-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

Just in case you missed the live chat with Pat today, here are the Q&A, FYI.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!


ABC NEWS - http://www.abcnews.com
September 17, 1999


Moderator at 2:00pm ET
Mr. Buchanan, welcome to the chat.
We have hundreds of questions for your from our online users. Let's begin …


Tony D. Cochren from [], at 2:01pm ET
Mr. Buchanan,

You have been a standard bearer for the Republican Party, as well as a
great, and loyal stateman who has served his party and country a long time.
Why would you want to abandon the GOP and possibly allow the democratci
nominee the chance to be President as Perot did for Clinton in 1992?


Pat Buchanan at 2:02pm ET
The Republican establishment in Washington has abandoned us on issues
from the appeasement of communist China to supporting Clinton's
unconstitutional war in Kosovo to the Clinton/Gore support of open-borders
immigration, the Republican establishment is in total agreement with Clinton
and Gore. We need at least one candidate and one party that would give
Americans a real choice of destinies in the year 2000.


Joey Witt from [], at 2:03pm ET
Mr. Buchanan, I'll follow you where ever you go but I have just one
Why the reform party? Wouldn't the American Tax Payer's Party be a better


Pat Buchanan at 2:03pm ET
I have enormous respect for the principaled patriots of the American
Taxpayer Party but the Reform Party is a vehicle that 19 million Americans
at one point followed, and it is a much more potentially successful vehicle
take one to the Presidency. Finally, the Taxpayers Party already has a


Carol Marks from [], at 2:04pm ET
Isn't the greater good served by electing the Republican that can win, rather
than siphoning votes from him, as happened to George Bush? I admire you
but want the liberals out.


Pat Buchanan at 2:05pm ET
We both want the liberals out. We both want Clinton and Gore gone. But we
want something better for America in the new century than an establishment
Republican Party whose beliefs on issues of deep concern to me are virtually
identical to those of Clinton and Gore.


Z from [], at 2:05pm ET
I've always viewed the Reform Party as a group of political misfits who were
incompatible with either of the two major parties. Asside from its renegade
mentality, does the Reform Party have any core beliefs on issues? If so, how
well do they coincide with yours?


Pat Buchanan at 2:06pm ET
On protecting U.S. jobs and our industrial base, on keeping Americans out of
foreign wars that are none of our business, on a new immigration policy that
will cut back legal immigration to 250,000 a year and enable us to repair the
Melting Pot, I agree entirely with most of the Reform Party. As for their
"misfits" people have called me the same thing.


Gene Hoskins from [], at 2:07pm ET
Why not try to change the Republican Party from within? This decision
seems to be political suicide for both the Republican nominee and you?


Pat Buchanan at 2:09pm ET
The truth is Gene, we have changed the Republican party at the grass roots,
it is anti-NAFTA, anti-GATT, against the apeasement of communist China
with special trade privleges and against Clinton's undeclared wars. The
problem is the Republican establishment is not influenced by the party
platform or the party rank and file. And then you gotta make a decision: how
can I support a Republican hierarchy when it wishes to take America in a
direction I believe my country must not go?


Mike from [], at 2:09pm ET
Just tell us yes or no: will you leave the GOP and run for president on the
Reform ticket? Please give us a straight answer.


Pat Buchanan at 2:10pm ET
The straight answer is: I have not decided and will not for at least a month.
There are too many potential barricades and roadblocks being thrown up
already in our path for me to decide now.


Tom Rainwater from [], at 2:11pm ET
Mr. Buchanan, is it possible that the integrity of the office of the
can be restored? How can that be accomplished?


Pat Buchanan at 2:11pm ET
Remove Bill Clinton.


Mark Wasson from [], at 2:12pm ET
Are you concerned aboout the infringement of the 4th Amendment by law
enforcement agencies? As President, what would you do to try and protect
the rights of Americans against unreasonable search and sezuire?


Pat Buchanan at 2:13pm ET
Well I'm a devout believer in the whole bill of rights, and that includes the
Amendment as well as the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment and as
President I would take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United
States and I will do that. Rely upon it.


Abel Sanchez from [], at 2:13pm ET
Mr. Buchanan,
I applaud your effort to seek the presidency via a 3rd party but do you
believe that a 3rd party canidate has or will ever have a chance to win the
White House?


Pat Buchanan at 2:14pm ET
I would not and will not seek the nomination of the Reform Party unless I
believe there is a real chance of winning the White House in the year 2000.


Robert M. Simon from [], at 2:14pm ET
Would you consider a conservative woman,black,hispanic or Jew for a vice-
presidential partner?


Pat Buchanan at 2:14pm ET
Any or all of the above, as long as he or she is committed to our vision for


Michael Sutliff from [], at 2:15pm ET
I voted for you the last time you ran.
How would you make us more competitive
globally if you oppose NAFTA?


