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From: Mary Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:09 PM

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Forwarded message...

Forum: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: Mind Control Mayhem :Tucson, AZ (1998)
Date: 04/06/2000
Author: Tory Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sounds like a mind control victim to me.

Why is it that all these "schizophrenics" complain about being controlled by 
"satellites" or a "microchip in the brain" when this is patently untrue??  In truth, 
these people ARE being mind controlled, it's just that they are deceived into thinking 
the mind control emissions emanate from "satellites" or "microchips".  This is a 
commonly used ploy by the intelligence operatives to confuse the mind control victim 
(and make them appear mad to others) and to prevent the subject from suspecting the 
operatives are really operating nearby. Audio "hallucinations" providing a running 
commentary on the subject's thoughts and behaviour implies that the mind control 
operatives must be CLOSE TO THE SUBJECT and that they have line of sight.  If the 
victim complains of "satellites" or "microchips in the brain" then this is just a 
deliberate DECEPTION on the part of mind control operatives to prevent the subject 
from discovering the real source of the mind control emissions.

Experience has shown that whenever a "schizophrenic" specifically complains about 
"satellites" or "microchips" controlling his brain, then this is a clear cut mind 
control case where the subject has been deliberately duped by the responsible 
operatives.  Mind control operatives the world over are trained in more or less the 
same tactics...

Abemarf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Once again, a victim of mind control is labeled "mentally ill" !
> =====
No, once again a paranoid schizophrenic goes untreated with tragic consequences.

> Shooting Spree Suspect Says "Transmitter" Controls Her
> Associated Press - The Yuma Daily Sun, May 24, 1998
> TUCSON - The 35 year old woman accused of going on a shooting rampage here said
> she did it because there is a transmitter in her ear and "people on satellites"
> told her to kill, a newspaper reported Saturday. Gracie M. Verduzco is charged
> with first degree murder and four counts of attempted murder in connection with
> a shooting rampage Thursday that left one man dead and four wounded. She has a
> history of mental illness

}Sounds like severe schizophrenia to me.

}tim gueguen 101867
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