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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East

What is happening in Yemen?

Relations with Britain continue to worsen

By Barbara Slaughter
27 January 1999

Relations between Britain and Yemen continue to deteriorate daily. On
January 25, Yemen made an official request for the extradition of Muslim
cleric, Abu Hamza al-Masri, amidst claims that Britain had a long record of
harbouring terrorist groups intent on destabilising the Yemeni government.
The official Yemeni news agency said a letter from President Saleh
addressed to Tony Blair "expresses the discontent of the Yemeni Government
with the terrorist activities led by the terrorist Abu Hamza al- Masri and
other people from British territory."

This follows a month-long dispute over who was to blame for the deaths of
three British and one Australian tourist in Yemen during an abortive rescue
attempt. An examination of the events of the past month reads like a Le
Carré novel. It raises more questions than answers over what has led to the
recent antagonisms.

On December 23 seven men were arrested, including three Britons of
Pakistani origin. The Yemeni government claimed they were carrying plans to
blow up a church, a hotel and the British consulate. They also say weapons,
bomb-making equipment and terrorist training videos were found. Those
arrested included Hamza-al-Masri's stepson and an Algerian who is engaged
to his sister. His 17-year-son is still on the run. The men and their
relatives have denied all charges. Confessions by three of those arrested
are said to have been extracted under torture and have been withdrawn.

Five days after the arrests, members of the Islamic Army kidnapped 16
Western tourists in Yemen. Within 24 hours, 200 government troops mounted
an attack on the kidnappers' hideout and three Britons and an Australian
were killed. This was severely criticised by the British authorities. In
response the Yemeni government stated that the Islamic Army was allied with
al-Masri and that Britain had prior knowledge of its plans. Britain denied
this and a team of four Scotland Yard detectives and ten FBI agents was
sent to Yemen to investigate the kidnapping. Within 24 hours the FBI
declared that Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile accused by the US of
masterminding the twin bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last
August, was responsible.

The trial of the kidnappers opened on January 13.

It is impossible at this point to verify the conflicting versions of events
presented by Yemen and Britain. No hard evidence has been produced to
indicate that the arrested men were engaged in terrorist activity, or to
back up the accusation of British collusion. Nevertheless, the tensions
underlying these charges have their foundation in the constant imperialist
interventions in the region. In this, moreover, Saudi Arabia has played a
key role.

Yemen incorporates the former British protectorate of Aden relinquished in
1967. With a population of 18 million, it is one of the world's poorest
countries. The present regime dates back to 1990, when the People's
Democratic Republic of South Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic in the
North, unified into a single state--in an attempt to attract the inward
investment necessary to develop the oilfields on the border between the two

The old ruling parties in each region maintained their own armed forces,
security services and bureaucratic structures. In the 1993 elections the
General People's Congress, the party of the more populous North, ousted the
previously Moscow-dominated Yemeni Socialist Party.

Ever since, the country has been wracked by economic crisis. It was made to
pay a heavy price for its refusal to support the US in the gulf war. After
the war, Saudi Arabia expelled 800,000 Yemeni guest workers, severely
affecting the country's balance of payments, and the US slashed its aid by
85 percent. In 1994 the crisis sharpened, with a 12 percent decline in the
currency in one week. Conflicts between the leaderships of North and South
reached breaking point, leading to heavy fighting between rival army units
in April that year. Vice-president Ali Salim al-Bid, the former leader in
the South, announced the secession of a new Democratic Republic of Yemen
(DRY), but his forces were defeated. He escaped to Saudi Arabia, which had
supported him during the conflict.

The economic crisis has worsened with the collapse of world prices for oil.
The IMF, World Bank and European Union have approved loan and credit
packages, but have insisted on a programme of restructuring. Subsidies on
basic foodstuffs have been removed and prices of basic necessities like
petrol, wheat, flour and cooking oil have risen by more than 50 percent
since last June.