Pat Buchanan at 2:17pm ET
NAFTA does not make us more competitive globally, it has hemorraghed
thousands of our factories down to Mexico and hundreds of thousands of our
jobs. What America needs are the lowest tax rates in the western industrial
world and sweeping deregulation, especially of small business, at the federal
level and a trade policy that keeps our factories here in the United States
and encourages foreign countries to place their new factories here in the
United States. That's what economic patriotism is all about. Read my book
"The Great Betrayal" as well as my new book "A Republic, Not An Empire".


scb from [], at 2:17pm ET
Mr. Buchanan
If you are elected President, what would be your first act as President on
Jan. 20, 2001?


Pat Buchanan at 2:18pm ET
I would turn to Mr. Clinton on the inaugural stand and say "Sir, you have the
right to remain silent".


Mike from [], at 2:18pm ET
The VA has lost $40 Million in funding. What are you going to do for we vets,
who have done so much for America?


Pat Buchanan at 2:19pm ET
America's contract with its heros of all wars will be honored to the letter
honored with a graciousness, compassion and charity our men and women
in uniform deserve.


Tom Hurley from [], at 2:19pm ET
Mr. Buchanan, in the past you have indicated that the Republican platform
must maintain a solid pro-life stance rather than attempting to ignore the
abortion issue, so what is your justification for considering a move to the
Reform Party, whose platform already ignores the abortion issue?


Pat Buchanan at 2:21pm ET
When the Buchanan Brigades insisted that the Reagan plank on right to life
be kept in the Republican platform in 1996, the Republican ticket declared
that it had not even read the platform. Platforms are not enough. We need a
genuine pro-life president, not a trimmer and not an ex-pro-lifer, like Mr.
Gore, who has become militantly pro-abortion.


Dan Roberts from [], at 2:21pm ET
Do you have any comments about the departure of Bob Adams, your
communications director, today from your Presidential campaign? He was
quoted as saying, "I'm a Republican."


Pat Buchanan at 2:22pm ET
Goodbye Bob and good luck.


Troy Vander Waal from [], at 2:22pm ET
Mr Bucanan have you thought about a potential running mate if you go
reform? Will he have to agree with you on abortion? what about the
speculation over Jimmy Hoffa, Alan Keyes or James Trafican?


Pat Buchanan at 2:23pm ET
It is far, far too premature to even be thinking about a running mate on the
Reform Party ticket when I have not yet left the Republican Party or the run
for the Republican nomination.


MSW from [], at 2:23pm ET
What potential roadblocks and barricades are in your path that prevent you
from making your decision to go full steam for the Reform Party nomination?
Is Jesse Ventura one of those barricades/road blocks?


Pat Buchanan at 2:25pm ET
Well, according to Bob Novak the Republican establishment has been in
touch with Governor Ventura to find a way to block me from winning the
Reform Party nomination. Now that they have fixed the Republican Party
nomination, I guess they wanna finish the job. This clearly is an impediment
and a barricade that we would have to overcome if we declared for the Reform
Party nomination.


Brian from [], at 2:25pm ET
What is your basic economic program for the country if you were elected


Pat Buchanan at 2:28pm ET
Basically it would consist of several parts:

Tax cuts. A shift of the tax burden off of small businesses and workers and
savers and onto the trans-national corporations and their foreign goods which
are being shipped into the United States free of charge.

Secondly end the regulatory reign of terror and roll back regulations on the
federal level.

Third, a radical downsizing of the federal government and a shift of power
back to the states, the people and their private institutions.

Lastly, a sound money policy at the Federal Reserve.


Henry Rickman from [], at 2:28pm ET
Pat are you going to reach out more to people like me who are in the AFL-
CIO and other union people?


Pat Buchanan at 2:30pm ET
One of the great tragedies of recent decades has been the steady loss of
good, high-paying industrial and manufacturing jobs. They are being exported
from America because of trade and tarriff policies that are neither in the
interest of the American nation nor of the American worker. Those policies
will be turned upside down and we will have a new economic policy that puts
American workers, families and our industrial independence and soviergnty
before all else.


Jimmy Conner from [], at 2:30pm ET
Pat: I have been a Buchanan loyalist but feel George W. is our answer to
keeping control of Congress. Don't you agree?


Pat Buchanan at 2:31pm ET
In truth, a third party Buchanan run for the Presidency would dramatically
increase turnout among Conservatives, Populists and Traditionalists and thus
would enhance dramatically the probability that Congress would be much
more conservative in 2001.


Gary Fisher from [], at 2:31pm ET
Gov. Ventura from MN has said that you may not be a good fit for the Reform
Party. Don't you need to win the support of the Reform delegates just as you
would have to running as a Republican? What makes you believe you can
win over the Reform delegates with your more conservative views?


Pat Buchanan at 2:32pm ET
There are no certainties but we do believe we would have a tremendous
chance to win all this and that is why you hear the decibel count rising in


Moderator at 2:33pm ET
Thanks for your time today. Any closing comments?


Pat Buchanan at 2:35pm ET
You may have read some of the viscious and scurrilous attacks on my new
book "A Republic, Not An Empire". Do not believe them. Buy, or borrow, the
book and see for yourself. Don't let the smear artists frighten you away.
book is a formula for a new foreign policy that puts America first and is
rooted in the oldest traditions and highest values of our splendid republic.

God Bless You and Go Pat Go!


Moderator at 2:41pm ET
Thanks all.

--------------------  end  ---------------------

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