Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"Where I agree with the sea turtles and the porpoises and (consumer
activist) Ralph Nader and (conservative) Howard Phillips and the union guys
is, when you make a law in the United States of America, no international
organization should have the right to tell us that we've got to alter or
our laws. I do believe in the full restoration of America's lost sovereignty
independence. And I do not believe in surrendering authority to a World Trade
Organization," he says..."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!


Buchanan to speak at WTO protests
April 11, 2000
By Susan Page, USA TODAY

McLEAN, Va. - Reform Party presidential contender Pat Buchanan says he'll
speak at rallies and encourage demonstrators who plan to protest next
week's International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings in
Washington. However, he's concerned that a repeat of the street violence in
Seattle last year could undercut their message against globalization.

"I'm afraid if they turn violent and ugly, that in effect will taint the
movement," Buchanan said in an interview Monday. Violent protests could
"discredit the idea of resistance to globalization."

Buchanan will address a Teamsters rally in Washington on Wednesday to
oppose congressional approval next month of a trade deal with China. Sitting
in the living room of his home in suburban Washington, he jokes that he's
ready for demonstrations like those at the World Trade Organization meeting
in Seattle, which featured people dressed as endangered species: "I've got
my sea turtle costume out in the kitchen."

Actually, Buchanan says, he's more likely to be found supporting the cause
in a TV studio than on the streets.

"I was on the other side in the 1960s," the days when he was blasting
Vietnam War protests, he says. "We prefer to be in the limousines with the
rocks thrown at us rather than throwing the rocks. We'll speak out ... but
too old to carry a sandwich board."

The conservative commentator notes that he disagrees with the protesters --
labor leaders, environmental activists, anarchists and others -- on some
issues. The call for debt forgiveness for developing countries is "a
euphemism for debt transfer onto the backs of the American taxpayers," he

"Where I agree with the sea turtles and the porpoises and (consumer
activist) Ralph Nader and (conservative) Howard Phillips and the union guys
is, when you make a law in the United States of America, no international
organization should have the right to tell us that we've got to alter or
our laws. I do believe in the full restoration of America's lost sovereignty
independence. And I do not believe in surrendering authority to a World Trade
Organization," he says.

The increasingly integrated world economy and the move toward open
markets threaten the livelihoods of U.S. manufacturing workers, he says. It's
an issue he focused on in bids for the Republican presidential nomination in
1992 and 1996. The major party candidates now take "virtually identical"
positions on issues of globalization, trade and foreign policy, he says.
"They're two wings of the same bird of prey."

Buchanan discussed globalization, presidential politics and his efforts to
participate in debates with the Republican and Democratic contenders this
fall for more than an hour.

He predicts that he could gain an unlikely ally in his quest to join the
debates: Vice President Gore, the Democratic candidate.

"I wouldn't be surprised to see Gore say, 'He belongs in the debate, too,"
Buchanan says, "and that would put terrible pressure on (Republican George
W.) Bush." Buchanan says Gore would be acting on the assumption that
Buchanan's candidacy hurts the GOP candidate more.

That calculation could be a mistake, Buchanan adds. He is at 4% in a new
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. He says he'll campaign hard in a series of
states that Bush is likely to write off -- Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New
York, Vermont and California among them. "Those are states that Bush isn't
going to win anyhow," he says. "I think it's simplistic to say we hurt Bush."

The Gore campaign had little to say about Buchanan's prediction of support
on the debate issue. "I don't think we have a position on that," spokesman
Doug Hattaway said. He added, "It's anybody's guess how another
Buchanan candidacy would impact the race."

----------------  end  ---------------

T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
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