Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] SHIT!!! Forum Administrator? (fwd)

2000-04-19 Thread David Sutherland

I agree with a lot of what you say - my point was not the initial 
word but the double standard applied.

Since the dawn of time, Religionists have always subscribed to the 
Serpents dictum "ye shall be as gods". 
Genesis 3:5

To be a "god", means there can be no other rival gods or 

Christianity, Judaism,Talmudists, New Agers, Gnostics, Estoterics,  
and et al, despise the LAW of God as in like manner Jesus said of their true 
their ancestral mentors, their fathers - the Pharisee's:

"And he said unto them, Full well ye 
reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own 
tradition." Mark 7:9 

Here we see that the professed religionists are simultaneously ANTINOMIANS and 

That is, on the one hand they truly despise the LAWS of God, and on 
the other - strive for heaven by their own do-gooder merits and "traditions" 

Church men and women will rant and rave against the 613 laws of the 
Bible, but have little conflict with 613,000,000 laws, statutes, codes, and so 
forth - created by them, and their incarnate "god" they give homage to - the 

As ever, like the Pharisees - in this they say, "... we have no king but Caesar." John 

As it was, so it is, so shall it be - nothing new under the 

- Original Message - 
From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 2:09 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] SHIT!!! Forum 
Administrator? (fwd)
 -- Forwarded message 
-- Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 20:20:22 -0700 (PDT) From: 
Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
Subject: Re: [LIFE-GAZETTE] SHIT!!! Forum Administrator?  On 
Wed, 19 Apr 2000, David Sutherland wrote:   Just curious Mr 
Admin:   I posted and used the term "shithead" and was 
castigated by the  administators for a "cussing"  
Not by me. This is a Free Speech Zone. And the frustration of dealing 
with a bunch of religiocratic "shits" or "shitheads" (you choose) is 
enough to drive anybody to use such words. But hopefully we will get 
some reasonable discourse going with the religionists before 
Life-Gazette turns into the cyber version of Jerry Springer. 
 Look, the "Greatest Story Ever Told" is very natural and when it 
is supernatural it is not the "wierd shit" you get from the 
religiocrats. They twist and pervert the Bible. I was almost moved to 
tears last year when I watched an interview with a distinguished 
Canadian lawyer who worked on the "Christian Brothers" (Mount Cashell) 
case. This man was smart, well-educated, well-spoken and a seasoned 
middle-aged professional. A real gentleman. After hearing what they had 
done to those children he went into a deep depression and couldn't work 
again for five years. I read in the Humanist Newsletter a few years back 
that a patient/client is twice as likely to be sexually molested by a 
so-called "Christian" councillor than a nonreligious councillor. Now, 
I'm not a Humanist but let's just recognize the truth where we find it. 
I think they probably had the stats on their side. Often when I spend 
some time with the "wierd shitters" of churchianity I feel like I need 
to take a bath. Church is not the place to go for spiritual uplifting 
unless you can avoid the human element.  So I think 
it is better to vent this stuff than to go into a depression as long as 
we all stay this side of legality. I won't even tell you what I'd like 
to do with that food truck with the big white cross on the side which 
drives up in front of the courthouse in the "poorest ghetto in Canada" 
as it is called. But I won't do it whatever it is. Lorna Dueck featured 
them on "Listenup" recently along with the other religion racketeers who 
exploit the poor in the ghetto for their vanity and profit. She called 
them "Angels" of something or other. What? Hell's Angels? The Hell's 
Angels Bikers I have met over the years impressed me as more decent 
people than "Lorna's Angels". What did Jesus say? "Take heed that ye do 
not your alms before men, to be seen of them" That is 100% clear. 
And it makes intuitive sense to those whose minds and hearts still work. 
The "missions" in the ghetto from Slavation Army to Roman Catholic line 
up the poor on the street to be served a meal. What restaurants which 
cater to a poorer clientelle do this? None. When the tv crew goes by 
these people shuffle their feet and look down. My Jesus Christ doesn't 
compel unfortunate people to lick His boots and suffer humiliation for 
the crumbs from the table of pseudo-charity. So

Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] SHIT!!! Forum Administrator? (fwd)

2000-04-18 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 20:20:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIFE-GAZETTE] SHIT!!! Forum Administrator?

