-Caveat Lector-


                               IS BUSH NUTS?

                             by William Thomas
                       Senior reporter Lifeboat News

   Feb. 12, 2003

   What drives a man to go against the wishes of his countryfolk and the
    entire world community - including the presidents of Russia, China,
                            France and Germany?

       How can a professed Christian continue to defy church leaders
   worldwide - including the Bishops of Britain and the Pope? How does he
      rationalize breaking the commandments of his God, which clearly
     prohibit coveting another's property, theft of their oil, and mass
                     murder of defenseless populations?

       How can he ignore his own generals when they complain, "We're
    advocating a policy that says we will invade another nation that is
    not currently attacking us or invading any of our allies." [Capitol
                          Hill Blue Jan, 22, 2003]

   To those who deem it unseemly to count the brick's on one man's load,
     let us recall that this unelected President is one brick short of
     killing what the UN fears could be up to a half-million people in
    Iraq. This massacre could easily see Pakistan's government - and its
      30 to 40 nukes - falling to an al Qaeda/Taliban majority. Bush's
    announced plans to attack North Korea and Iran have already prompted
     both countries to hit the nuclear gas pedal, virtually assuring a
    "nuclear event". And his $5 trillion blowout has taken the American
   economy to a $2 trillion deficit in two short years. As ignored global
         warming triggers Extreme Weather Events, frightened Nobel
   price-winning economists warn that GW's proposed $600 billion tax cut
      is "fiscal madness" - "a very serious economic error" that will
   collapse the country in exactly the same way the ex-Soviet Empire went
      bust buying and deploying so many arms in so many places. Ditto
                               Imperial Rome.

                  Are these the acts of a rational person?

     Not since Nixon's famous freak-outs in the White House, which saw
   National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger ordering military commanders
    to ignore nuclear launch orders from their Commander-In-Chief, is it
     so urgent that we examine a president's cognitive capacities. [The
                         Trial of Henry Kissinger]

       It might be useful to scrutinize the following findings. While
      everyone "goes nuts" from time to time, the salient question is
   whether traits described below dominate and drive today's presidential
    decisions. Is a man called by other government reps, "an idiot" "an
    imbecile" "dangerously incompetent" and "a moron" competent, capable
       and qualified to direct America's unchallenged military might?

                           Read on. If you dare.

   "Is The 'President' Nuts?" asks Carol Wolman, M.D. "Many people,
   inside and especially outside this country, believe that the American
   president is nuts, and is taking the world on a suicidal path."
   [Counterpunch Oct. 2, 2002]

    A board-certified psychiatrist in practice for 30 years, Dr. Wolman
     feels compelled to understand the "psychopathology" of man "under
   tremendous pressure from both his family/junta, and from the world at
       large." Dr. Wolman wonders if GW is suffering from Antisocial
    Personality Disorder, as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical
                           Manual Fourth Edition:

    "There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the
    rights of others: 1) failure to conform to social norms with respect
    to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that
     are grounds for arrest; 2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated
      lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or
   pleasure; 5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others; 7) lack
      of remorse by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt,
                     mistreated or stolen from others."

   GW Bush is highly regarded for "kicking" the twin demons of cocaine
   and alcohol addiction. If he is still off both wagons - and there is
   no proof that isn't - such a triumph, encouraged and aided by his
   wife, is commendable.

     When probing the mysteries of GW's brain chemistry, a key point to
   ponder is that damage done to brain cells from drug abuse is permanent
                             and irreversible.

    Quaker and university professor Katherine van Wormer co-authored the
   definitive, 2002, Addiction Treatment. This expert writes that "George
      W. Bush manifests all the classic patterns of what alcoholics in
    recovery call 'the dry drunk'. His behavior is consistent with being
      brought on by years of heavy drinking and possible cocaine use."
                        [Counterpunch Oct. 11, 2002]

   "Dry drunk," explains the professor, "is a slang term used by members
   and supporters of Alcoholics Anonymous and substance abuse counselors
    to describe the recovering alcoholic who is no longer drinking - one
                who is dry, but whose thinking is clouded."

   Such an individual is 'dry' but not truly sober. Such individuals tend
    to go to overboard. A good example of Bush' "polarized thinking" is
    his call for "crusades" based on "infinite justice" for "evil-doers"
                       comprising an "axis of evil".

