[CTRL] [Fwd: Reptoids under NY and deep underground bases in USA]

1999-06-10 Thread Nicola Molloy

Hi there,

You may have had this one pass your way, but I heard there was an
underground base under the Cathedral of St John the Divine at Manhattan.
Does anyone know any more about this please.


Rest of story at this url

AC: If Phil is right, and all this hooks up to the deep underground base
that he was offered the plans to build back in 1979, and that what this
other man told me in private that there is a lot of human slave labor in
these deep underground bases being used by these aliens, and that a lot
of this slave labor is children. He said that when the children reach
the point that they are unable to work any more, they are slaughtered on
the spot and consumed.

DA: Consumed by who?

AC: Aliens. Again, this is not from me, but from a man that gave his
life to get this information out. He worked down there for close to 20
years, and he knew everything that was going on.

DA: Hmmm. Who do these aliens eat?

AC: They specifically like young human children, that haven't been
contaminated like adults. Well, there is a gentleman out giving a lot of
information from a source he gets it from, and he says that there is an
incredible number of children snatched in this country.

DA: Over 200,000 each year.

AC: And that these children are the main entree for dinner.

DA: How many Draconians are down there?

AC: I have heard the figure of 150,000 just in the New York area.

DA: Underneath New York?

AC: Yes. In some kind of underground base there.

DA: Interesting. Now, you've seen pictures of these things?

AC: I have seen them face to face.

DA: You have?

AC: Yes. From some information that has been put out by a group or team
that also works in these underground bases that is trying to get
information out to people that love this country, there is a war that is
going on under our feet, and above our heads, that the public doesn't
know anything about, and its between these alien forces and the humans
that are trying to fight them.

DA: What other types have you seen?

AC: The ones that I have seen are the big-eyed Greys and the Reptilians.

DA: What do these Reptilians look like?

AC: There are three different types.

DA: Can you tell us how you happened to come into contact with them?

AC: When I lived in Florida in Panama City, at that particular time the
Gulf Breeze sightings were going on, and the area was virtually a hotbed
for strange events. I had neighbors that were into watching UFOs and
getting information about them. One night about 2:30 am, my neighbor
called me and was absolutely frantic, and wanted me to come over there.
I ran over there and went in the front door, and she and her boyfriend,
who is a commercial airline pilot, were in the living room scared out of
their wits. I looked over at her, and her eyeballs are rolling back in
her head and she was passing out and sliding down the wall. Her
boyfriend was trying to tell me what was going on, and I was feeling
this incredible energy that felt like it was trying to penetrate my
head. So, I grabbed both of them and pulled them both outside, where we
stood for a while and talked...

DA: Some people would say that this is a case of demon possession...

AC: Oh, no. There was radiation in the room. The next day all of her
plants were dead. So, there was a massive amount of energy focused on
that room. Anyway, after about an hour had passed, we had discussed what
went on and decided to go back into the house. They had both been in bed
and were pulled out of their bed during the night. All they remember is
a flash of light in their faces and the next thing they know they're
both scared to death. But, when we went back into the house, I noticed
that the man had a small palm-print on his side with fingers that must
have been 10 inches long, with claw marks on the end that were burned
into his side. The next day, that area was so swollen that he could not
touch it. I have video pictures of these things on his side. The prints
were there from someone bending down from behind him and pulling him out
of bed. They had been laking love, and somebody lifted him off of her
and left these burns there.

Anyway, they were both totally flipped out. I finally got them calmed
down enough to ket me go home. I went home and went to bed. The next
thing I know, I woke up and there is this "thing" standing over my bed.
He had wrap-around yellow eyes with snake pupils, and pointed ears and a
grin that wrapped around his head. He had a silvery suit on, and this
scared the living daylights out of me. I threw the covers over my head
and started screamingI mean, here is this thing with a Cheshire-cat
grin and these funky glowing eyes...this is too much. I have seen that
kind of being on more than one occasion.

DA: What else can you say about it?

AC: Well, he had a hooked nose and he was very human looking, other than
the eyes, and had kind of grayish skin. Later on in 1991, I was working
in a building in a large

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Reptoids under NY and deep underground bases in USA]

1999-06-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You may have had this one pass your way, but I heard there was
> an underground base under the Cathedral of St John the Divine at
> Manhattan.  Does anyone know any more about this please.

