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Date sent:              Fri, 27 Jul 2001 09:10:32 -0400
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Subject:                OT - Normal and Man Induced Global Warming of Earth:
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Normal and Man Induced Global Warming of Earth:
Source: http://www.mich.com/~donald/future.html
by Donald E Davison, July 27 2001

In order to properly understand the current global warming picture we
to first view normal global climate, that is, without the influence of
mankind.  Once we understand what has been happening for billions of
and what we can expect of the future under normal conditions, then we
add in human induced climate change.

We need to look at a very long climate period, from the start of life on
earth to recent times.  Before life on earth the climate was much warmer
than now.  At this end of that long climate period, in the last million
years, there has been a series of ice ages.  This is proof that the long
term trend has been a cooling down of the planet.  I say this is the result
of the storing of carbon, but even if I am wrong, we should do what we
to stop this cooling down of the planet.

As soon as life began, carbon started to be stored, first in the life
itself then in the form of top soil, peat, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. For
billions and billions of years our planet has been storing away more and
more carbon and for billions and billions of years our planet has been
getting cooler and cooler until now it spends most of its time locked into
ice ages lasting about 100,000 years each, divided by much shorter
periods, most only ten thousand years long.

>From reports I have read, we are currently 12,000 years into a 30,000
warm period.  While three of four warm periods between ice ages are
10,000 years long, every fourth warm period lasts 30,000 years.  This,
are told, is because every once in awhile our planet goes into a more
circular orbit around the sun.  This causes our planet to receive a bit
more heat, which makes the warm period last longer.  My guess would
be that
the normal peak temperature of this current warm period would be
sometime after the mid-point of our current 30,000 year warm period,
would be more than three thousand years from now.

There is enough time and heat in a 30,000 year warm period to melt all
sheet ice in the world, including Greenland and Antarctica.  We do not
exactly when this will be completed, but it could happen before the
mid-point of our current warm period.  Once the average temperature is
above freezing at a major ice sheet, the ice will break up and slide
quickly into the seas, ten or twenty or a hundred years is quick-time
compared to thirty thousand years.  First Greenland and then Antarctica,
this will cause the seas  to rise sixty to eighty feet.  This rise is going
to happen regardless of anything mankind has done or will do.  We will
be able to escape this big disruption, bigger than any mankind has ever
faced.  The rising seas will displace millions of people around the world,
sixty-five million in United States alone.

In the future, under normal conditions, we can expect the next ice age
start in about the year 20,000.  During which, sea levels will drop about
200 feet below current levels, but the drop will not be a major disruption
because it will happen slowly over thousands of years.  The ice caps will
be a disruption.
   We can expect the cooling of the planet to continue with future ice
having larger and larger ice caps.
   That is the future climate picture for our planet without the influence
of mankind.

With the added influence of man taking carbon out of storage and
putting it
into the atmosphere, temperatures in this warm period will rise faster and
will reach higher levels than the normal peak.

This current warm period will last longer than the expected normal of
30,000 years, maybe for millions of years if mankind is able to stop and
reverse the long term cooling trend.  This is something that mankind
try to do, we should reverse the cooling trend. Yes, man has the power
delay the arrival of future ice ages, this will be good for life on this

Mankind should be able to take this planet back to the climate that
before the ice ages.  There will be no fear that man will go too far back
in climate time.  Man will never be able to find and release all the carbon
that has been stored in the crust of the earth over billions of years.

Human induced global warming will cause the coming rise of sea levels
happen sooner than normal.  We should accept `sooner than normal' as
trade-off for the value of energy we receive from stored carbon and the
value of stopping and reversing the cooling down of the planet.  The seas
are going to rise anyway, man may as well accept the fact and plan
accordingly.  It would be nice if we could plant detectors that will give
us some advance warning of when an ice sheet is going to break up.
Even a
one year advance knowledge will be very helpful.

David Evans has predicted that Europe's biggest glacier will disintegrate
in the next few years.  We should watch and see if he is correct. If so,
then maybe his method of predicting the break-up can be used with
and Antarctica.  The following part of the report contains David's exact

    REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 22 2000(UPI) -- A British newspaper
Sunday [that] new research shows Europe's biggest glacier is about to
    The Observer report -- based on an interview with David Evans, of
Glasgow University, who has spent decades studying the glacier -- says
mighty Breidamerkurjokull in southern Iceland is breaking apart. Evans
that the glacier "is beginning to disintegrate and in the next few years
will collapse" into the north Atlantic.
    The newspaper quotes Evans saying: "The glacier has been shrinking
most of the twentieth century .. However, it is clear it is now approaching
the point where a great mass of it will soon break up, and pour down to

     Mankind must be willing to adapt to a changing world.

     In closing, I would like to say that my comments on global warming
based on the reports by others that I have read.  Like most people, I do
not actually take measurements and crunch reams of numbers.  I merely
observe the issue and comment.
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Best Wishes

     Woolybooger for the day:
We've already had too much economic growth in the US.  Economic growth
in rich countries like ours is the disease, not the cure.
-Paul Ehrlich, author of Population Bomb and Population Explosion,
     Stanford University biologist and Advisor to Vice President Albert

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