[CTRL] Background checks stopped more than 200,000 gun buys last year

2000-06-05 Thread Eagle 1

Could this mean that the system IS working?
Background checks stopped more than 200,000 gun buys last year By 
Associated Press Writer 
WASHINGTON (AP) - Background checks blocked 204,000 of the more than 8.6 
million prospective gun sales last year, according to a Justice Department 
report that shows state and local police rejected a higher percentage of 
would-be gun buyers than the FBI. 
The 1999 figures brought the number of purchase rejections since the Brady 
Act instituted background checks in February 1994 to 536,000 out of almost 22.3 
million applications, the department's Bureau of Justice Statistics reported. 
That confirmed earlier estimates of more than 500,000 rejections. 
The bureau's report provided the first hard numbers on the differences 
between checks by state and local police and those by the FBI. 
The FBI performed 4.5 million of the 8.6 million last year, compared with 4.1 
million by state and local agencies. 
The rejection rate among state and local agencies was 3 
percent, compared with 1.8 percent for the FBI. 
The report attributed this difference to state agencies' access to more 
detailed criminal history records than the FBI's. In 1999, 73 percent of 
rejections were because would-be buyers had been convicted of or indicted on 
felony charges. 
Last year, the report said, all state agencies had access to "computer 
databases that record past felony convictions, and many accessed databases with 
other disqualifying information such as fugitive status, court restraining 
orders, mental illness and domestic violence misdemeanor convictions." 
The Clinton administration long has argued that the states are better 
equipped than the FBI to do background checks, but some states have not wanted 
to pay the costs. Twenty-six states handle some or all their checks. 
The overall national rejection rate has remained 2.4 percent since 1994, 
despite the Nov. 30, 1998, switch to computerized instant checks and the 
addition then of checks on long-gun purchasers. Only handgun buyers were checked 
A second statistics bureau report largely recapped data already released by 
the Justice Department during its debate with the National Rifle Association 
over gun controls during the past few months. 
The gun owners' group opposed President Clinton's gun control proposals and 
argued federal prosecutors were not enforcing existing gun laws. The 
administration said federal prosecutors were focusing on serious offenders and 
shifting smaller cases to state and local prosecutors and that combined gun 
prosecutions were up. 
The report said preliminary 1999 data showed 6,728 defendants were charged 
with federal firearms offenses, up from 6,287 in 1998. It also showed that 
between 1992 and 1997 the number of federal firearms defendants decreased 19 
percent, from 7,621 to 5,993. 
The report attributed part of this decline to the Supreme Court's 1995 Bailey 
vs. United States decision limiting prosecutors' ability to charge defendants 
with using a firearm during a violent or drug offense. It estimated that 2,500 
more defendants would have been charged with illegal gun possession between 1995 
and 1998 if the court had ruled differently. 
The bureau said prosecutors compensated by seeking longer sentences for 
weapon use. 
In a statement, Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder said that since 1992, 
combined state and federal gun prosecutions grew by more than 22 percent. When 
final data are assembled, "the number of people charged with federal gun crimes 
in 1999 should be equal to the number of people charged in 1992, even though 
there has been a dramatic drop in gun crimes during that period," Holder said. 
He also noted that the number of federal firearms offenders sentenced to more 
than five years in prison is up more than 41 percent, and the average sentence 
rose by almost two years between 1992 and 1998.

Re: [CTRL] Background checks stopped more than 200,000 gun buys last year

2000-06-05 Thread M.A. Johnson

Eagle 1

Could this mean that the system IS working?

There is absolutely no possible method for determining whether
or not this Constitutional violation stopped or prohibited *any*
person from obtaining a gun.  It might have prevented a person
from purchasing a gun at a 'background' check outlet ...

Alternately, why have these 200,000 violators not been
persecuted (intended)?


Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those
who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.
Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for
the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent
homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater
confidence than an armed one.
  -- Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria,
Criminologist 1764 (1743-1826)

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