This has provoked widespread opposition to the ruling regime. Last summer
250 people were killed in clashes between armed tribesmen and government

Much of this opposition has fallen under the leadership of rival
fundamentalist groups, which are in turn open to outside manipulation. The
Islamic Army, which staged the latest kidnapping, originated in South Yemen
15 years ago, in opposition to the Soviet-backed government. Many went on
to fight the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan. After the Afghan war
ended, it is claimed that military training camps were set up in Yemen by
an associate of Osama bin Laden.

Though he has since been recast as a bogeyman by the US government in order
to justify its activities in the Middle East, bin Laden was financed by the
CIA during the Afghan war. During the Yemeni civil war the Islamic Jihad or
"Afghanis" supported the northern army against what they called "the
atheists" in the South. When the war ended in 1994, concessions were made
in an attempt to neutralise them. The president renewed the hereditary
landholdings of Tariqal-Fadhli, one of their leaders, and appointed him a
member of his personal advisory body, called the consultative council. A
force of between 8,000 and 10,000 militants were allowed to set up training
camps near Ibb in the North and Mudiyah in Abyan province, where the recent
shoot-out with government forces took place. Recently, under US pressure,
the government arrested several individuals.

According to the Financial Times, the Islamic Army is now financed from
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, by members of the ruling families. This
is partially motivated by a 64-year-old border dispute, but is also a way
of pressurising the Yemeni government to be more compliant with US foreign
policy in the gulf.

The Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland last year provided the pretext for
the Blair government to enact legislation enabling the conviction of those
conspiring within Britain to commit terrorist offences anywhere in the
world. Yet despite being anxious to maintain good relations with the
oil-rich Arab states, the Labour government has taken no action against
al-Masri's organisation. The security forces have been monitoring its
activities for two years and say it has stayed within the law. This is what
has led to charges that Britain is involved in or at least condones
activities on behalf of Saudi Arabia against the Yemeni government. To
complicate matters, Saudi Arabia has formally protested the presence in
Britain of al-Masri.

Britain's actions in the Middle East are decided according to its national
interest. Following the Labour government's endorsement of the US bombing
of the Sudan and Afghanistan, Defence Secretary George Robertson warned
that if Britain's interests were threatened in any part of the world there
would also be "a price to be paid".

Yemen is in a strategic position at the base of the Arabian Peninsula, at
the southeastern entrance to the Red Sea. If the government formed an
alliance with Sudan and Eritrea, they could control oil and other
commercial traffic through the Red Sea. This could also affect the access
of British and American naval vessels to the Persian Gulf via the
Mediterranean/Suez Canal. America is at present negotiating with the Yemeni
government to lease facilities for its naval ships in the port of Aden.
Despite recent bellicose noises, the Yemeni government is anxious to
develop relations with both countries and earlier applied for membership of
the Commonwealth.

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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

MI6 involved in spying against Iraq through UNSCOM

By Julie Hyland
26 January 1999

An investigation by the Independent newspaper disclosed on Monday, January
25 that British secret intelligence agents worked as part of the United
Nations teams of arms inspectors (UNSCOM) in Iraq.

According to sources in Whitehall and at the UN in New York, British MI6
officers first infiltrated UNSCOM in 1991. The Independent quoted these
sources as saying, "A number of officers were asked if they were interested
in the posting--one officer joined for a period," and that additional
officers were thought to have rotated through the teams. Spies were drawn
from the intelligence services in Britain, as well as the US and Israel.

Acting on the disclosures, Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker was to table a
series of questions on MI6 involvement in UNSCOM to Foreign Secretary Robin
Cook and Defence Secretary George Robertson. Baker said that he would be
"very, very angry if the independence and integrity of the UNSCOM was
compromised in this way. To include MI6 and Ministry of Defence
intelligence staff deliberately in the UN teams is to undermine the UN
itself." The Foreign Office, which selects British members for UNSCOM, has
so far refused to comment on the disclosures. It also refused to make
available a list of the British weapons inspectors, claiming that such a
list was not available.

