Title: Annual Report 2000 - Toronto Police Service

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Vision and Core Values

Introduction: Transitions...

Organizational Chart

Police Services Board

Command Officers

Passing the Sword

Youth Violence

Organized Crime


90-Day Review


Traffic Services Unit

Traffic Collision Reconstruction


Violence at Queen's Park

Michael Sweet Avenue

T.P.S. Scout Cars

Moose Patrol

Air Support Unit

Public Complaints

T.P.S. Field Command and Divisional Boundaries

The Prime Numbers

Toronto Police Logo

Keeping in Touch


Honour Roll

Outlaw Biker Gangs

Historical Overview
Gang LogosOutlaw biker gangs and their criminal activities have existed in our city for 40 years. The Toronto area gangs that have prospered in recent years are reflected in their accompanying patches.

Membership in these gangs has fluctuated over the years but generally has remained in excess of three hundred bikers. Their criminal activity has historically centred on, but is not limited to, pursuits such as; the trafficking of controlled substances and firearms, as well as property crimes involving tractor trailer cargo theft and distribution. Bikers also control the strip club industry through intimidation and extortion. Although seemingly in direct competition for profits derived from these various criminal enterprises, the gangs have co-existed in relative harmony.

Present Day Scenario
The outlaw biker community in the Province of Ontario and specifically in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), has very recently undergone a dramatic re-organization, which will potentially have significant consequences for law enforcement and for the community at large.

This re-organization occurred almost overnight. It was initiated by the Bandidos motorcycle gang who absorbed most of the Rock Machine organization, as well as individual members from the Outlaws and the Loners motorcycle gangs.

The Quebec-based Hell's Angels motorcycle gang responded with a swift and unprecedented 'patch over' of the entire membership from the Satan's Choice, Para-Dice Riders and Last Chance motorcycle gangs, as well as individual members from the Loners, Rock Machine and the Outlaws motorcycle gangs.

The outlaw biker community in the GTA is now effectively controlled by four outlaw motorcycle biker gangs, three of which have international status. They are the Hell's Angels, Outlaws, Bandidos, and the Vagabonds.

Response by Law Enforcement
The arrival into the Province of Ontario of the Hell's Angels outlaw motorcycle gang in particular, as well as the Bandidos motorcycle gang, has been predicted by knowledgeable biker investigators since the early 1980's. As a response in part to this threat, the Provincial Special Squad came into existence on June 1st, 1998. The squad is a Joint Forces Operation, which includes membership from eighteen police agencies within the Province and also includes the Criminal Intelligence Service of Ontario (CISO).

The primary mandate of this squad is to more effectively utilize province-wide policing resources, by maximizing their collective law enforcement efforts against the criminal aspects of outlaw motorcycle gangs. The Toronto Police Service has been a dedicated partner within the Provincial Special Squad from the inception of the unit.

The Challenge
The recent shifting and strengthening of allegiances within the outlaw biker community has re-enforced the need for law enforcement to generate a strong and sustained centralized response to this flourishing organized crime problem.
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