  – to help clear the way.
  was the practice in these camps to assign each prisoner a number
  and require him or her to sew it on in three places on his newly
  issued prison garb. In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn documents a 
remarkable case
  of resistance to this practice:
again, they quite blatantly borrowed from the Nazis a practice
which had proved valuable to them – the substitution of a number
for the prisoner’s name, his "I," his individuality,
so that the difference between one man and another was a digit
more or less in an otherwise identical row of figures. . . . .

people for whom the numbers were indeed the most diabolical of
the camp’s devices were the devout women members of certain religious
sects. There were some of these in the Women’s Camp Division near
the Suslovo station (Kamyshlag) – about a third of the women there
were imprisoned for their religion. Now, it is plainly foretold
in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13,Verse 16) that ‘it causes
all . . . to be marked on the right hand or the forehead.’
women refused, therefore, to wear numbers – the mark of Satan!
Nor would they give signed receipts (to Satan, of course) in return
for regulation dress. The camp authorities . . . showed laudable
firmness! They gave orders that the women should be stripped
to their shifts, and have their shoes taken from them . .
. , thus enlisting winter’s help in forcing these senseless fanatics
to accept regulation dress and sew on their numbers. But even
with the temperature below freezing, the women walked about the
camp in their shifts and barefoot, refusing to surrender their