The Independent investigation follows revelations earlier this month that
information passed to Washington by weapons inspectors had been used to
identify targets in last month's British and American attacks on Iraq. Most
controversial have been reports that the US supplied UNSCOM with an
eavesdropping device to tap Iraqi officers' communications. Sources say the
US demanded overall control of the machine and made sure all data received
was shown only to experts from a narrow club of states. Those with full
access reportedly came from just four countries--the US, Australia, New
Zealand and Britain. Explicitly barred were countries opposed to military
action, including Russia and France.

The investigation again exposes the secretive activities of the UN's
supposedly neutral body. It substantiates the Iraqi regime's charge that
UNSCOM functioned as a covert intelligence gathering operation on behalf of
US and British imperialism. Over its eight years of operation, UNSCOM built
up an extensive apparatus involving some 100 personnel. In the course of
its supposed search for "weapons of mass destruction", it had access to
hundreds of sites--including many factories and laboratories unrelated to
military purposes. It even demanded access to the headquarters of the
ruling Baath party and Saddam Hussein's presidential palaces. These
searches enabled the gathering of sensitive political and military
information on Iraq, which was then used by the US and Britain to select
targets for bombing raids. Earlier this month sections of the American
press revealed details of the how UNSCOM inspections provided a regular
stream of information to the Pentagon and CIA.

UNSCOM's demands for Iraq to prove the unprovable--i.e., that it does not
possess anywhere in the country the capacity to produce biological and
chemical weapons--provided the pretext for imperialist aggression. The US
government even participated in drafting Richard Butler's December report
on UNSCOM's inspection, which was used to justify the four-day bombing
raids that began on December 16.

UNSCOM's role ensured that economic sanctions against Iraq have remained in
place since the 1990 gulf war. The arms inspectors must confirm that all
suspected weapons of mass destruction have been eliminated before the
sanctions can be lifted. At the end of last year Denis Halliday, the
outgoing United Nations co-ordinator of the UN "oil for food" programme,
reported that 4,000 to 5,000 Iraqi children were dying every month due to
the impact of sanctions. But the embargo was maintained while UNSCOM
extended its spying activities on behalf of their paymasters.

See Also:
UNSCOM-CIA revelations show how the American people were lied to about Iraq
[9 January 1999]
UN inspectors in Iraq helped spy for the CIA
[7 January 1999]
US-British attack on Iraq
Blair is Clinton's sole international ally once again
[19 December 1998]

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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

UNSCOM-CIA revelations show how the American people were lied to about Iraq

Comment by Martin McLaughlin
9 January 1999

Press reports over the past week have confirmed that the United Nations
Special Commission (UNSCOM), the agency charged with carrying out weapons
inspections in Iraq, has functioned as an instrument of US intelligence
operations aimed at overthrowing or assassinating Saddam Hussein.

Articles in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the
Wall Street Journal and other publications have provided many details about
the spying activities carried out by US agents working under UNSCOM cover.
These agents installed electronic equipment at UNSCOM's facilities in
Baghdad, which allowed them to monitor secret communications by Iraq's
Special Republican Guards and Special Security Organization. These
encrypted communications were relayed by satellite to the US National
Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland, which analyzed the conversations
to collect information on the movements of Saddam Hussein and other top
Iraqi officials. Some of this information was used in the targeting for
last month's US-British bombing raids on Iraq.

These revelations completely contradict the picture of US-Iraq relations
which has been presented by successive US governments and by the daily
newspapers and television networks in the eight years since the Persian
Gulf war. The American people have been lied to, not once or twice, but
repeatedly and on a grand scale.

