A Balkans Woman for Mr. Slobodan Milosevic

In my eyes Mr. Milosevic is a HERO.
He has been the ONLY one of the Balkans countries'
leaders who has resisted the IMF, WB and US-NATO, and
has stood by the sovereignty of his country.
It would have been much more easier and PROFITABLE for
him to cave to the Globo Cop: now he would have been
in Belgrade still a leader, protected and patted condescendingly on the
back by the Globo Monster instead of being shut in a cell far from his
family and country for having dared to love better his country than the
money of his Torturers. He is the ONLY one who resisted the US-NATO in
the world till that moment. His behaviour till now is a proof for me
that he is a man of integrity, a very rare quality in a leader of
nowadays. Besides he is a PATRIOT. He has proved to all and sundry he
loves his country and his people better that his wellbeing. He might
have done mistakes - after all, he is only a human being and "to err is
human". But all his mistakes - notwithstanding what they are - pale away
in comparison of what he has done for his country, for the Balkans, for
the world in general by daring to resist the Empire of Evil. (Besides,
ONLY his people has the right to blame him and demand explanations from
him!) Now, after he is in the hands of Globo Cop's Personal Court and
there they can do to him what They like, he is no more responsible for
his actions. Notwithstanding the developments from now on - his
behaviour from now on - I will continue to RESPECT him, will continue to
look up to him and be deeply grateful to him. For the HOPE he has given
me and kept in me during those terrible 78 or 79 days of the barbarous
bombing of a neighbouring country! And also for the courage to resist
the IMF and the WB vultures sucking out the country he has been a leader
of! I will NEVER forget that he has had the personal misfortune to be a
LEADER of a country in the most difficult and tragic period of its
history: when outward forces have been DELIBERATELY killing it. He has
tried to keep it whole, to protect its people by standing up against the
DESTRUCTIVE forces cutting his country into easily manipulated pieces.
Resisting their plans and APPETITES he, of course, has committed a crime
against THEM, a crime that should be punished and be a good lesson for
everybody else that might dare to do the same. Mr. Milosevic has proved
many times he is a leader with a strong feeling of RESPONSIBILITY for
his people, his country, the Balkans, the world. And he has had the
COURAGE to demonstrate it in the most tragic days of the contemporary
world history. I will NEVER stop ADMIRING him.


Blagovesta Doncheva
The Balkans

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