   Bush's "obsessive repetition" also remind this professor, "of many of
   the recovering alcoholics/addicts I had treated." Van Wormer worriers,
     "His power, in fact, is such that if he collapses into paranoia, a
              large part of the world will collapse with him."

    Paranoia? Impatience? Rigid judgmental outlook? Grandiose behavior?
   Childish behavior? Irresponsible behavior? Irrational rationalization?
                         Projection? Overreaction?

                    - these are all "dry drunk" traits.

   Van Wormer observers that Bush's pompous pledge: "We must be prepared
   to stop rogue states and their terrorist clients before they are able
    to threaten or use weapons of mass destruction" is a projection from
      the world's leading rogue state preparing to attack with nuclear

    "Bush's tendency to dichotomize reality" should be emphasized. Prof.
   van Wormer describes this is as either/or reasoning - "either you are
    with us or against us". A White House spokesperson puts it this way:
      "The President considers this nation to be at war, and, as such,
   considers any opposition to his policies to be no less than an act of
                treason.'' [Capitol Hill Blue Jan, 22, 2003]

   Bush's binges were legendary. Van Wormer describes "years of binge
   drinking starting in college, at least one conviction for DUI in 1976
   in Maine, and one arrest before that for a drunken episode involving
   theft of a Christmas wreath." She adds:
   "The Bush biography reveals the story of a boy named for his father,
   sent to the exclusive private school in the East where his father's
   reputation as star athlete and later war hero were still remembered.
   The younger George's achievements were dwarfed in the school's memory
   of his father. Athletically he could not achieve his father's laurels,
   being smaller and perhaps less strong. His drinking bouts and lack of
   intellectual gifts held him back as well. His military record was
   mediocre as compared to his father's as well. [He went AWOL] "

    In Fortunate Son, Bush himself explained: "Alcohol began to compete
   with my energies ... I'd lose focus". Though he once said he couldn't
    remember a day he hadn't had a drink, he quickly added the giveaway
        phrase that he didn't believe he was "clinically alcoholic".

    Van Wormer notes that "Bush drank heavily for over 20 years until he
    made the decision to abstain at age 40. About this time he became a
      'born again Christian' - going as usual from one extreme to the
   other." When asked in an interview about his reported cocaine use, he
   answered reasonably, "I'm not going to talk about what I did 20 to 30
                                years ago".

    One motive driving Dubya could be his need "to prove himself to his
    father - to achieve what his father failed to do - to finish the job
   of the Gulf War, to get the 'evildoer' Saddam." Adds van Wormer, "His
     drive to finish his father's battles is of no small significance,

   According to Van Wormer, "scientists can now observe changes that
   occur in the brain as a result of heavy alcohol and other drug abuse.
   Some of these changes may be permanent."

       Van Wormer characterizes this damage as "barely noticeable but
          meaningful." Researchers have found that brain chemistry
    irregularities caused by long bouts of drinking or drug abuse cause
    "messages in one part of the brain to become stuck there. This leads
                   to maddening repetition of thoughts."

      One of these powerful "stuck" thoughts, says van Wormer, is that
    "President Bush seems unduly focused upon getting revenge on Saddam
   Hussein ('He tried to kill my Dad'), leading the country and the world
                          into war, accordingly."

   Grandiosity is another major trait of former addicts brain-damaged by
     their addiction. Bush has reversed the successful, five-decade old
       U.S. policy of containment and no first strikes. Now he says,
   Americans can attack anyone, anywhere at any time with any weapons of
   their choosing - including banned cluster bomb munitions, radioactive
                       explosives and nuclear bombs.

   According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, a person suffering
   from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, "Has a grandiose sense of
   self-importance-exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be
   recognized as superior without commensurate achievements."

                              Sound familiar?

     This personality is preoccupied with fantasies of power and being
     loved. Such a person requires "automatic compliance". He or she is
   "exploitative" of others, "lacks empathy, is unwilling to recognize or
      identify with the feelings and needs of others." And also "shows
                 arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes."

   "This set of characteristics," says Dr. Wolman, not too reassuringly,
           "may describe Rumsfeld and Cheney better than Dubya."

