-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

"...A Bush operative indirectly contacted Ventura...to see whether he might
contest Buchanan for the fledgling party's nomination.... The word back to
Austin was that Ventura would seek another candidate but might "consider"
running himself, if nobody else is available....With Republican assumptions
that pro-choice Perot never could embrace pro-life Buchanan now shattered,
Republicans count on Ventura to save them...That leaves Ventura agents
talking to real estate-casino tycoon Donald Trump...The Manhattan
dealmaker seems a bad match with Perot's party, but he may be the GOP's
last hope to stop Buchanan."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!


From:               "Jackson, Glenn R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                 'Linda Muller' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:            Bob Novak column
Date sent:          Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:33:02 -0400

Linda, Another good column.  I'm fired up!


Buchanan strikes fear into GOP

September 16, 1999


Even before Pat Buchanan burned his bridges on NBC's Meet the Press
Sunday, front-runner George W. Bush's strategists had given up on talking
him out of bolting the GOP. They now concentrate on keeping the Reform
Party presidential nomination from Buchanan, and that leads them to St.
Paul, Minn., and Gov. Jesse Ventura.

A Bush operative indirectly contacted Ventura, the nation's only major
officeholder elected under the Reform banner, to see whether he might
contest Buchanan for the fledgling party's nomination. The word back to
Austin was that Ventura would seek another candidate but might "consider"
running himself, if nobody else is available. If Buchanan is nominated, he
also has indicated privately, he might leave the Reform Party and take his
followers with him.

Bush's presidential express, encountering a Buchanan bump in the road, has
to rely on the gravel-voiced wrestler. Bush strategists believe no Reform
candidate will drain away more GOP voters than Buchanan--not even
Ventura, though he might collect a higher overall percentage.

Complacent Republicans had told themselves that good old Pat never would
leave the party of his mentors, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, despite
years of contemptuous treatment from the party's hierarchy. Hopelessly
behind the curve, they were stunned by his description of the GOP as a
"Xerox copy" of the Democrats. Republican National Chairman Jim
Nicholson's long-sought talk with Buchanan will take place in a couple of
weeks. But if Bush himself could not persuade Buchanan to stay, how could

Buchanan has all but closed the exit doors. He lunched Monday in New York
with Reform pillars Pat Choate, Ross Perot's 1996 vice-presidential running
mate, and Lenora Fulani. Washington consultant Choate long was
connected to congressional Democrats, especially House Minority Leader
Richard Gephardt. Fulani, an African-American woman, ran for president in
1988 as a left-wing independent.

Moreover, Buchanan is eyeing newly installed Teamsters chief James Hoffa
as his vice president. No offer has been tendered, but Hoffa has not said no
in advance.

What's a born-and-bred Republican like Pat Buchanan doing with the likes of
Choate, Fulani and Hoffa? The tie that unites them is opposition to free
NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization. Buchanan is targeting
more than disaffected right-wing Republicans, envisioning a coalition of
losers in the global economy who want closed borders on trade and

The last piece in the puzzle for Buchanan is Perot himself. My telephone call
to the Reform founder in Dallas was returned by Russ Verney, the party's
former national chairman, who said Perot is not giving political interviews
will stay neutral in the presidential selection.

But not really neutral. Choate told me: "He [Perot] certainly likes Pat
Buchanan and welcomes him." Pro-Buchanan comments from Perot
lieutenants Verney and Paul Truax, the Reform Party's southwest
coordinator, signal their chief's intentions.

Buchanan has no illusions about going around the Dallas billionaire. "This is
Ross Perot's party," Buchanan told me. They have not yet spoken to each
other, and Buchanan will not trigger a media feeding frenzy with a summit
meeting. A simple telephone call will do to get the founder's tacit blessing.

With Republican assumptions that pro-choice Perot never could embrace pro-
life Buchanan now shattered, Republicans count on Ventura to save them. It
will be difficult for Ventura to run for president two years after being
governor by chastising Republican candidate Norm Coleman for seeking the
governorship one year after being re-elected mayor of St. Paul.

Apart from presidential ambitions for 2004, Ventura's views on trade--pro-
NAFTA, anti-protectionist--are described by an aide as "diametrically
opposed" to Buchanan, who is viewed by the governor as "preoccupied with
the social issues" (meaning abortion). So, Ventura is seeking a surrogate. A
trial balloon for liberal former Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker collapsed.
Ultra-liberal actor Warren Beatty doesn't seem serious.

That leaves Ventura agents talking to real estate-casino tycoon Donald
Trump, who is interested. The Manhattan dealmaker seems a bad match
with Perot's party, but he may be the GOP's last hope to stop Buchanan.

Robert Novak appears on the CNN programs "Capital Gang" at 6 p.m.
Saturday and "Evans, Novak, Hunt and Shields" at 4:30 p.m. Saturday and
10 a.m. Sunday.

------------  end  ----------------
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