[CTRL] [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

2000-04-11 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 1:30 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 4, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

(Announcement to new readers: See at the end of this message if you want
to go to topica.com and read the archived copies of the Network America
e-wires since Jan 10, 2000. Also, your writer will appear on “Heads up
America” with Ken Bagwell at 880 AM WTZY, a North Carolina radio
station, on Tuesday, April 10th, from 10 AM to noon EST. You will also
notice that we have added to the header of this message where anyone can
go on the internet to hear the 3 hour radio show we did about votefraud
on “Sightings” last night, with Jeff Rense. This makes an audio “crash
course” available to the whole world at all times. We thank Jeff Rense
for his professional, intelligent, and informed handling of the subject
matter, and for his making this radio show available to the world on his

On to today’s e-wire

Former Arkansas State Trooper Larry Nichols, -- vocal critic of the real
Bill Clinton, whom he guarded and transported during Clinton’s Arkansas
days as Governor, -- relayed to this writer a first hand story about Tim
Russert, NBC, and polls during the Clinton impeachment proceedings.

Through a fortuitous mix up, both Larry Nichols and I were scheduled for
the same day on the Ernie Sanders show, which airs in Cleveland, Ohio.
Rather than reschedule either of us, Ernie Sanders put us both on the
air. After the show and off the air, Mr. Nichols kindly gave me his home
phone number, and I called him that night to discuss computerized
votefraud and related issues.

Mr. Nichols told me that during the Clinton impeachment hearings he was
in fairly regular touch with Tim Russert, the host of NBC’s Meet the
Press Sunday morning interview show. In fact, Russert would sometimes
call Nichols at home.

During the impeachment process, Tim Russert told Nichols that NBC’s
internal tracking polls showed that 80% of the people wanted Clinton
removed from office.

A few weeks later Nichols was watching Meet the Press when Russert threw
up the figures we all heard and saw incessantly: that 70% of the people
wanted Clinton to stay in office

The next time Nichols was called by Russert, he asked him about the
discrepancy, and what follows is a paraphrase of what Larry Nichols told
me about that conversation:

Nichols: “You lying son of a gun, you told me that your tracking polls
showed 80% of the people wanted Clinton out of office – then you tell
the public that 70% of the people want him to stay.

Russert: Well, those tracking polls are for our internal use only, we
can’t release those to for public consumption. The polls we released
were the ones we paid for outside pollsters to do. Those are the ones we

(End of paraphrase of the Nichols-Russert conversation as related by
Larry Nichols.)

How were the tracking polls done? How were the polls NBC released done?
What questions were asked? Who was called? How many polls were taken
before they released the one that conveyed the information the Big TV
networks wanted the public to hear? Or, did NBC and the others just lie,
using the polls they aid for as a cover for the phony story they

No one in the public arena knows, and no one (except us and a few
others) seems to care. Yet candidates, leaders, public office holders,
and factions from all across the political spectrum seemingly accept
these Big TV network polls as if they are being brought down and
delivered by an angel from heaven.

And now we’re going to let these info-devils at the Big TV Networks tell
us which candidates can be in the Presidential Debates – based on their
mysterious polls??? Are we living in an insane asylum, or what?

Nichols’ story fits with other information on the subject. MIT professor
Naom Chomsky said on C-Span a few years ago that there were two sets of
polls: one to tell the Ruling Elite behind the Big TV networks what the
people really think so they can figure out how to maneuver and
manipulate public opinion in the direction they want it to go; and a
second set of warped polls that are released to the public for the very
purpose of deceiving the people on what the public as a body is really

Our March 27, 2000 e-wire deals with a lengthy report on the
manipulation of polls by J

[CTRL] [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

2000-04-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 From: "Jim Condit Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000
 Subj: [NA] More on Phony Polls: Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC


 "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes
 decide everything."  -- Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

 (Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course"
 radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in the archives,
 April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

