-Caveat Lector-


65 convicted in French child abuse trial - Angers, France 7/28/05 "Key figures in the largest child abuse trial to date in France were sentenced to up to 28 years in jail on Wednesday after a jury convicted them of raping, molesting and prostituting children, including their own. The court found that between January 1999 and February 2002, the 65 defendants had sexually abused 45 children, then aged from six months to 14 years, sometimes in exchange for cash, drink, cartons of cigarettes or, on one occasion, a car tyre. After a five-month trial, the jury sent three repeat offenders to prison for between 26 and 28 years. Other suspects were handed sentences ranging from six months suspended to 18 years in jail. The offences took place in flats, sheds and allotments on a rundown housing estate in the Loire town of Angers, 265km from Paris, better known for its medieval chateau." http://www.mg.co.za/articledirect.aspx?area=%2fbreaking_news%2f+breaking_news__international_news%2f&articleid=246572

Lay abuse cases costing diocese Dallas: Attorney says vigilance could have saved victims of child-care workers 7/29/05  By Brooks Egerton "The Dallas Catholic Diocese soon will be paying millions more dollars to sexual abuse victims.  This time, however, the abusers in question are former child-care workers, not priests. But otherwise much is familiar: Plaintiffs say church officials ignored "red flags" about suspicious employees, while the defense says those individuals long managed to fool everyone around them.  Now, to avoid the risks of trying lawsuits, the diocese has agreed to pay a total of $2.6 million to three victims of Julio A. Marcos, who worked at St. Pius X's child-care center for much of the 1990s and is now serving a life term in prison."
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