-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.thenoiseroom.com/egypt/giza8.htm">The Noise Room - A
Position Statement From Grah </A>
A Position Statement From Graham Hancock On The Antiquity And Meaning Of
The Giza Monuments
Updated : 29th November 1998

22 July 1998

I am the author of "Fingerprints of the Gods" and the co-author (with
Robert Bauval) of "Keeper of Genesis" (entitled "The Message of the
Sphinx" in the United States).

Before continuing I advise all who are interested in this position
statement to read first the critique of my work posted by Martin Stower
on his website
(http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~martins/Pyramid/kogenesis.html). Please also
refer to John Anthony West's open letter to Martin Stower posted on

(1) Re the 'quarry mark' hieroglyphs in the relieving chambers above the
King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid, I have rightly been taken to task
for uncritically supporting Zecharia Sitchin's forgery theory. I
reported this theory in Fingerprints (published 1995) and in
Keeper/Message (published 1996).

(2) As an author and researcher I hope that my work will always be 'in
progress' and never finished or set in stone. When I come across new
evidence that casts doubt on theories that I previously endorsed I am
ready to change my views and admit to past mistakes.

(3) As John West kindly reported in his open letter to Stower I have
changed my views on the validity of the forgery theory. The relieving
chambers are strictly off limits to the public and are extremely
difficult to gain access to. I had been unable to obtain permission to
visit them prior to the publication of Keeper/Message in 1996. However,
in December 1997, Dr Zahi Hawass allowed me to spend an entire day
exploring these chambers. There were no restrictions on where I looked
and I had ample time to examine the hieroglyphs closely, under powerful
lights. Cracks in some of the joints reveal hieroglyphs set far back
into the masonry. No 'forger' could possibly have reached in there after
the blocks had been set in place - blocks, I should add, that weigh tens
 of tons each and that are immovably interlinked with one another. The
only reasonable conclusion is the one which orthodox Egyptologists have
already long held - namely that the hieroglyphs are genuine Old Kingdom
graffiti and that they were daubed on the blocks before construction

(4) I have stated my view on this matter several times in public
lectures during and indeed before 1998. In my September 1998 book
"Heaven's Mirror" (with photographer Santha Faiia), and in the
accompanying television series "Quest for the Lost Civilization", I
likewise make absolutely clear my full acceptance that the Great Pyramid
(or at any rate most of it) was built during the Fourth Dynasty.

(5) This is not a sudden conversion. Although I was still open to the
erroneous forgery theory while Keeper/Message was being written, I was
also very much open to the orthodox theory that the Giza pyramids were
Fourth Dynasty work - irrespective of the provenance of the quarry
marks. The central thesis of Keeper/Message -- that the Giza monuments
were built to commemorate the sky of 10,500 BC -- does not require us to
conclude that all the monuments were necessarily built in that epoch. On
the contrary I wrote in Keeper/Message that "the Great Pyramid must have
some extremely strong connection with the epoch of 2500 BC - the
approximate date at which all orthodox Egyptologists and archaeologists
in fact believe it to have been built." Earlier, in Fingerprints of the
Gods, I suggested that the ground-plan of the Giza monuments might have
been devised in 10,500 BC but that the monuments themselves could have
been built over an 8000-year period (from 10,500 BC down to 2500 BC). I
pointed out that the Great Pyramid's famous star shafts unequivocally
link the monument to the epoch of 2500 BC and that the construction
levels through which the shafts run might be explained as "the later
work of the same long-lived cult that laid out the Giza ground-plan in
10,450 BC.'

(6) Robert Bauval and I have jointly evolved a tentative 'theory of
Giza' over the past five years of our work together. Briefly this theory
-- which we offer as a serious alternative to the orthodox 'tombs and
tombs only' hypothesis -- is that the three great pyramids of Giza, and
the Great Sphinx, form a symbolic architectural model of some of the
principal stars of the Duat sky-region (through which the Pharaohs
believed that their souls would travel after death) as that sky-region
appeared at dawn on the spring equinox in the epoch of 10,500 BC. Citing
the geological findings of John Anthony West and Robert Schoch, we have
argued, and continue to maintain, that the Great Sphinx and its
associated megalithic structures may actually have been built in that di
stant epoch. We have also argued, and continue to maintain, that the
three great pyramids in general are likely to be much younger than the
Sphinx and that they should probably be assigned to the Fourth Dynasty
(rather than to any other period) because of the alignments of the star

(7) Ultimately, however, our hypothesis does not stand or fall on the
precise dates at which individual monuments were built. A symbolic
architectural model of the Duat sky region as it last appeared in 10,500
BC could theoretically have been designed in any epoch (I repeat, in any
epoch) by any culture possessing a knowledge of the astronomical cycle
of precession and of how it alters stellar positions over long periods
of time.

(8) In short, we are more interested in why such a model was built than
when it was built.

(9) For the record I believe that Khufu did build the Great Pyramid - or
anyway most of it (perhaps the subterranean chamber and some other
rock-hewn parts of the structure may be earlier).

(10) For the record I do not believe that Khufu built the Pyramid as his
tomb. The very fact that his name only appears within the monument in
the form of quarry marks accidentally left behind in inaccessible
chambers goes to provethat he was not such an ego-maniac. I think that
he built it for another purpose altogether - a far loftier and much more
mysterious purpose. Further details are provided in my forthcoming book
"Heaven's Mirror" (UK and US publication, late September 1998) and in
the accompanying TV series 'Quest For The Lost Civilization' (The
Learning Chanel, US, August, 1998; Channel 4, UK, September/October

Graham Hancock
Devon, England, 22 July 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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