     For those who, like Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stieglitz, warn that
     Bush "has been captured by a small group of ideologues," Dependent
     Personality Disorder describes someone who "has difficulty making
        everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and
               reassurance from others." [CBC Feb. 10, 2003]

        From a Jungian perspective, writes Dr. Wolman, "Dubya may be
   identifying with an archetype - something out of Revelations, perhaps,
   whereby he sees himself as an instrument of God's will to bring about
     Armageddon." Concurs Katherine van Wormer, "To fight evil, Bush is
          ready to take on the world, in almost a Biblical sense."

                          A PRESIDENTIAL PATHOLOGY
   Is Bush's belligerence bent on securing another oil fix? Katherine van
     Wormer believes that a Portland peace protestor's sign, "Drunk on
   Power" nailed it. Says this quiet Quaker, "The drive for power can be
               an unquenchable thirst, addictive in itself."

     Senator William Fulbright agrees. His bestseller, The Arrogance of
   Power defined power politics as the pursuit of power. "The causes and
      consequences of war may have more to do with pathology than with
                        politics," Fulbright wrote.

      A key "dry drunk" trait is impatience. Bush, who often describes
    himself as "a patient man", is not. Just four weeks after inspectors
    went into Iraq, he called for obliterating Baghdad. "If we wait for
   threats to fully materialize", Bush pointed out to West Pointers, "we
       will have waited too long". Translations: It's okay to attack
     projections of our own fearful imaginings - in case those phantom
                        threats someday become real.

    Alan Bisbort's "Dry Drunk - Is Bush Making a Cry for Help?" appeared
         in American Politics Journal. Bisbort believes that Bush's
    "incoherence" when speaking away from prepared scripts is a classic
                       sign of addicted brain damage.

   For Bisbort, another "dry drunk" tip-off is Dubya's irritability with
    anyone who dares disagree with him - including Germany's new leader,
       who insists he is opposing Bush's folly in Iraq as a concerned
        long-time friend of America. (Schroeder's wife is American.)

      Another "Dry drunk" sign says van Wormer, is Dubya's "dangerous
    obsessing about only one thing (Iraq) to the exclusion of all other

    Van Wormer's bottom line prognosis: "George W. Bush seems to possess
     the traits characteristic of addictive persons who still have the
    thought patterns that accompany substance abuse. The fact that some
    residual effects from his earlier substance abuse - however slight -
   might cloud the U.S. President's thinking and judgment is frightening,
           however, in the context of the current global crisis."

   The Toronto Star recounts how NYU author and media critic Mark Crispin
   Miller attempted to catalogue GW's verbal gaffes. Some favorites: "The
   vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." "If we
   don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
   "The future will be better tomorrow."

           "He meant it for a laugh," wrote the Star. "Not now."

     The author of Boxed In: The Culture of TV believes "Bush is not an
      imbecile. He's not a puppet. I think that Bush is a sociopathic
    personality. I think he's incapable of empathy. He has an inordinate
   sense of his own entitlement, and he's a very skilled manipulator. And
   in all the snickering about his alleged idiocy, this is what a lot of
                               people miss."

    Miller's judgment - that an unelected president might suffer from a
   clinical personality disorder - is much heavier than being called the
    global village idiot. "He has no trouble speaking off the cuff when
   he's speaking punitively, when he's talking about violence, when he's
   talking about revenge. When he struts and thumps his chest, his syntax
   and grammar are fine," Miller mentions. "It's only when he leaps into
   the wild blue yonder of compassion, or idealism, or altruism, that he
                      makes these hilarious mistakes."

     Bush even has trouble repeating comforting clichés. "Fool me once,
     shame ... shame on ... you," Long, uncomfortable pause. "Fool me -
                          can't get fooled again!"

     While the world was laughing, Miller saw something darker. "What's
   revealing about this is that Bush could not say, `Shame on me' to save
   his life. That's a completely alien idea to him. This is a guy who is
      absolutely proud of his own inflexibility and rectitude," wrote

    Miller says that Bush saying, "I know how hard it is to put food on
    your family" is not 'cause he's stupid, but "because he doesn't care
               about people who can't put food on the table."

     When Bush is envisioning "a foreign-handed foreign policy," Miller
     contends it's because he can't keep his focus on things that mean
   nothing to him. "When he tries to talk about what this country stands
         for, or about democracy, he can't do it," Miller observes.

