[CTRL] 9-11-XX

2001-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Our Daily Bleed...
In summer's mellow midnight,
A cloudless moon shown through
Our open parlour window
And rosetrees wet with dew.
  — Charlotte Bronte, The Night-Wind, September 11, 1840
The Hashish Eater, an American Thomas De Quincy.
ETHIOPIAN NEW YEAR: (Diocletian era) Celebrated by giving bunches of
flowers  picnicking in fields of daffodils.
Diocletian New Year, 1711

1227 -- Plague strikes the 5th Crusade, of Fredrick II, ending it. (F)Red is
shocked. He was advised by Beloved  Respected Comrade Leader Pat
Robertson the plague would hit Orlando.

1589 -- Barbara Huebmeyer, Appela Huebmeyer  Anna Schnelling burned as witches.
1762 -- Writer Joanna Baillie lives.

1773 -- Benjamin Franklin writes,
There never was a good war or bad peace.

1812 -- Luddite Potato riot in Nottingham, England.
1841 -- All members of Beloved  Respected Comrade Leader President John Tyler's 
cabinet resigns, with the
exception of Daniel Webster, who stayed on to finish negotiating a treaty.  The
resignations came after Tyler vetoed a banking bill sponsored by Beloved  Respected 
Comrade Whig Leader
Henry Clay, an affront for which he was literally read out of his own party.
1861 -- Juhani Aho lives (1861-1921). Journalist  the first Finnish professional 
writer, best known Finnish author in Scandinavia in his own time, who specialized in 
short stories called lastuja (splinters).
1862 -- O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) lives, Greensboro, North Carolina. American 
author, jailbird, master of the short story  surprise ending.
Started a humorous weekly The Rolling Stone in 1894.
After release from prison for embezzlement as a bank teller, he writes such stories as 
The Gift of the Magi  The Last Leaf. Vachel Lindsay compliments him:
He always worked a triple-hinged surprise / To end the scene  make one rub his eyes.
Published 10 collections  over 600 short stories during his life time. Despite the 
popularity his last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health  financial problems.

1862 --
Joshua Norton I, Dei Gratia Emperor of the United States  Protector of Mexico, He 
Demands Suitable Attire
WHEREAS, avaricious persons  others are conspiring against our person, right  
dignity by refusing to supply us with suitable clothing, although repeatedly requested 
to do so;  WHEREAS, the national dignity  rights are
 thereby injured; NOW, THEREFORE, we command that you proceed on receipt of this our 
decree forthwith to the tailors, Walter  Tompkins, on Montgomery Street of this city, 
 then  there proceed to take the rivets out of
their shears  prohibit any person from repairing them or furnish them with new ones 
until they shall furnish us with our clothing, which they have long ago been requested 
to do.
Given under our hand this 11th day of September, 1862.
1885 -- Novelist, poet, essayist D. H. Lawrence lives, Nottingham, England.
1998 Saint. Passionate  explicit moralist of religious, sexual rebirth.
...Lawrence really was the educated son of  a coal miner, sitting under a tree that 
was rapidly becoming part of a world-wide, disemboweled hell, writing hard, painful 
poems, to girls who carefully had been taught the ar
t of unlove...
—  Kenneth Rexroth, Bird in the Bush
Best known for his book Lady Chatterly's Lover, wherein the Lady takes up an interest 
in pruning. The book was banned for a time in both the UK  the U.S. as pornographic. 
In the UK it was published in unexpurgated form i
n 1960 after a obscenity trial.
1893 -- 443 Hoh Indians move to new reservation established on coast of Olympic 
Peninsula, Washington state.
1895 -- India: Vinoba Bhave, land reformer, lives.
1901 -- Katri Vala lives (1901-1944). Finnish poet, critic, school teacher, central 
member of the literary group Tulenkantajat (The Fire Bearers). Vala also wrote poems 
that were radical in the social views  attacked war
1903 -- Frankfort School theorist Theodor Adorno lives.
Rather than subject, nature became object, made alien. Men pay for the increase of 
their power with alienation from that over which they exercised their power. The quest 
for knowledge  power becomes war against nature, m
an declares war upon himself.
The body becomes both machine (a tool in the process of production  advancement)  
the animal body the subject of experiment, control, vivisection. In the process of 
turning nature into substance  matter, 

Re: [CTRL] 9-11-XX

2001-09-11 Thread William Shannon
How about 9-11-78
Signing of Camp David Accords...


Re: [CTRL] 9-11-XX

2001-09-11 Thread foxter

Does it for me, 
thanks Bill

  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:13 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] 9-11-XX
  How about 9-11-78 Signing of Camp David Accords... 