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, David Sutherland wrote:

 Just curious Mr Admin:

 I posted and used the term "shithead" and was castigated by the
 administators for a "cussing"

Not by me. This is a Free Speech Zone. And the frustration of dealing with
a bunch of religiocratic "shits" or "shitheads" (you choose) is enough to
drive anybody to use such words. But hopefully we will get some reasonable
discourse going with the religionists before Life-Gazette turns into the
cyber version of Jerry Springer.
   Look, the "Greatest Story Ever Told" is very natural and when it is
supernatural it is not the "wierd shit" you get from the religiocrats.
They twist and pervert the Bible. I was almost moved to tears last year
when I watched an interview with a distinguished Canadian lawyer who
worked on the "Christian Brothers" (Mount Cashell) case. This man was
smart, well-educated, well-spoken and a seasoned middle-aged
professional. A real gentleman. After hearing what they had done to those
children he went into a deep depression and couldn't work again for five
years. I read in the Humanist Newsletter a few years back that a
patient/client is twice as likely to be sexually molested by a so-called
"Christian" councillor than a nonreligious councillor. Now, I'm not a
Humanist but let's just recognize the truth where we find it. I think they
probably had the stats on their side. Often when I spend some time with
the "wierd shitters" of churchianity I feel like I need to take a
bath. Church is not the place to go for spiritual uplifting unless you
can avoid the human element.
   So I think it is better to vent this stuff than to go into a depression
as long as we all stay this side of legality. I won't even tell you what
I'd like to do with that food truck with the big white cross on the side
which drives up in front of the courthouse in the "poorest ghetto in
Canada" as it is called. But I won't do it whatever it is. Lorna Dueck
featured them on "Listenup" recently along with the other religion
racketeers who exploit the poor in the ghetto for their vanity and profit.
She called them "Angels" of something or other. What? Hell's Angels?
The Hell's Angels Bikers I have met over the years impressed me as more
decent people than "Lorna's Angels". What did Jesus say? "Take heed that
ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them" That is 100%
clear. And it makes intuitive sense to those whose minds and hearts still
work. The "missions" in the ghetto from Slavation Army to Roman Catholic
line up the poor on the street to be served a meal. What restaurants which
cater to a poorer clientelle do this? None. When the tv crew goes by these
people shuffle their feet and look down. My Jesus Christ doesn't compel
unfortunate people to lick His boots and suffer humiliation for the crumbs
from the table of pseudo-charity. So we are talking about very different
Saviours here.
   Angels indeed. They can't even see reality. The religion racketeers who
commute into the ghetto drive through traffic congestion and dangerous
streets administered by the professedly "Christian" mayor of Vancouver,
Philip Owen. A pox on him and his kind. They mumble "Thou shalt not
kill" while the streets and pollution kill more people than the wars
Canada has fought in. And it is preventable but not while they are
immersed in greed like pigs in swill. If people were "decanted" to safe,
clean cities the real estate racketeers wouldn't like that. And that is
why they have persecuted Life-Gazette since its inception in 1988. That
plus a few more of the Seven Deadly Sins which is their real code, not the
Ten Commandments. DOGS. PIGS, SNAKES. These are all Red Letter words.
And if you call them shit you are elevating these "Christian" vermin above
the stature Jesus Christ gave them. Since He spoke in the vernacular of
today the fair translation of "not fit for the dung hill" is NOT WORTH
SHIT. These are the Angels of Hell (not to be confused with honourable
bikers) and they are headed right to their eternal home. But meanwhile we
have to try to prevent the damage they cause. And that is the purpose of
the litigation which I post on occasion to Life-Gazette. The BC Human
Rights Commission and Ombudsman's Office are just starters. I am going to
put these vermin, these scum of the earth, out of business.

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