 April 4, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

 More on Phony Polls:  Larry Nichols Blows Whistle on NBC

 (Announcement to new readers: See at the end of this message if
 you want to go to topica.com and read the archived copies of the
 Network America e-wires since Jan 10, 2000. Also, your writer will
 appear on "Heads up America" with Ken Bagwell at 880 AM WTZY, a
 North Carolina radio station, on Tuesday, April 10th, from 10 AM to
 noon EST. You will also notice that we have added to the header of
 this message where anyone can go on the internet to hear the 3 hour
 radio show we did about votefraud on "Sightings" last night, with
 Jeff Rense. This makes an audio "crash course" available to the
 whole world at all times. We thank Jeff Rense for his professional,
 intelligent, and informed handling of the subject matter, and for
 his making this radio show available to the world on his website.)

 On to today's e-wire

 Former Arkansas State Trooper Larry Nichols, -- vocal critic of the
 real Bill Clinton, whom he guarded and transported during Clinton's
 Arkansas days as Governor, -- relayed to this writer a first hand
 story about Tim Russert, NBC, and polls during the Clinton
 impeachment proceedings.

 Through a fortuitous mix up, both Larry Nichols and I were
 scheduled for the same day on the Ernie Sanders show, which airs
 in Cleveland, Ohio.  Rather than reschedule either of us, Ernie
 Sanders put us both on the air. After the show and off the air,
 Mr. Nichols kindly gave me his home phone number, and I called him
 that night to discuss computerized votefraud and related issues.

 Mr. Nichols told me that during the Clinton impeachment hearings
 he was in fairly regular touch with Tim Russert, the host of NBC's
 Meet the Press Sunday morning interview show. In fact, Russert
 would sometimes call Nichols at home.

 During the impeachment process, Tim Russert told Nichols that NBC's
 internal tracking polls showed that 80% of the people wanted
 Clinton removed from office.

 A few weeks later Nichols was watching Meet the Press when Russert
 threw up the figures we all heard and saw incessantly: that 70% of
 the people wanted Clinton to stay in office

 The next time Nichols was called by Russert, he asked him about the
 discrepancy, and what follows is a paraphrase of what Larry Nichols
 told me about that conversation:

   Nichols: "You lying son of a gun, you told me that your tracking
   polls showed 80% of the people wanted Clinton out of office --
   then you tell the public that 70% of the people want him to stay.

   Russert: Well, those tracking polls are for our internal use
   only, we can't release those to for public consumption. The polls
   we released were the ones we paid for outside pollsters to do.
   Those are the ones we release.

 (End of paraphrase of the Nichols-Russert conversation as related
 by Larry Nichols.)

 How were the tracking polls done? How were the polls NBC released
 done?  What questions were asked? Who was called? How many polls
 were taken before they released the one that conveyed the
 information the Big TV networks wanted the public to hear? Or,
 did NBC and the others just lie, using the polls they aid for as
 a cover for the phony story they released?

 No one in the public arena knows, and no one (except us and a few
 others) seems to care. Yet candidates, leaders, public office
 holders, and factions from all across the political spectrum
 seemingly accept these Big TV network polls as if they are being
 brought down and delivered by an angel from heaven.

 And now we're going to let these info-devils at the Big TV Networks
 tell us which candidates can be in the Presidential Debates --
 based on their mysterious polls??? Are we living in an insane
 asylum, or what?

 Nichols' story fits with other information on the subject. MIT
 professor Naom Chomsky said on C-Span a few years ago that there
 were two sets of polls:  one to tell the Ruling Elite behind the
 Big TV networks what the people really think so they can figure out
 how to maneuver and manipulate public opinion in the direction they
 want it to go; and a second set of warped polls that are released
 to the public for the very purpose of deceiving the people on what
 the public as a body is really thinking.

 Our March 27, 2000 e-wire deals with a lengthy report on the
 manipulation of polls by Jack Koenig and his organization. Soo