[CTRL] A closer look at what is happening

2002-04-21 Thread Xxx Yyy
In a message dated 4/21/02 2:01:50 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, you see, a lot has to do with human events and humans responding to them.

Just in case you didn't notice, the evil is organized by those who are rational, organized and in control of their faculties. They are using cult mind control operations to deliberately to control young lives to take lives in ways that are as cold and calloused as those of any serial murderer. If their minds have been turned, they have been turned by their own leadership. I am not judging all Palestinians as evil. Far from it. The leadership and that network is evil, using their own people callously. The weakness of the Palestinians and most of the rest of the people of the world is that we have given up our ability to analyze what is presented to us and instead respond like sheep to the emotional manipulation of others.

(Sent to me by a friend)

Many of you have heard of Oriana Fallaci, one of Europe's best known
journalists and authors For those of you who have not, please find below an
article published this week in the Italian magazine Panorama (as well as
picked up by the daily Corriere della Sera) which is starting to make lots
of noise.

Fallaci, now aged 71, broke onto the scene in the late ' 60s when she
covered Vietnam, the Greek colonels' coup, the the Middle East etc., etc.
She was then ultra-trendy and a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause.

Oriana Fallaci on Antisemitism

(April 12, 2002)

I find it shameful that in Italy there should be a procession of individuals
dressed as suicide bombers who spew vile abuse at Israel, hold up
photographs of Israeli leaders on whose foreheads they have drawn the
swasitka, incite people to hate the Jews. And who, in order to see Jews once
again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the ovens of
Dachau and Mauthausen and Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen et cetera, would sell
their own mother to a harem.

I find it shameful that the Catholic Church should permit a bishop, one with
lodgings in the Vatican no less, a saintly man who was found in Jerusalem
with an arsenal of arms and explosives hidden in the secret compartments of
his sacred Mercedes, to participate in that procession and plant himself in
front of a microphone to thank in the name of God the suicide bombers who
massacre the Jews in pizzerias and supermarkets. To call them "martyrs who
go to their deaths as to a party."

I find it shameful that in France, the France of
Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, they burn synagogues, terrorize Jews, profane
their cemeteries. I find it shameful that the youth of Holland and Germany
and Denmark flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant garde used to
flaunt the club and the fascist badge.

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe Palestinian
students sponsor and nurture anti-semitism. That in Sweden they asked that
the Nobel Peace Prize given to Shimon Peres in 1994 be taken back and
conferred on the dove with the olive branch in his mouth, that is on Arafat.

I find it shameful that the distinguished members of the Committee, a
Committee that (it would appear) rewards political color rather than merit,
should take this request into consideration and even respond to it.

In hell the Nobel Prize honors he who does not receive it.

I find it shameful (we're back in Italy) that state-run television stations
contribute to the resurgent antisemitism, crying only over Palestinian
deaths while playing down Israeli deaths, glossing over them in unwilling

I find it shameful that in their debates they host with much deference the
scoundrels with turban or kaffiah who yesterday sang hymns to the slaughter
at New York and today sing hymns to the slaughters at Jerusalem, at Haifa,
at Netanya, at Tel Aviv.

I find it shameful that the press does the same: that it is indignant
because Israeli tanks surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem; that
it is not indignant because inside that same church two hundred Palestinian
terrorists well armed with machine guns and munitions and explosives (among
them are various leaders of Hamas and Al-Aqsa) are not unwelcome guests of
the monks (who then accept bottles of mineral water and jars of honey from
the soldiers of those tanks).

I find it shameful that, in giving the number of Israelis killed since the
beginning of the Second Intifada (four hundred twelve), a noted daily
newspaper found it appropriate to underline in capital letters that more
people are killed in their traffic accidents. (Six hundred a year).

I find it shameful that the Roman Observer, the newspaper of the Pope--a
Pope who not long ago left in the Wailing Wall a letter of apology for the
Jews--accuses of extermination a people who were exterminated in the
millions by Christians. By Europeans. I find it shameful that 

Re: [CTRL] A closer look at what is happening

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Apr 2002 at 11:15, Xxx Yyy wrote:

 The leadership and that network is evil, using their own people

So now do you understand *why* I would made such a callous remark as
to have our not-quite senior citizens go off to fight wars.  Young
people are full of hopes and dreams and look up to NQSC for guidance.
Pick a spot on the globe and it's just natural for youthful exuberance
to reveal itself ... might have something to do with biology.  Anyway,
when you look at the compositon of the leadership in this country,
executive, congressional, and whathaveyou, those who are making
policies that affect somebody's kids (what is the $$$ investment these
days to age 18?), there is less and less hands-on involvement in
military matters.  The generation coming out of WW2 didn't have this
problem; neither did Hollyweird, that gargantuan propagandizing 6th
column.  But the answer is not necessarily war to steel the mettle; we
used to have a Dept of Defense (after the Dept of War died in 1947)
before it became the Dept of Offense (think of the rationale for the
new Northern Command).

So, if the leaders and their golf buddies get to look forward to a
time when they'll be called upon to put their behinds where their
mouths are, I would say a lot more emphasis there would be on making
policies that would tend to preserve their peace and tranquility.
This is not anti-war; it's just putting those with the age, experience
and ability to deliverately think into better positions to take
action.  Or to avoid action in a concerned way.

 the evil is organized by those who are
 rational, organized and in control of their faculties.

And I'm recovering from what some might term a depressive state as a
result.  And I know the day and the hour when it set in.  The evil is
a hereditary (or should it be herd-itary) thing, passed on from
generation to generation, if not by nature then by nurture.

I'm a big fan of home schooling, unorganised religion, and semi-rural
living.  Have you (or anyone esle) read Gerry Spence's book, *From
Freedom to Slavery* ?  I'm almost done with it and I am inspired!


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