      According to Miller, this is why GW is so closely watched by his
        handlers. "Not because he'll say something stupid," the Star
       paraphrased, "but because he'll overindulge in the language of
                violence and punishment at which he excels."

    "He's a very angry guy, a hostile guy," Miller says. "He's much like
     Nixon. So they're very, very careful to choreograph every move he
   makes. They don't want him anywhere near protestors, because he would
   lose his temper." Adds this media expert, "It would be a grave mistake
                       to just play him for laughs."

   Confronted by a man who will not listen to anyone but a few
   "chickenhawks" urging worldwide war, why shouldn't we feel depressed?
   Not surprisingly, we do.

     Seventy percent of U.S. pastors constantly fight depression. Right
   now, almost three million Canadians are seriously depressed. (Multiply
    by four or five for approximate U.S. figures.) We can't blame GW for
   this. Or the fact that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in 15
       to 24 year olds. But as the man responsible for perpetrating a
    worldwide bummer, George isn't helping! [www.tonycooke.org; National
                        Institute of Mental Health]

   If it's politically incorrect to ask these questions, how "correct" is
    it to launch 800 cruise missiles and thousands of one-ton bombs on a
   captive urban population already suffering the ravages of deliberately
                        imposed hunger and disease?

   Another big clue to Dubya's displays of dementia comes in "photo-ops"
   showing him slugging back diet Coke with other Aspartame addicts, like
   Chicago's mayor Richard Daley. Their beet red faces spell either
   embarrassment over Bush's hijacking of America, or aspartame
   poisoning. [Chicago Sun Times, Sept. 27, 2002]

    According to Carol Guilford, an Aspartame expert and support worker,
   the President-Select's "pretzel" pratfall was most likely an Aspartame
     seizure. Bush, like Carter, Al Gore and millions of Americans, is
     addicted to this constant caffeine hit. Among the FDA's listed 92
       symptoms for Aspartame poisoning are: "Difficulty Swallowing",
                     "Fainting" and "Unconsciousness".

      Bush's facial lesions, removed as a result of "Too much sun" is
    another sign of Aspartame poisoning. So was his recent knee surgery:
         Aspartame depletes synovial fluid lubricating the joints.

   Would you drink 6 to 12 cans of formaldehyde a day? It turns out that
     methanol in Aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the tissues. As
      Guildford wrote to USN Captain Eleanor Marino, Physician to the
   President (Feb. 21, 2002): 10% of a 200mg can of diet soda is straight
   methanol wood alcohol! Methanol is such a gross cumulative poison, the
    EPA's limit for drinking water is 7.8 mg daily. For serious addicts
        like Bush, the methanol intake can exceed 32 times the EPA's
                            recommended limit..

     Now the punch line: Clinical case studies shows that, among other
   symptoms, Aspartame ingestion results in "mind fog", feeling "unreal",
   poor memory, confusion, anxiety, irritability, depression, mania, and
                      slurred speech. [Neurology 1994]

    Alcohol-related brain damage is not helped by chugging formaldehyde.
    James Turner, consumer protection lawyer and author of The Chemical
         Feast learned that an Oct. 1980 FDA inquiry found that the
    formaldehyde formed by Aspartame actually eats microscopic holes and
                       triggers tumors in the brain.

    That finding banned Aspartame from the food supply. But three months
   later, Searle CEO Donald Rumsfeld told that pharma giant's sales staff
      he would get Aspartame approved pronto. The next month, the FDA
    commissioner was replaced by Dr. Arthur Hayes. In Nov. 1983 the FDA
   approved aspartame for soft drinks. Under fire for accepting corporate
   bribes, Hayes went to work for Searle's public-relations firm. Searle
     lawyer Robert Shapiro coined the name NutraSweet. Monsanto bought
   Searle. Rumsfeld received $12 million for his help. Shapiro now heads

     The same "revolving door" swings wide for arms makers and the oil
     mafia. The Big Question is: Why hasn't Dick warned George that the
    diet drinks he's swilling are eating his brain and making him crazy?

   Crazy? Am I calling the President-Select of the Excited States crazy?
    Not me. As a journalist, I can only point out that published medical
      evidence goes frighteningly far in explaining GW's behavior. For
   certain, this good ol' boy should go in for a brain scan before being
    allowed to command more firepower than the next 11 nations combined.
         If George W. Bush is not crazy - he's sure acting like it.

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