The American public was told that Iraq was a "rogue state" threatening the
world, which had to be subjected to an unprecedented regime of weapons
inspection to insure that it carried out the demands of the United Nations
that it dismantle its stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons and its facilities for building such "weapons of mass destruction."
In reality, most such weapons and facilities were destroyed in the gulf war
and the remnants were disposed of within a few months. Subsequent years of
inspections have not produced any evidence that Iraq either possesses more
such weapons or is in the process of producing them.

Iraqi officials bitterly protested the activities of UNSCOM, declaring that
its personnel were intelligence agents working for the United States,
Britain and Israel and that its activities were aimed, not at weapons
monitoring, but at overthrowing the government of Iraq. These charges have
now been confirmed, not only in the American press, but in the statements
of Clinton administration officials, who have conceded that US intelligence
agents worked undercover at UNSCOM and that data collected by UNSCOM was
passed on to the intelligence services of--the United States, Britain and

Iraq's alleged refusal to cooperate fully with UNSCOM was used repeatedly
by the Clinton administration as the pretext to justify continuing the
trade embargo, enforced by US and British military forces, which has
wrecked the Iraqi economy and caused the premature deaths of as many as a
million people, the majority of them children. The latest revelations
demonstrate that the Iraqi government was resisting, not demands for
weapons inspections, but demands that it expose the innermost workings of
its military and intelligence commands to agents of its bitterest enemies,
to which no sovereign state could agree.

The exposure of American spying under UN cover is an indictment, not merely
of the US intelligence services, but of the entire media and political
establishment in the United States, which has uncritically parroted the
lies and propaganda of the CIA and NSA. The daily newspapers and television
networks played the role of cheerleaders for a confrontation with Iraq,
criticizing the Clinton administration only for being insufficiently
bellicose and postponing the much desired bombing of Baghdad.

In specific cases the role of the press went beyond even that of echoing
war propaganda. The Washington Post has admitted that it was in possession
of key details of the US spy operation in Baghdad last October, but
deliberately withheld them at the request of the CIA. This was not in order
to keep the operation secret from the Iraqis--they were shouting about the
CIA's role in UNSCOM from the rooftops. It was to keep the operation secret
from the American people, so that they could continue to be deluded by
Pentagon and CIA propaganda.

The UNSCOM-CIA revelations are a powerful vindication of the analysis made
by the World Socialist Web Site throughout 1998. During the February
crisis, when US military action was only forestalled by Kofi Annan's trip
to Baghdad, the WSWS denounced the provocative role of UNSCOM. One item
posted February 17 carried the headline "Inspectors or spies--is there a
difference?" and noted press reports about the "unpublicized assistance" to
UNSCOM from the American CIA and NSA.

In August, when UNSCOM inspector and ex-Marine Scott Ritter resigned,
denouncing Clinton's Iraq policy as insufficiently aggressive, the WSWS
commented: "His revelations have, unwittingly, shattered the pretense that
UNSCOM is a purely technical and purely neutral body of arms control
experts, answerable only to the UN Security Council. By Ritter's own
account, UNSCOM is an intensely political body that functions as an
instrument of imperialist foreign policy, first and foremost, that of the
United States."

In December, in the midst of the four-day US-British air war on Iraq, the
WSWS commented on criticism of UNSCOM's role by French, Russian and Chinese
representatives at the UN Security Council, and noted that UNSCOM's
activities were widely credited in the American press with making the bomb
and cruise missile attacks more accurate and effective. We wrote:

"These reports cast a new and sinister light on the activities of UNSCOM
during the past year, when the agency's inspectors have focused their
attention on surprise visits to so-called presidential sites within
Iraq--that is, the various public buildings and residences set aside for
the personal use of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The question is posed:
were UNSCOM's operations dictated by the need of the Pentagon to gather
intelligence on the movements of the Iraqi leader, so that he could be
targeted for US attack?"

It is a matter of record that the World Socialist Web Site told the truth
to our American and international audience, while the American media, with
all its vast resources, served as an accommodating stooge of the Pentagon
and CIA.

See Also:
US war drive against Iraq

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