It was there a year and a half ago, at my last visit.  And for
some reason there was a fire engine locked in a cage in the
middle of the street, just across the avenue from St. John's.
Anyway, the access to the base is through the rectory.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Reptoids under NY and deep underground bases in USA]

1999-06-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-

In 1982, prior to a health fair held at the community center next
 to St John the Divine cathedral in Manhattan we witnessed several tall,
angular hominoids patroling the grounds, with marked reptoidal features.
They looked like "homo sapiens sapiens" from superficial appearance,
and were quite sinister in appearance; totally in contrast from the crown
which was gathering for the health fair.  They acted as if the "owned the
place", sort of setting out a perimeter for the fair.  They disappeared about
a half-hour befor the actual opening of the health fair.  We do not know if
these are "reptoids", but the whole experience was exceedingly strange and

 Hi there,

 You may have had this one pass your way, but I heard there was an
 underground base under the Cathedral of St John the Divine at Manhattan.
 Does anyone know any more about this please.

 Rest of story at this url

 AC: If Phil is right, and all this hooks up to the deep underground base
 that he was offered the plans to build back in 1979, and that what this
 other man told me in private that there is a lot of human slave labor in
 these deep underground bases being used by these aliens, and that a lot
 of this slave labor is children. He said that when the children reach
 the point that they are unable to work any more, they are slaughtered on
 the spot and consumed.

 DA: Consumed by who?

 AC: Aliens. Again, this is not from me, but from a man that gave his
 life to get this information out. He worked down there for close to 20
 years, and he knew everything that was going on.

 DA: Hmmm. Who do these aliens eat?

 AC: They specifically like young human children, that haven't been
 contaminated like adults. Well, there is a gentleman out giving a lot of
 information from a source he gets it from, and he says that there is an
 incredible number of children snatched in this country.

 DA: Over 200,000 each year.

 AC: And that these children are the main entree for dinner.

 DA: How many Draconians are down there?

 AC: I have heard the figure of 150,000 just in the New York area.

 DA: Underneath New York?

 AC: Yes. In some kind of underground base there.

 DA: Interesting. Now, you've seen pictures of these things?

 AC: I have seen them face to face.

 DA: You have?

 AC: Yes. From some information that has been put out by a group or team
 that also works in these underground bases that is trying to get
 information out to people that love this country, there is a war that is
 going on under our feet, and above our heads, that the public doesn't
 know anything about, and its between these alien forces and the humans
 that are trying to fight them.

 DA: What other types have you seen?

 AC: The ones that I have seen are the big-eyed Greys and the Reptilians.

 DA: What do these Reptilians look like?

 AC: There are three different types.

 DA: Can you tell us how you happened to come into contact with them?

 AC: When I lived in Florida in Panama City, at that particular time the
 Gulf Breeze sightings were going on, and the area was virtually a hotbed
 for strange events. I had neighbors that were into watching UFOs and
 getting information about them. One night about 2:30 am, my neighbor
 called me and was absolutely frantic, and wanted me to come over there.
 I ran over there and went in the front door, and she and her boyfriend,
 who is a commercial airline pilot, were in the living room scared out of
 their wits. I looked over at her, and her eyeballs are rolling back in
 her head and she was passing out and sliding down the wall. Her
 boyfriend was trying to tell me what was going on, and I was feeling
 this incredible energy that felt like it was trying to penetrate my
 head. So, I grabbed both of them and pulled them both outside, where we
 stood for a while and talked...

 DA: Some people would say that this is a case of demon possession...

 AC: Oh, no. There was radiation in the room. The next day all of her
 plants were dead. So, there was a massive amount of energy focused on
 that room. Anyway, after about an hour had passed, we had discussed what
 went on and decided to go back into the house. They had both been in bed
 and were pulled out of their bed during the night. All they remember is
 a flash of light in their faces and the next thing they know they're
 both scared to death. But, when we went back into the house, I noticed
 that the man had a small palm-print on his side with fingers that must
 have been 10 inches long, with claw marks on the end that were burned
 into his side. The next day, that area was so swollen that he could not
 touch it. I have video pictures of these things on his side. The prints
 were there from someone bending down from behind him and pulling him out
 of bed. They had been laking love, and somebody lifted him off of her
 and left these burns there.

 Anyway, they were both totally